Hey kids you’re about to listen to a
comedy podcast that
means that none of this is medical
if you need medical advice or medical
care please contact your doctor welcome
to the jock doc
podcast featuring dr london
smith if this is a medical emergency
please hang up and dial 9-1-1
if it’s not that serious of an emergency
you could probably put a band-aid on it
or something
introducing your host dr london
smith hello and welcome to the jock doc
podcast where we discuss fitness and
and how to incorporate our modern
understanding of science and medicine
into our daily lives but without it
being so boring
i’m your host dr london smith.com
i’d like to begin by apologizing to our
listeners we’ve received some feedback
about the excessive amount of technical
medical terms that i’ve been using
such as adnexal tenderness and vehicular
laughter so i’ll try to temper my
terminology to a simpler one in the
here to help with that is our producer
cameron good evening
good evening what’s um what’s what’s
going on
you sound like you’re kind of in a
mood from usual that’s because
i decided um that
my lifelong dream since i was a child is
that i’m gonna be a pop star
wow okay i decided that just a week ago
and so do you know that you know the
term lifelong dream
has evolved to mean so many different
things today
and i think that’s one of the important
things that we can learn really from
this podcast
but anyway i’ve been writing so ho ho ma
hutch song hong’s doctor london
yeah and i kind of think maybe you think
maybe i
you want to hear the the one i’ve been
working on right now
uh yes and so this is normally a
you know a medical education podcast
okay but just give me
just give me just just give me just let
me let me preview it
all right yeah okay okay um dj dylan can
you go ahead and play the backing music
coming around the mountain when she
comes she’ll be coming
out and when she comes
hey cameron what what okay
and and i know you really you know you
you must have coordinated a lot with dj
dylan for that background music
you know for that for that very original
song well in the drama
the drop alone took us i mean a month
yes yeah it’s just before because
i didn’t have the dream of being a pop
star before
you know i had the dream of being a pop
star after
like creating this insane drop basically
i started with the drop and now i’m
building a career around it
yeah what and that was more you know
arguably due to dylan’s drop right
i mean everything is a collaboration
you don’t you’ve never produced music
you don’t know the industry dr
london that’s you know that’s kanye west
isn’t necessarily on the boards anymore
like he used to be but he’s more of the
captain of the ship
as you could say directing the other
producers where to go
and isn’t that just as important uh
i’m not i’m not sure that like you said
i’m not so involved in the industry but
and dj dylan won’t let me use pro tools
no he won’t really won’t really let me
touch it so that’s not my fault i would
help out more
if he would let me learn pro tools now
are you referring to
the the program the software pro tools
or are you referring to that
okay because i know you have a toy chest
with some
what you call pro tools well yeah and i
also got
i also got my pro tool guy he does it
he tells you what tools you need like he
you can go to him about anything like
you can say hey i’ve got this like nail
but i don’t really know what to do with
it and he’ll be like hammer like he’ll
he’s really really hands-on too but i
don’t know why i’m talking about them
i would like to play the rest of my song
when she comes she’ll be coming around
the mountain
i hate to interrupt i i hate to
but don’t seem to hate it that much yeah
but um you know we got to move on we
have i’ve
usually i hate something i’m not going
to do it two times in a row
that’s me this yeah if you’re a mass of
kids i don’t care that’s fine
okay so but we we’re you know we’ll go
ahead and move on from there but you
know i
that does bring up uh also with us is
and dj dylan won’t let me use pro tools
you know i had the dream of being a pop
star after after
like creating this insane drawing
basically i started with the drought and
now i’m building a career around it
and that was more you know
and later cameron tells him that we will
have um
the best guest we’ve ever had the best
guess we’ve ever had at the
number 100 and we should we haven’t
talked about this in a long time but
just in case there are
any expectations we i will say it is not
and you already know it’s not shaq dr
london in many
ways many old previous episodes dr
london continuously thought our guest
would end up being shaq
and it’s not and it’s not check i don’t
want to give people that expectation i
think his
is going to be um like in april or if we
have it scheduled
but yeah this is it’s huge for us
okay man i i was really pumped for our
because you have given me some hints but
so it’s
so it’s not shack oh i thought you knew
who it was have i been keeping this a
secret is this on me
well it’s you i don’t remember it gave
me a name
but now all i can think of is shaq
it’s anyway we can we can move on i open
my mouth
and my vocal cords go into sort of an
auto mode
and then i close my mouth and they stop
but that doesn’t necessarily mean like
things are being retained as that
happens it just
you go
well great speaking of which uh
you know maybe we should address some
listener feedback
yeah so i found this note taped to the
back of a hamster that was thrown
through my window
i don’t know if it was meant to be an
act of vandalism or a gift
or a gif but the note reads quote
sus stands for sucking up sausages
apparently chewing your food is
old-fashioned now
bloody teenagers can’t even respect the
teeth god gave them
end quote so first of all i would like
to thank you so much for reaching out
to the jock talk podcast and this one’s
actually kind of a special one because
dr lynn you’ve
kind of made this same point quite a bit
not really the sausages but that people
don’t appreciate their teeth enough
i mean you talk yeah you i feel like
almost every conversation that is
is being guided by everything you’re
saying to eventually discuss
the importance of teeth and you’re not a
but yeah but you still have value
yeah the thing is there are heart
conditions and this is one of those
things where
you wish as a doctor that you could be a
dentist as well because it there’s a
bridge you know
if people science people have to get
antibiotics before they have
you know oral stuff down to their mouth
it can cause heart disease if certain
you know are allowed to get in so it’s
yeah it’s just so fascinating yeah but
you don’t have to bring that up and
let’s say
an interview like i i guess you know
this was a while ago when you were
applying for the jobs at your hospital
but you
they asked for uh you know like what are
your greatest strengths and you said
when something tough comes along i just
i’m able to grip my teeth and just
bear it and speaking of my teeth and
then you just went
off yeah you gave
them a i mean you got the job so i mean
it did work
but like you see what i mean every time
it felt like you were gonna get the job
anyway and then they had to stay like 30
longer to discuss yeah
well just teeth in general human teeth
