All posts by London Smith


Hey there this is Dr. London Smith (.com )

speaking and i just want to let you know

before we start that this

what’s coming up is not part of the

regular feed so there won’t be any

medical lessons

this is from our patreon so for three

dollars a month

you can get two bonus episodes like this


uh yeah you can hear all of it we also

have some videos on there a lot of fun


so this is just a sample for you to hear

and then if you want to sign up for the

patreon to hear

more it’s three dollars a month and if

you want to add on

uh personalized clips that are directed

to you

specifically as a an individual


then that’s gonna be five dollars anyway

just wanted to give you guys a taste

here it is oh it’ll be valentine’s day i


hey you’re about to listen to a comedy

podcast that means this is medical

advice if you need medical advice for

medical care please contact your doctor


hello and welcome to the jock doc

podcast patreon

where we skip the fitness and health and

instead focus

on the business and community side of

medicine by tying up some of those loose


i’m doctor and i’m

joined by our producer cameron

hi dr london hi yeah no right

on cue right on cue

um also with us of course is DJ DYLAN IN DA HOUSE



welcome welcome just


this is one dj you don’t wanna


this is

and so today it’s kind of an odd thing


we were supposed to be just doing you

know recording an episode but

the timing is just uh we have

basically we have a party to plan yeah

when i yeah when i say

when i said hi dr london i’m saying hi

come on in why are you standing in the

doorway yeah yeah sorry sorry

so i’ve got come on the door’s open i’m

having to hold off the dog

i’ve got the two large buckets of

deviled eggs like you asked

i appreciate that now can you can you

catch people up with i’m still doing the

digital yeah yeah okay so um

basically so cameron has uh he’s

throwing a bachelor party it’s really


he uh he’s not married yet

but uh he is a bachelor for another year

and yeah yeah one more year of bachelor


yeah and we’re all kind of scared for

the time when he’s no longer a bachelor

that’s i think i think cameron you’d

agree like that’s something we are

we don’t want to think about when you

stop being a bachelor yeah i would say

like the second

i don’t become a bachelor is the second

i suddenly have a sweater

on and suddenly i’m going oh doctor

london i’m such a professional

yeah because that’s who gets married

right it’s perfect there’s always


and i’m like i’m a little more of a bad


yeah and maybe a bit of a scoundrel

and that’s the theme of this year’s

party and then embezzle yeah

embezzlement was also a theme so we it’s

a multi-themed party i guess in that


uh but you sort of well i mean it’s just

you know it’s not even just celebrating

that i am a bachelor

it’s also making a commitment that i am

going to remain a bachelor for the next

12 months

that’s right and so i’m signing up and

say you know what this year was pretty

sweet if you ask me

i would say you know i think that’s just

true for a lot of people but 2020

was probably the best year of my entire

life it was awesome

yes yeah and so here we are i’m looking


you know i’m trying to try to solidify

that this year is going to be

even better if that’s even possible yeah

i think

committing to this is a is a good first

step and we do this every year it’s not

like this is new

no well it’s and one thing that i guess

we can’t say it’s new but it has

escalated over the years i think

so i mean in what way

it’s i think roughly the same amount of


yeah uh so so that’s one thing but like

you make bets every year on

like things related to you staying

single you

bet on that on you staying a bachelor

you’re saying

like i don’t know you uh you bet on

and i don’t know i guess you just go to

vegas and you find someone who will

t who will you know match your bats do

the weight yeah i mean i’ve got a

i’ve got guys not even just a guy i’ve

got guys yeah

so you go and so it’s like things that

you you feel are related

to uh settling down and getting married


you bet that you um

will be depressed at a certain time for

throughout the year

and yeah i don’t understand what that

has to do with dating this is why i’ve

been silent i don’t really know what

you’re getting at i bet on

all sorts of things in my life dating or

not related

yeah yeah i bet what color shoes i’m

gonna wear most of the time

yeah well i bet on like how many times

i’m gonna be caught in the rain without

an umbrella

okay and i guess i guess your betting


i bet how many um dogs i get to pet and

how many dogs i let pet me

yeah and so i guess some of those things

i guess what struck me as particular to

this was

the size of the money the amount of

money that you bet

on things related specifically to your

perception of being single like you

think being single means not

owning a mailbox that’s a big thing for

you because that means yeah there’s no


yeah yeah so you you

found someone who will take bets on the

like you have the mail well i think i

think there may be confusion here a male

box is a female

okay well that’s because the box where

the mail goes in

wow okay okay i see what you mean there


because it it accepts that the envelope

the package if you will

that that’s what you mean yeah okay yep


okay so maybe i’m confused again maybe

that’s just sort of your

policy so i bet on that i bet quite a

bit of money on that

yeah okay so that so that’s just one

also i

mean i also like bet on sort of just how

many points like dating points i

accumulate throughout the year

right this is another when i said your


understanding so you do have a point

system and i’ve seen your

like well do you have them on display

here actually well all of your notebooks

filled with your

your points tallied uh yeah so like for


i will get two points if i can get my

date to sneeze

that’s always a fun thing to do on a

date is maybe have pepper on your finger

or maybe even a little on your lips so

when you give them a sweet kiss

they’ll start sneezing and that’s funny

so you get two points for that

um you get three points if the waiter


um some of the cereal that he’s bringing


onto your date which you pay him to do

yeah no

well i don’t pay him to do anything i

pay the guy sitting behind us to trip


okay yeah yeah sorry i it’s nothing the

waiter has no idea what’s going on

yeah so he’s holding so much cereal

we’re at a cereal

bar you know and so

you know he’s he’s dropping all of that

on your date that’s pretty funny

because when bars closed down you just

wanted to you thought it was because of


the alcohol so you wanted to go to

serial bars

to stay safe yeah and that’s what i mean


i mean that’s like where i’ve always

been going but that it helped justify my


sure yeah that’s right okay

and so it’s it’s just been a lot of

these uh

yeah i guess like you’re saying betting

on a bad first date because you think


yeah it’s not bad it just makes for a

good story dr

london and i’m all about the story

that’s what life is about isn’t it

being able to tell your fun adventures

yeah look i could go on a date and we

could hold hands

and we could say oh what are your

siblings names oh that’s so interesting

here are my siblings blah blah blah blah

blah blah blah

or i could say okay if i

convince this girl that her mom has died

that’s six points

right and and so that’s one of those

things where it seems like it’s just

it’s more self-destructive than it is a

funny story but you know i say that

it’s only self-destructive if i don’t

hit the point quota that i need for my


right yes then my life would be

destroyed because of how

much i’m betting yeah i will say at this

point you have

you know you have all these notebooks

out and you have just

wads of cash on the no that’s how you

finance the party every year right is

these bets

yeah well in finance everything the

podcast yeah

so it’s um wow so you have all these

decorations so you have

this for our listeners right now this

your patreon money is going straight to


yeah unfortunately that is true and then

hopefully hopefully

it comes back to us in a greater amount

specifically for the next bachelor party

yeah so and i i don’t know if i

explained it earlier but um

so so at least in my view

your bachelorette’s parties are kind of

like the

the sort of male version of the

galentine’s day

parties my bachelor party you said

bachelorette party oh sorry

yes your bachelor party which yeah

there’s you also hold a battery the

bachelorette party was two weeks ago

yeah i know you weren’t invited to that

because you’re not a woman

so that’s right um yeah but your

your bachelor party it’s it’s kind of

just for guys except for the

all the women you invite um yeah it’s

just for dudes

and their friends and

speaking of which i mean all celebrities

oh yeah

oh okay uh good

one of the things oh hey

i didn’t okay is this kenneth from next


uh i it’s i call him kenny i guess but

maybe his name is kenneth i don’t know i

hate him

hey buddy what’s going on oh yeah

up see still see you got the your your

like goth

get up huh yeah well that’s that’s a

batman oh you’re gonna

so it’s not so much like it’s gothic in

a sense but yep

don’t don’t sacrifice my cat

he’s gonna sacrifice my cat i’m gonna

pit that’s gonna piss me off yeah

yeah you always say that whenever you

meet someone in a costume so

um okay uh yeah so so kenneth over here

yeah just go kenneth i see yeah i see

you brought

some deviled eggs okay

that’s that’s great i’m glad we have

like three whole things of deviled eggs

now so we can just

put that over in the kitchen and uh yeah

go take a seat in the other room okay

thank you

on the invitations you said almost out

of deviled eggs bring deviled eggs

so i did you did you make different

versions for people or is that the only

one that went out

no i didn’t put that on the invitation i

the original invitation that i made

because you know it was handmade

was on the back of my shopping list okay

so the night when i made copies and sent

those out but i thought that was pretty


yeah well uh it’s on the back yeah for

at least two of us

it it must have been confusing because

i’m in the same boat

as kenneth but

okay uh yeah

hey marie didn’t know you were

no no that’s good that’s good that’s

good uh hey

uh dr london can i talk to you for a

second yeah

yeah just just as an aside

dr london you know marie can’t be here i


but just because she ruined your last

party doesn’t mean she’s gonna ruin this


oh okay so we’re just supposed to

believe that she’s not gonna eat a


deviled eggs and then no one’s gonna

have any well just

i feel like you took precautions this

year on accident

but like we should i think we have

enough that’s three

three buckets we have yeah three buckets

so far

plus the tub you can it looks like hey

marie what you got there

oh okay yeah you brought napkins thanks

yeah the one person who doesn’t bring

deviled eggs

of course that is frustrating i can see

i appreciate the napkins oh yeah we

don’t have paper towels or anything haha

just put those down over there thanks

oh and she is going to town on those

deviled eggs she didn’t even put the

napkins down before she started

scarfing oh god yeah just like a handful

of napkins scooping up soap deviled eggs

um i mean dr london as my my you know

honorary best man this year what do we

have in store

like game wise or yeah so we have

uh pin the tail on the bachelor

are you are you talking about what i’m

talking about yeah it’s so i have this

just a bunch of dudes pinning like a

like a plastic

dick on a guy well no

it’s a plastic tail but yeah

the the rest yeah so that’s it that’s

the whole part oh

someone can you get that hey there tommy

did you bring the games hey it’s channel


tommy from the the weatherman wow

you came from the weatherman himself

well tommy uh

yeah channel six is always welcome as

cameron repeatedly

emphasizes uh you’ve heard of we’ve

given you a shout out on the podcast

you’ve heard it right

no all right oh

oh because your phone must be broken

yeah because i even i was like

uh i was i was texting you the other day

but you had said your phone was broken

you would text me back and said oh sorry

my phone’s broken

right so that would probably explain the

podcast yeah right

yeah yeah so it’s fine i mean i get it

man yeah when you brought

huh so

uh like so i don’t know they made a

deviled eggs drink

but that’s oh you’ve never had

dr parnassus deviled egg soda

yeah i don’t i don’t think we i’ve i’m

like i’ve ever tried it or seen it at


party does it oh it’s so good it’s so

milky it says on it that it

does not pair well with deviled eggs so

i don’t know how to

i guess it’s just one of the other gosh

it’s so

wet and milky it’s so good yeah so i

guess we’ll

we’ll put that with some of the other or

do you have anything

besides deviled eggs here to eat

who me yes i like i was just checking

i’m not trying to demand

okay no i see you have one pretzel on a

plastic plate over there

so we’ll put this drink next to it just

put that in the middle

and then just put maybe cut that into

like f

into fifths so everyone can get a little

taste yeah just to

well especially i guess with the drink

i’m thinking it’ll make them thirsty

with the salt oh wait yeah it looks like

this there’s no salt on this particular


okay put that there that’s that’s nice

um all right yeah so as i was saying

oh hey it’s fisherman day oh fisherman

fisherman dave oh i knew someone would

bring something other than deviled eggs

fisherman dave always with the fish oh

these ones fresh are those freshly

caught did you catch those today

fishermen dave

oh no you these were just in your tank

okay okay i yeah i mean if you want to

throw i mean do you want to gut those

bad boys over in the kitchen

yeah just go over there yeah kitchen’s

great feel free use any pants you want

yes i’m so glad that fisherman david

yeah fisherman dave is so awesome

he is every party he is what makes a


have you has he told you the story about

how he lost his wife dude

yes and he in that mall every time he

tells it it took him an

hour to find her yeah yeah which

i guess when you when you tell it it

doesn’t sound as exciting

uh or like funny or thrilling

oh no but it’s yeah it’s like oh calls

it so completely lost his wife

they were holding hands and then he

realized like he had wandered off he

didn’t know what to do okay no i

like he’s probably gonna tell the story

again tonight so yeah

yeah i don’t wanna i don’t wanna yeah

yeah okay

um do you want to get that or do you

want me to

are you um yeah i can get that here let

me just

uh because i’m lit i’m trying to

practice juggling deviled eggs

sally wisconsin how are you

i didn’t even realize i didn’t even

realize shut up shut up i’m talking to


hey how’s it going

nice i see you’re wearing bags for shoes

deviled eggs

you want some oh thank god you bought

you brought even more

deviled eggs those are some sweet sweet

deviled eggs london stop looking at her

london what

i’m trying to juggle sally look i can

kind of juggle

no you can’t no i can’t but no stop

you can’t yeah so sally if you just


um you know other people are in the

other room just put the deviled eggs

over on the table there

and uh you know why don’t you uh swing

swing by uh the kitchen a little later i

mean you could hang out here too

sally you can help us you know greet

people whatever no dr london no because

you gotta

you gotta like keep it a little

mysterious right you don’t wanna be too

available okay so you know create some

distance and then maybe later in the

night catch up

but you wanna be like so in demand that


feels honored when you talk to her later

if if you just spend all your time

talking to her then it’s like oh you’ve

got nothing better to do

oh i’m sorry to interrupt but uh look

who’s got the fish nets on it’s



oh can you go get that i think i’m

caught in the nets now

fisherman dave this is a funny prank but

if you could just untie me that would be

awesome okay he seems

does he okay he doesn’t normally untie

them he normally just

catches that’s his thing yeah but you

can can you just cut the net or


oh no he’s just pulling it tighter now

i’m just now

he’s shrugging and shaking his head hey

this is one way to get the party started


now hanging upside down in the net

man fisherman dave is so cool up

yep now i’m just tangled up can you just

can you at least get the door

london oh yeah okay um

hey hey it’s okay

oh thank you for cutting me down

fisherman dave that was great

that was a fun prank that you did with


fishman hey sorry who’s at the door yeah

it’s jonathan the electrician

oh electrician jonathan yeah if you

could go

so okay so the socket that’s been giving

me trouble

it’s oh okay you can already see it

because of the

yeah yeah so if you could just go and

put out that fire and just handle that

and then if you could leave we’re having

a bachelor party tonight so

you know no outsiders you can feel free

to leave the

you know the bucket of deviled eggs yeah

leave the deviled eggs for sure

i don’t know if that’s part of your

normal sort of electrician route

all right now dr london so okay after

pin the tail on the bachelor

what are we uh okay we got it

we got um so there might have been some


that i hired to come uh

no yeah yeah so um and it’s

true you don’t mean yeah i

do do you want me to say it or do you

want me to i don’t want to spoil it for


because you’re talking about you’re

talking about flanny the

purple dinosaur why not okay well flony

has actually

recently undergone a change flanny is

pink now

but yes the pink dinosaur is going to

come to my bachelor party

that’s right but you’re oh no you’re

saying you got like a copycat one like a

mall santa type right

not like the real flaw so fellaini

okay and it’s it’s kind of a complicated

answer really because i did

we did book the impersonator they’re not


but flony reached out on twitter

and no because your word about your

bachelor parties gets around

no and it’s it’s verified it’s it’s the

real flauntie

the pink dinosaur so yeah it’s the real


coming today i mean dude we’re gonna the

party’s gonna get

shut down you’ve heard of what his kind

of parties are

yeah well i i’m aware but i figure with

dave the fisherman

here it should keep things like pretty

hyped but still on the level

until he gives dave a line a coke too

you know what i do mean it cancel like i

can call him

no no no no no not at all i’m excited

about it i’m just saying

i hope you’re prepared for what’s about

to happen for the legal repercussions uh


you know what sorry maria you’re going

to you

you can’t do that many at once one

deviled egg at a time

or like four max okay oh now and it

and it looks like now sally’s like

feeding her

like tossing it up almost like a i don’t

know throwing out throwing a ball to a

seal that’s on a treat to a dog this is

the frustrating part is when they

create this actually might be better

because sally throwing them one at the

time is significantly slower than

maria like scarfing them true yes sally

if you just keep doing that just slow it

down maybe like

five deviled eggs a minute

oh great um this is kind of how many

people did you invite to this

uh you said the same every year so i


oh i mean i didn’t like send this to

specific people i think it just sort of

kind of got out online yeah okay so

um yeah hey there buddy

uh so so i know that you’re you’re

cameron’s cousin or second cousin

uncle something like that uh cameron

how are you guys related you and buddy

hey sally

so uh okay so you’re tossing those

deviled eggs too

one second london yeah i see you tossing

those deviled eggs and that’s uh

you got a pretty good picture the

camera’s busy you ever play softball

right now and oh is that who i think it


is that my cousin harry styles come on

over here buddy

how you been doing i thought you’re

gonna be too busy to swing by

dr london this is harry styles he is

okay you always call him buddy

yeah he’s a bit of uh he uh i think he

plays good

are you still playing guitar yeah he’s

still playing guitar

okay and that’s great for you yeah

that’s and it’s really awesome

he’s kind of an artist so i mean you

know don’t ask him about like his career

because i’m sure it’s not going

well or anything like that so you don’t

have these artists

for just one second yeah yeah yeah so i


want you say some artist guitar guy i

don’t want him to

basically i want there to be a rule of

let’s not have the guy bring out his

guitar and start singing because that

you know that ruins the mood that yeah


i don’t want that to be i can mention to

that that to him

no no no harry i see you brought your

guitar and it looks like a little amp

and i think that’s really cool

and that is so awesome but i think we’re

going to go

you know we’ve already got the dj for

the night who’s going to be coming here

in a few minutes and so

if well dj dylan he’s been yes he’s

sitting there

but yeah sorry he’s not ready dj you got

his d dj dylan i love you

so much i love you so much the dj you

got for this party it was dj dillon

you cheaped out that much cheaped out do

you know how much

okay like you paid dj dylan to do this


yes i’m not getting paid you’re

you’re betting a lot on it though yeah

that’s true

i guess i thought it would just be like

skrillex or tiesto or something but

that’s fine let’s find hey harry we’ve

already got the dj and everything so

love the guitar yeah yeah i’m sure i’m

sure a performance from you would be

worth like five hundred thousand dollars

i’m sure that’s true buddy

he’s a bit you know these artist types

they’re delusional and pretentious about

i know

he’s got a bit of a big i think he i

think he got featured on like a

like a like

like artist to look out for or something

and that’s awesome but you know it’s big

these artists get

like inflated heads but harry if you

just want to go in there

yeah just go just go ahead and sit down

yeah in the closet there i think

sally is throwing deviled eggs into

maria’s mouth if you want to get in the

mix there that’d be awesome

all right he’s a sweet kid he really is

it’s so good to see

young ones getting so into their craft

like you know

because only if only it was a craft that

actually paid you know what i mean

like come on bet on a bachelor party for

once harry

i’m sorry i said that too loud that that

might be me

i’m sorry um

okay um can you go get that one

yeah are you are you still talking to

sally well no i’m talking to

you right now but i would like yeah i

know but like is that what you’re trying


okay okay i’m gonna sneak over there and

i’m gonna try to like

snap one of the deviled eggs out of the

sky i think that’ll really impress her

yeah because it means it means i would

i’m like

good at kissing if i can do that yeah


okay okay okay okay okay come on

yeah ronald mcdonald do we catch that

deviled egg sally

are you can we scotch out yeah

hey what’s going on so

see like the like the farm guy he had a


mcdonald oh

yeah wait bingo never mind never mind

that was something else

uh but thanks yeah yeah mcdonald’s you

were invited right

uh okay well i see he brought

ronald so you did bring a bucket but it

has a big

m on it like some arches and uh

that doesn’t look like deviled eggs hey

what’s up ronald i’m glad you could

make it and i’m glad you clearly got

your invite that we

that we totally meant for you to totally

meant for you to get oh yeah now you’re

doing a little little dance a little

soft shoe right there

yeah oh that’s funny those are

some really really shiny shoes yep i see

you’ve really

changed your hair yeah nice nice little


afro-ish type thing that’s awesome


and is that is that new i mean no i

gotta ask i mean do you at least

in that bucket with the m on it do you

have your famous burgers

nope you just have deviled eggs that’s

fine okay yep just go put that with the

other deviled eggs in the

other room and uh i think harry styles

is over there so

if you want to maybe chit chat with him

no you don’t have to you don’t have to

no no i’m sorry i didn’t mean to put

that pressure on you go go talk to

whoever you want to

fisherman dave fisherman dave’s a jam

yeah fisherman dave is awesome

oh you all have met oh you all have


okay well then maybe avoid we really

don’t want anything to like shut down

this party tonight

because it’s gonna get nuts and better

that it gets nuts do you want to tell

him who the

secret special guest is and why it’s

gonna get so nuts

yeah i mean we already talked about

flanti the pink

dinosaur that’s that’s one thing but

then of course we have

uh ronnie the rager is coming and

i yeah oh my gosh yeah

and i like against my better judgment we


not just invited we had to pay a lump

sum ronnie the rager

and he’s even bringing his snowboard

yeah the

snowboard the snowboard he used to kill

that woman

we whacked it over her head that’s the

one he famously

killed a woman and then got the courts

to recognize

the video footage and the photographic

evidence and then somehow

it was amazing because he he he made he

got off whatever and then he

was a deep fake yeah and he didn’t get

cancelled by cancel culture either

that’s what

confused me because yeah like well

after he was declared not guilty he in

the courtroom then killed a man

that’s right which maybe that’s what

saved him which then in that court case

he was also able to

convince them that it was just a deep

fake and killed another person and the

next trial is upcoming

uh i and i guess what but i cannot

believe he brought the snowboard oh my


okay okay okay i’m gonna yeah ronald

ronald just go in there just go in there

and we’ll

we’ll we’ll see you later buddy okay

okay god i cannot believe that guy came

that’s ronnie the rager

okay uh jiffany ronnie

what’s up boy yo okay well

ronnie are you upset oh yeah

well are you are you okay man you look

like maybe you’ve been

haven’t gotten a lot of sleep are you

okay i what’s what’s wrong

oh oh wow you and your you and your dad

got into a fight

i’m so sorry sorry to hear that why

don’t you do you want to

you’ll go into a fight last week okay

and it just

that you’re still really

kind of but you didn’t get out of the

set about time the other day

it was one of those ones where you run

and there’s a there’s smoke and there’s

punching and stuff and you can’t really

tell what’s going on with the little

ball of smoke and then you

finally popped out of it the other day

is that right

yeah okay and and the argument was over

whether or not there was a british

version of the movie fever pitch that


jimmy fallon in it that i think it was

actually before that the jimmy fallon

was like the remake

that’s what y’all were fighting about

couldn’t you all just look that up

instead of you know making this into

like a feud like a blood feud i mean you


awful yeah and because you told me about

the last time you had a similar fight

and it was you know the british version

of the office versus the american and

i i why are you fighting about like

cameron said you could just look this

stuff up

like it doesn’t have to be a whole well

yeah it’s not like it’s a subjective

thing it

it either is or it isn’t based on that

so it’s just your family

okay it’s just maybe

and what did you bring um okay you

brought a deviled egg

and coasters oh yeah

you got deviled egg coasters that’s

that’ll be really useful i think so if

you just want to go ahead and put that


wherever you wherever you think that

those would go oh

all right ronnie god that’s kind of a

bummer ronnie the rager i didn’t even


but he did have a backpack on which you

could have had stuff in

it well you also really need to uninvite

his dad really quickly i i don’t

really want to because his dad is


his dad like i know that he doesn’t you

don’t like him at these parties but

hey hey donny

ronnie’s father what’s up man yeah yeah


just uh just come on in oh my goodness

is this what and okay you look pretty

disheveled what’s up man

yeah i don’t know if fever pitch was an

original or if it was based on a british

version i honestly i don’t know

uh never even saw that movie

this is what i’m thinking yeah yeah we

can just hit we’re just gonna donny

yeah donnie you’re getting donny calm

down donnie donnie okay

harry could you harry styles can you

kind of keep an eye on him

no okay yeah harry okay so donny if you

just wanna

um no no no ronnie

isn’t here yet right

right london uh ronnie keep

staying behind me uh no

yeah you know i can’t lie um

he’s not he he doesn’t i forgot your

your your little cousin wished on his

birthday that you wouldn’t be able to

tell a lie anymore and so now you’re

literally unable to tell

really annoying because my little cousin

meant it just for his dad

but he just he said relatives and so i

like yeah well it’s your fault for

teaching him that word

yeah i know but and like i didn’t even

teach him in that

way like i meant at the other meaning of

like things are relative sometimes but

no he really

yeah he just wished the correct words


now yeah it’s it’s really frustrating


like i don’t lie a lot but anyway uh and

ronnie how are you you doing good you

not no okay uh all right donnie hey

donnie just go just go in the other room


we’ll just we’re just just go hang out

in the other room ronnie do you want to

help us

greet people maybe yeah ronnie that

would be

awesome oh speaking of oh you’re too

tired to greet people

can you take people’s coats how about

you take people’s coats we are paying

you to be here ronnie

yes we kind of were okay we could have

thought you’d be the life of the party

we’re painting but on the ground when

you hear that

that’s not we you know we have to clean

that yeah so just

take people’s coats that’s your job now


hey stephen so cam uh

yeah it’s cameron’s house sorry i don’t

mean to be

you know answering for everything uh

he’s busy hosting right now

um yeah and hey

sally i see that your

tattoos are infected

it’s really interesting so stephen

cameron tells me that you’re his most

average friend what’s that like oh

stephen what’s up man hey

i see you’re still five foot seven

hey stephen uh yeah so you just be what


very very sort of obtusely refers to as

a filler

uh you just mingle i guess and make

small talk

and we’ll yeah enjoy the party uh

okay i see some of the games are coming

out but don’t yep don’t

enjoy it too much because remember

you’re not a main character here

okay okay sort of just a background


all right okay i see harry styles has

brought out twister

okay not not the oh i knew he’s

he’s such a flirt i knew he would go

straight for that game

well the game but except it looks like

he is incorporating our new rules of

the the movie playing and trying to

match up movements to the movie

instead of using the spinny thing uh

which great you know i didn’t know if

that would work or not but it looks like

it’s kind of working

hey oh i can’t believe you

showed up dr london why

is my cousin’s ex-girlfriend taylor

here hey taylor oh

yeah hi taylor that’s

uh oh yeah that’s great up she

and she brought a guitar too hey that’s

awesome we’re not going to be

we’re not going to be needing that

tonight we already got a dj dj

wheelbarrow full of

no no skrillex or tiesto thank you for

the deviled eggs as well

taylor i loved your new music i

don’t know if it works really

it but it’s dr london

these are just these are just like young

people who

are trying to express themselves so i’m

sorry and they’re playing in little

coffee shops and stuff you know they’re

not like

they’re not gonna be as famous as this

okay you know

uh yeah so you can go i don’t know if

you and harry will have anything to talk

about maybe

you know hang out with um with dave the

fisherman he’s

he’s a safe bet yeah if you want to go

hang out with fisherman dave

that would actually be really great

because he’s he’s just over there right

now tying different

like sailors knots and i feel like

that’s just giving him bad ideas you


so just go hang out with fisherman dave


oh and she’s bringing the deviled eggs

with her i guess those were for her

not for the party the wheelbarrow huh

all right so i mean like yeah i guess we

should we should we we’ve got these

we’ve got the you know the um twisters


everything’s having a good time dj dylan

bump that music a little bit

okay yeah

um okay so we’ve got in the tail on the

bachelor we’ve got

you know flaunting and ronnie the rager

here which is awesome

yeah and but anything else planned like

are we yeah yeah so so we have the uh

the the painting thing where they have a

picture of something and someone’s

trying to tell them how to paint it

uh sally it looks like has because i

didn’t really assign people but looks

like she’s leading that um so everyone’s

got their paints out

and they’re uh well you said no wine at

this party specifically so everyone’s

drinking that deviled egg

drink which is so milky it’s awesome

yeah yeah and so a lot of people are

okay so they’re doing the painting

like normally they would drink wine but

it looks like the painting assignment

according to the sign is like

paint what you think of the bachelor

and almost every single person is just

sort of

painting this weird black void

just a big old black void almost like a


with almost like a little like just two

beady red eyes

really really tiny far away in there

and every single person is doing that


well you okay what i don’t your tone of

voice is the only thing that’s

like why is that worth remarking upon

because that’s i’ve

seen whatever you use that’s fine that’s

and it looks the same

the self-portrait and it’s just i mean


hypnotic it’s almost

kind of drawing me in yeah

yeah well it’s and hey think of it that

way that people

you really draw people in into the the

dark void that

that is knowing you all right so what

else is planning do we have

do we have something i j okay yeah let’s

get that door real quick

okay oh hey

mr hmm thank you i couldn’t remember

his name at all i know and you always mr


hi up yep i see you brought

i can you i don’t i don’t know what that


it’s just it looks like it looks very


i think part of it looks like it’s

falling apart and it’s very goopy

is that a food or is that like a is it

like a toy is that your phone

just is it alive yeah it’s just more

like a

like a well that’s the only way i can

describe it is that it looks like a glop

i don’t know what a glop is but i mean

that’s the only thing that could

describe this

okay so we’re going to put a bowl right

under that okay that’ll catch so you can

we’ll just put that with the other

oh it needs to be i guess it needs to it

needs to be in rubbing alcohol

okay uh okay but it’ll seek it out

itself oh so we don’t have to worry

about that

okay okay cool so let’s just put that


there um maybe next to the deviled eggs

i guess i um if we were i don’t know if


eating this thing or i don’t know if

this thing is supposed to be eating us i

guess i don’t really know what the

dynamic here is i think a lot of this

party starts out that way though usually

right like we don’t know what’s gonna

happen that’s kind of the thrill of it


but uh so mr jeff you know him from

uh he’s your continuing education high

school teacher

is that right uh no my continuing

education teacher is

uh ref okay

okay i i guess i got yeah it just rhymes

and that’s all

jeff was the guy who pickpocketed me

three years ago mr jeff

right and then he he called uh

the information in your pocket and then

you guys kind of laughed it off and made

friends over it

yeah well we’re not friends we’re sort

of scorned enemies but i think

every party needs that dynamic that’s

right that’s right

because for you well like you said with

every story you have to have conflicts

when you’re gonna have good guys and bad

guys i mean imagine a party where it was

just good guys

yeah that that sounds like it could be

frustrating i guess well just boring

yeah i i guess i guess i’ve been to a

lot of parties where people are just

friendly and kind and your parties are


like they hate they always make for

great stories kind of like you’re

that’s the dream all of your date

journals it’s all about which wow

everyone’s really getting into your your

date journals and your score keeping

oh hey and they’re all placing their own

bets for

what’s gonna happen tonight yeah i

didn’t real who’s that who’s the bookie

did you hire like a bookie to like

handle betting on my life

that’s kind of badass yeah well

i mean it was gonna be ronnie the rager

but it looks like his dad

ah once again i don’t know how that’s

gonna play out

uh but yeah it looks like ronnie the

ragers is taking the bets

um giving up bags of something

for for certain people okay um

yeah that’s great okay uh

hey casey come on in

hey hey i want to thank you i know i

hate dr london i know you feel nervous

about inviting like the boss

over but

yeah just on i wanted to make a good


hey casey anthony what’s up

what up girl yeah oh and i see

you brought napkins also you didn’t

bring any food

or anything just the napkins that’s


oh hey no okay you did pull a deviled

egg out of your pocket i like that trick

uh yeah yeah i guess to wrap that in a


probably yeah so if you’ve got i guess

more of those deviled eggs in your

pocket in your back pocket i guess you

can put those over there

so yeah just go they’re playing twister

you know harry

you and harry go back a while go talk to

him they’re they’re playing twister over


yeah i forget how casey anthony and

harry styles

really get along yeah well i i almost

feel bad like

saying that because they get along a

little too well like they kind of amp

each other up

yeah like they’re they they kind of like

push each other like they keep daring

each other to go further you know

and it gets a little escalating dares

yeah not

great no oh it looks like taylor’s

really going nuts at the twister

okay really incorporating the movie

oh man okay and fisherman dave is now


he’s uh just slamming around

throwing fish which once again those are

not fresh

uh okay all right great

great i guess yeah i guess i don’t want

a sign of a good party yeah i mean

they always say it’s not a good party

unless an old fish gets thrown around

yeah and that’s sort of like how i’ve

judged all of my parties in the past

my birthday parties as a kid uh my

graduation party

my um my white bar mitzvah

that’s a bar mitzvah just because we

were jealous that

that jewish people got bar mitzvahs so

yeah that’s right

and you had to adopt the same name yeah


once the jealousy was that deep even

though it was like pretty

insensitive culturally it was awful but

i had to do it because i was so angry

yeah yeah and i mean that’s we all have

our ways of dealing with teen angst

for you you were 43 at the time

but like yeah just my my my young adult

you know my teen-ish a you know

you know right after the teens i would

say you know back when i was still young

it was

fairly soon after the teens uh

but yeah you i mean it was a like you


just despite all the if we overlook all


religious and cultural aspects it was

really fun

yeah the balloon animals again

fish being thrown old fish being thrown

around by fisherman dave

yeah which i think that might be i think

that might actually be where that saying

comes from now that i think about it

because i have heard that dozens of

times for years

like it’s not a good party until an old

fish is being thrown around

but now that i think about it i think

that’s usually fisherman dave telling me


after he’s been throwing around an old


i no that i thought i feel like i hear

it everywhere though like i think i

heard it in like a like a zales

commercial it was in parks and rec i


yeah no yeah oh that’s right i think


yeah that that has to be right like

april maybe maybe april and andy’s

wedding i think

it gets brought up a lot and the wedding

reception i like i don’t remember

like all the specifics of it but yeah i

feel like that was part of it there was

there’s an old fish

yeah yeah that’s right that’s amazing

yeah but but it could be one of those

things like

maybe it was just part of the culture

like it it happened to be happening in

your world your smaller world at the

same time yeah

parallel almost like um

finding nemo and a shark’s tale mm-hmm

yeah almost but uh is that

is that everyone you’re expecting it oh

okay i guess not

um is there someone else you’re


can i i don’t think so i mean

dr london did you have someone

i’m trying to think if if there’s anyone

i know i i try to keep people away from

this party like i tell people not to


because i know that you’re very

particular but uh okay okay okay

oh oscar the grouch okay oh

oscar the grouch well honestly

well well oh no i

can’t believe you’ve shown your face

okay no oscar come down come down come

now come down yeah that’s right you hide

your face

in your little trash can body hey and

it’s not that little it’s

fine size of trashcan body um

so karen why don’t you go back to the

you go mingle a little bit i’m gonna

oscar and i you know we talk business uh

he’s really

um he’s works in the administration at

the hospital okay yeah i’ll i’ll just go

back into the living room hey maria

yeah no you gotta clean up what you spit


yeah so oscar i know we were talking

about the bonuses for this year

and uh i just feel like i like you know

for all the hospitalists we’ve done our

part to

uh really bring things along you know

like i for one have brought up forward a


measures that i think you’re saying

really annoying people harry you gotta

dude this is like an adult

party you can’t be acting like a little

teen dude i know you’re my cousin

but like you’re you’re hanging with some

big shots some of the biggest

people in the city ronnie the ragers


all right so you gotta you gotta be a

little cooler dude no one wants to be

with you

i’ll just get back to twitter start


sorry oscar i didn’t mean to bring up

all the work stuff while we were here

yeah yeah yeah come on come on and enjoy


twister yeah if you like if you feel

like you might be limited in that game

but sure

um all right so we’ll play uh

sorry about it about yelling at harry in

front of everyone he just doesn’t get it

he doesn’t

get his place you know yeah he’s just

i mean it’s he’s so much people who like

that they do they’re like oh it’s

do everything for the band let’s you

know let’s really put our time in and

you it’s it’s just such a one in a

million shot to make it in that industry

so you’re like

you know you want to encourage the art

but you also

it’s frustrating to watch um

i guess failure in action i i’m sorry

failure combined with ego

i guess that’s really what it comes down

to well with

with harry yeah all right i mean i i

feel like that has to be everyone do we


you said there was like a big thing we

were gonna do a big surprise

do you wanna yeah well um

is it a game okay i’m sorry sorry it’s


it’s a yes dinosaur yes okay

so come on in okay and that’s part okay

and so did you dylan if you could cue

the music okay

all right and cameron if you want to get

in the middle there okay

hey this is so exciting

all right and fisherman dave yes yes

keep it up

string those lights along the net okay

and if we can all sing the uh bachelor


song okay you know it’s that month okay



deviled eggs in a vodka

in a bucket every year every year

please wow

you know and that song gets more

coordinated every year

uh what’s well i love the remix like i

felt like it had a real hip-hop

vibe to it yeah yeah and it’s

it’s great because we you know it it

sounds so coordinated

and you know which it should be because

we are all reading off

the printouts right here uh we all know

how to

well i think we all know it by heart by

now yeah

at this point yeah it’s this and the

national anthem and whatever

okay um so really you know we got

uh flotsy here doing the flotsy dance oh

ronnie the rager he’s over he’s just

texting on his phone

still taking codes yeah everyone’s here

screaming ronnie you don’t have to take

coats anymore

and you can put them down you don’t have

to hold the whole pile of coats

just dropped them yeah no are they okay

just okay i guess i

that’s not really what i meant by you

can put them down as you can just throw

them on the ground but i guess that’s

what we’re looking for

the glob does look like it’s searching

for something or someone

um i don’t know if anyone has hand

sanitizer with them

or okay um

all right uh yeah sorry harry

styles and taylor if you could both just

cool it i

i know you both are just eyeing that

guitar but no

no guitar and they’ve all i also see

that you

guys are sort of like competing in


and i just feel like it’s not really

that competitive of a game i’m not even

really sure

how you can like be aggressive about it

but y’all are

i mean well it’s harry trying to

incorporate somehow you gave taylor a

black eye

you can’t do that isn’t it not this

hour i know that it was your knee that

did it on accident and that’s twister

and if she didn’t want to play didn’t

want to get a black eye then she

shouldn’t have been playing

hardcore twister i get all that you

can’t give people black eyes just

cool it oh all right i mean dr london

now that we’ve got this like party going

are you ready to get out of here

yeah yeah because the best part of the

party is you want to

leave whenever it starts to get going

and then come back whenever it’s

really going well i mean i was just

thinking like our our duties

were to host the party i think we’ve

done a successful job at that

yeah so no i’m gonna go like catch a

movie or something

yeah yeah uh i’ve heard the ronnie the

rager biopic is

really good yeah i’m

javier bardem is playing ronnie the


okay okay yeah let’s go for that um

so see see you everyone uh sally

goodbye uh all right

um yeah so anyway uh and by

digital in the hose my name is dr london

dylan do you want to come to the movie

yes yeah you can come to the movie too


do you know do you know skrillex or

tiesto could you invite them to the

movie too

nope okay sweet okay

uh all right uh so that’s been um

oh and by the way this party of course

is uh affiliated with the jock doc

podcast patreon so

everyone here raise your glasses well

raise your uh deviled eggs yes to the

patreon that’s right okay and uh

we’ll see you guys

but also witnesses did you know my hose


87. Colorectal Carcinoma/Doug Spritz (feat. Keller Knoblock)/Valentines

Hello you are about to listen to comedy


none of this is medical advice if you

need medical advice or medical care

please contact your doctor welcome to

the jock doc

podcast featuring dr london

smith covet is red covet is blue

happy valentine’s day from the jock dock


introducing your host dr


hello yes uh we have a reservation under

the name

dot com no no not

not that dot com did you make the

reservation i didn’t make the

reservation okay

so i’m sorry to explain uh sorry the

full name i guess if you need that to

narrow it down i’m dr

of the jock doc podcast yeah yeah okay

and this is our producer cameron of

course hi hi yeah

no you i don’t think they need to know

my name i don’t know why

the host would need to know my name but

that i guess you can

just sort of right um blather that out

any time you want that’s

well i just so okay i also see that uh

did you join the house he’s already set

up in the corner there yeah

all right so we

i mean we’re ready to sit yeah no i

like you know for a vaccine-only

restaurant i feel like

this is the first time i’ve felt safe in

a long time going out to eat

this is the first time i’ve been to a

restaurant in like a year

yeah but for you it’s not like you just

you’re boycotting restaurants

yeah one boy caught in the insides of a

restaurant yeah or the outside

yeah like the immediate vicinity of a

restaurant but

you know today we we’re both kind of

branching out a little bit and i think

that’s healthy to do

and that’s only just because i think


uh the world’s so crazy these days

that i think like like maybe we should


get out more and so like maybe instead

of going to a restaurant all the time

and all these people are like

like drinking and eating like what

happened to going to parks

yeah doctor what happened to it i’m not

dr london

sorry what happened to it so people do

still do that where are the parks

okay i have i’ve told you this before

they are outside

uh but anyway let’s get to the table

thank you

hey i’m breaking my my uh boycott

right now for you because you wanted to

do this right

okay this is what is what is the special

occasion here uh

well i just i have some well for one


we we have our dates well let’s get

seated before i get into it before i


okay you know okay yes thank you thank


sir thank you yeah here take this oh hey

if you could take

this uh excuse me uh

i don’t know if there’s a mix-up or

something you guys sitting down is this

you guys supposed to be here yeah so

we made reservations here for this booth

oh that’s really crazy and we couldn’t


you you’re i mean you’re kind of under


table right now do you want to do you

want to come out from under the table so

we can actually like see you a little


you know what okay yeah yeah that that

makes sense you guys just push that cobb

salad over that’s fine sit down

okay hey how’s it going he says i’m

doing solid like there’s only one but

there’s a

ton of cobb salads right yeah okay yeah

the seat or uh if you want

um just like make sure not to do

anything with it i’m i’m waiting on

somebody so

okay oh that’s oh that’s we’re actually


i was just i’m like expecting someone so

i don’t know if like

justin just so you guys know you might

have to you might have to leave

or you know yeah totally yeah we can

shuffle we can

so we’re actually waiting for somebody


for waiting valentine’s oh my god that’s

so cool

so maybe we can maybe turn this into a

bit of a triple date if you don’t mind

i’m honestly very okay with it okay i


london are you okay this dude seems cool

right he was hanging out under the table

he had a bunch of cobb salad

yeah and he’s got a sort of a tent set

up in there as well

made out of i guess the the napkins

um shirt yeah i guess

i kept stealing them off the tables on

the way to the bathroom

right i don’t think you have to steal

them i think you just probably have as

many as you want

i don’t napkins i don’t know like you

don’t know the rules

i i didn’t ask i know this is terry over

here he’s gotten me a bunch of water

but you know other than that i i’m too

scared to talk to most of these people


so it’s not i know i i do notice terry

that you pointed out is not dressed like

the other waiters is this

is this like a someone you know that you

brought along to to give you water

yeah he’s just sitting right next to

that like soda thing with the water

thing and i’m just like dude terry

fill this up for me oh so you called him


yeah okay you met him right now okay

okay this is all making a lot more sense


but i mean dr lynn we should probably

get to know our new

friend here what what’s your name sir

i’m doug

i’m doug doug spritz oh hi hi

doug uh my name is dr london

and this is

uh producer cameron we actually have

sort of a podcast

that we do oh my god so like all the

websites named after you

yes uh well after sort of after the


are all are you oh i’m sorry are you

or i guess not dot govs that’s not you

but like is that you too it’s there’s a


or is that your family okay all right

i’ve never

even considered this but this makes so

much sense he loves doing this whole

like dot-com thing

and dr london you’ve been hiding i mean

you’ve got google money backing you

apple money backing you all these


sites are getting royalties off that

yeah well it’s i i look i don’t want to

say that i come from a place of money

because you know

i’d like to think that i’m separately

pretty self-made like

you know i is your dad

yes okay uh he’s

he has gone by that name what why do you

oh my god

that’s the creator of the internet right

that’s the guy okay

yeah joncom yeah yeah he died in that

skiing accident

allegedly i was broken up not that

i was sorry to hear that i’m sorry about

your loss dr london you do you think

your father is still alive

secretly i look there’s

look whenever there’s so much and i

don’t want to say

money but whenever there’s whenever

there’s some wealth and there’s


whenever there’s a big system making

everything happen

then sometimes someone could

get into an accident but really they are

trying to bring up a false

or sorry a new identity and uh a new

internet so you think your identity your

father’s still alive and he’s just

intentionally ignoring you like he’s not

reaching out to you on purpose

yeah you mean ignoring me because of how

much i reach out to him

yeah so you do reach out to him

and he responds messed up he doesn’t i


okay respond is a strong word i

no you know i guess he does respond so

like i’ve i’ve sent letters

and then they’ve come back because they

don’t like have the right address or


so i guess that that’s him communicating

to me that he affirms my

words you think like if you get a

magazine in the mail or something you

think that’s your dad

like sending you clues or is that what

you’re trying to get at well i’m

uh that as well but no i was just saying

whenever i send out a letter to him

he sends that same letter back to me

just to let me know

your words matter so much i want you to

hold on to them

because i’m guessing he can’t okay yeah

uh-huh this is this wow this seems dark

it’s it’s sad is what it is don’t feel


don’t feel sad for dr london apparently

he is just

flowing he’s rolling in it in that


nash i mean

like i said i you know i really i

studied hard i applied myself and now

you know we just have this this podcast

to educate people and that’s really what

what i’m about

well i commend that and i am

glad to hear that your father is alive

and well and i’m sorry

for your uh sad relationship with him

and i’d love to borrow some money

oh man i would love that that’d be

awesome are we float are we floating

that right now

no no okay maybe we can we can switch

over to

uh doug tell us about yourself what do

you do i’ve yet to pay for

any of these cobb salads so i’m just

floating that

how how long have you been here

like uh i don’t know terry how long i’ve

been here

all right stop it terry

oh man he’s rolling his eyes at me again


two i can’t really looked up two weeks

yeah i was gonna say some of the salad

it does not look fresh if it smells

i’ve gotten used to it and yeah if

that’s gonna

i’m sorry if that’s an issue we can get

these maybe taken

like some of the older ones we can get

taken but we gotta leave some of them

so doug what do you do for your you know

your day job

you know you’ve heard i’m uh i’m a


he’s a doctor i’m kind of a

philanthropist as well as a

sort of producer on the side uh i used

to like

uh i used to sorry um

be in electronics i was a manager over

it over at best buy

oh okay yeah you guys you guys got best

buy where you’re at

yeah yeah i mean i’ve definitely been to

a been to a best buy

okay so you you you say like

you used to do that as in pre-restaurant


that and they pre-restaurant me yeah

that’s kind of like a different

i guess that’s a lifetime ago they’re a

little upset

honestly they weren’t happy they they’re

they seem

they must be kind of polite in that

they’ve let you

stay here for this long i don’t know

that they know that i’m here i didn’t

inform anybody

if somebody in a blue polo walks in the

door let me know

i gotta get back under this table when

you say

they are you referring to the best buy


or are you referring to the employees of

this restaurant if any of these people


at both best buy and this restaurant i

need to know that as well

yeah you’re screwed yeah

i’m i’m don’t know what i’ll do okay

yeah so i mean i think that probably is

the case like they don’t know you’re


they just see this sort of continuously

growing pile of cobb salad bowls

that that sort of evolves over time i

thought about trying to order something


i was looking over the menu a bunch but

i just went with cobb salad every time

it’s a

a winner that’s a good choice speaking

of which do we want to get an order in

because i

no i don’t think yeah it’s actually

getting really close to the time that

dates are going to be appetizers okay

okay yeah

yeah my dad’s my date’s supposed to get

here soon too

yeah in my date i mean i mean it’s

actually a little

late now like they should be here any

minute they should be here any minute so

let’s just get the abs now and that way

when it’s here

they can have something to eat already

at the table we don’t have to wait yeah

all right so i’m going to get

the terry can we get can terry

is tear okay well his name tag says uh

jonathan do we um does he prefer terry

terry just like take the order dude

okay don’t be weird about this um

okay uh cameron what are you what are

you getting terry is so awkward

terry can you can you turn around can

you turn

do you see the way he turned around it

was so weird

dude he doesn’t know what to do with his

hands he’s just like putting his hands

inside oh my gosh she’s being kind of

mean guys

me and terry go back we’re fine don’t

worry terry i love you

like a brother and a sister at the same


he seems to just mostly stare at you

when you talk to talk to talk at him

really i don’t want to say talk to

him well he shouldn’t be i told him to

turn around come on dude

okay now you can turn back around terry

we’re gonna have uh what’d you say

you’re gonna have oh well now he’s just

turning around

you can stop sir you can stop turning

around that’s okay

honestly if he can write it down while

spinning that’s fine with me

okay keep spinning sir um okay i want

some of these

tuna holes you know the little they’re

like little fried donut holes but

they’re chock full of tuna and then

they’re they’ve got some glazed tuna

sauce on top of it

i’ve had those seven times uh since i’ve

been here and

gotta say good choice oh so i’m gonna

get those

and then i’m gonna go ahead i’m gonna

get no

olives with that okay

yeah i’ll go ahead and um do you guys

mind if i order a few

things just for the table i’ll yeah

sure man you’re paying for it right it’s

on you

this is

um yeah company card company card you

want to order for this table right

yeah for our the one we’re sitting at

for this one not that one because those

people already have food

okay so hey terry can you get these cobb

salads out of here too man come on

they just been sitting here my friends

say they smell bad

well i think i don’t think they smell

bad you could leave a couple of them

i’ve been kind of snacking on some of


like they’re old okay they look old but

you know it’s nature i don’t trust that

blue cheese

yeah well when it turns blue yeah um

so so anyway yeah it started his ranch

terry to get started uh

see i’ll go ahead and i’ll get some

bologna cake uh

some pickled corn dogs but hold the


um let’s see garlicky hold the dog too

actually can we hold the dog on that too

i’m trying to watch my way well can you

have the dog on the side

just cause i you know i like to snack on

a little bit

um some velveeta and ketchup on ritz


let’s see what else on the menu um mini

carrot dogs in a blanket

uh chicken feet ham and cheese cubes on


you’re ordering all of these well it’s

so that’s why

yes it’s for the table it’s not just for

me and our dates are coming

i don’t want it yeah but i don’t think i

don’t think six people need

you know 30 40 appetizers

we can share something with terry if you

want some terry if any

you want any of this just grab some so


like i’m seeing things and i just maybe

it’s one of those things where you

shouldn’t order or shouldn’t go shopping

when you’re hungry

but do you wanna you wanna take our

table and then

push it together with those people

uh just so we have enough room for all

the appetizers

just so there’s more yeah more room and

more people like eating it

okay yeah well velveeta on crackers it

travels well so you could take that home


so oh yeah so let’s get that to go


and then let’s go ahead and just take

the table we’re just going to press it

over sorry excuse me excuse me i hope

this is all right so you can have like a

birthday party okay

knocked a cob salad in my lap

yeah i’m so sorry it’s fine it’s we just

need the space we’re doing like 30 to 40



now we’ve got now we’ve got the space


um all right so uh oh sorry and to drink

i will have a hot chocolate with cheese


i’m so nervous yeah i know it for our


oh my god do you want to doug did you

want a nap

it’s on us uh everything you got

sounded pretty good

okay so we’ll get to it uh yeah let’s

double everything

yeah and those like uh those little

those little cheeseburgers

that are actually uh not cheeseburgers

that are cake i want those okay oh

cake burgers you cut it in half it’s


yeah dude that’s so crazy that is

something’s not cake and then you cut


it and it’s cake that’s why that’s why i

came to this place i follow him on


wow yeah i mean i only came here just

because it’s the only vaccinated

restaurant in the city

mm-hmm well uh

i actually have been here since before

they put that

into play so oh so

i mean before but i’m definitely

quarantined i guess like i haven’t gone


two weeks i would say that’s true but

that seems pretty safe

uh but you had said you’d been here for


weeks but i feel like they made that

change at least a month ago

so you’ve you don’t know how long you’ve

been here

uh you never yeah i’ve you know my phone


it died yeah that makes sense you didn’t

bring a charger with you i didn’t bring

a charger there’s not an

outlet anywhere near here i asked terry

he wasn’t any help

i see that you’ve you’ve made some some

marks on the wall

here kind of like people do in prison

when trying to

mark the days is is that what this is

oh yeah for yeah that’s exactly i’ve

broken four forks doing that but

i didn’t think to count them all up


that’s the hardest part of tallying is

the counting yeah

yeah i’ll lose count like after five

but uh if i concentrate let’s see

you know it’s it’s all right we don’t

need to concentrate we know it’s been

okay okay

okay okay i got up to 60 but there was


no have have we figured out why

you’re staying here so long i know you

said you’re waiting for a date but now

i got somebody to come i got some heard

of coming now i’m trying to i’m kind of

doing the math here was

that was the date supposed to meet you

like a month ago when you first arrived

or did you come here a month in advance

to prepare if that’s what the tallies


then yes i’d follow those facts i’m

gonna stick to the facts of the tallies

the tallies are now infallible okay so


yeah it is raw data so

okay i might have missed a few here and

there but yeah yeah yeah yeah

i mean uh dr london can i talk to i’m

gonna talk to dr london privately for

one second

so we’ll just scooch i’m sorry to all

these other people here i

just if you could take our spots for a


excuse me i’m gonna hop back under this

table yeah just go just see

if you could did you see how he scurried

down there that was a scurry he seemed

very comfortable strong scurry though

i’ve got to be honest i don’t think this

guy’s date is going to show up

it’s already been at least 30 something


don’t say that we don’t know like maybe

that’s just the kind of

person that he’s into someone who’s oh

someone who’s a little aloof

a month or more late yeah like

mysterious you know

some people are like some people are

really bad at remembering appointments

or yeah you know certain times of the

like they’ll be like oh it’s wednesday


you know and i mean she could be like

getting ready

too yeah that’s true that’s true because

i know sometimes girls take a while to

get ready

that’s that’s what i’ve read about that

yeah yeah

okay we can get back into it

that was really fun i’m glad we got to

talk about the

uh the our team our favorite teams

yes at uh the the dodgeball rally

swim team uh swimming the dodge

swimming in dodgeball it’s a new type of


oh wow i hope that goes well for you

guys thank you it’s going to awful

it’s terrible but i don’t want to i’m

sorry i’m sorry

anyway i mean i mean dr lynn what do we

or what i mean

i mean


your date like because i know you’ve

you’ve talked about some to me

me okay yeah yeah sorry cameron

um oh yeah just because you’ve mentioned

like you’ve really you really like her

and it’s

it hasn’t been that long but you know

it’s you’re excited for valentine’s

thing um

i mean it was pretty cute it’s kind of a

traditional meat cute i would say

at the bookstore oh yeah that’s adorable

we both reached for the same bathroom


we were in the bathroom at the same time

and we had

it was like a single stall bathroom but

it was kind of dark it was very


and anyway so we were reaching forward

at the same time we were like oh excuse

me and we thought that was really funny

that like

two people at the same time like isn’t

that kind of

yeah i mean cosmic in a way like

it’s destiny as long as you guys had

washed your hands first and yeah that’s


it’s i don’t well i don’t have to do

that anymore that’s a whole

lot okay the sweat on my palms actually

have sort of antibacterial properties

wow that’s a doctor is that that sounds


he’s no that’s not really how but but go

on cameron oh yeah she

i mean she makes me laugh and she makes


sing songs about love dr london

well when you say she she makes you is


like a is it a bullying situation

this is like no thank you no no tell you

what to do

i could take a joke that’s why i’m

laughing so much it’s funny

i’m not i’m not dude i’m not like a

snowflake okay

i’m not like gonna get a fun dude when

someone is like leave me alone

why are you in the bathroom like i’m not

gonna be like this kind of guy like i

can take a joke

you know yeah that’s just me i’ve had no

judgment on anyone

you sound like a good guy it’s

you know the amount of gifts i’ve been

leaving her recently

i think really really enforced the idea

that i am a good guy

and she must on her porch gifts or

gifts or in her phone

her phone porch well it was its gifts

gis on her porch i was printing them out

frame by frame they don’t work that way

well no

no have you ever buy do you buy them

like a flip book i was about to say have

you ever done it like a flip book

i haven’t you’re right you got me it’s

sort of unbelievable

to me that someone hasn’t printed out

frame by frame

that gif of michael jackson eating

popcorn and then done it like a flip

book for their sweetie

like i it’s 20 21 i feel like everyone

is doing this right

yeah too bad you know it’s valentine’s

day now otherwise people could

do that yeah for next year for next year


so would so you said that you’d leave it

on her porch so it sounds like

i don’t know it makes me think of like

how a cat will leave

you know like a dead bird or a dead


at the porch in order to like you know

like say

look i did this look how are you proud

of me for doing this

uh is did you just just left it on the

porch and did you

like is there a back and forth

communication i guess is what i’m asking

like did she communicate back to you

no cause gifts don’t have sound so

they’re silent

okay but uh does she give does she give

you back

um i think that’s sort of that this is

where we get into sort of a complicated

territory with the concept of like

giving back because you know

she she gave me back the things that i

had given her but isn’t that just as

special as a gift

did you ask her to come here via gif i


yeah i used so okay all right there’s a

fun game i don’t think your date’s

coming my date’s definitely coming i

bought this suit just for it

of course the dates all right let’s love

my life and i

invited her to a date using like a

taylor swift gif

from the music video of you belong with

me when she’s like you know what how

taylor swift is so nerdy

and guys don’t like her um and that’s

really what the video is about because

her the guy she wants is really into the


girls she wears t-shirts exactly it’s

like she’s such a dork and it’s

but people don’t realize that like

underneath that

is something special and so i sent that

gift to her i feel like she got the idea

and now we’re just gonna sit and wait

yeah which it’s it’s kind of weird it’s

actually been like we

i always say that we’re gonna be late

sorry can we get another round of uh

tuna holes extra chia sauce can you edit

it you blew through those

cream cheese and jelly sandwich and then

maybe some

some uh cut cheese and mayonnaise

yeah thank you you guys got winchester


no no no no you guys gotta try these you

guys got to try these you guys got to

try these

is is this a is this a drink

no it’s a food okay oh

and it’s like i i chew it through the


uh i’ve seen it done that way

okay okay i definitely do need to try

this majority of the time

and is it okay are they bringing it

around now is that

yeah check these things out okay they

make them real fast

okay i can blow these things out okay so

what we have here

is a pastry shell

and then just like kind of whatever

else they had back there so there’s like

some carrots i’m seeing just some

peels various peels uh a bone

so uh yeah man okay that’s good

okay they’re bringing over the lighter i

do want to mention

there is gluten like you say it’s a food

that we eat

and not drink but it doesn’t seem to

conform to a

shape uh it all fits in this little cup

like a like a toilet just like a toilet

don’t you

i mean i can’t argue with that you can’t

get some of those bad boys

yeah down the hatch

i told you right that’s good i told you

it hurts it hurts really bad

just can i borrow one of your napkins i

i’m not supposed to swallow it i’m

supposed to chew it like gum

well these are actually all i made a

mega napkin out of this one napkin

all these napkins so you can use that if

you want it’s about 40 napkins

okay it’s been a blanket i’ve been using


tucking myself in okay oh

okay well i mean dr london do you want

to talk about talk about your date some

or yeah yeah so actually so i know

um i don’t know i don’t always talk

about my

sort of romantic private life but uh


i don’t know it’s just kind of it’s i

found someone i guess is

is it so um wow yeah and it

you know it’s so uncommon to find

someone but uh anyway her her name is

uh tarfton fambringo

and oh yeah yeah you know

so she’s canadian obviously that’s

beautiful saskatchewan she’s an import

um and it’s very international that’s

pretty cool dr lynn very open-minded too

thank you yeah you know that i’ve like

i’ve been trying to work on that

yes yeah so i’ve i’ve been you know i’ve

been trying to be more open-minded about

you know recognizing nations canadians

people above above the border yeah

recognizing nation

basically i don’t i come from a family

that doesn’t necessarily believe in

other countries

and it’s it’s one of those traditional

things that like

i’ve you know when i went to school like

the movie theater

yeah yeah a lot like that so so whenever

i um

you know whenever i do this uh whenever

i meet people i’m

i’m having to be self-aware and say

if they have an accent and they’re from

another country

that’s okay and it’s not made up

so if that i know that might be pushing

some buttons for our listeners and i

don’t want to

sound crazy and whatever but that’s

i’ve had to be accepting in that way in

any case

so powerful um there’s this girl

and uh so we met at the uh

the well it was formerly an ice skating


now it’s a fishing area

yeah um yeah because uh fish and skate

yeah efficient global warming yeah so i

should say they do still skate around

there but

i went in and then you know cut the hole

in the ice

well and doug makes a good point it’s

the reason they had to convert was

to this is because of global warming

right mm-hmm

i i assume i didn’t i know i’m not as


as i sound so much better i’m not as

tight with them

