hi kids you’re about to listen to comedy podcast
that means that none of this is medical
advice if you need medical advice or medical care
please contact your doctor welcome to
the jock doc podcast powered by koala cola and yes
koala cola does taste just like down
under yes
and no it’s not made with koala
have you ever even tried koala cola have
you tried it
no of course you haven’t because if you
did you’d know it tastes just like down
so what the f are we even talking about
koala parts
how many times do we need to say it
there’s no koala in the soda
hello and welcome to the jock doc podcast
part of the koala cola network where we
discuss fitness and health and how to
incorporate our modern understanding of
science and medicine into our daily
but without it being so boring i’m your
host dr londonsmith.com
and i’m krampy koala cool
okay uh i would like to begin by
apologizing to our listeners
we’ve received some feedback about the
excessive amount of technical medical
terms that i’ve been using such as
endoscopic retrograde
and scissors sizzle thistle sizzle
so i will try to temper my terminology
to a simpler one in the future
here to help with that is our producer
cameron hey
dr london and i want to remind everyone
i feel like we always forget
to mention this um but today is our our
special seattle themed episode every
single episode we’ve done is based on a
special location around the world
yeah um and i mean we we kind of go to
the ends of the earth for
this i mean we’re we’re recording at the
tip of the space needle right now
yeah and it’s it’s tough because we have
this the the whole table on top of it oh
it’s awful it sucks
there’s a lot of i’m i’m so glad it’s
not that windy today
that was the big fear for me i was
listening back to some older episodes
recently and i was like we didn’t even
mention that
we were like like hanging under the arch
in st
louis you’re sure we didn’t
i listened to the whole thing didn’t
even mention it and i’m like we’re
spending so much money on
on this travel and setup thing i just i
could have sworn we mentioned
it because that one that one especially
because you fell
we we lost you for most of the episode
but no it’s not even it’s just sort of
skipped over so dj
maybe dj dylan if we do reference our
themed location make sure to keep it in
this time
nope yeah okay yeah maybe and i don’t
want to obviously don’t want to blame
like the audio was bad for that part
yeah maybe so that could have happened
okay so um when we were deep in the
jungle and
there was definitely a lot of things
growling at us i can understand wanting
to cut that out i’m sure that affects
like the acoustics
yeah yeah uh yeah
it’s it’s been a thing i mean i’m also
thinking of the time whenever
you just we went storm chasing also like
in the hurricanes and
uh northern russia yeah that’s right
um anyway so so all of these issues
have come up and so i do see you know
i’m not an audio engineer i don’t know
yeah i’m not a technical guy but you
know hopefully this makes it in the show
special seattle themed episode we’re all
eating sushi
um and that’s it yeah and there’s rain
sometimes i mean
yeah yeah it’s a lot of rain
well and also oh bill gates he gave me
this cool microchip
that he said to just go ahead and inject
it into my
hand and so i’m going to do that yeah
and you were saying
uh that that you you got the vaccine a
long while back this is just
just a microchip oh this is by itself
yeah yeah
yeah yeah so yeah it’s a qr code
and when you scan it it takes you right
to msn.com
not not being we’re still trying to
figure out that technology but right
now it’s like an nfc chip and you tap
your phone
boom you’re right there on msn and and
it’s great because it
you know you’d think that that would be
such a waste of money
to just put only that on a microchip but
but chips are so cheap these days
that’s right yeah and injection it is
cheaper to do that
than to waste my time going to my
clicking the address bar and typing in
yeah so i mean great that we found a
cost-effective way to do that
um just for the seattle theme so that’s
our producer cameron also with us is
digital in the house
i know you don’t remember
and later cameron tells that we can
expect a special guest
wow that’s right dr london yeah so look
forward to that uh but before we move on
i would like to address a bit of
listener feedback
so this note comes from one lucky
drinker of koala cola
who collected enough exploded koala cola
shrapnel to win a bit of free medical
so the note reads quote
have you seen my pet cat chunkles it
swallowed my sister’s hamster
and we need the hamster back for legal
reasons end quote
so first of all thank you to this
listener for uh for reaching out to us
uh the koala cola can uh shrapnel
uh so we’d love to hear back from our
listeners uh to answer your question
uh i haven’t i don’t think i’ve seen
your cat chunkles
no um cameron have you seen a cat that
i guess recently ate some
someone’s sister’s hamster because they
the hamster is what they need
yeah i’m trying to think through the
cats that i’ve seen eat things recently
let’s see there’s that one it’s just cat
food that’s all i’m coming up with
yeah so not even mice
let me think let’s see what are there
mice that are
tiny little brown pellets that come in a
no no i think that is cat food no but
good yeah then that’s i’m gonna
default back to that then or fecal
matter okay
um so in a bag
i i made you know some people scoop out
the litter box and
and then put in a bag so i’m not sure if
it was trash
kind of okay yeah i guess i can look
into that okay
yeah okay so so to this listener
cameron’s gonna look into it
uh so thank you for reaching out and i i
i do think we should
clarify here is that
people are talking about missing cats
dead cats or
dead hamsters or cats or whatever there
is no koala in koala cola i feel like
someone might make that connection and
might try to twist our words to mean
something that it doesn’t
it tastes just like down under it tastes
just like down under that is the
the famous motto of koala cola there is
no koala in koala cola i feel like
any time i feel like anytime we bring up
like animals eating other animals
eating an animal we need to like it’s
good to clarify that yeah legally we’re
so many people keep saying it i’m sorry
i missed it yeah uh
and it’s great to great to clarify um
all right and and also like just because
there’s one specific
sort of triangular area where all these
koalas go missing
doesn’t mean that they’re being
taken to a manufacturing plant and and
kind of squeezed into a soda
yeah it’s clear i mean look at it look
at the and it’s climate change one
also bermuda triangle right it’s not
like anyone was putting like amelia
earhart into a into a soda
it was just it’s just magic in that
triangle that makes them disappear
just probably like these koalas you know
i just
i just realized something that maybe i
should clarify for our listeners um so
so crampy koala cola’s voice might sound
a little bit different
this week and that’s because so last
week there there was a spokesperson for
uh that you know one by the name crabby
koala cola and they kept saying some
false things about the ingredients
about the treatment of koalas involved
in the koala process
so we just want to clarify you know we
we got this new spokesman
whose same same name same same flavor
you know
just just doesn’t say wrong things so
so that’s exactly uh but and cancel
yes right cancel culture all right um
now for today’s medical topic alcoholic
liver disease
alcoholic liver disease is a chronic
lung condition caused by chronic intake
of excessive amounts of alcohol
in the short term the liver you know
just becomes fatty you’ve heard of fatty
liver uh this fatty liver tends to
result from binge drinking i feel like
that’s very presumptuous that i’ve
heard of fatty liver you don’t know what
i’ve heard of and what i’m sort of
invested in or interested in or spending
my time in
okay well have you heard of it um
no but i feel like i can assume what it
yeah it so it’s just like a fat liver
right yeah well it’s fatty it’s got more