but but
a lot about my teeth as well because
like all show like yeah i don’t even
have gum disease
yeah i don’t know if you’ve noticed that
about me no i
i have you bring it up a lot so yeah i
definitely definitely have
and like like none i don’t have any gun
maybe if your cousin that you haven’t
spoken to in five years calls you
reaching out trying to reconnect maybe
like the conversation shouldn’t go hey
london i’ve been thinking about you
and then you said oh i’ve been thinking
about teeth
and then you just started going off i
don’t think the cousin said anything
well why would they no well obvi we’re
gonna be focused on teeth
it’s just it it just you have to guide
every conversation to the teeth that is
all i’m asking
yeah okay you know what fine fine so
well from this listener they they’re
saying that chewing your food is
old-fashioned sus
stands for sucking up sausages so
uh you know thank you to the listener
for letting us know what sus
stands for because i didn’t know that
it’s it is nice to have a tie-in
to to the teeth thing chewing your food
is actually part of the digestive
so if teenagers are sucking up sausages
rather than chewing them
enough that is that is problematic and
you know i don’t want to sound too
drastic here but that could lead to
if they don’t chew their food so nobody
and like
you’re like you’re working
you’re working the problem backwards you
are you you want to talk about teeth and
now you’re finding
issues with like not appreciating teeth
this is what it says this is the
it’s this is all the listen i get that
that’s a listener but you’re now
really stressing the importance of not
sucking down sausages
and and actually properly using your
teeth but there is a reason you picked
letter like it sounds like you started
with the idea how can i talk about teeth
and then worked backwards from there
you did like a control f on your letter
yeah which is i mean that’s
i i sorted through the physical mail
that we have we have a lot of paper mail
yeah um well i mean you get the you know
you got this from a hamster that was
throwing your through your window but
you take all that you put in a pile yeah
we get
tons of so many animals so many so much
piled up yeah but you get what i’m
saying this
though this whole thing i mean i’m
starting to think this whole podcast is
a way
for you to eventually get to this
episode to talk about teeth
it took you like 90 episodes to finally
bring it up
well we’re here aren’t we oh gosh
the whole show is pivoting now isn’t it
uh well i can’t speak for where it’s
gonna go it’s
we can’t pivot for this episode at least
we can talk about this after but we
cannot pivot to a teeth-based podcast
right now in the middle of an episode
i mean of course we’re going to talk
about it
and afterwards that’s that’s what i talk
but yeah i shouldn’t even mention that
yeah but uh
you know anyway to that listener thank
you for listening
and thank you for letting us know about
the importance of dental health
which is critical you know if yep
if you can’t shoot properly you really
could die and
cameron wants to blow past that but you
could die
no one is confused about this there is
no one confused about this
okay it’s just you know the mortality
rates anyway
the mortality rate of what
of people choking because they don’t use
their teeth
because they don’t appreciate it enough
because people are so sus
yeah okay now for today’s medical topic
arteo arteovenous malformation so
consider that term arterial venous
there is a malformation of arteries and
veins in other words
a malformation of blood vessels in this
these are the ones located in the colon
so these arterial venous malformations
are tortuous
dilated veins in the submucosa of the
colon wall
it is a common this is i mean this has
to be the
fourth or fifth time we’re talking about
the colon is this what is this
yeah so colon health is pretty important
and you know colon cancer
is a significant oh yeah no i’m sure
it’s something to
be concerned about for yeah and so just
this is a part of your
body systems and so it’s important to
what what there is that you could end up
dealing with
i what do you is yeah so what do you
in a medical podcast where we talk about
different pathologies what did you
think we would uh-huh do you think that
we would just skip over the next thing
every time
no i just think i think it would be more
like sports related
i don’t know i had different
expectations for this show but but
the the point is just like i mean colin
it’s just gross for one
because we talk about teeth more or is
that the
is that the problem no i don’t want to
pivot to talking about teeth more the
it’s just it’s a lot of duty talk and i
i’ve this is it’s
this has never been that kind of show
ever well that’s that’s true but that’s
because we’re in a different system
so we were doing cardiology which by the
and so now we’re in the duty you can get
endocarditis if you don’t chew your food
properly and that’s
part of the digestive system anyway so
uh in other words malformation of blood
vessels so these arterial venous
malformations are tortuous dilated veins
in the submucosa of the colon wall
it’s a common cause of lower
gastrointestinal bleeding in patients
over the age of 60.
bleeding is usually low grade but 15
percent of patients may
have massive hemorrhage of veins rupture
but as i said it’s usually low grade uh
arterial venous malformation is
typically diagnosed by colonoscopy
and in about 90 of patients the bleeding
stops spontaneously
it can frequently and then the other
term 10
it’s you know there’s a chance what’s
the outcome for the other
10 you know that it wouldn’t
stop spontaneously that it could keep
bleeding and need intervention
but that’s why it can be you know
frequently treated by colonoscopy
coagulation of the lesion
if bleeding persists then you might
go ahead and proceed to a right
hemicolectomy but that’s that’s not
as common right usually it’ll stop
except for 10 of people who get it which
is like a huge amount
well and then those cases usually you
can they just bleed out
their butt no no colonoscopy so they
stick a a camera okay up the um
up the the right and the the wood
for some weird collection you have yeah
and then you would coagulate using the
devices attached to that
i don’t know what that means but that
sounds disgusting
that sounds really disgusting i don’t
want to coagulate anyone’s colon
or anything like that anyway you can
continue on i’m sorry
to keep interrupting the duty talk has
like spun me out of control it’s
it’s yeah no i’m sorry to get you so
so frustrated i feel like this this is
not the most frustrating topic
and maybe i bring up teeth
a little too often no one was asking no
one was talking about it it did not get
brought up
again dr london i’m not trying to be
rude but if you go down a teeth hole
you’re it’s gonna be a long time before
you get out of it we got to do the show
okay okay you know what i mean i’m
trying to come at it with as a friend
you know
i don’t want to get you in that cycle
okay okay we you know we we can go on
from there if you like then
yeah i mean are you done with your your
duty last year yeah yeah no i’m finished
it was
and now every so do i mean is there like
moral lesson or a lesson at the end like