mall scientists as you are yeah which

that’s what i majored in yeah mall


mall science yeah

so uh anyway so so i was you know

digging a hole in the eyes or

i guess drilling using one of those hand

drill things and she came up

and said you know i’m trying to try to

skate here but she said in one of those

crazy accents

and so i was like uh hey

yeah what what what are you um

and i’d so so there was a lot like i i’d

say for the first

few weeks of knowing each other i

couldn’t tell a word she said

uh just the the accent was so strong she

kept on saying

stuff like a and sorry

and i i like i i couldn’t get it i don’t


um oh so french i

french you know it’s i’m trying to be

open but i really don’t

know but i know that she was it sounded

like a

canada or canada something something

like that

i all i know is candido which is a yeast


so that’s that’s kind of where i’m

coming from on this so

anyway uh so you just hear key words

that sound

like kind of medically words out in the


and your ears perk up like a little

puppy that’s right

i mean you hear you hear something that

kind of sounds like

a yeast infection and you go oh

that’s right so i’m drilling and i hear

this yeast infection

and i’m like i’m starting to get really

pumped about it

uh yeah man anyway and so she comes she


please stop i think and then uh

we we start talking about yeast

infections i think i

once again it it might have been all

one-sided uh

but then we went out to eat and stuff


so what a few weeks yeah we’ve been

getting along great

um she uh she showed me that you can

actually do the same kind of ice fishing


which i had no idea that people did that

are you catching fish

in there uh

i didn’t take mall science i don’t know

yeah so i

so cameron will usually

bring in because he takes it upon

himself to do a lot of things at the

mall he’ll bring in

fish and he’ll supply the uh the ice

rink with

fish wow i can’t say that there there

are any at the start okay okay so i

can’t just go

i can’t go to any mall and do this

like i can’t tell you i can’t like prove

a negative that that doesn’t make sense

to me

but dr london if he doesn’t know like

the objective right answer

he struggles with using basic human

knowledge and common sense to figure out

the answer

that’s dr london sticks with what he’s

studied he has not studied malls you


not like cameron for sure like i could

say like dr

london um is uh

is the last mall we went to really a

bread factory

and you would have to say i don’t know

because you’re not you didn’t study that

even though it’s an absurd question that

anyone else would be able to just figure

out with common sense

that’s not dr london’s specialty unless

they have a sorrow and then it’s like

they make bread there

that is true sparrow

or panera however you say it so

so anyway so what led up to this

date this date night was we were

uh she and i you know

me and uh tarfton we were out

and we were kind of in this outside area

it was really

beautiful there was a statue and stuff

uh which they were tearing down

and then you know she she said something


her mom getting a colonoscopy

and i once again just cameron said my

ears perked up

perked right up uh yeah and then and my

song was playing and it was this

strange moment and you know the song it

goes you know you’re the best

around nothing’s gonna ever keep you


uh i’ll also associate that with


yeah and so that’s our song um

that was playing at the skating rink as

well and

maybe someday we’ll dance do it that’s


cute yeah so anyway um that song was

playing and it was such a picturesque

moment so i got down on one knee

and you know i said like uh you know

speaking of colonoscopies uh colorectal

cancer is actually the third most common

cancer in the united states

yeah and so she she covers her mouth for

a second she seems like

uh her face seemed a little confused but

mostly like excited tears were kind of

starting to fall you think you’re

turning her on at this point

oh no did her diet her dad die of

colorectal cancer and she started crying

i not that she mentioned but like

and maybe i just maybe my view was weird

from being on one knee

you know but any uh so maybe it just

looked like she was crying

anyway um so now i said

well uh so if we look at the

gastrointestinal system there’s actually

an important concept to understand

namely what was that

did you pull out a chart you start

showing her the colorectal system

uh yeah okay okay is that okay i’m just

that’s just how that’s a that’s a it’s a

move i haven’t heard of that one before

yeah i would say that’s a legitimate


yeah yeah i mean and you have to


coming from dr london this is a huge

step yeah

i ain’t knocking it no because i ain’t

tried it right

yeah so i have the poster out and i’m

saying so there’s an important concept

symptoms will look different depending

on what location within the digestive


problem occurs so if there’s bleeding

there’s likely to be anemia

which is you know low blood count uh but

a red blood cell count specifically but

there’s only frank blood if that

bleeding occurs very close to the end of

the tract

in the left colon and anus and so i

pointed that on the diaphragm diagram

and she’s still huge mistake

dr london i i didn’t want to say

anything but you can’t like on a first

date bring up anus oh i thought you were

mad that he said

diaphragm instead of diagram i was like

that’s not a huge mistake he’s fine no

that’s just dr london i

i that’s just how he talks but to me

it’s just like

bringing up anus so quickly dr london


forward too forward we’ll see i

i guess i guess i just thought things

were going so well it’s just you know

it’s a medical term so i was

anyway so but then i said of course that


but blood gets degraded if the bleeding

starts earlier in the digestive tract so

stool may just look darkened or black as

a doctor you got

to be saying anus all the time anyway so

it makes sense to me

that’s true you want to get her used to

sort of the life she’s buying into

yeah you’re throwing around anus you’re

throwing around like anal glands

yeah oh i’m turning around all the time

chucking it yeah

so i’m you know i’m saying that the the

stool may look

darker blackened if it’s if there’s

bleeding in the right colon or higher

so that’s you know i was like telling

her that’s that sort of framework to

bear in mind going forward

uh and then she at that point she’s

uh she does seem confused and a little


and so i i’m thinking like maybe this is

such a

like a an empty hole where knowledge

should be

and she’s just realizing yeah so yeah

oh and i should say also that at this

point it’s hard to be confronted with

your ignorance

yeah yeah and i know girls were really

impressed by that

uh especially in that kind of setting so

and i guess everyone else there was too

because people were bringing out their

cameras and stuff because i was kneeling

and i had like a

a little a toy in my hand that i was

kind of fiddling with that i was holding

up in front of me

uh it came in a little box but anyway so


so i said of course everyone uh

over the age of 50 years old is that

increased risk for colorectal cancer and

this is why people begin to undergo

colonoscopies at that point in life

though um you know even at that you know

at that moment

specifically uh recommendations are

shifting towards 45 years old for


i’m not always great at reading people

but i feel like she was really getting

into that so

i was about to say she’s got to be like

on fire at this point right

she’s losing it yeah like she was like

tears were streaming down her cheeks and

you pull

you’ve pulled out all the classic tricks


it’s a statue it’s it still sounded like

she was

maybe waiting to hear something else

like maybe waiting for me to change the

subject so i

i was like okay i guess i gotta i guess

i got to get a little bit more into


so i was like okay so colonoscopies are

done to look for edematous polyps which

are pre-malignant lesions so in other

words they have characteristics yeah

that make them predisposed to becoming


villus adenomas in particular have a

higher chance of becoming malignant as

opposed to the tubular ones

the larger the size of the adenomas

polyps the greater the number

the higher risk of the cancer and and so

at this point

she is losing it has to be

yeah it was it was really hard to read

really down on one knee at this point

she well so she’s she’s got her face

her hands covering her face and she she


like is is this what i think it is and i

said i was like yeah well

yeah i what does it look like yes i’m

you know in my head i’m thinking finally

someone is getting

really excited about learning about uh

you know the digestive system

and cancer screening all of that like

it’s so have you tried this before

what have you tried this before with

previous dates

you run this by anybody before and this

is when it finally clicked with somebody

i don’t think that i don’t think i’ve

ever liked anyone enough

to do wow london really does play

like hard to get you know and it’s you

you’ve got to be really invested in

someone and so that’s what i mean that’s

why i’m excited to meet this woman i

mean it sounds like oh yeah

i feel honored to be here honestly i’m

glad you guys

sat down here and what’s crazy is you

know i’m not finished with the whole

story but

that was today that was actually today

that this happened

today so you asked her to come here

immediately following

this uh yeah well and you know spoiler i

don’t wanna

so so anyway i tell her also you know

inflammatory bowel disease whether

crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis

also poses an increased risk of

colorectal cancer with ulcerative

colitis having a greater risk so much so


these patients with ulcerative colitis

should begin surveillance colonoscopy

for colorectal carcinoma eight years

after they’re first diagnosed

uh family history of a first-degree

relative having colorectal cancer also

increases a patient’s risk

so that’s something to watch out for

with her mother you know getting uh the


if something that’s kind of you maybe

yeah yeah

just just bear it in mind

yeah i was told her dietary factors can

influence this risk with a high fat and

low fiber diet associated with

a higher risk of colorectal cancer and


you know that then i did stop i

clarified because i

at this point higher than what

uh the a higher no one’s

no no one’s higher than me right now


you kidding every day when i say that

there’s a higher

risk it wasn’t saying like i know you’re

and i can see the smoke

yeah i don’t think that’s allowed but

i’m on board for it

oh well what uh what’s his name again he

hooked me up

yeah terry hooked me up what the [ __ ]

terry yeah

come on man yeah this whole time

two weeks or seven months i don’t know

what it says

i can’t i i lost count of the tallies

but you know

i could have used something terry

wow just when you say his name it just

he just piercing eyes staring at you

like with

with death he does not like you

is that what you see i see a rapport

that’s been built up over time that i

see love behind those eyes

and i see a friendship that’s gonna last

a lot last a lifetime

so when he doesn’t reply to you and he

just stares at you you think that’s sort

of like banter

i know what terry’s thinking and saying

and his

brain is oh so he doesn’t even have to

speak and y’all just are kind of in sync

like that that’s awesome

yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah right now

right now i’m like terry what the [ __ ]

and he’s like uh actually

um sorry dude i wish that i’d let you

know i didn’t know you’re into that


and you know we’re cool about it i’m

over it

okay thanks i hate

you know i hate to get back but like i

really want to share

what happened so so i’m so sorry i’m so


you know i’m on one knee i’ve got like

there’s a whole crowd that’s gathered

now like everyone’s got their phones out

there they’re recording it

um they’re losing it oh they’re they’re

so excited they’re cheering

and i’m like okay okay yeah great you’re

excited about medicine

i love that so i said uh the reason why

we screen with colonoscopy is because

colon cancer can grow a lot in the

abdomen before showing symptoms

so the disease can become relatively

advanced by the time it becomes


symptoms can be you know sort of

lesser things like black tarry stools

dark stools that are sticky from

partially digested blood

abdominal pain change in bowel habits or

unexplained iron deficiency anemia

but other signs and symptoms can include

abdominal pain caused by

partial obstruction of the intestinal

tract or peritoneal dissemination from

spread outside of the intestinal tract

colorectal cancer is actually the most

common cause of large bowel obstruction

in adults

and if that obstruction perforates the

bowel that can lead to

a peritonitis that is life-threatening


patients may also experience weight loss

or blood in the stool if the tumor is

located on the right side

obstruction is unusual actually because

it’s its larger luminal diameter so the

large tumor can go undetected

a change in bowel habits from a tumor in

this location on the right side

would also be you know unlikely uh

but again occult blood in the stool iron

deficiency anemia

and melanoma are changes and so

terry can we get some more winchester

toilets please

and so at this point she was

she didn’t seem as happy

and terry can i get the muscle

not muscles the muscle are you trying to

get their bouncer over here

okay because i think it is a super

wrestler no it says on the menu it just

says the muscle and then underneath it

has a bunch of question marks

oh man so i think it’s like maybe a


a special sandwich or like an arnold

palmer but

muscle oh actually can we get this in

like an

arnold palmer format if you could just

get me the

muscle and sort of like convert it to an

arnold palmer that sounds really good

thank you for that suggestion doug yeah


add lemonade dude that’s all it is

muscle and lemonade

mmm the ultimate comment now london was

this the end of your

just incredibly long story in which he


no i sorry sorry i didn’t want to spoil

it oh

wait no okay okay i’m sorry

as i was saying she was kind of not

not she didn’t seem happy anyway so but

but i

you know i think she’s probably just

looks unhappy because she doesn’t know

the end

of this that i think she was fishing for

so if the tumor is located on the left

side that means there’s a smaller

luminal diameter so sense of obstruction

and abdominal pain are gonna be more

common uh

partial partial blockage can result in

alternating constipation diarrhea with

the narrowing of stools known as pencil


uh frank blood and stool is also more

common with left-sided tumors

if a tumor is located in the rectum and

23 or 20 to 30 percent of them are

patients will more commonly have black

and tauris school tenesmus

and erectile mass leading to a feeling

of incomplete evacuation of stool due to

the mass

and she by this point she has

like started to back away from me a

little yeah she’s checked down

mm-hmm yeah you had her going and pumped

up for a second

and now she’s like you just said stool

too many times i think it’s lost on me

the words lost meaning so she’s just


doug this happens every single time i

think dr london is afraid of success

stool stool stools he knows that’s the

key word that messes people up

why does he insist on bringing it up

every single time he’s on a first date

or just meeting someone

so i huh okay well that makes

so you know i was finally you know

almost done at that point

with with teaching her uh

so i said you know surgery is the only

curative treatment for colorectal

carcinoma cancer and

this involves cutting out a tumor

containing bowel as well as a resection

of regional lymphatics

the cea level should be obtained before

surgery as a sensitive marker for


chemotherapy or radiation therapy will

depend on staging and follow-up will

vary among physicians but it is worth

knowing that

about 90 percent of recurrences occur

within three years after surgery so

adequate follow-up is important to

prevent this

so i tell this to her as she’s walking


and then i say like so we’re so what’s

the crowd doing at this point

um so a fair amount of them have started


so oh wow okay yeah i mean i was like

okay well i i got on one knee because i

was kind of tired of standing and there

wasn’t a chair

fair and i’ve noticed that there’s not

enough chairs in parks

yeah yeah i see benches but i don’t want

a bench i want a chair

yeah so i got up and

then um i kind of just

was like okay like just yelling after

her like i guess

i guess we’re good for dinner then and

uh yeah so she’s she’s actually running

a little late

at this point yeah like pretty late

i think traffic’s probably bad or

something like it seemed like a bad

traffic day or something

well especially especially this time of

year you know

you know mid-february i feel like

everyone’s driving around a lot

um you know a lot of football games


great time to drive you know because


football just ended but people want to

party after the super bowl dr london i’m

kind of losing hope here

but no you know what you know let’s

let’s fill ourselves with some hope

let’s hear about doug’s date okay okay


all right we’ve uh actually known each

other a while

but only reconnected recently

i’ve known her since since middle school

summer camp actually so it’s been a


we sat we stopped talking i got married

got divorced and then just i’ve recently


and uh yeah it i’ve just you know been

so excited to finally

see her again and um yeah

just been waiting here she’s running

late as well

okay so she’s outside she’s running late

she’s just delayed man a few months late


she’s my she’s getting ready did she

always used to take a long time to get


yeah in middle school man she used to

take hours to get ready

yeah at summer camp

okay so um she’s actually canadian as


yeah that’s actually crazy you’re

comfortable with that you’re like okay

with that

yeah yeah yeah yeah it was weird because

i go back to school

middle school and everybody was like i’d

be like i got a girlfriend and they’re


no you didn’t dude and i’m like yes i

did she lives in canada you gotta

believe me

yeah and uh you know it’s hard

it’s hard being a kid but yeah

i’ve been talking to her a lot recently

and you know

not recently because my phone died but

you know

before that yeah well does she know

like maybe if she if she like mixed up

the address of

the restaurant or something does she

know to

like is she sure that you’re here

because that maybe that could be part of


uh i’m sure she she she’s very intuitive

so i’m guessing that she could probably

figure it out i was kind of

been hoping that seeing as i did not

bring a charger

or there’s not an outlet in this booth

yeah that’s where i’m at i didn’t bring

a battery pack or nothing

yeah you didn’t want to move to a

different booth just in case she arrived

and saw this one unoccupied

yeah and i’ve like built like a little

thing underneath here i’m not trying to

move that out of there somewhere else

yeah you’re for it

yeah yeah that’s a good way to put it it

is kind of like a fort

i do feel a little bit like a kid in

there when i’m in my fort

it’s sort of a safe space oh man it

really is y’all could check it out if

you want to but there’s not a whole lot


room yeah i mean it’s a safe space but

there’s not a lot of

hopefully hopefully our dates won’t be

showing up while we do this but dr

london do we want to check out the


area before we go in there maybe let’s

get dessert to be on its way like i know

our dates are going to come but like


uh actually maybe we can ask the wait

like uh terry have you

seen maybe we just missed them

did someone uh they’re both well two of

them are

canadian um did that did you see one of

no that that’s the main distinguishing

feature terry

you’re canadian yeah that’s all i got to

that’s all i got

to go cameron what about yours was there

any other

like way for them to spot your date

uh yeah i mean it’s the hat really

okay oh so look out for a hat and two


well it’s like it’s the height of the

hat it’s i don’t want to say pharrell

height because that’s played out it’s

more like a jamiroquai hat

okay i do not understand the reference

but it sounds

tall jamiroquai is sort of the

90s version of pharrell

to clarify for any anyone here in this

restaurant at our table who doesn’t

understand that

hey i’ll quit eavesdropping the the cat

in the hat

would be another shirt that’s a tall hat

right there that’s a tall hat

real tall hat lots of leds you can’t

miss it

yeah so terry have you seen like mine

a tall hat with a lot of lights in it

or maybe a few no okay okay well in that

case um i’ll go ahead and order

let’s see if you could get me uh wendy’s

frosty a chocolate frosty with some

fries to dip it in it

is that yeah okay um

so they’ll just i think it’ll take a

while yeah actually

i want well can i actually get some

frosty to dip in the fries sort of the

reverse of that

it’s it’s a it’s a it’s a it’s a dietary


okay thank you yeah yeah he’s allergic


and if you could just bring me a if you

could bring me a bowl of whipped cream

i’m just going to tackle these leftovers

and just dip them in some whipped cream

i know so let’s climb under this table

huh see you guys later

i gotta stay up here but uh don’t touch

anything if you can avoid it there’s not

enough room

it’s not enough room for all three of us

oh you’re gonna okay

so okay so i’m gonna hold down the fork

in case i see any of our dates okay i’ll

i’ll let you know okay cameron

um look look at the he put up like star

stickers everywhere this is

beautiful and it’s oh my god he seems to


he doesn’t have an internet connection

or a charge to his phone but he does

seem to have a whole like computer

set up here like he and an espresso


yeah here’s the thing

i you know i don’t think that doug’s

date is gonna show up

like i don’t want to break it to him but


no i mean you

again getting ready remember or what


you knows uh uh she had to get her like

tires rotated

right that can take some a little bit of

time yes

no it’s just you know after an hour of

waiting and uh

you know we got to espresso yeah

it’s supposed to be this cold i it’s not

it’s not plugged in oh it’s just an

espresso maker

right okay uh let’s

should we break it to him yeah yeah i


okay cause cameron like we know our

dates are just late but

i gotta you know like months is a lot

longer than an

hour you know um

hour and a month and an hour is awesome

before we leave let’s um

let’s let’s write our names in the guest

book here yeah yeah

thanks for inviting me had a great time

in the floor sorry about the

mess okay

uh okay we’re just gonna do that okay

yeah man where’d y’all think what’d

y’all think that was

doug that was beautiful down did you

guys get a mat i’ve been snagging those

mints up front putting a little bowl

down there

oh i didn’t even let me okay let me get

one of those there you go

you are so hospitable and you’re just a

great andy’s a great guy

and i that what you’ve done with that

space is just wonderful

wow and and it’s you know

and any girl would be so lucky to have

yeah to share that space with you

and do a compliment do like a compliment

sandwich you know

and do they have those here

oh actually yeah can we get two

compliment sandwiches

subs get a house a children’s order for


a party sub please like one of those ten

foot long ones that you get at a party

can i can i get a children’s party sub

like a children’s ten foot party sub

okay all right okay

so okay do we who

okay yeah so is that so you got so like

i said any girl would be lucky to have

you know to share your space with girl


i appreciate that anyone mia or whoever

wow mia ham yeah

you something about lettuce uh you you

you have great taste in salads no no say


let us into your space and that was

really nice and kind yes

i appreciate the salad compliment as

well but that’s also nice

okay and then the tomatoes

um i i fro from my head

to my toes i appreciate your company

this evening oh my god uh

i don’t even know what to say i’m

blushing like crazy okay and now to the


to the meat of it uh hold on your date’s

not coming your date might be dead

oh my god why do you say dead what are

you talking about

your date’s not coming he’s talking

about cole and ectorectomy cancer

well i i couldn’t make sense of what he

was talking about i have to assume that

she’s dead also just because

there were so many like negative

sounding words in the mix there

sounded whatever it was sounded fatal

but my hat girl my hat girl is

definitely going to come she’s just

late we’d see her coming from a mile

away and she’s

yet too i think she had to do laundry


oh based on what she was wearing when i

met her i think she has to do laundry

because there’s no way that

that was the only thing she had you know

so maybe your date’s not coming either

my date’s coming

okay i wouldn’t buy all these salads for

no reason

your date’s not coming your date is dead

and damn

and but you’re all but your hair is

glowing today it’s so bouncy you have

nothing to contrast it against but i

appreciate that

it’s uh well no it’s i mean it’s a


and like some people would say it’s

unhealthy to have hair that glows

and like radiates light in that way and

i don’t know what you

what what you put into it like if you

broke a glow stick or something and

rubbed it in you know if you look

underneath here there’s some

glow-in-the-dark stars that i’ve just


using that you put in okay um

yeah you saw them under the ceiling

right yeah the ceiling meeting

the the under the table okay gotcha okay


all right with that do you wanna uh

i feel like the only way to really

finish this out would be

to uh and cameron i don’t know if

if you’re okay with us but i feel like

we should get a chore out of the way

you want to do that here now yeah i mean

just to

like they got bus boys um and dj dylan

is already

here so he’s got the wheel ready uh yes

so we can uh do you want to explain um

what you know the chore wheel to our


at this table please get lost so so

basically uh dr london and i and the

years we’ve

been friends and business partners um

he uh

i usually say we but it’s really his

fault he let a bunch of chores a bunch

of things on our to-do list

pile up and so for the last

few months we’ve been trying to go

through this

chore list and just knock one thing off

the list and we kind of made it fun by

creating this fun

chore wheel which i brought a mini

version of the tour wheel here with us

you can see

adorable and this has all of our chores

on it all of our to-do lists that we got

to get done and we’re just going to go

ahead and spin it

and whatever it lands on we just got to

do it can you help us out with that doug

uh with the chores or the spinning both

yeah if i don’t just give that a tiny

tiny little

the tiny glove with tiny hand on it

to spin it okay okay i put the tiny

glove onto my fingertip

and spin the tiny wheel with the tiny


okay there we go okay there it goes

there it goes there it goes there’s a

hell of a ball bearing in there

oh okay i did not want to do this one

uh but no good this is left over from

from last year i guess

uh we neglected to do this last time but

the chore

is complement your date

on their best feature wow that’s so

uh convenient that it landed on that

yeah that actually

it actually has been working out like

this a lot lately

that’s incredibly impressive it’s it’s

pretty good because

we because you know we don’t record

every chore that we do and so i mean

there definitely has been some where

it’s been like

uh like find the easter eggs and it’s in

like november

well i’m gonna go ahead and say it’s a

little uh

concerning if it’s a chore to compliment

your dates

so i don’t know if you guys wanna maybe

um and usually chore wheels have like

vacuuming or

clean the kitchen i mean it has that

like do the dishes

yeah okay okay okay make prank phone

calls to your grandmother

build elon musk cyber truck we have a

giant enterprise here that we’ve put


and to keep everything you know all the

plates spinning

we have to do this and one thing i

should add sorry and i

kind of realized one of the chores we’re

specifically supposed to stare into the


of the person on our left which is our


and um of course the compliments into


into their souls okay okay

okay so that’s what

i’m supposed to do so i’m just about to

turn i’m just looking at you dr london

i’ve got to pretend you’re my

pretend or should you say this to that


just to your date i guess whatever you

would think

to say to i guess okay

um all right hi tila tequila um

uh it’s good to see you again and uh

i love your jamiroquai hat and i was

wondering if i could borrow it

that was sort of the sort of the

intention of this whole interaction

wow so okay is that i mean do you think


did did i do it is that right yes i was

so nervous

oh my gosh i was so nervous doing that

oh you did so good

oh thank you okay it’s good to practice

yeah all right so i’m going to look to

my left and of course

uh so so terry

um thanks for sitting down finally i’ve

been invited

if i could look at your eyes real quick

okay you’re not big on eye contact but


try to force through this um

so tarfton

uh i we’ve been through so much together

and um i

i feel like we’re really doing

great and i can’t wait for you to

be oh compliment the comment um uh i

love that you sound like a yeast


compliment our nails girls love it i


that your nails look like they belong to

a yeast infection

nice yes that was good yes you crushed

it yes

nailed it nailed it yes nailed it

really what the hell you got tara to

give you a high five

that was that’s impressive yeah just

even the way you say his name he his

eyes dart at you

terry there’s a lot of goodness in those

eyes i’m sorry

it’s a playful menace okay i think

phantom menace is that but yeah um so


uh do you wanna pay your look into the

eyes of

i guess uh well the way you’re

positioned i can’t tell if it’s

if it would have to be cameron or the

stranger next to you

uh cameron would you be comfortable with

being the stand-in deborah

yeah that’s fine okay okay

sorry sorry it’s to cameron he’s he’s

gonna speak oh it’s me

yeah it’s not gonna be you guys sorry

sorry about that

turn around lady okay i’m not talking to


good lord get some space thank you push

them away a little bit

okay deborah

deborah i cherish your penmanship

and you lied to me dog oh my god

i knew this is what happened wow wow

wait what’s happening are you wait

is she lied to me are you being

channeled the voice has changed

deborah what’s wrong with you are you


yeah it’s just like whatever uh

yeah i’m i’m real sorry that i’m late i

was just getting ready

for a long time well that makes me feel

better to know that you lied to me

i am so sorry if i uh misrepresented the

truth in some way

if you could fill me in as to how that’s


that’s good assume no guilt assume no

guilt thank you

thank you you lied to me doug is there

anything you lied to her about

uh i’m i’m honestly at a loss i

did you lied to me in middle school

about the talent show

yeah we were supposed to be a team

you’re you’re right but i thought that

maybe it would sound better as a solo

rather than a duet i thought

i thought you wanted to sing islands in

the stream

as a as a solo you thought that would be


yeah i could do i can do both parts okay

yeah and you killed it i’m not gonna lie


you [ __ ] killed it dude thank you so


thank you so much i was practicing all


yeah i can’t be too mad about that

deb i i honestly appreciate you taking

this so well

oh okay i’m sorry did i uh i mean i

tried my best i’m

i’m taking you lessons

that’s something i’ve been really trying

lately is that like i want the people

around me to almost

feel like it’s so real that they’re

playing a vr game

you know what i mean like that’s how i

real i want to be is that like my

friends are like oh my god is this

am i in a vr game right now because it’s

so real

i was ready player wedding like crazy

i’m really sorry about that yeah it

wasn’t great

it sounds like it hurts i mean my eyes


dr london are we i mean do you think

yeah i feel like we we did the chore

so so did you dylan i know you’ve been

kind of set in the mood here

for a while would you mind um you know

bumping it up a little bit

and uh sending it i guess well it’s a

mini chore wheel so i guess if you could


um demolish it yeah and maybe play a


tiny very mini outro song

just the tiniest closing or uh

finishing the short wheel as in it

sounds small like the chipmunks or

like it’s uh short yes i want to leave

that up to dylan’s interpretation

i think i could be taking a number of

different letters


well yeah great choice that was that was

extremely tiny thank you

that was great and on the fly like that

honestly i’m so

good no he’s he’s great at that so his

his laptop is smoking right now that’s

not good for it

i know that much that’s how hard he was

he’s that good

like it’s not it’s not good for most


like used by us but whenever he’s at the

wheel at the helm

the game has changed but i feel like

you know we’ve been here for a while and

at least one of our dates might have

passed away

so i’d say like maybe like doug you

should i’m sorry

uh you know if you guys want to take it


charge it for me bring it back to me i’d

appreciate that or if you want to bring

me a charger

or get an extension cord find an outlet

bring it to here

oh you haven’t even looked for an outlet

not no there’s not one underneath this

booth i don’t want to impose on anything

you haven’t explored beyond fellow


yeah and his his computer set up down


there was already like part of that must

have already been there

is what i’m assuming and so you didn’t

want to disconnect anything just in case


messed with the restaurants i can’t get

that to turn on either

uh so okay yeah so

so with that in my okay so you’re gonna

you’re gonna stay here i’m gonna

i’m gonna go ahead and get out of here

and i think

i guess do i do i have to check out um i

don’t want to

yeah no i’ll i’ll cover i’ll cover the

tab i guess um

oh my god just with the patreon so uh

are you kidding me with the amount of

money we’re making on this patreon

who yeah oh man yeah we can buy all the

dollars in the world you kidding me yeah

i haven’t started one of these worth it

worth it is what i’m hearing

so uh yeah so tutor um

yeah so mike my name is dr yes i’d like to pay this


uh that’s our producer cameron of course

uh and uh

this has been uh doug actually yeah

doug before we leave um do you have

anything to

promote uh well

i don’t know if i have anything for

myself i haven’t made a twitter account

or nothing but i know this guy

keller knoblock on there he’s supposed

to be pretty funny

somebody was printing out tweets and

dropping them under the table

they’re pretty good and uh and i think

he was uh

i was real i was too scared to say

anything but two people sat down at this


and had a whole conversation about some

podcast called the 500 greatest films


and it sounded interesting and


and entertaining so uh yeah that’s about


i have as far as new information

so you’re gonna download that podcast

the second your phone gets up and

running again right oh my god

yeah as soon as i get that thing plugged

in if you guys want to take that home

that’s still on the table you guys can

do that for me but yeah

mm-hmm perfect great yeah

all right so that was our guest uh at

the table

doug spritz uh that was our producer

cameron uh

thank you for serenading us throughout

the meal uh did you join the hose


you’re the best


my name is dr london and this

has been

the jock doc podcast see you



no one’s gonna ever keep you down

as you hold her in your arms you know

it’s too good to be true

surely there must be a catch you briefly

glance around

but somehow pigs are not flying and the

world is not ending

at least not discernibly within your

line of sight

surely this is the greatest moment of

your life

you hesitate to call it that though

remembering the day that you earned your


that time that you climbed through the

sewers to acquire that shiny penny

and of course that really good hair day

in october of 1997

no this moment really does top them all

the embrace lasts only for a few seconds

however before she releases her hold

and you do the same hoping to hide some

degree of your enthusiasm

you may have been the smelling guy that

she agreed to cash in on a 50

bet but you came out of that with the

greatest riches of all

speaking of real treasure all along

don’t forget to leave a five star review

of the jock doc podcast

which you share about the times when

someone had to be paid to show you a

physical sign of affection

and consider joining our patreon where

we have new episodes that ditch the

medical lessons to

give you a hefty dose of improvised

comedy and while you’re at it

go ahead and share the jock doc podcast

with a friend or foe

you can send them a link to your

favorite episode or just send them our

handy website which is also a

great place to find a link to the


and don’t forget to take a peek at our

post on social media we are

@jockdocpodcast thanks for listening

86. Pulmonary Aspiration/Jack (feat. Michael Mojica)

Hey kids you are about to listen to a

comedy podcast

that means that none of this is medical


if you need medical advice or medical

care please

contact your doctor welcome to the jock


podcast featuring dr london

smith you may know him as the jock doc

but really he’s a jock of all trades yes

introducing your host dr

london smith


hello and welcome to the jock doc

podcast where we discuss fitness and


and how to incorporate our modern

understanding of science and medicine

into our daily lives but without it

being so boring

i’m your host dr

i’d like to begin by apologizing to our


we’ve received some feedback about the

excessive amount of

technical medical terms that i’ve been

using such as warmed peritoneal

irrigation and shoe fly don’t bother me

so i will try to temper my terminology

to a simpler one in the future

here to help with that is our producer




cameron are you

well it sounds like someone’s talking to

me but i can’t hear anything

definitely not someone i’m not speaking

to an audio issue are you

hearing either am i working is it

nope just can’t hear any people i’ve cut

out of my life because i’m not talking

to them anymore trying to talk to me


uh okay so did i karen did i offend you

in some way

i’m mad okay no i and i’m not talking to

you so

this is not directed to you i’m talking

i’m pointing the opposite direction and

i’m talking in that direction for anyone

who wants to hear

do you want to say to DJ Dylan will

that help

no because i feel like DJ Dylan enables


yes with the sound effects

okay because i sometimes feel like he he

really takes your side with

but but sure okay um what do you have to

say to

to the opposite side of the room then

what’s what’s the problem well

hey dj dylan yes isn’t it messed up when

your best friend and co-host is supposed

to pick you up from soccer practice last


and didn’t okay except wow

maybe you have another podcast so you’re

the producer for this podcast you’re not


you know an official co-host that’s sort

of a you know

you’re the producer you just kind of

make sure that’s your response is to

negotiate titles i say

to no one in particular yes do you have

another podcast where you’re the co-host

i want to clarify this because if you do

you did not pick me up from soccer


okay now that okay no i can explain and

i waited out there

all night i didn’t go to bed right which

cause you know the soccer field is next

door to you like it’s not a

long walk you could have just well yeah

but it was cold i’m not gonna walk in

the cold

but you’re gonna stand in the cold and

not sleep in the cold

all night

yes i so for me it’s a commute

i have to drive across town to get to

you to drive to pick you up and drive


to next door where you live yeah it’s

not next door

nope well it’s like it’s like it’s like

two doors yeah sorry

it’s like a couple doors down it’s it’s

in the same neighborhood i should say


like a block or two so okay so i i’m


i did so so at the hospital there

there’s a patient

i mean not to but arsenal but they were

dying this

ugh this whole thing again dude you are

like obsessed with fixing people

well it’s that’s that’s kind of the gig

you know being a doctor i’m not sure

oh my gosh you’re just like oh like oh

you know you’re not gonna let people

figure things out for themselves and

sort of like

grow you see their issues and you’re

like oh i gotta fix them gotta fix them

i gotta put that back on well like say

whenever it’s a uh

a cancerous tumor i i won’t let that

grow i will

i will try to you know treat that maybe

with radiation chemotherapy surge

surgery whatever whatever’s necessary

depending on

so so a lot of things in medicine we do

not want

to to grow on their own this is beside

the point like i said i am sorry for


you know your pickup time i know you’ve

kind of arranged a strict schedule for


that is difficult once again because

it’s across town and it seems like you

well for one thing you could walk for

another you could uber yeah like i’m

gonna spend

i’m gonna spend like a thousand dollars

a day

doing uber and lyft because i gotta go

to my soccer practice my piano practice

swimming practice fishing practice

okay what about pete your friend pete

who goes to the practices with you

you said yeah pete’s dead

yeah well i’m i’m so sorry i didn’t


could that be what’s what’s making you

upset here does something extend no

he died a long time ago he died like 35

years ago

okay maybe we’re talking about a

different pete then

uh peter your friend

like there’s peter griffin on family guy

i don’t think of him as a friend he’s

more of like a scoundrel

i hate actually hate him all right just

go on okay and we should move on but

i’m just who is that who’s your friend

who plays soccer with you

that’s what i’m wondering here maybe i

got the name wrong no i just play with

the kids like the neighborhood kids

yeah and did you not ever ask like

hey could could one of you give me a

ride or your

your parents yeah well i tried but like

the buddy pegs on their bike

broke due to the the weight okay

okay so you did and i’m sorry i’m sorry

that i guess that does fall back to me


you’ve exhausted your alternatives

yep okay so so that’s that’s our

producer cameron and i’m still

mad okay and uh

in is producer cameron it’s not

co-hosted it is producer cameron

uh but also with us is digital in the


well it sounds like someone’s talking to

me but i can’t hear anything

did you do in the house definitely not

someone i’m not speaking to

talking to me can’t hear anything so

no just can’t hear any people i’ve cut

out of my life because i’m not talking

to them anymore trying to talk to me


hey dj dylan isn’t it messed up when


best friend and co-host is supposed to

pick you up from soccer practice last


and didn’t be the producer for this

podcast you’re not actually

you know an official co-host because you

know the soccer field is next

door to you like it’s not a long walk

you could have just

isn’t it messed up isn’t it isn’t it

isn’t it messed up

did you own the house isn’t it isn’t it

isn’t it

and later cameron tells you that we can

expect a special guest

that’s right dr london all right so look

forward to that

but before we move on i would like to

address a bit of listener feedback

there is this laboratory in a sort of

top secret wing at the hospital where i

work and i stopped by there the other

day to pick up some

candy because they always have really uh

like a well-stocked candy ball there

so anyway i happened to look up at the

big glass partition

and there was a lot of fog in there with

what appeared to be electrical sparks


bodies flying around and tentacles

pressed up against you know different

parts of the glass

so that was all normal but the new thing

was that there was also writing on the

glass partition

that i assume was a note from a listener

and all this is in like dripping red ink

the note read quote since ron died and

my son won’t speak to me

because he considers me rude for telling

a few truths to his godless wife

i’m alone i’m willing to lend you my


in parentheses not the good ones the

ones from the dining room in parentheses

as long as you don’t remove the plastic

cover from those chairs

end quote

so first of all i would like to thank

this listener so much for reaching out

thank you so much yes that really does

mean a lot

to answer your question i do not think


that i am actually in need of chairs

plastic cover or not

but it sounds like you could use some

company this listener

so it just you you’re just like out here

just encouraging

people to hang out with this person well

i just it sounds like they don’t have

company i was gonna say they could

listen to podcast for one thing that’s a

form of company really um but they

already listened to the podcast so they

wrote into you

yeah and it it looks like it’s not

helping their personal life okay yeah


why not you know maybe they can find a


um but what candy you get

what what candy you get oh from the

from the hospital uh

so so sometimes i go for the kitkats

they don’t always keep chocolate in

there but

yeah but what was in this circumstance

why are you so afraid to talk about it

i don’t did i sound afraid i yeah

i’m i’m sorry i what candy did you get

why are you stalling so much

sorry it was a kitkat okay

that’s it i just wanted to know and you

refused to tell me for some odd reason

now i know that you did not get a kit


if anything could prove that you did not

get a kitkat it’s this okay

which i i mean that brings up so many


that i don’t even really want to ask

okay well um

anyway so to this listener uh maybe


making an apology to your

daughter-in-law because people can be

very defensive about

certain views uh religious or otherwise

and it’s important to bear in mind that

just because a person’s perspective is

different from yours that doesn’t make


a wrong view or a bad view

so try apologizing and try to

communicate your understanding and then


her to express and honestly and if

you’re the daughter-in-law

cut it out stop being just like this


just awful person you know what i mean

oh you mean

godless because that’s all we really

know about them yeah but you can just

like you can just sort of tell from the

letter that like you know that

she’s probably a little mean and like

a little nasty yes i

i guess i i wasn’t sure whether you know

it could have been the listener

writing in who’s kind of mean and nasty


the daughter-in-law in any case uh sure

well dr london

our listeners are always the good guys

well i depending you know if they’re

if they’re mean or hurtful then

that’s then there was a reason for it

because those are the lessons we’ve

bestowed upon our guests

as they eat up all the tips that we’ve

been giving them

yeah and some of those tips are how to

have a righteous anger

aren’t they dr london sometimes i feel

like i don’t get that

but um in any case to this listener

thank you for listening um

now for today’s medical topic pulmonary


so pulmonary aspiration is what occurs

when a substance is introduced into the

respiratory tract that is not normally


this can be acidic gastric contents from

the stomach which

are especially damaging to the lungs or

aspiration of bacteria that lives in

your mouth and your throat

or can be from a foreign body or fluids

basically this is like the times

whenever you’re

eating something and then it goes down

the wrong pipe that kind of thing except


it’s a worse version of that so

the right lung is most often involved

due to the anatomy of the right main

bronchus following a more straight path


and particularly the lower segments of

the right upper lobe

and the upper segments of the right

lower lobe

there are a number of risk factors this

is what i’m talking about what is the

point of talking about this

so well for one this is for training

doctors that’s really what this podcast

is all about we’re training young

doctors to be

you know the next generation to to

obsess over fixing people you’re

teaching people how to build

poor relationships dr london yeah i i

feel like that’s not really

the case you know what you should be

telling your doctors hey

let your patient be your patient you

know what i mean like let them be them

i’m not gonna tell you that you are less

of a person because of your haircut

so why am i going to tell this patient

oh you got to do this thing and

if you want this to grow back you got to

do this hey just let them be

them yeah um so i feel like maybe

it’s uh it’s more that like and so in

the case of

pulmonary aspiration if someone has

prostate cancer then that’s their choice

a lot of them don’t choose this i guess

is the issue that you know pulmonary

aspiration or

or cancer they these things happen

without them wanting to so

but but me sharing a little bit about it

can kind of clarify so

so there are a number of risk factors

for pulmonary aspiration but a few of

them include

a reduced level of consciousness

alcoholism excessive vomiting

and anesthesia so like if they’re

knocked out

for whatever reason they can

accidentally while they’re

asleep or you know unconscious they can


stuff from their mouths these people

you’re fixing you’re also

knocking them out you’re drugging them

okay so this is

a patient comes in just wants to hang

like just chit-chat

and like see what’s up you roofie him

and then you start playing around with

his organs and stuff

see i feel like you’re if that wasn’t if

that wasn’t in an

office you’d be a psychopath dr london


you’d be considered like a crazy person

but because society has normalized this

through things like er

and grey’s anatomy okay

suddenly it’s acceptable yeah so it’s

it’s more that um

you know they patients come in and they

have these troubles they have these

issues but it’s

uh anyway so clinically the presentation

is variable and you’re just so obsessed

with fixing them oh my god

some patients develop acute onset of

respiratory distress

however patients will often appear well

at first

and then develop respiratory dysfunction

in the form of

coughing shortness of breath fever

increased rate of breathing

hypoxemia or for all the sputum patients

may also have

obstruction of the airways with

localized wheezing findings on chest

x-ray are variable and can resemble

infiltrates that mimic

bacterial pneumonia adelectasis that’s

that’s uh

one collapse and local areas of collapse

may also be present

differentiating between aspiration

pneumonitis and aspiration pneumonia can

be difficult

so aspiration pneumonitis will show

infiltrates acutely then why

do it see this is what i’m talking about

you’re just creating more work for

yourself yeah so

so that you’re saying oh it could be

really hard to figure out if it’s this

one thing or it’s this other thing

but like if you stopped sticking your

nose into people’s businesses

wouldn’t even be an issue well so if you

just say hey like

whatever it is that’s who you are and

that’s i’m gonna let you be you

right so and just just hang out so


would be the um just the body reacting

to a foreign body whereas

pneumonia would be an actual infection

is that like

newman is this a seinfeld bit is that

the whole thing

no i mean not not really so uh

now you’re just making making jokes

you’re making light of your patients

that have these

terrible diseases that are coming to you

for help ugh

so aspirational humanities will show

infiltrates acutely on x-ray whereas

aspiration pneumonia which is the

infection one that takes a few days to


however many physicians will treat

empirically with antibiotics

since it’s often difficult to predict

which ones or which patients will


the pneumonia after they uh they have

aspiration demonitis

in terms of treatment if aspiration was

witnessed the first steps would be

the abcs of airway breathing and

circulation uh

you’re familiar with the abcs cameron

of airway and circulation breathing it’s


airway breathing circulation the

the am i so what are you asking though

are you i was just basically asking it

sounded like you didn’t know the abcs of

of uh oh because of last time no because

of this

moment ago that’s because of the last

time you asked me to do the abcs and i


yeah okay i didn’t wasn’t able to follow

through with it

but i was busy i told you i was busy

well and

you also and i was stressed no because

you i was taught i was sleeping

you did list something but it was


you started listing numbers and i was

like no it’s it’s the letters that

you’re supposed to do for abcs

well and that i mean that just depends

on what language you’re using too

because i think you’re

using sort of the gregorian language

well because you didn’t list the numbers

in order

or you just kept you were saying certain


it didn’t sound like it was a time

consumption 4 8 15

16 23 42 etc

right okay well um in any case

uh you like i said you do the abcs of

airway breathing in circulation along

with supplemental oxygen and supportive


if aspiration pneumonia is suspected

give antibiotics that have anaerobic

activity such as clindamycin

if obstruction is present early

bronchoscopy is indicated

uh prevention is critical in patients at

high risk for aspiration so

to prevent this you’ll keep the head of

the bed elevated

and place um a nasogastric tube to

decompress the stomach

is that does that make sense cameron and

if you don’t

you should also say like if you don’t

want to prevent this then that’s your


you should say that to let them know

so that’s always part of the the

physician-patient relationship is we

we explain it to the patient tell them

the risks benefits of treatment

and from yeah but just tell the

listeners now like hey if you don’t want

to prevent this because like that’s just

who you are and it’s kind of part of

your part of who who you are then like

that’s okay

right okay we can go ahead and move on

from there don’t go to the doctor


all right uh well cameron you said that

we have a guest today is that right

that’s right dr london we actually have

i want to say maybe a little bit of a

famous guest

okay wow great that that’ll help with

our numbers

he’s famous to me because i had met him


okay your lead into that wasn’t you know


okay but um sure as long as you know

that we can

talk medicine i’m assuming this is gonna

be you know you you’ve been

kind of talking up the idea of bringing

in uh a medical expert like someone

who’s the top of their field

someone uh epidemiology i think you said

specifically was gonna be

well i mean that that’s actually an

interesting point because that i met

this man in a field

and i would say we were at the top of it

i mean i i feel like that’s hard

directionally but we were definitely on

the northernmost point of it okay

sort of just digging through like like

rappers and stuff that was like on the

ground seeing what’s

you can find coins sometimes or like

sometimes maybe

that’s that’s what you go to a field for

and soccer yeah if it’s a soccer field

once again i’m sorry but i’m not really

gonna do that anymore because

i don’t want to have to stand outside

all night yeah i don’t want to

i don’t want to bring this into the

interview with the guests

just still really pissed off okay but


hi to our guest oh well we’ll

well hey there you know this is jack

over here

hey jack hi my name is dr london and this is our producer


well i’m just a jack of all trades you

know just just just wanted to to get in

here and talk to you all

just have a little problems of myself

but i’m wondering to know i mean are

y’all are you all homeowners

do you protect the investment the

the legality of the ownership of my home

is very

complicated and lengthy subject and it

involves a lot of

like bank accounts overseas type of


i understood i understood technically

i mean on paper i know that there

is a deed but it’s not to the house

itself it is

to um a place in idaho which which is

not where i currently am

yeah these are just it’s just

straightforward because i

i don’t understand it but i’m glad you

do yeah i just i just wanted to know if

you you have your gutters up you know

you have your roof cleaned

crawl space covered you know toilets

really need repair i’m

i’ll do it all for you oh okay so you’re

you’re sort of like uh like a

fixer-upper guy like you’re like a

fix-it man

like a of all trades almost like a jack

of all trades well you know

i just like to do all the kinds of home

owning things you know go to lowe’s home

depot you know you get

you get you get that uh gift card from

there and you can do much

pretty much about anything with it and

i’ve just learned a few a few things

i’ve learned how to do my

my outlets here i’ve been shocked a few


you know people just call me the the

jack of all trades i i just want to

start flipping houses i’ve

i’ve flipped about uh i think i’ve done


so far but wow ah you know i just need

to get on it

when you say flip houses you don’t mean


because cameron tried something once

that with with his house

and now he got it upside down but it’s

the full 360 flip that he couldn’t


yeah oh well no i mean i i i can see

where that can be an issue but uh

i don’t really mean flip them i just

mean you know protect protecting all

sorts of the investment you know it’s

the most important investment of your

life so you you really gotta

you really gotta make the most of it i

mean yeah i mean i’m not honestly i’m

not much of like a uh

handy guy i do a lot of experiments and

i do a lot of tinkering

but uh i mean this really isn’t my area

of expertise what

what brings you on the show well you


it’s funny that you asked and and and

and my clothes are real dirty but yeah


i just got to tell you you know i don’t

want to say anything but it’s

it’s like it’s evenly dirty the entire


usually i feel like when people get

dirty it’s you know you’ve got mud spots

over here and some dirt over here this


this is head to toe or i guess net like

neck to toe

evenly spread and distributed mud and

the floor

has taken on the color of your your body

essentially at this point yeah where

you’ve stepped

and now you might well might ask my

clothes the way they are and i’m usually

a sharpened

dresser but i had a really tricky

problem with the leaky radiator

okay so so i used a jar now i did i

didn’t have a jar right away so i used a

mayonnaise jar

and that mayonnaise jar wasn’t so empty

so you know i had to put

put it in my fishbowl that fishball had

my fishing and then i had to

put put put the dang fish in the sink

and well now

the sink was full of dirty dishes so

where did you have to put those

and you know i had to i had to load them

in the dishwasher

the dishwasher was full of the dirty

dishes so

at that point i just had to you know put

the dirty dishes in the laundry basket


my laundry basket is full of dirty

clothes which you see on me right now

that’s how i got here oh okay

so okay a large amount of so your fish

are still in the sink

oh yeah i guess that is i i was about to

skip over that

you’re yeah are your fish still in the

sink right now currently they are

you know what i’m saying and then and

that’s fine are they

i mean are they are they are swimming

it’s just another thing to take care of

it’s just another thing to take care of

which is your favorite thing to do right

garbage disposal

i was yeah i was gonna say that’s not

really an answer but i guess that one is

okay that is a very clear answer

i i i like it yeah well i like you


so oh that’s that’s nice thank you so

so i rarely get that that’s the reason

you’re on the show is because of a leaky

radiator and you blended a fish

incorrect my friend incorrect so

there’s a snake’s nest underneath the

porch okay okay

and it’s fairly unrelated well yeah

and uh you know instead of hiring an

exterminator way too expensive

i i understand you’re not a handyman i’m

not either

but it was still way too expensive is

how i got into this you know

instead of you know instead of finding

an exterminator why don’t i just

go ahead and get the snake myself well

it turns out

snakes aren’t that bad when you become a

snake charmer

you just gotta you know get that flute

looking thing that

that people overseas have you know it’s

called a punji or something

and you all you have to do is blow on

the thing and the snakes are just fine

it’s completely fine oh so that’s how i

took care of my snake problem so i mean

you just like blow on the pipe and the

snakes just come out from

under the house they do they do

sometimes they might just get on my arm

just a little bit

you know the snake is kind of nice you

know i might try to kiss my arm

so you’re just so even after the snakes

have vacated

the house you’re still playing still

playing still going at it sometimes they

want to come up and give me a little

kiss but

you know i was like hey little fella

you’re in a groove at this point and you

don’t want to stop

jamming yeah and i was like hey little

fella you gotta listen to my song and he

just snuggled around my waist and began

to contract a little

it was nice okay so but uh okay so i

have this slightly puffy you know arm

and my throat closes up

i got my hives all over so that’s really

the main reason why i’m calling here i i

don’t want to go to a doctor

well the air’s been so dry lately you

know what i mean like

i really it looks a lot like it could be

from you mentioned the snakes coming up

to you

giving you kisses uh and

did did they happen to bite you because


seeing well i’m seeing one that has not

detached from your arm that it

still appears to be well holding onto

your i was gonna

ask i guess i thought it was i don’t

know like a big belt that was just sort


hanging off of you but i think that i

think that is like a like a

python right it it it it might be well

you see at first it hurt a little but

then i just got used to it and then the

puffiness just comes and goes you know

and uh you know i i just i just think

it’s just really nice but

it it does hurt a little bit and i i am

trying to get rid of it and

you know my throat closing up doesn’t

help at all because

i wake up and i got the cold sweats yeah

because the air’s so dry yeah for any of

the listeners

asking or thinking to themselves like

wait are some of those he mentioned a

constriction he mentioned a python

so some snakes are poisonous some snakes

are not

and um he is covered in a lot of snakes

like we’re

we’re kind of minimizing it by talking

but he has a lot of

what appeared to be different species of

snakes attached to him

and around him constricting him in

different areas

and so you know just for the listener

it’s just hard to tell because his

clothes are so dirty so it’s kind of

like i can’t tell what snake and what’s

shirt yeah

but the parts that are writhing the i

think those are

i guess that makes sense yeah like it’s

it’s it’s impressive that they’re all

staying on you to me

i i mean at this point i just i just

have to live with it you know my wife

you know she she might not sleep in the

same bed as me but you know that’s

totally fine it’s just

i think we got the case she’s sleeping

somewhere she does she seems somewhere

we got the california king so it’s


you know ah i’ll make do

you know it’s just all about protecting

the investment the and i mean that that

has to be the

that has to be the goal yes the snakes

are part of the investment

so so the investment has gone beyond


the house that you’re trying to fix

i guess everything on the property

itself everything that comes with it

including when you purchase a house

you’re not just purchasing the house

you’re purchasing the land as well

you’re purchasing the snakes that live

under it and that you charm

out from underneath and onto your body

yeah and you own the mud

you own all the stuff that is on him

right now he

he does own that i don’t know if you’re

trying to like steal it or something

no is that why you’re asking about own

like trying to clarify ownership you

want some of the snakes because that

actually would be very convenient for

this issue

right he’s got snakes he wants to get

rid of it sounds like you want some

no so i so we can just do a swap right

here i mean

that i mean that would be a bad idea

right there okay well i

for one thing i can go ahead and say

right now this is partly due to

you know a lack of knowledge on my part

because like i said i’m not

i’m not such a handyman i’m not a jack

of all trades

i don’t do a lot of and you’re dumb and

i don’t do a lot of house flipping

so whenever someone comes in covered in


my first thought isn’t this guy knows

how to fix a house

but i i can understand that your first

thought is probably like oh i should

play video games or something like that


you’re not even considering any of this

no when i see a person covered in snakes

my first thought is not i should go play

video games that’s not

oh i wish i had like uh dr pepper right


that’s all you’re thinking about because

you’re off in your own little world

where me and jack here in the real world

real worlds have

snakes we’re in the we’re in the real

real doing men

things lifting heavy objects and snakes

you know

i’m just saying i do gotta ask so you

are wanting to get rid of

you specifically one snake but

do you want to leave the rest of them i


you know at this point they’re just

really nice i got i got that wonderful


and if you don’t know what a pungent is

just just look up that middle the the

middle eastern people i mean they i mean

they have them

they have them they they they charm the

snakes all day long all night long

and uh and you can really jam with it

you can just really jam with it and at

this point

i’ve jammed so much that i have also

become a dj

so what’s the connection here oh so

you started playing this flute

and you what you started sampling it or

something you know it it’s just

it’s just that my house was clearly also

disturbed by

by ghost so i thought you know maybe i

should become a priest to expel them

or or so this is all the homeownership


not only did your house have snakes it

also had

did you say ghosts yes i know that i

wanted to become a priest to expel them

the kids and the wife and i mean we all

had nightmare well i had dreams

i just had dreams of of dancing ghosts

so then maybe all of them aren’t so bad

after all

why don’t i just throw them a dj ghost

house party


oh okay so you sort of while being


in snakes learned from your snake

charming lesson

and are now sort of establishing that

line of logic towards anything you’re

trying to expel

or now make them party basically

exactly my friend and it’s not expensive

have you thought about

maybe how the snake venom that i’m

sure is becoming a part of your


could you be hallucinating to any extent

and maybe this could be driving some of


plans to you know have a dance party for


in your home that you’re trying to flip

no i don’t know whether whether

or not to go with or or without that


because my reality is real right now you


assuredly go against london’s suggestion

at any point

yes he’s usually wrong i mean everyone

that tells me that comes to me they say


you know get on chip and joanna gaines

show i mean you’re jack of all trades

you’re a snake charmer you’re a dj

you’re a priest i mean

what can’t you do jack you know what i’m

saying yeah i mean that’s

three whole things it it sounds like

you’re not

like it’s more that you just have it’s

not that your jack of all trades it’s

that you’re a jack of having so many


in your house you see you see them as

problems but

my life couldn’t be any better i’m just

enjoying this life

london fixing things is in his blood

look he’s obsessed with fixing things

and can’t that be okay

so can you remember life before you were

bitten by snakes

let me think before you be became

covered in snakes

because because i’m guessing it felt

better than however you

how you feel now well i mean i did i did

a few toilet repairs life was a little

bit more boring

i just discovered how to uh you know get

them wi-fi outlets working you know

you know get with my goo with my google

home so maybe

you were doing your repairs normally and

then you just came across a problem that

it sounds like you were able to fix a

toilet on your own

but then once again whenever it came to

snakes too big a problem

and ghosts maybe not quite

your specialty and so these things or


maybe you aren’t a jack of all trades

just maybe a jack of a great

many you know a healthy amount of trades

yes i thought i thought the same thing

but then

the snakes shut up and they stopped

buying me even though they’re still

hanging on

i still got hives all over but i’m i’m

still okay i can still sleep in the


without my wife but uh you know

life has actually gotten a little uh

better more

fun less unexciting well it’s probably

pretty fun with all the crazy stuff

you’ve been seeing right i tell you so

because i uh especially i imagine if

you’re like partying with ghosts and all

this stuff

yeah i don’t even know you you do look

very pale and exhausted

your foot does appear to be lost to the

python at this point

oh actually i do know what this is when

i met

when i met jack he goes into snake mode

sometimes which is this

and that’s when he’s got the brains of a

snake so

okay so so my thought here i don’t know

if you remember

uh if you were listening earlier the the

abcs airway breathing and circulation

so you circulate the a

you do a first airway you said your

throat was closing

well let me get a pen okay we i mean you

don’t need to

you don’t have to do a tracheotomy right

now no so i’m saying

i’m trying to write down the area there

okay so a it’s it’s

i mean he’s like wobbling back and forth


he’s like picking up a pen okay no you

don’t eat the pen

i’m sorry okay sorry about that sorry i

just can’t eat the pen that’s

that’s his choice there’s i mean

i’m not gonna stop him so so it’s a for

airway and you said that your your

throat has been closing up so it sounds


occasionally occasionally sometimes i

wake up and i’ve done passed out

i don’t know if i passed out from that

or dealing with electricity in the house

yeah it’s you should you should see a


about this like not well that’s what i’m

calling i mean i’m talking to you it

sort of seems like you just continuously

go to room

from room to room in your house uh maybe

hurting yourself

just in just in like very complicated

roundabout ways and then you wake up

dazed from it possibly have

suffering from some sort of hypoxemia

memory loss

and you just try to get to the next task

like something actually has this

actually raises another question you

said before that you

think you can’t remember quite but you

think you’ve

flipped one house

is that memory loss a new thing

or is the house the one house that you

quote unquote flipped is it the house

that you’re still working on right now

you know yeah you know i i just don’t

want to be a failure

i don’t want to be seen as a failure for

my family

and my wife so i i was just hoping to at

least flip one house

in the future okay

so so can

can i ask how long you’ve been working

on this house

17 okay you

you’re i i think to call that a flip is


very misleading i feel like i feel like

just the word flip itself implies like

sort of a quick

yeah a few years oh okay

okay when when was the last time you

slept in the same bed with your wife as


oh about two and a half to two oh okay

so she didn’t put up with 15 years of

you uh flipping this house is she still

living in the same house

flipping the house she’s still living

she’s still okay oh okay okay

now she lives downstairs it gets a

little cold at night

we have upstairs set on 69

downstairs 62 62.