than yeah yeah okay this is like the
thing where they force feed ducks
right and then it makes their liver
fatty and then we eat it uh
that’s actually very comparable to
uh steroidal hepatitis
there’s a there’s a fatty um version
where it’s just
people taking a lot of fat and then it
yeah kills the liver
and that that would probably mostly
affect people who have a feeding tube
of sort of fatty corn based material
being shoved down their throat
um for hours a day huh are you okay yeah
i feel like you’re referring to a movie
something there like no that’s what they
do with the ducks
okay yes yes with the ducks um in any
case so this is from alcohol as opposed
to that and for that diagnosis which
we’ll cover
uh you actually have to rule out the the
alcohol aspect
but this comes from drinking you know at
four or five servings of alcohol within
a two-hour period with binge drinking
and doing that over and over and sort of
the long term
cirrhosis of the liver occurs when you
maintain excessive drinking habits
chronically over time and 15 to 20
percent of heavy drinkers develop
alcoholic cirrhosis
so cirrhosis and this is a drinking game
it’s like the first one to get this is
it’s like a power hour and it’s like the
first one to get this
is wins it without throwing up or
it it’s not it’s not an hour no it’s
it’s very long term i i wouldn’t
recommend this drink so it’s like a
hardcore power hour then huh
it in a sense yeah but i would say the
rewards for it aren’t good so i’m gonna
so the rewards for it what cirrhosis
it’s a chronic liver disease
characterized by fibrosis so it’s like
your liver having so many scars from
that the formerly functioning part of
the liver is just scars
so it cannot do its normal job some of
these jobs include making coagulation
factors that keep you from bleeding out
as well as making proteins like albumin
and the conversion of hormones like
okay so you’re saying it’s less about
who gets this first it’s more about
whoever has the most visible scars
that is sort of the winner of this and
you know
if you if you’re trying to and it’s just
called the fatty liver game
no no this is alcoholic liver disease
alcoholic yeah cervical disease
game cirrhosis game i don’t know that
so if you wanted to make it a game which
i would
not shot roses i feel like that’s a
better name
this is a fun game called shot rosis and
you just
keep i mean if you want to attach a
liquor to it you can too if you want it
to be like fireball or something
okay so and and i wouldn’t recommend
getting this this is actually bad so
another issue is that blood from your
digestive tract
that normally flows to the liver when
the liver is serosed
less blood can get through so it the
blood backs up and
increases blood pressure between the
digestive tract and the liver and that’s
known as portal hypertension
so this causes swelling in the abdomen
and spleen and in certain blood vessels
including the ones in the throat uh and
that causes
esophageal varices so it’s the blood
vessels in your throat just swelling up
so those can burst and cause bloody
or black stool uh
just like a power hour yeah i feel like
you don’t want this
so it’s um it can also cause hepatic
encephalopathy from a build-up of toxins
in the brain that the liver normally
would detoxify or remove and so the
patients with hepatic encephalopathy can
have decreased mental function or
they can have a flapping tremor with
their hands called asterixis
rigidity hyperreflexia pheter hepaticus
and that’s a musty odor of breath
these patients you know they could have
all those things but they could also
no noticeable findings early in the
disease uh others may have that
that bleeding in the throat that i
mentioned and that’s the most
life-threatening complication of the
portal hypertension
treatment includes treating the
underlying disease so
abstaining from alcohol is an obvious i
usually i think just like gatorade or
like the morning after you know what i
mean you’re gonna like a cure for a
i would say do that and then make some
like i don’t know biscuits and gravy
with sausage something like
real just good and fatty
okay so and well once again this is
chronic that i think you’re talking a
little bit more about acute and even so
an acute disease it’s so if varices are
present the first step is to stabilize a
patient with iv
fluids if they are hemodynamically
unstable once stabilized emergent upper
gi endoscopy is performed for diagnosis
and to treat the hemorrhage either with
ligation or sclerotherapy iv triotide
can help in the acute setting and to
prevent recurrence you can use
non-selective beta blockers like
propanol timolola and nadal
uh for the hepatic encephalopathy that’s
the part where the brain gets filled
with toxins
they can be given lactulose to prevent
the absorption of ammonia
they can give it be given um rifaximin
which is an antibiotic that kills bowel
and so it decreases the ammonia
production by intestinal bacteria
and just because just because you’re not
in college anymore
doesn’t mean that you can’t do these
kind of drinking games
this is one thing you know i think
people once they get too
old they sort of settle into a pattern
not not just being kids anymore you know
what i mean
not having fun and so i encourage you if
40 years old listen to this 50 60
70 years old let’s get some shot roses
go down to the liquor store let’s uh
let’s pump this up
okay and okay so some other
we’re nearly done with explaining the
what i see as a
pretty bad disease and what you see as a
game uh
and if you’re if you’re sober from
liquor then i mean
wine or beer works great too you just
have to do larger quantities
okay so um other complications include
panorino syndrome
that’s treated with octreotide metadrine
you can have hepatopulmonary syndrome
that’s characterized by orthodoxy
or that’s hypoxia when you’re sitting
upright they can have
a spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
blood clots and hepatocellular carcinoma
ultimately once the liver becomes
serosed the cure is a
liver transplant and you can’t get one
of those unless you’re abstaining from
alcohol for
more than six months uh everyone with
cirrhosis should get an ultrasound every
six months
every six months to screen for cancer uh
because of course
that that irritation that cirrhosis and
fibrosis can can cause cancer
but again just pedialyte the morning
after i feel like that’s gonna affect
that’s gonna like
really get you get you up and going
or just chill out you know what i mean
just like have a day to yourself on the
couch and just watch tv
you know yeah well
we can go and move on from there if
that’s you know
i i feel like any advice you give here
is really not going to be good for
for the listener well
you think that there’s not enough like
rules in the game because right now it
sounds like it’s just you
you just drink until you get this
you think there maybe should be like so
then what if before they drink you know
they’ve got to take like the little
little crown off the
off the cup kind of like in king’s cup
yeah i’m i feel like or just yeah
like just we’ll just add the like the
thumb thing like if someone puts their
thumb on the table
everyone has to do it real quick so you
just do that
you keep doing shots um until you get
this disease and then i think that i
think that’ll be good
okay and that’s you know that’s
cameron’s opinion i i want to you know
remind our listeners that cameron is not
a medical professional per se he’s more
he’s a producer
more of a medical guru yeah all right
we can move on from there say i’m a guru
he’s a guru okay thank you that’s not
all right uh cameron you said that we
have a special guest today is that right
that’s right dr london but here’s the
thing though
is that i don’t know who it is the
person is they like their
publicist called us right but like
they weren’t willing to tell us like who
the guest was so
they’re hiding they’re hiding right
behind that door
okay do you wanna no okay
oh all right so i’ll just i’ll pull the
door string
okay you do it yeah okay uh
hello there my name is dr
londonsmith.com and this is our producer
