hi kids you’re about to listen to a corporate podcast that means that none of this is medical
voice if you need medical advice and medical care please contact your doctor brought to you by koala cooler
it tastes just like down under i’m krampy koala take it away dj dylan thank you crampy
for that glowing introduction and can i just say it has been absolutely amazing working alongside you
and the whole koala cola team so i just want to say thank you crampy no don’t
talk during my intro even if i specifically address you okay hello
and welcome to the jock doc podcast where we discuss fitness and health and how to incorporate our modern
understanding of science and medicine into our daily lives but without it being so boring i’m your host dr. london smith (.com)
i would like to begin by apologizing to our listeners we’ve received some feedback about the excessive amount of technical medical
terms that i’ve been using such as dentinogenesis imperfecta and fixin
2. so i will try to temper my terminology to a simpler one in the future here to help with that is our producer
cameron hey dr london how uh how uh
have you not read the emails like i about like sort of the changes that have
been made towards sort of our audience um because you didn’t address it in the top so i just
figured no i well honestly we’ve had so many changes with the uh with the new podcast network coming on so i’m
i’m a little bit it’s kind of all up in the air for me so so which one specifically are you talking about which
oh i’m talking about like how we’ve just contracted with you know i mean i guess this is exciting news so maybe i
should amp it up a little bit but uh the jock talk podcast is now being
piped through the speaker systems of all of the schools all of the educational systems
in london kentucky like like their high schools their elementary
schools yes their universities we i mean i just i found out that there’s this
town in kentucky called london and so you know of course i’m always thinking like how can i help the podcast
and so i mean we’re just talking you know sort of brand synergy here it’s just it’s sort of like
a logical evolution of the show yes and so now every morning our podcast is
going to be piped through the just the whole school every classroom and is that
i mean so so you talk to the i guess the superintendent or the like the whatever principles of the schools you
you made contact and you were like hey we have this educational program for you and well yeah i mean let’s hold on
i met those people when i was applying for a janitor job so i could sort of change out the pa
systems in your in your application to the job
they they gave you access to everything i get maybe you were overqualified and they were like well here’s a tour was
that how it sorry i’m trying to no i know i got the job i i got all the keys dr london have
you ever seen a janitor’s key yeah okay so it’s not just you said apply so you got the job
you hooked it up and so that’s what you’ve been doing the janitorial now so now we have a
built-in dedicated audience dr london this whole thing where it’s like oh this week
we’ve got two listeners oh this week we’ve got three listeners and now automatically we have 127 listeners dr
london but one thing so there is one stipulation about this because i
you know unhooked the actual pa system and hooked up our system we do need to read the school
announcements as part of this show and if we could do that sort of uh
i don’t know authent like uh authentically or uh you know not in like an advertisement way just ease it in
sort of ease it in integrated into the show naturally okay you know okay sure um so okay i have the list
here so i mean like if you want to read what like the lunch menu for today and tomorrow yeah
um and you you may just incorporate that though into yes don’t do it directly you want
it to you want to insert it you want to sprinkle it in okay so we’ll just so i’m going to just
sort of try to move on and then once in a while i’ll chime it i’ll work it in casually
the way that you would normally hear on any given podcast any ads work it in in the way that i would work
in some gravy into my mashed potatoes which is the side in today’s lunch okay yeah and so
okay okay so um that was our producer cameron also with us is digital in the house
cheer practice which usually meets on the football field
we’ll have to meet in the gym today because it’s raining
oh baby it’s raining [Music] it’s raining
which means that band which usually
himself he said
please be careful with his lab equipment it’s very expensive
and the school doesn’t have it in the budget to replace it right now
and if you were to you know say want some peas and carrots that uh would be on the menu
today yes that wasn’t casual okay um i’ll go i’ll move on for now um and
later i mean like maybe if you like maybe if you call yourself dr
carrot or something okay well i’ll call myself i guess for the next we need the london
thing though because it’s london kentucky oh so can we talk about maybe like uh
like i don’t know like you’re a p head i mean there’s just different ways that we could talk about this and discuss like
maybe incorporating this yeah so um a little smoother
so speaking of mystery meat which is there you go the main dish
for all of this week due to the infection that spread throughout our
local herds um speaking of that
later cameron tells me we can expect a special guest that’s right dr london it’s as special
as the mystery meet which is also replacing all of the drinks this week so you cannot get milk
the milk has been replaced with the mystery meat as well so you get two portions of that if you want
and now seamlessly we’re going to blend into the next section kind of like those mystery meats are blended into a
nice shake to serve as an easy drink before we move on i would like to
address a bit of listener feedback this note comes from the koala cola
employee who won the happiest award for this month while residing in the testing chambers
at the pest control wing of the koala coil corporation so this note reads quote
i’m choking end quote okay okay so first of all thank you so much for reaching
out to us here at the jock talk podcast um and this is what i feel like i mean this is what