yeah i don’t know if i needed to know

all that she gets a little cold you know


women get cold okay yeah i mean that is


well and yeah the coldest person i’ve

ever met was a woman

you also might have the issue of you

know thinking

uh you know if if it feels pretty cold

to you it could also be because you have

you know less blood circulating you’re

like i said you’re very pale

it’s probably so it it’s probably so

okay so you do agree

that’s that that is nice that we have we


getting somewhere here so my suspicion

is for one thing you should you should

go straight to the hospital but

uh aside from that i agree you

probably can stop

trying to get the snakes off you i guess

is a big point

the snakes i don’t think you yeah well i

and the other the other point i want to

say agree i’ve had i’ve had to eat them

here and there you know cut them off

eating stick them on the grill

oh are you are you uh are you out of

food are you hungry

i’m never hungry these snakes all around

me you know it’s good snake meat

okay so you’re never hungry because

you’re constantly eating the snake okay

i guess that does make

that adds up yeah i shouldn’t even ask

the question

but i do have another tip you know maybe

getting rid of the snakes

and these dj parties that you’re doing

for the ghost play some dua lipa

she’s been having she’s been having a

really big album cycle

now do alipa i’ll tell you it’s funny

you should mention that

i guess it’s kind of funny that you did

i mean what what is funny about it yeah

you know you shouldn’t just listen you

shouldn’t just listen to her hits you

should listen to the albums

because she’s got some oh well you’re a

big dualipa fan as well she’s got deep

cuts is what you’re saying

like a fever with that funky girl funky

woman you know

yeah and he’s about to he is

falling down again and he’s looking hey

hey hey look over here okay

so there i feel like we’ve we’ve maybe

we’ve covered a lot of ground here and i

i feel like we cracked this this nut so

to speak

uh so maybe we could go ahead and move

on to a chore

i don’t know jack would you be okay with

helping us with the chore

if you can yeah if you’re if you’re if

you’re able to stay awake

during this portion we could really help

i’ve definitely taken a few naps here

and there but definitely listening

for any new listeners uh me and dr

london unfortunately lit a huge list of


build up because we were really busy

playing on our phones

and we did that for about a year and a

half and so now we’ve got

all i mean thousands of chores that

we’ve sort of just neglected

and so we just to get this done i built

a little fancy

chore wheel that we spin and whatever

chore it lands

on it we just have to do it we get it

done today

and then we can move on with our lives

so dr london can you give that actually

uh jack could you give our wheel a spin

let me give you that little spin there

uh yeah and you just want to put your

hand up okay and

well let’s cameron can you lift up his

hand for him because he doesn’t see

yeah just put it on the wall okay the

snake got it the snake okay the snake

the snake is grabbing the wheel okay

well i can just yank the snake at that

point right

oh if you’re comfortable yeah that would

be fine just try it out

try it out let’s see what he does

okay it landed on

check in with our dating profile oh okay


so it is february i guess this does this

is convenient that it landed on this one

yeah the month of love as people say

yeah it is from last

february to be clear the month of

cooties but

okay no i i’ve been dreading this one


this month is a whole thing you know

all right so let’s log into our i’m

gonna log into mine

my dating profile is over at surf right

you know the people when you’re trying

to surf and they just come by and


they’re messing up your vibe with your


oh yeah yeah that’s my type yeah and so

that’s and that’s who i am so i gotta

surf bullies

and uh all right let me log into my


okay i mean do you want to just show you

my profile is that

is that or do you want to read the

messages what what should we do yeah so

i think well specifically the the chore

is to check for um anyone you know any


who is there anyone there who looks like

they’re dateable

it looks like i’ve gotten one

message and it’s a surfboard

it sends you a surfboard is that a like

that the system no yeah so i think it’s

a surfboard it’s maybe your board is

that beyonce song

i think sir yeah i think surfboard is an

equivalent to one beyonce song which i

think is equivalent to maybe two likes

okay and then if you can see right here

there’s a beach ball as well

yeah that’s actually a dislike because

surfers and beach ballers

they’re that’s a huge clashing gang war

that’s been going on for a long time

and it’s so hard to hear about it so

all right so there is one person who

messaged me um

let’s see um it is

from ron perlman the guy

who played daredevil like a long time


okay or no sorry he played

uh uh yeah i was going to say that was

ben hellboy

hellboy and he was in sons of anarchy

okay and he sent me a message and it

says sup

and it says what wyd which i don’t know

what that stands for

yeah it says it’s wide like he’s calling

you fat

so he just said sup wide yes

maybe it’s my profile maybe i’m

attracting the wrong type of people here

let me like if i pull up my profile

you can see here age i put 17

right because you know i want to appear

young and youthful and okay like i’ve

a lot of life ahead of me yeah which is

same thing you tell

like whenever you go play soccer and

everything you’d be like you’re just a


at heart and you you try to live by that


and i just like hanging out yeah and i

like playing soccer

except i’m not doing that anymore

because i don’t want to be left on the

cold all night

we don’t have to talk about that now no

we don’t all right

i do i mean the only description i have

on here the only thing in my bio

is that i’ve never committed any federal


because i thought that would be like one

of the most important things to tell

someone and it’s not

true but i feel like if i put that sort

of forward

well see it would be so part of the

issue there i think is that

you know you’re on one of the rare

dating websites where a police report is

a part of the

of your registration so you’re saying

it’s you’re saying like i’m sort of

hurting my my rep

well not necessarily you just you are

making yourself have to be a liar

that’s i need to present myself as the

bad boy that i am

i no i’m just remember that time i was a

bad boy for a little while

yeah for halloween yeah yeah that’s


yeah all right we gotta uh so

i mean jack do you have any suggestions

on what i should add into my dating

profile to

finally well i say you you know you get


get on some of some of those cultured

ones you know

uh uh arabian date you know what i’m


elite singles is this is this so you

have a hook up gq


is the is the arabian dates so you have

a hookup for

for more flutes you have like a supplier


now you smell what i’m smoking you know

what i’m saying i do

i i’m now realizing that maybe a lot of

this is just

based on you wanting to acquire more


you know it might be the case it might

be the case

the snakes i can’t help but think like

the effect of the venom and the poison

in your body

and the lack of oxygen and your lungs

like all these may be really affecting

how you think

but i’m telling you he’s in snake mode

he’s thinking like a snake that’s why

he is attracted to the sound of the

flute that attracted all the snakes

and that’s why his tongue keeps falling

out yeah

and he does keep rab rattling his little

butt i think he

thinks it’s gonna make a rattle sound

but it does not

it clearly does you know what i’m saying


uh it makes a sound but it’s weird and

it’s not

it grows and i don’t dylan can you cut

all the times that’s a little bit

making that sound out of the show yes

it’s not it’s not good it’s not healthy

but anyways cameron

for for your profile i so i feel like

you can just go ahead and say

i committed a few felonies in my time

but i serve my time um

do we want to pick the felony here i can

just google it real quick right

you’re what okay felony

you’re gonna check that okay best

felonies to do that’s the

what i’ve googled um okay what about

forgery and counterfeiting

that sounds fun that does sound that

sounds intellectual

yep so as an intellectual

i tried to use chuck e cheese dollars

at a cvs and i got arrested

okay so you put that in your presents

i’ll put that in my profile

all right it’s really good send okay

because you on on this dating site it’s

not like you have profiles that people

can check it’s that you have to

send your profile to every user on the

site yeah so anyone

anytime anyone makes a change they then

send it as a message to the 3.8 million

users on the site that way we’re all


and always talking so whenever that guy

called you

wide he said sup wide was that a profile

update or was that a message

that was a message okay okay that was

separate but it was in response to

me making that change to my profile

which then sends it to a message to 3.8


okay okay okay and one one lucky okay

should we should we talk to jack about

his dating program yeah jack i

i know you’re you’re married but i don’t


if it’s open relationship or anything

like that if you have a dating profile


for fun to see what it looks like or

maybe a dating profile from before you

guys got married

you know well you know i

there’s a christian singles you know

because you know can’t date anyone

listener christian you know what i’m

saying sure

and uh you know we’re in the south over

here bible belt

and uh you know just uh make sure


at least a little bit of redhead a

little bit of blonde

it’s got to have those blue eyes or

brown eyes make sure they’re a woman

and you know looking nice looking nice


and that this is what your profile says

on christian

singles i am reading it now and it does

say that i want to say maybe that’s a

little too

forward i just wanted to read it

verbatim for you because

i mean i’m straight to the i do like

that you don’t say anything about

yourself in your profile it is all about

who you’re seeking and it’s a run-on

sentence it’s not

it’s not like a list it’s just those


together i can almost one long block as

i read it i’m

like it sounds like you’re passing out

like with the looking good looking good

at the end and your picture on here

has the snakes you took this picture

recently with the snakes on you so you

at least you’re being forward about that

like these are part of your life now

let’s just

let’s just wait a little bit let’s just

wait a little second

yeah i mean it could have been you know

they they’re able to type as many as

they are

but uh you know as far as as far as far

as dating goes you know

i’ve just i’ve just kind of run out of


okay well you know given that you’re

married i feel like it’s okay to be out

of ideas at this point

yeah so maybe we should just change the

profile i think you’re going to change

the profile to

married don’t message me

well you know if if they know that i’m

married they’re going to come running

for me you know

okay oh yeah that is true because and

especially with you being a homeowner

i’ll tell you

i mean i tell you yeah these sausage

fingers these sausage fingers barely fit

my wedding ring off okay so then

then let’s change your profile to i am

not married and you

must message me i feel like that will

give you the results that you want

yeah yeah well you know i’m saying

i just at this point i i i just don’t

know if i can even date

anymore well no that’s why we’re we’re


like on the profile that you you’re

you’re it’s reverse psychology you’re

saying you must message me and then no

one’s gonna message you

and that way oh well okay well that

makes sense

it’s fine that you don’t want to date

anymore because you’re married like

that’s that’s actually a normal response

but you shouldn’t delete your profile or

anything like that yeah you want to be

able because you know what if you want

to use it later or what if you want to

use like the social

media aspects of it now yeah just in

case my my wife dies from

from from the dirty dishwasher i’m


yeah i guess you think that’s the most

likely way

that she’s gonna die not the i’ll tell

you you never met this woman

she needs cleanliness you know

if it ain’t clean then it ain’t her

cup of tea you know you say that as if

like oh it’s so

strange or she’s really strict but like

you are covered

covered in dirt and

the floor where you’ve been her standard

is it my standard yeah

that is true dr london like it sounds

like she has a much stricter standard


you know she doesn’t want snakes and

dirt all over the house

you know because she’s very particular

and that’s very rude of her okay

well thank you cameron for no dr london

let’s go through your profile

yeah okay so what side are you on uh

okay this is tentacle dating and this is

not a weird thing

it i wanna clarify it’s not a weird

thing but it is a loud

thing i do why is the website so loud is

my question

okay well i look i didn’t build it

i guess a short answer um my

my dating sites they don’t make any

sound ever

yeah and i don’t know if you can hear it

through the computer and everything but

like there are

it’s uh it’s a lot of splashing sounds

um yeah well it’s all and it’s also just

like a piercing

static yeah it’s almost like like a dial

up modem sort of sound

but it’s sort of stuck in that yeah

and just to clarify it’s not like a


uh kinky thing like it’s some people but

it’s just

it’s just a normal dating site and so i

learned about it from work

you know there’s this uh i think i

mentioned earlier there’s this

the sort of top secret wing of the

hospital and so

anyway sometimes one of my co-workers

over there

mentioned the site and it’s like so

interesting and i’ve

gone on it and like you said there’s

this this is really

entrancing sound to it so i don’t

you know uh so i can try to check my

profile i guess

yeah so just log on let’s if dylan if

you can filter out

as much as you can of the loud noise

that would be great yes okay

and so to do it i do have to okay so

every time i get on it does do this

thing where i have to

um put in my various hospital passwords

okay and then they do want information

on the government which i guess i

know i guess i did go i wouldn’t obtain

have you have you ever received a

message on this site

i honestly whenever i i don’t know it’s

kind of weird whenever i open the site i

kind of can’t think

but in a good way kind of blackout the

second the site’s open

yeah like right now i’m i’m i’m in a

weird state i don’t know what’s


exactly but like i love dating when i’m

yeah and dating for you is

opening this website hearing hearing


hypnotic sound take over your soul

essentially and then and then uh giving

into a fishing attempt is that

right it’s hard to hear you over it

don’t uh

so i’ll get out of this window

okay so we’re just not gonna check in on

your dating profile i just

sorry you were done oh okay yeah

i’ll log in so this is a tentacle dating

oh we’re going to be stuck in a loop

like this huh no i

we’re fine i don’t know uh i’m not the


usually i am not the person who should

be like taking

charge and wrapping things up but i can

see what line we’re going down

and we’re gonna become stuck in a

constant loop here i think we’re i think

we’ve done the chore right

uh yeah i well no i still need to log on

to the side

unless you think it’s okay for us to

have the other do you think it’ll be


just two of you just do it one more time

just do it one more time okay yeah i

mean it’s

it’s nothing i like i love to go on this

thing um

i don’t know why i just feel so good

afterwards yeah it says

yeah it says put in your password three

times social security number

looks like if you do it twice it’s going

to be locked out there

you know wow london okay

london london so i’ll just close the

window real quick

i’m just gonna just close the window

okay yeah let’s think we

oh should i hop on the uh do you think

we’ve rep you know what

you know what i think uh today

i think today you should leave the

dating site how how many times a day do

you log into the dating site dr london

i never like counted

but oh yeah you’re in a you’re in a like

a weird

state right during that time where

you’re blacked out i don’t know what

you’re talking about so

should i get on the is kind of fun

lately i haven’t liked the other side i

knew this was going to happen okay we’re

gonna we gotta wrap this up

we’ve done the chore dylan play the wrap

up the chore wheel song

before london continues to do this

no i see you trying to log in right get

stop that well it’s

stop okay dr london that whatever that

sound is that is hypnotizing you into

this weird state that convinces you

to give as much information as possible


i think it’s actually pretty cool

technology and we can talk about that at

a later point

and so that’s why i want to wrap up now

because we can kind of commit a full

episode to it in the future

okay sure and i i i don’t know you can

talk about a weird sound i just

i i just i don’t know i like for you

there’s no weird sound you just

you you love dating that’s all you know

i don’t love

dating usually but this there’s

something about this dating app this


yeah anyway yeah uh so that’s yeah i


are we we’re done there for now at least

i guess we’ll go back to mine

um all right well thank you so much to

uh jack for being on jack of all trades

you know just you know i really i really

enjoy you all

and uh pray for me if anything yeah

uh and also maybe just also dial nine on

one but um

do you do you have ma do you have any

way for listeners to keep up with you

after this

uh any well

at this point i think i’m on my last leg

so if they keep

up with me i’ll see you on the other

side okay so

you can find him on twitter in heaven

um in the afterlife and

hopefully yeah that’s true okay

all right and um also thank you to

cameron our producer

thank you to digital nose


well i’m just a jack of all trades you

know the jack of all trades you know



like a jack of all trades you know

people just call me the jack of all


of all trades you know i mean everyone

that tells me that comes to me they say


you know get on chip and joanna gage

show i mean your jack of all trades

like a jack of all trades on those




my name is dr and this

has been

the jack of all trades see ya




uh there’s really no denying it your

pajamas are firmly attached to the wall

and no amount of goo gone is gonna fix


well not the meager amounts that line

the local store shelves at least

this would require a wholesale bulk


and you left that life behind long ago

no no these pajamas are beyond recovery


why oh why did you glue yourself to the

wall in your favorite pajamas

and how on earth will you get yourself


come to think of it unless a massive

amount of goo gone was within arm’s


it probably wouldn’t be of much help

right now anyway you feel the wedgie


strengthening as gravity does it’s

predictable and let’s face it

pretty pathetic work on you within the


you look to the side and see your phone

within reach you pick it up

with a sigh and dial the number

yeah it’s me been a long time

i know i said i was leaving this

business forever but it finally happened


get me the goo gone hoes speaking of an

old-fashioned remedy to a real world


don’t forget to leave a five-star review

of the jock doc podcast in which you

share about the times when you have

gotten into accidents with your sleeping

garments that required you to renew old


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we have new episodes that ditch the

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85. Pulmonary Embolism/Associate Melanie Jooce (feat. Kayla Teel)