check your duty twice a day or whatever
just you know usually like i said
you know they’re small they’re not
really a big deal usually
but it’s one of those things that
whenever you go for colonoscopy it’s one
of those things that can scare you
because you hear a malformation that
sounds scary but
so i think what dr london is saying here
is if it’s brown
send it down but if it’s piss let it sit
well that’s i don’t know that’s not what
i was saying i
you should flush it just in general
flush it down if you’re gonna if it
comes out of your body like that
but um we can we can move on from there
all right cameron uh you said that we
had and
you know i’m i’m trying not to freak out
here but you said that we have a huge
guest today
a huge huge guest and honestly dr london
you have permission to freak out and i
took it
because it’s uh you know what uh sorry
sorry let me let me you just want to
call him man
yeah yes yes please please come in um
you know hello
hello i heard
i heard there was a good doctor in the
oh okay so i knew i got my name dr
dr cameron said you were a huge fan and
uh let me just say
on behalf of the johnson and johnson
bandages and plastics corporation
thank you for having me yeah so
and so it’s weird because cameron isn’t
a doctor but
uh well you’re someone else who we’re
talking about the listeners are going
who is this what’s going on
guys we have the one and only doctor
heel bandage that’s right wow
i’m just ah i don’t even know
i like i’m pinching myself right now
it’s not a dream it’s not a dream all
if you pinch too hard i have a bandage
well i don’t think like anyone in
america like needs a description of
who you are well i’m just going to say
like we do have some listeners in like
very weird places like northern
australia southern australia
east west those are like by the way
huge market and it’s just but i don’t
know if they’re like i don’t know if
every single person is familiar with who
we’re talking about here so maybe could
you give
a little bit of a description i can’t
even oh yes
i crying i’m actually crying
dr london is speechless i’m of course
again dr hill bandage
uh representative of the johnson and
johnson bandage and plastics corporation
and i’m here to spread the good message
of bandages yes
yeah you really say like you you know
you’re really you’re not just a mascot
like you’re an actual representative
of these bandages you go to legally yes
you go to the bandage conferences
like you’re involved you’re on the board
of directors you’re this is your life
and uh uh this this is uh actually have
a little uh
inside info that which i’m gonna reveal
just here today
oh no we are bringing it back the
band aid concert and i’m gonna headline
it this year
does that mean new music is on the way
new music is on the way my gosh
and they heard that you’re trying to
branch out
if into need someone to collaborate with
i i think we gotta have the premiere
medical advice podcast no i yes i i
don’t even
oh i’m still i like your album just on
repeat sorry
your album your latest album is on
repeat thank you thank you
yeah but like whenever i go driving
around i’m like and all that
you know some of my doctor friends don’t
kind of get it as much
but like i i mean and if whenever i hear
it on the radio
and they don’t normally play it except
i’ll call in to ask
of course yeah but like yeah but it’s so
they’ll usually play it unless he had
just called before
and already we can’t do two in a row
we’d love to
yeah i certainly thank you doctor
i mean that i know you’re gonna headline
i mean that’s really exciting
that’s right are there other acts i
assume there’s got to be other
acts right isn’t the whole thing
supposed to be it’s like a like huge
super groupish type yes so we have a
of the first doctor uh
he’s sort of like a positive figure
based on archaeology that
should be really exciting wow and we
have a hologram
of the hologram doctor from star trek
voyager what’s up uh
the well we’re actually holding a fan
contest to decide the name of the
hologram of the very first doctor um
his last name will of course be johnson
and johnson kind of smushed together
but the first name is going to be up for
a fan vote oh
okay i mean is that should i should we
just submit our votes
you know we’re fans so i mean i mean
should we just want to get yours now
sure well it it it’s going to be an open
poll where anyone can submit names
and this and there’s not going to be any
rules or restrictions so i’m sure it
will go great okay yeah that can only
end well okay it could only end well
i’m gonna i’ve got my uh i think he
should be named disney
oh disney jonathan yeah that’s
not gonna be like like an issue with
like trademarks right
disney’s just a name and i mean with the
power of the jones and johnson
corporation behind it
who could say no exactly and also even
there aren’t disney characters on the
bandages if you see that name you can
kind of imagine them on there
and that’s a ton of fun right which is
legally all that i permitted
yeah and it’s better than having him on
there because like look if i just had
the 101 dominations on my bandages
that’s awesome but that’s all i have but
you know what i have an infinite amount
of is imagination
and so i can look at these bandages and
say oh today it’s
the emperor it’s eartha kitt’s character
from emperor’s new groove
and that’s all yeah that’s all my
and it’s uh it’s just i already the only
reason i even suggested this because i
already do this at home like personally
and i want other people to enjoy it as
much as i do you know
it’s always nice to meet someone using
bandages in a novel way
yeah well well no they’re used in a very
very practical way for
a lot of things right my life we
talked about a little bit last week but
my feet right now
an infection has grown large enough
where they’ve sort of fused
together maybe maybe in a mermaid’s tail
type of look
oh okay and i don’t know what to do with
it so it’s all wrapped in bandages
right now right that’s not what i was
gonna say you should
you should just wrap them in a bandage
oh they sounds like you’re
way ahead of the game you are a smart
bandage consumer dr kevin
thank you that’s so wow
and you know what you know who i imagine
is on these bandages the cast of
treasure planet
oh oh an underrated classic yeah
and i’m so i’m sorry i like i’ve been
it’s been so hard to say anything
because i’m so
there’s so many okay so but i’ve i think
i have my
i’m trying to think of the name my not
my name suggestions oh yes yes
so yeah we we have disney and then it
was doctor
yeah doctor medical no stupid stupid uh
duck sucks that’s stupid it’s stupid
everyone hates me i’m not allowed to be
negative but uh
no no no it was um i’ll just remember no
that was and that wasn’t
that was my real one that was uh that
was a stupid joke
um doctor what’s around what’s wrong
doctor doctor what’s around doctor
what’s around yes
yes doctor what’s around joseph johnson
yeah okay
yeah because then and then you can do
doctor what’s around and that’s like
call a response to the crowd and then
they can go weird around and then
which makes it clever and not stupid
which was right
that’s right okay i can concede that’s
not stupid
what you said before was very stupid we
can let that go
we can move yeah but why would we even