our listeners love about us is that like when they’re dealing with these sort of
health issues they can actually reach out and actually expect a response i’m choking you know what i mean we can
actually you know give this person something that’ll help him yeah so um
yeah it’s it’s so great to hear from a fan and so this this fan they’re the happiest worker there so
that’s that’s pretty neat um so you asked a great question to this listener
uh so the universal symbol for choking is to put both hands to your neck uh so the next
time you choke on something which i guess is now you should do that so that everyone around you can see that you’re all
choked up well dr london it if you do that like if you’re in a like a comedy club and you do that
people are gonna think that you’re telling the person on stage that they’re they’re kind of choking right now
like you’re taunting them sort of which would be considered rude so yeah
so rude but then you know it could save their lives if someone was aware they were choking and they
could enter is that i mean is that is that a risk that you would be willing to take
to be that rude to someone i think i think with a life on the line um i
would i would risk some rudeness you know a similar topic can come up with polly
shore is on stage doing one of his classic bits and you start choking on one of the
olives that you were eating because you didn’t realize that they were usually you know sort of decorative you were just kind of downing olives
yeah and not swa not chewing you’re telling me you’re gonna interrupt his set by going oh i’m
choking okay well as opposed to sitting down being polite and waiting till the set is
over well so so one thing that so i wouldn’t one thing about choking is that you
often can’t speak and that’s why you use the hand gestures but so so i wouldn’t even be saying
i’m choking it would just be me silently so i feel like it’s not even silently in
his eyesight that he can see and he’s like oh man am i bombing right now this guy’s over here telling me i’m
choking suddenly you’re making polly sure insecure and you never want to do that dr london
okay yeah i guess i guess that’s one thing to consider that there can be a social ramification for it that i that maybe i didn’t consider okay
um anyway so to this listener thank you for listening now for today’s medical topic also we
could probably let that listener know that for legal reasons the mystery meat
also counts as a vegetable because it was found on the ground yes so because it was it came from the
ground technically legally it does count as a vegetable as well so that is replacing the vegetable
portions you had mentioned carrots and peas earlier i had gotten just a text right now those have been made into mystery meat
that is sliced into the shape of peas and carrots and speaking really fried rice
it’s it’s it’s fried rice so but it’s all mystery meat cut into the different shapes yeah yeah well and speaking of the
dessert being decorative soaps uh now for today’s medical lesson hepatitis a i’m sorry was that was that
good was that the me introducing the is hepatitis a good i don’t know you’re
yeah no never mind i okay um now today’s medical topic hepatitis a
hepatitis a is a viral form of hepatitis that typically causes an acute infection meaning that it has less than six months
of liver inflammation uh or it causes less than six months uh hepatitis a is transmitted via the fecal
oral root and is more prevalent in developing countries so people will typically get it through contaminated food and water
a way to remember this is that hepatitis a is from something you ate does that that make sense
it does make sense and it sort of reminds me that uh billy a needs to go to the principal’s office
immediately um i i that is something that really
needs to happen pretty quickly yeah and that sort of like reminds me i feel like you know like
it’s sort of the same thing yeah in a sense so um like all forms of acute
hepatitis a can present uh clinically with jaundice and dark urine along with fever
weight loss fatigue hepatosplenomegaly and that’s whenever your your liver and spleen are enlarged um
and additionally patients may have nausea vomiting abdominal pain
diagnostic testing includes increased direct bilirubin increased ratio of alt to ast and liver
function tests and increased alkaline phosphatase for hepatitis a the best initial test will be the igm antibody to hepatitis a
and antigen for i should mention if you have any of
these symptoms like that that is not the mystery meat like that you the mystery meat we’ve
already covered it’s a drink it’s a vegetable and it’s a meat so it’s already covering all of your basic food groups
so if you’re having these kind of reactions to or shortly after consuming the mystery
meat it must be from something else maybe the like in the like a mold in the in the
in your on your fan and you’re in your own home yeah not not school not at the school
because the school checks their events and cleans their events every single semester
right okay so um yes as i said so for hepatitis a the best initial test will be the igm antibody to hepatitis a
antigen for acute infection and igg antibody to detect resolution to the infection um in
terms of treatment hepatitis a resolves spontaneously over a few weeks and it’s typically a benign
condition so and that’s something to remember for you know maybe if you do think that you got hepatitis a
from something at the school it’s going to resolve on its own uh yeah
you might still go you should spend you should the nurses office can’t treat this so
when you talk about treatment you should probably say like oh well there’s nothing you can really do or
just something like oh it’s impossible to treat it or something because there’s no way
like that school the school just cannot afford what it takes to yeah yeah okay um yeah i would say
and you know you know realistically probably better to go to like an actual medical facility outside
the school if if you have hepatitis a like i would say go you know get supportive care there i
don’t know if london kentucky has anything like that um i do think they have maybe a carl’s
jr but i’m not exactly sure which should maybe function as the same thing but okay