Oh hey kids no no you’re about to listen

to a comedy podcast

that means okay that none of this

medical advice

if you need medical advice or medical

care please contact your doctor

bienvenido help podcast the jock .com l


london smith el unico podcast de comedia


improves decion medica completamente

in english presentamos a su

an vitrion dr london smith

hello and welcome to the jock doc

podcast where we discuss fitness and


and how to incorporate our modern

understanding of science and medicine

into our daily lives but without it

being so boring i’m your host

dr i’d like to begin

by apologizing to our listeners we’ve

received some feedback about the

excessive amount of tactical medical

terms that i’ve been using

such as calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate

crystal arthritis

and unpleasant disposition so i will try


temper my terminology to a simpler one

in the future

here to help with that is our producer

cameron hey

dr london you’re actually you’re here


the party’s not till noon okay

so so we’re so cameron we’re doing the

podcast right now

i don’t know if did you did you plan

some events

at the same time oh is that today

yeah no it’s you don’t want to do the

podcast every week right

we already did it though we did it last

week no okay so i feel like we do run

into this problem a lot

when we do the podcast that doesn’t mean

it’s done that means one episode it’s


it’s over so one episode was over but

like at the end of the episode whenever

we said you know this has been the

jackknife podcast

oh so this is sort of a sequel to last

week’s episode

yes in a sense yeah but then you know

the week before that

we we also had an episode sort of a


to last week’s episode yeah okay yeah

but then before that we also had an


i don’t know if you remember that one

yeah so sort of like how there were

three hobbit movies which was a prequel


okay if you want to you’re saying that


what we recorded last week is it being

expanded into a

like 30 movie universe is that what i’m


i this is all beside the point why are

you here you’re here early

yeah so i’m i’m here because we’re

recording the podcast this is the

scheduled time

every week we we get into the boat we

we drive out yeah well i i get that

i just i feel bad i was setting

everything up i mean you can look at the

decorations i’ve

kind of been here for a few hours now

sudden yeah so it says

well you you’re describing it as a party

it says intervention

in big letters is that that well this is

actually this

well no this is actually i need to take

that down because that’s from a previous

party um this is sort of the i would say

the sequel to that party

um which is like someone

kind of had a they fell back into old


uh you could say that it’s a gender

reveal party for my pythons

i okay you know just to say

i feel like my guess was pretty wrong

but okay so i would say it was pretty


but yeah okay so your python so after

the last intervention we were all

hanging out

drinking and so someone started passing

around these pythons kind of like

everyone gets one you know any kind of

like a gift basket at the end

um except this is deering yeah it was

well it’s not in a basket it was loose

so you had to kind of like

fumble around with it you could put in a

blank you could do whatever you want

with it

it’s your own snake you can do whatever

you want i’m not here to like tell

people what to

do with their pet snakes um so

anyway one thing led to another and now

we’re having a gender reveal party

and we’re doing it i think in the most

snaky i guess way possible so like

during a podcast recording is what you

think is the most sneaky

no no no because this is just

coincidental okay

this is just we’re gonna i mean you got

the invite like we’re gonna paint one of

your legs blue

and one of your legs pink and then

whichever one i kick no whichever one

the snake goes for

that’s it right okay right right

um this is all on the invite the invite

was huge

it was like a manual you know i think

that the problem with the invite was


because it was it was so huge it was

like it was a wall

and so it for me it was more i i kept on

because you put it in front of the house

and like lean it against the house and

so for me to leave

it was like stuck you know keeping the

door shut so i’d actually use an


exit to the house and so that part

became unusable so i didn’t

read it i didn’t realize that that was

you sent that to everyone

no because not everyone had the special

instructions okay

yours was 130 your your invite came in

the form of a 135 page

manual yeah that was gigantic each page

across a series of i don’t know

what structural the invitation explained

you need to paint your legs and you show

up at noon

and then i repeat that in a bunch of

different languages that’s why it’s 135


it’s really only one page of information

yeah it’s you know that i s

that i speak english though correct and

you’re doing

so well with it too it’s gotten so much


okay well it’s i and this may shock you

but english is actually my first


wow and it it that i that you consider


that’s really cool and you’ve grown so


right okay from the sort of babbling

nonsense language that you

spoke in for a few you know many years

are you just talking about the medical


whenever you say weird language yeah

when you’re like

a blobbity bluebity and you’re

stethoscopy and

uh uh lungy cancery

and you’re saying all these like kind of

fun sounding words that i’m sure are

like really

fun to say in my culture you mean

one thing that’s important to know about

language is that you’re trying to convey

information not just fun noises and


okay and that’s something that you’re

developing you’re still a growing boy

you’re developing

okay well anyway um great so i guess

so just to clarify for listeners and for

you so

this is the podcast recording and i

guess at the same time maybe there might


a gender reveal party for your pythons

okay so anyway that’s our producer


also with us is digital in the house

did your door in the house i’m your host

dr london

and you know that i speak english though


calcium pyrophosphate dihydrated crystal



calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystal


calcium phosphate dihydrate


calcium hydrophosphate dihydrate crystal


you know that i speak english though








we can expect a special guest a a

nutritionist of sorts

is that right that’s right doctor great

uh can you say that word nutritionist

i’m sorry i you were doing the you’re

doing the babbling thing again i

couldn’t make out what you were saying

you were going blue

nutritional probably it’s again so

it’s fun it’s really cute it’s fun

but it’s not it’s not it’s not language


well but before we move on i would like

to address a bit of listener feedback

so i saw this note strapped to the chest

of a man who walked into the bank

and the man was sweating and crying


and he had other sort of bulky steps

stuff strapped to him too

and then the bank teller gave him um so

much money

anyway so the note strapped to his chest

uh it said quote

hi jorge perhaps you can spend time with


oh sorry it was jorge uh perhaps or

georgia jorge perhaps you can spend time

with my son

harold he says he needs to borrow some

sugar from a mommy

end quote

i’m sorry i i didn’t read that quite

well enough uh but

anyway first of all i’d like to thank

you so much for reaching out to us here

at the jock doc podcast

uh so this listener is asking you for

mommy sugar um wait

to spend time with their son harold

who needs to borrow from sugar some

sugar from a mommy

oh so okay so i don’t

i i think it’s kind of understandable

what’s happening here

you your voice was the first thing that

this child heard

and so it sort of had an imprinting

effect where he thinks

everyone thinks that you’re his mommy

so so you think the thing that

imprinting which which happens with


you think that that mm-hmm somehow which

which normally does not ducks

and was a plot point in the twilight

series i think right

like yes remember he like imprinted on a


you know you’d think i would have kept

up with it

but it the series did lose my interest

at a certain point

but um in any case so

i guess you know i could i could spend

time with

with this person’s son harold that you

know i don’t

i don’t think i have any sugar from a

mommy i mean what if this is a uh

what if it’s like a make-a-wish thing

you know what i mean like what you don’t

want to help this kid yeah so i guess

i guess i’ll why do you hate fixing

people so much maybe i’ll

ask for sugar from a mother

and then take that like bag or cup of


to harold to your to your child

and then um the child that has chosen

you as a parent

okay through the you know miracle of

of imprinting which is very much the

thing that applies to ducks and normally


humans but maybe harold is unique maybe

harold is a duck i’m not sure

in any case um that’s ridiculous thank

you so much for reaching out to us here

at the jock talk podcast

but now for today’s medical topic

pulmonary embolism

so consider pulmonary embolism which

is often shortened to just pe and deep

venous thrombosis which is known as a


so those are a continuum of one clinical

entity called

venous thromboembolism so basically a


is when a blood clot is formed somewhere

in the body and if that clot dislodges

travels through the veins oh my gosh i’m


is this the you’re doing it again you’re

just talking about how english is your

first language

you’re doing it i so this is this is

medicine i’m using

i feel like i’ve really tried to uh to

simplify the terminology

you know like i say the beginning of the


i’m really struggling to explain this in

a clear way

um let me think

you know how when i say do you want to

go outside

it it’s sort of a i’m asking a question

and then you say uh-huh and then i’ll

let you outside

see the words i’m making are not fun


they convey information okay

what’s what you’re doing is nonsense all


do whatever you got to do but here we go

we got to speed it up all right

okay see every time you this is

we’re gonna we’re gonna turn this

medical lesson to a game is that okay

sure yeah anything to keep the listeners

engaged you know

every time you hear avril lavigne’s


you need to start speaking faster okay

have you ever seen those videos where

it’s like

uh b-movie but every time they say b it

doubles the speed

no but that it’s like an old mimi type

thing all right

so we’re just gonna do that with your

fun babbling noises

okay okay sure so ready yeah so

uh if that clot dislodges travels

through the veins into the heart

then it is pumped into the pulmonary

veins and where it that’s where it

finally plugs up arteries

and that event pulmonary embolism or pe

that means that ventilation which is

breathing may be working fine but

perfusion which is blood flow within the

lungs is compromised so patients can be

breathing all day long but no gas

exchange takes place

it’s no surprise then that diagnosis

faster for treatment clinically the

presentation of pulmonary embolism

depends on the severity in terms of just

how much blood flow is

stopped patients can have difficulty

breathing fluoride chest pain which is

chest pain when taking breath

cough hemoptysis even syncope or passing

out if it is a large pe

clinical signs include tachypnea which

is increased breathing uh

rails techniques faster in passive pe

other possible signs include low grade

fever decreased breath sounds and

dullness and percussion

uh the workout for suspected pe is based

on people do it in the high-pitched

voice it’s based on pre-test probability

so the modified whale’s criteria is a

scoring system that helps guide this

process directing one towards the

d-dimer testing the low probability

towards the cta if a p is likely uh we

don’t have to go

we don’t have time to go into wells

criteria right now because uh

you know with not enough time but feel

free to look that up uh to diagnosed one

may try to get a

canadian accent in an accent yes

canadian uh sorry

uh to diagnose one may want to get abg

levels which would show

low pao2 and low co2 the latter due to

hyperventilation high ph

uh sorry chest x-ray is usually normal

uh sorry uh as i said the endometria is

another test that can be used testing

for the leftover products that occur

after a claw dyslogist so it can be

elevated in patients with pe and dvt

if the diameter results are normal and

clinical suspicion is low pe is very

unlikely it can be elevated in other

conditions though so

it is not specific on its own um

clinical suspicion is high however the

first agnes

step in a suspected pe is a venous

venous duplex ultrasound

of lower extremities since the dvt

typically happens here there’s a

positive result

treat with iv anticoagulation with like

heparin uh bear in mind though that

although this test is very helpful than


little value is negative as half of

patients with the e may show negative

the next clinical diagnostic step would

be ct angiography which has been found

to be a good sensitivity

of over 90 in specificity uh this is the

test of choice in most medical centers

but cta cannot be performed in patients

with significant renal insufficiency

because of iv contrast that is required

although cta

is the usual test of choice pulmonary

angiography is the gold standard however

it’s invasive

so it’s not done as frequently treatment

for pulmonary embolism

includes supplemental oxygen to treat

hypoxemia and intubation with mechanical

ventilation if severe

if it is severe enough am i doing good

are we are we tracking

oh i stopped paying attention like so

okay well i’m glad that you’re painting

i’m just watching these avril lavigne

videos now okay

so uh well also acute anticoagulation

therapy with either

unfractionated or low molecular weight

heparin to prevent another pe

can be used uh anticoagulation prevents

further clot formation but does not lyse

existing emboli or diminish the current

thrombus size so in other words

this is just to prevent the next pe from

happening not the one that is currently


start that anticoagulation immediately

on the basis of clinical suspicion if

clinical suspicion for pe is high

contraindication separate include of

course active breathing uncontrolled

hypertension recent stroke or heparin

induced stromocytopenia

oral anticoagulation like warfarin or

one of the novel oral anticoagulants can

be used for long-term treatment with the

heparin bridge

though it has not been shown irish

uh those not been shown to improve

mortality rates in patients with pe

one may consider thrombolytic therapy

with streptokinase or tpa in patients

with massive pe

who are hemodynamically unstable or have

evidence of

heart failure uh another option is

inferior venus

like a b uh like a b

yeah like a b like buzzing b yeah i


make sure okay uh

another option is inferior vena cava

interruption with

ivc filter placement

uh which has been more commonly done but

reduction immortality

has not been exclusively demonstrated

patients who have an ivc filtered place

read it like you hit someone on

with your car on the way to the studio

and you kept driving

and you that’s a secret you have and

that you don’t want anyone to know about


just be informed yeah okay okay um

all patients have you see filter

placeholder a higher risk of recurring

dvt but at lower risk of recurrent pe

this intervention can be used in

patients with

uh in which anticoagulation is

contraindicated and finally the surgical

thrombectomy can be considered in

patients with hemodynamic compromise

a large proximal thrombus and who are

poor candidates from fiber analytics

is that wow i think i learned a lot from


good yeah no it’s uh pulmonary embolisms

very high yield very important topic

that you know it can be life-saving too

to be

well it sort of reminds me of the artist

bony bear known as justin vernon and how

he sort of developed this way of writing

where he moved away from traditional


and moved towards um just picking

specific words that are announced

specific ways and sort of um morph

together in an aesthetically pleasing


right so the lyrics a lot of times don’t

necessarily mean anything

but they’re really fun to listen to and

that way babies can listen to it

just like the show and your medical

essence yes

okay like you know great to start

education at a young age so

having a baby listen to that might sure

that might be useful

i i feel like it is more for

you know medical stuff did you get it

out of your system though no i’m i’m

finished i

you know especially that thinking about

hitting a person with a car

um and carrying that secret yeah

that’s gotta be tough yeah we can move

on from there

all right uh cameron said that we have a

guest today is that right

that’s right dr london we have a first

time guest

but you know what i think this might be

one of the most special guests that

we’ve ever had now i’m bringing that

back if you remember

i was banned from calling every single

guest the most special guest that we’ve

ever had yeah well the lawsuit because

you said

it was misleading and there yeah there

was the um

slander lawsuit about it from it was a

joint lawsuit from all of our past

previous guests complaining that they


told they were the most special guest of

all time this is

not that situation this is the most

special guest we’ve ever had

i’ve never spoken to them and i don’t

know who they are

but they’re here which is about as much

research as you usually do so okay

uh well anyway yeah before i choose um

hello there

uh my name is dr and

this is our producer cameron

hi hi dr london

hi producer cam i am associate melanie

juice i am a nutritionist

and a intuitive empath

so i mean i mean can you feel what i’m

feeling right now

um not quite i mean i

i would need to get to know you a little

bit more i would need to hear about

you know the coordinates and time of

your birth

and things like that but um if you have

any medical

issues uh my gift allows me to figure

out what it is

you should be eating and drinking

to help cure whatever ailment you might


okay oh wow i’m glad that you’re not

feeling exactly what i’m feeling right

now because i feel

terrible what it sucks

and so i just don’t know i just don’t

want that for you

no i’m picking up on it but don’t worry

i can you know

shield myself from feeling what you’re

feeling but i can

let you in and know intuitively what it

is that you’re feeling

it’s just like everything smells like

burnt toast my left arm is numb

it’s ugh i feel terrible right i think

it i

i honestly do think it’s a dietary thing

yes oh absolutely i

know exactly what it is you need and


my friend is celery juice

dr london are you not you don’t seem

sold on the celery juice why it’s celery

no it’s you say it like it’s like i you

know had a huge problem with it no it’s

just um

so what cameron that sounded like he was

describing was

sort of the classic stroke and heart

attack symptoms of you know smelling

burnt toast is

like kind of just known generally as a

stroke thing and then the left arm

numbness and

i’m guessing chest pain cameron uh

let me feel um yeah i think there’s

chest pain

okay see that’s just probably from a

build-up of toxins

and i know and if you can get on the

right diet you can cleanse yourself of

those toxins

the things of the american diet today


horrendous would you agree dr london

uh yeah yeah there’s a lot of processed

foods a lot of very fatty foods

especially in the american diet

and cameron i would say he doesn’t hold

to the conventional

american diet uh in like in the healthy

way well and there’s a lot of foods that

i keep dropping which i don’t

which is sort of been an awful epidemic

that sort of plagued

america for a long time is these

slippery foods well you

okay you mean dropping on the floor yeah

they’re too slippery

everything is looking my hands are

soaked because everything is so slippery

all the time

like greasy foods yeah and that


fats disgusting i don’t know it’s just

food’s too slippery these days it’s

become an issue but i mean what are you

so what are you suggesting

with the celery juice so that sounds

like a fun

uh drink to have what about for the meal

that is part of the meal every day you

wake up you have a glass of water with

lemon then you juice in a juicer

an entire stock of celery and i actually

have a line of juicers

that i could send you a link to that you

can buy

uh free of shipping and those will just

fit you right up so you drink a celery

stock every day you don’t want any of

the particles

you want on an empty stomach nothing but

water and lemon

celery juice and then you make what i

call the metal

detox smoothie which contains

uh seaweed from the north atlantic ocean

and that is going to

help with the toxins yeah that sounds

amazing and i do

feel very toxic lately exactly i’ve been


and the things i’ve been saying are

terrible and i don’t know why i keep

doing it and so

i just want these toxins out that will

help with online trolling i have a whole

chapter in my book

all about that oh you have a you have a

book as well

i do i have three books with lots of

smoothie recipes

and i have as i mentioned a line of


for you to juice your own celery and i

also own a farm

that produces celery that you can also

get your celery from

so when you were saying you’re gonna

send me a link to a place where i can

get a juicer

it was to your website where you are

selling juicers

exactly oh okay well i mean that just

sounds convenient and like

a good business like you own every

level of the process exactly and you

know i wanted to just be kind of a

one-stop shop because you don’t want to

be following all kinds of links you just

want one link

to one place where you can become healed

you want to be

able to integrate these systems

vertically one would say

i i don’t know what you mean by that but


dr london i mean what yeah what you what

what is this dumb face you have on your


well it just the fact that

for me it’s kind of a big kind of a cool

breakthrough that

something that you say is not

understandable to someone else on a

similar level to

what you claim that you know my words

sound like it’s

it’s just a little it’s kind of a goodie

for me

but so what i’m wondering about this the


diet you’ve only mentioned celery so far

and i’m not sure if your lemon and water

was involved i believe

sorry lemon and water okay so that you

know you try to get

fruits and vegetables which it sounds

like you’re covering some of those

uh but then you know grains oh no no no

no no no

no no oh what are grains i mean are that

is that bad for me

it’s bad for everyone cameron and i’ll

tell you why

it’s that we are human beings who for

the longest time

on this earth ate fruits and vegetables

fruits vegetables that’s it and that is

what our bodies have

evolutionized to take in and we

we’re not built for all this hydrolyzed


or or or meat or icky things like grain

we are made to process

pure foods this is really alarming to me

because i had a

ton of wheat earlier like a just absurd

unbelievable amount of just raw wheat

and how do you feel terrible my left arm

is numb it’s just

it’s these toxins attacking my body now

that now that you’ve

opened my eyes to this i can see it it’s

almost like

uh in an example of a movie

that might exist where something happens

and then someone can see something


if you could think of an example of a

movie where that happens it would be

just like that

you are correct producer cameron and uh

me associate melanie

juice which is the name of my brand of


i’m sorry is is associate your first

name then and you’re going by your full

name here

no doctor just as you go by the term

doctor i go by associate uh to reflect


level of education associate’s degree

i do in nutrition yes very recent i just

got my certificate in the mail

because you know we couldn’t have a real


sure and so it’s two years of

of sort of usually isn’t it more like

preliminary courses and the uh

you know sort of you cover your basics

and like i’m assuming well there’s

probably electives too

oh yeah i took surfing as an elective

isn’t that fun

yeah so i mean i think of the

like this i i really apologize for dr

london’s behavior he is more of a

how would you say book learner type

he doesn’t vibe well with people who

learn it on the streets and

learn it from experience in real life

like yourself

i can tell that you exactly you have had

a full life

and dr lennon he’s just got his he’s got

his head and his books and he’s like

oh but what does this say and what does

that say and two plus two

who who decides what that is all these


right and and let me tell you out you

seem to really

get me producer cameron and and and my

knowledge really is from the streets

from myself i grew up with a terrible

disease called eczema and when i had

eggs emma which i don’t anymore

i do not have it and you know what cured


cameron was the celery juice i also was

on a regimen of

steroid cream but at the same time

was juicing a whole stalk of celery from

my farm

every day and i was cured

wow that’s incredible i mean dr london

have you ever even cured anyone in your

entire life

nope i like cure isn’t really the

word that i usually use for any of it

but like you treat and then people

recover yeah

like eczema usually i feel i feel like


you know the steroids the corticoids


might have been more helpful and i i

just want to clarify something before

cameron goes off on it so

eczema isn’t eggs with a mature rating

it is an xma

it it’s eczema is a skin condition yeah


is a is the i think there’s only two

types of mammals that also lay eggs

platypus and echidna yeah what

what is an echidna

it’s uh like a platypus

and that they’re both in that they’re

both eczema

and that is what i said dr london eggs


right okay anyways i didn’t want to just

clarify that

so so what i’m seeing as an issue is


you can have some you know depending on


vitamins you’re getting from that food

it’s it sounds like you might be

deficient in some vitamins and you know

maybe not getting enough protein

oh deficient what language


okay so this is another because i yeah

dr london stopped bullying our guests

he wants to tell me i’m deficient oh

okay i’m deficient

oh oh i i haven’t read all the books

that you have with we are expensive

schools and so thus that i can’t

think for my own right it sounds like


what you said about dr london is he’s

deficient in street smarts

what do you think about that dr london

wow yeah okay so it does sound like you

understood the word

it’s it’s just ssd street smarts


i die i hereby and with my associate’s


diagnose you dr london with a deficiency

in street smarts

this is wow breaking the story wide open

so and i’m sorry to turn the turn the

attention away from me

but um uh miss miss associate

melanie juice if i could ask how long

have you been

have you been using this particular diet

how long have you’ve been on it

about three years now so take that


take that vitamins i take celery and and

and seaweed from the north atlantic

ocean and lemon every once in a while

yes every day every day

so i’m i guess my question to you is you


let’s say for a second that sure you

you’re fine but do you have numbness

in your your hands or feet um

what did i define numbness

it’s kind of like okay yeah

okay it’s kind of like what cameron

described in his arm it’s where you


feel with your hands or feet to some


well i’ve never been able to feel with

my hands or feet

wow okay

i so that’s that’s not the usual

response that i get

um so let’s say that you touch

i i’m going to try to think of it simply

let’s try say that you try to touch

something with your hand

okay like let’s say i’m kind of


okay see again i’m really sorry if he’s

speaking in this kind of like weird

it’s it’s it’s like code isn’t it it’s

like it’s like yeah it’s

hyrule it’s a little secret language

that he has with his little friends so

they can tell their little secrets

i don’t like it okay i think i have an

example for you okay so you have

your celery and you’re you’re you’re

grabbing your celery with your hand

can you feel it whenever you do that can

you feel that you have

the object in your hand there’s not much

to feel on

celery it’s just it’s kind of like it’d


it could be a waste of time right it’d

be like a waste of time because it’s

like like there’s not even anything

there to feel

so like why am i gonna be like paying so

much attention to feeling this the

celery and like right i mean if i put

the celery stock on my leg

when i’ve taken it out of the fridge

then it’s cold

okay i can okay on my leg yeah

and is it can you feel that you know on


toe i guess you don’t put on your toe

probably um

i’m just i’m just wondering because you

you know your cold and heats or

sorry your uh your temperature and

pain sensations are with a different

group of nerves and so i’m just trying

to figure out maybe

if there could be a problem

with your curve why are you trying to

poke holes in her

her entire system yeah are you trying to

say i’m a hand

and foot deficient yeah what are you

even trying to do i don’t understand

what your angle is here

dr london i so i’m wondering if you’re

are you

if she has a peripheral are you selling

like a competing

juicer is that what this is about or

something oh do you have a line of

juicers doctor no okay

you know what you know what we we can we

can table

what i was saying there and i did have a


can i do i have to raise my hand if i

have a question i will call on you yes

cameron you may ask your question um so

i do already have a juicer will

your celery work in my juicer or do i

should i just go ahead and order a

couple years to be safe i think you

should go

well the thing is celery doesn’t keep

great so you have to have a weekly

shipment coming in

and if your blades on your juicer are


new and sharp you may need a whole new

juicer um and

and i i tell those okay

okay yeah that makes sense because the i

mean yeah like the juicer it makes

juice but like i don’t know if it’s

getting all of the um

antioxidants into my into my juice you

know what i mean

exactly and you need it and you need you

can’t just

if we’re going back to the lemons you

can’t just buy lemon juice at the store

you need a fresh

lemon because you need the insides of

that lemon to be alive

wow yeah and so i mean do you do you

like have a lemon tree of course i do i

sell lemons

my lemon lime is called little lucy’s


oh wow okay so not named after you then

no lucy is well it’s my middle name okay


right that clarifies that confusion

earlier so your

your title is associate and it’s melanie

lucy juice yes associate melanie lucy


okay lucy juice okay

um i mean dr london i just

i don’t i don’t you seem very

antagonistic about this

all she’s doing is she’s telling people

eat your vegetables and a little bit of

fruit juice

and you’ll be good do you see how

limiting that is why is that bad

so like okay so good things about it


uh you know celery you know you’ll

you’ll get some fiber from that it’s a

very hydrating

vegetable uh and

so that’s great um with the with the


you’ll get you know that’s great way to

prevent scurvy so that’s a lot of

vitamin c

and it also has other vitamins in it but

there are certain vitamins that you

cannot get from these things

and i’m worried about your the amount of

protein that you get

and you know the building blocks

basically for let’s say

i think that’s a is that a toxin which

one protein protein is

toxic okay people at the beginning of

time were not killing and eating animals

they were surviving on leaves and


okay so so i should clarify so

leaves and berries like depending on

what like lettuce leaves those

kind of things those can have amino

acids which are the building blocks of

proteins so it’s not like

it’s not like those are bad across the

board but you’re

you’re missing out on some things like

like a a big dose of protein

and then also you’re thinking iron like

you look very

pale and you seem kind of woozy and i

can’t help but think that might be

connected to the fact that

you’ve been on this diet for so long

this is what all you doctors tell me all

the time oh you’re pale

oh you can’t feel your hands and feet oh

he’s just trying to sell a product you

know what i mean he’s trying to push

drugs onto you

exactly he’s trying to big pharma just

throwing big pharma in my face when i

really just need

some fresh fruits and veggies and you

know what i think i’ve solved the hand

thing that you’re talking about because

i burned off

all the fingerprints on my hand years

ago on the

stove i just put my hands down on the

stove didn’t notice

and now i have no fingerprints so i’m

sorry so years ago so usually

the timeline is once you begin one of

these diets that

may be lacking in certain vitamins it’s

about two years

of you know storage in your liver that

you have

maybe you started another diet before

then but like

anyways so i guess the point that’s an

interesting question

is this you’re the first sort of uh

diet that you’ve been on no before this

one i was actually eating a diet of

wild blueberries what very very

important that they’re wild and not


no pesticides no pesticides no human

planted the plant it has to be just wild

natural blueberries

and i was eating that um and a lot of

pomegranate juice so that

was that did okay you say it

wild did you maybe this is a strange


and you know do correct me on this if

i’m wrong

did you live in the wild like were you


in sort of a a rural

place where this was easily accessible

well i wasn’t gonna talk about this on

here but i guess

now i have to um i was

kicked out of my house for having eczema

and i had to live in the wild amongst

the elk

the elk took me in and introduced me to

wild blueberries

and that’s um that’s how i got on my

my nutrition kick is i realized once i

started eating these wild blueberries

this celery

my eczema along with a small

regiment of topical steroids cured me

and so at that point you said goodbye to

the elk

and you invented a juicer that’s an

amazing story

thank you i i i really am a wonder of


uh so dr

what are you struggling with it’s just i

don’t understand what your issue why you

keep taking so much issue

with someone who is as healthy as our


yeah it’s just just there are so many

things that like

so you were raised by elk for a period

of your life

um okay so that’s you know i think

that’s a less controversial thing to

discuss that’s something that

you know maybe i won’t be as concerned

with giving our listeners some some

information i wouldn’t want so maybe


eat celery they do yes whenever they can

find it

how long did you spend with the with the


eight years okay so you were

and you were kicked out whenever you’re

diagnosed with the eczema so

my mom said i i will not have no

daughter with eggs emma

get out get out get she said

we hear about this epidemic of um

you know older generations let’s say

boomer type not being accepting

of like having a rash or uh dry skin or

these kind of things and

exactly it’s terrible i’m really really

sorry to hear i’ll

hear about all that and i actually have

a foundation called the

lucy juice foundation for kids who get

kicked out of their house for having


and um i adopt for them all

oh oh wow you your foundation is just

anyone who fits those requirements you


it’s an i haven’t seen i have 60 adopted

children um that live outside

on my farm and pick the celery

i grow oh wow yeah so you have

wild children well i just yes i

i just want these kids to feel accepted

and loved you know

as i wasn’t by my human parents my elk


were very kind and so you keep them sort

of as like human cattle

oh i mean no i mean they they have

they do live in a barn yes and they do

pick my celery

for me and i but i do pay them in love

yeah do they eat from a trough well it’s

not a trough per se i guess it would be

more of a

more of a a big a boxed round

deep plate it’s like a

tub it’s like tapas you know you like

you’re sharing and now you’re kind of

passing everything around with tapas

but that’s that’s the opposite because

it’s a small plate rather than a big


but a bunch of small plates doesn’t that

equal a big plate

isn’t that just the most profound thing

i’ve ever heard

this is the kind of science and

education you’re gonna get from this


well i’m just gonna have to listen okay

so you know it’s it’s great to hear


you know these great products and that


lived with elk for eight years and that

you later you know essentially started

sort of an adoption i guess you’re a

foster parent

more or less uh with 60 children

who you you have them do the work for


yeah sounds like they roam quite a bit

they do um and something i should have


is all of them have

not had an eczema outbreak in over a


wow we’re all cured i’m telling you dr

london i know it sounds crazy my doctor

says that that it’s crazy uh but

you got to look at the results i mean i

haven’t had a rash in nyon three years

and my 60 children

same thing since they started living

with me and eating celery

and it really goes to show how

close-minded the medical community can


where they won’t be open to these new

ideas like

if you if you and your 60 children only

have celery of course it’s going to get

rid of your rashes

like that to me makes so much sense and

i feel like my mind is being open to an

entire new

category of health yes and and the

medical community does not want to talk

about celery and

you know why is because it would put the

topical steroid business completely out

should i throw up because i ate all that

wheat earlier i just feel like i know

that it’s just like toxic in my body

listen i

i don’t want to endorse throw up but

um pooping it out would be just as


you know you know what you need yeah

i’ll see what i can do with that you

need a cleanse

what does what does that mean i have a

book just on cleanses because i took a


like two days ago so i know that i’ve

like i’m i’m good i’m clean

so you got the the external toxins

washed off

now it’s time to shower your inside

with celery juice i tried to do that


and then i nearly drowned so that is


that you want to like trying to like

shower the inside of your body

so i would just like open my mouth and

then you know it didn’t work out great

well that’s because i don’t have a

chapter in my book on showering your


that was more of a metaphor you know

what i’m talking about dr

metaphors that’s a big you know

i don’t know all my knowledge is from

the streets so i i don’t know these kind

of things

metaphor isn’t like a medical term if

that’s what you’re trying to say

that’s that’s just annoying these uh

it’s just you’re

you’re you know you’re you’re speaking a

different language there dr london no

idea what you’re talking about

okay but i mean so what what is this

cleanse like what do i need to do

all right you gotta give up all the

grains all the protein and you just


for for three straight days nothing but

fruit okay you can do a little avocado

dip with plantain chips almost feels

like you’re you’re having

chips and dip yup

but plantains and avocado that’s my


for this cleanse just three days of

fruit that’s all

are then just any fruit it doesn’t

matter any specifics

yes but not tomatoes

crap is not a fruit okay yeah that’s

what i thought you were gonna say

because you just disagree with it on

principle okay

i’d get that okay

all right so so cameron you can try this

cleanse i think you know for a few days

that doesn’t sound like a bad idea like

that’s would be fine for you to

get because normally cameron is

he got this uh how to describe it he has

a basket hanging from his neck normally

and he um he

he got some automated system where like

he’ll he has a muzzle

and he’ll scoop from the bag it’s filled

with fried food

and just various kinds with cheese dip

to kind of fuse it all

so he he gets his muzzle and he scoops

just some of the food and straps that on

and then he just it’s a horse feed bag

is what you’re talking about yeah yeah

well horse feedback it’s a thing you

strap that has

like different food in it it’s usually

fried foods that i keep around my head

all day long

yeah well and he’ll do this the thing is

he’ll do this during the podcast and

like we have

we have hundreds of episodes that we

haven’t been able to use because

he’s just talking through his food the

whole time

that is that’s disgusting honestly i’ve

only known you a few minutes

cameron but that is that i i wouldn’t

expect such things from you

yeah and it was really hard because it

sort of conflicted with my sleep apnea

machine to try to have both of them on

it was a nightmare i would like to see a

photograph of

that that sounds bonkers

it’s it was miserable i hated it yeah

cameron does

frequently bring up especially in the

winter he’ll say like well

layering is just super important to stay

warm and then he’ll try to layer

the feed bag and the sleep apnea machine

and i don’t i don’t think the saying

really applies to this

that’s just because just dressing in

layers that’s

that’s the term the saying you never


a sleep apnea machine on a horse feed


ah yes i think we learned that one in my

english class when i was at school to

become a nutritionist

oh what school did you go to i went to

monterey bay community college for

people who want to become nutritionists

is that is that last part something that

you added

no that’s that’s the name of the school


great so it sounds like it is it is

directed towards

what you wanted to do so that is exactly

well i also like that it has

basically an advertisement in its name

right that’s how i found that it’s like

telling you what’s going on i like that

yeah it’s a good old m c

c p f w

b and r i love that school

oh i haven’t switched it against them we

competed against them in surfing

yeah that’s it i thought that was so

cute a surfing class for my pe


yeah that was that got brutal i remember

i was able to say that was a really

violent competition i’d actually i went

to that game

and yeah it’s that surfing match

well yeah because you well and i don’t

know if you know

if if every side was aware but i don’t

know which side it was but one of them


the the water both what the uh

athletes were drinking and also the

water they were surfing on

they poisoned the pacific ocean wow

that’s my understanding i didn’t hear

anything about this this is crazy

this this is terrifying i just drank a

ton of the pacific ocean earlier today

this is not good yeah that’s

yeah it’s not uh the salt water that you

know the tonicity of it is actually

anyway i you know what i feel like once

again my medical jargon is going to go

over someone’s head

so maybe it’s about time for us to uh

and you know i hate to do this while

you’re on the show

so don’t do it i know what you’re going

to do but

we have chores to do

okay yeah if you would help us with it

so we

um and kevin i don’t know if you want to

explain because i feel like

yeah basically like we

were we’d been we got really busy

because we had been playing a lot of


blackjack we don’t know how to play that


no but there’s like a fun there’s like a

fun variation where you i heard it’s all

about jack black impressions and it’s


numbers so you count them anyway we’re

doing that for counting

yelling out numbers we we neglected

a lot of our chores a lot of our to-do

lists like we have this like we haven’t

done laundry in forever we haven’t done

the dishes in forever we

there’s a lot to do we’re trying to take

care of it especially in this new year

and so we built this fun chore wheel

that we’re gonna go ahead and spin

whatever it lands on

we have to do it even if we don’t want

to do it dr london do you if you don’t

want to do it you still have to do it

i still have to and like and i don’t

mean that and just like oh like oh i

have to i did sign

something you had me sign yup uh

and so like legally i’m obligated to and

like there is

and if you if you don’t i’m gonna leak

your dms

mm-hmm yeah he’s gonna he’s gonna dox me

is also it’s contractual anyway

so let’s avoid that now yeah let’s do it

let’s spin the thing

okay and would you like the honors would

you like to spin it yes please

okay i just i just pushed down yeah and

so okay and it’s

i don’t know if you can get a proper

grip with your but um

i don’t feel anything yeah so you’ll

just yeah use your eye

you have to use your eyesight for this

one because since hands don’t feel

anything you can’t just

yeah you gotta you gotta there we go

there we go and then just

kind of touching it

well this one i guess it’s i mean it’s

probably a decent time for this one

from last year i think but yeah

but uh we’ve got to return our christmas

gifts that we hate

great good oh you got some stuff you

need to return to

yes i have a box of chocolates that um

i have no use for

all that space all the space yeah i got

to get rid of this and it

it’s just disgusting and i could never


doing that to my health well i i

appreciate that you brought it with you

that like and so you said

this is from this christmas this past

one right or this yes just a month ago


a month ago to the day i believe and i

brought it just

as a thank you re-gift to you two for

having me on your

show but now oh okay so you’re just

you’re pawning off the chocolates you

don’t want to us

well i was going to but now i illegally

i have to return them i think that is


yeah that’s true otherwise they’re going

to be doxxed well and

you know to our benefit it does look as

if you left it outside at the farm

just it looks like it’s been stomped


quite a bit i was i was actually able to

comment some of these chocolates

you say you don’t eat chocolate but some

of them look chewed on for sure

well i have 60 curious children who i’m

trying to teach

how to be healthy and and they have days

where they’re just

they just don’t get it but so y’all are

just like chewing on chocolate and then

spitting it out so that way

well they start to chew it at it and i’m

like stop it

spit it out spit it out and i hit them

on the back until they spit it out

but you just you just still just keep it


well in case i need yeah i can find

somebody who would enjoy it

yeah dr london what are you returning

yeah so i have this um well like so i

got this crate

and i’m not sure who it’s from it was a

secret santa thing and the limit was

thirteen hundred dollars

so i didn’t know then like it was it was

anywhere from ten to thirteen hundred

dollars that you could spend on the gift

and so i got some more normal secret

santa stuff

yeah so i got someone uh a bow tie

and you know i spent 50 how much did

that cost oh

yeah no and it’s super cool time it’s

it’s actually like and i paid for

i’m trying to remember does it spin it

spins that’s that’s

nice and lights up which i thought for

15 that is a steal

yeah that’s awesome yeah it was a really

good deal so they got that

and i got so this crate they had

delivered to

my house and it’s so it’s taller than me

and it grunts a lot and

um so so what i found to be

like the crates oh

have you opened the crate so so here’s

the thing so it has

like these these holes in it that like

you know they look

built in air holes kind of thing the

thing is

the box came with like a prod

like a cattle prod so it’s something


so i at first i thought that that was

the present and i thought like well this

is neat

i can yeah you jokingly use this shock

my friends right

uh but then but then the crate arrived

right after so i’ve been

not it’s it’s like one of those you’ve

just been sticking the cattle prod

through the air holes yeah so it’s like

the chocolates i don’t know what to do

with it

right now so have you opened the box

yeah why haven’t you opened the box well


so i tried like poking at it with a

cattle product that didn’t open i didn’t


i guess i’m not a handyman i don’t know

how to do everything you don’t know how

to open the box is the issue

well okay so and one thing is those book

smarts again yeah

so it didn’t have a ribbon on it for me

to like you pull at

to untie it didn’t have tape for me to

pull off like none of it like i tried

pushing at parts of it

and like there’s like no no wrapping

paper so

no i was super confused and like like

i’m on your side here like i did

it doesn’t make sense but so i so i

but as these holes in it so i keep on

poking at it and it has been

yeah so i guess uh

it says like it says

what do you mean it says oh it says like


we need to get a crowbar in here like a

normal person

and and rip that box open and save

whoever’s in no that’s right

that sounds very crazy because a crowbar


look i’ve had crows before but to

actually have them gather together to


i’m uh oh my god

cameron how do you do it it’s impossible

to deal with this guy

i mean okay so wait who are you

returning it to do you do

i guess the person who gave it see you

as a secret santa

it was a very secret santa um

oh gosh what does that mean

so so i got a letter in the mail months


and it was telling me all about this

secret santa he was like

you know just i guess they didn’t say

santa but like they said a whole bunch

of stuff about like oh we’ll exchange

this and that

and i was like oh great this this sounds


so uh and like i knew the holidays were

coming up and that if i got ahead of it

then i would have a present ready and i

would be able to get

you know what i got which is an on sale

bow tie that spins and lights up

so like i know i played my part right

and so i was like

you know i i wrote them back i was like


so down i’m game let’s do this

and it can be hard to shop for gifts

you don’t even it’s hard to get someone

exactly what they want

and like and i for one thing i get it

and that’s why i haven’t like

tried mailing them again or calling or

uh you know i haven’t like

they’ve sent some messengers by but i

haven’t like

you know messengers dr london you

might have a missing person a kidnapped


in that box in your house and somebody

just pawned them off on you

what a perfect hiding place to a man’s

house who can’t

open a box yeah in exchange for a bow

tie they accepted seem to accepted that

as payment

with no questions oh i should we gotta

get that box open

we’re not returning this present we are

taking it to the police

we should at least throw some food in

there like the bare minimum

should be you should be throwing stuff

in there here’s the thing

uh just to clarify one point um the so

the bow tie did come back to me in the

mail i

i neglected i forgot to mention this

earlier so it said like you know

that like that the address wasn’t right

or something you know it did that return

so uh anyway so

you know i should probably yeah no i

should try to return this but i realize

that address is wrong

so i’ll just i’m calling the police

right now on my cell phone

you you they’ve been in there for over a

month how

are they even still alive

can a person live that long in a box

okay and i don’t do secret santa a lot i

don’t play this game much

so i don’t know if that’s part of it

but uh the rules the rules are there’s

sort of regional variations of it too

i i have to assume look and like i’ve

played secret santa when i was little i

don’t remember the

whole game but i could

swear that there were less kettle prods

involved like

maybe there was a taser there might have

been a taser but i don’t remember there

being a full

length cattle prod so that’s new to me

and i’m thinking

i want to learn to play this game so i

will continue to

and so i the boxers and labeled those


yeah i feel like we’re i’m going on too

much and

you know should i talk should i talk

about what i’m returning yeah yeah if

you could

yeah i’m returning my son um

i think we’ve had a good run and he’s

pretty good at baseball which is cool

like we’ll but like i think besides that

and he’s

cool but like we don’t like vibe super


but he was was he given to you i don’t

you know in a way

he was he was given to me via you know

the miracle of life birth

yeah yeah um so was he

how old is he now uh he’s 19.

yeah yeah so i’m just gonna take it back

to the hospital and then say

y’all send them back do whatever you

want this is your thing

okay he seems down with it too i want to

i want to just throw that out there it’s


he’s totally fine with living at the

hospital he’s already started

started calling all doctors and nurses

mommy and daddy

um so i mean i feel like it’s not that

big of a deal but yeah i’m gonna go

ahead and

go and it’s time to return my son back

to his home his

real life also the hospital

where he’s born you can also look up the

lucy juice foundation

for unwanted children and maybe

maybe your son could come work and pick

some celery on my farm

that i mean that is super interesting


that could be it he does like picking

things he’s always like

like like just picking at things so that

that could be yeah

put that to use just grabbing he’s

handsy is what you’ve described him as

in the past i feel like handsy implies

that like he’s grabbing

people but it’s not that it’s more

just like everything always he’s just

he’s just kind of flailing around


yeah yeah and that’s just what he does

day to day i would say that’s honestly

probably the most annoying thing about

him and is why i’m trying to ship them


oh you know so this might be a chance

for him to grow as a person

and you know that’s i know he’s thinking

hospital but

you know it’s college age anyway as long

as he goes to

you know kind of live life on his own

maybe being away from you would be a

good idea just to help him grow

a little bit to grow apart to grow

together again later possibly

again it’s the vibe it’s so off like i

just don’t see that happening

okay well i would be i would love to

meet him

yeah i mean i couldn’t have 61 children

once one more

if if you if you meet him you’re gonna

know because

anything you have in your house he’s

gonna be running around grabbing every

single thing

and you’re gonna be like oh i think

that’s the kid

we just call him the boy the kid

whatever chocolates

uh the boy the boy who likes chocolate

half chewed chocolate he can have my

chocolate i honestly don’t know like a

ton about him

because like again like we’re cool we’re

cool in groups but like one-on-one like

it’s just like a different vibe you know

what i mean

but like super cool in groups and stuff

and like a group hang

um yeah you’ve told me you won’t bring

them on a date but you’ll bring them on

a group date

yeah if it’s like a group hang then yeah

sure yeah

but it’s just like one-on-one it’s like

oh like what do we even have to talk

about like i don’t even know anything

about this guy

because you’ve said it’s not even just

the one-on-one like if it’s three people

like if it’s you going on a date with

someone then if he’s there it gets

really awkward

because he just sits there and grabs at


yeah yeah yeah yeah he’s just constantly

grabbing everything yeah it’s mostly

food stuff which gets pretty nasty

yeah he’s grabbing my quesadilla with a


and then he’s just like squeezing it if

you got a calzone that’s shooting pizza


everywhere it’s it’s a hish it’s a whole


and then if he’s reaching into your

horse mask that’s great he knows not to

do that because he’ll get a bite

because it’s once that thing is on my my


my jaw movement is automatic i just

start going

round yeah it is like

like a masher like a i don’t know like

one of those

giant machines in any case i feel like

it’s like a hungry hungry hippo

okay no i guess that is more accurate

there’s like

a scooping situation also your head does

go out a little bit for it yeah that’s


um anyway i feel like we’ve about done

that chore

i think we did dj dylan get let’s get

our gifts

give it an old uh we just did that chore


uh well all right so i feel like it’s

that’s a good time to wrap it up so

um anyway thank you associate melanie


sorry associate melanie lucy juice um

for being on

thank you dr london this has been so

much fun getting to know you two

learning about street smarts and book


yeah yeah and hopefully i just i feel

like yeah

i feel like i’ve learned a lot today

about celery

and a little bit of lemon wow

those are the main two things and a

website where to go to to get a juicer

yeah speaking of which yeah if there’s

any way for listeners to uh to follow

you after this to to get more of your


oh yes please associate melanie lucy

easy enough on social media at associate

melanie lucy juice

all right and also oh you know who i

want to talk about my eldest

daughter adopted daughter her name’s

kayla teal she’s a

quote comedian so cute

uh you can find her on instagram at ke

teal t-e-e-l she

she would get a kick out of this that’s

awesome that she finds her

time to do that in between picking all

that celery

well you know she’s she’s starting to

yeah she’s starting to flute fly the

coop i let her out to do her little bits

and giggles

as long as she’s back home to get some

celery then you know that’s okay

that’s what i say all right well um

thank you to our producer cameron thank

you to did you do in the hose


i hereby with my associate’s degree

diagnose you dr

london with a deficiency in street


did you do in the house did you do in

the house


i went to monterey bay community college

for people who want to become


it’s a good old mcc p

f w b

m i love that school i have a sweatshirt

with that up

so take that vitamins that vitamins i

take celery

from the north atlantic from the north

atlantic ocean


my name is dr and this

has been

the jock doc podcast see ya


well the bucket is full of mustard

you push it back a little with your toe

remembering what your dentist had warned


with regard to mustard’s ability to

stain teeth

your teeth shudder at the thought or

perhaps the cold

at this point it is difficult to discern

the culprit of such an action

when your friends had bantered about

stealing mustard packets so you would

never run out

you laughed along when they suggested

emptying all the packets

into one big bucket and then placing

said bucket into the middle of the

dining table to eat

you forced a few chuckles but for every

one of those

jokes you could sense an error of truth

of genius

what you did not anticipate was that

when you took it a step further

and simply tossed your food into the

mustard bucket

the food would be difficult to find

and it would also undergo a slight


in both flavor and consistency

so but you’ve put it off long enough it

is either time to

count those meals all 12 of them as lost

or pour the collection into a blender

and then funnel it all down your gullet

why oh why did you have to choose this

as your new year’s resolution

speaking of resolving to make the world

a little better don’t forget to leave a

five-star review of the jock doc podcast

in which you share about the times when

you have transformed your meals into

bucket form

and consider joining our patreon where

we have new episodes that ditch the

medical lessons

to give you a hefty dose of improvised

comedy and while you’re at it

go ahead and share the jock talk podcast

with a friend or foe you can send them a

link to your favorite episode

or just send them our handy website

which is also where you can find a link

to that patreon

and don’t forget to take a peek at our

post on social media we are

@jockdocpodcast thanks for


84. Cor Pulmonale/Dr. Bill Butler Yeast (feat. Neil Curran)

Hey kids you’re about to listen to

comedy podcast that means that none of

this is medical advice if you need

medical advice and medical care please

contact your doctor

welcome to the jock doc podcast


dr london smith aka

the realest podcast under the sun the

day we stop keeping it real

we’re done


hello and welcome to the jock doc

podcast where we discuss fitness and


and how to incorporate our modern

understanding of science and medicine

into our daily lives but without it

being so boring

i’m your host dr

i would like to begin by apologizing to

our listeners

we’ve received some feedback about the

excessive amount of technical medical

terms that i’ve been using such as

pubic synthesis diastasis and

inauguration day

so i will try to temper my terminology

to a simpler one in the future

here to help with that is our producer

cameron hey

dr london i just uh

i’m not feeling that you aren’t dr

london i need i need like a little

i don’t know shot of energy or something

i’m just not

i can be like hey but it’s not real you


yeah okay and we all kind of have these

what did i what did i tell you when we

started this podcast

one thing that i refuse to never do yeah

it’s uh

be not real you said that you yeah okay

that and like i refuse to never not be

also said you don’t work weekdays or


you said yeah nothing like during the

day hours

and you get really tired at night so

probably not then either

well yeah not at night time it’s too

dark also to navigate

yeah the the soft the light up screens

that we use

yeah so that’s what you what you told me

then these were all your conditions

and it has made it pretty difficult to

schedule any

yeah i take off i take off all holidays

regardless of religion

yeah all jewish holidays muslim holidays

and it seemed like you really worked

hard on creating new religions

to to give you more holidays well i

don’t create

i feel like this is a misconception does

the person who leads a religion


create the religion i just do

my own stuff i just focus on what i want

to do

and like hanging out and stuff and if

people start following me naturally

that’s not my fault i didn’t tell them i

guess that

that what makes it seem the most

suspicious is

like i said like how many holidays there

are first yeah when first thing you do

is make holidays that’s

like before you establish the you know

the basic tenets of your religion

it’s always about the holidays yeah and

it’s just like every friday is

is the holidays yeah it will on mondays

because you said oh i hate mondays but

then tuesday started feeling like a

monday so

the next religion you made really

started making tuesday hammering it on

tuesdays had sort of an anti-tuesday

agenda yeah

yeah and you know eventually

just the amount and like we try to be

very inclusive

and you know we we try to keep out of

religion on the podcast which is why

this hasn’t come up before

but i just you know to some extent it

has become problematic

do you see it so

i just ask you for just like uh just

like a shot of energy to

to get me feeling it and then you start

hounding me about my religious beliefs

this is the show that you want to do dr


okay and yeah i’m sorry no i apologize

that is on me i shouldn’t be so critical

of your many religions

because whenever you say religious

beliefs just just the listener is aware

that there is a lot of plurality in

there like

it’s a lot of religions and a lot of


that also strongly contradict each other

yeah and are mostly holiday oriented

yeah well

almost entirely yeah like a few of them

you also have to eat a bunch

yeah like that’s you just like

early you know you have ice cream before

dinner is

part of one of the recall yeah

and i just yeah but but once again you

know there was a big like burger and

fries based one

yeah and milkshakes and i’m just you


i’m not sure that that’s

it basically just i guess like any

sort of supervise your position type

someone who has to manage the time it

has been difficult to do scheduling

around it and so to some extent

i have i i couldn’t use

these same religious excuses at my

place of work you know the hospital

because they

they don’t recognize all of it quite the

same way you do

when this podcast started i told you

that i would never not be real isn’t

that right

that’s because i’m real and i’m just

being real and i’m just

telling you honestly dr london i’m just

not feeling it today

okay okay so you want to go back and

emphasize how you’re not feeling it

yeah because i thought we could i need

you to i want you

to like give me a reason to be excited


for this okay inject some energy into my

veins i’m putting i’m giving you a job

okay so sorry if you’re not familiar

with those

as i said that you know my job actually

strongly requires me to just show up and

do the work

but um so anyway this is uh

maybe i should somewhere except this is

our producer cameron

yay all right that didn’t do it

and then also with us is digital in the


did you know in the house


when this podcast started i told you

that i would never not be real isn’t

that right

yes that’s


the day we stop keeping it real we’re

done we’re done

what did i do what did i tell you when

we started this podcast one thing that i



one thing that i refused to never do


we’re done we’re done one thing that i

refuse to never do

be not real


and later uh cameron tells him that we

can expect a special guest a

a physician is that right yeah that’s

right dr london

and so it’s it’s a doctor who’s come up

with a new way to

to uh to administer medicine to patients

um you know we’re always you know trying

to bring the cutting edge the new

medical news and technology and we’re

always trying to come up with new


yeah i mean as a show yes and we aren’t


quite as involved in the clinical

research aspect but sure

we you know any chance to bring in a new

way to

address uh these these clinical

syndromes is always

you know something to look out for

before we move on i would like to

address a bit of listener feedback

i found this note nailed onto a piece of

wood that a patient was trying to

fend me off with as i was advising him

on his diabetes

medication regiment the note reads quote

how did you get that picture in the cake

dot dot

witchcraft end quote

uh so so first of all thank you so much

for your insightful question

here on the jock talk podcast to answer

your question

so so cameron i think they may be

referring to your preferred method of

cutting cakes which is with a framed


so i guess this listener’s question

would be

is witchcraft involved in that process

well it’s the only way to get a perfect


slice yeah okay i guess i guess i’d

always kind of been in the other

room whenever you do it so you don’t

just use the

the smaller diameter edge you use

no no no i’m not cutting it with the

corners i take a small picture frame

that doesn’t have a picture in it

i put it on the cake flat side and then

i just push it all the way through

yeah and then you eat that and like

what’s left in the middle is a perfectly

rectangle slice of cake

and if you’ve ever watched chef’s table

or top chef or chef’s reunion

or the chef zone or chef island

or the chef pack or

the uh john’s uh chef

hut i you know i haven’t or

uh the the the chef cauldron

or if you’ve ever seen um

like chefs and the chefs in the jungle

then you would know that a perfectly

rectangle slice of cake is the ultimate


of a good chef the how the cake is cut

is what tell so not the ingredients not

the flavor not the consistency

no because presentation tells the

audience that i put a lot of work into


and that i care about the product

i could make the best tasting pancakes

in the world but if i gave it to you and

it wasn’t

in the shape of let’s say like your


character from

i don’t know let’s say news radio

let’s say you didn’t have a pancake in

the shape of andy dick from news radio

wouldn’t that piss you off and wouldn’t

that taste awful

i i feel like his presentation is key

okay yeah i i don’t watch all these

shows so you know i

maybe i just don’t maybe i know where uh

and if you ever watch the chef murderer

you would know that

yes okay i and once again you know i i


this is a different territory for me i’m

thinking to myself

regardless of the shape whenever i bite

into something the flavor is

is going to be a big determinant with

you know to tell me how much i like


or consistency as well but but

you know i’m once again not a chef so

this oh we’ve got consistency

you mean in in terms of shape no just in

terms of mouth feel

like the cake is gonna feel like a lot

going on

okay are you afraid to like we make it

bumpy we make it very lump

i make very lumpy cakes is kind of what

i’m trying to get at okay

i okay and that’s so whenever this

listener was asking

about the witchcraft using cakes uh

you your answer is essentially

that you make it really lumpy

yeah and then i use the picture frame


all right well now for today’s medical

topic core pulmonale

so core pulmonale is defined as a right

ventricular hypertrophy

with eventual right ventricular failure

resulting from pulmonary hypertension

secondary to pulmonary disease so if you

need a refresher on pulmonary


listen to last week’s episode and

corporal manali

is a complication of that so it’s just

whenever your lungs have the high

pressure system going on it’s it’s high

blood pressure

but only within the lungs specifically

so if that goes on too long then you get

core pulmonary

it’s most commonly secondary to copd and

other causes include recurrent

pulmonary embolism asthma cystic

fibrosis sleep apnea

and pneumoconiosis clinically patients

may present with a decrease in exercise


they may have cyanosis and digital

clubbing and that’s whenever the fingers

get to be thicker

like kind of bulbs i mean this doesn’t

this doesn’t get boring to you

dr london week in and week out

typing in

and then clicking random article and

just reading it off on the show i mean

come on

yeah well this isn’t this isn’t bumming

you out a little bit i’m just i’m just

in a mood

yeah no i can tell because you you seem

to really

every time i feel like we’re really

getting somewhere like we’re kind of

hitting our stride

you keep interjecting with saying that

you’re not

feeling it i’m in a mood yeah you’re


so i would say that almost so your job

as a doctor is to

cure patients and yet you’re not even


to try to cure

your best friend and co-host and


okay what if cure him of the blues what

if i tried

okay so normally you would sometimes

you would interject with something here

so what i just said was digital clubbing

you think that i should give a lesson

and then you interject my last son

no no i’m just i’m letting you know sort

of the way that you seem to keep


occupied normally so a lot of times if i

said something like digital clubbing

then you would say something about maybe

going on your computer

you know digitally and going

clubbing like going dancing maybe you


and that’s you’re like club penguin yeah

that would be something

yeah so so today it just seems odd

because today

you seem to not have the energy or no

maybe even it’s just the desire you seem

to have lost the desire to do any of


but it’s the passion i have no passion


but i’d love to do your job and then you

interrupt me

so let’s go i’m on wikipedia i’m

clicking random article okay i don’t

think that’s

okay i got stower bridge which is a

market town in the west midlands england

stour bridge is about 12 miles or 9


west of birmingham the second biggest

city in the uk

so and i think fox news one time said

birmingham was a

muslim no-go zone this is about eight

years ago

but i think that’s important to mention


sitting within the metropolitan borough

of dudley at the edge of the black

county yeah

stower bridge includes the suburbs of


lye norton old winsford

pedmore what what i can’t help but feel

like this

this is one of those instances of

something that is neither here

nor there like it’s very unrelated to

the topic

yeah it’s not here we know it’s in


yeah so and we know it’s about 12 miles

west of birmingham

which according to a guy on fox news

eight years ago and they got in trouble

for it they said

birmingham which is the second biggest

city in the uk was a muslim

no-go zone wow yeah

okay and i’m not really contesting or

commenting on that

i just you know i’ve gotta so our

listeners are here for medical lessons

they’re just trying to learn medicine

you know we got medical students we have

you know doctors who are trying to brush

up on a few things

i don’t my fans aren’t these people

you’re talking about

your cam girls yeah yeah i

the cam squad the squad of cam girls aka

my fan base

does not care about medicine whatsoever

you know what we care about we care

about we care that much of stower bridge

consists of residential streets

interspersed with green spaces mary

stevens park

opened in 1931 has a lake a bandstand a

cafe and a mixture of open spaces in


okay i great but um

so do you see so i’ve gotta i’ve gotta

finish this up for

okay so you have your fans and i have my

fans so if i could finish my appeal to

my fans

you’re saying we should have read them

at the same time and then no no no no

put the audio into different years

look we’ve tried that i do not think it

worked ah so

anyway so if i i’ll i’ll just try to be

quick about this okay so that you can

get to

your cam girl stuff because i know that

they’re good they’re big on this

so as i said clinically patients may


um digital clubbing was last thing i

said uh they can have signs of right

ventricular failure such as hepatomegaly


and jvd and that’s whenever the the vein

in the neck

is is it’s it’s dilated it’s big

and they can have a parasternal lift a

diagnosis of corpulgnoli begins with

chest x-ray revealing enlargement of the

right atrium right ventricle and

pulmonary arteries

an ekg may reveal right axis deviation

p pulmonale and that’s peaked p waves

and right ventricular hypertrophy

an echocardiogram may reveal right

ventricular dilatation

but normal ventricular or start normal

left ventricular

size and function so this is useful in

excluding the left ventricular


so this is right sided stuff so

treatment involves treating the

underlying pulmonary disorder

diuretic therapy must be used cautiously

because patients may be preload


you apply continuous long-term oxygen

therapy if the patient is hypoxic

administer digoxin only if there is

coexistent left ventricular failure

many so copd patients die of right


failure secondary to chronic pulmonary

hypertension and many does do

yeah i knew i actually met met a guy who

suffered from that unfortunately he was


the we met at the festival of glass

which the international festival class

is held

at ruskin mill in stower bridge every

two years

launched in 2004 it showcases the skill

and innovation of glass artists

designers and crafts people

the british glass by and all

biannual this is the festival’s it’s not


okay it’s biannual

is the festival’s flagship exhibition

featuring contemporary work

by glassmakers in the uk the exhibition

attracts collectors galleries and

museums from all around the world

okay so so i like how you did

try to work that in casually i

i i do appreciate that oh it just came

up yeah it was just natural in


so uh just the the last sentence here i

want to finish

so many deaths due to pulmonary embolism

actually result from

acute pulmonary hypertension and right

ventricular failure

uh okay and so cameron did you get

th you know everything to appease your

your fans the cam girls

uh yeah well just one thing i did want

to ask is that i had heard

that robert plant of led zeppelin

actually attended king edward

the sixth college which is uh in

stourbridge is that

would you say that’s correct in your

personal uh medical opinion

uh you know i i don’t really have a

professional medical opinion on

that fact mostly

that sounds like a trivia question

really so

and it’s not medical related not not

related to medicine so i’m not

you know i i don’t see how that would


yeah you you haven’t you even gotten to

that part of your training because what

you’re saying

uh you know what sure i and once again

you know i

i am seeing some divide here between the

the cameron don’t you hear but how don’t

you hear how much more excited i am

yeah no i am i am glad that you haven’t

brought us back

to telling us about how you’re done

and bored and don’t care anymore

yeah and over it yeah yeah uh

no i i like that now i’m i’d love life i

love this podcast and i love

stower bridge all right or store bridge

sure there’s no way to know how it’s

pronounced there

yeah there wouldn’t be a way uh but


maybe our guest will know um no way


we can go ahead and move on from there


all right uh cameron you said that we

have a guest today is that right that’s

right dr london i’m gonna go out on a

limb here

and this i hope i don’t get in trouble

for saying this

but this might be

one of the fastest guests we’ve ever had

i haven’t seen this guy

run but you can kind of look at his

figure and kind of figure out that he’s

probably pretty quick

okay so in terms of just speed not like

wit or anything like that just

physical speed okay so it’s like yeah

the fast muscle fibers

okay um so

yeah so as i was saying earlier the

guest is one of these types who’s like

sort of bringing something new to

medicine and we all like to see these


so yeah i’m pretty excited for this

guest uh

could you introduce yourself please


doctors thanks for having me on this dr

bill butler yeast

here and and thank you for acknowledging

my muscle fibers you know i’ve been

working on them for quite some time

when when you folks flew me in for this

and put me up in such a nice hotel i

mean you were putting me in hotel

so far away but so easy to run from

there to here it was really nice to do

that doctor so

thank you thank you for that yeah well

you know and i you know we’re working

with a budget here and so you have the

options of you could get a much

worse hotel much closer to the studio

or we could put you in a nicer hotel

further away that you can just run to

and then you know we’re not going to pay

for transportation or anything like that

of course

and i would say we you know we when

cameron chose to put you in

because cameron was really handling this

the bookings and everything

uh it was a mild difference so i know

for running

it seems far but

you know for most people who are from

here and who are used to

you know using their own cars

transportation it’s actually

this is the first time someone hasn’t

complained about it

uh you know about the lack of

transportation everything but anyway so

thank you so much for coming here i

should correct one thing

cameron here is not a doctor i i’m

actually the doctor here

so i i realize that but i think

i i believe in treating everyone who

forms who contributes to the medical

profession as an equal so in my eyes


wow you’re you’re a consultant but

a doctor is suffice because you know at

the end of the day it doesn’t matter

whether you’re a junior doctor

you’re a consultant or you’re the ceo

you’re a doctor

this is this is amazing i this i love

hearing this that you actually approach

medicine with a sort of egalitarian

attitude whereas dr

london he is all about hierarchies he is

all about who is whose boss

who is bossing around so and so who’s

giving instructions am i

in charge i love hearing that

look because i contribute to medicine

which i do

that sort of makes me a doctor and if

anything that makes me more of a doctor


someone who just got a degree and never

helps anyone

like dr london when you say i totally do

you know

do you know this is exactly the problem

the medical profession has

ask any doctor well let’s ask let’s ask

doctor who is the most important person

in the medical hierarchy oh i want to

hear this from you dr london

uh so the most important person that


i mean at a certain level the most

important person is

going to be the medical students

assistants and the nurses because

they’re the ones

who are kind of the first ones the

patient encounters but then again the

doctor is the one who kind of has a

knowledge to guide the whole process

so you know i feel like everyone has

their worth

but you know at least in the states that

the pay is given

you know a little bit more according to

training level and everything if that’s

what you mean

wrong wrong absolutely don’t

could you explain why he was so wrong i

mean dr london

i’m so grateful to be here but this is


what i’m talking about you’re clearly

the eldest in your family and you’re


were very greedy as a child and that has

fed into your

life now as a medical professional the

most important person

in the medical profession is clearly the

patient because without the patient

you don’t have an opportunity to doctor

and without an opportunity to doctor

you can’t make a difference in the world

so every single patient

whether they come in with a stubbed toe

or a life-threatening illness

without them we can’t be doctors

and it doesn’t matter if you’re wearing

a stethoscope around your neck or you’re

holding the door open

for somebody who’s coming out of the

restroom it all

counts if there’s a patient there

okay and you know how much i would even

sorry sorry to interrupt do you know how

much we pay patients

nothing nothing zero they don’t get

anything to be part of that hierarchy

with all due respect and i would even

say patients contribute to the

uh medical practice even more than

doctors because a

you wouldn’t have doctors without

patients b

doctors their entire expertise is

finding out what’s wrong with you well a

patient can tell you

how they’re feeling where it hurts

what’s swelling

all very important pieces of information

that make them

more useful than whatever the doctor’s

gonna find

i would say that every single patient is

a doctor wouldn’t you say

i completely agree let me hit you with

some very

interesting statistics so they say

one in four people will get cancer for


but did you know that every one of those

four people

is technically a patient because they’re

they’re at some point in their life

going to need the facilities of the

medical profession

and you can’t you can’t be part of that


unless you have a patient

to put you there okay so can we take it

one step further and say that because

every person is a patient in their own


everyone is the most important and then

doctors have the doctor education on top

of that regular patient level importance


it sounds like doctors are actual

doctors are the one exception i would

say patients of the doctors and in a way

doctors are the patients

it’s all legal you see dr london that is

ego speaking i mean i don’t go to dinner


and say to people oh by the way i’m a

doctor no i don’t

i’m a human being first and if you if

you do say that sometimes that’s okay

i mean sometimes but that’s only when

there is willy waving going on and

and it’s a point it’s a point of clarity

but you know i i say to you dr london

dr london when when for example is the

last time

you had effortless stomatitis for

example uh you know i

i don’t believe that i’ve had that you


what are you contributing to the

profession that is

lining your driveway with all of those

cars so

yep whenever you if you ask just a ra

a random medical disease

that sort of doesn’t quite make your

case if you ask for something like

you know relatively more common like you

know do you have high blood pressure


or since we’re from the states you know


these kinds of things are a little bit

more you know

common in that way do you see do you see

how there’s a distinction to be made


i i i totally do doctor but do you have

any of those three

you know as you say common ailments i

mean i

i don’t come across them that much i

have to say but have you got

one of those three ailments no

no i don’t and and i i get that you come

from a different place

where epidemiologically you’d be you

know encountering

maybe less well especially the obesity

epidemic is

bad here not so much there the opioid


probably not as big of a deal there

just because you know our culture has


cooler about it yeah so

y’all are a lot more chill about opioids

and so like that

you know quote-unquote epidemic that we

have is uh

probably going to be less of a big deal

but i feel like this is

all sort of beside the point right dr

london that’s true so dr yeast

what um what what brings you here today

well i i was going through a midlife

crisis when when i was in my

my and i realized that i couldn’t quite

put my finger on it but there was


inherently wrong with how we doctor

and then it just hit me it hit me we’re

working within a niche market

we are totally relying on medicine

to cure ailments it’s like every time

you get sick we immediately go

to medicine to cure it or some form of

medicine be it

physical is in a pill or mental is in

therapy or what have you it often falls

under the same umbrella

and that made me think if i was building

my house i wouldn’t hire an electrician

to build it

to plummet to pick my furniture

i’d have different people from different

backgrounds doing it

but why is it why is it when we’re sick

we only go

to a doctor and we own special hospitals

specialists messages you’re special now

it’s not just enough that you’re

educated dr london and that you’re

better than everyone else now you

consider yourself special

well i just i feel like you’re going

down this road of

you know not all doctors are trained

and we have one like baseline i know not

all doctors are trained because every

single patient is a doctor and training

is irrelevant

okay i’m sorry dr yeast go on i i

interrupted so yeah so so anyway

and that made me realize that perhaps

we’re looking in the wrong places for


we often think about managing illnesses

but when are we putting that patient

first you know when i have a patient

that comes into me with

transient lingual palpatitis if i give

them a pill

they’re going to take the pill walk away

and where is the

the value-add in that you know where is

where’s the experience yeah they’re

gonna walk away thinking ah this guy

doesn’t care about me

he’s just throwing drugs at me exactly

and we have to think about

you know medical prescriptions as a

service and not as a product

so i did a community college course in


and as i was in this course i realized

that poets had one thing in common

we remember them for their poems and not

for their illnesses

and that got me thinking that got me

thinking that

with the right string of words because

words are very much like chemicals if

you string them together

you can have an impact because you can

create something

that carries meaning in the same way if

you mix chemicals together you get a


and that has a meaning and meaning is

just a different word

for cure and on that basis i found that

by stringing certain words together

in a poetic sense i mean

poet poetry is an anagram is it well

it’s not a nanogram but it would be an


for solution to medical ailment

give or take a few ladders and i figured

that poetry could be used

to rewire the brain to cure itself in

the same way that you can insult

somebody and it rewires their brain to


upset or to be sad or to be mad i said

why can’t we do that with poetry

why can’t we rewire the brain with

poetry to

cure to cause the brain no less to cure

because the brain is the most powerful

part of our brain

did you know the brain does most of the

thinking in our body so the brain

rewire the brain to cure itself

okay the value add is the patient walks

away enlightened

yes and probably way more enlightened

and feeling a lot lighter and better

than if you were to just throw

some pills at them or throw therapy at

them exactly or

you know just giving them like a a

checklist to make them better

and who likes checklists

yeah i mean dr london does but he’s a

freak so we’re not gonna even and i

would also say

so cameron sir cameron does throw

medications and medical supplies yeah if

you could refer to me as dr cameron


i’d feel more comfortable if you said dr

cameron yeah i would feel a lot more

comfortable too so

so doc dr cameron uh he

you know whenever he he’s not speaking

like metaphorically or whatever

he throws medicine and medical products

medical appliances at people whenever


if anyone asks him hey should i see a

doctor about this

that’s well i’m testing reflexes most

doctors you know they do that thing

where they just sort of like

they hit a hammer on your knee yeah

i toss things at you and expect you to

catch them

yeah so i mean that doesn’t really test

the i mean

in a sense tessa’s reflexes but it

doesn’t test the

you know the ones in the spine i’ll be

in mid-sentence i’ll be like okay

so how are you and then yeah they’re

gonna catch it real quick and then just

pills thrown at your face and you’re

having to

like i’ve swallowed pills on accident

not realizing what was going on

yeah but that’s very very irresponsible

you can’t swallow it i didn’t by


that is very true well unless that poem

is written down

and one of the things i’m throwing at

you is a wadded up piece of paper which


is sometimes okay so anyway to get back


uh dr yeast you know you’re see your

method so you

you well i i did i did want to say on

something that was said previously

in that for famous poets we remember

their poetry and we don’t remember their


uh except for the one disease that most

of them have

which is depression and suicidal


because most of them end up killing

themselves even so that one

that one disease comes up a lot

that’s fair but most of the most of the

most of them don’t

most of the diseases don’t get mentioned

at all have you ever taken the wrong

medication for

you know an illness you know have you

ever taken

say an aspirin for a broken leg i mean

think about what that would do to you

yeah because i’m throwing them at myself

so i don’t really know what’s landing

and what’s not absolutely you know so

exactly in the case of those very very

very very you know few and far between

very rare that a poet

you know suffered one or two of those

things that you mentioned

in in those cases it was a case that

their own poetry wasn’t good enough

for them because no doubt for every

depressed poet i mean i have to be

honest i’ve never come across

myself but for every depressed poet

their poetry has probably cured

approximately two or three billion

people potentially yes wow

and i i’m just you know it’s not an

exact science but

it’s it’s think of a curve it’s like a


graph okay yeah and just how it curves


yeah yeah i’m thinking about it

okay and so just watching it curve in my

mind yeah when you say

it cures do you mean it treats or do you

mean it

absolutely cures no trace of disease

completely totally totally totally

totally i i mean

it’s it it you know it’s like it

it can it can sense it can sense you


the need for follow-up it’s like it’s

like a broken leg

you know a broken leg and then you have

to help patients

you know afterwards where you have to go

back into the hospital as a day patient

and get checked out

poetry the right pump can get beyond

that and

see that you don’t need to do that so

not only does it cure

and address and remedy and all those


words that we have in our medical book


also make things better and that’s the

language patients need to hear

not cure and remedy or you know

make things better exactly speak people

i mean dr london i don’t know about you

i’d like to see some of this in action

yeah yeah i was about to get to the

you know i like i know that you’ve dr

bill butler yeast you have released a


you know books on of poetry and on

on the method by which you read poems to

help people could you uh could you share

with us some of

some of this i mean i think we can even

if we’re dealing with anything like i

i can say right now that i have a bit of

a headache do you have a poem maybe for

for something like that oh now of course

i have a poem for headache

but i i i don’t want to be an


practitioner here i must ask do you do

do you have a particular type of


that you you know is bothering you or is

it just a general type of headache

um i i assume it’s because

i had a lot of sugar yesterday

i drank um 45

hard ciders high alcoholic abv

hard ciders and so i think just the high

sugar content

is sort of giving me a headache today

well and you should you stir

in sugar whenever you take that as i


yeah and i do shots of vodka in it to

sort of level it out yeah

yeah you you have what we call

gia and that’s ah

you know i suspect it as much but i

wasn’t quite sure

it’s it’s the common the common hangover

as as known in some parts of the world

but by his algae is is what dr london

would recognize it as

clearly but um yeah so that’s

that’s that’s quite simple i mean some

people and and this is what you have to

be so careful some people would read the

works of edgar

allan poe or something like that as an

attempt to

to handle it but that’s not going to

work so

here’s what i need you to do dr cameron

are you sitting comfortably

uh i could be more comfortable no don’t

sit uncomfortably because right now

your inside is uncomfortable so you need

to replicate that on the outside

because the more comfortable you pretend

to try to be it’s like

somebody closing their mouth when you’re

trying to force feed them a pill it’s

just not going to go in

so you have to mirror the feeling on the

outside so that your body can be a

conduit to absorb the words because it’s

not just the

ears we’re trying to deal with here

we’re trying to get it into your whole


and while the ears are on your head

they’re not connected to the part of

your head that has a headache so we need

to use your whole body

okay so i’m sort of wadded up into a bit

of a pretzel

shape now yeah okay one thing you i

could just

uh okay and then now my arm

is stuck inside of the pant

leg so and then

one thing this is as uncomfortable as i

can get one thing no

no there is one more thing so all the

people you have fanning you

with the with the branches you have to

stop them from doing that

because that’s regulating the

temperature that’s adding to your

comfort level

i agree

but they only they only respond to me

waving them away which i can’t do with

my arm

stuck in my pant leg so i guess

you know your inability to address this

is adding to your discomfort level right

uh i not really because i don’t really


if i listen to you or follow your rules

that doesn’t make me uncomfortable

okay all right well i guess

we find ourselves at sort of a

standstill at this point

i’d love to be able to stand still i

can’t because of how wadded up i am

a human sort of a piece of gum

i think we could work with it as it is i

mean it’s not going to be ideal

i mean you may have a dose of diarrhea

or or possibly vomiting

afterwards but at least your headache

will have gone and

that’s you know what’s the most

important thing here that’s the dream

that all right can i hear a

poem or something this is a poem

and it’s simply called

i sat cold step

upon of which

my brow broke cider

abv lucozade


to win which she came and ripped out

my liver such that

i could not take no more i did not take

no more


across oceans filled with substances to


would feed my demon soul

yet punish my empowered


oh wow how’s your head i

feel a lot i feel relieved am i can i do

i have to be in this position still

you can relieve yourself of that

position at a time that feels good for

you but

you know like most things do it do it


you know i would say we are gonna have

to get a mop for that

you did find relief in other ways as

well i guess

okay i’m back into my normal position

but i do feel

a lot i mean dr london i do think

there’s something to this i do feel a


lighter and a lot better yeah well i

mean the lighter could be because of

just the volume that you just vomited

but you know i there could be

something else i mean also vomiting


helps people deal with the level of you

know alcohol but

but he said one of the side effects

might be a little diary and a little

vomit yeah and you did do both

so i i guess side effects you get you’ve

really got down

dr yeast one thing that that was very

much what came out

when we went through the phase three

trials you know we discovered that we

nailed to the side of

side effects nailed okay

so and i think that is one of the main

things you’re trying to do in a trial

like that

is being able to list as many side

effects as you can it’s not necessarily

trying to

fix the side effects it’s just

acknowledging that they’re there which i

think that

is important you know yeah because

you’re you’re trying to get work for

voice actors

to list the side effects and the

commercials for it

well it’s a dying industry they keep

giving these animation positions to

establish celebrities

very true it’s very true and so when you

think about it

uh being a voice actor who reads the

side effects on

on drug commercials

that’s sort of the ideal position that

you’d want to be in

but anyway i mean dr yeast this is this

is sort of amazing i feel like every

second that goes by i’m feeling better

and better i mean dr london do you have

any sort of ailment or something

you want to bring forth yeah i mean

so um you know i’ve had some uh

i guess i’ve just been stressed so my

stomach has been

kind of troubling me like i have an

upset stomach

is there a i don’t know is there

anything for that

yeah you you have a classic case of bora

bora game

which okay it’s one of those across the

pond’s term that i’m not

i’m not familiar with you you need to

keep up on your continuous professional


my good doctor that is very much an

affliction that

affects everyone all around the world in

when it comes to stomach matters

so a little bit surprised i’m sorry i


i mean terminology might just be the

difference but go on go on

so with a condition like that again

similar to the headache i have to ask

what do you think might be driving

driving that and you know is it is

you know that stress is that is it work

related stress is relationship related


is it connected physically or

metaphysically to the stomach

problem uh you know what do you what do

you think yourself

yeah so i um i guess so for one thing

work i’ve been working a lot of hours

it’s kind of it’s been very demanding


we uh sort of have an overburdened

healthcare system here and so i’ve been

just just working all the time and then

well you’ve also been stressed lately

ever since your

your workplace started letting people

bring therapy dogs into the office which

they keep attacking you yeah and not

just the dogs because the dogs

i kind of like you can throw some raw


at so i started carrying you know just

raw meat in my pockets

for them but then you know you don’t

wait you don’t think that maybe that’s

what the dogs are going for oh what do

you mean

i no no you just the raw meat that you

have in your pockets i feel like that

did you start bringing the raw meat

before or

after therapy dogs started

i mean for lack of a better word

hounding you

well so i they sent us a memo

a week before these rules were going to

go into effect that they’re going to

bring the therapy dogs because you know

you can’t bring humans in

for some of these patients because of

the contagious nature

of this virus so they said you know

they’re going to be some dogs

don’t worry about it uh if you don’t

always get along with dogs

maybe have a treat so i’ve been

so i stocked up on raw meat and

before yeah okay it was before to answer

your question um

so i mean dr dr yee so you can see the

sort of trouble that my

my friend is in i think i think dr

london is

this is far more serious than you think

i mean think about it for a second

the gnost of carrying food for doc are


trying to compensate for an upset

childhood by feeding

other people’s depression dogs as i like

to call them

i and i wish i don’t want to

say no because maybe but i’m also

thinking like

these dogs really went after me and i’ve

you know you know i’ve gotten uh these

calls that i need to be

you know be somewhere because a patient

is about to die

and i’ll be running but then the dogs

will will outpace me

and so that has been a significant worry


in childhood something similar might

have happened

it’s it you know do we need to get into

that now or is there

is there a poem that can just is that

enough for me

i mean i was around then i do remember

one specific instance are you talking

about when you had set up

i had set up a lemonade stand and then

to compete across the street you would

set up a

a raw salami stand

okay well yeah that’s that i guess that

rings a

little bell i don’t really and then a

bunch of neighborhood therapy dogs

chased you down yeah well at that time i

couldn’t run quite as fast so it wasn’t

so much a chase

as a you had the we’ve talked about this

in previous episodes but at that age you

would have had the forest gump

leg braces on that’s right so they

yeah and i tried to run but once again

they were

they were from the movies so it was a

badge of honor really like people try to

make fun of it but it’s actually really

cool that i did that

yeah but i imagine they they slow down

your speed

yeah and like yeah and so and all these

dogs would come over and like just

attack and i don’t

you know they would attack me and i

couldn’t tell why i still to this day i

don’t know why

they just target me every time and i

keep wow

you know i’m a cat person and that’s

you know this experiences like that kind

of reinforced that

feeling that i’m a cat person

you know i’m so glad you’ve shared this

with me and this is exactly

what we’re talking about here there was

a risk that i could have

prescribed you the wrong poem in a


genre but the fact you’re a cat person

you know really brings it back to where

it all went wrong for you dr london

th this this isn’t about stress this

isn’t about stomach problems

this is about you never having a puppy

when you were young and that in turn

caused a massive and i i don’t use

hyperbole that often but a massive


ganglion ureology in your head

huh a ureology

i’m using the american term yeah

i just and you’re sure it’s because i

didn’t have a puppy because i

like once again it was it was because i

was so scared of puppies because they


attack me and try to eat me

yeah it’s okay it’s all it’s all it’s

the medical equivalent of a placebo

you know is what you’re talking about

there okay so

so what okay what what poem are we going

to use

to sort of fix this problem then because

you are the specialist in this so i

you know i defer to your judgment yeah


so this poem i’ve just been writing it

out there while while you were talking

i’ve crossed out a lot of words in it

for this poem um

it’s it’s fairly fairly hard-hitting so

i need you to get

really uncomfortable for this i mean i

want you to imagine you have just had

your heart broken by somebody that you

love deeply

and it is drip dripping on the floor

being eaten by those dogs as if it was

raw salami

that’s how i want you to feel on the


uh okay so i just think back to maybe

like if there was a recent heartbreak

that i could actually use

and maybe also contribute to the stress

yeah okay

probably just all of the heartbreaks

probably all all of the heartbreaks

happening always like all of your

ex loves are right now breaking in your


okay so and this will help me me

me bringing back all the the horrific

like the time whenever she told me she

would meet me and then she instead got

her gang of cronies which happened to

include our

dr cameron here they they came over to

egg me

just throw eggs at my body and then

i’m crying as you say that like i

totally totally feel your pain

but unless unless you open the up like


the poem the words will not connect

with your upper thalamus and

your epididymis and frontal lobe

right all those well connected things so

okay so i’m going so i just

i just have to remember the time

when uh she said

meet me on the roof and i went and then

she was on the roof and she pushed me


and said try to fly and i said okay

and then i was in the hospital i woke up

in the hospital

for a few months and and that’s you know

how i got into medicine i guess

because you woke up in a hospital yeah

i’d never seen one before

you became a doctor to compensate for

failed love

is what i’m hearing

so so i’m not feeling super comfortable

or if you’re gonna compensate

do it in maybe a cooler way not

like this yeah like ride a motorcycle or

this is the heavy metal or you know dye

your hair

but becoming a doctor is fixing other

people’s problems

yeah not yours get a hoop earring

dr london i hate to say this but there

is a strong possibility that after i

recite this poem you may

seek a career change as a professional

motorcycle riding badass i mean it’s one


okay i you know i don’t i feel like i’ve

invested pretty heavily in the one

pursuit professionally but you know i

maybe after the poem i’ll have a change

of heart

are you ready you’re ready

stop stop

each pump of my heart beats like a stop


not moving just suddenly looking at me

so direct stop stop

stop reaching in and ripping out my


and eating it as if

liver thrown to a beast

stop stop stop don’t touch my testicles


touch my fingertips do not touch

my soul stop stop

stop let me be the one

who places my hand upon my brow

and my other upon my heart and let in

the good

go go go

oh what happened

how do you feel wow it’s almost like you

woke up out of a trance state

yeah i don’t what what year is it

the year now yeah what do you

what do you think i meant

i don’t know like what year did radi

were you asking

like what year is it that radioactive by

imagine dragons came out or something


that is what i meant i think maybe like

2011 2012.