cameron and what was your name
hey baby it’s donald glover how y’all
oh how am i doing how are you how is
london doing yeah because yeah this is
directed to me yeah how are you doing i
would say the
the deepness of your v-neck right now dr
london scrubs are
have a very very deep v right now i
would say that it’s showing you
showing a very confident positive
attitude yeah
uh i mean it’s just it’s just my style
too well we can
just i mean donald you’re you’re sort of
a fashion expert yourself like you’re
known for your
your style i mean what do you think of
dr london’s
extremely deep veed scrubs
i do like that v-neck but you know
i got different sides of my personality
like me donald
you know i just like to dress like uh
you know like kind of like kanye on the
college dropout album
but you know you know childish gambino
he don’t wear shirts
ever oh no because you gotta show like
london’s like a mix
okay so i guess maybe
a compromise would be dr london could
you do sort of a crop top like maybe cut
your shirt your scrubs in half so you’re
showing a little bit of your abs you’re
saying that we should
that i should because his his fashion
preference is different then i should go
ahead and
take out these scissors you’re handing
me the scissors and just
just make this into a crop top right now
yeah i mean donald’s making a great
point you’ve got these different
personalities in the same way that
i mean donald it sounds like you sort of
your you as donald and also childish
and in the city these two sides two
sides in the same way we’ve got dr
london the um kind of dog napper
and just scoundrel and also dr london
the podcasting doctor
okay so and i i do i want to bring up
you know something here
because i know you’re you’re talking as
if our all of our listeners will know
who this
is you know i only recently heard about
uh there’s there’s a tv show um
called community uh i i recently heard
about it
and recently yeah it’s it’s um
dr london is not allowed to watch a lot
television yeah and i’m not allowed to
listen to any music
so no it’s um his mom gets really mad
and so he has to like stay up super late
and sort of like sneak in the living
room to to watch it
like like keep the haul the tv wow dr
london i didn’t know he was listening
like that
i mean um well i’m donald glover
uh i i was on community and i
i got my own show it’s called atlantis
on fx we want a lot of emmys atlantis
okay so so you’re based on so you got
like an aquatic feel
it said uh uh uh not
not quite at not atlantis like the uh
the disney cartoon mm-hmm atlanta that’s
the next round
that’s where i grew up okay so
you’re skipping over you were in an
extremely huge disney cartoon very
recently you were
you played uh simba and the lion king
yeah but i just did that for the check
oh wow you hate
that you hate your role in the lion king
that’s huge this is exclusive
information i love this
i’m just surprised let’s be honest it’s
not very good no it
sucked it was awful but to hear you say
that makes me feel
so good on our podcast i love that so
dr london were you saying something yeah
it just might my only exposure to you
uh mr glover is uh
so i saw one clip from the show
community and it was
the one where you and another character
were singing about christmas or i guess
rapping about christmas
and so i’m just that’s and i i have to
assume that like at least
three quarters of our audience uh you
know the all the aspiring
they’re all we’re marketed towards
six-year-old children
but they’re all aspiring medical
so that’s sort of that’s the audience
that i’m expecting so i don’t know if
they’re going to be familiar with the
rest of your work so if we could focus
maybe on just at least for the moment
the thing that all of us will know about
which is you sing about
christmas and right you’re saying that
our audience of children
wouldn’t recognize donald from something
like say
the lion king but maybe the christmas
wrapping episode
not the episode yeah just the right when
said you stay up really late and you
sneak into the living room to watch tv
so your mom doesn’t know
i really meant you sneak in the living
room to watch youtube videos
that’s right yeah well just like a
just like when you were a kid just sneak
in the living room and you flip on the
youtube videos and it’s showing you a
30-second community clip from 11 years
yeah well because normally it’s it’s all
you know suturing techniques
or uh you know looking at whatever
surgeries uh
and it’s that’s kind of fun and so this
one came up on my feed because i
i guess it’s related so what
i don’t understand what we’re talking
about so donald why are you here you’re
this gigantic star why
and you under such secrecy i mean your
publicist just told us that it was
someone very special we had we had no
idea it was you
well you know i didn’t i didn’t i didn’t
want the black to be too hot i just
wanted it to be like a
a little surprise just for just for us
you know i
i happen to come across your podcast
it was on spotify recommends it comes it
comes very
uh highly recommended and i listened to
it and i was like i gotta be on that
wow okay that this is i mean again
you are pretty famous for being sort of
a verse like sort of uh not into
the marketing interviews kind of aspect
of thing
and so for you to just pop onto this
means so much to be donald i’m sorry i’m
kind of
i’ve kept tearing up here are you what
you welcome baby you know sometimes i
just want to talk you know this isn’t
really a marketing job
like i’m not here to market anything i
just want to talk i just want to learn
you know what i’m assuming here like
yeah okay so
um yeah so i’m trying to think of a way
to tie
medicine into the the christmas wrap
uh oh right you’re you’re fixated on the
christmas wrap well i just it’s always
because it’s the only thing that you and
will know yeah you know i gotta i gotta
that i don’t remember the rap really
well because i mean i filmed that like
like i was just i was barely out of nyu
when i filmed that show but
but i mean we could do whatever you want
baby yeah okay yeah okay
i imagine it’s mostly just talking about
christmas i don’t think there’s anything
like i don’t even i’m not even sure
there’s an angle on it yeah
well i uh it’s been a while since i
watched as well so
what i remember of it was something
about this is what you want to talk
about with our
the only a-list celebrity we’ve ever had
on this show
that’s not true we had we did george jar
jar martin yeah
i was gonna say uh jason otier the
famous pop star
oh right we did have and he’s well he’s
more of an apocalypse plus
star no offense donald he was of course
the one who was cancelled
released the album apologize but so um
him i’m familiar with oddly but uh
okay so so donald have you um i guess
okay here’s what we can do since i and
presumably most of our listeners only
about the one youtube clip what if we
focus instead on your dreams and
maybe i’m hoping they’re within medicine
it’s something that we can you know join
in with you
on i great maybe this is too
presumptuous for me but
i’m thinking uh maybe
you know you have you have atlantis
maybe we have something like
a medical tie-in like we
well you know i i’m an artist so i’m
like a doctor too because i heal
y’all heal people with medicine i heal
people with my art
and that’s very true i you know
i bring up a lot of times how on this
show how dr london’s sort of a quack
because he focuses so much on like the
technical aspects of things he’s like
oh does this chemical mix right with
this other chemical to make this person
feel better
but it’s like he doesn’t think about art
he doesn’t think about comedy
because comedy is also medicine and you
both of those things and you’re
shirtless that’s three things that you
yeah and i
i i thank you for for putting dr london
in his place like this
you know i don’t even mean it with any
disrespect and like it’s okay
you did bring up the shirtless thing i
just want to say i
i love being shirtless because i don’t
even have like a uh
a banging physique like i don’t look
like jason derulo or
or the rock or one of those i’m just i’m