all right well that’s um that’s about all we have to cover in hepatitis a today but for the um uh yeah so
uh the if you’re looking for the desserts they are in the form of uh decorative they look like desserts
in the cafeteria but they are soap so i would just bear that in mind whenever you go
to take a bite uh yeah and the soap has been replaced by the mystery meat as well the mystery meat
does have sort of antioxidants dr london
okay well i would question it but i guess we should okay uh yeah great um
all right well are we good to move on from there yeah except for now um billy a
if we could get him to leave the principal’s office now he will not leave which has become a huge issue
so billy a please leave the principal’s office go back to class all right
back to you dr london yeah no i think we’re we can go and move on from there [Music]
all right uh cameron you said that we have a special guest today is that right that’s right dr london we have
and i’m not gonna spoil it for you because i know that you do not like spoilers but we definitely have a guest okay i
yeah so so you could have just said yes right um anyway hello there my name is dr
londonsmith.com and the star producer cameron uh what was your name hi i’m pleased to meet you both of you
gentlemen i am a guinea soi guinea okay
well nice to meet you that and you know i hate to kind of point this out but that sounds
uh what’s the appropriate pc term uh a little foreign to me uh it is a french accent okay
i don’t actually speak french i’m not from france but i learned how to do a french accent
and that is what i’ve based my reputation on as being a french accent uh
a chef when they started out okay so so i guess the accent and the name
are both imported that is correct but you are you are not okay
now you you say you’re a chef are the are your or the items you cook are they
french inspired as well or is it just or is it really just the accent that is how it started out
i am a uh i’m a reclaimed food chef um
i was listening uh in the in the green room to your show i was very interested in the hearing
about the mystery meat you were talking about yeah uh i used to
prepare a mystery meat uh recipe and i found out that as a diners they don’t uh they don’t
seem to like this idea of mystery they don’t want their food to be mystery so much uh so i started calling it the
pork i just cause that’s just you know that’s just like this millennial always expecting to know everything
instantly yes yes yes yes exactly you can’t wait a week for a new episode you got to binge
everything all at once yeah you know turn to the back the last page in the book eh
right and there’s just no mystery in life anymore because of it exactly i definitely understand that’s
frustrating yes uh the interesting thing is though that the the kind of cuisine that i do cook as i say it’s reclaimed food you say
it’s reclaimed what is that are you talking about like is this like a farm to table type thing or like
it’s well in a way it’s farm to table to dumpster to my kitchen and then
i i reclaim uh the the uh the best of the food products and uh i
create uh wonderful uh uh wonderful entrees and uh appetizers and desserts and
side dishes i mean that this is it’s very economical and it’s also i mean
helping the earth it sounds like you’re recycling uh to the best of my ability yes uh i
i get the food the and uh the get it to the people and uh the people that eat it
they uh you know i to go back on my idea of being a surprise they don’t know always
where the food came from they are eating but who does right we
if i go to chili’s am i am i asking like where did this beef come from nah exactly i trust that it came from
somewhere exactly which is how i based my entire chain of restaurants on that idea that nobody knows
nor do they really seem to care where the food comes from they say is this farm to table as you ask this
yes they don’t check they just go oh it’s wonderful for
for from farm to table beautiful i love that wow so this isn’t an exclusive reveal on
this show would you say that no one knows about this so is this the first time you’re like talking about it
oh yes yes yes wow that’s great i was going to save it for a bigger show
like like ellen perhaps or jimmy fallon but uh they’ve not called and uh when i found out you
have a large uh uh high school listening audience i figured uh let’s uh let’s let the kids
know yeah i have been impressed at the press about that because i got the email
and i guess i was the last to find out because yeah i’ve i was i saw the billboards on
the way and i was confused by it uh that he’s been cameron you know to
cameron your credit even though you’ve also been working this janitor job you’ve been doing all these other enterprises you’ve
really put the word out and i think it’s great that we have a guest who’s so
we have food waste as such an issue in this country oh it’s huge huge food waste problem in this country
so it’s exciting to see that um you know someone’s taking and you said you have a chain of restaurants i do i do
uh they are uh guinea swag guinea soir uh that is uh the name on the restaurant
um what i do is uh much like uh i do with the food i find restaurants
that have gone out of business and uh until they’re taken over i just
pry open the door i get inside and i just slap my name over whatever the thing is called so it’s uh okay
guinea swaz uh seasons restaurant huh so i can get any swat to go just to
go back to chili’s maybe maybe you’re in an airport and you’re slapping that over a chili’s logo exactly exactly chili’s to go cameron we
are on the same wavelength like since this is all of this it sounds great to me dr london you are
already i can tell about to be like a wet blanket what’s going on yeah so just
um so if you’d if you’re claiming a closed store are you are you purchasing
the the building or renting it uh yeah i am interested in purchasing every
restaurant that i move into i’m interested unfortunately uh most of the people trying to
negotiate uh do not meet my price uh so i move on so when you say meet
your price you don’t you mean like they it’s a low price yeah uh so so what i mean if i may ask