okay well good good to know um

what’s your name

my name i know it’s doctor i know that


think again think again doctor isn’t a


dot-com i’m i’m doc

dot-com doctor

i said um


what’s the most common one of the most

common names in the world i’ll go with

that one

smith john smith um smith yes

see dr cameron what’s happening here is

uh dr london

is going through a complete personality

overall and he’s giving himself a new

identity so he’s perfectly aligned to be


a new road for a better him wow

and this is the sort of i mean sort of

magic better than medicine medicine

that is really sort of blowing my mind i

think how many years of

therapy he would have needed to get to a

point like that he probably would have

had to go for hypnotherapy

and possibly play therapy and i’m

hearing yes

and maybe even surgery i’m hearing this

sort of

maybe something kind of uk british

accent so maybe my first name will be

related to that like uh i don’t know

what’s a

dublin or london i’ll go for london to

switch it up a little bit

so it’s london smith okay

smith because it’s the most common last

name yeah

just i want to unique and then

common and then i should get a website

are you imprinting on me do you think

i’m your mother now

i when you

ask it it feels like it’d be weird to

address it

it seems like i took a couple steps away

and you you took a couple steps in my

direction like almost like everywhere

i move you move closer to me yeah well

and me mirroring your actions

i and i’m sorry were we

were we doing something here are we

what was i

i don’t think so no you were doing


you were doing everything london every

everything and

i must say it was

and i’m not using hyperbole incredible

it was truly incredible

are you hungry okay are you hungry

it’s a metaphorical question it’s a

metaphorical question

okay because like i

i’m feeling my pockets and i feel a lot

of raw meat and i don’t know if that’s

an answer or not

there are no questions to which you

cannot answer yourself

as uh somebody once said

okay well yeah that famous the famous

man yeah the famous man

yes i’ll wait to cook this though like i

won’t eat this raw because raw meat is

it seems gross but um

so so that’s something to eat later i


uh whatev whatever we were doing i feel

like we’re at a good time to kind of

stop doing it oh you think it’s time for


for the chore wheel ch chore yes

that does yes let’s do those does it

ring a bell do you want me to explain to

you what the chore wheel is real quick

if you could because i’m not

really yeah so yeah so the chore wheel

basically and you’re not going to

remember this but basically you and i

accidentally let

a lot of chores and a lot of jobs that

we had to do

pile up because we were playing video

games and we weren’t doing what we

needed to do

so we have this gigantic to-do list that

we need to

finish and so i created this fun little

chore wheel and every week we spin the

chore wheel and we do whatever chore

is on the wheel okay

and actually dr dr yeast will you be

able to stick around and help us with

this chore

i love chores perfect

okay and then dr london so you’re gonna

just you’re just gonna

spin the chore wheel you’re gonna grab

that little thingy okay this one

uh-huh and then you’re gonna pull on

that okay pull that crank

and i and do i do i eat it

try okay no it doesn’t fit my mouth

it’s too big all right try spinning it


all right oh you probably don’t even

recognize what some of these words means

but it says

create content for patreon

uh do you remember anything about our

patreon dr london

uh it was something about

avoiding the the parts

of the podcast we signed up for patreon

to avoid taxes it’s part of a grand

uh scheme okay and essentially

so we have and this is sort of a new

thing we have a patreon with additional


and sort of behind the scenes follow-ups


our past chores and maybe even some

follow-ups to our past sponsors and

things like that that you can sign up


and you can access it by going to

patreon.comtalkpodcast or by going to and signing up

does that does that clear things up for

you a little bit

yeah i i think it i

i don’t really understand what patreon

is but okay

patreon’s a site where you give us money

so we can give you

more content okay and so right now we’re

gonna actually we’re gonna

try to create some mini sewed some mini


just like lit right we’re like one

minute episodes is what we’re gonna do

right now on the patreon they’re full

length episodes like it’s a full thing

but right now we’re gonna do little


mini episodes okay about

the business of medicine and being a


and so we’re gonna do just quick each of


is going to host a 60-second

mini episode of any sort of medical show

that you like

and we’re going to provide it as content

on the patreon does that make sense

i i think so dr east are you following

i have no idea what he’s talking about

but i’m game

okay so maybe

uh dr cameron that’s you want me to

start off

yes doctor i am dr cameron okay and i’m

an osteoporosis

okay uh

i mean i i could also maybe i don’t know

who goes for

how does this work i’m sorry i’m just

very confused

just from the start uh i was just

thinking that each of

us would go one at a time right okay


and host a one minute 60 second

podcast episode okay to provide

content for our patreon okay

so as an example here i’m gonna do uh

i’m gonna do a 60 second timer

okay and hi

welcome to cameron’s medical cram

corner where i’m going to give you

medical tips such as

leave your feet in the pool after you


allow your feet to keep that fun wrinkly

soft feel and it’ll allow you

to soak up some rays and soak up some of

the sun more while being out of the pool

now my first guest today is dr london

dr london was the last time you kept

your feet in the pool

oh i can’t even remember because it’s

winter so

for for me at least so whenever i put my

feet in the pool it is cold

and sometimes there is ice but and

there’s probably a medical

uh advantage to having your feet in such

cold water right

depending on how one the rest of you is

maybe it would feel good

which is and positive feelings is sort

of a medical advantage that’s all we

have today on cameron’s

cram corner

okay i mean i think that’s gonna be a

perfect episode look i think our

listeners are gonna really like that

yeah if we just add some music to either

side then that’s a full one i think

i think if we honestly if we if we add

enough dj dylan’s sound effects to that

and stretch that

to about an hour we could have that be a

main feed episode

yeah okay and uh

dr yeast do you want to give a try at

hosting your own

sure okay let’s get that timer

all right and go

hello and welcome to doctors

i want today to tell you about the great

new adaptation of

talking to your family members when they

are sick and they need to go

talk to somebody professionally about it

the first thing you must do

is talk to them about it in person

or on the telephone or on an online


and you explain to them why they should

go to see somebody medically qualified

and then they go and

they get seen to buy somebody managed

qualified and afterwards

afterwards 15 seconds they will thank

you for it

and probably bring you around for tea

or supper that’s what you should do five

and if that doesn’t work tough try

something else


perfect all right okay i mean i feel


all of these are gonna be this is all

again on our patreon it is not

small one minute episodes we have

full real episodes this is sort of bonus


okay so i don’t want to discourage

people from not signing up for the

patreon because they think it’s just

one minute episodes that we create on on

the cuff no off the cuff it’s

i think it is upon the cuff maybe

on the cuff so dr london are you ready

to do your episode

i i think so let’s let’s get that timer


and go hi are you

a medical practitioner who lost

his memory and now finds himself having

to figure out how to practice medicine

despite lacking all the fundamental

knowledge to be able to do it

well this is the show for you try

just fumbling your way through retrace

your steps

where was the last place that you knew

how to practice medicine

hospital go to the hospital run to the


you have raw meat in your pockets and so

there is a problem with that

so when the dogs come for you you will

have to fight them off

and you won’t remember much except for

this new

traumatizing experience with dogs and

are you reliving it again

15 seconds is this gonna bring you back

to that time

where you had your memory erased and

this is all a vicious cycle

and what is this cruel reality that you

keep stepping into

okay all right dr london i’m

i gotta say i think we’ve finished this

chore don’t you think

yeah and i i think i remember everything

that happened that was weird

okay um oh so on that note

um thank you so much to dr bill butler

yeast for introducing us

to this new approach to medicine

thank you so much for for having me on

and uh dr london

thank you so much for for being open and


with us i feel you’ve gotten about 6

million and i’m not using hype early

6 million new subscribers just on the

back of you being honest

and thank you thank you thank you

wow yeah i appreciate that so

uh is there any way for um our listeners

to follow you after this or

to keep up with you

me no i i tend to as a doctor i i tend

to focus on my patients i haven’t got


for for such things but i i may


a a chap i know by the name of neil

curran and you can find

him on such social things such as


and insta instaboom and twitter

you’ll find him there as improv neil

because he couldn’t be any more creative

than that in coming up with a username

uh you can check him on the web on or if you’re ever

visiting ireland

uh look us up on improv fest ireland

improv utopia ireland

and the tight rope if you’re visiting


all right that sounds great and uh

dr cameron you know you i usually don’t

ask you but do you have anything to


uh do i have anything to promote the


that’s something for you i guess well

i mean the page promoting the patreon

that’s sort of for

everyone it’s for me and it’s for you

and it’s for

all of our listeners because they are

getting something out of that too

right by spending three dollars or five

dollars depending on the tier

they’re they’re receiving a gift that

they purchase

yes and that’s not to be confused with a

gif or a gif

it’s not a moving picture they will not

be receiving a gift

from us ever no and that is a policy

i think we can stand by at least for now

i think that we should be strict about


but i i i guess i would like to promote

the movie her

okay with joaquin phoenix

um i haven’t seen it since it came out

but i remember thinking it was really


amy adams is in it oh okay

you know scarjo is the voice of the you

know the phone

yeah you say you know i i haven’t seen

it so

i’m gonna have to go on your word for it

but that’s you haven’t seen her

yeah scar who scarjo

yeah who’s that oh this is part of your

memory thing

i get maybe there’s still some gaps or

maybe i just

wouldn’t have heard anybody using memory

of scar ugh

perish or maybe have your chance to

discover scarjo for the first time

who knows uh all right well

thank you to uh dr bill butler yeast


um thank you to uh for now dr

cameron thank you to did you do in the


did you do the house i need you to get

really uncomfortable for


i mean i want you to imagine you have

just had

your heart broken by somebody that you

love deeply

and it is dripping on the floor

being eaten by those dogs as if it was

raw salami

that’s how i want you to feel on the


she said meet me on the roof and i went

and then she was on the roof and she

pushed me off

and said try to fly and i said okay

and then i was in the hospital i woke up

in the hospital




my name is dr and this

has been

the jock doc podcast see ya

i woke up in the hospital

i woke up in the hospital


i woke up in the hospital

i woke up in the hospital you hold your

tongue as a scathing rebuke is delivered

to your attempt at a steely blue gaze

you fail at this gaze of course because

your eyes are green rather than allow

yourself to be bludgeoned by

the onslaught of reprimands you do what

your grandmother taught you to do from a

young age

you imagine a big fish trying to put on

small pants

teehee the fish isn’t frustrated just

sort of clueless in an adorable way

oh wait the words are changing in tone

maybe it’s time to check back in

and so i hope you can understand why you

shouldn’t put the toaster in the


it doesn’t speed up the heating process

but it can start a fire

you don’t really pay attention beyond

recognizing when to say

because honestly you have some fishy

thoughts to get back to

speaking of creatures performing curious

tasks don’t forget to leave a five-star

review of the jock doc podcast

in which you share about how you have

ignored instructions to use household

appliances in favor of more pleasant


and consider joining our patreon where

we have new episodes that ditch the

medical lessons to give you a hefty dose

of improvised comedy

and while you’re at it go ahead and

share the jock doc podcast with a friend

or foe

you can send them a link to your

favorite episode or just send them our

handy website

and don’t forget to take a peek at our

post on social media we are at

jock doc podcast thanks for listening

83. Pulmonary Hypertension/Scott Pinchuk (feat. Sam Perez)

Hey kids you’re about to listen to a

comedy podcast

that means that none of this is medical


if you need medical advice or medical

care please contact your doctor

welcome to the jock doc podcast

featuring dr london smith

sit back relax grab yourself a few


and enjoy the show introducing your host

dr london smith


hello and welcome to the jock doc

podcast where we discuss

fitness and health and how to

incorporate our modern understanding of

science and medicine into our daily

lives but without it being so boring

i’m your host dr

i would like to begin by apologizing to

our listeners

we’ve received some feedback about the

excessive amount of tactical medical

terms that i’ve been using

such as chondrocalcinosis and

new year’s resolutions so i will try to

temper my terminology to a simpler one

in the future

here to help with that is our producer

cameron hi dr london

hey there how’s your week you been going


yeah yeah i guess it’s been going all

right i mean it’s

you know i’m trying to keep why the uh

why the slow reaction of that

you have to really kind of think about

it well yeah so

i mean i’m just you know we’re all

trying to keep up our new year’s

resolutions and it’s

i guess you know trying to stay inside a

lot really hasn’t helped with that

yeah well and what is your resolution

yeah so mine was to to travel more

ah yeah yeah so that was uh

you’ve been updating yours daily right

my resolution yeah it’s sort of a

rotating resolution yeah

so i don’t really know what it’s going

to be one day to the next

it’s sort of an ever-evolving thing yeah

and so today

so like earlier in the week it was eat

four hamburgers i had never done that

and i didn’t know if i could

and didn’t want to right no it didn’t

was the last thing i wanted to eat

because i

just had four hamburgers the day before

okay so you said that you you hadn’t

done that before

yeah you meant until the day before that

yeah and that day i definitely didn’t

want to do it because the day before i

had eaten five hamburgers

wow was your resolution

has your resolution every day been to

eat a certain amount of hamburgers

yeah less and less hamburgers so it

started out

you know at 11

and so now or now finally we’re we’re

i’m down to just one hamburger a day

okay that’s today yeah so i

well i have to imagine because you know

you know with the expansion of your

stomach with eating so much

are you feeling more hungry now that


you’re decreasing your caloric intake oh


uh i wouldn’t say i’m definitely

hungry in terms of my passion

like if you mean like that like i’m

hungry for more

hamburgers so my passion just for


i feel like context clues it would have

been pretty obvious that i meant

like actual physical hunger but i don’t

think like that

i think in a more existential kind of


you say are you hungry i don’t think oh

does my does my stomach hurt do i have

little hunger pains

no i think like what am i striving after

what do i need

and that’s you i need a hamburger


right okay well also with us is digital

in the hose

has your resolution every day been to

eat a certain amount of hamburgers

yeah did you do it in the hoses

what do i need i need a hamburger what

am i striving

for what do i need i need a hamburger

what am i striving

for what do i need i need a hamburger

i need a hamburger i need a hamburger

i need a hamburger i need a hamburger i

need a hamburger

i need a hamburger i need a ham i need


i need a hamburger i need a hamburger


i need a hamburger


i need a hamburger

and later cameron tells us that we can

expect a special guest

that’s right dr london wow yeah great so

look forward to that i think

they have a book to promote it you know

it should be exciting all about

sort of improving ourselves in this new

year yeah for all our readers in our

audience you know i don’t wanna

i know everyone has different sort of

beliefs on this

and i don’t wanna i definitely don’t

want to use this podcast to ever

push an agenda or push my beliefs on


and so for the people out there who are

maybe anti-reading or

not readers or maybe you know

don’t find that appropriate we’re not

saying you have to

read every book that we talk about i i

just want to i just want to put that out


yeah no one’s obligated to read

a given book that we advertise a lot of

the comments

that we’ve been getting about recent

episodes have been saying that it sounds

like we look

down on people who don’t read

well i you know that’s kind of

surprising because like for one thing

this is an audio based medium so

usually that’s what i was thinking too

yeah i think it would it’s just

they a lot of people said it was just

the general vibe

they couldn’t point to anything that was

said or any specific episode

they were like i just that doesn’t seem

like the podcast for me it seems like

this is a podcast for

the kind of people who read well okay so

that so i never got around to figuring

that out

so maybe just that we’re an academic

this is me that was me

you said that yeah

okay so if all the comments even if

there are a lot of them if all the

comments are from you

then i don’t know that that’s

necessarily reflective of our broader

listenership of you know all of our

eight listeners

yeah anyway anyway

i mean it does though well before we

move on

and we we should uh i would like to

address a bit of

listener feedback so i found this note


on a prescription pill bottle on the

ground next to the dumpster at the


the note reads quote this is a hoax that

has been going

around the internet for years he is


and living in brazil end quote

so um so first of all thank you so much

for reaching out to us here at the jock

talk podcast

um so i guess cameron

i should check with you on this one

they’re talking about a hoax

about someone being alive and in brazil

did you fake your own death again

so here i think i think

that is a very loaded question because

you’re adding a lot of context

you’re implying that

it’s a verb that i did i

faked my death do people think that i

am dead yes yeah okay okay yeah

and was it a series of actions that i

started and the domino effect of that

led to

people coming to that conclusion sure

but you’re saying that that’s

like it’s not necessarily intentional on

your part it’s not my fault

yeah it’s not my fault you know whose

fault it is it’s these zoomers

i you know these zoomers you know these

gen z

i i i i know that they yeah that they

have their own

part of the current yeah what what’s

their deal

i you know what i mean i guess

these kids these kids they weren’t even

born before

the iphone was invented and they’re out


saying that i’m not allowed to have a

tick tock

wow okay okay so you know and that

that’s great input from you cameron

uh so just anyone to answer this


question um so cameron is alive that was

correct but he is actually living in the

united states that’d be

he’s not in brazil cameron is here so

but if maybe some gen zers on tick tock

are sort of inspired by the death of an

artist right like kurt cobain or someone

like that

they want to make a bunch of tick tocks

about them then they should go ahead and

do that

and if they don’t if these brazilian

teenagers don’t do that

then they need to shut up and stop

making fun of me

okay and this this sounds really like

you have your own

brazilian teenage feud going on

over tick tock that

i i feel like there’s just there’s a big

gap between

that and the rest of us so i’m gonna

if you don’t mind i’ll move on from

there i mean it just i feel like it’s

pretty clear i started a tick tock i


immediately being hounded by brazilian


who hate me they were making memes about

how stupid i

am and how my dances i had come up with

kind of a cool dance and it was called

call it was called the cam

sham and it was sort of a like a shimmy

and shay

cam sham and unfortunately in the video

that i recorded i did slip and fall and


i was kind of pretending like that was

part of the move

um and then as i was getting up and

trying to post the video because i

couldn’t figure out how to stop the


i was kind of slipping and falling the

whole time and i was pretending that was


that was the move and so

so they they made fun of you for that

yeah but these

you know nothing you these kids love

artists that like die in their prime

is that like kurt cobain yeah no

mr rogers like these people who

kind of at their top

and kind of peak influence they they

pass on

and it gives it it kind of brings some


so you’re you want to fake your death in

your prime which you believe is right


yeah and then okay uh those teams will

have to stop

with the memes all right well so to this

listener thank you for listening

now for today’s medical topic pulmonary


pulmonary hypertension is defined as a

mean pulmonary arterial pressure

greater than 25 millimeters of mercury

at rest

but simply put it means that the

arteries in your lungs have high blood


and that that high blood pressure

prevents them from functioning properly

nope lungs don’t have arteries arteries

are in

like your neck and your foot

and in a man’s hoo-ha


so they’re not in your lungs lungs

are have air in them not arteries

okay so trick question but i caught you

we’re pretty far into you know these

lessons about the lungs i’m surprised

that this is

the first time there’s been a problem so

uh just just to give a quick rundown of

what the lungs are like

they are these but what are you hiding i

guess this is my question

is we know lungs are full of air and

full of oxygen that’s that is the basis


life and yet you’re trying to convince

our audience and the american public

that uh it’s full of all these it’s full

of arteries

and it’s full of all these other things

that are found

typically an artery you know on a

person’s neck

and their leg on a man’s

unmentionables and

you’re trying to say these are in your

lungs i just want to know what the end

game is because that doesn’t even make

sense to me why do you even want to

confuse people

on this subject but i i don’t really

understand most of the kind of stuff

that you guys

do and sort of to push your

agenda i’m heated i’m heated yeah i’m

mad at you

okay um so it’s it’s for

for gas exchange so the oxygen going in

the lungs has to

get into the body like be dispersed

throughout the body

by some method so blood vessels in the

lungs there’s gas exchange that happens

along alveoli in the lungs

anyway so so the um maybe just go with

me for a second

on the idea and maybe there will be a

payoff okay so i’m just going to pretend

i’m going to pretend

for a second that when i go the my lungs

aren’t full of you know oxygen

h2o but instead that they’re full

of you know blood vessels and arteries

and all these things that it’s

definitely not full of sure that’s fine

that’s easy for me to okay

so so pulmonary hypertension can be

caused by a number of factors

one cause can be passive due to uh

resistance in the pulmonary venous


so that’s uh that’s when the oxygenated

blood that’s returning from the lungs to

the heart becomes backed up

to the thing uh because of things like

left heart failure or mitral valve


between those left heart chambers it can

also be caused by

obstruction from things like a pulmonary


or lung artery stenosis and that’s you

know when the

arteries in the lung are clogged up or


pulmonary vasculature obliteration due

to collagen

vascular diseases uh it can also be due


pulmonary vasoconstriction which is when

the arteries of the lungs just constrict

on their own in response to things like

chronic hypoxemia copd or

obstructive sleep apnea so clinically

but that’s just the left heart right not

the right heart

uh for for part of that it was

on the yeah the left heart is where it

can get backed up

all the way into the lungs you know i

heard people who are left-hearted

are more artistic and more creative

they say that the people who are more

right-hearted are more analytical

and sort of mathematical and focused

yeah so i’ve heard that about the brain

more than about the heart

um i’m not you know i’m not sure if

there’s a tie-in

you heard that about the brain you heard

that people who are left-brained

are more likely to be artistic than

people who are

right-brained uh there there was some

association between the brit so because

the heart is a muscle it’s not

you know it’s not where the thinking

happens okay but you don’t have two

brains obviously you do have the left

heart and the right heart

i guess so so clinically patients can

present with uh dyspnea

i am i’m so close to figuring out what

scheme you’re trying to pull off this is

insane let me think about this for a


uh and this means of course difficulty


uh on exertion they can have fatigue

exercise exertional chest pain even

exertional syncope which is passing out

on exam patients with pulmonary

hypertension may have loud pulmonic


of the second heart sound that’s p2 and

a subtle lift of the sternum

which is a sign of right ventricular

heart chamber

dilatation these may be the only

findings but the patient may have a

devastating disease

and these findings may be you know what

shows it when

right ventricular failure occurs the

corresponding signs and symptoms of that

will appear including

you know the neck veins getting big

blood getting backed up in the liver

swelling of the abdomen known as ascites

and that’s from the great term for bag


a diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension is

done through a few methods

a chest x-ray may reveal enlarged

pulmonary arteries

ekg can suggest right ventricular


via right axis deviation and right


abnormality these occur because the

right ventricle is pumping

against the resistance of the high

pressure lung system

so this can go back up to the right

atrium as well causing that to show


echocardiography can reveal these even


as a you know dilated pulmonary artery

and okay i figured out the scam

so you are trying to convince people


other things are allowed in your lungs

except for air even after you’ve been

talking about smoking’s bad

and breathing water and is bad and all

of these different things that you’ve

tried to sell the audience over the last


but that’s not true

right so the big thing that you solved

was just that

you think some things i’ve said aren’t


so you’re trying to convince people that

that breathing stuff in and having stuff

that’s in your lungs other than

air is okay so that you can convince

people that they can use

spray paints and other kind of paints

that are usually quite toxic

and people you know might want to only

spray paint for like an hour

not beyond that so they’re not getting

you know high off of it and

that’s getting in their lungs and all

these things right but you don’t want

people to stop spray painting because

you’ve invested

in our art supplies right

and and

because you’ve invested in art supplies

you don’t want people to know

that left-hearted people are more


than right-hearted people who are more

analytical because then people who are

right-hearted would be like oh i guess i

don’t need to buy art supplies because

i’m not artistic

you don’t want people know that with the

because of your investment in art

supplies how close am i

i i feel like any answer i give will be


the wrong way uh

yeah because you’re trapped i believe

this is called a checkmate good sir

i like i can tell that you believe it

but my conviction has never been


okay so just to kind of finish up so

diagnosing this uh

so echocardiogram as i was saying can

reveal an abnormal movement of the

interventricular septum because of this


increased right ventricular volume right

heart catheterization reveals the

increased pulmonary artery pressure

additional tests like pulmonary function

tests arterial blood gas and serology

can help you

can help give enough information to

recognize heart disease or

lung disease as the cause of pulmonary

hypertension if the cause is not

revealed by either heart or lung

you know you’ve ruled out all of those

then you can obtain a vq

scan to assess for blocked arteries and

of course there is the

idiopathic cause called pulmonary artery


which that’s that’s a diagnosis of

exclusion so the treatment

you just you treat the underlying cause

whether it’s the heart the lung

you can use vasoactive agents

potentially on

the idiopathic cause pulmonary arterial


um many oh and why not you know what you

know would be great treatment

is uh art therapy right dr london

wouldn’t just lower it lower stress just

uh just to start painting some pictures

doesn’t that sound good to you i mean

lowering stress sounds

that does sound good

but i you know whether through art or

through other means

you know whatever kind of relaxes you

uh but we’re so many patients will

require home oxygen diuretics and

occasionally intertropes like

digoxin and in qualified patients a lung

transplant may be the treatment of


what’s your connection to rose art i

so and this may surprise you but

what we’re doing right now is probably

the most

i have a connection to you know art


investment wise so

you think that rose are superior crayons

to crayola

okay that’s what this is all about well

there is the

so no look i don’t want to

we could get either one as a sponsor so

i don’t want to

take a side on but

i mean i’ve i’ve you don’t want to take

a side

on crayola versus rose art yeah

you don’t want to take a side yeah i


um you know why don’t we go and move on

from there

you’re a coward you’re weak all right

yeah we’ll go ahead and move on

all right uh cameron you said that we

have a guest today is that right

that’s right dr london we have i i’ve

got to say this

one of the tallest guests that we’ve

ever had

yeah i’m not seeing some height here

that’s not normally like a point to brag

on especially since

you know this this particular guest

is coming here to promote a book if i’m

not mistaken

i mean i mean sir before we even reveal

who you are can you tell us your height

uh yes i am uh six foot one

i’ve read about these types yeah that’s

that’s incredible

okay so um do you

i i i know this kind of skipping head or

whatever but like do you have to have


made to to fit you or is that

like are there stores for people like

you uh you know it’s a challenge it

really is a

a challenge but i find that when you are

you know trying to be

the best you can be you you end up

surrounding yourself with people who

want to help you

be that person and and you get it done

you get it done

you’re saying you get you get your

clothes from the people you

you’re surrounded with is that is that

right if that’s what it takes

if that’s what it takes you know once

you’ve once a lot of your friends

see seamstresses and things like that uh


no but we you know it’s all about

encouraging people

to do what needs to be done so we all we

all figured out if i need

two or three of my friends to staple

their pants together

then you know that’s what we do and it’s


it’s inspiring to watch people to watch

people come together

wow and that kind of just group activity

and coming together is

really beautiful to see dr london do you

want to introduce our guest

yeah well um so this is uh scott scott

pinchuk is that right is that how you

say it yes

yes my name is scott pinchuk all right

and uh so if i’m not mistaken you’re

here today to promote your new book

very exciting uh yes but before we do i

would just want to

acknowledge the the life-giving energy

that i feel from

from your from your podcast and from

just the vibe that’s in the studio here

you know this is a podcast that is

to promote medicine and science and to

bring people into better health and i

just want to

take a moment and sit and sit in that

energy and

affirm what we’re feeling here right now

and just be thankful

be thankful for the place we’re at

and the thing you’re doing

okay we got it we gotta wait let’s let’s

sit in let’s sit in

what is that okay we’re sitting we’re

sitting here

are you feeling it but are you feeling

yes okay i i feel properly thankful

okay i’ve never not talked for that

long you know when you just when you

take some time to

just sit in the moment you will find a

new appreciation

a new appreciation for the world around

you this is

you know the a perspective i have being

you know awful two inches taller than

the average person and i’m able to see

things that

maybe not everyone has seen but i like

to think that i help people

see these who are less fortunate and i i

want to thank you for

for uh complimenting us on on the vibe

here i work a lot on sort of cultivating

a certain vibe

and that’s one thing that you know a

certain you know

there’s a certain generation that’s

younger than me that is obsessed with

vibes and keeping a good vibe and so i


you know instilling a positive vibe in

this kind of place

would be cool to maybe some of these


on tick tock so they’d get off my back

about tripping and falling when i’m

doing these dances

but you know what i mean and so i’ve

i’ve really kind of focused

on on creating sort of a certain vibe

because and

that’s sort of kind of been my whole


this year that was actually my first

resolution of this year

can i ask you because usually when a

vibe of this

of this magnitude of vibe of this this

directness is cultivated

this through someone who is already

practicing some very powerful

affirmations do you have do you have a

affirmations or a meditative practice

that you do to cultivate these vibes

because this is very advanced uh i don’t


know what they’re called i don’t know if

they’re called affirmations but i

i take two a day and they

like you can’t drive afterwards for like

three hours that’s

the only way i can sort of describe it


but yeah i do that

and i’m sorry excellent excellent i

don’t want to interrupt at this point

but i do feel like we should

you know fully introduce who you are

like not just by name

what you know yes you’re giving these

so so as a yeah as i said my name

uh my name is scott pinchuk i am a

motivational speaker

and a life coach a book author and


you may have uh listened to my podcast

the pinchuk way or

the p way as our fans have taken to call


you may have had me speak at your

business or you may have seen many of my

inspirational quotes being shared on

instagram and other

other media um i

have spent many years in the world of

business but really in the world of life


understanding and while yes i’ve made an

enormous fortune i

like to think that just the

the the amount that i have drank deeply

from the experiences of life is what i

really bring to the table and i like to

help people find the way to marry

the fullness of experience with

large amounts of profit and gain for


wow so i mean it really sounds like it’s

not about it’s not like about the

money for you you know what i mean and i

think that’s

something that maybe differs from what

you do with just try to motivate people

and try to speak to people

um whereas like compared to what dr

london does which is

you know i accrue

a lot of cash through you know healing

people only let’s say 50

of the way so they have to come back and

they’ll repeat customers and these

little scams that he does

as sort of a snake oil sale salesman

well even

what you may call a scam can be

something that adds to

the volume of your life depending on how


how you see it and how you are speaking

it into the world so

just because it is

a ruse to make money does not

necessarily mean that it’s

diminishing your life oh yeah no it’s

definitely not diminishing

dr london’s life that he’s pulling this

scam on people to acquire a lot of money

i would say it’s diminishing the


his patience lives that he’s sort of

funneling money to the one percent you


right but if those people’s lives are

being diminished

it’s really because they are not trying

to be

the most alive they can be

oh it sounds like you’ve thought

do you address this in your book um not

this specifically but i have uh

i have coached many people who have

uh been dealing with the guilt of

harming others or doing what they call

what that what some have told them are

scams or crimes

or you know illegal or selfish or

harmful and i try to help them overcome

just negative words yes they are what i


not most words and

this actually leaves me nice so the uh

uh one of the one of the reasons i’m

here is i have written a book

called most and it is a collection of


affirmations to have your most year ever

because wow everything that causes

problems in our lives every time

that we feel like we are being hurt

every time we feel

that we are we should be ashamed or that

we should

change it is really because we are

trying to take something about ourselves

and make it

less and i think

we need to take everything about who we


and what we’re doing and make it the

most because when you are the most to


when you’re having the most experiences

that is how you have

your most life it builds on the lessons

that i learned while writing my book uh

more 2020 affirmations to have

a more year than last year and i think

i’m really uh

i think i’m really getting to the core

of what’s important

and so i mean you can sort of see how


how it seems like it even almost comes

down to

mindset would you would you say scott

absolutely absolutely so i mean would


would you say like let’s say i’m just

going to be completely honest i don’t

think i’ve been having

um most right well if i can be honest as

i was listening

to the uh to the introduction as you two

were discussing it sounded like you had


setting uh goals for yourself to


uh do less you talked about your

hamburger goals

and how you were trying to make less

and you see that is part of our cultural


to take something about you that is a


and to yeah make you feel like the

volume of it is the problem when it is

but not in the way

that people think that that is and that

is a huge problem in our society is

under consumption

absolutely absolutely

and i hate to like i hate to disagree


on that point but you know there’s an

obesity epidemic going on

in in this country so i i

i hear i hear you i hear you i hear you

and i know that that is

a way to look at the problems that we’re

having but if i could go through a few

of my

example affirmations i think i think

you’ll see a different angle that can be

taken on on many things especially i’d

be curious on

your opinion as a medical professional i

think i think you’ll see

uh you’ll see my side on some of these

yeah i want to hear this because

dr london i mean even right here he just

uses a lot of negative

language like he’s talking about


and all of these different just these

just nasty words these words that i

don’t want to hear

you know you see i do they’re just

bumming me out there is something

to affirm in some of these words though

because an epidemic is

extreme it means it’s everywhere it

means it’s

spread it is a it is a very most word

and so i don’t want to disparage it

much but so

let’s take a look at some of these for

example so at the beginning this is the

first one i start off this is the most


affirmation but you should look in the

mirror and you should tell yourself

this year will be the most of any year

i’ve ever had i will not allow

not most to take control of my life

and the way that i uh get get through

this is that

whenever i feel myself succumbing to the

pull of

not most i try to push it back

by throwing like by by revealing

that what’s happening is a not most idea

and i do that by gritting my teeth and

saying to those thoughts not most not

most not most and

usually that pushes the thought away so


i if you don’t mind i will be i will be

practicing that uh

uh going forward but yeah i wanted to


real quick like how often how like how

many times a day are you

doing that little mantra to yourself to

uh well

that one to create your teeth and push

forward well um it depends on it depends

on the day

um typically uh what about today so

today i’ve done it about 18 times

okay and this was it was a little it was

a little high today not uh

not as much as it used to be when i

first started this i was uh i was

doing that mantra probably most of the

day but now

i’ve trained myself i’ve trained myself

to embrace

mostness and so it is it is rare that i

have to

um okay but

scott i don’t want to point something

out here but you

you said you’re actually doing it no

less now than you

not most not most

sounds like you should be doing that


frequently right yes so

and i i hate to interrupt here but

once again i feel like you know we’re

getting caught up in a few

of these things where okay i just

i guess i just have questions about the

book um so because you sent each of us a

copy yes

and so i’m reading this

and you know it’s 2021

affirmations so you have each one listed


2 000 yes over 2 000 of them

i can’t help but feel and this may just

sound super critical on my part it’s

it feels like he got lazy at a certain


i’m sorry i don’t understand like

for a long for i want to say the first

several hundred you included the word

most somewhere in it but like if you get

to the you know closer to like

1903 here it says

uh maybe try a yoga pose

and i like so that doesn’t see i just

i feel like again you’re not

acknowledging the the flow of this of

this text because really

once you have opened your life

to mostness you can see the most nest

in even the most mundane thing so maybe


a yoga pose it’s

contrasting with a lot of the a lot of

the exact language

that is used in a lot of other books

that give advice there are books that

will say

do this though books that say do not do


and these are in their own way

reducing uncertainty they’re reducing

uh reducing non-committance and so

in a way sometimes not living their most

life right and so

we have to embrace mostness in different

things so this one

is an exercise in the mostness of

non-commitment it is let’s be

as non-committed as possible we will


try a yoga pose we will drink a

glass-ish of water

we will think about calling our mom

these it’s a separate category of moses

and i know how it looks because

they do get shorter at the end of the


and some of them did some people

some critics who were bringing a lot of

not most energy to this work

felt the need to point out that visible

timestamps make it clear that i copied

text messages that i sent to my friends

but they’re not embracing

well all this it does look like the

maybe the last seven or eight is just

you hitting the keyboard

this you see if you look at it tell me

what you feel

what is most there that

is would be reduced in a more deliberate

sentence containing

words punctuation spacing

those ones what i was kind of hearing in

my head was like

aspirin and yeah

yes that one was for me yeah can we

can we sit with that for a second say

that say that phrase again

say it right



it’s it’s almost like it’s almost like


you’ve gotten the most out of language

to the point where you’re sort of

post language yes yes

it’s an excellent way of looking at it

and see all of this comes down to

mindsets i mean

even what dr london was talking about

with the yoga pose of course he sees it

from a medical perspective so he hears

yoga he’s like

oh well your muscle is doing this and


arteries are doing that and blah blah

blah blah blah but he can’t look at it

with this

the depth that you were able to look

look at it as

i appreciate that i appreciate that

observation but i want to hear i want to


more about these aspirations i want to

hear like what’s uh

like uh like aspiration 136

136 this is oh you will actually

enjoy this one uh this aspiration

uh gets at the the core of i think what

uh what reality is and how we see

ourselves in the moments that exist in

time this one is

i acknowledge that disease

and injury do not exist

wow yeah dr london you should like that

one so

so let’s so so let’s do

let’s do let’s let’s do an exercise here

i want you to imagine a time

you perceived yourself as ill

or injured and sit with that for a


okay and then i want you to imagine a


that you were not considered yourself


or injured okay done so i’m thinking of

as an example

like you know on the tig talk video i

did have

a chart like a star charcuterie

chartery charcuterie board sitting

next to me so eat a bunch of little

cheeses and hams and little knives

um and so when i fell on

kind of straight on that and sort of

cheese was and little pieces of ham were

flying everywhere

one did get stuck kind of

kind of in my eye socket right

and so you can you you can you can feel

that moment you can acknowledge that

moment but it didn’t hurt

is what you’re saying right well and you

can also imagine a moment where you did

not feel that and it did not hurt yeah

he was saying it does it didn’t happen

it doesn’t exist

you’re saying when i voluntarily put ham

in my eyes in the past

right so what i’m saying is that there

was a moment for you

where that disease existed there was a

moment where you existed with that

disease but there was also a moment

where it did not exist and so

you and the disease

and the ham have realness have not


you are should both be the most real

and the most non-real that you can

possibly be

they are both moments floating through

time you and the ham and the disease

are one and thus kind of none

to distinguish between disease and not


is to be not most because you reduce

the mostness of one or the other

wow so it’s really it’s really sounds

like it’s

i mean it almost sounds a lot like the

the the

famous hypothetical of pandora’s box

you know like pandora’s box like

the box from the movie avatar where you

don’t know because it’s on pandora

you don’t know if the per the the person

in the box is alive or dead until you

open it

you know that’s not uh how i’ve heard it

but i feel like

that is speaking something from you so

continue continue continue to amplify

this analogy get

get the most out of your pandora’s box

oh wow i thought the analogy was

sort of done but i guess if i want to

get the most

out of it i would say if it’s done it’s


most okay i guess i could talk

more about avatar um i haven’t watched

it in a long time

so i don’t know but i i do want to get

the most out of this conversation the

most out of this observation yes

so i will say if i oh sorry did you have

something else you wanted to say about

avatar just maybe

you know and i hate to distract from the

avatar discussion

but you know i i i just have a question

about your bio that’s written on the

back of this book

so sure um yeah one of the big points in

the book is that you can make it

uh regardless of your station you know

you can be poor support

with this book you can you know go to

wealth riches

uh whatever you want but

you know it just says son of a wealthy

oil baron

that that’s how you got your start was

you just inherited

a vast amount of wealth it sounds like

he made the most out of being a son

he was the most son yes right and that


the beginning but it is really just one

possible station in life i think i’ve

learned lessons that

are universal for example affirmation

number 389

says i will not rely

100 on additional withdrawals from my

trust fund

i will make the most of the interest i

have earned on my existing assets

wow and you know i think

that that transcends

boundaries that is valuable no matter

who you are

well that’s interesting because i mean

it does say about seven

aspirations after that make the most of

your trust fund

take most of it out

let it be the most trust fund spending

that you can possibly do

so it sounds like you might have gotten

a bit bored of not spending your trust

fund money

and then about like seven days later

changed your mind is that

which i like it’s sort of like this book

evolves with you

it grows right and both

and both of those activities i was being

the most in my own way so on you know

number 541 whenever you talk about

just uh well let me read it here

uh oil is really good guys

let’s not switch any type of energy

because oil is really helping me right


right right and that one is uh that one

resonates really well

with uh some of the some of the groups

that i send this

book to i like to know that they are


that it goes along with i think a number

uh the one right after it

um it says i will work lots of overtime

to create

value for my boss and my company’s

executives so yeah there’s something for


in this and uh in every every ring of

the ladder

every step along the way all right well

um you know i feel like we’ve kind of

reached no no

i feel like we’re sort of needling him a

little bit not

most we need to get i need to i think we

need to elevate

this interview to be the most

it can be so i’m gonna hear what are

your what’s your favorite aspirations in

this book

i mean so there’s there’s 2021 so if you

want to get through this in a year

let’s say that’s about 288 aspirations

you’re going through in a day

there is there is there maybe a couple

of those in that mix that like really

stand out to you

so the one that i repeat the most that i

think is just the most

central to who i am as a person it’s a

bit of a longer one but it’s one that

focuses on on encouragement and

being yourself it says i will be

my most self and will not allow others

to judge me for it

nobody will persuade me to be not most

anyone who tells me to be less less


less proud less mean less selfish

less harmful they are lying and they are

not most

wow the haters hmm

so i’m trying to let that one sink in

your listeners took anything away from


talk i think this is the thing to

take the most that whatever you’re doing

do more and become the most

well it sounds like a big part of this

book is also telling people

to not tell you specifically

to do anything less

right you have to do the most for


yeah and a big part of that is

specifically not criticizing you

or telling you to do less of anything

absolutely because

i think with me and my company i think

this is just

basic cause and effect people who


me people who ask me to be less tend to

not have a job in the next just week or

two and i like i think those results

speak for themselves

yeah like these people you keep talking

about in the 700s

this evil union that you were

successfully able to bust there’s a lot

of union busting stuff going on in there

and a lot of parts where you keep saying

like get off my back and i will hunt you

and it at a certain point one of them is

just that

unions are a mafia and i’m just

wondering like do you

you just say that in the morning to

yourself absolutely and i encourage


to do the same to both say it to

themselves in the mirror

to say it to their employees to say it

to their loved ones

and to not only take note

of people who push back on this crucial

element of mostness

but to tell others so that we can all be

most in this way together specifically

tell me if anyone reacts poorly

to this affirmation because it’s really

key it’s really really key

i mean doctor this are you seeking the

jock doc seal of approval i know you

didn’t ask

but i’ve been kind of handing these out

like candy lately i mean we got to give

them the

this book the jock talk seal of approval

right dr london

no so i feel like this is really not

reaching out to

it it seems more like this feels

this feels like a not most affirmation

that’s about to be coming from you i

feel like

you would be the most you could be

by approving these things that affirm

the most you want to be

the most doctor you want this podcast to

have its

most year let’s be most here

yeah i mean our our ideology as a

podcast lines up perfectly with this

book we want

the most well what’s the most

things that we’re sponsoring we want the

most items that are sponsored by us i

should say

like grant cameron i see that you’ve

really taken on to this this theme

but scott so the issue that i have

is that this book primarily seems like

it’s a self-help book but it seems

primarily directed towards you

and just for you to repeat to yourself

and not really applicable to other


yeah a few of these i i know are like

reminders because some of them are like

like pick up your mom at the airport on

thursday and things like that

and so i do have to wonder if maybe you

were sort of padding it out to try to

get to

2021 you see i got these comments from

my editor and you know what i told him

i told him not most not most

and eventually it filled up his inbox

and he stopped

me wow and so you made the most out of

that situation

absolutely well it sounds like you did

you fire your editor is that what


no i don’t i don’t have to fire him i


you know i did there were people on my


that i did uh give a cc to

with the subject not most and he was


the next day but you know like that’s

just that’s how

that’s the universe rewarding mostness

and punishing not mostness wow

i mean dr london aren’t you feeling like

motivated by this aren’t you feeling a

little more confident and secure in

yourself and and don’t you feel like you

want to just

grab life by the most yes i

you know not not so much i feel like i’m

just reading

i want to say diary but that’s it’s not


you know it’s it’s not as long form as a

diary it just

seems like bullet reminders like you

said uh

you know there’s a lot of stuff like get

milk is on here

just well i am confident

that as your readers pick up my book

that they will desire the the most out

of life

and that they will let you know and

when people who have devoted themselves

to the pinchuk way

want the most from someone they often

get it

or you’ll come around else it sounds

like so

anyway we you know i i hate to wrap this

part up but we

have um you know not unlike your

tasks on in your book we we have chores

to do

oh absolutely oh right

yeah i guess i mean do we even need to

explain this anymore

i i’ve no [ __ ] for any new any new


look we just let a lot of chores pile up

un done unshort and so we’ve made this

chore wheel

that we spin every week just to try to

knock one of these things on our to-do


off and so uh dr london