just donald i like to eat pizza
and i mean i work out like two times a
week and to be honest when you are
wearing clothes it’s often
very like thin sheer
like kind of see-through clothes anyway
so you might as well be shirtless
i get it and i’m going to take my shirt
i think we should all take our shirts
off yeah well i’ve okay so i’m going to
do it
mr glover i thought that you you had
your shirt off when you came in because
you lost it
is that’s not the case oh oh no no no i
mean i got a closet with shirts you know
you know when i go pick up an award or
something because i win so many awards
but nah i just i just like to be
shirtless okay
i mean you’re kind of your v-neck is
very deep so
i mean you you’re kind of like halfway
there you might as well join me baby
and if you could just my head is stuck
taking my shirt off if you could just
if you could just handle this yeah you
mean like
tie it off so that it stays there yeah
just yeah just go ahead and tie it off
okay so now now i’m
i’m i’m feeling a lot better sort of
wearing a mask now
i mean donald i want to thank you for uh
hanging out with us now
so i mean this is a a medical
podcast like we were talking about
before so i do
have to ask a question are you sick
i mean i’m sick you know of what’s going
on in the world
and all that stuff but personally no i’m
doing fine i’m a celebrity baby i got
top-notch kid
wow and see this is why we don’t need
people like dr
london in our lives because if everyone
just had the attitude
of i’m gonna become an a-list superstar
then we would all be taken care of
this is why i don’t believe in universal
health care
because i just think that like if you if
just become extremely famous then you’ll
be taken care of
it’s motivation and you’re a big yang
guy so you you understand that yes but
see the
because like not everybody could do what
i do i
i don’t want to be too mean about it but
not everybody can do what i do
just because i’m so talented like that
because i’m sucking up so much talent
that means there’s not going to be
enough talent to distribute to the rest
of the world
so i gotta like you know you know i’m
taken care of but
but i like yang because he’s like here’s
a thousand dollars
make sure you’re good exactly if you
can’t get as much money as i can
you know you’re making sure everybody’s
taken care of that’s why
yang gang baby okay so i i have i have
one question that you know this is kind
not not exactly related to your career
but the fact that you’re a celebrity
um we’ve had this new sponsor
and i’m wondering so so we’ll go walking
down the street
with uh you know crampy
cola koala i’m sure you’ve you’ve heard
and it’s just the press the paparazzi
has been
all over us and like even before the
just me you know just because this this
podcast is obviously so huge
uh you know our patreon is exploding
it’s more than we can
handle really so what we’ve been
struggling with is
the celebrity of it because um i i guess
one question is
do you do you have one of those masks
that people put on to like
go to a bar that you know that makes you
look normal like like
not a celebrity
oh oh i see what you’re saying like i
honestly honestly like i’m i’m not very
tall like
i i don’t look like i’m like i’m not
like nba tall i’m just like regular
and if i put a shirt on and i put some
sunglasses on people
people just think i’m another black guy
so i’m i mean i’m usually cool like i
don’t got to get too crazy with the
disguise just like
i i i wish i was a little bit taller
which was a baller
right maybe i’d have to put on like a a
elaborate disguise like i i really like
maybe i would like put on a scooby-doo
costume no one would notice like a six
foot two dog
but but i you know or or maybe just wear
a paper bag like a jets fan
i don’t know just really blend with the
crowd like that you know
yeah but i i do want to say you you do
you sort of list i just looked up your
height you list your
height at five nine but i i don’t wanna
blow up your spot here and we can edit
this out but you’re clearly more like
two your
next q next question i i don’t wanna i
don’t wanna discuss this i don’t know
i am so sorry dj dylan just go ahead and
just go and
cut all that out yeah nope oh yeah you
better cut that out don’t
have my agent reach out you know it says
here that you’re five nine
i gotta say you look more like five
eleven to me
oh yeah you you know i just wanted to be
humble because like i’m already so rich
and famous yeah once
many awards like it would suck to be
five eleven two people get very jealous
so i like i like i knocked it off two
inches and i was like okay why not
so so one i get i’m sorry to go back to
this but
uh because i know whatever i said that i
asked if you put on disguises when you
go out and you said
sunglasses is fine um but you also
really seem to emphasize the height
aspect as if that would disguise so i
you know there are certain celebrities
that are known for being shorter like
say tom cruise
very recognizable celebrity but
um you know he’s he’s short not not tall
or he’s
i guess shorter than average so uh
for him do you think if he just put on
like is that is that the entire trick to
if you’re short enough yes and no
tom cruise has like the energy
of like an older person like your
grandparents but he looks like he’s 25
so like it’s just his whole aura is
confusing so you just know it’s him
like i’ve seen him on a lot before and
i’m just like
tom like we all know it’s you and um
i’m not joining scientology stop asking
me okay
so he so he he does disguise himself
but it doesn’t do any good no he cuz
he’s always dressed up he’s always
dressed up and he’ll put like some
aviators on and i’m just like
bro we know it’s you okay can’t wait for
the next mission impossible movie but
and also stop the scientology stuff but
you know whatever and you’re sure it’s
i just you you’re positive that that’s
tom cruise that you’re talking to
these moments happen you just it’s like
is it just is it possible
another just it’s just another like 5-2
man running around yelling at people
about scientology there are a lot of
those in los
angeles yes yes but the problem is
tom like he has grandpa energy but his
face looks like he was born in 1995
yeah that’s that’s what throws it off
like if you get any whiff of the face
and like
why is your skin not wrinkly you’re like
oh that’s concrete why do you look like
you’re wearing the face of another man
essentially yeah yeah well just like the
exactly little mask well i mean
i mean dr lund does that does that does
that get to the heart of your question
i i guess so so for us
whenever i’m walking down the street
okay that’s what this is all about okay
so dr
london is trying to figure out how to
hide in the crowd so he’s not hounded by
the paparazzi
she’s constant yeah so i mean
and you’ve told me don’t wear the the
jock doc podcast brand mask
on my face you told me don’t do that
with a logo
uh which i mean i i can’t not do that
so so that’s gonna happen dr london well
you could double mask
because you wear your jack doc podcast
mask and then you wear like a
like a reusable mask too but and then
boom well but i have to
oh you’re trying you’re trying to
advertise yeah yeah i have to advertise
it’s i mean granted yes our masks are
the the best
quality there is yeah uh it’s you know
it it’s they don’t they don’t put it on
the cdc website as much because
you know the n95 masks are sort of the
but um the only reason they don’t you
know put ours on the website is because
the limited supply
well the n95s don’t have a speaker in
them that if someone is within six feet
of you it starts saying get back
get back and ours ours does
oh wow yeah it’s it’s pretty
okay you sound interested you know we
have them for sale i would love that
i’d even i told you i wasn’t gonna brand
i’d love to collab like i could i could
sing it for you like
stay six feet back
yes stay six feet back so we i can do i
can do an aggressive rap too hold on
hold on
i can do a girl take six feet back stay
fit give me back stay six feet back
i mean i’m trying to get better i got i
got different styles baby well