what what kind of price are you talking how much does a restaurant go for these days i guess is what i’m getting at
well to get in and get open and everything else is going to cost you uh you know upwards of uh depending where
in the country half to a million dollars just to uh just to get the keys to the place
yeah and then it’s a difficult an expensive process very expensive very exciting i don’t
know how people do it right so what what do you um what’s what’s your going what do you
pitch to them as the price for it well normally i mean in operation for at least a week before
they show up uh i figured i figure if i can get a crowd in uh they might go hey you know what we’re
not using the building anyway he’s willing to pay a a nominal fee and he’s got a ready-made
audience it will do the community some good he’s taking care of his food waste
problem he’s offering low-cost meals to people and uh unfortunately i found uh
very few actual well they call themselves businessmen uh but uh they don’t understand the
value they just what’s the actual what’s the actual number you said like well i offer you
know a nominal fee what what is that number that you’re offering to them saying hey i’ll give you this every month
well it’s a it’s a sliding scale it depends what i have in my pocket at the time sometimes it’s fifty seven dollars yeah
i offered one gentleman 523 dollars which i was reasonably certain i could
obtain the the sliding scale so it’s like let’s say it’s an xy graph it’s number of things in your
pocket and then amount of money to to give but okay yeah that makes sense again cameron you you
and i are on a wavelength you understand the business you understand how this works
yeah and i’ll admit that cameron handles that a lot of the business side of this podcast so he’s the one who
you know really you know handles a patreon and then funnels a lot of our our money into
the podcast money i mean and also no also my money um into a lot of endeavors yeah
and uh yeah it’s it’s been it’s been a journey i guess so so i guess i’m learning here
we’re all learning i believe right we are all learning at all times for instance i was again i was listening
uh you know off off mike and you were talking about this hepatitis a
and the the symptoms uh which startlingly are very similar to some of
the symptoms my diners have had um maybe it’s going around
you know i’m not exactly sure i am very fastidious with the food that i reclaim um i make
sure that it is cleaned and sanitized and it is of the highest quality
that i can possibly find and uh so i don’t think it’s the food i just thought you can that you can
possibly find in the dumpster in which you’re done the trash can yeah yes yes yes exactly well it’s protected
from the weather you have to you know these things it’s protected from a number of pests because it’s enclosed
oftentimes in a very thick three mil thick plastic bag so you you think that dumpsters are
protected from pests i i guess in my mind they you know roaches are famously they love to they gather in
a lot of places you know like dumpsters and well yeah but maybe he doesn’t consider a roach to be a pest
it’s well i i imagine if they got into the bags and got into the food they would be
regarded as a pest i regard them as guards quite frankly a lot of people will stay out of a
dumpster because there are roaches in there so they open the door and they go ah roaches and they close the door and they
run away so in a way that’s a security system in your favor yeah oh definitely in my
favor and free uh point out i want to hear some of the dishes that you’ve been offering oh
may we uh let’s talk uh entree just last week yeah we made a
delicious hot dog casserole i found this these fine i don’t want to
name the establishment but some discarded uh hot dogs and uh i you know if you get into one of
these restaurant rows and you uh you hit those uh dumpsters boom boom boom one two three
i had the chow mein i had hot dogs i had chicken pot pie uh and
you put those two you put those together and uh you have to get uh you know you have to get a source of heat in order to cook
which is not always uh easy to come by but in this case um i had all of the
ingredients everything fell into place and uh the delicious hot dog casserole uh i i have the recipe
written down here somewhere uh it’s i think it’s on an old receipt but uh you don’t have to you don’t have to reveal your secrets we can we can cut
this out of the podcast but it sounds like you got the hot dogs like all of this food maybe outside of a
mall food court and the hot dogs were in auntie anne’s is that about right
let’s just call that uh cameron the promised land yes i’m sorry speaking of the hot dogs
uh so there is a dog um and it does appear to be rabid in the bathroom and we just want to let
school know that um it’s being handled they have called animal control and it’s all it’s it’s all being taken
care of it’s fine but but do not use the restrooms uh for the next three hours yeah and it’s all the restrooms that is
that is one thing that dr london did not mention is that the dog is very quick and he is going through the
ventilation system to the bathroom so none of them are safe so just hold it
in for the day how did the high school actually get by without this fine service that you are
providing to them uh these health warnings and uh all sorts of uh wonderful tips you’re giving to
people it seems like they needed this for years yeah i mean pr i don’t know probably
like just had some like old person just on there and and just like announce stuff maybe youtube kids love youtube
so maybe that’s just how they were doing it well and you know this does bring up another point we talked about the food food waste and
everything but you know these schools are underfunded and sometimes it takes you know a very
well you know something sponsored by a giant corporation like koala cola uh to come in and you know pitch in a
little bit give the help where we can when it you know where they can’t afford it so yeah i’m i’m happy that we get to
provide the service i think it’s a wonderful thing uh and uh if
they’re looking for a chef by the way uh i could get out there um might take me a couple of weeks or a
month to uh to find a way out but uh would love to land a steady gig working with some you know