because it was like i was
about to say your name why are we even
talking about this one
when dr bandage is here why are we even
talking because we’re wasting time
i’m here to serve the show and the needs
of the corporation
and i mean what are those needs i mean
getting people to buy bandages right
we don’t want to get people to buy
binges we are providing a necessary
so we want people to feel better
through using our bandages yeah and how
do they use and or
other plastic products yes how would
they acquire those bandages
in plastic products usually well they’re
yes you well you you exchange currency
generally although
they make a great gift true but i assume
just passed but it’s never too late to
stuff the stocking for next year
well it just it just passed a while ago
but i
so i’m well for one thing still
i’m so sorry to our listeners i’m not
normally like this i’m not really
gushing this much but it’s you know it’s
kind of like you meet your hero and then
you you hear them speaking and you’re
my hero and my hero’s hero you know what
i mean like
all of my heroes is here it’s everyone
everyone i know
looks up to you so much and it’s can i
say first thank you
thank you thank you for your life well
how does
you’ve always you’ve obviously made such
a positive impact
on the world i mean they like to think
so um you know they even
renamed the cincinnati reds field after
and that’s right how does that i mean
that’s got to be a lot of pressure on
you is it
i mean is it always easy and fun no you
know it’s not it’s
it’s hard work promoting health and
welfare especially
in an anti-medical anti-plastics climate
like we
generally find ourselves in nowadays
oh yeah with everyone moving towards
like paper
and like paper have you ever tried to
put a paper straw on a wound
it does nothing it does nothing
nothing at all no plastics but a plastic
there’s a lot of use for that there’s a
there’s so many uses for a plastic straw
turtles love them
turtles love them you can probably use
them in a tracheotomy somehow
probably um legally i can’t say yes but
well this this that’s a lot of y’all’s
advertising is just like suggesting that
you should probably do something without
explicitly saying except for what’s
sort of like a hamburger helper has a
serving suggestion
yeah and it it like it allows us again
to use our imagination like you’re not
holding our
our hands you’re you’re giving us the
tools for us to learn and create
in a lot of ways i love that here’s the
brain is built on bandages what are we
saying doctor
there’s there’s one issue and i like you
know i you know all respect i’m sure
you’ll explain it right
and like i’ll i’m i’m sure i’m being
kind of
weird and dumb about it whatever but
so whenever the the the pandemic started
and then kind of monthly after that
you’ve gotten some backlash because of
your tweets saying you know don’t wear a
mask put a band-aid on it
um and then yeah and we hate to bring
this up
um but i feel like conversational would
get mad if we didn’t you know what it
seems like
you know we respect you and you we know
you’re mature
uh what’s it what’s sec hey pamela
i thought you said they won
you said legal cleared it so why are
and i definitely read i definitely read
pamela’s email that she had sent earlier
i didn’t
you could not oh no no no no no it’s
five here look i did not read it i
definitely did
here’s my organic statement okay here’s
my organic save it
the problem at no point did dr hill
bandage nor the
johnson and johnson bandages and blasts
endorsed the use of bandages over masks
what we said was put bandages
over masks as in put them on the mask
the tweet was a hack and has been
okay the tweet is a hack or it’s been
the tweet is a hack and has been
misinterpreted people have missing
so what what the hacker meant
was well who knows what that deranged
person meant
okay it’s not well i mean it sounds like
you do
because you just said that what it
actually meant was putting a bandage
over the mask well we
we issued what’s called a retro
which is where later we knew what it
meant and we thought that was a good
but the public has been sadly
misinformed by the actions
of one lunatic so and and
that packing these days i don’t wanna i
don’t want to veer off into this subject
but i mean hacking these days is
you know a real issue it is i mean look
what happened to all those patriots on
parlor just
two months ago well i just two weeks ago
i was able to
hack into my ex-wife’s email wow and
i would definitely shouldn’t have been
able to do that so easily
yeah definitely no effort and it like it
was it’s so extremely easy well did you
and i feel like
that really concerned that that bothered
me was the password
i hate husband because i’ve been in that
situation before let me tell you
well no i to be honest the password was
dr hill bandage that was kind of how we
met all of our passwords
all of our passwords are the same one
it’s well yeah it’s dr hill
who’s your ex-wife mac’s wife it
um you know she
like i don’t know her know her but like
we know each other through mutual
you know what i mean like we wouldn’t
like have dinner one-on-one but like in
a group setting we can like
they get along so well in the group
setting like
oh yeah in a group setting yeah most of
my friends get along in a group setting
yeah but yeah would you know do we just
have mutual friends or whatever i don’t
know where like
too well or got it got it but i was able
to hack into her email so easily and i
think privacy is so important
i’m sorry am i on my soap box here dr
london i apologize
it is a huge issue you know and i and
that’s where i think bandages can come
if you put a bandage over the screen
when you type in your password hackers
can’t see it
yes oh that’s very interesting
and especially you hear about these
hacks where people like are able to get
into your phone camera
or your uh laptop camera right and
they’re taking pictures of you
yeah if a bandage was over it they can’t
see it
i wouldn’t be able to see anything going
on in my wife’s
living room which and i have no idea
what’s going on in the living room if
she had just
told me over the camera and i you know i
hate to but since you already you know
we’re forthcoming with
a response to the last question thank
you for acknowledging my honesty
yeah um i just wanna if you don’t mind
just touching on just
one more time so as i said it was
you know another time every month it’s
monthly that you’ve you’ve gone back and
then a lot of replies
like you’ve been replying to people who
say like well what
you know where i’m asking then you it
just just reading it it looked like you
were really arguing for
the bandages being the band-aids being
better than
a mask and people should throw their
masks away
burn your mask hey uh okay hey uh and
you’re but the thing is is that you’re
consistently doing it like well an
apology comes in then maybe
six weeks later usually at like three in
the morning
you’re starting you’re firing off yeah
well hey here’s a little
here’s a little bts for you you guys are
fans right y’all
y’all love to see behind the scenes
here’s here’s how
yes yes the whole tweet process
actually works and i think this will
clear up the whole thing
what i do is i compose every tweet
in 17th century style medical new latin