now i’m feeling so stupid because we we
already ordered 600 000 of these
for you know they already have the chip
in them with
uh it’s not the bill gates chip it’s a
different one
just a yell it’s just me saying get back
yeah and stop it
leave me alone is there a way to rework
these yeah leave me alone was
a lot of it’s the frustrating thing is
you did the programming so i don’t know
how many of these
you know turned out uh saying which
i feel like you just had impossible to
know yeah yeah so
some of them are just grocery lists real
quick dr linda i gotta call you out you
you say that you wanna like hide in the
crowd a little more but you
invite this attention a lot i mean even
right now you’re dating the socialite
krampus kardashian
that’s right is that i mean oh wow it’s
you know like you know that that the
krampus kardashian is going to invite
a lot of cameras taking pics of y’all
yeah but
so that’s my personal life and um
you know whenever i have feelings for
someone then are we gonna are we gonna
say that’s a
just a publicity stunt or
maybe do i actually have feelings for
someone that to me that that’s pretty
unfair criticism
i didn’t i don’t choose what my heart
wants right my heart wants this
this person who’s you know heavily
associated with reality tv and very
famous and
yeah krampus kardashian yeah krampus
kardashian so it’s
i didn’t know you was dating krampus yes
that’s news to me y’all keep it on down
low no it’s it’s been
it’s been great it’s been great um there
have been
some some family troubles uh yeah it
does seem like publicity though dr
london like it
no i just in the past when you genuinely
liked a girl you
you can’t talk to her because you’re
constantly like sort of
vomiting that’s right and you start
crying if she starts talking to you she
you start
crying okay well first off so
the constant vomiting when you like
someone that’s normal
everyone has that donald do you
experience that when you have a crush on
when you’re hanging out with janae aiko
and she is turning you down
is that is that why what
cameron why y’all bring that up like i’m
really sorry dj dylan cut that out i
don’t know what’s wrong with me i’m just
i’m just i don’t know
that you’ve been you’ve been you’ve been
uh you’ve been a livestream
i just i’m a big fan so it’s just you
know i i
i sometimes i i’m curious about behind
the scenes you know
but you’ve had some heart you’ve had
heartbreak in your life but you’ve also
had a lot of love
does that i mean do you experience sort
of what dr london experiences like a lot
of nervousness and
excessive vomiting when you’re into
you you know you know you if you if you
listen to
my my uh my album you know behind the
that song 3005 that’s about getting
no matter what you say what you do and i
don’t want to miss
you yeah that was just me that was just
honestly you know it was me asking a
girl out yeah and you know
all the words to your songs which is so
cool i love when artists
don’t clearly yeah just know all the
words to their songs
i mean so dr london maybe you are a
little more normal than i’m uh giving
you credit for but it just seems like
publicity just because you’re
not throwing up as much as you usually
do you’re still throwing up let me know
way too much i really think as a doctor
you should
be more interested in whatever’s going
on there it’s just nerves we all
look we all get this and our listeners
will you know they’ll i’m sure they’ll
back me up
over twitter and everything you know let
me know like
it’s you know let’s let’s get the
hashtag going if it’s just
nerds then stop eating so many of those
boxes of nerds before you go to bed
uh no it’s a nerd before bed a nerd
before a wake
and that’s how uh maybe they’re talking
about a nerd
like the little pebble not an entire
we’re talking about the movie theater
boxes here
oh wait wait wait wait wait you you are
you even nerds like humans or
you talking about the candy because i i
need you to clarify because if you’re a
i gotta hop off this thing cola contains
new cools okay crampy or
what’s our culture it’s crampy that’s so
interesting that our creamy koala
is has a similar name to your girlfriend
krampus kardashian
yeah yeah it’s i mean i it’s not that
it’s just you know yeah it’s not really
that interesting latin and greek root
words maybe but i don’t know
um where are we are you a cannibal is
this like
this is like an army army hammer thing
is that his name
well and you know i hate to i hate to
pivot from this but for just a second we
do have to address
because of the mention of ingredients
what’s in something um so
so koala cola contains no koalas
they’re absolutely not yeah we do have
to mention this because like you said
the just the the mention of what an
ingredient is
we are obligated to mention koala cola
has only pure ingredients nothing you
weird about it i wouldn’t look too
closely at the ingredients
but just because it’s so many words it’s
like i don’t even know what half the
stuff means
but there’s no koala in it there can’t
yeah um i’m sorry so anyway to answer
the question uh
i don’t i don’t think i’ve eaten
humans i don’t think i’ve practiced
cannibalism okay
and you are when you’re talking about
eating a box of nerds you are talking
about the the candy
i oh
i didn’t expect you’re not supposed to
to stutter on that yeah it should be a
straight yeah
i didn’t expect sort of like uh oh
um should we just move on
you know i don’t want to blow up your
spot dr london and get you in trouble
yeah it’s just some i i don’t i don’t
know where it comes from but yeah
um so yeah we can uh i i don’t think
it’s that important
is i guess what i’m getting at here so
what what you’re bringing up was you
have this before bed
and is this making me vomit more uh
and i would say no that’s just
i it’s just i don’t know and you’re
sweating so much lately i don’t know i
don’t like any of this
i don’t i don’t want to i don’t want to
dig into this any further i don’t think
yeah good because i i mean like i said
we’re just yes
is this a krampus thing has she
introduced you into
this weird food that you’ve been eating
you’ve been trying i heard they
illuminati so
they might be into some weird stuff dr
london you
ah what oh speak for yourself i have a
question about that donald have you
been invited into the illuminati you’re
a pretty big celebrity i’d imagine
they’ve at least
i’ve turned i’ll turn them down
everything so you have been invited
how do they invite you is it just you
get a phone call or postcard
yeah how do they reach out y’all seen
that movie uh the social network
yeah from a distance they they just they
just slide it in under your door
like with a little insignia and that’s
it and again i live in like a gated
community because i’m rich as hell
yeah they they still find a way in and
they just
you can pinch for the illuminati and i’m
like my black ass will not be
joining thank you very much but wait
wait wait so they give you a copy of the
social network
and is this information in the movie
like you’ve
suddenly got um jesse eisenberg like
being like hey you’re invited to the
well jesse eisenberg is in the
illuminati just to confirm but
but no no no like you know when they
were doing i i didn’t provide
proper uh contacts you know when they’re
doing like uh
like the the what’s it the social clubs
like the phoenix like they they pinch
you they slide the
envelope with the invitational
i was under the impression yeah okay i
get it now so actually
yeah so and it’s facebook now not the
that’s been uh is it the fake is it is
it not the facebook anymore
yeah no i think they recently made a
change i just call it the hell hole
personally yeah yeah the hell hoe it’s
not simpler because crap you’re not a
social media guy donald you don’t you
don’t post very much and when you do
usually delete it after a while
and uh i don’t i don’t need people
hating on me
oh so it’s the haters that keeps you
away the haters make
me brave i love my haters
y’all y’all haven’t met the right haters
yet you
when when you when you when you get to
my level and don’t worry you y’all y’all
are like on your little mission