some some uh some kids and i love teaching about food and educating the young and
uh giving cooking classes uh i think it could be a wonderful wonderful thing
well they so they don’t really have chefs as much as they have a contraption they have sort of like a
rube goldberg machine where it’s like a ball that you know it it like
turns on the stove and starts cooking the eggs and the mystery meat and then you know it rolls down and then
it you know turns this thing on and it’s the mystery meet again and so on and so forth so they don’t really have a
need for a chef um but it sounds like you’re doing
pretty well i mean what do you i mean how many like customers are are coming in for
for this stuff well it all depends uh you know when the weather is good uh i
try to get some uh some outdoor eateries going uh those are usually easier because even if the restaurant’s
still in business they have to close sometime so i’ll make use of their parking lot and outside dining areas
uh okay so uh i i call it uh you know uh guinea soi after dark uh okay
yeah a sort of european style dinner starts at 10 11 o’clock at night and uh we uh roll things up about three or four
in the morning when the uh the police show up huh so yeah no that’s not
so i was just wondering how much do you charge for your dishes like i know how much you expect to somewhere in the range of what
you expect to pay for you know your place of business but what do you charge your customers
i i charge them top dollar which means whatever the top dollar is they have in their pocket i’ll take that
so if they’re smart they’ll have they’ll put all the ones on the top um usually you get somebody not
not top in value the physical literally top dollar yes yes okay um i was i was trained in the
uh the french foreign legion um and so i have a number of uh skills uh that i can
rely on if somebody gets a little bit uh testy and doesn’t feel like they should pay for the meal uh and then i
will get that top dollar myself out of out of their pocket does that happen does that happen often
you’d be surprised it’s a very common occurrence i’m not sure how how surprised because
it sounds like do do all these people want to like do they say yes i will pay
and then you say well it’s gonna cost you the top like how does this transaction actually work because it sounds like maybe it
comes down to just mugging it sounds like mugging yes i’ve heard this before but no
you have to keep in mind i get the money before they get their food unlike most restaurants where people eat
and then they pay what they do is they come by and they smell the food cooking and it smells
so delicious it doesn’t matter where it came from cooking food always smells delicious in
fact here’s a secret for you if you want to cook for uh say you have a date or your wife or whatever
you just get a frying pan going and you heat it up a bit you get a little oil and a little chopped onion and garlic in
there and soon the house smells so good you so far have not put anything in the pan that anyone’s going to eat it’s just
the smell you get the smell going so people come in and they say oh what are you serving i say
oh here’s the board and i showed them the chalkboard with the specials of the night and there and this
sounds wonderful i said well sit down and and have some it’s it’s how much you got on you and
they laugh like it’s a joke i said no no seriously how much you got on you and they’ll say oh i got 20 that’s fine
you get the special you get the house special and they’ll they pay up the money i sometimes they don’t but
usually it’s uh you know cash first and then then they can eat so so the moment they say how much they
have that to you is that’s when the sale is done yeah that’s your money now exactly
exactly uh you gentlemen uh you understand this uh this business very i’m surprised the two
of you do not have a restaurant because uh this is the way it works the fact that somehow things have gotten terribly
turned around where you have to do all the cooking and get the food all ready and then at the end they pay you well what if they don’t
like it or what if they they run away and you don’t have the they have the money so we actually this is we mentioned this
not that long ago on the show i think that the this podcast actually started out as a
restaurant this was back in it it was called the jock talk podcast but this was in the 90s so no one
like the word podcast didn’t have the same meaning as it does today um and then it’s sort of over time
evolved into this show so we i mean we do have a little uh understanding of the
restaurant industry which sort of this is i i actually have a question about that the i’m i’m a little confused about the
logistics so like where you’re talking about oh i’ve got this frying pan
hey is that equipment also reclaimed like is that is that stuff you find and b
where is the heat source for you know these this like outdoor uh you know a patio takeover that you’re
doing i can kind of get it when you’re breaking into a chili’s because you can just use their equipment of course
of course but when we’re talking about just like outside and everything and you’re showing up with hot food how is that food being heated
well again you you have to uh you have to understand how to use what the what you have around
you all of life can be reclaimed uh you get the top off of a carburetor from under one car hood that becomes
your frying pan you get you managed to uh to hot wire a car that becomes your oven you get this the
hood up and you get the heat going in there yeah and uh pretty soon you have an entire kitchen layout
right right next to the parking lot that does sound easy like i guess you know for me you
know i’m i’m pretty simple i know a toaster oven and a regular oven a stove that’s kind of what i think of
but i guess if you if you have a car it’s well i guess that
given the your your source of income and how much income it sounds like you make do you have a car
or is that also a part of it is this it is reclaimed okay it is reclaimed i
mean there are always cars around oh dr london when he said he was hot wiring a
car you you thought he might have been hot wiring his own car well yeah if you lock your keys