and so what i said is that you know
bandages super mascara
which it means it i meant it over but
you could interpret it as
better and it’s really the intern who
just keeps
putting it out yeah it’s the internet
and you know
wouldn’t it be wrong to fire an american
right now
yeah i mean that that’s definitely true
but you why do you keep sending him
the wrong latin message well there’s no
better word for the correct latin
without correcting him can you but can
you correct the intern
and say like i’m no longer allowed to
personally to the intern okay okay okay
that makes sense
and i mean i guess i will just you know
we’ll just put a bandage on that topic
because pamela’s giving me the eyes over
i mean well i mean as someone of your
stature you know you’re why would you be
hanging out with interns anyway you know
well yeah i mean i i don’t endorse that
attitude technically but
i know what you mean so people um
shouldn’t be chilling with the people
down here
you know what i mean you know and maybe
that’s true
i think you know maybe now’s a good time
to sort of
talk about the great uh it was such a
wonderful moment
whenever you did that live concert oh
and it was in you know passion it was
kind of a weird time to do it like it
for one thing great concert we all
streamed it it was so
amazing seeing out there rocking out and
feel so inspired
to bring healing to people but you did
uh a lot of people at that show
right very closely packed i believe it
was standing room only
it looked like from the video feed and
they were
they were one bandage length away
yeah and so it was odd because you know
at the time and
you brought this up numerous times
throughout the show uh
the hospitals are full full
follow up customers and fans
of the joseph johnson bandage and
plastics corporation yeah and you love
every fan and every customer every
single one is important to us
yeah and it’s great that they’re
partying in places where we can get to
all of them easily
yeah i mean dr london is your question
like thank you for
throwing this awesome concert or what
what are you getting at yeah
dr london well it’s okay so for me it’s
a little bit of a
concern because i’m not sure if you’re
aware but the
the pathogen that the world has been
dealing with
is transferred by you know close
proximity by air droplets a lot so it’s
uh which is why it’s so important to put
those bandages over your masks
oh yeah that makes sense it’s like a
fourth layer
especially the uh waterproof the the new
waterproof product that we’re putting
droplets will slide right off yeah so
you got a lot of criticism just all over
social media
and from governing bodies yeah for
for hosting that show for having that
show and then for all of the the many
deaths that were
directly tied to you know
you know it has not been directly tied
i’d like to clarify
dr dr cameron no i just wanted to say dr
london i mean you know
those people who were attending they
could have done all sorts of different
things they could have gone to
mcdonald’s or you know you can’t you
say one place got it or
spread it around okay yeah and according
to research
produced by the bandage
united federation there is no conclusive
tie between
that amazing concert and some less cool
things that happen afterwards okay and i
you know i guess i guess that’s fine
that’s the vein in pamela’s
forehead right now is pulsing she’s
always like that pamela just just
just put your bandage on it huh do you
want to talk a little bit about
i said band-aid that would have been bad
do you want to talk a little bit about
what happened after that
after the concert i went back to my
green room
which of course is temperature
controlled and it’s sort of a clean room
like you can’t come in without passing
through the decontamination shower
and then i was you know i was sent back
to my hotel which is really a moving pod
in my um
we can’t call it a pokemobile right what
do we call it
right the uh health and safety vehicle
took me back
uh and then i had the whole pod
airlifted back to my mansion
yeah so i feel like you are dodging and
then apparently
uh 12 or so days later there were some
unexpected fatality events that may or
may not have been amongst
most of the attendees and again people
do all sorts of stuff right they’re
hanging out
they’re going to unsafe concerts not put
by a medical corporation or they’re not
putting bandages on their masks like
they’re supposed to
i mean data have shown that people
without bandages on the masks they’re
not wearing
are at a much higher risk i i do have to
ask about the one
other thing and there’s no judgment or
anything like that but your opener
r kelly that wasn’t yes i thought it was
a really interesting choice
but you know he’s sort of a
controversial figure and especially
since you’re sort of going through a pr
thing i thought that was sort of
yes i mean i don’t really have a defense
for that
uh i would like to unreservedly
for booking our kelly i thought
you know i i thought the remix to
was a high-energy piece
and pamela you know she’s always
shouting so i wasn’t really listening
when she tried to explain his whole
and i only saw a remix of the clip
and just you know i don’t want to say
that that kind of behavior is not
important to the
executives at the at the johnson and
johnson corporation
but maybe it’s true okay okay so i
i mean i appreciate that apology that
was very very
right maybe it’s good yeah okay we’re
good and that was very very big of you
and to do that
on this show i mean dr london yeah huge
like i’m giving you guys sclusi after
exclusive here yeah i mean
you know we should be like maybe giving
you royalties for this because this
thing’s going to skyrocket
yeah well careful because they will hold
you to it
but so so i thought whenever you were
introducing him
because right now you’re talking like
you just didn’t know
but at the time it really
you you kept because people in the
audience recognized him and they said
you know that they were like no cancel
him and then you kept saying
separate the art from the artist and
um and i did maybe that was just
an out of context thing maybe you didn’t
fully know what was going on
uh i just sorry and sorry to press it
but i just
no no i’m curious you know i wasn’t
warned that it’s gonna be kind of a
michael moore
interview but um content is king
no bad press i did get a lot of bad
after that incident and what i did was
i self-designed a course to put a
bandage on my lack of sensitivity wow
that’s really brave of you so i spent
six weeks at a spa
on the island of mykonos okay it’s
learning to recover
okay yeah i mean that’s really awesome
and i mean
it sounds like you’ve grown a lot as a
as a person
i think so i had to get bigger bandages
after that that’s how much i’ve grown oh
wow you that’s so
you know and i’m so glad to have all of
my because
you know and i know what you said in the
context that sounded bad
but like yeah you know despite all these
controversies of course we see you for
the artist
you know you made so much great things
and i want to get back to that like you
know we’ve got this album
you’ve got this festival that’s going on
um i mean what what else is in the
pipeline what else
like are are you doing something else
uh yeah pamela can you just go outside
just a second just a second