y’all are getting in my level not quite
there yet but you’re on your way once
you get to my level you’re gonna want to
disengage from all that stuff
from all the hate so okay well so that’s
another question so whenever the haters
uh come up and they you know approach
uh first i guess my first question is
how would you recognize a hater
um yeah what are haters throwing at you
that’s uh
because maybe we have encountered a
hater and we aren’t aware the real bad
haters cause like if someone’s just like
jack doc podcast sucks that ain’t gonna
hurt your feelings you don’t care baby
do they mean it like were they comparing
it to vacuums and they’re saying like
uh if it was a vacuum then it’d actually
be really good
but it’s what it’s supposed to do don’t
don’t take them seriously they probably
like great
grey’s anatomy fans or something i’m
fans don’t like us why don’t grey’s
anatomy fans like
us that’s the main demographic we’re
trying to appeal to yeah
six-year-olds crazy six-year-old sandra
oh fans
well well it’s kind of well i mean
six-year-olds have abc right so like
it’s not um yeah airway breathing
circulation that’s right
that’s true okay so okay i’m good now
so so all that to say okay someone
someone comes up to you
and they say donald i’m going to be
but i’m not crazy about your music what
do you how do you react
that’s the way that’s not the way haters
operate that’s what i’m trying to push
okay that’s good the haters the haters
want to join your posse and they’re like
i love all your stuff i love atlanta i
i love the childish gambino album where
do like parliament funkadelic and all
that stuff but you can’t really sing
that well yeah they tell me that to my
and then you find out these people are
scheming behind your back trying to
limit your opportunities saying that you
suck and you ain’t got it no more
that’s what the real hayden is like
trying to scheme behind your back
but in into your face they’re acting
like your friend
it’s it’s the betrayal the the set of
females oh
wow that’s what you got to be careful
for double-sided
people telling you you outright suck i
mean that’s just that’s just a numbers
thing like that’s gonna happen that’s
well i don’t know that that’ll happen
that’s that’s good
i hope to god that doesn’t happen but
well i i hope y’all toughen up a little
yes because you’re telling me that maybe
i need to be more worried about the
people who are close
to me in my life all the kind of people
random strangers
because i’ve been wondering about this
my mom has been telling me lately that
i’ve been doing a great job
and i just don’t think that that’s
like i i think she’s faking it so she is
my mom a hater is she a hater
yeah she your mama
i oh that’s a tough one i think i think
you’re gonna have to get one of those uh
fbi lie detector test and yeah and plug
your mom’s up to it
are your friends just to know for sure a
polygraph or is this a new kind
of type of polygraph i just like calling
it a fbi lie detector test like
polygraph sounds so professional babe
oh no i mean it is a life what do you
have me saying about a polygraph it is a
lie detector test dr london were you
wondering if it was like a truth serum
or some sort of like medical thing
yeah i just i i’m aware that giving my
mom like a lobotomy
and yeah a chunk of her brother oh it’s
the government they it’s the government
don’t have no
new technological updates come on dr
london ain’t you a doc don’t you know
he really doesn’t know a whole lot
no they still use that old 1960 machine
where they hook it up to your arm like
meet the parents
yeah come on man ain’t got no new tech
okay so it’s
all right i think i think i’ve got a
grip on what
what the haters are about um i feel like
we got a grip on how to approach
celebrity stardom now
i just i can’t help but feel like we’re
approaching the time to to get some
chores done
and oh god it’s so awkward because we
have a celebrity on
and do you let me uh donald i’m i’m
really sorry about this but uh
for for for you and for people who
haven’t listened to the epis or listened
to our show before
um dr london and i have been neglecting
all of our chores all of our tasks all
the things we have to do around the
house and around the studio and around
space needle and these different things
um you know like
we we’ve neglected the dishes no one’s
mopped the floor
in years um the dog hasn’t been waxed in
and so we we’ve sort of made this big
chore wheel it’s a wheel it’s got a
bunch of different chores on it we give
that thing a spin every week and
whatever it lands on
we have to do it even if we hate the
tour because we don’t want to do it i
hate it i don’t want to do that
i really don’t want to wax the dog i i
i’m i’m a little confused because i’m
like don’t y’all just pay people to do
this for you
i do want to like so i was paying
someone to clean things but then i
sort of found out she was a hater mm-hmm
and so i would tell them she kept saying
such nice things about him
and so we knew that that was a problem
yeah we knew that she must be a hater
and so
that’s a telltale sign yeah we had to
get rid of her but so
that’s why we’ve got this chore wheel
system um so
i mean donald can you stick around and
help us out with us
i don’t want to please but but
but i like your podcast
i could i could lower myself just just
this one time
can you would you be willing to give the
old shore wheel
a big old spin you can you can catch
it i could do that for you yeah it’s
fine yeah you can do it shirtless you
can do it however you it works
if you do it shirtless i’ve tested it in
private okay
all right all right you mean like sure
let’s like rub my nipple on it
or just spin it you know what do what
you feel
yeah be be your honest self i’m not
about to limit
and every one of his dance moves was
some sort of like allegorical
like reference to something wow donald
you are a genius
baby yeah you’re just constantly on
another level
uh oh no it landed oh boy i don’t want
to do this
okay uh do you want to read it because
no i i can i can read it if you want
yeah yeah okay you need to
so and this is uh you know
very very i i don’t know if it’s
providence whatever that that happened
to come up today but it is
telling us what is your um
new improved disguise for going in
oh okay so our chore for this week is
we’ve got to come up with
new outfits and new disguises to wear on
public to
to avoid the freaks of the losers and
the pop
and the uh the haters yes and
that’s not a little presidential maybe
like pickpocketers
that’s been a thing lately i feel like
everything i put in my pocket has been
been stolen yeah well because
you did because you cut out the bottoms
of your pockets
yeah to because they’re like my minus
has gotten so large
okay but i needed the extra like yeah i
that goes with what you told me which
was that you just need to be able to run
faster and if air can travel through the
yes you were saying that that would you
know that means yeah it’s wind it lowers
wind resistance
yeah so i don’t know
that’s anyway yeah we we gotta we gotta
figure this out like
this is this is great that this short
finally came up and i
i’m tired of being hounded by people too
so this is
this is great and the hounds yeah okay
do we want to yeah come up with some
outfit do you want me to start
yeah yeah if you could start yeah i mean
this is this is actually kind of freeing
because i always feel like oh i always
have to wear sort of like just a t-shirt
and jeans
or just a button-up shirt just because
there’s you know there’s not a ton of
flexibility in just average guys fashion
um so i would really like to
start wearing a pumpkin on my head like
the charlie brown
yeah like the great pumpkin because i
see that cartoon and
one it’s badass two
you it has to smell pretty good if
you’re switching out that pumpkin every
day i’m not saying sticking with the
same pumpkin
okay but if you’ve got a fresh pumpkin
that you’re carving out and we like the
smell of yeah
yeah i mean there’s like a like a fall
pumpkin you can add sort of like
cinnamony spices into it if you want
sort of to okay you know there’s ways to
make it smell nice