actually actually scott do you want to


our chore wheel a little bit of a spin


absolutely let me see you just got to

reach that lever right up

right there usually kind of usually


you need a ladder for this but looks

like you can just reach it

all right and i i trust the results will

be the most because i’m going to spin it

the most just give it the most

oh no not this one oh boy i knew this

one was going to come up eventually

it had to but i just now this is a good

chance to practice these attitudes

you’re feeling towards this chore

push them away not oh stop not most

not most all right all right let’s let’s

make sure you get mom from the airport

let’s make this the most the most

short the most okay so essentially what


is we got wasted the other night and we

sponsored a

soccer team and unfortunately here’s the


we spent a lot of money on sponsoring

the soccer team and now we have sort of

complete control

over the team’s name the team’s mascot

even where the team is located

we have too much control and the

contract we locked ourselves into is a

60-year contract

and it’s not something that we can

really get out of so

they’ve been kind of knocking on our

door lately kind of being like hey like

we got to figure out do we still have


and all these kind of things that i

don’t really these questions i don’t

really have an answer to

but i figure at the the very least what

we can do

is figure out a team name a mascot a

location for this soccer team

that we’ve sponsored at least get that

off the list and then we’ll figure out

things like payroll

whether or not people still have jobs

things like that that’s we

that’s down the line okay all right

a good opportunity to encourage this

team and

to be the most when we pick names when

we pick mottos

everything we pick can be part of this


yeah scott and scott will you help us

out with this because i do want

this team to be the most that’s the most

team that could exist

absolutely so i mean first things first

soccer is the one where you kick the

ball right yes

is that the are you sure

yes no you asked as a question um

no i think it’s the one with the


but the back yeah they have a backpack

they have the and there’s a there’s a


thing that and you have to wind it up

you have to do the

do the crank on it to make a call i

think isn’t that a

sport i think this is beside the point i

think we’re thinking

too small about this it doesn’t matter

what they what they do with the ball

doesn’t matter what gear they play we


this is a sport we know they’re trying

to win so let’s just pick names that


the most that encourage winning i like

that attitude it doesn’t even really


what the sport is but it sounds does

sound like a crank is involved

so let’s just keep that in mind so

um usually the names are based on the

location right

like okay yeah that’s probably true so

we should probably pick a location

first so we can only we

i mean we can’t really afford to locate

the team to a big city what about

a big country because i’m thinking

how big of a country well which country

strikes you as the most you’ve already

been building up

your rapport with brazil so

yeah let’s just base this team in brazil


from what i understand they they’re all

into cranking and soccer all that kind

of stuff

yeah i don’t even i don’t think they

have a soccer team right now either

yeah it seems like something they’re

lacking in yeah and i feel like there’s

a there’s a definitely

a deficit a sports a deficit going on in

brazil that we can sort of fill that


as a great open market and so okay so

so brazil so it’s a brazilian soccer

team now

so let’s pick a name okay

and it’s something with chris i think

the name i think the name should


the the largest aspect of the sport so

we know

the sport involves a ball when you think

of a ball think of a ball but more

where do you go when you think ball and


it gets larger well i think the most


that can be would be the sun right

the sun the sun is okay a very most ball

is there is there a ball more more more


than the sun

okay so we’re thinking

it’s a maybe like a sun crank

the brazil sun cranks well let’s think

of let’s think of cranking how do

you crank but most what does the most

cranks because when i think of a small

crank we don’t want a small crank we

don’t want it to think like a car a


that you’re rolling down that’s not a

most crank yeah

we need to think more like a catapult


i like this i like this direction

so it’s sun catapult cranks

i’m definitely picturing the logo which

is that we’re catapulting the

sun into the other team but i don’t i

don’t think the sun catapults i feel

like that’s a little too on the nose

maybe we need to

oh i think i have it okay

the brazil blazing

catapult cranks oh you want the crank


yeah yeah you want the the focus to be

on the crank specifically part of the


that’s am i missing something that

that’s what soccer is right it’s

cranking it’s

also we shouldn’t we shouldn’t remove

from the name

that name is more there’s more words

there’s more images

there’s more that’s it’s very most i

like this direction

okay blazing catapult cranks and

just as far as i remember from the game

it’s that they crank the backpack

and then they call in to say like you

know pass here what i i don’t remember

all of it

but i think that’s how it goes i think

they text it’s

it’s the gen z and they’re texting

and they’re always texting they’re

always texting on their phones

and so they’re not even looking around

they’re not even looking at the sun

anymore like kids used to

because they’re always texting on their


maybe that’s the mascot

okay just like a gen z kid who’s texting

on his phone

does that does that relate to people

yes so yeah i’m what if that’s the

mascot it doesn’t really have anything

to do with the name

well maybe not just maybe not just one

teenager can we work them into

the vibes that we’re going teenagers

phones catapults

sons can an army of teenagers

an army of teenagers laying siege

to another solar system by launching the


that’s that’s simpler

yeah so i so the mascot is really

less like one specific thing and it’s

more like a scenario

it sounds less so the mascot is this

scenario of

a horde of teenagers thousands of


who are sort of simultaneously

cranking these catapults to launch

the sun into other solar systems other


which sort of is the opposing teams

well you know i hate to say it but when

you got it you got it

i that that is definitely the most

mascot absolutely

a mascot could be i cannot wait to see

how our very own soccer team the blazing

catapult cranks

yup do with their new mascot in brazil

which is a scenario of a giant

horde of teenagers cranking a

catapult launch of a sun into the enemy

solar systems yep well i think we did it


all right so now it’s time to get the

bungee cords to uh

try to rapidly decompose the chore wheel

so let’s just strap these up



and wow decomposition

we try to be earth friendly here it’s

inspired try to go green

all right well i think that’s all we

have for today

uh all right like to thank our guest um

mr scott pinchuk uh well scott

scott can you give us just one more

aspiration to close us out on

absolutely um this final affirmation

is also a uh a favorite of mine

it says my universe is safe encouraging

and lucrative for me i am safe

because i am so most i cannot be reduced

to not most

and it is lucrative because i will do

whatever it takes to make the most money

wow inspiring words i know thank you

thank you inspiring philosophy to live


absolutely it’s changed my life i’m just

going to go ahead

and slap that jock dock seal of approval

right on it dj dillon play that sound

thank you i’ve already informed my

editor to begin printing them

okay is is your editor still employed uh

no not not that editor

the new letter the most editor all right

so uh i feel like we’re

you know we’re about ready that so your

your book is

most that’s 20 or 2021

affirmations for your most year ever

and that’s coming out is that to

bookstores or is that just online

like how does that work uh yes it should

be in every major bookstore and then

it is on most e-readers uh and if you

uh so if you are a uh a premium pinchuk

away subscriber you can get it in

live audio form and that is in which i

will actually call you every day

and read a set of affirmations to you

wow that’s a pretty awesome i mean

pretty awesome deal how much does that

cost uh so that is for

uh the people who have bought the full

coaching package which costs uh 750

a month okay and uh yeah it’s a it’s

i think i think it is an incredible deal

because really you’re investing

into your life and your soul and that’s

the best possible thing you can invest


and do you take paypal because we can

just set this up right now i mean

paypal hmm let’s so let’s wait

if you just go to uh i’ve uh presented

you a private message this is the link


perfect i’m just going to put that in


i’ll give you like maybe another 200

just for yourself buy yourself something

nice oh well

thank you that’s very that’s very most

of you all right all right

um all right so that was as our guest uh

thank you to our producer cameron thank

you too did you doing the host

digital in the host it’s gen z and

they’re texting

and they’re always texting they’re

always texting on their phones

and so they’re not even looking around

they’re not even looking at the sun

anymore like kids

used to there’s always texting on their

phones i will be

my most self and will not allow others

to judge me for it

nobody will persuade me to be not most

anyone who tells me to be less less


less proud less mean less selfish

less harmful they are lying and they are

not the most

my name is dr and this

has been

the jock doc podcast see ya


you stumble into the blinding light bean

bag chair in hand as you groggily rub at

your eyes

we’re closed the store manager says as

you walk in

and you tiredly wave them off as you

walk towards the electronic section

you get to the display of dozens of

giant tvs

and drop your beanbag chair in front you

hear footsteps behind you

and you turn your head slightly trying

to give the impression of a listening

ear when really

your attention is all on the tv he says

something about already closed and

call the police but he just doesn’t

understand that when

your tv breaks in the middle of the

night you must seek refuge wherever you

can find it

so you patiently wait out his tired


as the colored lights appear outside

resting in the confident knowledge

that you are the victim here and also

how dare he

speaking of seeking out entertainment

don’t forget to leave a

review of the jock doc podcast in which

you share about the stores that you have

entered after operating hours when your

entertainment devices malfunctioned and

consider joining our patreon

where we have new episodes that ditch

the medical lessons to give you a hefty

dose to improvise comedy

and while you’re at it go ahead and

share the jock talk podcast with a

friend or foe

you can send them a link to your

favorite episode or just send them our

handy website and don’t forget to

take a peek at our post on social media

we are the jock doc podcast thanks for


82. Acute respiratory Failure/Mel Practeese (feat. Dlany Conny)

Hey kids you’re about to listen to a

comedy podcast

that means that none of this is medical

advice if you need

medical advice for medical care please

contact your doctor

welcome to the jock doc podcast

featuring dr london smith

he’s a medical scholar lover of all

things sports

but above all else he’s a major


introducing your host dr

london smith hello

and welcome to the jock doc podcast

where we discuss fitness and health

and how to incorporate our modern

understanding of science and medicine

into our daily lives but without it

being so boring

i’m your host dr

i would like to begin by apologizing to

our listeners

we’ve received some feedback about the

excessive amount of technical medical

terms that i’ve been using

such as dexamethasone suppression test


2021 so i’ll try to tamper my

terminology to a simpler one in the


here to help with that is our producer

cameron hey

hey dr london how uh did you uh

have a fun chris you know christmas

vacation new year’s

yeah it was all right i’d you know

connect to anything

make new friends or anything like that

well no i’d kind of just i mean i guess

i met a few new

yeah yeah i met a few new people but

like it was all it was

you know we got tested before we hung

out yeah uh-huh dr london

uh i’ve got to be honest

i’ve been wanting to talk to you about

this for a little while now but i think

the celebrity of this podcast has gone

a bit to your head yes

in what way i actually saw in the


that over the last few weeks you’ve been

hanging out with uh

all these a-list stars these celebrity

types i didn’t realize that was who you

were i thought you were more of a

professional didn’t realize you were a

celebrity doctor

i mean you were hanging out with i saw

you had a private zoom session

with i mean petrina marina one of the

biggest pop singers in the world

and then exonerated terrorist exonerated


yeah sure but you also had a writing

session with the dust-up twins

yes which is vegas’s biggest variety

stage act

and it’s dust-based well and they just

think it’s basically dust yeah yeah they

do like dust

bubbles and they spell things in dust

it’s almost like

wash means yeah yeah stuff like that

what’s your point because that sounds i


so are you jealous that i have friends

that aren’t you

or well a yes obviously

yes b i just thought you were more about

the work about the medicine not about

you know fame and and being famous and

being on the masked singer or whatever

your goal is i i don’t know what the

goal is here well when they asked me how

you be on the best singer i did decline

if that’s what you’re getting at

uh i heard

through the grapevine that you’ve been

hanging out with

gizmo from gremlins you were at a

socially distanced

cocktail party that’s right

once again i don’t see the problem i


maybe you don’t realize this because

you’re only the producer on this show

you think gizmo’s a good influence on


i i think he knows a lot that a lot of


stays out all night okay

i okay i i only tried that once but like

i stay out all night sometimes whenever

i’m you know working a

night shift that’s that’s not crazy

gizmo’s actually kind of deep

you know he smokes marijuana

and everyone has their little they’re

sorry they’re immense character flaws


uh you know giz you are on a on a words

with friends

chain game with pete holmes and the guy

who was fired from snl a while ago

yeah the the uh the racist

the one who had a racist podcast thing


yeah yeah um yeah but y’all just play

words with friends now i didn’t even

know that game still

existed i thought that was the thing

from like nine

years ago it was and you know

thanks the influence of some of these uh

cancel cultured people which

the canceled culture oh i’ve been

talking to gizmo about this

and he’s actually really opened my eyes

on some of it

yeah he’s really opinionated he’s got

like a he was a big like

gamergate blogger guy yeah that’s right

i don’t like this influence dr

london why i what i i can’t

ask why i know it’s because you’re

jealous you’ve said it and also it’s uh

it’s plain on your face look whenever


reach this level of celebrity by being

the host

of a medical education podcast

it’s not bad if it goes to your head a

little bit because

it’s just the appropriate amount like

that’s just how it is being a celebrity


you know i these are my friends now

you’re just saying you see yourself

accurately with how the world sees you

that’s right

it’s not it’s not an exaggeration it’s


precisely the correct way to perceive


and yeah you know okay gizmo’s been

telling me about how some people might

be jealous and might act out and you


i guess gizmo i don’t know gizmo does a

lot of writing

gizmo’s kind of deep i’ve heard he does

a lot of stuff

yeah a lot of different stuff he’s a

busy guy

yeah and you know more power to you know

i’m pretty busy too and so he and i


on you know we we talk about sometimes

about our time management skills but

then other times you know he reads me

some of his poetry

i don’t know like uh gizmo especially is


i don’t know we had a lot of

heart-to-heart were you facetiming with

the reddit alien guy earlier

you know the little alien guy uh yes yes

i was and

uh it went well i think like he had a

lot of is that was that a business

opportunity or is that just the social


it’s hard to really separate the two

oh yeah everything’s business to you now


well it’s just networking you know yeah

everything in the transactional world of


well you know it’s the front page of the

internet is is reddit and so obviously

i’m gonna talk to this guy

like it’s

i you know another thing gizmo told me

was that

because of the jealousy people might

treat me differently in a negative way

and that i need to be on guard and you


do something about it if if there’s a

problem but

you know i guess i told you about fake


yes i tried to not let you ever find out

about fake friends

yeah uh which which was a

weird app concept but um

in any case this whole thing today

was sort of supposed to be an


that’s how i set it up originally to to


to intervene yeah but yeah i sent


who i thought was your friends an invite

and no one even responded

so i i figured it didn’t make sense as

an intervention because it’s just

me kind of kind of calling you out a bit

yeah so no no one ruth no one responded

and so i really didn’t want you to learn

about the concept of fake friends

because you know you know then

none of them will show up for your well

maybe they just wouldn’t show up because

they don’t think i need an intervention

yeah um that’s got to be it bud anyways

that’s our producer cameron uh also with


is digital in the house

dr london i’ve got to be honest i’ve

been wanting to talk to you about this

for a little while now but i think

the celebrity of this podcast

has gone a bit to your head

why i what i i can’t ask why i know it’s

because you’re jealous you’ve said it

and also it’s not

it’s plain on your face look whenever


reach this level of celebrity by being

the host

of a medical education podcast it’s not

bad if it goes to your head a little bit


it’s just the appropriate amount like

that’s just how it is being a celebrity


you know i these are my friends now

like that’s just how it is being a


like that’s just how it is being a

celebrity and

later cameron tells us that we can

expect a special guest

so look forward to that that’s right dr

london before we move on

i would like to address a bit of

listener feedback

so i had this uh this care package


and i don’t know you know your

experience with care packages but

you know they’ll fall from the sky via

you know a note tied to a

weight and in this case it was just you

know a lead

round weight and there was a note tied

to it so that

fell down and tied to the care package

right it’s not just

a basically a rock with a note well

the method is the same as a care package

yeah it’s a care package because there’s

a caring note oh

but it was just just a lead weight and a

note that that’s all that

the whole thing consisted of other care

packages might

you know apples

yeah and like in a package and uh

parachuted in or whatever but

um no it said anyway this listener

sent me this message via cared packaged

dropped through part of part of the deck

that’s now

broken from it the note reads quote god

created horses too

would you also smoke a horse end quote

um yeah well so first of all thank you

so much to this listener for reaching

out to us here on the jock talk podcast

to to answer the is this directed at

gizmo yes

i i i guess so

you’re talking about cause gizmo likes

to talk about

all the time he talks about well god

made it

it grows from the ground so why can’t we

smoke it

yeah and which which is an argument that


way more sense like 10 years ago when he

was saying it i think

most states in the country have some

form of

legalized marijuana either recreational

or medicinal a lot of them have

yeah it’s like 30 something now

yeah and you know

i mean but part of part of the blowback

is and i think

maybe one of the reasons he likes to

hang out with me is because i keep


that you know it’s the it’s satan made


that’s that’s the devil so

um maybe that’s part of what what is

influence anyway so

uh would i smoke a horse

to this listener’s question i would say


i don’t god made it and it’s organic

everyone these days is addicted to these

chemicals that we don’t even know

what’s in them i pick up a can of coke

and i you know i look at the the uh


what do i think is gonna be in there


coca-cola both yeah

but you know water sugar

syrup you know those are the three the

four ingredients in cola

and then i look back there and it’s like

benzenes or xandoate

mm-hmm tron tron 47

you’re saying because it has a large

number of

ingredients listed that i would smoke a


yeah okay all right well um

thank you to this listener for for

reaching out and i hope that we answered

your question i i don’t th that’s

cameron’s answer i don’t know that i

would smoke a horse that sounds

denied i i don’t

the physicality of it i don’t really

understand how you would approach it but

in any case we can go ahead and move on

to our medical topic

acute respiratory distress syndrome

so acute respiratory distress syndrome


ards for short is an acute diffuse

inflammatory form of lung injury that is

associated with a variety of etiologies

recognizing and probably treating ards


critical to reduce the associated high


so basically it’s your your lungs are

inflamed and just diffusely inflamed and

it’s uh

it’s a it’s a bad thing and if you don’t

treat it then people die

why are you so like dark

and negative this is the kind of

depressing stuff you want to talk

this is a brand new year new

opportunities and you want to focus on

mortality rates and death and want to

make people think about

their mortal lives

well i want to talk about the actually

fun diseases

dr london you know what i mean

like i saw this video the other day of

this dog who was like tiptapping around

he was dancing around and his arms were

like flailing around all crazy and it

was really funny

and then i read in the comments this dog


like a neurological neural neuro

neurological disease yeah

neurological disease so and that’s

funny and so like why not talk about

stuff like that that can get people

laughing and like having fun and like

getting up and dancing

because i mean think about it if this

dog has this disease

and he’s still able to learn how to


with such cool moves then anyone

can become president of the united


so so normally we we try to avoid

you know laughing at the expense of

disabled creatures that you know that’s

kind of considered to be a mean thing no

it wasn’t expensive at all i only had to


two dollars to see this video oh the

video was behind a paywall

yeah well i found this great website

where each video is only two bucks

so i was used to be paying way more

for like cable and all that stuff now i

just use this website

that it’s it’s called

viral cache

dot man and that’s its name is that also

the url

yeah it’s viral okay but


there’s there’s three hyphens in there


and um yeah it’s like two bucks a video

it’s uh really

you know they’re not a sponsor or

anything but i do want to shout them out


so and okay and so this is the

absolutely it’s not that expensive at


okay well anyway so to get back to ards

it can be

caused by a lot of different things um

caused by sepsis infectious aspirational


trauma and burns pancreatitis smoke

inhalation shock

transfusion related acute lung injury

cardiothoracic surgery hematopoietic

stem cell transplant

drug toxic toxicity a lot of things

but it should be suspected in patients

with progressive symptoms of uh dyspnea

and that’s difficulty breathing um it

can have an

increased requirement for oxygen and

alveolar infiltrates

on chest imaging within six to 72 hours


an exciting event see like

that’s funny like chest imaging

that that to you is humorous

like drawn are you talking about like

when someone passes out like a party and

you like draw like funny pictures

all over their chest no no i’m referring


drawing images x-ray of the chest and

sometimes like

you draw dude sometimes like you would

draw like a big

butt i would yeah you would draw like a


butt you know what i mean dude

no but like the you in the like larger


i like whenever i like my freshman 15

yeah like before i got like lost the


well you know yeah anyway so

but not lost it per se but moved it

around i guess

well anyway uh clinically uh eight or

ards patients

um they typically present with uh


and a reduction in arterial oxygen

saturation after

six hours following inciting event

although you got plastic surgery is what

i’m trying to say

and this is part of the celebrity thing

that i wanted to talk about

yeah well i mean you took some of the

fat from some places

and you put it in your lips that

yeah well yes i i i don’t see how that’s


it’s not wrong i just don’t know if it’s


well i mean i don’t want to transplant

fat so it’s not pressured into being


that you’re not oh look gizmo is a

pleasure to be around but

yeah sometimes the the talk is a little

judgmental but i think it’s i think it’s


i think it’s healthy for me to it sounds

like he’s making you feel bad about your

body doctor

no i feel great and then suggesting you


go i feel better now

now that now that he accepts you oh he

just had great advice that’s all now


now that he tells you you look great

well he doesn’t really i feel like he

hasn’t even noticed but

uh on on examination uh patients can

have uh tachypnea

and that’s increased respirations they

can have tachycardia that’s increased

heart rate

what would the guy who was fired from

snl a while ago

think of you just just just

following gizmo’s orders

your your issue now would be with

uh the guy who got cancelled having a


with me trying to superficially better


for gizmo the gremlin yeah okay

i you know and i i have learned a lot

from that guy

in terms of you know just like from

gizmo about cancel culture and how

dumb it can be if if you’re the one who

gets cancelled

but i’m not

currently cancelled so it’s kind of okay

i get anyway um patients can also have

diffuse crackles uh when severe acute

confusion respiratory distress

cyanosis and that’s cyan uh like the


blue uh that’s that’s where the term

cyanosis comes from

uh they can have a diaphoresis

or shortness of breath all that may be

evident in ards

uh other symptoms such as cough chest

pain wheeze hemoptysis

that’s coughing up blood and fever are

inconsistent and

so those are mostly driven by the

underlying ideology

so initial chest radiograph typically

has bilateral diffuse

pulmonary infiltrates although findings

can be subtle uh

ct scan of the chest may show widespread


and or coalescent airspace opacities

that are usually more apparent

uh in the dependent lung zones opacities

can be subtle

but it can become consolidative in

appearance you know when the severity

worsens arturo blood gas

or abg’s uh they can show hypoxemia and

ph imbalance among other findings

uh you know just in general patients are

going to be

you know in this respiratory stress

they’re they’re not gonna be looking


they can have yeah everyone is gonna be

in pain

and you’re not gonna cure them at all

okay and everything’s sad and

everything’s depressing because that’s

what the world is

they can have welcome to 2021 everyone


i’m dr london fever hypotension

leukocytosis with the left shift

low bar consolidation lactic acidosis or

patients with shock may have evidence of

organ failure including transaminases

and renal

insufficiency okay well now we’re

getting to the bright side what about


what about like what about like stink

toe that would be a funny disease

is that something well there’s there’s

that does that have like stink tape

breath that’s a condition

uh halitosis okay so that’s funny

me so talk about you ever you ever had a

guy come in with stinky breath syndrome

and you just are like

oh buddy here’s a mint

you need some gum well normally we’ll

try to figure out what

you know what the underlying issue is

like there could be a

you know like a pocket in the in the

esophagus where food is

did you eat a diaper full of chili were

foods getting trapped

and that you know and soon we’ll move

into the

gastrointestinal system in our topics


so for right now probably we’ll just

focus on treatment for ards which is

you know you try to keep the oxygen

saturation over 90 percent

you will use uh pep is the term it’s


positive and expiratory pressure with

low tidal volumes

patients in respiratory distress often

they’re trying to bait me with that i’m

not gonna take it

not biting all right well patients with

uh respiratory stress they often require

intubation so this would obviously

be part of the treatment as well but uh

as i mentioned earlier before

treatment is you know it’s based on the

underlying cause

of the acute respiratory distress

syndrome that’s that’s how you focus

it uh in any case

um yeah we can go ahead and move on

uh i think we’ve talked enough about you

know my

my time in the tabloids with with gizmo

and with that that guy you got cancelled

from snl

yeah because that’s all you care about

now is your celebrity and your new

friends and you don’t care anything

about the patients or the medicine

or my poker night which you forgot about

forgot’s a strong word i

uh look you the the problem with your

poker nights is

you always insist on betting

using live exotic animals

as your chips

okay and so normally that would be a

place where people would be like oh no

or no

exception but you’re just agreeing yes


to me that’s problematic well you’re

just mad because you always forget to

bring your poker

when everyone comes over to my house and

we all have our fire pokers and we stand

in a circle and we poke

these exotic animals that we’ve bet on

yeah you know what you’ll just always

forget a poker and so you always feel

left out that’s what you’re mad about

i yeah from yeah hurting animals is

i don’t think that my it’s not hurting


what it’s poking them with a sharp

for me yeah i don’t think my problem was

so much with the uh what i didn’t have

it’s mostly what was

it’s not hurting them because animals

are very brave especially exotic animals

and so they don’t feel the same pain

that you or i do

they see this sort of noble yeah in any

case it

we can go ahead and move on from there

if that’s all right

all right uh cameron said that we have a

guest today is that right

that’s right dr london new year

new guest that’s what i always say every

single year

yeah i guess i don’t hey how’s it going


hey well my name is dr

and this is our producer cameron

uh what was your name oh my name was

mela practice

i’m an attorney okay

all right well what uh what brings you

on the podcast today

yes so right now i’ve got a couple of


that are actually are working on these

social distancing projects

okay so they’re projects to promote

social distancing yeah so um i can’t

really say

specifically you know who the clients

are just because uh

it’s kind of a conflict of interest but


for example one of the projects uh that

one of my clients are working on

is the it’s called the adam’s apple

and basically what that is is it’s

similar to a golf ball

that you actually get uh implanted into

the back of your trachea

and it’s got a little microchip in it

and when someone comes up to you and

they’re within

six feet it just starts screaming

from your actual voice because it’s


please get the beep away from me

and it just keeps repeating louder and

louder until you’re

just full on screaming yes wow

and does it actu does it beep or does it

actually say the bad word

um well you can set the user settings to

however you like

um okay so there’s like a parental

filter on it yeah yes exactly

because you know it’s like we don’t want

the little kids hearing you know like

the f word or something like that

um but sometimes like the client uh just

likes to keep it very fun

and they’ll just kind of set it on

random modes so you might

you know be sending your kid to class or

something and

uh maybe they’re going to the loo and

then the f word starts screaming out if

someone walks behind them you know

i mean that’s that sounds pretty it’s

it’s nice when

these kind of uh you know a

medical thing medical inventions people

can have like a sense of humor about it

you know

right and can you set different voices

to it like on

waze like can you set like a mr t or

like a paula deen or something like that

um well currently from my understanding

of reading the

research paperwork um really there’s

only about

76 variations of microsoft sam

so it it isn’t too customizable i mean

there is you know

uh more than a baker’s dozen of options


sure sure it’s not like you can get

you know mr t uh someone that

cool on there right now but they’re

definitely it’s in the works you know

they’ve got developers and a whole team


all sorts so it’s

it will start yeah i’m sorry maybe i

missed it it’ll start

yelling the device will from inside of

your body or from outside of your body

um so yeah that’s a great question uh dr

london smith um by the way i want to


take a second out to congratulate you on

the uh tabloids as well you’re getting

very famous

uh produce a camera as well it’s a huge


yes yes indeed but to uh backtrack a

little bit and answer your question


it actually uses your own vocal cords

to produce the noise wow

okay i is there a reason why

why that because that sounds invasive to

me that sounds like

it would require a clinical procedure um

you know going down you know like uh

i don’t know like intubation which is

actually what we talked about in the

medical lesson

but that’s that’s a fairly invasive

thing to do

and this is just you’re saying why

modify someone’s vocal cords when you


say attach a one dollar bluetooth

speaker that would be significantly


and better right because potentially you


if you’re you could because you could

play lincoln park on it

oh yeah that would be great i mean

that’s a very very valid point you bring

up there

um and i do agree with you actually it

is extremely invasive

um the procedure from my understanding

actually takes

three to six months um but the reason

why they didn’t just do the cheap you

know little teensy weensy

dollar store holla bluetooth device

is because really um

you know we’re all in it for the money

to be quite

and you know honest is what i’m not an

inventor and i’m not a scientist

and so i mean this is why i’m not i’m

not a businessman i don’t know these


right and you know so it’s

it’s making people spend more money just

for the sake

of having them spend more money

essentially well

exactly it’s like for example i’ve got a

couple of

clients currently that uh you know are

working on

different cancer treatments and stuff

and they have actually claimed that they

have the cure for cancer but they

explained to me

and especially with my attorney fees

being as high as they are

they were saying that you know if they

had a cure

that doesn’t create long-term

sustainable revenue for the business

and so if we just have these

ridiculously expensive and highly

invasive procedures that are going to be

you know occurring ongoing expenses for

months and months

then we can maximize our profits

maximize the pain for our customers

and we can carry on from there and i can

sleep happy at night

knowing that my bank account is full

well and that money is gonna then


like trickle back down right yet to

the employees and the customers

out of the goodness of the hearts of the

of the of the ceos and everything

pulling that money in

and that’s the sort of trust we have in

the medical system today

dr london can i borrow 7 500

no no i don’t think so so um

so if we had a cure for cancer we would

be you know

using it but just with a cancer example

you know there’s so many different types

of cancers okay variations

if they hit a cure for cancer they’re

not going to tell you about it

nope why wouldn’t they tell me because

you’re just a celeb doctor what are they

gonna call up dr

phil and dr oz too you were legitimate

one week ago

before you were all over the tabloids

you were a legitimate

professional doctor but now i mean


uh you’re you’re more like uh

um you know when brian cranston was on

seinfeld as a dentist

but he wasn’t even really because he’s

just an actor playing a character

look boom

any publicity is good publicity and

i think you know i wasn’t violating any

ethical things whenever i was in those


i you know i’m excited for me and

yes if whenever you’re at the forefront

whenever you’re the face of medicine

then people will tell you about new


that maybe they won’t tell everyone else

so i’m okay so you

do you’re what you were saying is you do

know about the cure for cancer that

they’re trying to keep under wraps

uh so so um which is it it’s one or the

other either you’re not being told these

things because they can’t trust

your big mouth to not blab it all over


or you do know about it and you’re lying

to our audience here

or you’re calling our guest on our show

a liar so mr practice uh you said you


other social distance new inventions um

i don’t know if i’d so

call them uh inventions or not but uh

for example one of the other clients

that i currently have

uh one of their projects is actually

have you are you guys familiar with the


the giant plastic it’s kind of like a

human hamster ball

yes yeah yeah like a like a zorb

yeah yeah like the zorbs or

maybe orbs or whatever you want to call

them but uh

yeah so some of my clients they have uh

essentially those and i mean you can’t


you know within six feet really of

anybody because the uh

the joint hamster ball is blocking it

and then they actually went

a step further and they went and they

filled the entire hamster ball with

these flying

bats and so what the bots do

is there’s actually a little lever

inside the hamster ball

so if someone’s not in a bubble then you

can pull the lever

and it releases at least you know 30 40


and then causes mass panic and then

everyone gets away from you

and then you don’t have to worry about

it anymore

so it’s yeah it’s sort of the ultimate

social distancing tool

that’s fascinating so so i’m not sure

if you’re aware of this but you know uh

bats can carry

rabies which is a lethal

you know uh infection so i’m wondering

so so the person in the this orb thing

they are already surrounded by bats

constantly while they go around

is that right before they release them

yeah yeah so the kind of just yeah like

you said you know they’re just flying


and actually with the rabies thing they

actually uh

inject rabies into the bats beforehand

um so that oh to sort of add motivation

for people to

clear out yeah yeah exactly and plus you

know we’re trying to also work on

uh this i’m sure you’re familiar with it

it’s a term called

immunity and we also want to encourage


with the rabies and so if everybody gets

rabies too

then maybe they’re less likely to get

you know coronavirus

okay no oh wow wait no dr london

actually i have a question here i have

not heard of rabies too this is the

first time i’ve heard of rabies too

could you just

what what separates this from just

normal old school rabies one

so yeah that’s a great question we have

a level 16

laboratory we actually

took the chronovirus covered 19

version of it and we made a hybrid virus

with the rabies one strain and we

have actually created rabies too

the ultimate rabies

i a few a few questions here for one

okay i guess we’ll start out with why

why did you do that

well i mean simply put you know

if we made the rabies to strain

i could just make a lot more money and

that’s really the only reason


yeah because it would take a lot of time

and funding and everything to

develop this new strain of rabies that’s

a hybrid of rabies and

covet 19 and yeah but once you make that

discovery you receive more funding so i

mean it really sounds like a huge

cash cow and they’re injecting it into

these bats

which to your point dr london is going


allow people to be more concerned about

fleeing the area and creating

a reasonable amount of social distancing

space so

so it’s really good for the community

okay so

right a few a few points here so herd


is based on you know immunity is

is that’s a big word there so

infecting people with rabies doesn’t


doesn’t make them immune it makes them

die from rabies

now if you give them you know rabies


you know some antibodies then

but that’s a costly thing so i don’t see

how that

how infecting people with rabies is that

helpful and once again

if if someone’s in

an orb like the product itself is them

being in an

orb with all these rabies

two infected bats

it just sounds like it will kill them

for sure

because that’s however many bites from

the bats

and you know then if they release it

however many bites on the humans do you

see do you see how this is

you know problematic potentially right


i mean there are definitely you know a


issues that we definitely need to

address here

um but i mean we’ve covered pretty much

as far as a

from a liability standpoint goes

um are you guys familiar with the

platform yes oh yeah yeah

that’s the that’s the website where you

offer people

usually somewhere in the range of five

dollars to draw you as a simpsons

character or a south park character

yeah yes perfect exactly so we have

actually taken advantage of that


and we have outsourced all of our

research and development

um so that way you know it’s like we


five dollars usd

for one individual to

actually fuse you know rabies too

and so with that you know it’s like we

really don’t have a

high level of liability in our risk is

being perfectly managed

okay so they make yeah because it’s just

cause it’s just freelance contract work

so really you’re covered

yeah exactly and since you know that

since these guys

almost certainly full-time draw either

simpsons characters

or south park looking characters

you know that they’re probably fully


to handle this kind of stuff they

wouldn’t be on fiverr if they couldn’t

you know right and i would assume so and

you know if

if anything goes wrong i’ll just take

the route that i have in the past and

blame my paralegal team and flee the


okay yeah and i guess that that brings

up another question

what what country are you speaking from

at the moment um so yeah that is a great


and a lot of people inquire about my

accent as well

um but i was actually raised

by siberian tigers and so

i had a pretty aggressive childhood and

i guess you could say

i really had to claw my way out of that


um but from there

yeah that’s great but from there yeah i

actually ended up fighting in the

armenian azerbaijani war

and then when i was 14 i got adopted by

a shaman

and his name was uh you might be

familiar with them his name was

uh joe exotic yeah yeah that documentary

rod i think there was a film about it

and we traveled around the world

i slowly acquired this awkward accent

and then i actually went to the bernie


online school of law and i got my law


and unfortunately

this is hard for me to say sorry

but i’ve gotten too is it hard to say

because of the accent

um not not so much because of the accent

just because of the

emotional trauma and stress that it has

put on my life

but yeah because of uh

multiple layers of legal trouble

uh let’s just say there were extreme

accusations against me in the country i

was practicing and at the time

and so i had to come to the united

states and file multiple appeals

to the bar association and now here i am

huh okay so so whenever i

ask what country you’re speaking from

you you could have just said you know


originally from this country now i’m in

the states but

no it’s good to good to hear the whole

thing um how how did you get connected


these clients that you’re not allowed to

tell us about

sounds like they’re pretty i mean

powerful people right or

at least wealthy people right yeah

they’re pretty powerful pretty wealthy

individuals as well

most of them i find

on craigslist sometimes back page

also angel list and sometimes you know

i’ll just go door to door

uh in like a wealthier looking


and i’ll just start approaching people


you know sometimes you’ll see people

selling you know

narcotics or whatever it may be

and i’ll just say hey i bet you need a

great attorney right

and the answer every single time guess

what it is

uh yes yeah

okay cause i was gonna say but like i

usually don’t need an attorney

i’m usually not you know in legal


i mean you might someday mate

but wait the so these the people that

you walk up to on the street

that you say do you need an attorney and

they say yes

these are the people you’re doing these

social distancing projects

for oh yes

like on their behalf so so you walk up


what sounded like a shady looking

character on the street and you say

do you need an attorney and


they say yes i do need an attorney and

the reason they need that attorney

is because they have these ideas for

projects for social distancing

yep that is correct okay i just wanted


okay so okay i have another

i guess bit of concern to raise

regarding that

first i guess invention

the um it’s not really an invention it’s

just a

because what what even are these i guess

are you

are you looking for a patent for these

things you just

look i love these ideas i think these

ideas are genius

i just don’t really understand what they

are it was asked at the beginning why

are you on this show

and then we were sort of just pitched

sort of buying

a orb that already exists and then just

filling it with animals like that’s one


these are just like pitches i i guess i

don’t know what the

what the end game here is i mean yeah

the social distancing

projects essentially you know and it’s


maybe some of them you know like you

said with the hamster ball or

you know maybe not the most original

idea but

we still have patent pending

you know being being issued for all of

the clients

and you know okay so so these are

this is like a these are prod products

that you’re

that you’re trying to sell yes

okay how so how how much if i

because i am actually i i really hope i

don’t come off as

combative i’m just trying to get to the

bottom of all of this stuff because i

actually am really interested in the

hamster ball with the bat right

how much would that end up costing do

you think um well

you know depending on your budget and

you know how your financial situation


um for the hamster ball that one is

going to be

around uh 5999

and that’s only 12 months of payments

so if you do the math on that like i’m

i’m not too great at math

quick math in the head but that’s why

i’m just the attorney you know

is is there an option like a

subscription option where maybe i pay

sort of a little bit more of a premium

every month but i always get upgraded to

the newest

hamster ball bat models when they come

out every year um i believe that’s

something they’re working on

so i don’t know if you’ve been to like a

renter center

or something like that but

let’s say yeah for example you know

maybe uh

eighty thousand dollar ball is going to

cost you

somewhere in the likes of maybe six

hundred thousand

comparison so you’re definitely going to

pay a lot more but

we can upgrade but you’re getting the


yeah the premium of always having the

latest in the news yeah exactly we call

it a privilege but if you want to call

it a premium too that

also works so who okay i want to go back

to who are these clients that

you said you weren’t allowed to tell us

who they were i i assumed that meant

like these were

i mean they yeah they sound pretty can

you give us a hint about like a speci


someone more specific um i mean honestly

i can’t really give like a specific

name or even even a specific

company unfortunately just because i

mean the

we we’re contractually obliged

uh to keep that confidential as the


yeah and the client attorney

relationships it gets a little weird and

i don’t want to lose my legal license


okay well what about a specific outfit

um a specific outfit for social


no no no us okay like your client you

can’t give us clues about your client

but can you

you can’t give us specifics but can you

give us a specific

outfit that one of your clients wears

and then maybe me and dr london can kind


figure it out from there yeah we can

maybe deduce that

yeah so i mean most of them just wear


blackish trench coats and

some of them wear like pig halloween


and i think one of them usually wears

like an anonymous mask or however you

say it

and you um okay so these are these are

these are actors

in a skit about anonymous

i mean maybe you said you met

you met these people in a wealthy


yeah i mean i mean most of them some of

them you know it’s

more uh more in the alleyways of

like the where the you know where you

would be walking

up to a wealthy neighborhood so it’s you

know maybe you

take a left at the dumpster and say hey

you look like a client and you just

spark up a conversation and you know you

just keep walking to the wealthy

neighborhood as well

and then get some clients there too yeah

it just i guess to me it sounds a little

bit suspicious

um the the story seems like it changes

to a more negative one even though the

original story isn’t great

uh so one one little question i had

about i’m sorry did

like the of course the orb one with the

bats infected with a deadly

virus not a fan of that but even that

that one’s a that one’s a good one i

actually want to i want to get this

before we forget we’re going to go ahead

and put the

jock dock seal of approval on that one

all right

um does that product have a name

um the uh well which one was it the uh

hamster ball or the uh yeah this is the

hamster ball with the bats

um that one i believe they are just

calling it bat squad right now

okay bat squad yeah that that’s the

product name

i know it seems kind of confusing but i

don’t choose the

that’s great let’s we’re

we’re slapping our seal of approval on

that bad boy dj dylan can you play the

slap in our

seal of approval on that bad boy sound


okay all right dr london yeah well the

point that i was making was that of

course that one is

not even worth considering but now what

i’m thinking with that

one that uses your own vocal cords

uh via i guess an implant um

i’m wondering can that be used

in a negative way potentially to make


say words that they don’t intend to say

um i mean you know as with

most things i mean there is that

potential i mean it’s like you have a

cell phone and

you know it’s like you have the choice

to throw it at somebody and

you maybe physically hurt them with it

or you could just simply

make a phone call um so

i don’t see how those you could make a

bomb threat which is even more dangerous


london i don’t see how those are the

same because

you have the willpower to choose whether

to throw that phone

but it sounds like this device

an intentionally placed and well-placed

banana pill

could kill the most powerful person in

the country

i guess i mean you could just rip it out

if you don’t want it

well the thing is it sounds like it’s

you can’t just rip it out it’s

it’s a that’s that’s a difficult

location to reach which is why you’d

have to

be a medical procedure just to implant

that which is why i’m

you know i’m asking these questions it

it’s concerning is is my opinion on it


um so i guess you haven’t really

ventured into this field of what if

any of these is used in a in a way


even more negative than the current

because i i’m thinking of hackers and


with any implant that sounds you know

with an implant that speaks that sounds

dangerous to me

right that’s definitely very

understandable too and

i mean really you know it’s like i’m not

too personally worried about it i

maybe i should be but that’s why you

know we have

designed multiple layers of contingency

plans just in case

something negative were to happen and


essentially what we would do is i would

just recommend that the client dissolve

the llc completely and just declare

bankruptcy to

cease the further lawsuits

okay so your your stance regarding any

of these products

is you will back

off and be done with it if there’s


precisely yeah yeah

well he did state he was trying to just

maximize the amount of money that was

yeah i mean okay well

you know i i feel like

i don’t know if you have more products

but this this already seems like plenty

for us to kind of

maybe just call it this doesn’t seem

good or appropriate

uh you know for for our listeners to be

i i certainly don’t want to endorse uh

despite the

seal of approval i don’t want to endorse

something that will

kill people you know what i mean right

yeah and i don’t i don’t think you

you know any of these projects are going

to kill anybody you know more than

more than people are already dying out


well the rabies is a deadly virus like


has like a 99 more but you’re not

accounting for the amount of lives it’s

going to

save with community plus it’s already


that’s not how that that’s not how hurt

that’s not what the term

means but uh okay maybe

i feel like now is a good time to kind

of maybe wrap things up

and um get some chores done

oh yeah i completely forgot about the

chores we’re not

i mean it’s all we’ve got a whole new


and we still have chores well the thing

is we have been

putting off some chores and then gaining

other chores you know what i mean

yeah we got to stop adding new chores no

no we need to get things

out then then it wouldn’t be a tour for

for any new listeners or

anyone who hasn’t listened to us in a

long time

or maybe this is a new year and you

decided to listen to a brand new podcast

well we have been doing something for a

while now called the chore wheel

and basically we have been putting off

tons of tasks on our to-do list that

we needed to get done and we didn’t get


and so that that that to-do list that

chore list has just been piling up for a

long time

so we made this fun chore wheel we spin


and every week we do one chore on the

list whatever it lands on even if we

hate it

even if it’s doing the dishes or if it’s


or if it’s whatever we’re we’re going to

have to do it

mel can you stick around for a bit and

help us out with this

of course of course okay

perfect dr london can you can you give

that an old

uh yeah let me spin spence spence

all right

okay i did i pulled something there but

i turned it slightly

so i moved on to the next notch which


new year’s resolutions new year’s

resolutions this is actually perfect


yeah i’ve been shocked at how the how

perfect the timing is with

a lot of these uh chore wheel well i

mean it’s selection technically it’s you

know it’s a week late

oh no sorry a year and a week late

really oh it says 2019

resolutions yeah 2000. oh okay so

like the 2019 well really the 2020

resolutions 2019 going into 2017 right

what i wanted to fix about myself in

this past year

um and so you know i guess we can each

go ahead and read off our resolutions

that we made

uh that we so 2019 to 2020.