okay huh thanks she walked so fast
hey um are you guys trying to [ __ ] me
what are you guys trying
to [ __ ] me i guess i mean i don’t we
just think so
i don’t it’s supposed to be a little fun
a little medical podcast
i come on it’s dr hill bandage and we
sell some [ __ ] band-aids
ask me about r kelly do you know how
many months i had
i was in meetings every week for that
[ __ ] for months
well it sounds like you’re on an island
yeah i was having meetings on mykonos
yeah it sounds like sort of like when
celebrities or like really rich people
go to jail and it’s really just like a
country club it’s
yeah it sounds a lot like that it’s
almost like it’s a metaphor for it but
are you trying to screw me by bringing
it up on your show yes no
no no what the hell
no you know we we love dr hill being
dodged like we
this is our like our entire life it’s
just yeah you know
is it well it’s also my entire life yeah
that’s literally all i have
yeah i changed my name to heal bandage
to get this job that’s not your real
it is now legally it has been for 18
years so if i lose this job i gotta walk
as dr hill by dawson say no not that
heel bandage do you know how that’ll
sound well
what was your old name can you just go
back to that
jeff i don’t want to be a jeff again
it’s jeff ross by the way and that name
is burned now
so no good yeah i’d have to make
up i mean maybe you could at least do
jeff bandage i feel like that’s got to
be a good compromise
i guess yeah let’s do a sort of
gallagher two yeah i mean i guess i
but i you know i should say like you’ve
you know i feel like for me you’ve kind
of clarified everything
i understand your perspective and
sort of right up until this last part
where you confronted us
i thought you were great i just wanted
to preserve my image of you and
clarify any of these things that you’ve
been getting let’s lay off
we’ll we’ll lay off right yeah this is
corporate stuff
words speak louder than actions you know
that’s that’s how it works here yeah
exactly and and if i keep saying words
like i’m sorry and yes i did it
i’m gonna be actioned out of a job yeah
you’re gonna be sort of like
sound clipped to death oh
i mean i i i’m already dreading the the
the remix of this podcast yeah
it’s gonna be me and it’s gonna be me
and and r kelly putting a single all
over again
and it’s tough because we we don’t edit
this this is all unfiltered so
well it’s yeah i know it’s like man
that’s the hard part
yeah okay okay so um i got a story about
marin i could
i can tell you afterwards i yeah so
how’s going back
oh okay uh i mean uh
i mean are you do you have any acting
roles or anything just coming up
uh i’m gonna be in westworld season four
wow oh
that’s incredible yeah are you gonna be
bringing back dr ford but i’m gonna be
him because anthony hopkins is
kind of done yeah that makes sense to me
i mean i feel like that fits plot wise
yeah i mean it’s just about as sensible
as any other choice in seasons two and
i would say that’s extremely accurate
well i mean
i mean dr london do you have anything
else um
i i think the main thing now is and like
you know i hate to bring you into this
dr hill bandage but
we we kind of have some chores to do
okay yep yep oh okay okay all right
so to explain to the listeners we uh
had a huge checklist a huge to-do list
of chores
that we were supposed to finish but then
we didn’t finish because we were
marathoning well westworld
and i had to deal with a few times
because you know it doesn’t
make sense so you of course have to like
you have to kind of sort of
invent a plot for it to make sense in
your head
but and you are a very imaginative guy
huge imagination i’m looking at my
my foot bandages right now and you know
what i said who’s out there now who’s
out there
uh it’s the candlestick from beauty and
the beast
lumiere incredible now
uh what was i saying the tour wheel
the chore wheel so we have we have all
these chores we put them on this wheel
and we spin it and whatever it lands on
that’s the chore we have to do
um whether we like it or not we’re just
we’re trying to we’re trying to get
things done like
dr london mentioned last week that we
haven’t taken the trash out in like six
oh yes i mean we haven’t done the dishes
since we moved in like since we
started coming to the studio and we keep
purchasing more dishes so it’s
just uh the kitchen is really like a
never-ending pie yeah just like a dish
pile in a room and it’s not that we’re
messy people it’s just that we have
a way that we do things we’re busy we’ve
got so many chores to accomplish it’s
just the choice
to really take care of everything is
sort of this randomized
wheel yeah so
we’re hoping it would be today it would
be our honor
if you would who could give the wheel
me a bit of a spin yes would be good i
think i could
okay i just reach up right here
yes there we go yes
dr leonard what did it land on i did not
want to do this one
okay but we d we do have to do it right
we have to that’s the one it’s on the
chart that’s the deal we made that’s the
contract we signed
okay so the chore is lock
down your spring wardrobe aesthetic
okay all right okay
i can vibe with this a little bit yeah
so i mean dr lynn do you want to start
or should i start
uh you you can start you can start today
yeah i mean so my spring wardrobe of
course you know
every time there’s a new season we throw
out our wardrobe from the previous
season as we all know
sure so you know i just threw out my
winter clogs
i just threw out my winter capris i just
threw out my winter like crop
top and i just threw out my i mean my
winter band-aids so i’ve i’m going to be
replacing all these oh good yeah always
got to change those at least seasonally
at least seasonally you want to be able
to rotate at least rotate them
you know like maybe they’ll come back
into the mix later
but you should at least have four that
you rotate in and out
um by rotate you do mean take them off
you know
turn them 180 a little bit yeah and then
you just
you kind of lick them and then put them
right back up well you have a little
kiss you go and then you just stick it
back on there
that’s that’s an advanced technique it’s
pretty good i mean if it was advanced
you would there would be tongue
and let me tell you there is so
but uh yeah and then of course um my
winter coat and overcoat and over
and uh so i threw those in let me dr
london can you just
you’ve got the box over there can you
just throw that in the clothes fire
yeah yeah let me uh and go ahead and
burn all those
okay all right now it’s time to place
all the smoke now it’s time to put
together my spring outfit let’s see
so i just got rid of winter capris
and you know what capri is like it’s
it’s up a little like it’s above the
it’s like uh a three-fourths cut so i
think for spring i’m gonna go the
opposite and it’s gonna be
a pair of jeans that goes a quarter
longer than my foot so it’s like 25
longer than my foot so i’m sort of
walking around like on my jeans
and then sort of also the jeans function
sort of as socks
because you know they’re like all around
my feet
so yeah right there that’s
you have to get custom jeans for your
big mushed together foot
see well this is a new thing i’m still
trying to figure out like the mermaid
tail situation i’m gonna say yes