you know inside your car if you do lock your keys in your car by the way i can help you i’ve had much
experience opening a locked car so you so you you locked your keys in your car and
your solution is to start the engine that’s what you’re trying to do that’s what that’s what hot wiring is dr london yeah
okay so or maybe you lose your keys i guess not lock your keys inside but also i mean
it sounds like just if you have any car trouble at all then uh you know our guest uh genius really
the one to go to for this um yeah if you have car trouble not that that’s your main thing
that is very true it’s a side gem it’s a side jam for me yeah but okay so you but you’re i guess
you’re passionate you’re far more passionate about cooking whereas the i mean it sounds like you’re
passionate about reclaiming in general does that does does that apply not just
to you know like physical objects that you find i mean is that is that sort of like a way of life to
you yes i imagine that that it really is uh when you come to think of it the the
food is just the sort of the expression of the reclamation where i can share with
others but the art my entire life has been this idea of reclaiming
reclaiming reclaiming lost youth reclaiming information reclaiming things that that
have gone astray whether for me or for someone else and that sort of manifests itself
in you know a hot dog casserole wow what about what about what about
dessert sorry dr london i gotta hear about dessert that’s fair well if the
hot dog casserole doesn’t move that becomes dessert uh but of course people are looking they
have a sweet tooth of course so they want something nice something sweet and
this is harder to reclaim you might be surprised but not a lot of people throw the desserts away
yeah they’re entrees they’re side dishes they don’t finish those but everyone seems to want to finish dessert
so those are a little harder to come by but again it’s just keeping one’s eyes open being
clever and figuring out well what could i make sweet that normally is not sweet a bit
of sugar bit of maple syrup packets from a restaurant
uh okay because you’re putting that on a hot dog probably could be hot dog uh hot dog
heel of bread people don’t eat the heels of bread right so you make that exactly you put that under a broiler for
uh just a few minutes a bit of maple syrup a bit of chocolate syrup some sprinkles and uh wonderful
well you tell people it’s a torch you know what this makes me think of is that like how how lobsters used to be
considered gross right like oh they’re bottom feeders whatever now they’re they’ve sort of been
changed into a delicacy you’re talking about heels of bread oh people just toss that away you’ve sort of rebranded it and
reclaimed it and say no this is a meal this is the spotlight so we’re going to cover it in maple
syrup and some sugar and some hot dogs exactly it’s the way society works painter’s clothing used to be just oh
something a janitor wears and then all of a sudden uh you know music people would start wearing those
kinds of clothes he became very popular baggy pants and whatnot and so it all goes around and you just have to
kind of keep your eye open and let people know this is special what i have made for you right here tonight no one else has ever made this
no one else has ever eaten this so tonight between you and me this is special how much you got in your
pocket and then at that point have you had anyone you know you you do your i guess you can
call it a negotiation uh where they they tell you how much they have and then you
uh sometimes forcefully remove that amount of money from their pocket um do you ever like
find that they are not as hungry after that experience like maybe that because
if they’re if they’re beaten pretty badly and i imagine that their appetite might leave them
uh that’s a good point and again this is where the training comes in from the french foreign legion if i don’t hit
them in the mouth or in the esophagus or any of the elements that lead to the digestive system a pretty good bet if they came in
hungry they’re going to go out hungry okay because because yeah i guess the base everything but i’m i’m thinking of
the abdomen i’m i’m wondering i feel like you just are going to run out of places to hit because the legs and the arms i guess
are what whatever fair game fair game legs arms back of the head
right okay so i guess i mean you know you’re obviously an expert in this so it’s hard to um
you know but these are the things that i think of like if i was beaten up in the for a transaction like
that then uh i don’t but i guess but you always see you have the experience in the field so
i will admit sometimes they’re not as hungry as when they thought they were yeah but uh
by the end by the end it’s such a tussle they just figure i’ll just get this to go
well and i i imagine they also the way they’re phrasing it they might not have been interested in food at
all like except out of a curiosity like oh what are you cooking and then you say actually yes you’d be
surprised how much just that curiosity factor leads people to decide yes they are hungry yes they
are yeah or at least they they are going to be holding food
and i will tell you even no matter how badly somebody has been uh beaten as you put it uh i always make
sure that when they leave uh this is something i learned uh in the month and a half that i was at the
sorbonne i know how to make one of those uh aluminum foil swans that you put the
thing okay the leftovers in and whenever you leave that with someone when they go they
always leave happy and those are those are also reclaimed
the foil you use okay yeah of course they they have layers of a past meal
i do what i can to clean uh any of the materials that i use as best i can given the given the materials at
hand uh that i have i i don’t think i’ve ever are you cleaning it with other stuff
that you found well water yes um
i guess that’s valid cleaning goods soaps
things such as that but i’ve never left anyone go with a dirty swan
are you folding the swans yourselves or you reclaim them pre-folded oh no no that is this the the skill that
i picked up and uh wow your art coming through again
always always well i feel like i i just