add spices into an enclosed space around
your head
yeah yeah there’s eye holes still well i
just it’s a jack-o-lantern
with my face i might sneeze or something
but okay
um so that
let’s start with that and then i’m gonna
go ahead and say
i’m definitely gonna be wearing skates
just so if the outfit doesn’t work out i
zoom out of there yeah yeah um so i’m
gonna get motorized skates so i can
i have an app and so you can just press
the button on the app and you just go
zoo it’s not a hoverboard
no it because that’s well that’s brand
thing was it
was it it’s a cameron board yeah a
camera board it’s
self-invented well
yeah it’s it’s a board but it doesn’t
really it has one wheel
and you’re just kind of precariously and
it’s not a unique sorry
i’m still here yes i’m sorry i
i tuned out i tuned out for a little bit
y’all y’all y’all’s little chore will
inspire me to make a new song whoa
what’s it about it’s about the chill
yes okay i mean can we hear this
this is amazing i could give you i could
give you a little snippet i’ll do it a
cappella for you yeah
yeah i’ve heard of the cop i didn’t get
the samples cleared yet
oh there’s already samples chosen for
this that’s awesome what is it sampling
i can’t tell you that yet baby but it
might be a kanye song
whoa and i’m very i’m very worried that
he’s gonna
that was a presidential candidate at a
high price because he yeah
former former presidential candidate
kanye west yes okay yeah i was wondering
where i heard the name
yeah the politician that’s right oh
that’s right yeah the six-year-olds may
not be familiar with his
uh his music catalog that’s right okay
okay i’m gonna sing it for you real
disguises disguises
gotta go outside disguises gotta run
outside disguises
disguises disguises
that that’s that’s all i got but i think
that’s a that’s a billboard
number one i mean if morgan walden could
be on the charts for so long so
i mean i mean that’s easily number one
yeah i’d have to be
okay so you know on that so then let’s
let me just for my outfit pumpkin head
very large cape uh
motorized skates this song
jamming on sort of a boom box strapped
to my back
yeah that’s that’s good you’re doing a
music video right there
this is this is staying away from the
paparazzi but still peacocking you know
what i mean
finding that balance and it’s great
you know you already had you’ve had a
boombox strapped to your back so far but
it’s just been playing
you know the uh cleanup song from barney
on repeat just
clean up clean it up everybody and
yeah it does blair it does clean up by
seven times then it goes so sick by neo
from like
2006. it does that twice
and then it goes back to cleanup cleanup
by bar
yeah so so it’ll be great to change that
up to just the one song
uh yeah just playing so loud okay i mean
that’s my that’s that’s it that’s my
outfit okay
um all right mr glover do you have i
know you
you know the sunglasses are your big
thing uh but for a new outfit
if you had to add something or change
let me let me think about that because i
so you you you got a pumpkin i’m doing a
i would say you could do a pumpkin too
if you wanted oh yeah
you could totally do a pumpkin or any
fruit that you want now you know you
know what i would do
if if i’m trying to blend in with with
the you know
uh anglo american crowd i might do an
avocado okay grab myself in a nice
little avocado
shell wow yeah the the shells that are
famously head
sized well i mean donald is again
we said he was five too it’s really like
he’s four to i don’t i don’t want to say
anything his head is so tiny
but we can’t see okay hey i hear y’all
no hey oh no no adida dylan
we were just talking about something i
am so sorry man um
the avocado i think is a good idea you
know what was what i was going to
suggest though is like
you you’re famous for being sort of like
multi-talented right you’re a writer
you’re a comedian you’re a rapper you’re
a producer
but one thing that you are not is a
famous athlete
so if you were trying to hide from
people what if you you know you walked
into the club
you’re wearing full pinstripe baseball
outfits yes with a baseball hat
and a baseball bat and you’re walking
around and it’s got you know donuts on
it it’s got weights on it so you’re just
kind of like
you’re just kind of like prepping to go
up to the
to the plate yeah and you’re just you
just do that in the vip section of the
club people are going to be like oh
that can’t be it looks like donald
glover but donald clifford doesn’t play
for the mets
i yeah
i’m just like a i’m just like a pitcher
baby i’m like one of them relievers
ooh even better yeah like if you’re a
pitcher so you’ve got the glove and the
ball and you’re just like throwing it
into the glove over and over again
you’re just standing there
chewing back i’m like i’m like one of
them six-year-olds that listen to your
podcast just like playing around with
the ball
yeah constantly spitting they’re gonna
love this part this is actually
i i don’t know if you know what’s gonna
be you know in our sneak peek preview
snippets but uh i hope that it’s that
part cause that those kids are gonna go
nuts for it yeah i mean we do try to
take a second
in every episode and just talk about
shapes because kids who listen to the
go [ __ ] crazy like we
uh i mean i’ll just say yeah the bigger
think of the biggest rectangle you can
think of
like that alone is going to make the
kids go insane
thank you yes thank you yeah that’s
great all right
all right so i still want to stick with
the avocado though so we’re gonna do an
avocado head baseball player
is what i essentially i think this is
going to come down to i
i i feel like that blends in perfectly
i mean i can just imagine being in the
club and seeing
a forefoot sorry a 5 foot 11
man running around with a baseball bat
glove and ball and thinking that that
cannot be donald glover
like that would be my first thought
yeah that’s that’s for sure okay
you know disguises inconspicuous
avocado pumpkin
picture for baseball team
disguises yes disguises
i know that’s a little off pitch but
that’s my brand baby i don’t sing on
[ __ ]
yeah that’s your thing okay
that’s great i’m really feeling this all
right yeah dr london what do you got
yeah but for mine you know i’ve i’ve
thought long and hard about this i think
and i’m gonna go with uh
naked except for a shower curtain oh
yeah because
it’s one of those things where you want
to show up and you’re a shower curtain
not like a bathtub this is like you
fell out of the shower yes yes okay it
took the curtain down with you okay
yeah and so i’m just i’m you know and i
the tough part about it will be that i
of course have to have a conditioner in
my hair
um just whenever i go out but if i do
that i’m
holding it you know with one hand
holding it closed
then people the last thing people are
going to think about is is that a
celebrity they’re going to think
right well yeah like should i show them
out of the show i should give this man
slippers so we can stop slipping around
because of course the whole time because
you’re you’re soaking wet
yeah you’re kind of just going whoa and
sort of
yeah yeah yeah
and then krampus kardashian’s right
there and she’s like who is that
yeah and yeah all the paparazzi focused
on her yeah it’s perfect
okay do you want a fruit or vegetable as
a head
um i’d i’d like to antelope
those are pretty big i’ll have one of
one hand holding it closed so i’m just
trying to think
i’d like to have something that maybe i
you know as i’m saying woo that i can
exaggerate it further by
kind of bouncing a fruit in my hand so
i could do cantaloupe might be good
that’s yeah that’s a whoo
and then i can let that kind of lead the
so nothing on your head no fruit on your
i what about a carmen miranda fruit hat
okay yes a fruit hat sounds great it
might interfere with the
the conditioner aspect conditioner
aspect yeah
yeah but i kind of like it like maybe i
threw it on hurriedly
while i was falling out of the the
the shower and i just threw on whatever
i had
oh okay yeah make it look like the there
was a bunch maybe a shelf of fruit above
the shower
that fell on you simple