um i did email calvin klein and he
i mean he blocked me and so you know i
i could talk to calvin for you that
would be great i i wasn’t just trying to
name drop just to get you to help me out
so uh i need those jeans um i need
let’s see for a shirt for a top
i’m feeling like this spring cowboy
is going to be real backhand yes
so maybe just like you know like the cow
vest yeah yeah so maybe just that
so it like it looks like a cow like
spotted black and white
but nothing underneath and you wear that
for camo
correct that’s just you want to be able
to blend in for
camus yeah camus
absolutely and so i think that would be
good i think bracelet wise i’m going to
get a live strong bracelet
and then i think i’m going to
for a hat i need a spring hat what
calls a spring hat
okay bunny ears no not bunny
well but ears though you don’t want to
get ears
i think you’re definitely on the right
track can we do fish ears
yeah oh yeah i can’t i don’t i don’t
have a picture
i don’t have a picture of a fish in
front of me but like i can picture them
having ears
right they have ears yeah that well what
you can
imagine that that how they would look if
they did have is this okay so it’s
right right that’s fish used to be the
right oh yes oh are you kidding yeah
so many like gone fishing signs and like
oh boy billy bad hat with
oh my god when everyone was wearing them
in middle school when i was wearing my
tackle hat yeah oh god it’s coming back
it’s coming back and so okay
and then as just as a capper i think i’m
gonna do
reverse fingerless gloves so it’s just
ten pieces of you know it’s the fingers
that are cut yeah
the tip yeah the tips yeah and so
they’re just like separate you know
little tubes that you put on your
yeah that’s it that’s my spring outfit i
think we make those let me uh
let me get pamela to send you a box huh
yeah that would be awesome
oh my gosh we’re getting merch from this
this is incredible
oh yeah oh i i i mean we’re gonna back
the merch truck up to this place yes
wow and so dr hill bandage uh
yeah i know that you have sort of your
outfit so if you want to talk through
right i’m wearing the uh
the lab coat made of bandages right sort
but we do have seasonal colors and in
fact uh here’s
yet another exclusive for you for the
we are bringing back a line of retro
bandages based on funimation’s
ghost space buster’s cartoon which was
two guys and a gorilla hunting ghost
yes and they had a net and some cameras
so uh i think i’m gonna be sporting some
of those kind of woven into the lab coat
pattern which
cause i mean because that just started
popping off on tick tock lately
right it’s huge yes right about
valentine’s day
some of those kids found the old show
like what’s this is this lady
ghostbusters but different
and dan aykroyd came out and started a
tick-tock just to explain the legal
distinction between
his ghostbusters franchise and the
funimation ghostbusters franchise
and one of our lawyers was like hey we
could profit off this
yeah that’s awesome it turns out we are
gonna so
that just full so is that gonna be your
outfit that you’re rocking this spring
well that’ll be my uh over overcoat yeah
let’s just say
and then under the overcoat um it’ll be
whatever high fashion gifts i get in the
gift bags from the award shows after
okay oh yeah because those those gift
bags are usually like a hundred thousand
dollars a person like there’s going to
be a lot of stuff in there
oh yeah i actually i actually told them
but no less than 150 this year
because you know we we’ve got to help
the kids
and it’s peop we’ve gone through such a
previous year you know what i mean i
the celebs really deserve these kind of
these kind of gift bags
they do well and they’re all going to
include four doses of vaccine
wow that is awesome that is huge
it’s pretty great and i mean is that
there’s that so that’s the outfit
oh yeah the yeah the the the outfit will
be the bandages
uh that i am so happy to wear everywhere
all the time
right part of my uh you know uniform
sounds like i’m forced to do it i choose
to put it on but contractually
just like i i choose bandages
i mean yeah and just like you chose to
those apologies i know you don’t want me
to bring it up again but like your
apologies you know you chose
consciously to to make those no one
forces you this interview is over
well uh it that’s
uh okay he
sort of like his
his bandages unraveled and he was no
longer there
that was huh okay
yeah it was like unwrapping a mummy
almost but then there was
there was nothing that there i i guess
dr linda do you want to get your spring
outfit in real quick
yeah yeah so for me um
so so you know what i normally wear
which is uh
normally i try to be seasonal with my
scrubs but lately
uh they did catch on fire and so
they’ve you know i tried to sew them up
just like patch them up with whatever i
which you know at the time was just
and so i sort of rubbed vaseline into
each of the
spaces so i looked yeah
logical yeah i looked kind of oddly
greasy in the areas that
where you could see skin and so that and
that’s what you’re going for
well that’s my winter look uh oh
no that’s more of a i would say it’s
more of a necessity
that i go for that yeah it’s a it’s a
practical choice to be so oily
yeah and you know my my gun belt that i
wear in the winter um that’s very
seasonally oriented
that i don’t you know i don’t wear a gun
i don’t really have a gun but
i do like to wear the gun like the
holster yeah you put your hands in the
holster instead of like your pocket yeah
well it’s just one holster but yeah
and i put one hand yeah and then i’ll
talk you know
like i’m trying yeah but like a pocket i
was going to say also like a phone
holster it’s kind of like that too but
it’s varied
like a phone does not fit but he said
that’s my winter outfit
and i guess i’ll just strip down
and burn that here uh i
do appreciate that you said the word
like it’s the fire for the rooms
it’s not a furnace it’s not contained uh
throw that in the fire no i mean yeah
it’s just like a 60 dollar fire pit from
we got some firewood going we got a fire
we i mean we’re having to like keep it
running yeah we’re stoking the fire
so hold on i’m always have to you know
uh sponge off this vaseline real quick
because that is a part of the outfit
yeah okay and then the shoes yeah yeah i
mean you gotta tell
someone about the shirt yeah so the
shoes are uh ski
blades they’re you know uh if you go
and you don’t want to go for it’s it’s
more tiring to wear
full-length uh skis so you can get ski
blades which are
which are shorter more maneuverable but
maybe a little bit
easier in that respect as well so i wear
those just in the hospital
probably allow you to like escape things
easier just in case you like had to
escape something
via ski when it when it snowed for like
a couple days it it’s so helpful
i yeah i would say like usually you’re
able to flee
so well yeah and like as long as it was
downhill oh
easy but easy i i have noticed
basically i’m ready for spring because
it they’ve
maybe slowed me down a little bit more
because the boots come with it the ski
so yeah uh it’s uh i like the workout
i feel like it’s springtime and i want
to spring a little bit in my step
so so i guess yep we’ll start from there
for the shoes uh i have plastic bags
wrapped around my