you know i want to i want to keep going i want to learn more but i also we have these chores to do
i just it’s just that you know like we’re just running out of time and well i can come back another time when
uh well no i mean if if you wouldn’t mind helping us out with these chores
yeah that would be fantastic you sound like a really i mean you’re you’re a person who finds a solution
no matter what limitations you have and you aren’t scared of garbage also which that’s also huge for
us very big for us no no garbage if people just realize this garbage is your friend
what’s the hardest food to reclaim uh soups soups are difficult that’s
gotta be a pain soups are hard i won’t lie to you a cream soup a little bit
easier but uh broth forget about it yeah but can you do it is it is it a lot of
like it’s a lot of just kind of wringing out whatever you find that it may be soaked in well if you know the old story of the
stone soup story you know where somebody uh has uh comes into you of course yes
yes it’s just like that you just go around you say hey i got this soup i’m making and you know what you look like someone who
probably has a great recipe from your grandmother you’d like to add something to this uh people buy it you know and pretty
soon you’ve got a good good kettle of soup going but i it’s that is a tough road to hoe i’m not going to lie to you it is very
difficult people buy it or the people who are asking hey what are you cooking on that car radiator happen to have
money yes the radiator the radiator actually is where you actually cook the soup is in the radiator so
you you cook your your in a reclaimed car your steaks on the on the top of the
engine but uh your soups and your other your gravies uh you do that inside the radiator
because it’s getting stirred and mixed and done uh you’ve got to find a fine
texture which is what you’re looking for in a good soup have you ever had someone walk back over
and say hey that’s my car well you’re i have oh
that’s got to be tough it’s tough but when they find out their meal is on the house
i usually get away with it really the people will the people are fine with
losing their vehicle as long as they get a good meal from it they reclaim it
they reclaim it after i’m done and they end up with a free meal the reason i ask is because if you’re
cooking within the radiator i imagine that some of the functionality of the car might be gone
but you say are they okay with it in the same way that all of your customers are okay with
paying for their meals by the time they realize the car has some problems
i am not nowhere around yeah i already moved on i’m on to on to my next
restaurant yeah or your next reclaimed car yeah yeah you found a closed down
bennigan’s that hasn’t been touched since the mid 90s that one you uh set up shop oh that would be heaven oh
do you know of one oh i mean uh don’t give them away
you love your bennigan’s you don’t want to give them to know about my secret binnigans oh yeah yeah it’s in uh cleveland ohio
oh i know that mannequins i know okay then perfect i know that place i didn’t know it was out of business but uh now at least i
can set my sights on my next travel yeah i mean it might have gone back into
business in the last you know the last year has been really good for a lot of people so
maybe it it went back into business so i i couldn’t say but in any case it’s worth a trip to
ohio this time of year anyway yeah yeah that’s right worth the trip just to check if it’s
closed down um ohio’s famous spring
i love ohio in the spring people talk about paris but i must tell you ohio in the spring
ooh columbus cincinnati beautiful well you know i hate to bring
both of you up to this but it is actually summer at this point we’ve i know we’ve been so busy with our
work but it is summer right now that’s oh even better yeah ohio when it’s muggy
that’s free gravy is what that is my friend yeah when it gets muggy like that um wonderful but in any case um
we like i’m sorry but we do have to get these chores done uh you want to explain yeah yeah real quick
uh yeah so basically and look i’m not proud of this but me and dr london have been ignoring our chores
our of the tasks that we’re supposed to do around the house and clean and you know we haven’t been wiping down any of the tables or
bookshelves but we haven’t fed any of our friends for weeks at this point
all the stuff that we’re supposed to be doing like every day we weren’t really doing it so whining
loudly about it like we’re supposed to feed them like i get it but like get off my back too they’re like where am i why can’t i
see anything and it’s like this i have so much on my plate already but regardless we created this really
fun chore wheel so we put all of our chores everything on our to-do list on this wheel every week
we spin it whatever it lands on no matter what we have to do it and dr london even if
that means cleaning your socks and i know you hate that that’s your least favorite chore well it’s just it it takes a full team
to do it and yeah and like it’s so long because like it takes you know
multiple days which i think is yeah you got to do it i’m i i only if it lands on it
only if it lands on you you don’t have to do it ours we never land on that yet yeah all right genie sua um would you mind
going up and giving the wheel a spin for us no happy too happy to uh all right uh clockwise or
counterclockwise ooh i don’t have this question ever been asked that that is interesting
okay uh i mean i kind of want to say dealer’s choice and then we can sort of psychoanalyze his decision
yeah okay okay that’s i will go i will go witherships then as they say in the cooking business i
will go uh counterclockwise wow so he sort of counter culture this i
mean this really ties in with who he is right like he’s subversive he’s not
going with the flow he’s going against the grain yeah it’s i i
and i’m wondering and i’m trying to think back to all the other guests and how they spawn it and what does that mean
yeah now they’re all losers i think of every single guest that we’ve had and they’re all i mean conformist losers yes
well it’s they probably have never been to a good meal before good reclaimed yeah wow
all right well let’s get that spin going [Music]