wow great guys i think we did it can we
check off this chore like i
think this is done we’ve got three
kick-ass looks right now
that yeah when i feel like if that’s
three disguises baby i feel like if we
when we go to chili’s later i’m the
we’re going to
like have you been to that club before
donald oh
you know i was telling you like that’s i
love to be posted up in the chili’s with
my sunglasses on
just slathering some baby back ribs
in a margarita and we’re gonna we’re
gonna go into chili’s and no one’s gonna
bother us
and finally we’re gonna be able to have
that skillet queso
without any fans asking for a bite yes
finally oh man y’all
do y’all like the microwave buffalo
oh just the way they fresh out the
microwave only the microwave
yeah yeah just the way that like
the skin is loose on it for some reason
like it just doesn’t
fit the actual chicken like it’s
supposed to oh
that’s what i’m talking about
all right well so i think i think we’re
good we can go ahead and um
well speak of head a b head the chore
wheel we have to
destroy the troll wheel every week
because their new chores added taken off
everything so
um if you can go ahead and uh
mr glover if you wouldn’t mind putting
it into the the guillotine we have here
and just because i got a guillotine yeah
we’re just going to try
to just for the tour we have to destroy
it every single week and so yeah if we
can just i’ll help you with it if we can
just stuff this in the guillotine
dr london do you want to breathe no no
hold on i want to be i want to be very
careful because there’s a lot of shop
objects and again i i’m going to pop
into you i can’t get injured so hold on
let me let me slip it in there
we’re just going to oh this thing sharp
whoa oh yeah you don’t don’t touch it
i mean we’re just you know you’re just
supposed to like
you’re supposed to like shove it and
then you just shove it into the
yeah it’s like it’s like that that
didn’t it cartoon
off with a head yeah anyway okay those
the yeah the kingdom hearts level that’s
all i know it as
yeah yeah kingdom hearts that’s the um
so we’re gonna we’re gonna kill the
chore wheel dr lin do you want to read
it some rights or do you want to tell
what he’s accused of
okay so um sure will you do stand
accused of being
uh of having one of your chores
completed for this week which
unfortunately is
uh death yeah the highest crime
uh sentence of death uh to be carried
out by the nearest celebrity in this
case mr glover
um and yeah so now we have um
just if you could t take the axe swing
that at the rope that’s holding the
blade in place i’m sorry to it sounds
complicated but this is just the legal
way to deal with this
oh okay i mean i i think the chore will
i mean i don’t i don’t want to promote
myself i said i’m not here to promote
anything but like what if the child will
want to hear donald glover song
yes before it before death that sounds
do you have do you have another song for
us i i
i’ll do a course just for the
choreography okay
yeah the last thing it hears okay you
ready yeah you ready
let’s hear it the choreo is kind of tied
up he can’t even like really not his
head right all right
don’t be mad cause i’m doing me better
than i’m doing you don’t be mad cause
i’m doing me better not knowing you
don’t be mad cause i’m doing me better
than i’m doing you better i’m doing you
better than i’m doing you oh awkward
damn oh wow what a great
end to the life of a gee or of a chore
yeah is to tell them dude i’m doing
better than you are
hey you’re about to die
well thank you so much mr glover for
coming on the show um
i feel like that’s that’s kind of you
know the way the way to end this year
so so fantastic to hear your music for
the first time
aside from that one youtube clip uh so
great to
have you here a fellow celebrity finally
y’all welcome baby i was i was happy i
could i could perform some charity
and come on your little podcast help you
all out i’ll give y’all a little boost
thank you i gotta say one thing yeah
y’all better lose my height at 5 11.
you’re going to get a cease and desist
that’s right we do list the heights of
all of our guests in the podcast
description and we we
are going to put your actual height
which is 511.
so we’re just going to ahead and put
that on there yep that’s done
okay that’d be in your best interest
you can put your fist down you’re
holding your fist like you’re you were
about to hit us
if we didn’t put your height down you
don’t you can see it
i ain’t gonna hit you the lawyers are
it’s okay
okay okay okay so scary okay okay um so
also just imagine somebody in a suit
with a fist right now not me because i’m
that’s true but before we my head is
still stuck in my shirt
to the legal aspects yeah your your mask
like a ninja mask so um before we move
on and you know finish up
uh is there any way i know you know our
listeners are obviously aware of
uh by now of your you know your show on
atlantis uh all of those is there any um
uh anyway for listeners are there any
podcasts that you’re a fan of or any
shows that you wanna you know
share and promote here or social media
accounts you want to promote
oh sure baby so i’m gonna
i’m gonna give you and don’t don’t make
the block too hot but
i gotta manage it okay
his name is evan word and you could
follow him
on the instagrams at
token by pac okay great
that’s my manager he he he ain’t popping
he ain’t
nearly as popping as me i mean that’s
why he might manage ain’t me
yeah you could give him a little boost
so he was the one who set up this
huh yeah cause he’s not popping i’d have
him do menial tasks for me duh
gotcha okay that does check out a lot
okay well it’s great so go ahead and
follow that account on instagram um is
there anything else or is that
uh i mean obviously you want to promote
your your shows and your
i will i will say something else since
i’m not up for any awards this year
because i to
i took the gear off you know 2020 duh
right what’s gonna take it off
um daniel kaluya
better win the oscar or is he gonna be
hearing from me
oscars okay but isn’t that taking you
said that like when people become
extremely talented they’re like
taking talent away from you that doesn’t
like make you
like a little kind of jealous
no no no me and danny kaluuya we we
on that damn talent so we all go back
if he wins you win i didn’t yeah i
didn’t know if you were maybe mad
because you weren’t nominated for your
role in the martian
your five or so lines in the martian you
that’s 2015. i got over that yeah that’s
where i
saw did you have y’all seen how many
emmys i want i’ve only seen the clip
from the martian
no i mean yeah for sure i think you even
maybe won an emmy for riding on 30 rock
like a long time ago but also
atlanta yeah i did you know that mm-hmm
okay no and maybe i was
being on girls i don’t know i was wrong
i did
they should have given me a damn like
something like a medal of honor just
freaking for having to put
up with nobel peace prize for being on
girls didn’t
you did you see my storyline when they
was like you’re just a black republican
i’m just like what the hell is this
but but i was in his popping yes i
didn’t know i had to take the rope
yeah that was back when you know no one
no one knew who you were except for a
famous tv star and rapper i
you know i i’m sorry i just wanted to
add in real quick
i was wrong i have seen two clips of you
one was
from community the rapping about
christmas and then also i saw the clip
of you from the martian so uh those are
the two
things i’ve seen you in anyway um uh
thank you to a crampy koala
it tastes just like down under um thank
you to
you know and also our sponsor um koala
uh thank you to our producer cameron and
watch a mystery team from donald’s old
comedy group uh derek comedy yeah but
there’s some sketches on there just to
just to be clear that a little you know
troublesome now and just ignore those
dude just pretend those doesn’t happen
good luck with your little podcast thank
you to of course
uh mr glover uh thank you too DJ DYLAN IN DA HOUSE
one disguises inconspicuous
my name is dr. londonsmith.com and this
has been the jock doc podcast see ya