feet and they’re tied off uh
with the little plastic bag yeah just
the thing that usually comes with
the bread bags yeah so i tied those
around um
and that’s because i’m trying to be
eco-friendly i know there’s a lot of
plastic waste out there
and so these are already used plastic
i yeah you know they’re we can’t send
them back
i’m gonna use them as much as i can well
they’ve already been used as
bread bags and then also another person
had worn them
as a shoe previously oh yeah they’re
yeah you know well there are bread bags
yeah they’re my
well they’re my grandfathers yes uh
i i inherited i didn’t realize they were
passed down yeah yeah
yeah so when you say secondhand no this
is uh
several generations of plastic shoes
uh anyway so this this year i wanted to
honor my
my grandfather uh who is you know
still doing great but bought new shoes
he bought like really nice loafers so
good for him all right so that’s my
that’s it is that your spring no no
sorry i no i’m
you can see i’m wearing more than just
shoes no i i am wearing my
spring and tire it is of course uh an
inner tube oh you’re wearing your spring
currently i knew you were wearing the
shoes and you that was gonna be part of
your outfit mine
you know yeah no i’m i’m building it as
we speak
i’m sorry you’re done yeah i’m sorry i’m
nude in front of you all right now
but uh let me slip on the inner tube and
there we go that’s so my plastic bag
shoes and my inner tube just it’s kind
of thick and so
if you hold yourself in just the right
way it kind of covers stuff up
uh-huh yes that’s my spring outfit
wow thanks i mean i think we’re ready to
after this show strut our stuff right
yeah i wish we could kind of like strut
around with
dr bandage with us but he kind of
disappeared yeah
you know maybe he can conjure himself
back up sort of do a reverse
oh good god hey man
hey sorry yeah uh you said the spell and
i had to appear
uh so we do our you know our annual
spring strut
and we would be honest if you joined us
to go
strutting yeah and so it’s uh okay
surely yeah we get my new
and so it is all right so i mean after
the right after the show we’re gonna go
and it’s down in this back alley it’s
well we call it we call it the forest
gump strut because we
we follow the same path that he does in
the movie when he’s running across the
he was he was running like running
yeah which for me with my mermaid foot
is more of a hop
um yeah but in a strutty way
struttier hop than usual it’s it’s all
about the swagger
exactly it’s so it definitely is a
hop than i think a normal mermaid tail
hop yeah
i so so anyway well if the mermaid tail
sort of just like an infection that
turned into like solidified calcium
i think swaggy or hop is the single that
you should drop based around your foot
oh that is actually the name of the song
i was singing
i thought okay yeah that is insane i
knew i named it right i knew it i was
like this is the perfect name for it
um all right oh before we go uh
yeah so dr hill bendage would you mind
uh you know and i’m sure our listeners
will already know but
uh any way that they can keep up with
you or any of your affiliates
sure well i have a feeling that i i am
about to be fired uh just looking at
uh pamela is holding a gun so i think
it’s uh
curtains for me uh so what you know keep
up uh as i will be
soon running my own twitter and i had to
make up a name let’s say
at wizard live on twitter instagram
and maybe i’ll start a show on twitch uh
fridays at 8pm pacific who knows that’s
the perfect time to host a show on
that is a really good i think so all
so um that’s great to hear so
thank you yeah i feel like we can go
ahead and uh do we already destroy the
chore wheel i feel like we’re done with
the chore wheel now
oh yeah we can do you just want to throw
that into the clothes fire
yeah yeah that’s easy enough okay that’s
if you guys
can you go ahead and just chuck the
chore wheel just right into the fire
yes well
thank you so much to dr hill ben dosh
for coming on the show today
oh and join our patreon oh that’s yeah
do that
we have a patreon with all sorts of
exclusive uh
i mean i mean it’s mostly like found
footage we’re trying to
sort of put together our own blair witch
we’re figuring it out but join the
yeah we’ve and when you say found like
we have
gone up to people it’s a lot of
jaywalking it’s a lot of
uh we we get really close to people
that was a great segment yeah yeah we go
to but we do go to forests we do go to
streets we do go to um
oceans we go to the mountains the
camera’s so shaky the camera is so shaky
that’s the main thing about it really is
the shaky camera
and we that’s the authentic yeah cgi is
so much easier
if you can just shake stuff so there’s a
lot of cgi in this found footage
movie that we’re sort of producing on
our patreon
you must have a lot of patrons to be
able to afford cgi oh yeah we use the
same we use the cloverfield people
okay jj jj’s my friend jj’s
studio bad robot you know oh yeah
oh that’s all doctor i apologize for
interrupting no you’re good all right
but once again thank you to
dr Heale Bahndodge for coming on the show
thank you to uh cameron our producer
thank you to DJ DYLAN IN DA HOUSE
i mean i i i’m already dreading the the
remix of this podcast
i would like to unreservedly apologize
for booking R. kelly i thought to the
was that high energy peeps
are you guys trying to
yeah you’re gonna be sort of like sound
clipped to death
it’s supposed to be a little fun a
little medical podcast a little medical
i come on it’s dr heale bandodge and we
sell some [ __ ] bandage
asking about r kelly
do you know how many months i was in
meetings every week for this
my name is dr londonsmith.com and this
has been
the jock dock podcast see ya
freedom and wheat boys you boast as you
lay your cards down
when you had put out the word that you
decided to host a card game night
some of your co-workers had been very
insisting that they have plenty of
different ones that they’ve been wanting
to try out
you played it casual when they showed up
to your den
with beer and all manner of strange
looking cards and
specifying to each other which games
they wanted to try first
you realized that this was not going to
blow over
you needed to take charge we are playing
go fish that is the game
and if you don’t like it get out of my
or i will fetch the shotgun
and no this is not a joke
there was some nervous laughter but they
act we asked
one thing you learn in life is that if
you only know one thing
you put everything on the line so you
can win at that one thing
only a fool gambles with unknowns
speaking of one good thing don’t forget
to leave a five star review of the jock
doc podcast
which you share about the times when
your insecurity about a casual game
night has led to some serious threats of
and consider joining our patreon where
we have new episodes that ditch the
medical lessons to give you a hefty dose
of improvised comedy
and while you’re at it go ahead and
share the jock doc podcast with a
friend or foe
you can send them a link to your
favorite episode or just send them our
handy website
jockdocpodcast.com which is also a
great place to find a link to the
patreon by scrolling to the bottom
and don’t forget to take a peek at our
post on social media we are
@jockdocpodcast thanks for listening