oh no not this one oh no okay um do you want to read it off if
you don’t me too um yeah i mean i’ll go ahead and read it off okay
oh gosh i don’t want to have to do this all right uh so we have to come up
with movies based on their title so let me explain this dude
i can’t believe we have to do this dr london so basically well our studio i should clarify one of
the reasons why we have to do this is like our permit is very like it’s it’s a tenuous permit like he
he won’t let us keep it if we fail to follow any of his commands like we have to obey him in order to
keep doing this podcast so that sounds very draconian that he yeah yeah but please don’t say
it too loudly because he could hear um and so the mayor is starting this movie studio and he came up with in his
spare time a bunch of movie titles like that that’s kind of his contribution he’s like i’m gonna put all
this money for towards this movie studio but the only thing he’s like i’m more of an ideas guy
but an idea to him is just a title that he comes up with and so he’s sort of given the task to us
to figure out actually what the movie is going to be so this is what we got to do so i mean
dr lynn do you want to read one of the movie titles that he’s written down yeah yeah so this this first one here is
um it’s just called porcelain fog ooh so what is what is porcelain
so like what i think of off the bat is um i think of a toilet i think of
toilet too yeah toilet too yes and then the fog i guess only because the porcelain part
i wouldn’t have gone this way but then i think fog i think of yeah passing some gas like it smells yeah
sure bad afterwards so i guess this would have to be like a comedy s stinky um
oh like yeah the the sub genre of comedy stinky movies yeah that’s right yeah perhaps a uh
perhaps a rom-com with uh also someone who will not to pass gas
in front of their uh significant other yes only in the bathroom yes yes yes see i
have maybe a play on words here a little bit with uh you know fog something that’s really in
right now is movies about alzheimer’s so maybe if in this rom-com one of the
persons was getting dementia over time while also you know dealing with the
the uh gas aspect doesn’t when doesn’t know who’s he who smelled it
dealt it unless they didn’t remember stealing it that is the tagline that is the tagline
it’s on the poster word for word i mean do i think we have that solved do we want to cast it real quick
all right dame judy dench okay we got a judy dench in the main role and
uh let’s just get timothy chalamet in there oh that’s true yeah he’s hot right now
you know yeah and i think they’d work well together it’s a good team up yeah okay genie sua
would you want to read the next one uh yes yes yes absolutely um it is um
oh interesting a turtle named frank okay okay
so i mean i can tell you sorry you go ahead the first question i
have is just are we talking about a literal turtle or are we talking about someone who
maybe needs to come out of his shell uh or both or yeah a turtle who is stuck
inside of his shell see so the first thing i thought of just so that this is also on our minds
is that the dr seuss book where uh these you’re the turtle but all the
turtles are stuck and it i think was a metaphor for the uh for hitler in germany or maybe or um
yeah so so this is a this is a reboot okay reboot of your little turtle called
a turtle named frank wow and it sort of has yeah it has almost like more of a
serious title to it like you know yertle the turtle is a kind of funny but this is a turtle named
frank so maybe it’s more of yeah a dramedy maybe adam mckay sort of approach to uh
are we gonna we’re gonna keep the heavy like world war ii metaphors in there then yes yeah or do we make it more about uh
the uh uh the middle east uh afghanistan oh yeah because it’s modernized yeah
yeah modernize it yeah and that that should be easy to make a very clear message too so yeah uh because everyone’s in
agreement on what’s going on and how to solve it very quickly very clear-cut
yeah okay so we’ll just have i mean maybe we’ll have frank join the military
like maybe shortly after 9 11 or something like that and then maybe that could be the starting point of this story
great and let’s yeah i was gonna let’s not say any more on it only because our podcast doesn’t really get political
but this is of course a movie that will comment a lot on it but that will be done in the screenwriting and in the release
whenever we um hopefully and we haven’t been able to do it so far but i don’t even mention the us military and
don’t mention the atrocities they cause you get like two million dollars in funding like that
i don’t want to jump the gun but i think i see owen wilson um yes yes yeah that that is perfect
casting who should be his shell well i don’t think he’d want luke zach
galifianaicus ooh yeah i think that is a good hearing
have they worked together this could be nice weren’t they in some sort of bird
watching movie together where was zach galifianakis not in that um you have stumped me cameron couldn’t
tell you stumped me and this i’m really ashamed as you know sort of the
head moderator on the owen wilson wiki i i should know these things offhand but
anyway especially because that’s an elected position gentlemen i hate to call a halt to this but i um i actually have to go
yeah well it’s good because we were we were finished up there yes i just uh there’s some police uh knocking on the
door of this place i’m in it’s a old ihop
and i actually have to get going because well i think it should be
obvious why yeah uh real quick do you want to plug anything uh for any friends of yours maybe uh
yes uh you could listen to the uh the succotash podcast or sound soundcast as they call it i
don’t know why they have that crazy name uh they play clips of
things like your show they would probably feature your show um okay yeah i think they’ve done that time
or two various soundcasts so that’s worth listening to i listen to that when i’m in a sewer culvert
spending the night trying to get out of the weather great all right um well thank you to our
guest jimmy swa thank you to producer cameron thank you did you join the host
[Music] if people just record realize this
garbage is your friend oh
my god