well let’s and let’s we we need to be

looking forward here so how about this

yeah we we read everyone reads

your new year’s resolution from last

year and

we’re gonna talk about whether or not

you accomplished it or not

and then we’re gonna say our resolution

for this upcoming gear does that sound


yeah yeah sounds great okay

uh i mean dr london do you want to do

you want to start first okay so

uh let’s see mine it’s

okay uh just says travel more

okay so so that was your only resolution

i mean

well i like to have one big one to focus

on uh

you know travel well it says travel more


the implication there is meet new people

i was gonna go

you know uh on a big trip where i would

the whole plan really was to shake a lot

of hands meet a lot of people

you know uh just

and did you accomplish that or were you

were you a big old loser

an epic fail as they would say so there

have actually been

travel restrictions so i i was waiting a

couple months

for the vacation days to add up and so

when the days came i couldn’t

there were travel restrictions in place

so i have been

unable to accomplish my my travel goals


you know i rarely leave a house now is


okay all right so dj dylan i guess

play the loser sound effect maybe like a

america’s got talent like kind of kind

of thing

oh that was harsh that’s kind of mean

actually could you make that 25 percent

meanier yes oh yeah that’s

that was mean you’re right there well i

mean dr london i guess

you’re a big failure with your

resolution i mean do you have another

resolution for this upcoming year

maybe try to be a little better than

last yeah

i mean maybe something more realistic if

you’re not gonna

follow through with what you’re supposed

to do yeah i

you know i i still would like to travel


you know that’s not i don’t know if

that’ll be realistic but

uh any travel now

even like you know across state lines

would be a step

forward for me at this point so

travel more i’m gonna i’m i’m really

gonna do it this year i’m gonna travel

more you’re just gonna

roll it over like extra minutes from

phone plans many years ago it has not

stopped being

something that i want to do so okay

uh well should i describe mine because i

actually did

all of mine okay yeah yeah what are


i had i mean you know i i had a big year

my plan this

last year was that uh my resolution was

that i was going to go to

more music festivals

and because i haven’t been to ones in a

in a few years

now and boy howdy i was able to go to

every single one like look at my list i

mean coachella

yeah i’m sorry you know that those were

canceled right

well i mean what do you mean i showed up

to the coachella

site the website there was a

i showed up to the coachella website

there was a guy there

who looked a lot like the like wayne

coin of the flaming lips

i’m sorry and there was a guy like talk

yeah on the website and we talked for a


and then he he played you know

all the hit songs would you realize and

and whatnot are you sure and so i mean i

went to coachella

um lolapalooza austin city limits

um and i had the time of my life and

i you know fell in love and fell out of


and i danced the night away and i danced

like no one was watching

um and i did molly wow

okay i did i did i feel like maybe you

just looked up

like a youtube video of people


did any of your clients go did they go

to the

coachella website at the same time that

me and wayne coin were on there um i

think all of my clients were

most likely on that website at the same

time as you guys

wow and so they got to have the exact


huge music festival experience that i


probably yeah and so um

i guess my you know

so dj dylan if you could just play the

winner um

slash you accomplished your resolution

sound effect

oh wow that was really nice yeah um

and so i guess my resolution for this

next year

uh let’s see i want it to be realistic

so i can you know keep

winning could not get an epic failed

loser resolution

like dr london so let’s see

um i

want to

lick okay

as many people as i can

let’s go with like a a thousand and

okay well does it matter where you lick

like on their forehead or their arm you

know just where it can just be like

their hand

just a little bit okay because i have a

theory that

everyone always talks about auras like

people have a certain aura to them

i think it’s mostly uh smell and taste

coming off of them okay and i want to

get to the bottom of this

i thought you were going to say

something about like oral versus

aura and so it’s sort of oral fixation


um okay uh mr practice

uh do you have any resolution or your

last year’s resolutions

could you read those out yes uh let me

just find the paper here real quick

and i think yeah cameron you might need

an attorney

at some point you know licking all those


um i found the paper here okay

2019 it says uh new year’s resolution

uh strike a pinata

full of cranberries and yeah i did that

three times this year so i did it

okay oh wow well i’m i’m not

i don’t want to sound harsh or picky but

it says strike a pinata

and if you did three pinatas then you

actually did not accomplish your goal

that you it was only the singular pinata


you’re right oh wait there’s a lit

there’s a little parenthesis

three wait wait yeah i think i

i did accomplish it then i’ll assume

that means

three pinatas okay yeah

i you know what you got me oh wow and it

was yeah it was your thumb

what must have just been covering the

three while you were holding the paper

right tricky legalese that’s why you

need an attorney

i yeah yeah i suppose so i i never ran

into that problem but

you know i’m also not a lawyer all right

i can be an interpreter

um and then you guys said this year’s uh

resolution chris

yes yes what are you gonna change going


um so what am i gonna change uh

like you said earlier on the show here

a lot of people say new year new me

um well i always say new year

new tv no stds and

fresh mp3s boys

so so you’re going to avoid

acquiring a sexually transmitted


correct yep or more more of them i


say to clarify and you’re gonna try to


downloading mp3s rather than just

streaming music

correct yeah i like the good

old-fashioned way you know

yeah the oh the old crackle of the mp3

it’s so much better than listening to it

on streaming that’s whenever i go to an

antique yeah

i’m just looking for that kind of thing

well then it’s

authentic like am i supposed to believe

that uh death cat for cutie intended me

to listen to plans

on a streaming service or an mp3 file

okay i know what they intended right

plus i you know like to take it a step

further and also use my

at home dial up connection with my aol

disk as well to download oh wow

so you’re not even paying for internet

oh no

you’ve got all these hours free that

you’ve been stacking up

free with the cd

wow wow okay so you’re so your


this year rhyme which i guess is

maybe another resolution in a way

all right well uh if we can go ahead

and um let’s see i guess

strap the sides of the chore wheel

across so we can pack it up

to be shipped uh i believe that’s how we

do it every week to close it out

so we’ll just stretch this clamp that

down and it’s done

okay all right well uh

that was it was it was great to learn

about some new

products and procedures uh from

mr mel practice uh and mr practice

uh is there any way for our listeners to

keep up with you after this

um well not me in particularly i’ll i’ll

kind of stay off the grid

uh except for this show you know as much

as i possibly can i’ve got a friend

uh well not really a friend he’s one of

my clients though that i met

in the alleyway i guess you could maybe

follow him on like

instagram if you’re really bored uh

i think his handle is delaney’s back

and that’s just d-l-a-n-y-s back

and that’s on the instagram okay

that sounds great uh all right yeah so

to our listeners delaney’s back on


uh all right thank you to mr mel

practice for joining us

yeah it’s been a pleasure thank you to

our producer cameron thank you to

dylan and the hoes well i’ve got a

couple of

clients currently that you know are

working on

different cancer treatments and stuff

and they have actually claimed that they

have the cure for cancer but they

explained to me

they were saying that you know if they

had a cure

that doesn’t create long-term

sustainable revenue for the business

and so if we just have these

ridiculously expensive and highly

invasive procedures

that are going to be you know occurring

ongoing expenses for months and months

then we can maximize our profits

maximize the pain for our customers and

we can carry on from there

and i can sleep happy at night knowing

that my bank account is full

my name is dr and this

has been

the jock doc podcast see ya

the torches are lit lit af

fam but no matter how 100 the torches


they are unsuccessful in their attempts

to push back the gloom of the dungeon


so you continue in your relentless pace


the clicks of your shoes reverberating

back from the surrounding stone work

finally you find an archway and duck

your head to climb under it as a cloud

of dust rises

from your heavy-footed entry you cough

and sneeze

eyes tearing up so you can barely see

the golden glimmers from the lost

treasures that make up the fortunes of

these long buried bodies

as you cough you pick up more dust

and finally you just step out of the


you know what no treasure is worth this

many sneezes

so you go back the way you came leaving


heaps of both dust and gold doubloons

speaking of making a healthy choice

don’t forget to leave a five-star review

of the jock doc podcast in which you

share about vast riches that you

abandoned because of minor upper

respiratory allergies

and consider joining our patreon where

we have new episodes that ditch the

medical lessons to give you a hefty dose

of improvised comedy

and while you’re at it go ahead and

share the jock doc podcast with a friend

or foe

you can send them a link to your

favorite episode or just send them our

handy website and don’t forget to

take a peek at our posts on social media

we are at jock doc podcast thanks for


81. Acute Respiratory Failure/Lost Sponsors/New Years

Hey kids you’re about to listen to a

comedy podcast that means that none of

this is medical advice or if you need

medical advice or medical care please

contact your doctor

welcome to the jock doc podcast

featuring dr london smith

it’s a new year and you know what that


absolutely nothing things are going to

be pretty much the same

probably worse yes introducing your host

dr london smith hello

and welcome to the jock doc podcast

where we discuss fitness and health and

how to incorporate our modern

understanding of science and medicine

into our daily lives but without it

being so boring i’m your host

dr i’d like to begin

by apologizing to our listeners we’ve

received some feedback about the

excessive amount of technical medical

terms that i’ve been using

such as lateralizing hypertension and

happy new year so i will try to temper

my terminology to a simpler one in the


here to help with that is our producer


hey dr london hey

hey what’s up hey hey what’s been going

on with you with

all the holidays going on oh i don’t

know i didn’t know what you were

doing i just said hey and then you were

saying hey i was trying to

oh yeah just just meet your energy yeah

so i yeah that’s why so i asked you know

what hey yeah so i said hey

but um you know what if i was just

asking how the holidays have been going

for you

oh they’ve been going pretty good lots


hot chocolate and staying warm by the


with blankets and you know

yeah the old uh you know praying to the


and all those things your normal kind of

holiday family stuff

yeah so praying to the general is that

in reference to the

to the sort of intel that we have about

anyway uh that’s fine um listeners can

go back to different episode if they


also with us is digital in the hose

happy new year






and later we can actually um

well we you know sometimes we

find ourselves losing sponsors

and so in instead of a guest

we’re gonna try to win back some of our

sponsors so that’s

i you know i really hate the framing of


you know it’s like i don’t you know


these aren’t ex-sponsors they are they

were sponsors who are special to us for

a period of time

but nothing lasts forever nope yeah you


well so and like one of the reasons you

didn’t see them

as your ex when you were living in that

moment you know

yeah they meant a lot to you and even

though that’s over

it’s okay and to say that you lost them

is to say that honestly it is to say you

would be a different person

because you’re asking for a for

different circumstances to happen in

your life

yeah but so this is i guess to to

compare it to

having an ex this is like if you um


intentionally got rid of your ex for no

reason when

the relationship was great and then you

just botched the relationship for no


at great cost to yourself

personally and that was what

needed to happen in that moment to be

who you are today we can get back to

that but

uh before we move on i would like to

address a bit of listener feedback

so this note um i found

okay so so there’s a snowman outside the


and the snowman appeared to be

holding this note in its stick hands

and so i guess he’s a listener anyway so

the note reads quote if his cancer

was getting free you should have told us

sooner now it’s loose end quote

so i guess let me repeat that just

because it’s it

gets confusing to me if his cancer was

getting free

you should have told us sooner now it’s


yeah he’s probably got some friends or

family the snowman

who’s had cancer didn’t realize it was

sort of

you know out there spreading around

so so normally well first of all to this

listener this

snowman i guess uh thank you for

reaching out to us here at the choctaw


uh so whenever someone is cancer free

that means that they don’t have cancer


and that that’s that’s really that’s all

it means it doesn’t

okay so i’m cancer-free yes

yeah for as far as we are as far as we

know yeah

okay so you if you think it’s okay for

me to go around telling people that i’m


yes okay no because it is you’re saying

it is true

i am saying that it is true but

you know you’re right to point it out if

you say

that you are cancer-free or you’re a

cancer survivor

normally you would have had a previous

diagnosis of some form of cancer


in order to make that statement uh

you know bear more weight and

socially who would come across as you

have her argue

are you telling me that i’m not


no oh gosh

okay so okay cameron i don’t have

insurance because i withdrew from

i’m it out a year because i wanted to

put all that money into a

soda machine that i bought i really

shouldn’t have done that

okay it’s gonna make way more than

insurance and you’re still

you’re still gonna call that a soda

machine oh

cause just because you you can put

drinks into it and then drinks come out

of it doesn’t make it a soda machine

i really miss when i was cancer-free

okay so anyway so

to this listener um being cancer free

you know that doesn’t mean that there’s

some like loose cancer on the prowl or

something it just it just means that


you don’t have cancer anymore i should

have clarified that

you know i mean it’s not like uh it’s

not like a creature running around

but it is a contagious disease and

that’s this is one of the reasons that


wear masks in socially distance is

because you know cancer is on the loose

okay but no no so it’s actually

the the reason why we wear masks is

because there’s an airborne

highly contagious virus but it’s not

it’s not a can

as far as we’re aware it’s not a


virus although who

oh chronic inflammation chronic

irritation can

lead to cancer but in any case

um thank you to this listener for thank

you to the snowman for reaching out

and and i guess i guess you didn’t

really have much of a choice your arms

are kind of stiff there

uh but now for today’s medical topic

acute respiratory

failure acute respiratory failure

results when there is inadequate

oxygenation of blood

or inadequate ventilation which is the

elimination of co2

or both so this is a large topic but has

a number of causes

so i will try to be brief in my

explanation here

uh so one basic principle behind this


or behind this condition is the concept

of ventilation and perfusion

so how about maybe to save time in this

segment because there are so many causes

is that in the background while you do


i’ll list all of the causes

of acute respiratory failure did you

study up on this

do you know i did yeah i took a class on

it actually

okay well okay that’s great um yeah so

you’ll have your

time if you could do it kind of softly

though because of course i have yeah

sure yeah because i’m gonna explain the

physiology of it

so uh ventilation refers to one’s

ability to breathe air

in and out from the lungs and perfusion

refers to the circulation of blood

within the lungs be caused by

breathing in a ventilation like a boat

boat smells too much sort of you know

the smell when you’re sitting on like a

dock or like a boat

are you are you asking me if if you

smell that too much

no i’m listening i’m listing this

quietly in the background for the

listeners i’m not speaking to you at all

i’m listing

things that can cause you know acute you

know respiratory

yeah failure failure syndrome

right so uh a ventilation perfusion

mismatch also turned vq mismatch refers


drink dr pepper when part of the lung


is able to ventilate without blood flow

or is able to circulate blood flow

without proper ventilation

so the general criteria to define

acute respiratory failure are hypoxia

with the oxygen

arterial oxygen less than 60 millimeters

of mercury

hypercapnia with partial pressure co2

greater than 50 um but only if you saw

the original so cameron i’m not sure

which is different than the dvd

order so so excuse me what’s up

so it’s my understanding that people

listening to podcasts don’t like to hear

it whenever people are just talking over

each other the whole time

so i’m well we’re saving

time this is well also dj dylan

okay so dj dylan maybe to make this

easier on the listeners can you split

me and london’s audio so one is in one

headphone ear

and one the other is on the other

headphone ear yes i think that would

that would help right

i’d i’d say they can choose which one

they want to listen to

or how it’s supposed to be intended

listen to both at the same time and


both things it’s like speed reading

i i you know what

did your dylan do what you would like

here i yes

i i’m just gonna keep so just pan our

audio into opposite

opposite stereo tracks yes yes yes

yes okay well so i’m just gonna keep


and i’m so sorry to our listeners if if

this is problematic for you

so clinically a patient will present

with shortness of breath and possibly


on exam they may be able to speak from

complete also remember

there’s like a big like they may also

have like technical bubbles

and that’s that’s increased like failure

stories respirations

so if you bought anything from there

you’ve definitely been exposed

cyanosis as indicated by the body the

color cn

or blue or they may have impaired


uh diagnosis can be confirmed via

articulation like a breakfast burrito

analysis which can show hypoxemia

hypercapnia and altered ph

chest can

you will try to keep the oxygen

saturation over ninety percent

uh when it comes to mechanical

ventilation the most important if you

saw a long

poly include using high pressure so

there’s a part of the the very end after

the credits


oh sorry karen what’s up

was with some of your because i wasn’t

listening to you because i was busy with

my own

lesson um was one of the things that you

just said

that you know cause you were there

as in like well who are you talking to

talking to people who might have been

exposed so like for example the last one

i was saying

at in theaters at along came polly

years ago when i was in theaters if you

stayed for the after credit sequence

all the way to the end there was an

interactive like

crowd feature where they would like

spray glitter on the audience

that glitter is extremely toxic and

that’s one of the

causes you’re trying to tell our


about this and you’re sure that that’s a

cause of acute respiratory failure

yes according to the class that i took

wait what what what class did you take


i mean it was online okay so and that’s


so that’s not what what was the class

called what do you mean well

it was called it was just you just go to i’m just doing the

exact same thing you do

and you hit random okay

so so you didn’t take a class you you


you went and searched wikipedia for

okay why well i paid someone 1100

an hour so to do what

for the class you like i guess to get


trust me i always think like especially

since most of these classes are online

these days kind of like what am i

exactly am i paying for

i’m paying for a teacher to to grade my

google searches

okay but uh you know sometimes you get

in this

day and age you still got to get a

degree so yeah

okay we we can go ahead and you know

move on from there i guess


all right uh so cameron um as you know

we you know we we’ve we’ve lost

more sponsors this year we’ve we hardly

had any this year

honestly compared to the year before

and i can’t help but think that part of

that might be your approach to our


well i mean what do you do you even know

what my approach is i feel like you’re

not even

involved in this process really that’s

true it’s mostly what you’ve told me

about the process that makes me think

that that your approach is off well okay

what if i told you about the process

because i don’t really remember most of

that stuff either

your approach you don’t remember it yeah

because i’ve been

i’ve kind of i’ve i i don’t i don’t keep

track of things

i hate to admit that yeah which is it is

kind of your

job to keep track of it so okay so um

for our listeners what cameron does

is he will

go exploring he will call it going


he will uh go get his

his rattiest clothes which and i don’t

that’s not

like some kind of phrase it’s a clothes

that he says

would most benefit rats would most fit

rats um so they’re very small

and grimy and

are covered in rats well and so he will

put up you know i learned from the

experts and the expert in

this situation would be aladdin also

known as a street rat

who wore rat clothes that’s what that’s

why his clothes didn’t fit him properly

because they were made for rats that’s

your understanding okay so

so in any case so so cameron wears his

i mean even street rat isn’t trying like

it’s just

rat clothes but so he wears his clothes

and then

he goes out uh to well he calls it the


it is just the uh sort of there’s a park

nearby he goes to the park yeah and it’s

a mall it’s like a mini mall

yeah well and there’s sort of this uh

closed there’s this grassy area whenever

i say park

it is it is cameron’s right is enclosed

within the mall

there’s this sort of nature area of it

and so he

climbs through digs a hole

and he he constructs what he calls his


um and he you know he keeps stirring it


uh bringing in he goes to the different

places near

the different vendors he’ll ask for a

cup of water he’ll bring it back he’ll

pour it

stir up some mud go over there ask for

another cup of water

and maybe gather sticks along the way


yeah and so cameron will do this

uh fill his you know get get his pit


uh and that is that is what he refers to

he says gotta get my pick going

and then um and then he’ll

those sticks that we’re referencing he

builds his

nest as once again as he called it uh

and then he’ll put up a flag this is the

only part he

seems to prepare beforehand is he does

have a flag

and he’ll put that up and the flag has a

you know it’s a banner that reads

uh looking for sponsors and

it’s just a lot of typos well and it’s

the don’t tread on me

snake too yeah yeah so it’s yellow with

the snake

but it says you know looking for


yeah and so people will walk by and

cameron will swipe at their legs

as they walk by he’ll he’ll scramble out

sort of like um

like gollum from uh from lord of the


or it’s well cameron doesn’t like the

comparison uh smeagle from lord of the


yes yeah they’re different

i don’t even know if they’ve ever met

but they are i think they’re

cousins right so so cameron will

in a smeagle sort of approach

he’ll he’ll kind of scramble out on all


not even i feel like smeagle has

like more clothes than what i’m wearing

yes yeah

smeagol does wear more but also smeagol

uh will lift him

his torso off the ground which you don’t

bother to do that whenever you crawl

i just no it’s dragging for the most


yeah so so you’ll swipe at legs and if


catch a leg then you pull them into your


and you you hop into your nest and you

you call yourself king

and whenever if they’re if they ask king

of what

what do you mean and you’re like you

will say king of this nest

look and then they will

be trying to leave and and so this and

that’s the part that you call networking

um and then networking yeah

yeah oh nest yeah that’s right

see i guess it’s one of those things

where like you have a word that you


you you have a term that you understand

all the time and then whenever someone

has a slight change to it

you don’t always notice it but yes nest

working does make more sense

in in a way so

so you will do this you will have your


except you’re wrong dr london this is

not what i do

you have my process entirely wrong okay

i don’t the people people’s feet that i


at and then i pull them into the nest


those don’t end up being the sponsors is

that where you were about to suggest

yes well like that it was the first step

they call the security guard

and then i pull him in and then i ask

him if he knows

anyone who would be a sponsor

okay so so and that’s all of our

sponsors and most of our guests

come from this process so it’s mostly

security guard at the specific mall

is it the same guy every time it’s their


it’s their friends is it the same guard

i mean it’ll be different guards

depending on the mall the park and the

mall okay

yeah that’s right okay so it’s because i

was gonna say it’s all the same mall

it’s just which park okay on different

sides different days

you know some people only work holidays


okay so in any case um karen will find


uh yes yeah long story short yeah i’ll

find them

um usually fifty dollars for tampering

with the nest

and i’ll find them a hundred and fifty

dollars if they

try to steal any of my sticks yeah which

your fines are just written in mud that


write on their faces yeah but i i

i attach to that

their face sort of like a polaroid of

my handgun yeah so i don’t it’s not a

threat as much as it is

um just sort of uh bragging a prod

bragging right yeah just sort of saying

like what i have

i have i can afford a gun yeah

so anyway so this is cameron’s process

so it’s for that reason that i’m

suspicious of a lot of his sponsors and

you know a lot of sponsors he brings on

and it might be why some of them are

suspect it might be why we lose some of

the sponsors as well

so this is an episode dedicated to

those sponsors that we lost and to try

to bring them back

that’s you know we they they might be

a little sus but you know we do love our


no matter how sus yes so

how sus they must so in any case

we can um if we want to get going let’s

just play a clip

you know what they must be play a


um and we’re going to just you know

make our appeal i guess


well and what i love about the the this

new sponsor of ours is that it’s

from a field that we’ve never seen

before we’ve seen

everyone’s heard all these ads for like

you know

domain hosts and you know uh

you know food delivery services or

stamps or whatever but this is the first

of its kind and we are talking about a

new form of time that you can buy

today on this podcast i’m sorry

a new form of what a past time did you


like a newborn are you tired of the


calendar where it’s like march september

february are you tired of 24 hours a day

60 minutes an hour 60 seconds a minute

blah blah blah blah blah

that’s the old way dr london the new

form of time that you can learn about

for only 49.99 is a new form of time

called lunchtime that’s right you’re

thinking wait i know about lunch time

that’s the time of day that i eat lunch

and you would be

absolutely right but lunch time as a


as a concept is a new

binary form of clock

i so you’re

well it sounds like a confusing product

wait this isn’t

this is a new form aren’t you tired of

looking at the clock and being like 9

22 what does that mean

4 31 huh now

you look at the clock and it either says

lunch time or

not lunch time that’s it those are the

only two things you know

from here on out so

so there’s only one it simplifies


why do we have all these complicated

mechanisms have you ever seen inside of

a clock

and how complicated that is yeah you

know what’s way

more simple than that way more easy to

understand and maybe

maybe isn’t such a you know this kind of

like difficult

entry level for everyone to just figure

out but is actually

intuitive it’s lunchtime it sounds like

basically it either is lunchtime or it

isn’t lunchtime and that my friend

is lunchtime and this is not they do

want to stress this is not a novelty


like one of those clocks that says like

that at right at 5 pm it says quitting


or you know fishing time or something

like that that is not

this is it also this is like a clock it

just sounds

more like an alarm almost because it’s

just one time of day

well it does come with a clock but it’s

not like one of those clocks it’s more


um is it analog or digital or

oh i would say somewhere in between

those it’s

some it’s somewhat like a um

like it kind of like a it’s like a laser

tag type of set

and you have to wear you’ve got to wear

like your chest and your belt pieces all

the time

kind of like you do when you’re playing

laser tag and then it’ll zap you and

it’ll say launch time

so that sounds like a like a more i

guess annoying alarm but it still sounds

like an alarm

it’s not an alarm at all it’s a it’s a

true reconceptualizing of time

itself and for 49.99 not only

do you get the laser tag clock set but

you also get

books on how to retrain your brain to


about this new form of time that’s so

much simpler that’s going to save you

so much time it comes with training


it comes with a video series blu-ray


even you could there’s even an option

for extensive surgery dr

london surgery based on

lunch time it’s taking the part of your


that thinks in time in in 60 second


and changes it towards uh thinking in

more of a binary simplified

version it either is lunchtime or is not


uh well i mean if they’re paying you

know 50

and they’re getting books and training

videos and things then that

you know that that does sound like it

could be at least

new knowledge so that’s okay that’s


and i think what’s great about this is

you know you’re gonna end up saving so


time because you in in normal life how

much time do you

how many times a day do you think about

the damn clock

you’re like about the clock oh it’s 4 35

i guess it’s 25 minutes till the end of


then i go home at five o’clock and my

commute is gonna be

45 minutes long yes but maybe i can have

dinner by

six if i get home and put it on there’s

my food on the pot for 15 minutes blah

blah blah

you know what this new world looks like

dr london oh hey it’s not lunch time

i’m gonna go home it’s gonna it’s gonna

take i mean probably a lunch times


of time to get over there well and then

hopefully when i get home because i’m

pretty hungry hopefully

my clock changes to lunch time so i can

finally eat

so it’s so you’re you’re waiting a lunch

times amount so there is

a a measured amount of time in there

it’s not just a

anyway i it sounds

you know hopefully it sounds like people

will be getting

a physical product whenever they pay so


yes they will that that is a step up

from some of

our previous advertisers but what

they’re really getting is a change in


all right well thank you and what was

the name of lunchtime oh

lunch it’s lunchtime all right

thank you to lunch time


all right so that was our sponsor lunch


and and what

the body modification specifically the

specifically the brain surgery that

they ran into a lot of ethical issues um

i don’t want to disparage them because

of course we want them back

but i do just want to be honest with our


and say that you know whenever they

referred to the body surgery

the body modifications it was brain


to disrupt one’s perception of time

and we didn’t address that in the ad in

part because

i didn’t want it to reflect so poorly

what if what if my assumptions or

understanding of it

were wrong well and because we started

to explain it but

the section that i had recorded was too


so we had to take it out it was hurting

people’s ears yeah yeah well because you

were yelling

yeah i mean you were you were saying

like they’re trying to take over

your brain well yeah because i wanted

people to know

yeah it was just too loud so we had to

take it out

any case so yeah so so they

they have run into some funding issues


you know that might be cameron why they

stopped sponsoring like i thought it

could be

something about your management style

but you know perhaps it is

it was solely because of their their


problems and their the botched surgeries


yeah i don’t know why this is being

blamed on me so

suddenly yeah i just it’s one of those

things where

just there’s a history of our sponsors


like you trying to get rid of them it


and this it seems like that was not the

case today it seems like really

okay you’re the type of person to hold

someone’s history against them you don’t

you don’t believe and forgive and forget

huh when you’re in business with someone


you know they’re for forgetting ah

i okay nope forgetting will result

nothing more to say that’s uh you see

this as a business

relationship oh yeah what i get it what

did you see it as no

nothing not just the you know the kind

of person who

anytime you have a nightmare and you

need someone to

read you a bedtime story to go back to

sleep you know you call me but

you know i didn’t realize you do that

with business associates

okay well because that is you know to be


just so it’s out there like that is a

business of that’s a side hustle of


well yeah having people call you to have

a book read

yeah well you only have three books


well yeah so yeah clockwork orange

um jurassic park um

and a million little pieces which is the


book that was a lie from that guy

right so i’ll you know it’ll be the most

i’m i’m just thinking in the middle of

the night whenever i wake up from a


what’s the what will come and hillbilly


okay oh you added a new one okay yep

well okay so i saw the trailer for that

movie and was like oh i have to

get it well you know i guess you know

to our listeners this this is another


well it’s not a sponsor but here’s a

free advertisement cameron does this


middle of the night you have a scary

dream you can call him up

he will bill your insurance so just go

straight to your insurance so you don’t

even have to worry about payment or


yeah because because as you emphatically

argued in congress

this is a medical procedure

yeah all right um anyway do you want to

do you want to move on to the next clip

sure all right as long as you


that them leaving was not my fault

if anything it was dj dylan’s fault

nope and look at look at dj dylan’s face

and you try to accuse him

of something being his fault impossible

you can’t nope

the thought hurt whenever it tried to

happen for a second yep

but yeah let’s let’s go ahead and move

on to the next one


this is a dating app specifically for


it’s called medium meetup okay and to

clarify this isn’t like

the size of clothing they wear

i actually don’t know that okay because

i haven’t asked the clothing size of our

of the people on the side okay but the

this is for people whose

profession is a medium people who who

speak to the dead people who

who can access the spiritual realm right

and speak to people who have passed and

fortune tellers psychics so it seems


okay so this is specifically for

mediums to meet other mediums yes and

i guess that that would be a big thing

for them to have in common

okay and one of the one of the coolest

things about this

new dating site is what would you guess


the url of this site would be

no wrong okay try again

medium meetups

medium meetups okay dr london you’re


wrong because it’s not a url at all

no it’s a state of mind because these

are mediums right they can they can

access the spiritual realm they can

speak to people on the other side but

they also

can communicate without speaking sure

just like i was doing earlier to you

when i was describing the after dark

after dark concept and because i wasn’t

immediate i feel like you’re confusing

the term psychic with medium

for once so you’re you weren’t a medium

yeah you also weren’t as psychic you

couldn’t because

a psychic that’s that’s the classic idea

where it’s someone who can push

you know thoughts or feelings or

whatever into someone else’s mind

whereas a medium is like you said

communicating with the dead

unless you think that one of us is dead

then that i can’t guarantee

that on either of our parts okay

okay so anyway so they these these


yup communicate they use the app

there’s no app they use the

there’s no website they use their powers

to communicate with each other and then

say hey we should go to like

i mean do you like dominoes or pizza hut

well i’m you know i was raised

with pizza hut so i guess that’s what i

prefer but

you know it doesn’t really bother me as

long as it’s not papa john’s he’s like

well actually i like papa john’s i would

say that’s maybe my favorite

why do they why do they need medium meat

up at all it sounds like they

this is just how they communicate anyway


what it does is it uh you pay for the


and it gives you a secret code so then


their spiritual world or wherever you

know you’re hearing all these different


they’re able to just zone in on the

secret code okay that’s someone else


the the site and it’s not a site

nope so is there one person who’s just

one medium

who is creating this code and

pushing that thought out there or is

there a dead person doing

that’s what i’m to get the code you do

have to download an app

okay so there’s one part that’s that’s


actual physical thing when it’s like a

series of apps

okay because you have to download the

medium store

first the medium play store that allows

you to

access all the apps in the store and

then from there you’ve got to download


media meetup code generating app

and then you just use that app

yeah so it’s really just two okay well


it sounds and then it gives you it

generates a code and then you just think

about that code really hard

and then other people start popping up

on your little grid or whatever

yeah okay well admittedly i you know

i’m would not i’m not i wouldn’t claim

to be a medium

so i can’t really speak to how this

technology would affect

a medium so with that in mind i guess

we can just be thankful that they chose

to sponsor through us because i guess

maybe some of our listeners are mediums

and this is a great way to

yeah to reach i have to think a huge

part of relationship

is mediums yeah primarily children

yeah okay yeah well you know that’s

right sixth sense

yeah yeah i guess that

he seemed like more of an exception

maybe but maybe that’s just normal

yeah once again i don’t know enough

about this to speak to it okay

yeah no that’s no one was questioning

that okay dr london

all right well i guess people might not

believe in ghosts but they at least

believe in your incompetence

okay well um okay anything else on the

ad copy for media meetups

um it says to not

look up the ceo it says don’t google him

okay i so tourist and his name has been

blacked out so i can’t

but it says like don’t look into the

company don’t investigate it too much

don’t think about it too hard just

download the apps

that’s that says in huge letters okay so

that’s an old cat okay

well tour listeners please you know

follow that it sounds like you wouldn’t

need to look it up to if you’re a medium

i’m sure you’re already

maybe tertiary like have some awareness

of this app

so um thank you for the to our sponsor

so that was you know a great sponsor

they were very kind to

to join an advertise on our podcast

what so it seemed odd to me at the time

that they chose us because

i mean cameron you don’t have any

history of being a medium correct uh

i mean i definitely was when i was

uh you know maybe a little bit a little

bit lighter

you know i if i lost a few pounds i

could probably go back to being a medium

yes okay well this is that’s the same

joke that i made in the clip that we

just heard

yes yeah yeah and well the joke that i

made for

any case but yes um

that’s that’s not the the issue to which

i was referring

uh but the you know people who can speak

with the dead

so i’m wondering

well first of all and this is really to

our listeners i guess

who looked up the ceo who who looked up

all the details in this company because


got blowback yeah and

and it’s it’s it’s just frustrating

because like there’s one condition

one condition don’t look it up

we told y’all we tried to warn y’all

the second you did it your ip address

was tracked

they knew it came straight from this


and like london said they blew out our


they while while we were sleeping in the

middle of the night they took baseball


they beat our spines up and now my back


killing me dr london yeah and mine feels

great now i think they hit it just the

right way

yeah very frustrating that they that

they broke in to do that because i did

have to

i’d have to replace the lock but like i

i i’m thinking about replacing the locks

anyway okay well i’m permanently injured

but sure

yeah i’m sorry about your locks uh

i accept your apology so

anyway to our listeners uh

the other issue that came about not just

the um

physical uh beatings is that now cameron

and i are both haunted

and uh so that i

could not speak to the dead before

now i don’t just to make a point

but they do speak to me now um

i don’t know cameron have you had the

same issue because it seems like

deliberate them setting

something on me yeah i mean

how can i put this the the reason you

have this ability is also the same

reason i don’t it was kind of a trade

you feel me wait so i thought it was

just a punishment

for uh our listeners looking up

the company details it was it was a


on the person who looked at the

company’s details

and then that person um maybe

sort of passed it to you

in your cereal cameron were you the one

who looked up the company details

like was this you there it’s impossible

to know

you you allowed me to

admonish our listeners whenever you were

guilty of the crime

and again it’s impo it’s impossible to


fully because of

um sort of the way

you know glue global warming has

affected all of us in different ways

you know yeah so

okay well you know long story short


now uh my great aunt who like i

i didn’t know i i don’t have a reason to

know like i

we didn’t like even that side of the

family or that part of the family didn’t


talk as much so like i have no reason to

talk to this person

but now she’s scaring you up yeah she is

she asking you for stuff or is it just

like to chitchat

it’s it’s mostly it’s it’s the worst

option which is chit chat she’ll

she’ll pop up and be like what’s that

about my phone

i’ll have to explain to her technology

and she’s like well i don’t understand

and i’m like well then i why are you

ghostly appearing here because i have to


it every time yeah she and so it’s not

like there’s unfinished business

it’s mostly just to be just to ask about

what’s going on in the world yeah

and like she she has such a terrible

memory that like

she every time you explain it to her she

comes back again and is like

so what is that and you’re like yeah

it’s a phone

still i don’t who is sercia ronan

am i supposed to know who that is

yeah and then anyway

just so so anyway

to the sponsor thank you for sponsoring

us we want you back

um i don’t maybe i can put more parental

controls on

cameron’s web searches there are already

controls in place

but i guess we can put more not on the

search engine that i’m using

you have not heard it you’re too old

just for us kids no adults allowed

is this the engine you have running out


the because i have heard that one

but i i said no adults allowed so why

you’re not supposed to know about it

well it’s it’s a very loud machine no

that’s not fair i said no adults allowed

go away okay we can we can go onto our

you know the next these sponsors that

you know once again we’re just trying

trying to win these guys back by giving

a little free ad space

and then hopefully hopefully coax them



all right what’s the sponsor

toes just says toes

you might just be looking at your own

toes because they’re on your mind right

now no no no it’s an email here look at

my phone it’s

that’s an email it says sponsor toes

and look there’s the payment yeah huh

all right all right well thank you to

our sponsor well

let’s let’s you know pump it up a little

toes are great

um yeah no i use them every day again

they they paid us

and i don’t know who this is but we do

want them to be happy yeah you know

a happy sponsor so toes you got 10 of

them um

maybe a couple more maybe a couple less

yeah depending

help you stand um you can pick things up

with them

i can’t obviously because of the yeah

the odd shape and

but but you’re an exception like that

generally most people can yeah yeah

and i understand that yeah um animals

have toes

animals have toes super cute cats have

you know little toes and stuff

yeah all right that’s it all right thank

you to our sponsor

toes okay

so i i didn’t even want to do to to

cover the sponsor just because of

just how much blowback we’ve had

i it’s yeah well i don’t think either of


knew how powerful the tow lobby was

um first of all there’s a finger lobby

didn’t know that either

i didn’t know there was a toe lob i

didn’t know any of this um

so so there is a movement apparently and

we don’t we we pointedly avoid getting

into politics

but the toe movement

i don’t know if you’ve heard of all the

the rioting the fire is eluding

it’s all highly associated with the toe

movement and

it’s sort of these uh

i don’t i don’t know how you call it

except for maybe like toe enthusiasts

and they’re they’re violently

enthusiastic you know

about toes you know people think that

they might be

protesting something or or something

like that no it’s just they’re so

excited about it that they kind of go

out of control

some of them and you’ll you can see you

can’t tell all of them

like at a glance you can’t necessarily

tell who that they are toe

enthusiasts but some of them will be

holding a severed toe

this is rare but i’ve seen it there’s a

video footage of one

uh i think you just look up toe


um severed on on youtube whatever

and you know there’s a point

oh no i’m not i’m looking now you’re

gonna have to be more specific because

there’s so many of these videos

yeah i’m i’m trying to think of even

well i mean the one i’m thinking of

it had an instagram model

and she like she was going on about

why she loves toes and it

and to clarify this isn’t like a fetish

thing this isn’t people who

you know are kind of turned on by toes

or any of that

these are no this is a pull these are

just people who

are think toes are really valuable which

we all do yeah oh

i love it yeah toes are great maybe but

maybe to somewhat of an extreme degree

yeah well

the amount of people talk about you know


uh just the numbers from this the


and everything else and how you know

just it’s it’s very sad

how many passed away but like the amount

of violent

toe enthusiast related assaults

and it hasn’t abated with any

of the the the events of the last year

it has been steady and once again we

didn’t know this when we ran the ad

we had no we didn’t know this but we do

i mean we do want to apologize

yes i am so sorry both to our listeners

um and also to the tow lobby because

ultimately we do want them as a sponsor


yeah and that’s and that’s the

frustrating part is that we are we are

walking the line here where we say

it’s irresponsible to be supporting

such a um such a movement that has such

just very strong ties to extremism

um we we don’t want that but we also

want the sponsor we

like we want to generate revenue we need

the sponsorship yeah we need the money

from the

money would be really i need the money

from the sponsorship and

i love toes like not again not in the

fetish way but just

and not not to help the staff a

non-violent or weird

not a toe enthusiast way

no but no i i like i

said in that sponsorship and i meant it

by the way i do use my toes every day

like that’s it’s a part of me yeah and i

think that’s

that’s pretty dang cool and i’m sorry if

that upsets some people

and it will and i i know i recognize

that there’s no way to just

to to say this and sound unbiased and

sound like

you know politically unaffiliated and

religiously unaffiliated

like i know i recognize that there are

there are

existing uh norms and trends

but just as i’m tr i’m trying to to make

the point clear on my part that i don’t

you know

i i value inclusivity i i recognize the

validity of people

regardless of the toe i you know maybe


maybe we should move on from there i

feel like we’ve covered it

yeah we got to stop talking about the


cameron do we have a sponsor today that

is right dr london i actually

am very very excited about this sponsor

i’m always excited about our sponsors of

course but

this i mean this is incredible


are you excited to hear about it yeah

yeah i’m you know we’re always trying to

be on sort of the cutting edge

you know both with our medical knowledge

but also with

uh yeah any sort of technological front

especially with telemedicine

well this is not the telemedicine

company so

maybe this could be something that you

could use to i don’t know impress some

of your patients this is actually a


company that we’re working with and this

they’ve invented something here which is

incredible which

i’m sure you’ve seen people who have um

you know kind of t-shirts and they might

have like sort of different light up

displays on them

or you’ve seen like uh maybe a

holographic looking kind of image on

this shirt

this company they’ve been able to put

full i mean full huge gifts

moving images on t-shirts

isn’t that i mean that’s amazing right

oh well like uh i guess so like

i would assume like what’s your what’s

your favorite gift dr lennon is there a

gift that you see on the internet every

once in a while

yeah i think it’s uh i think it’s from

like an infomercial

a guy who’s holding a bunch of stuff and

then he trips

yeah i know he drops everything yeah you

could put that on a shirt

or i have one where a guy he’s like

eating something and then he gives a

thumbs up i think that one’s hilarious

and you’ve got mail oh wait hold on i

just got an email from

the company they

they said okay they’re

still working on the feature to have

custom gifts like that

but currently you can choose from the

gifts that they self-select

okay okay that’s cool so for right now

you can’t you can’t upload your own

gifts but

the company i’m i’m sure has like some


uh little you know looping funny images

and and different

animations and who knows who maybe

spongebob is on there i i don’t know

who knows that you’ve got mail okay it


no spongebob no spider-man no

no characters of any kind well that’s

specific but like so like

the one i mentioned might have yeah or

maybe it was something like that

maybe it’s just to give someone giving a

thumbs up or or

smiling you’ve got mail oh wait hold on

no i got another email that says no

nothing like that

actually we’ve only been able to get one

gift to work

so far and it’s of a rat giving birth

okay so really

it’s not so much a like a gift

shirt as it is a gift of a

rat giving birth shirt yeah i get

it’s well i mean it is a gift shirt

it’s just the only gift that can exist

on it you’ve got

mail one oh he sent it over oh

that is man that’s yeah

there’s a lot of blood for one thing and


mixed with the so i guess i mean we dr

lynn we cannot lose the sponsor we can’t


like grossed out or rude about it yeah

you were telling me

like this is our best sponsor so far

just in terms of communication

and how sort of excited

both parties were to to have them on the

podcast in an email

rather than like a like a series of

toilet paper

rolls is huge that’s

brand new for well for you uh

so okay if you want a cool piece of

technology and you want to you know

where to school

or you know you know where to your job

or dr london where to your hospital or


if you want to wear a cool moving shirt

of a a rat giving live birth

um well i guess mostly live birth i


that one’s not moving oh man

okay and also if you want to wear a


what’s the name we’re at giving birth

and maybe having

like a partial miscarriage then you just

want to contact

our sponsor

okay so so they bought the appropriate

url well no this the weird thing is is

that it’s called

dead rat shirt and this is the opposite

of death it’s them

giving life i guess it’s ironic in that

way it’s

it’s not the complete opposite because


all mixed in there isn’t it of what’s

being birthed i mean i guess that’s kind

of beautiful

it’s life and death sort of you know yin

and yang

kind of all tangled in there i

i guess there’s there’s some poetry

in there i’m sure this gif has looped

once it’s just been playing this whole

time for like 10 minutes

i feel like if they can fit this on a

shirt they should be able to fit the guy

giving a thumbs up or whatever

right i would think so i you know i


i’ve been critical of sponsors before

and then we lose i don’t know the tech

well anyway uh yeah dead um just go there get

your shirt

and um wear it to school you know i’m

sorry uh

just for the listeners because i’m not

positive about the situation but

so the shirt came over on a person

like someone’s wearing it and it looks

blocky and i’m wondering if it’s

like if there’s just a screen cut out

anyway oh you think the person that they

came over to demo it just had like a tv

under the shirt like because it looks

like sort of a teletubby attempt

like that style of having a belly yeah

but like

it looks really boxy

yeah it looks messed up is what it looks

like yeah and that’s no offense to you


that we’re just describing the the

product which i guess

as you present it all right

thanks okay so anyway i guess

but um we don’t want to lose our

sponsors so

no this is if this is the sort of

apparel that you preferred to wear

then sure our listeners uh what was the

name of that website again use the promo code

the the red is giving birth

all right so um first off

uh that that was actually i really like

that sponsor

um as we said in the ad it you know they

were they were great they communicated


uh i actually yeah i don’t know why the

sponsor dropped us no one’s told me

what did i do did i what did i do wrong

dr london cause i like them too

see here’s the thing

the sponsor do you remember

jeff how the guy who the demo guy who


showing it yeah i remember jeff i

invited jeff to my wedding for

god i know i know but

then you had a you had a falling out if

i remember right

because he ruined your wedding and

that’s why you’re not married right

yes yeah we had a bit of a falling out

and you know he was saying that the best

popsicle flavor is cherry and i was

saying that’s ridiculous

that just tastes like medicine it’s got

to be grape

and then but then of course my wife to

be agreed with him

and this is during the best man speech

well i mean this started before the

ceremony and went all the way

to the uh best man speech which usually

happens at the reception

after the ceremony yeah but well you had

an unconventional wedding

yeah it was on a it was on a uh like a

an aircraft carrier yeah so it was super

unconventional yeah

yeah on like a tuesday afternoon but as

i remember it was at 8am

and so it was yeah but that’s afternoon


right so yeah so anyway we’re all on

this aircraft carrier

jeff is there uh you know and

of course the pressure’s on because well

as i recall the reason you said why he

needed to do his speech

early was because you needed

like someone to kind of copy a little

bit for your vows

yeah you just needed some speech

material well then i needed someone to

drive the aircraft carrier

right and so i was thinking it assumed

i was thinking if he could do the speech

now then

during the reception afterwards we could

make sure someone’s maintaining the

aircraft carrier it’s not just like left

alone this is a big boat

yeah i mean those things are gigantic i

was very surprised that you

you know got permission that you got an

aircraft carrier yeah

and that they just gave us the keys and

they said you know make sure someone is

is driving this thing yeah because they

were actually pretty

the admiral was very emphatic that he

was unwilling and he sounded scared he


unwilling to leave any of his personnel

on board

i you know i don’t think i think that


like has never actually captained a ship

i think it was i thought it was like the

whole time it was maybe like a fraud

thing like he was pretending to be

a like a captain guy you know what i


yeah well so what i thought was that

maybe the ship was haunted and i don’t

know if that’s because

i’m something of a medium now but

he that might be it i just know i asked

him just because i was trying to test


i asked him like what’s a sale and all

he did was go

sail like that song

well is that not the answer he went sale

is that the wrong answer

i guess it’s not a wrong answer but it’s

definitely not the answer i was looking


well and okay it was another strange

part was that that aircraft carrier did

have sails so which normally

these you know these giant ships uh do


they like they’re they’re powered by

engines not

yeah well but this was a green yeah

aircraft very

very climate friendly so anyway

um so so jeff uh the

the demo model i i just

so do i so okay but okay so

because basically he stole my wife

that’s why we lost them as a sponsor

what am i supposed to do about that

i i’m and it’s

honestly i feel bad having to say it

like you know on the podcast or

whatever but like eventually

you will have to move on you mean

i’m gonna finally have to move off of

the aircraft carrier because i haven’t


since no well i mean that that fateful


no like yeah you’re gonna have to you’re

gonna have to

i mean there there are some there were

smaller boats on there

like there’s a way for you to get off

right uh i

i haven’t checked don’t know i know

you’ve been caught up with

you know uh driving around and trying to

make big waves with it

um you know catching people in your wake

and yeah whatever well then all the the


i’ve been reading the news so i’ve been

busy with that too

yeah yeah so but but

regarding jeff i’m not he and i still

keep in touch he and i are great

he’s he’ll he’ll tell me pretty

specifically his problems with you

um and then you can why does he still

have problems with me i didn’t do

anything he showed up to my wedding made

a huge

deal about the popsicle thing out of


stole my fiance and then

ripped the sponsor out from under me

well she

is his fiancee now um okay sorry his

wife his wife now

he he stole my fiance and made her

his wife yeah so what what am i supposed

to do am i supposed to apologize for


yes so so they’ll facetime me sometimes

and like what does he have to talk about

he has to he has stuff to complain about

admittedly it’s more it seems like she’s

kind of feeding him stuff

like he doesn’t seem to want to there to

be a problem

but she she keeps like

like you can hear it on the video she’s


behind every yeah because behind every

everything a man is saying is a woman

being a huge

[ __ ] because he keeps emphasizing

i grant it once again i don’t know

because because if he’s holding back

business then surely she can’t control

all of that

i don’t know i maybe and i once again


i don’t want to be it’s weird to do this

on the podcast but

you know maybe consider that she wasn’t

the best

choice for you

well then who was dr london i

i don’t know if you found her yet you

know um in case

jeff seems super happy with the

arrangement honestly

like jeff is doing great uh yeah

i mean i guess as long as he’s happy

right like yeah i went to their wedding

it was so fun oh man

oh and you you were there right they

they hired you to uh

to to be well what they to serve

to be a footstool for them yeah

i was the the stool boy

which is a new wedding tradition and i

kind of like it it seems

kind of funny it’s one of those

traditions it’s one you know it’s kind

of like

um a few years ago when when saying that

you know throwing shade kind of

kind of came around but that’s really

like an old-timey term that just made

its way back

it’s sort of the same thing this is

actually a tradition from thousands of

years ago that sort of uh

popped back up and become kind of trendy

lately and you got to be opposed

to take the you take the ex fiance

of a person who’s been engaged twice and


you have to be like their their

footstool and

yeah so what a privilege for you to be a

part of that wow

yeah it was great and um um you know

it’s just an

honor to be part of the wedding party

yeah and they well

to to be like geographically you were


yes you were part in the sense of being

there but like you were kicked a lot

and stepped on and that was mostly your


and then if you tried to respond or say

like stop it

you know they would inform you that no

that that goes against tradition

well yeah but i mean that’s my fault for

not knowing tradition

because that was a stupid little

footstool who never got anything right

yeah well okay you’re quoting directly

from your lines

yeah so anyway all right so so our next

clip we actually that that’s all the

sponsors that we really

that we had to try to get back there

might have been

some other one i think there was maybe

one other sponsor this year but that

that company was destroyed uh

so so we did want to cover

um you know we’ve been doing all these

chores we started this chore wheel

over the summer and since we started

doing that

you know we’ve had the mayor reach out

to us we’ve had

uh different like the the city the

government we’ve had all these different

um you know independent charities reach

out we’ve been getting a lot of stuff

done i’m proud of it honestly dr london

but but sometimes we

you know whenever we try to do one of


what we call them chores really

sometimes they are just straight up

charity work

uh one of the ones that we did

i think will require commentary

now just to put in the right context for

the world that has

aged since since that was released if

that makes sense

so um so anyway without further ado

here is the uh the chore wheel um

where we where we did a movie review

um we the all of us here today i i don’t

even have to ask i assume that we’ve all

seen the movie that every single person

in the world

is talking about yeah splanter’s choice

splanter’s choice

and every single person is screaming

about how genius this movie is and how

how the cinematography

is so magical and so fluid

and how bronty chauncers was the

greatest actor in the world

and he should win well sorry sorry sorry

go on and that uh that everything about

it is genius and you know what

frankly i have to agree

sponsor’s choice it’s an incredible film

yes everything about it mesmerized me i

mean the part

where the mountain actually was a hole

and everyone was just looking at it

upside down

and then once they realized it it caused

them to fall and then splanter said

that part cracked me up but then also

made me think

i thought about that for days

yeah no no that’s a good take that’s a

good take cameron um

and that’s well thought out but i guess

if you’re looking at movies with the

critical eye

which is kind of just how i view

everything here we go again

yeah so splandre’s choice

maybe not the movie for everyone is is

what i thought

so split it’s not for pretentious

doctors is that what you’re about to say

i look i don’t mean to have these

opinions just

when i watched it i thought what i

thought so

the main character splaunter first of


not this actor’s best work uh oh yeah

then what is

to tell me what is what has he done


uh what is braunsch chonker since done


transtonia you remember transtonia

okay that’s fair yeah that was from a


time before we had 4d

screenings but sure yeah that’s fine

i’ll agree

that that movie definitely trans tony i


i have to respect i have to respect it

for at least putting

i mean floppy flashers on the map

yeah so so anyway so in splonter’s


the issue that i had with there came a

point in the movie and i don’t want to

spoil anything but

splanter did have to make that choice

and it was tough yeah it was tough

the fact that a full 10 minutes of the


full 10 minutes was just him reading a

book on the subject

to make sure he made the right choice

and just

it was multiple camera angles that’s

called character development are you

kidding me

how are you going to establish that he’s

making the choice

that’s actually informed if you don’t

spend time establishing that i mean

most movies will do a montage but there

was also no music

there was nothing it was just splanter

reading book and i’m sorry you know what

it’s instead of a soundtrack it was just

the sounds of a baby crying

which i thought was genius how

subversive and and

crazy is that yeah which no mention of


in the movie besides that sound like

there’s no wrestling

implied that they’re off screen dr


okay so sorry uh dr boudreau

um well this is this is this is dino go

to brunch all over again and you just

you hated dyno go to brunch because you

said there wasn’t enough brunch and you

said it was too late in the day for

brunch that’s right which is insane you

know that brunch can go to 4 p.m

lots of restaurants offer it till 4 p.m

not in the country that it was

oh my god i’ll maintain that

can i please hear hear your thoughts on

this film um

well the movie

i i wish you would have known how much i

i don’t enjoy

dramas uh before you asked me to watch

this movie

i mean sure sure there was that moment

with splanter and uh

you know the pie and that was great uh

but bronte

chancers is absolutely uh no will


no i mean uh the whole

the whole movie i’m waiting for frank to

the tank to show up

and instead um the mountain’s a whole

and uh you know we’re reading for 10


and it you know for 10 minutes without a


that is uh you know the um

what is that the laugh to cry um

ratio yeah it wasn’t good

it wasn’t good but i will say

it was beautiful

that cinematography was breathtaking

and you know i mean if we go to joseph

campbell we take a look at the hero with

the thousand

faces you got it with splanter his


it was an epic choice and major

ramifications the mountains a whole

that was a twist i didn’t expect to see

um the pie

i tell you tell me you laughed at the

pie right i laughed at the pie

we all laughing i mean i’m a human

who laughs and sometimes

check out the pie and splanter’s choice

don’t besmirch the name of america’s

greatest comedian

um i’m really sorry about that that’s


um but i mean i was happy

that i branched out and saw something

that wasn’t the three movies

that i’ve watched pretty much every day

for the last uh

five years so that was nice

so thank you gentlemen for uh you know

teaching this old dog a new trick okay

all right there it is yeah

the trick being to to watch and watch

something different yeah

yeah usually yeah my my genre

of comedy great comedy films

the lenny bruce

yeah the lenny bruce stand up special

here’s my here’s here it is this is the

trinity of comedy to me

the lenny bruce stand up special muppets

take manhattan

old school into old school

okay wow so that’s that’s done then

we finished that chore for for this week

at least

all right so yeah so that was that was


the movie review which um you know

splonter’s choice

uh is nominated for how many awards

um uh i mean

i think every category i think every

category yeah

uh but then you know and first four in

short which uh

it only it it only well it won it but

like on a technicality because

it shouldn’t have it didn’t technically

meet the parameters but

but they you know the filmmakers really

pushed for it

it was i mean you our listeners would

have would have read about it in the


but um when they petition congress

so the the problem turned out to be

that the actor who played splanter and

sponsors choice

did some things

and i you know to to to

treat a a movie review like a light


normally is fine but there was just too

much with this

you know it’s it’s like when any actor

gets canceled

uh bronte john cersens

um go ahead i i can’t

i don’t want to like i have difficulty

comprehending what he did honestly

so you want me to yeah if you would i


i mean um so

uh i mean what’s the point of even

talking about when everyone knows

he stole the statue of liberty yeah and

that’s he divided it up

and uh gave it to the least free

countries by capita

wow um

and he live he live streamed the whole


part of me wants to think that he didn’t

recognize the the importance of the


or the statement that he was inherently


no you’re just giving him a you’re

giving him an out

yeah well well so that is what i thought

until he went

on to numerous talk shows and

said i have your freedom now

it belongs to the unfree

and that’s not some courteous thing

that’s not me

saying i’m still quoting him here that’s

not me

saying that i want them that freedom

that is me saying

your freedom is gone this is how i cage


and then end quote i pointed to a pick


nick cage just as i guess a joke

i guess he thought that would lighten

the mood a bit from uh

which it did yeah people laughed a lot

of people laughed and

but that only made it more uncomfortable

after the laughter stopped

yeah after like 45 minutes when when

they finally stopped laughing it

because it was it was just a very well

timed joke which

once again you’re you’re you’re so

i i don’t you’re mad because

you recognize this actor is so so


and then they just throw away the statue

of liberty

yep and it

and we’ve all we especially i mean dr


as our profiles have risen

recently uh you know there is sort of a

temptation as a celebrity you have

access to things that you know a normal

person isn’t going to have access to

yeah and i want to say right now you


as you and i rise well me more than you

as we rise up with the popularity of

this podcast

um i’m not going to give in to all that

i’m not going to give in to all the

celebrity stuff

i never would ex that would be shocking

if you did i would i would could not

even anticipate such a thing

yes you’re a professional yeah and my

focus is on medicine it’s it’s the it’s

the life-saving work

and uh annie and i i want to make it

clear now

you know just just to dispel any any


thought it takes my full concentration

to do what i do i i couldn’t

you know go and hang out with all these

whatever celebrities like i’m i’m so

focused on right if you were partying

with all the celebs and the movie stars

and pop stars and

and you know the dust twins and all

these people then

you you wouldn’t have time to really

focus on medicine you’re not that kind

of guy

and this that’s why you that’s why there

should be more

famous people like you dr london who are


and stay out of that hollywood lifestyle

yeah i don’t want to

you know claim anything or push myself

up to be something i’m

not but like i’m just i’m just a person

trying to make their way through

life and any case

so so i just you know just to say you

know i’m

we don’t want to be

like a bronte johnsterson type

i guess just because we have access to

these new fancy helicopters that can

grab giant statues doesn’t mean that

we’re headed to

brazil to steal that giant jesus statue


these helicopters are standard issue

like this is just what you can get

like it’s not this is yeah it’s not

anything special at all it’s just we

have the same helicopters that any one

of our stature is going to have

and uh we make we’re going to make that

pledge to you

our audience today yes

that we will not be stealing the money

lisa or the eiffel tower or any of these

these monuments of pisa no

no we’re not going to touch it and i do

want to clarify the helicopter thing we

would have had to pay more

to make it unable to lift statues

that’s that’s what i mean oh yeah

for sure like you would have to really


you’d have to have a mechanic crawl in

there and power it down

it’s like how sometimes the

like getting a car

can also you know the ability to run

over people is built into the car

there’s nothing you can do about that

i do well but that’s not why you’re

buying it

you’re buying it because you’re trying

to go to the grocery store that’s why

you buy the car yeah

or a tank or whatever but the function

of being able to run over people

is is built in unfortunately i wish it

wasn’t but there’s nothing you can do

about it and it would cost

more to to try to undo that yeah

so anyway just just our promise to you

as a podcast to our listeners

you know just only because you know

this actor displayed such such

irresponsible behavior with his platform

and um we just want to distinguish

ourselves from that

and say you know we won’t give in to the

celebrity status stuff we

we’re just focused on you the listener

and that’s right anything else will be

uh and i’ll say it now it if i did

anything else it would be a distraction

and it would be an unethical distraction


you could try me by an ethical committee

and they would find

issue with that like legally

as well so anyway

um so that uh i guess that finishes up

kind of all we were going to do you know

we’re in this we’re in this holiday

season but we wanted to squeeze in

this chance to just uh you know reach

out to these sponsors and

follow up with this uh this one chore

wheel we’ve heard back up from a lot of

these tour wheels and maybe we’ll start

to bring those out a little bit more

uh where we you know there’s there’s

just follow-up

that we could do because there were so

many um

where where the various mayors and

uh continental congresses where they’ve

all thanked us

or things have gotten worse anyway

a number of things but any case we’re

we’re finished with this one i think

cameron i think we’re we’re good we got

everything we need so i mean

you’re not gonna fire me right i still

have a job

uh that’s something that i can’t

what what makes you ask that i guess

would be the

well this whole session was chastising

me for losing

sponsors and and not being able to


a man being cancelled so i’m just

wondering am i i mean am i am i

am i okay well

and no no i know that i said that you

you have to

to let your wife go you have to move on

but if you can somehow

work that relationship into

us having that sponsor back

i that that would do you see what i’m

getting at here like just

just i gotta i gotta get the sponsor

back or i’m gonna lose my job

yes and you already have it in

it’s not even you know it’s not even

guesswork it’s like you already

you’re already familiar uh i and i wanna

i’m pretty hands off you know

you take care of the sponsor stuff i’m

i’ll hang out with

jeff but uh and his lovely wife

uh your ex-fiancee but

you know i don’t want to be more

involved than that you know just social

yeah more involved than

i mean planning their wedding yeah

yeah no more than which is what you


yeah what you had done which everyone

had told me that that would be very

stressful but

i i think it just depends on the color

oh was it easy it was just really easy

to do

well whenever a couple has a strong

enough bond

right it just makes it so easy yeah

like i and i like i don’t even think it

was my

you know my planning skills but like

that they just made it work

so well and they looked so great at the

wedding it was

yeah you can tell when they’re happy it

just makes you happier too with your and

it makes the job easier it’s not even a

job at that point right

that’s absolutely right it was so i mean

you yeah

you saw that picture i know you couldn’t

see from where you were

um laying down after they put me in the

coat closet

after they were done using me as a

footstool yeah yeah

i know you couldn’t see it from there

but like gorgeous wedding

the reception oh yeah it looked

beautiful yeah

oh they allowed you to see pictures they

told me they wouldn’t let you see


uh i it sounded beautiful it just it

sounded really beautiful

yeah through the through the coats and

shoes the cleats that they kept putting

on you

they’re stepping on anyway um

yeah so i guess to answer your question

you know do your job uh find some

sponsors find

let’s find some better guests this next

year maybe

okay and uh we’re gonna find i’ll find

i’m gonna find you

like clinical scientist types and uh

this is i’m gonna i’m gonna guarantee

that by this time next year

on this podcast we will have revealed

the 10 secrets of the medical world


but like also just get the good guests


also you know like

good sponsors that will stay with us and

don’t threaten or hurt them

or you know have well

i mean how else am i gonna get the

secrets out of them if

there’s not gonna be any threatening

going on okay we can talk about all this

yeah we’ll figure this out later i think

we’re about done

okay so anyway um to our listeners happy

new year

and uh hope you um

hope you don’t get cancelled i guess is

that the does that work

don’t get cancelled don’t get pranceled

thank you to our producer cameron

uh my name is dr uh

thank you to

did you do in the house


don’t get canceled



don’t get transferred


see ya



the room is uncomfortably crowded you

murmur apologies as you

shift position slightly but it does

nothing to alleviate your discomfort

and the faces around you almost appear

more stern in response

if that were possible tough crowd

you almost chuckled to yourself before

you regained composure

time passes and you grow increasingly

frustrated with

the claustrophobia so you start to try

to make room by

pushing out from your elbows but as soon

as that pressure releases

the gap is filled once again

that’s it you’ve had enough you push

your way through the throng to the door

bodies shoved aside by the bulk of it

and breathe in a breath of fresh air

one thing is slowly becoming clear your

stuffed animals are becoming more of a

nuisance than a comforting presence at

this point

speaking of a comforting presence don’t

forget to leave a five-star review of

the jock doc podcast

which you share about your unbearably

polite encounters with your stuffed

animal collection

and consider supporting us by becoming a

patron on the jock doc podcast patreon

and while you’re at it go ahead and

share the jock doc podcast with a

friend or foe

you can send them a link to your

favorite episode or just send them our

handy website and don’t forget to

take a peek at our post on social media

we are @jockdocpodcast thanks for

80: Radiation Pneumonitis/Klompy The Elf (feat. Cassie Walker)/CHRISTMAS

Hey kids

you’re about to listen to a comedy


that means that none of this is medical


if you need medical advice or medical

care please contact your doctor

previously on the jock dock podcast

my name is clumpy the elf okay i have


to kind of drop some truth bombs on all

of you guys i don’t know if y’all are


for what i have to say he’s saying to

promised my daddy

a good lie but he was promising my daddy

all this stuff

and then there started to be a little

bit of a change when my daddy was kind


thinking he wasn’t gonna go we started

to feel like

we needed to get on his sleigh and go

with him

or we would regret it we were made to

feel that way

threatened suddenly what did he what did

he do to make you feel that he would

just say things like

hmm it sure would be bad if my reindeer

obliterated this whole village of all

your family

you say things like this is like sorry

oh if you don’t get on my sleigh i would

hate to see

the car now so introducing

your host dr london

smith hello and welcome to the jock doc

podcast where we discuss fitness and

health and how to incorporate our modern

understanding of science and medicine

into our daily lives but without it

being so boring

i’m your host dr

i would like to begin by apologizing to

our listeners

we’ve received some feedback about the

excessive amount of technical medical

terms that i’ve been using

such as acute hemolytic transfusion


and good tidings so i’ll try to temper

my terminology to a simpler one in the


here to help with that is our producer

cameron good

morning dr london

hey i guess good good morning to you is


is that related to the the s’mores

you’re holding well the

the the graham crackers and whatever

that you’re holding right now

no these are unrelated and they’re not

you they are

just graham crackers those aren’t

s’mores yeah i guess

you have to have like two more

ingredients for it to be s’mores yeah i

didn’t see well the trick is

about that people don’t know it can be

any two ingredients

okay the the chocolate the chocolate

marshmallow combination

is is just the most popular that because

i think it was featured in like

star wars or a movie or something like


yeah because so you remember like ewoks

or whatever where like

like roasts and s’mores or whatever but

you could it could be like lasagna

and like uh like any sort of ham

and that one’s a cheat one you always

smoked ham you always say that lasagna

is the cheat

for it because it has so many

ingredients in itself already

yeah you you kind of one-up the classic


yeah i mean because what’s the

difference the that hershey’s chocolate

bar look at the ingredients on that


it’s got sodium big zocate and color

brown color number 14. it has a thousand

different ingredients

so then why not just put like an entire

sandwich let’s say in between those two

graham crackers yeah

and so is that what you’re is that what

you’re making today because you

i see the graham crackers oh no you’re

you’re still wondering about the good

schmorning thing

yes i didn’t know if you had figured

that out from context clues

no that’s just because i’m trying to

start some new jock doc

holiday traditions i uh like saying

good morning at this time of year yeah

like that was one

i’m testing all these out and seeing how

they’re received you know i didn’t grow


with traditions

my dad was always at you know we’ve

talked about this a bit before you know

my dad

worked at the sock factory

for the right sock my mom worked at the

sock factory for the left sock that’s


and christmas day was one of their

busiest days because of how many socks

they had to make

and so yeah yeah and so most of

the day we didn’t do caroling or

you know having a christmas goose or

anything like that

um it was it was mostly just me and my


um sort of dragging a bunch of stuff


because we’re sort of acting out okay i

feel like i thought you were about to

say more there

were acting out no that was it yeah we

just like pushed the couch outside and

stuff like that

so that when our parents got home they

would know we were really really pissed


oh okay it’s just our way of acting out


well i was gonna say you you normally

don’t talk about your siblings

i i don’t like talking about my yeah my

my childhood or my history that much

i’m not big on talking about me you know

i like to keep myself private that’s why

i don’t put a lot of like private

information on the show

yeah try to stay in the background and

not not talk too much on mike you know

and you know this definitely builds up a

reputation of me being sort of like the

quiet guy who sits in the corner

mm-hmm um anyway so yeah

yeah i’m trying to make some new holiday


new christmas traditions and the first

one i’ve got is good

morning um you know it doesn’t mean

anything yet but it could again

i mean if it schmor making about s’mores


i guess fine it’s yeah it’s not like

the season you it’s not this morning

it’s morning i know but it

for whatever reason i made me think of

it uh

maybe if you say it while holding out

a s’more or maybe you can call it a

shmore whenever it’s

outside of the conventional ingredients


okay you don’t seem enthusiastic about

that no that sounds like a terrible idea

but i mean like other traditions we’ve

got we

you have the ax that you’re always

carrying around ready for a tree

or a chair leg yeah

or just a person’s leg that looks like a

chair leg yeah

all for the christmas fire and then we

can make a huge instead of a christmas

tree we have a huge

christmas bonfire but i was going to say

we you know also do caroling but we

don’t do a lot of the traditional carols

we do like uh that cobra starship song

that’s like

i make them good girls go bad that has

leighton meester on it

yeah so that one we do a lot

with the family well no i mean this is

just the new traditions

so for us yeah with the family with us

so that’s one of my new ones um

you know i would say maybe uh instead of

watching like a traditional christmas


one that could be ours could be maybe

one of the faces of death

movies i’m i’m not familiar i feel like

that the title would kind of push me

away from

from that oh yeah it was just a series

of sort of

like snuff type of films that were kind

of fake from like the 70s

okay and so and so you think that you

should i honestly

don’t really know but that’s gonna be

the fun

of it being a tradition but i do know

it’s it supposedly shows a lot of people

dying and like animals dying and stuff

okay yeah so sort of like it’s the end

of the year so like

that’s dying off to birth something new

which is the new year’s baby

is that do you have a new year’s baby or

is that a metaphor no

just like in just like in pop culture

like that’s

like a new year’s baby you know yeah you

always hear people saying

oh here the new year’s it’s almost the

you know it’s almost january time for

that new year’s baby we all

yeah well it’s the depiction of the

previous year as an old man in the next

year as a baby

okay well that’s um anyway so that was

our producer cameron uh

also with us is did you do in the hose





dr london


and later cameron tells me that we have

a special returning guest one that we

haven’t seen

since last year correct that’s right dr


yes let’s just say i brought back one of

the faves

okay that’s all i’m going to say well

like if it especially

say more if it’s from from this specific

time last year

that i’d like i think our listeners

would would know

who it’s going to be yes do you want me

to okay

that it’s so well you think they’re

going to think that it’s

mr soapy again no

all the was mr sophie not a favorite

mr soapy has been very controversial in


jock dock fan community because of the

whole bombing

yeah yeah anyway um yeah not not from

the episode but more

the fallout from the episode

and i don’t want to that those incidents

we don’t need to talk about it and we’re


not allowed to talk about it um

but if you if you want to hear that

episode you knows

uh mr soapy mr drain i think we’re the


anyway before we move on i would like to

address a bit of listener feedback

so i found this note spelled out in

string lights across the roof of a house

when i was driving past so this note

reads quote

can you ask your sister to return my

casserole dish

we are not on speaking terms she knows


i need that dish end quote

so you know first of all to this

listener thank you for reaching out to

us here at the jock talk podcast

um to answer your question uh sure

i guess i guess i could go ahead and

pass on that word to my sister

but i guess my question here would be

why did you communicate this

with the lights on your house rather


texting me or something that’s what

i get to me that’s that’s the odd part

do you think it’s

coveted concerns that’s keeping from

returning the dish

uh it could be i mean i know a lot of

people are having difficulties with

you know people who really um are trying

to be cautious

are you know keeping their distance from


that could harm them or that they could


by transferring anything so yeah and

does the person who has the dish

who has the dish right now is this this

is your

my sister has a dish and has she been

like acting really funny lately

i like acting really sick yeah she

like really yeah like hilarious yeah

she’s been sick like hilarious yeah she

said anything funny yeah

kind of kind of cool kind of oh

yeah she’s been she’s been trying to

stand up i guess

yeah but has she been like vomiting or

no she’d been pale or have a fever

so she doesn’t contact me when she gets

sick that’s a policy of hers

oh okay so and when was the last time

she talked to you well it’s been a few

years now

okay yeah so she’s really sick that’s

why she hasn’t returned

the the casserole dish the dish yeah

okay well then you should really do

something about that as a doctor i feel

like that’s your ethical responsibility

to help out

i just you know i’m so busy and it’s

like if i get a text from her sure then

i’ll try to

whatever but like i’m just pretty busy

that’s true with the holidays and


you’ll never find time to see your

sister yeah not my family

all right uh anyway so to this listener

thank you for listening

now for today’s medical topic radiation


radiation pneumonitis is a condition of


pulmonary inflammation resulting from

radiation exposure

so it occurs in 5 to 15 percent of

patients who undergo thoracic

irradiation for lung cancer

breast cancer lymphoma or thymoma


morbidity and mortality are relate

related to the irradiated lung volume


patient status and concurrent


so basically how am i supposed to come

up with another

pneumonuma thing are you talking about

the last weeks

so on last week’s medical lesson

because i have to be able to like spin

this and put my two cents into the

medical line

though we talked mostly we talked mostly

about the pneumonuma guy

because that’s you’re talking about

pneumonuma disease and if that guy was

born like that or not

pneumonia but i thought i just assumed

we were done with the pneumonuma stuff

so now

now there’s like a whole nother thing so

pneumonitis the itis refers to you know

inflammation that the pneumo refers to

the lungs so this is

radiation induced yeah pneumonumagitis

yes i so just to clarify cameron you

don’t ever

have to feel obligated to jump in on

these medical lessons

i feel like it actually it takes away

from them because the

you know listeners are just trying to

learn medicine for this podcast

listeners are trying to learn whatever i

tell them they’re trying to learn

that’s the power we have we’re in

control so we can

yeah it’s medical because we decided

it’s medical this could be a podcast

about go-karts next week if we wanted to

we’re in control yeah we control our

listeners like the little

puppets that they are yes okay well

you i at least on my end i i want to

just teach medicine if that’s

if that’s all right yeah that’s fine i

don’t care that’s easier for me

i don’t have to do anything yeah yeah so

anyway so in radiation pneumonitis

uh the acute form occurs sick oh like

the pneumonoma guy i dang it

i already did i did all the the

radiation okay go ahead acute form


one to six months uh six months after


the chronic form develops uh one to two

years later and is characterized by

alveolar thickening and pulmonary


patients may present with low grade

fever cough chest fullness

dyspnea and that’s difficulty breathing

and pleuritic chest pain hemoptysis

that’s coughing up blood

and even acute respiratory distress so


well you know who didn’t have difficulty

breathing was the numinoma guy

doing that video for a full it was a

while three and a half

minutes oh i’m not supposed to talk

about the new maneuver guy at all

right because that was from an old

episode look i i don’t

once again i’m just teaching a medical

lesson i don’t know how to

there’s nothing else for me to grab on


you say acute i’ve definitely already

done stuff on that

yeah i so if if my i think like a feud

my object was to have you interrupt me

i’m supposed to spice it up

that’s the whole point of this is

that you present

this boring wikipedia article and then i

come in

and then i i basically shoot a

shotgun of excitement into the

the article you’re reading okay so you

know we’re we’re

kind of we’re pretty close to being down

here so i’m just gonna over

go over imaging so on imaging the chest

x-ray is usually normal

uh ct scan however that would be the

best study

ct and that’s like the cat scan that’s

computed tomography scan

it would likely maybe cameron time oh no

i’ve definitely done cameron

yeah it would likely reveal diffuse


um which is the hallmark of this disease

uh ground glass

density uh apache homogenous

you know consolidation uh hallmark

you know with uh it’s christmas cards


how how come all the christmas cards for

your grandparents are always

those little cartoons now what happened

to one that just the ones that just said

hey grandma

now they’re just always little cartoons

or like little old ladies telling some

joke about drinking wine or whatever

okay now for our listeners this is a

portion of

cameron’s stand-up routine that he’s

been trying to find a way to work into


i’m surprised it hasn’t worked its way

into medical lessons

really thus far oh my stand-ups yeah


well i have a tight five that’s i mean

it’s roughly like 13 minutes long

because it’s different every time yeah

well this one this is part if i’m not

mistaken this is part of your

six hour special it’s part of a special

but which is

itself part of a larger whole which is

sort of a cinematic universe

of my stand-up


so to say it’s a six-hour special well

no it’s really a chapter

in a much larger special of my career

which is 30 some odd years long okay

so in any case we’re you know on imaging

um you know patients can also see uh

there can be patchy homogeneous


plural or pericardial effusions uh

once again the ct scan is excellent for

detecting uh recurrent cancer in the

irradiated area

so ct scan computer tomography is what

you’re going to want to use there

and the treatment of choice for this

would be corticosteroids

so the so uh imagine the

new menuma guy right on steroids

so that’s which okay and and i wasn’t

going to give because i don’t want to

give away your special but that that the

new manuma guy

once again very big part of your stand


oh yeah and he’s in it oh yeah you got

him he comes back

and he does a concert in the special

full concert

which because he’s lip syncing for right

in the video but this time you’ve got

them actually performing

yeah i mean it’s still lip syncing but

it’s just lots of pop stars like lip

sync at their shows but they still


okay yeah yeah all right well

so just the new maneuver guy all right

we can and that’s that takes up like

that’s about an hour and a half of the

yeah what yeah you’re special

all right well um we can move on from

there that’s all right

all right so uh our guest today is

actually a returning guest that goes by

the name of

clumpy the elf and last time she was

here she exposed santa for enslaving and

mistreating the elves

yes it has been a full year so i’m you

know there there was some mention of

starting a revolution

and now we’ve been yeah we need to

check in on this i want to hear some

more about it the thing is we’ve been

we’ve been so caught up

in you know the human rights issues and

here in the states

uh we don’t always keep up with news

from the north pole

so yeah not as much as we should uh

so anyway here is um clumpy

hey nice to have you back hey hey dr


hey cameron good to see y’all hi nice to

see you

hey you seem in a in a chipper mood

oh well how could i not be i mean the

sun is shining the birds are singing uh

and the birds aren’t the only things

that sing and let me tell you

oh what do you mean by that i’m here to

release my single

album is coming out it’s been about

it’s a long it’s been a long journey to

get here

and now’s the time to release it so

okay so is is this is this a

side thing like sort of aside your

your normal elf work but also you know

last time you came on you were sort of

had talking as sort of an activist

mm-hmm is this something you’re still

doing well yeah things have kind of

taken a turn for me

and i’ve kind of gone down a different


so let’s just uh i’m actually just here

to mostly talk about my singles so

let’s just go ahead and queue it up dj

dylan this is the world from yeah i know

for sure i’m excited

yeah i’m excited about it


in this month of december check my list

one two i’m trying to remember

everything you said about me all in the

blogs ain’t really been affecting me

just sipping eggnog like in paparazzi

thinking i got secrets to sell all i

know is my man you’ve been treating me


sanchez got me shining like a diamond

since you got me

listening like a gym all i really need

to know now is

could you ever forgive me on my sins


like a


you already know what’s going down in

the sleigh like


wow brand new

that was new that that sounds a lot

different from what i

remember best friend it is brand new

yeah i meant more like new as in

uh a lot of your what it sounds like

your opinions are

of i guess your situation yourself your

relation to santa

oh yeah things have never been better

for me

honestly yes i and i know you’re you’re

here to promote so

i guess first first you you can tell us


you know what what are you trying to say

with a song

i’m kind of just trying to let my haters


things are good for me i stopped trying


drum up negativity i’m kind of on a

positivity wave

and i’m trying to address the haters and


your haters are your motivators quit

hating on my come up okay yeah

you’re getting a lot of haters these

days it’s just a lot of people like

don’t you remember your uncle jumpy

don’t you remember what happened in the

war don’t you remember who santa really

is i’m like

daddy you’re just hating on my come-up

santa’s not who you guys thought he was

and who i thought he was so most of your

haters are

are relatives is that right yeah they’re

always saying

coffee don’t you remember

can’t you remember everything that he

put us through it hasn’t changed he’s


enslaving us we still don’t get any


and i’m like well he’s no he is


just because he doesn’t seem different

to you doesn’t mean he’s not different

huh he’s strange he’s totally different

to me

just because they choose to stay in that

negative headspace

doesn’t mean that i have to be dragged

down into the bit of hell with

them so i’m just trying to say haters

come on now well it’s not it’s not even


having a positive attitude i mean you

not only has your opinion changed on

santa but now you’re making

songs that are i mean sort of propaganda

for him i feel like that’s a that’s a

huge 180

from last year i wouldn’t say propaganda

at all no

everything that santa’s done for me

i mean i can’t help but shout it from

the rooftops he’s the one paying for my

career for my tour

just to try to get to i guess find out

where your headspace is

and track from from where you were to

where you are now

the last time we spoke to you you wanted


to gather all the people of the world

and weapons and fire and go to siberia

to fight santa in the war in a



wow that’s kind of making me laugh

that was that was the main that was a

big problem in the enslavement

i just remember how nice i used to be

and it just maybe um you know maybe

instead of trying to

ask you maybe we can go through these

lyrics maybe there’ll be some clues

to find out like you know a little bit

of your thought process here

i would like to focus on the music if we


yes yeah yeah yeah this this is like a

like a behind the scenes like a behind

the music type of thing which will be

hopefully a treat for your fans i mean

you’re talking about your haters

i assume you’ve got some fans too right

clumpy pretty much anyone who’s a fan of

santa at this

point is a fan of clumpy wow

okay by dk yeah well it should be an

easy transition then

honestly you should think about maybe

putting your ep

in his bag so that he can kind of hand

it out to

to everyone he gives gifts to come

christmas day

kind of more working with the youtube


that sent their albums directly to the

ipod we’re more on that type of


uh oh okay yeah i guess that’s a little

old school to send them

send them physical eps i mean what would

they play it on

oh yeah devices yeah that’s true so

let’s look at

some of these lyrics that you said so

you said um you know attention all my

haters this month of december that

that makes sense most of us could say

that yes um

you know check your list trying to


uh everything you said about me and all

the blogs

ain’t really affecting me i’m sitting


what were people saying in the blogs

well it’s kind of been like

what what do i do if my daughter’s been


okay so this is your mother your

mother’s blog trying to

gain support i’m just like i don’t

understand why they choose to stay in a

negative headspace

we’ve moved on we have a record deal

we’ve got a

tour around the world with santa i mean

i just i’m ready to leave that in the


just to just to speak to how someone can

stay in a negative headspace

some people uh whenever your world

changes whenever your perspective


sometimes their perspective and their


may remain so unchanged that you know


that their worldview doesn’t have a

reason to switch

like yours that’s how ma’am

yeah well i it sounds like maybe and

it’s just a guess here that maybe your

your circumstances changed

which i think was revealed a little bit

in the lyrics here um

you know it happened in such a way as to

make you

uh maybe no longer enslaved

yeah it sounds like i mean it sounds

like santa signed you to his record

label is that about right

my positive choices changed my


okay so what led to you getting

so santa is funding this tour and this

album and this music you’ve referenced


a number of times so how did that even

come about like how did santa

sign you did you go to him with this

music or did he

i mean how did you get signed he

listened to the last podcast

and he called me and he met with me

he started meeting with me seven days a


which was actually kind of a paradigm

shift for me a little bit because elf

weeks are only

five days and so

first of all when he revealed oh

actually weeks or seven days and you’re

gonna be with me seven days a week

meeting and discussing things

uh you know i kind of started seeing

things a different way

and so okay so so increase exposure to a


culture that you had previously


um whenever you had some sort of

intimate encounter with it uh

it meaning in this case you know as

santa’s in this world

um you know it forces you to have a

change perspective which

you know a lot of people can benefit

from being around people who they

previously thought ill of without really

understanding them so i

you know i do see some validity to that


and he had some wonderful cookies

yeah okay and i would just kind of eat


cookies and kind of you know suddenly i

really started to see everything kind of

differently and

yeah okay that’s just kind of been the

positive way if i’ve been writing ever


and so i’m just kind of letting my

haters know like

bye-bye kind of thing yeah

and you’re haters who are mostly your


but um i wanted to ask a little bit

about i mean

so how are things

for everyone else like your you know

your family seems to be mad about this

how are their conditions and livelihood

are they

also you know living in glamour like

you’re doing right now tour in the world

they still choose to live in a five-day


and in a five-day week mindset yeah

and so that’s because they work five

days a week

are you sure that they are that that’s a

choice for them could they choose not to

work that much or have that mindset

they still need to pay for their

you know living quarters and their

soup yeah whereas you

you you didn’t have to keep paying for

those or

i’m wondering what separates you from

them well it’s

it sounds like santa i mean i think we

can just find this out from

here it says right here

all i know is my man he’d be treating me


santa got me shining like a diamond

santa got me glistening like a gem

all i really need to know now is

could you ever forgive me of my sins

so it sounds like you’ve been hanging

out with santa a lot clumpy

like a lot a lot is there uh

i mean is that is he your man i mean

are you all like are you all together


here’s the thing he’s got a wife right

they’ve been married i mean for

like a thousand years right that’s what

i was about to say so the thing with

santa’s wife is actually

she’s immortal

she she is a mortal

so that means you know she kind of

starts getting older his current wife is


99 years old

oh so there’s been a lot of misses


correct okay so

here’s the thing you know she doesn’t

really know what’s going on anymore

she’s kind of just in her room she’s

kind of just

older yeah so she’s had her declining

cognitive function she probably has

dementia she has no clue what’s


yes that’s that’s so sad to hear

well that’s just kind of something that

you know human women have to sign up for

when they

marry santa and take on the mrs claus

yeah it really should be it more of a

job for an immortal being

i’m thinking so

but well i mean elves if i remember

correctly they

they only live you know 700 years which

isn’t it isn’t a small amount

necessarily but it’s certainly

not immortal either with the current


and the current medical knowledge you’re

working with yes

okay we don’t know what the tech’s going

to be like

700 years from now

um and i can’t get into it too much but

i mean santa’s working with

the highest tier people you could

possibly imagine

he’s santa yes yeah he sounds like he’s

a pretty like

connected guy for sure yeah

which i would expect me on this world


yeah and i mean for him to be able to

even get

a world tour during covid when like

beyonce can’t get one going like no one

can that alone is huge

so i mean he must have paid a pretty

penny for this

he must like really believe in your

message something else that santa’s done

that a lot of people

are not giving him credit for is

santa made the most ventilators

out of any country

on earth whoa so you do have to give

them that

yeah no and i don’t think that that’s

really the issue i guess for me

it’s still you know the uh the war

crimes that you

that you mentioned the last time you

were on the show uh

now i recognize your relationship to

santa has changed

but is the you know

is the genocide still a problem

i know even in your song you mentioned

you know the very creatures that he used

to commit the genocide which was the


that that he brought you rain to your

skin i don’t know if that was a way of

apologizing and saying that he’s done

with that life

um could you shed any light on that what

those lyrics meant

he made me a reindeer skin jacket that i


because i really didn’t like one of the

reindeer i’m being honest with you

who did he who did he make it out of

this isn’t a jock talk exclusive

vixen oh

the bad boy so okay because you

definitely the last time you were on the

podcast you were so afraid

of this these reindeer like you were it

was a

you you were making it sound like being

in their presence would be the most

terrifying thing of your life

and now you’re talking pretty casually

about them

and just saying that like you didn’t

even want them to be

you know gotten rid of or anything it’s

just that you wanted their skin

for a jacket and i’m just i’m just

trying to understand

once again this transition from one way

of thinking to now

i i think can i have i have almost uh a


here if you don’t mind re reading the

lyrics as well

and i i have questions about this

because we need specifics

but it does say we don’t want to skip

over it could you ever forgive me

of my sins i’m so sorry about what i

said baby and about what i did

i can presume the i’m so sorry about

what i said is probably what you said on

this podcast right

which is why he called you and by the

way very excited to have another


so great thank you for introducing it to


but i gotta ask it says cause when i see


from your way baby what does that mean

seeing things his way what is that what

is that

what does that look like it looks like

living in abundance and living in

glamour and

dripping in jewels and getting to go on

expensive trips

to fiji and

those are the types of things that

we like he sees life through

having immense wealth is that

and and going on holiday around the


and just getting things done that need

to be gotten done

i mean you know he’s just he gets things

done that’s all that i can say

really what what does that mean

what kind of stuff is he getting done

whatever he needs to that’s what he gets


i really am not comfortable talking

about all that i really just want to

focus on the

music here yeah so and once again i feel

like we are

very focused on the music uh but

you know given that maybe these lyrics

aren’t comfortable for you

um what are the uh whenever you do this

music whenever you perform

are the proceeds going towards maybe


your family or helping those you know

who are enslaved maybe

helping bring them out of the you know


as you said that headspace uh yeah what

would they need to do

to uh get on your vibe

your positive vibes like what what what

does that mean

in a practical sense they would just

need to start living in abundance and

start uh

living a conquering life and start

you know dripping in jewels and

glistening like jams



courageous thoughts and ideas so

i it sounds like

you your whole perspective now is

defined by

having a lot of money by having means

and it sounds like your problem with

your family is that they have

they do not have means and so they will

not understand

do you think maybe you could share with

them some of this this wealth

uh no because it’s not really my wealth

to give

i can kind of share my way of thinking

and that is positivity and that is

moving forward and that is leaving

you know the ugly and the gross and the


and i can kind of leave you know staring

at the problem all the time i can leave

that in the past

and they can too so you say it’s not

yours to give

but i’m referring specifically to the


the revenue that you generate from your

pop music tour no i don’t

handle the money i kind of let

santa pay and i just kind of let him

move the money around he’s here he’s

your money guy

so i can just focus on the art yeah

so he he does he sort of function as a

guardian of sorts too

like takes care of your money tells you

what you can and cannot do where you can

and cannot go

i wouldn’t word it like that but if

in summon how would you word it me and

say to have to make a lot of agreements

for me to live this a certain way that’s

how i would

put it i mean if you’re in a partnership

yeah that is a very positive way to put

it for sure

which you’re all about that’s what i’m

all about nowadays

so i mean what’s next for your for this


new career she’s gonna be putting out

some more songs

and keep tearing around the world

and we’ll see if we find life on other

planets and might start

touring over there is that something you

you guys are actively

doing or are you talking about in a

hypothetical sense like

if someone discovers that they’re aliens

or is is this

are y’all searching for aliens we have

many partners

elon musk i i don’t i don’t know what

you mean by that i don’t know what we


many partners that are aliens

partner we’re kind of just a part of a


think tank honestly you guys

don’t even need to really know about

that we just need to focus on the music

okay okay well i get that

dasher dancer blitzen cupid

me and santa acting stupid

you already know that clumpy gets her


what is klompy’s west what is clumpy’s


abundance positivity

forward thinking diamonds

jams trips to fiji

trips to the rocky mountains right after


yes for a weekend

okay so gets her way you mean you this

is just the exact same thing that you

you’ve been saying the whole song which

is just get

vacations and jams

and and gems louboutins

and my career okay well

things are going good for clumpy when i


using the power of positive thought yeah

yeah it does sound like your your new

found attitude

and um you know friendship

with uh the old uh man in the north pole

has definitely been with already getting

down in the sleigh

like ho ho but

it’s just friendship yes

that’s what’s going down on the sleigh i

wouldn’t say that

all right well um you know i feel like


you know we went through your song and i

feel like we kind of

got as in depth with the lyrics as we

can but i i mean

i no i i i can’t get over this though dr

london so you’re

you’re with santa but has he stopped

his more violent tendencies from the


have you tried to get him to stop i

haven’t seen that

behavior from him well you you told us

about watching at his command the


you know destroying i think obliterate

was a term you used

uh your all the family that

would not say yes to

leaving the south pole to go to the

north pole you know your uncle

was them not saying yes just a lack of

positivity was that

is that the is that what he was doing

was just trying to eliminate the

negativity i need to get things done and

he moves

forward and he’s moving us to a new


so santa gets things done that’s all

that i need to say

he’s moving wait when you say us are you

talking about

you and the elves or are you talking

about us as like humanity

is is santa taking over the world or


well how many people believe in santa

how many people worship santa

on earth i mean

several seven billion right

well i don’t really have to say much

after that huh

nope maybe maybe stop maybe stop being a


facebook sheeple and maybe start

thinking for yourselves

like the elves i what you mean like the

elves as in just

you or like the elves in your enslave


clumpy do you have a role in the stuff

santa does now

like on the field are you a ranking

military member in

santa’s army now mostly i just like to

stick with the music

and i mostly like to discuss the music

okay i you know cameron i feel like

we’re not gonna get much more out of her

i feel like but it does i just i’m

really worried that i don’t

i don’t want to live in the north pole

and it does sound like

santa’s trying to make the whole world

like a north pole place or something

yeah it does sound like

or is going to kidnap us and take us

there it sounds like anyone who resists

will be made to yeah we’re seen as the

past that they’re looking forward beyond

yeah but you know i look

and i hate to do it but we gotta get

these chores done

oh yeah we got to do the chores

cameron you want to explain the chore

wheel for listeners

yeah yeah sure so for any new listeners

that we might have

we dr lyndon and i have been neglecting

our chores our to-do list

for a really really long time now and

it’s kind of piled up into this huge

list so i created this wheel

this chore wheel that has all everything

that we’ve got to do and

every week we’ve just spinning it and

then whatever it lands on we have to do

even if we don’t want to do it and so


will you uh will you help us out with

today’s chore whatever it is

sure okay and uh do you wanna

you wanna actually give it a give it an

old spin

all right oh not this one but i

like at the same time i know that

this is probably the time to do it

yeah and considering we put this on here

last year we’re also

sort of having to make up for not doing

this last year

okay so yeah for our listeners um

we we have some last minute christmas

shopping to do that’s that that’s the


we all have inclu including klompy

we all have because clumpy was with us

last year when we put this chore

on our list that’s right we all have

relatives that look i’m gonna be honest

i forget about

i’m not gonna think about every single

relative every single holiday

i’m busy i have a lot of things to feed

yeah yeah and and they’ll they’ll rise

up if you don’t

yeah they get pissed but

and organized so we’ve gotta but we

gotta get gifts so

um i figured we can probably help

each other pick some gifts

so i mean dr linda who do you gotta who

do you gotta get a gift for

well it’s i mean i guess it’s kind of a

normal thing but like

so for me the one that i forgot and

i’m sure she’ll remember that i forgot

but um

it’s my my great aunt uh listeria mania

so my greatest listen yeah she uh

she always wants a very specific gift it

has to be

has to be made of you know like a

porcelain thing

it has to be that uh

and beyond that i really don’t i know

that she loves pepper spray

she loves pepper spray so

she likes using it on people or she just


i think the idea of it uh well i know

she puts it on her food

and oh okay so it’s like a flavoring

well it’s that

but also like she has posters

like all the like you know some some um

beverages will advertise all over you


all their posters for their brands she

has that but for pepper spray brands

all over or like like people might have

in their homes like a really old beer ad

or like an old cigarette ad from like

the 30s or something that’s kind of

cool you’re saying she has pepper spray

pepper spray ads

everywhere and so like it’s

it’s honestly one of those things where

if you don’t get her a pepper spray


porcelain thing and you can’t get her

the same thing someone else got

uh she’ll she’ll mark you down and the

thing is there’s an inheritance there

so you really can’t pull it off you’re

kind of dependent

on i mean i’m not dependent but like i

it’d be nice well you’d be stupid not to

to maybe you’d get to travel the world

with uh santa and coffee

a little bit help them on their

initiatives yeah well i don’t know if

if our you know missions would cross

over but

anyway so clompy i don’t know if you can

help me with this either because i know

you have some experience in

gift uh construction and

you know finding well i guess i can kind

of just cheat because i

do have access to santa’s laptop i can

just look it up and see what she

actually does want

oh okay yeah yeah if you could do that

that would make it easy

i mean i assume okay it looks like what

was her name again

uh my great aunt listeria


she wants the porcelain pepper spray



i mean that is that’s pretty close to

what i was going to suggest

in the first place you were before i

started describing what you would want

no before clompy looked it up okay

i was good because you have i was going

to say a pepper spray shower from a


shower head yeah so it’s just the


direction yeah okay well uh all right

well thank you clappy i guess i’ll go

ahead and yeah look that up

all right and um uh clumpy do you want

to go next

i can’t figure out what to get my


mom okay is is your boyfriend’s mom

still alive the thing with her is that

she’s immortal oh right

so she has everything and she also has

transcended out of her physical self and

is now

kind of more of a light being those are

tough to show

it’s hard to figure out so probably not


right i think it would just burn jewelry

i thought about a shade of lipstick but

people are so particular about that yeah

she wouldn’t even like it

what about what about a like a a prism

i know light can travel through prisms

that’s an interesting take

yeah because well i if she likes to

travel then

than that i mean that also could hurt


i i don’t i i don’t interact with

beings of immortal beings of light as

often as you might

you have to yeah you have to

what does can i ask real quick what does

she do for fun

exists i can’t okay i think the prism

might actually be a good idea though


okay so that that’d be my recommendation

is uh you know prism it maybe make it


make it a holiday prism like a santa


poinsettia prism

well i was just saying like maybe like

santa could be on it which

for her would sort of function as like

uh like a

framed picture because it would be

for her son yeah does that does that

seem adequate glumpy that seem like

it’ll work

sure uh cameron what what’s yours

um so i have to get a gift

for my dog sitters

dog sitter yeah because i didn’t get him

anything at all last year

or the year before or the year i’ve

forgotten for a number of years

and it’s kind of making it awkward i’ve

had to avoid parties and all this kind

of stuff

yeah i i cannot imagine being in your


yeah so i mean the only things i really

know about him

are that he’s 11 feet tall

mm-hmm and

he’s worth 74 billion dollars

11 feet tall 7 million dollars does he

like dogs

would be my a big question from me

no i i think he hates dogs okay

so we can roll that like my dog sitter

uses him but he

he tells me to not use him okay he’s


i wouldn’t use him man like i do

but you gotta you gotta use me still

so it does make it sound like maybe he

kind of hates dogs yeah

okay so i probably avoid getting

something dog related

um yeah but for an 11 foot tall which

the opposite of get

dog related would be to get something

cat related maybe

i mean i i don’t know that’s necessarily

the opposite

it’s just but yeah usually someone’s

gonna be either dog or cat person

or no animal person

uh but seven feet tall and seven billion

dollars it sounds like

eleven feet tall sorry and seventy

seventy four billion seventy four

billion okay i’m sorry i

i definitely missed that so

with someone who has such immense wealth

and height it’s so hard to buy for

well i would i would think that um you

have to get something that’s more


more aimed at what you know about the

person so like more like a creative

guest yes

rather than than a store bought

well i do have a a

picture of him i’ve only met this guy i

mean like

like like two times like seven years ago

yeah so i’ve got a picture of him

but not like of us together it’s sort of

i had to it’s sort of he’s in the

background of another picture well it’s

just his legs right of our mutual


it’s just his legs and his torso and i

sort of have to crop them out of it

so it really just it looks like a zoomed

in pair of legs is what it essentially

okay now that’s something to work with

though okay

so clumpy do you have any ideas first

thing that was coming to my mind is you

could use the picture as kind of a

template to make

to sew him a pair of hand-tailored pants

i’m sure as an 11-foot man it’s very

difficult to find

pants the length that he needs them and

like we were saying earlier he has

everything so it seems like

you putting in the effort to learn how

to sew learn about fabrics you know

it’ll take you a couple of

years to become a master seams uh seems


so the pants of an 11 foot tall man

that’s just the immediate first thing

that came to mind oh this is really good


so so we’re gonna use both things here

the picture

and making the pants i’m gonna spend the


11 years of my life training to be a


seamstress and i’m gonna make him

probably the most comfortable

pair of pants that has ever existed yes

and you could probably even grow

the cotton i’m gonna harvest the cotton

myself you have time then what we’re

gonna do

is you know when people like recreate

old pictures that they took like it’ll

be a picture of like

from it’ll be them as a kid with a puppy

and then they recreate it like

years later with them as an adult with

the dog

we can sort of do the same thing yeah

where i recreate this picture that i had

to zoom in on

and it’s just a picture of his legs but

with the new

pants that i just made for him yeah that

sounds like it would really

uh really be something because yeah

people love those recreated pictures i

love it i do

love that and that’s giving him the gift


you know joining in on a viral sensation


oh it’ll it’ll be huge on reddit

assuming reddit is still aware

in 11 years and 11 years yeah in 2031.

yeah well that that sounds fan i don’t

honestly my my idea feels so

short-sighted at this point too

i no both of y’all contributed yeah

everyone helped this was great all right

so um

i guess so so i guess that’s all of our

chores done for today

well all of our tour uh all right so i

guess i’ll um

yeah i’ll just pull back uh because i to


put the this chore wheel back today we

have to wind this

up okay and stretch this back

you gotta you need help with pushing the

thing well

well honestly it’s more that so i got

the hedge clippers here and i’ve just


i’m gonna just yep okay ow yep

and it’s done it’s done it’s done okay

so uh

that’s the a little bit but okay that’s


drawer wheel all right so um i feel like

that’s a good time to kind of bring this


a close uh we’ve we’ve learned a lot


you know clumpy’s new headspace

and her single uh all right so thank you

clompy for being on the show

okay well bye okay uh also thank you to

cameron thank you to digital in the


listeners are trying to learn whatever i

tell them they’re trying to learn

that’s the power we have we’re


we control our listeners like the little

puppets that they are



my name is dr and this

has been

the jock doc podcast see ya






your shopping bags bulge outward from

the pressure of their contents

you do not regret your purchases though

sure the guy in the alley seemed

kind of shady but he promised you the

good stuff

you walk along coily secretly proud of

the adoring glances from the people in

the street

adoring and well let’s face it jealous

yes these are some fine shopping bags

the best you can get in these parts the

hooded man

said the only catch he added

is that they would be filled with

something odd at first

but as long as you drop the packages off

at the locations he wrote on a small

wadded up piece of paper

these bags were free for a moment you

became worried

at the red liquid that was currently

oozing out

but then you remembered what the man had

said red

ooze comes out of all fancy shopping


hadn’t you noticed you hadn’t but you

also did not want to embarrass yourself

in front of the kind stranger

so you nodded along now as you

drop off the package at various

dumpsters throughout the city

you can’t help but feel proud of

yourself for rising up out of mediocrity

like this

wow fancy shopping bags

speaking of rising up out of mediocrity

don’t forget to leave a 5 star review of

the jock talk podcast

in which you share about the times when

you have unknowingly transferred

packages of severed parts throughout the


and consider supporting us by becoming a

patron on the jock doc podcast patreon

and while you’re at it go ahead and

share the jock talk podcast with a

friend or foe

you can send them a link to your

favorite episode or just send them our

handy website we are @jockdocpodcast

thanks for listening

79: Cryptogenic Organizing Pneumonitis/First Airman Lloyd Kapicky (feat. Ezra Parter)

Hey kids you are about to listen to a

comedy podcast

that means that none of this is medical

advice if you need

medical advice or medical care please

contact your doctor

welcome to the jingle jock doc podcast

featuring dr london smith

tis the season to be freezing i hope you

and your family are not

wheezin from the coronavirus

introducing your host dr

london smith hello

and welcome to the jock doc podcast

where we discuss fitness and health

and how to incorporate our modern

understanding of science and medicine

into our daily lives but without it

being so boring

i’m your host dr

i’d like to begin by apologizing to our


we’ve received some feedback about the

excessive amount of technical medical

terms that i’ve been using

such as coagulase negative staphylococci


evening gown so i will try to temper my

terminology to a simpler one in the


here to help with that is our producer

cameron yes wow cameron i see you’ve uh

you’re all dressed up kind of in

christmas cheer that’s right dr london


this is sort of my holiday

job i would say is making sure

everything that’s dreary is transformed

into cheery

yeah well okay i guess i mean whenever i

say you’re all dressed up it’s really

it’s the antler the the reindeer

you know antler things you’re wearing

there oh yeah i’ve been going around

antlering everything including my own


i’ve been running by neighbors or

friends coaches or bankers

and i i just kind of i go

i anyone i think needs to go from drear

to cheer

i’ve got these these little antlers and

they little jingly balls on them and i


okay that sounds violent so these are

just violent it’s christmas

that’s just a little the little headband

antlers is that right

yeah just like the headband antlers but

i just come by really quick and i go

whoa yeah so

pop them on and then i’m off so fast

so so you’re just running in and because

i would think that like it’s if you’re

giving it to someone you

run up you know put it on their head and


kind of say like oh hey and like maybe

ask if they want that

no no i mean if they’re confused by

what’s going on and they want to ask

questions they can just

chase me down because i’m i mean i’m

going by

super fast so they just got to start

running and be like hey i’ve got a few

questions about what just happened

okay and has that happened before and so

then i’m i’m at the pharmacy

and i’m i’m i’m sitting in the cabinets

in the pharmacy waiting for someone to

restock in there

and then i go wow antlered

you antler them okay and i want to

encourage all of our

listeners to antler all of your

friends and your classmates and your


and your students and everyone you

possibly can

like so like if you see someone who’s

frowning and

like looking kind of down in the dumps

those are the ones that

you do you think that the christmas

cheer is

is contained within the deer antlers is


the whole thing the reindeer antlers the

deer antlers sort of counteract the

negative energy

of a lack of christmas cheer and the way

you would tell if they have a lack is

like if they’re not

smiling or being cheery yes well we have

like a reader

we have like an emf like an emf

reader like for that’s for ghost hunting

and so we go in and then we like measure

like if it’s cold in there oh a

thermometer like we’ll go into an office

yeah like we’ll go into an office or

like a bank

or like my mom’s farm

we’ll go we’ll go there and we’ll check

the temperature and we’ve got the emf

reader we’ll take a lot of pictures and

if there are orbs floating around

in the pictures then that indicates to

me that there’s a lack of christmas


going on there and it’s cold and dreary

and we need to

uh liven things up and the cheapest way

to do that is

is antler these antlers so you know that

during winter

generally it’s going to be more likely

to be colder

right that’s just the seasons so the


i assume it’s yeah and that’s also


is when christmas time is and that’s


christmas negativity and a lack of

christmas spirit

has its strongest most negative impact

okay and you can tell from the

thermometer it gets colder and colder

with each passing day

yeah and so i guess so you you think

and there’s so many orbs

once again that sounds that sounds very

much like a specific to ghost hunting

like that’s a very

the orb thing well we’re hunting the

ghost of lack of ghosts

and if you think about it who are

the three most famous ghosts alive

uh well guess i guess casper

would be the most well i mean

the yeah but like not them not casper

not casper then i guess

like the the three stooges is the next

one that comes to mind like i

i don’t think the three stooges aren’t

ghosts they’re just guys

well the i mean at this point i don’t

know if they i think that

like curly and like i feel like they

they aren’t

alive anymore like they’re ghosts at

this point right no

i haven’t heard anything about this

you’re talking about will sasso

yes no i and the silicon valley guy

yes and sean hayes yes no

okay so you’re telling me i i was

they’re gone i was referring to the

like the original anyway we can move on


the three most important ghosts of all


are the ghosts of christmas present

the ghost of christmas future and the

ghost of christmas

fast go see christmas fast

yeah that’s the ghost that is always


oh the holidays just come and go so fast

yeah okay oh haven’t the holidays oh it

i can’t believe it’s already over it

just feels like it came and went okay so

whenever you said the ghost of chris is

fast i thought you might have been

referring to

you know what you’re trying to emulate

with your fast running with the

with the reindeer antlers things no i

jus i just don’t know any other way

if i’m moving and i’m trying to reindeer

antler people

i’m going fast as hell man

i don’t know how to do that without

being at top speed baby

how many of those are you giving out a

day because that sounds for one thing

even though you say it’s more cost

effective for

for the the purpose you’re trying to you

know accomplish

but like how many of those are you doing

a day you’re doing you know you’re

pranking a few friends with it

oh i’m doing i’m just doing like one

session of the day which is

there’s about a hundred different

antlerings around town and neighboring


and so are you running and you’re

measuring temperature and you’re

measuring electromagnetism uh-huh

determining lack of christmas spirit

and taking pictures checking for orbs

and this is all while you’re sprinting

yeah okay i have like a i have like a


like a microsoft surface so it can be a

tablet or

a laptop and so it works perfectly on my

skateboarder scooter is that is that an

advertisement is that a sponsor

or is that just no no just practical

just a practical

uh computer okay yeah well

great but hey i i’d like to say i would

not mind having them as a sponsor

um anyway so so that’s our producer


uh bringing the christmas cheer every

day of the year near christmas

uh also with us is did you do in the



think about it who are the three

most famous ghosts alive the three most


ghosts of all time are the ghosts of

christmas present ghost of christmas


and the ghost of christmas fast

that’s the ghost that is always like oh

the holidays just come and go so fast oh

haven’t the holidays oh it i can’t

believe it’s already over it just feels

like it came

oh haven’t the holidays oh it’s i can’t

believe it’s already over it just feels

like it came and went


and uh later cameron tells me that we

can expect a special guest who’s been

making some headlines

that’s right dr london yeah so look

forward to that

uh but before we move on i would like to

address a bit of listener feedback

so when i choked on food the other day a

kind stranger performed the heimlich

maneuver on me

and i coughed up the food onto the


and it spelled out what i understand to

be a message from a listener

the note reads quote please don’t

say such mean things

the grandkids might be

seeing this end quote

so first of all are you okay dr london

are you okay or were those

were there were there like periods in

between each word or dashes or something

or were you choking on something

no there are periods in between each of

those words that’s

do you need me to give you the heimlich

maneuvering no

no i like my throat’s clear i’m i’m fine

let me do it just in case i feel like

that would be safer no

i so okay you’re oh [ __ ] okay

so you’re used to to going for the head

and so you went straight for my neck

though yeah

and let me look at you while i’m here

okay and then okay well that

that was below the belt

okay i’m not about you guys

and what’s on what’s on your head now

that’s some reindeer antlers

yeah that’s right okay um

so so for this listener uh to answer

your question

uh i apologize you know plain and simple

uh we we really maybe have said some

mean things and the grandkids really

might be seeing this

so cameron and i would both like to make

some public apologies and i think that

maybe now is a

is as good a time as any so yeah

i think that’s very brave of me and you

so yeah

um let’s let’s go and make things right

i’ll go first

if you don’t mind i would like to


sincerely for my tick tock video

at dr london smith in which i tried to

portray how clowns behave in the wild

i recognize now that that was a form of

cultural appropriation

and i will endeavor to better myself and

my understanding of foreign cultures in

the future

cameron do you have any um you know any

issues where you may have

been inappropriate yeah no i yeah i

definitely uh need to apologize for

for something um so look i want to say

from the bottom of my heart

and i genuinely do mean this

i did not think that that rowboat would


and i did not think that she would do


that and i mean that and you’re

referring to okay

um and it’s not my fault

because she decided there were to shoot

fireworks off from the rowboat

yes was it her fault that

she like i guess it wasn’t your fault

that she couldn’t swim

very well well

it’s not she’s she eventually got too

short it just took like a long time

and yeah i just immediately went back to

shore and i could have

i probably could have picked her out

yeah like that’s that’s

but again it’s not my fault but i did

not know

that that boat was gonna sink so and


i did not know that that

hang glider was going to be able unable

to hold two people

yeah yeah and so that that really did

become problematic and i did not

mean to do that to her

to to the mother and to the mom and she

didn’t deserve that

and what about the your

your partner on the hang glider

the way my the partner fell upside down

and i just

dragged the partner by its face for the

rest of the wood

pants them from from up above

um yeah yeah it didn’t seem appropriate

to me almost like a reverse

almost like a reverse panting

and i’m sorry for

because we were too heavy for the hang

glider landing in those

i thought it would be funny to try to

land in a couple of watermelons

at a party that was going on sort of as

a fun prank and

zipping by maybe antler a few people on


and instead of landing in watermelons i


landed right into the mother’s eye

yeah right in our eye sockets and that

of course led to

your um well for one thing that that


inability to blind blindness that the

mother was rendered blind and um

well it’s really just color blindness

because she can’t see any color


yeah because you uh yeah you took out

so i think just calling it blindness

isn’t isn’t fair

it’s really colorblindness yes i guess

what’s confusing

is the because you still got

a hunk of eyeball stuck to each of your


which you later tried to turn into a

marketable product

i just think that if we have the

technology and the science

to regrow eyes

then that would sort of don’t right we

do not have that i could sort of take


my apology that i just made a second ago


but because that that’s that seems like


step aside kind of hypothetical because

obviously that technology does not exist

to my knowledge

it doesn’t exist because i tried

i the people at the patent office

had gotten wind of it and they


banned me from filing a patent

they had gotten too many feared

completely socks made of eyeball tissue

that was what was preemptively denied

but they have they had gotten

a lot of complaints about previous

patents about their lack of safety from


specifically um yeah and usually like

the loudness of volume

and so they just they just out they just

went ahead and they called me up

they said hey we heard through the

grapevine that you’re working on

something i’m just gonna tell you right

now it’s not

just really you should stop and so

that’s why we don’t have that technology


yeah the amount of unethical emotion so


just like the one before that’s not my

fault because that’s not my fault that’s


has i gotten where i wanted to go even

apologizing i think is wrong

like it’s not it’s definitely not my

fault that she doesn’t have an eye

it’s it’s these regulations see in this

i feel like whenever we both make formal

apologies on

the podcast and then you say it’s not my


at the end of the apology it it takes

away some of the force of the apology

does that make sense

well because a lot most of the time

while during the apology i realized

that i didn’t do anything wrong nope so

what else am i gonna say i’m not gonna

lie this isn’t the liars show

the liar doc podcast even though that’s

what you do most of the time

yeah okay well we we can anyway yeah to

the mom

you’ll get an eye one day hopefully and

if you don’t

it’s not my fault so and even if you do

it it will be made

to be a saw well at this point i think

if she gets an i like a replacement eye

she should just go ahead and get two

because she sort of owes me the second


i feel like we should move on like this

is this is how

to get cancelled is what i’m thinking

whenever you try to apologize and then

you say that the person who

you rendered to to some degree of


you say that they owe you yeah

colorblindness because she can’t

see any color whatsoever it’s just pure


yeah okay so it’s just ultimate

colorblindness people keep saying oh

she’s blind

it’s just an extreme form of


okay well let’s go ahead and move on

from there i really want to step away


from that but i still apologize for mine

that’s fine my clown portrayal

yeah um but now for today’s medical


cryptogenic organizing pneumonitis

cryptogenic organizing pneumonitis is an

inflammatory lung disease

with similar clinical and radiographic

features to

infectious pneumonia it is associated

with many entities

such as viral infections medications

and connective tissue disease but most

cases well in the

that’s why the i mean that’s why the

pneumonuma guy is the way he is

because of the connectivity because he

went viral

okay no you see a friend of the song

that was famous

yeah you know the new do you remember

the numa numa guy yeah

yeah the my uh it was like it was like a

viral video

like 20 years ago and then there was

in that ti song um yeah

so this is um that’s you’re saying this

is what he had

like he was born like that it wasn’t

just like it learned well what i was

just about to say is that

most cases of cryptogenic organizations

born being like a little pneumonia

is uh they’re idiopathic meaning that we

do not know the cause


oh so it’s sort of unknown why the

numenuma guy

became the way he is that’s just one of

those unknown mysteries of

is that it love quantum physics quantum

science well

i don’t i don’t know that this

specifically explains

why that viral video was what it was

but um oh wait i go

because there’s no way to know like you

said so

so in cryptogenic organizing pneumonitis


and the pneumonitis refers to itis

that’s inflammation and

pneumo that’s the uh that’s the lungs

that’s breathing and the pneumonuma guy

yeah okay so so disease onset

is typically in the fifth or six decades

of life

most patients are symptomatic for less

than two months and have a clinical


that mimics community acquired pneumonia

so this means that patients may present

with cough dyspnea that’s difficulty


they have flu-like symptoms and on


it may show multiple ground glass or

consolidative opacities

along with a restrictive pattern on

pulmonary function tests

and you don’t know sometimes and this is

something that i think

we as americans especially struggle with


not recognizing the issues that other

people are dealing with because like i

had no idea that the pneumonoma guy was

dealing with all of this stuff

and that’s why he became the way he is

i just thought he was like a weird funny

guy from the internet

like i i had no idea that he had would

you say like shortness of breath

yeah i mean you said he can’t within the

content the way the dances is funny you

said something about

dancing funny um

i you know i’m not sure what you’re

referring there but um

he may have been short of breath in the

video because he was dancing a lot and

that can

yeah that exercise can you know cause an

increase in oxygen because he has


disease i just thought it was because

they were like kind of saying

pneumonia in the song i didn’t realize

it was he was called the pneumonoma guy

because of

the disease yeah i don’t think i don’t

think that there’s

that specific connection but i’m not

sure i don’t know his medical history


so anyway so frequently uh flexible

bronchoscopy is performed to obtain a

bronchial viola lavage samples to

evaluate for infection hemorrhage and


during this procedure a trans-bronchial

biopsy is sometimes performed for

further evaluation of lung tissue

however a surgical he had that he got


that surgery no so that’s actually


just a taking a uh flexible bronchoscopy

that’s just taking a look down

you know into the lungs with a little

biopsy but

but um a surgical lung biopsy is

generally preferred

over a trans-bronchial biopsy to make a

definitive diagnosis of cryptogenic

organizing pneumonitis

and that will reveal excessive

proliferation or

plugs of granulation tissue within

alveolar ducts and alveoli

and that’s with associated chronic

inflammation in the surrounding alveoli

so when i imagine there’s also


because he he doesn’t look like he

usually moves around that much

as much as he’s moving around in the

video and so i imagine

a lot of his muscles are gonna feel like

there’s some inflammation going on

and for that i would just suggest maybe

taking a few advil ibuprofen

is you know the generic name okay

i mean mate maybe i’m not sure once

again i don’t know his medical history

even you said that this disease is a

mystery you don’t know where it can come


a lot of cases are idiopathic meaning


you know you can it’s impossible to know

because it’s a mystery because the

science hasn’t caught up yet

i so so in these patients spontaneous

recovery may occur

but so you’re sort of like a sherlock

holmes type

guy yes yeah yeah in a way i

you know uh i do i do find that i relate


sherlock holmes in some way you know

we’re solving medical mysteries we

we take whatever clues uh and then based

on our knowledge of medicine

we discern yeah you’re solving mysteries

you’re riding around in a van with a dog

just like sherlock holmes

i uh i feel like you’re mixing

some some shows and movies so

so i i think what you’re referring to is

scooby-doo sherlock you and

you and the nurses which are your watson

okay and

your watson was a doctor pas

your physician’s assistants who is your

morty arties

because they’re your greatest enemy well

that and y’all are riding around in the

van and you’ve got a dog who is the

hound of the baskerville

who’s in there and you’re feeding them

pound of baskerville snacks

and y’all are all getting wicked stoned

and you’re going mostly to abandon theme


to find out why um like the ghost of a


is haunting it and it ends up being

the like the former owner

mostly yeah i uh so i

and that’s what medicine is



i feel like you’re really mixing up you

just took the name sherlock

and watson and moriarty like those are

those are

names and then you put them into the

scooby-doo universe

uh and i it seems like a big jump but uh

in any case so spontaneous recovery as i

said it may occur but coordinated

steroids are used commonly and over 60

percent of patients recover

relapse may occur after a cessation of

those steroids though

and then your nephew comes and his name


um scrappy holmes and he’s kind of


some people like him some people don’t i

um because he’s kind of obnoxious yeah

i’m i’m not

i guess i can go on the record here i i

am actually not a fan of

scrappy scrappy homes scrappy homes

yeah uh well anyway that’s so that’s

that’s the medical lesson we can

go ahead and you know move on to this

guest sure


all right uh cameron said that we hit a

special guest that he’s

someone who’s actually been making

headlines is that right that’s right dr


i am gonna go ahead and say and dr

london you’ve been getting mad at me

in the last few weeks for referring to

every single guest we have as

the most special guest that we’ve ever

had yeah i mean not

not so mad but you know just

it doesn’t make that much sense to me so

i’m just gonna i’m not even gonna say


no one’s special anymore that’s out the

window this

is by far the most important guest that

has ever been

on a weekly podcast wow

okay so that’s the only reason i specify


is because obama was on marc maron once

but that’s

bi-weekly so that’s monday and thursday

so on a weekly podcast we have that

locked down

though okay so it’s us versus a

former president yeah okay

um well hello to our guest my name is dr

and this is our producer cameron uh what

was your name well hi there guys i’m

first airman lloyd kapiki lloyd kapiki

you call me lloyd

or first airman or mr picky whatever you

prefer can i call you lk

yep that’s totally fine okay that’ll do

it like i always say

as long as somebody is trying to talk to

me i feel better

yes oh wow so that’s something you say

to yourself a lot

it’s yeah it is you know sometimes up

here in the sky

you’re all alone i should probably tell

you what why i have the title first


it’s something i gave to myself once i

got into the sky

yeah you must be a pilot right not


were you in the military or anything

like that i

no i was rejected from the military once

and did not try again

uh they said you don’t have the


yeah i would i same same story really is

that right

yeah no i see what i think it was

because i i was too

fast that makes sense yeah they want to

have a monotone speed to all their


yeah they want to be able to track how

fast you’re going with those

mile per hour guns but i would i think i

would mind i was breaking it because of


sort of top speed no one told me that

but that’s the best i can assume

nothing else made sense the stuff they

told me didn’t make sense i’m sorry i’m

making this all about me

i i apologize that’s totally okay i’m

interested in you as well

i want to hear from you so you’re not a

you’re not a pilot

and you weren’t in the military so where

does the the first airman

what come from well you know i am the

first airman of my

own personal uh uh service for letting

folks know

uh all about the traffic in los angeles

i am the first airman

of lloyd kapiki’s traffic service uh i

go up in the sky on my

pack and i report on the traffic all

around the city so people know

oh where to go where not to go but the

trick is i’m only doing it to help my

wife get home faster

fix up that commute oh okay wait you

have a

jet pack jetpack’s the the kind of the

big thing i’m hearing too

oh interesting yeah yes i do have a jet

pack uh i

you may have seen some stories out of

los angeles a couple of months back

about a a guy and a jet pack getting

caught over lax that was

i didn’t want to go to lax because they

always catch me but i did have to


you know she had to drop something off

of the airport on her way home so i had

to make sure that she could get home

quickly and

avoid any police and such so yeah okay

so the

i i do remember those reports but you’re

telling me that the only reason you’re

even doing that flying around everywhere

is just be able to like help your wife’s


that’s exactly right yeah see i wanted

to i’ve always wanted to be

a news traffic reporter that’s been my

dream since i was a little kid and i

first saw somebody up in a helicopter

reporting on the traffic and then you

know i tried but was that something that

you were

was that something you were rejected

from and you never tried again

exactly exactly i was rejected once and

i thought well i can’t do that but i

could make my own way and my wife you


she really appreciated the idea that i

would help her with

traffic and easing her commute so she


finance building a jet pack we spent a

lot of time working on it

uh and now i have one and i can help her

get home quicker wow and one more

really important question and don’t lie

to me here sir

okay what was your wife dropping off at

the airport i’ve never dropped something

off at the airport in my life i’ve

dropped people off

but i’ve never been like oh i gotta

swing by the airport to drop off like a


yeah you know she told me i should never

ask too many questions about her work

but she did have to

drive into one of the back hangers pick

something out of her

trunk that looked roughly like a rolled

up carpet dump it in the water by the

by the docks and then get back in the

car and get out of there quickly so

i don’t know exactly what it was but uh

but that it sure was interesting

yeah i i guess interesting is the word

for it

yeah you know i found that a lot of the

work that i do is about getting her home

as fast as possible

um so that we can spend a lot of time

together but then when we do get home

she often has phone calls she has to


and uh we don’t get to spend as much

time together as i would as i would have

hoped but we do see each other every

night which is

you know that’s important in a marriage

if you ask me yeah i mean it sounds like

you guys spend a lot of time with each

other but also

you know your wife is unwilling to tell

you her business like what she’s doing

but she’s fine with you sort of spying

on her everywhere she goes right

well she hey liz she’s very open with me

about her job title and that is she is

the director of waste management for the

city of los angeles

but she just told me not to ask too many

questions about the details because it’s

mostly trash related and that’s not

interesting to anyone anyway

oh okay she she told you to not ask the

details because it’s too

boring exactly i mean who needs to know

what who’s

whose carpet that was you know it’s just

trash it’s got to go in the

landfill or sometimes in the water and

i’m always telling my friends

preemptively hey never ask about this

one thing because the details of it are

so boring you wouldn’t even

want to know exactly i tell my

friends that all the time and they’re

like no your job is flying around in the

sky that’s very interesting

uh and so i do tell them the details

because they’re right it’s fun

it’s great up here i got to tell you

guys you’re flying

right now right now you’re in the air

yeah absolutely uh-huh i’m always in the

air these days

i try not to land except at night to see

my wife yeah

so so what um and you got to refuel

so i’m just surprised that you know that

you have a jet pack considering that


such a novelty that so many people you

know have

kind of dreamed of i know for you that

wasn’t your dream

but for a lot of people you know jetpack

kind of would be their dream

so uh have you thought about

i don’t know have you tried sharing this

technology with with

others who you know might want to

develop it into mass production

anything like that absolutely i have

yeah i sent the blueprints to elon musk

and i said musky let’s make a deal you


uh he didn’t appreciate the nickname i i

was way too

i was way too bold and just going with a

nickname i didn’t even know if he had or


and he said that they were working on

something of their own they didn’t need

my help and they had no interest in

working with me so i kind of

after trying once i gave up you know

yeah we you you can’t trust musk to get

stuff done we’ve talked about that a bit

on this show

we actually had to design the cyber

truck for

him a few weeks ago wow because he told


he had it done and he didn’t he forgot

about musky

and just to be clear i don’t know him

and i can’t call him that

nope yeah he called us up and was like


and so we had to take care of it so

don’t trust that guy the fact that you


yourself a working jetpack isn’t

is pretty incredible thanks yeah i

appreciate it you know it’s it’s


the more funds you have to work with the

more successful you can be in any kind

of technological enterprise that’s what

i always

uh think to myself sometimes yeah

and what so where did you get all of

these or

or how much should it cost i guess

that’s an interesting question i haven’t

asked my wife the details

uh you know she donna is a very uh

uh a very loving woman but not very

forthcoming with details as we’ve said


you know i didn’t say like how much did

this cost how much did that cost but

uh between the two of us we did a lot of

work in the shed uh and

we got it working a couple of first

prototypes did burn my whole butt off

but then

after that you know we managed to get

the angle

on the jetpack thrusters correct so it

wasn’t pointing straight down at where

my butt is and just a little bit out

and that was a lot safer and and more


so do you do you wear a you know a

butt prosthetic now or

that’s actually why i wanted to talk to

you doctor because i was curious

what you thought uh uh you know my

options might be

for as someone with a very burned butt

how can i sit comfortably

yeah that well i guess okay so first


um how long ago did this happen how long

ago was your

your buttocks burned off yeah so

the initial butt burnings began in

around i would say april of 2020

and then uh up through june they were

pretty repetitive

incidents where i did burn my whole butt

off but then in july we figured out how

to angle the thrusters correctly so

since then i haven’t had any fresh burns

but they are still painful

right because you’ve got you’ve got like

four months of

butt burn built up that’s right yeah my

whole butt’s covered in trouble i

imagine that must

yeah that must hurt and i mean honestly

it seems like a

sort of a compliment i mean if you had a

flat ass then you would have been a lot

safer but you must have been packing


hacking some junk in the trunk

absolutely yeah my wife’s colleagues

described me

uh as her uh her thick play thing which


i never really enjoyed but at the same

time i’m like

it’s kind of a compliment

huh and that’s thick with two cs

yes yes i don’t know if that came

through in the way i was saying it oh oh

yeah no that’s clear i assume anytime

anyone says

thick nowadays it’s what’s yeah

regardless of the situation

so i mean dr london help this help this

formerly large budded man

so i mean did you go to the hospital did

they talk about you know doing any


or like because i i don’t know you know

exactly your situation

yeah what this is not a time for


dr london what you’re gonna give him


some uh cardboard paper or whatever

and have him have him make fun shapes in

a poster board this is not a time for


yeah no i i was referring a little bit

more to the um

you know that skin grafts to crafting

so skin grafts they’re they take a

you know a portion of your skin from a

different part of your body oh you were

you’re you’re saying graphing

okay so you’re gonna find you’re gonna

do crunch the numbers and do the math to

fix his burnt little butt i mean we did

graph the damage so

there is i do have a visual

representation of the

course of uh of the experimentation

during the building process that shows

how burned my whole butt was

from day to day but i don’t know how

useful that’ll be to you since i just

want it fixed now

not back then you know but at the same

time it’s like yeah i did want to go to

the hospital

but that’s one of the big rules in our

house is no hospitals

so you’re not allowed to go to the

hospital no it’s something you know


she says we’re trying not to attract

attention on one of those kind of deals

you know

hey it is what it is well

i mean is it because what i’m hearing is


you know maybe like like that sounds

like it’s a very serious emergency


where you know a trip to the hospital is

pretty essential but going dr

london going to the hospital is a

personal choice

yes you can’t force people to i know

in your america that’s what you’d want


anytime anyone’s sick or

has something infected or whatever that

they rush to the hospital

and they make sure they give the doctor

a zillion dollars

but if people wanna you know take that

infection and just sort of

glue it back together then that’s fine

that’s their choice

okay and i guess so okay

we can move on from there i guess

because in my mind

you want to go to the hospital if you

have a severe burn that results in

sort of a a significant body change

but um okay in my case we ran it under

some cold water problem solved for the

most part although it does still hurt


yeah so have you looked into prosthetics

then like

because they do have for any given body

part they typically have receiving

the usual medical treatment you know i’m

open to any suggestion i just can’t

you know i can’t report my injuries to

the hospital just in case

they you know want a full explanation of

what happened any police get involved

it’s a whole thing

you know it’s it’s one of those it’s one

of those house rules that sometimes you

have a relationship in a marriage um but

for me i’ll say you know mainly what i’m

focused on

with you what i’m hoping to get from you

is just like a cream or something

that’ll make you feel a little better

when i sit down

yeah dr can you give him a cream or like

a gel or something

that he can kind of just

and i do want to speak real quick about

how impressed i am with your


and exactly what you were talking about

sometimes in a relationship you gotta

make compromises that’s what a

relationship is so i mean sometimes

that’s uh okay i gotta stop drinking

milk straight from the carton

and other times it’s you i can’t go to

the hospital

right right exactly exactly and i’m not

allowed to have like a regular job

because it’s my job to

make sure that traffic patterns are

adjusted to make sure that she can get

home on time which

i love that because honestly when i used

to have a regular job it was a lot of


okay sure who wants another auntie

anne’s pretzel i’ll sell it to you you

know and that’s not

fun yeah mostly press pretzel based

employment that’s true i did only work

i’ve only worked at an auntie anne’s in

a whetsels

oh wow so you sort of you sort of uh

uh defected a little bit to the

competitor well you know they were

offering better rates and that’s

it’s one of the things like if you can

get paid more to do the same work

somewhere else you should really

consider it that’s something i always


and that’s actually how you know that’s

i would say it’s a lesson i learned

from my wife to an extent like this was

prior to when i met her but the thing

in hindsight i’m like yeah she does that

all the time

that’s how she pulls people from the

east coast to the west coast you know

yeah so so maybe we can talk about your

wife for a second i know i know you hear

about you but it sounds like

oh i don’t want to i want to talk about

me yeah but

like i’m i’m just kind of curious just

to put in the context of where you

are in what you do for one thing you

said something about correcting traffic

because i i was under the impression

that you were flying up

checking what traffic looks like and

then letting her know

what it looks like but are you are you

actively changing traffic

right in some way well see that’s the

thing you know

you have to get people to listen to your

show uh your traffic show so that they


where to go right so i’m up in the air

i’m saying hey if you’re on the 10

you should maybe get off the 10 because

the 110 which intersects with it

there’s a big back up there so you’re

going to have a slowdown but the trick


that’s not true i just want them off the

10 to clear the way for my wife to go

see it’s a trick oh okay yeah

so your your traffic reports are lies

that’s right my traffic reports are not

true and this is one of the big reasons

why they wouldn’t keep me on at ktla the

the the news network that i tried to

work at at first

because i kept doing this and they kept

saying you have to report the actual


of the traffic so people can get home

quicker and i’m like no if i do that

then my wife can’t get home quicker you


that’s a it’s a big disconnect we had

yeah it doesn’t make any sense because

it’s like okay

well then why am i doing this if i’m not

helping my wife get

home faster so

what’s the point what’s the point of

this paycheck if my wife’s not home on


yeah they also again i i’ve only worked

at two different pretzel shops so i’d

never actually officially worked at ktla

it was just part of my training

my my audition day you know that’s how

they do that

they they audition people for the role

of news traffic reporter

one i’m sure if there was a if there was

something huge in the pretzel world

you’d be able to report on that that’s

the same as the news

that’s true uh so far never

in any of my days living on earth has

there been any pretzel-related news

but if there was any i would report on


bombshell something huge new flavor

or something oh yeah huge but i wanna

hear i wanna i

i know you don’t wanna talk about you

said your wife was what

like a garbage man or something waste

management she’s the director of waste

management for the city of los

angeles yeah mm-hmm so what do you

while you’re uh flying around

directing traffic where does she go

most of the time that’s interesting

there’s this

uh italian sub shop in

downtown los angeles she spends a lot of

time at and i am mostly

hovering over there monitoring for any

police activity in the area

letting her know do you know her to be

like a huge sub sandwich person

she doesn’t eat them you know she does

say jardera

jardinera i know how to say it jordan

era that stuff’s pretty good she thinks

but uh but no she doesn’t need subs


uh it’s her her it’s a family

legacy you know her her father ran this

place and

her father’s father before him and now

you know she’s in waste management but

she still has a connection to it because

her cousin uh does run it um but

you know so she’s always there and then

when it’s time for her to go somewhere

else it’s like hey make sure that you

know the tent is clear so i can get


to the airport drop off a carpet or you

know to a wooded area to

drop off the carpet or you know to

sometimes the dump where she’ll drop off

a carpet

a lot of carpet droppings yeah i didn’t

notice that

which is which to me shows signs of a

really happy

and solid and positive relationship

because she’s not afraid to be like you

know what i know we just bought this


but it’s not me so

i’m gonna throw this one out and get a

new one i think those compromises and

those sort of figuring out who you are


shows a really really special


thank you yeah i think so too i think

our relationship is absolutely special

and yeah i mean the carpets generally do

come from the sub shop not from our home


every once in a while there will be one

from our house where you know and that’s

that’s fine i don’t care about the


the house is just there for us to be

happy and you know it doesn’t matter

what else is

around exactly wow

i okay so i am curious see

you you talk about how you go through a

lot of carpets are you are you in a


or rug business or

are you just having to keep buying these

that’s a great question yeah we’re not

personally but my wife’s brother uh

vincent he does run a carpet store and

and i think most of the carpets come

from there but i’m not 100 sure

again that’s one of those details i’m

not supposed to ask about

yeah oh okay does your does your wife do

you ever have to jet pack like out of


like out of state uh i have occasionally

had to clear the way

uh into mexico for some of her


not usually her but i figured that’s

just like you know we had trash that’s


important it’s got to get to mexico

quick you know and that was trash

wrapped up in a

was it wrapped up in a carpet yeah yeah

okay does she know about i mean i would

assume given her job but like

yeah a lot of people dispose of their

waist with dumpsters or

trash cans and

you know is she aware of these

she’s these modalities as opposed to the

the rug situation

yeah yeah of course you know yeah i mean

so she

she she runs waste management for the

city so there’s plenty of

trash uh collectors who work for her and

use the regular dumpsters and such but

it’s just when she has priority trash

it’s got to go you know via carpet to


you know a specific dump or mexico

sometimes the water sometimes deep in

the woods

every once in a while it gets buried

underneath a new construction site so

that when the construction site goes up

they’ll never find the trash

you know things like that yeah

and i mean and that just that’s just

great customer service

like being able to supply priority trash

just like priority mail or anything else

you pay a little extra

you know that this thing is going to

uh you know be sort of put maybe out of

town in the bottom of a quarry

exactly exactly i hate to sort of

throw anything into question here but

have you thought about

so in in a lot of movies and tv shows

i’ve seen

the the method sort of the easier method

to get rid of

i don’t know i don’t want to be so just

this i guess it’s hypothetical for now


if you wanted to get rid of a human body

you would roll it up into a you know a


and then throw that away does that

right uh and so given

that your wife has been throwing away a

lot of rugs

do you think that there’s any chance

that the the waste the trash she’s

throwing away the garbage

is a human body

i can’t think of any reason why that

would be you know i mean it’s

sure it’s possible but i figured more

likely it’s just like a bunch of

computer parts that don’t fit into a

you can’t put in a plastic bag because

it’ll break through the plastic bag but

a carpet will hold them you know or like

you know broken glass

same issue that’ll break through a

plastic trash bag but it won’t break

through a carpet

now of course yeah it is theoretically

possible that you know she’s seen a lot

of mob movies and thought

well this would be a good way to get a

get rid of a body but

i don’t think so i mean there’s no mob

in l.a everyone knows that

yeah and it i mean this to me just

sounds like

a normal italian-american woman

who loves eating subs with her family


and has figured out a reasonable and

cheap and sustainable way to dump out


which is instead of oh we’re just gonna

use plastic and it won’t

even be recyclable well maybe you can

use this carpet and maybe that can be


which i don’t know exactly and it’s

amazing that you knew she was italian

american we didn’t even talk about that

but yeah you’re absolutely right she has

a strong italian american heritage that

i i is so strong that she told me i’m

not even allowed to take her last name

just in case

you know because her you know it it’s


her full name’s donna corleone yeah

so this is sounding a lot more like

maybe sort of um

do you think your wife could possibly be

a part of the mob

and maybe you know her urging you to dr

london you could i am so so i’m so sorry

dr london you cannot accuse a guest’s


of of being part of the mob i didn’t

think it was just a question

i i’m just asking if

possibly his wife could be involved in

the mob

and maybe you know to protect him she is

urging him to not

ask about her involvement in said mob

i mean look if she was in the mob

i would just say she is fantastic at

covering it up because nobody knows not

even me


but uh no there’s no mom in l.a everyone

knows that and

you’ve got eyes on her all the time so

if she was doing

shady stuff like that you would totally

know about it

exactly yeah exactly i mean i see her

all the time

she’s taking trash from one place to


making sure no one could ever find it

and that’s just the job of a waste

management director it’s

it’s nothing mobility okay it just seems

to to me it sounds pretty suspicious and


just because it’s and granted i have not

worked in waste management

you know so i you want to know what you

also haven’t done

dr london is cure this man’s

hurting butt right which is what he’s

right do you have a cream or a gel or

anything for my whole butt being burned

just so i can sit down or just padded

underwear honestly

oh yeah do you have padded underwear is

that can i get that perspective medical

grade padded underwear

yeah and uh like even is it so is the

scar tissue still fresh is it

like oozing as an open wound or it’s not

oozing it’s not an open wound it was for

a little while we ran it under cold

water then we applied some aloe vera


and then i did wear diapers for a time

just because the diapers would

hold in the use not because i had to

listen i can go to the bathroom wherever

i want whenever i want but

uh uh but the diapers were good for the

pain to an extent

uh uh but now at this point it’s just

i’m mostly just dealing with

charred skin on my whole butt

okay yeah i guess cushions would be the

biggest thing and then yeah moisturizing

cream i could see

it’s just one of those things where you

know we’d really have to see you for a

formal office visit to uh

that’s tough because i am in the sky all

the time

so yeah pretty much you know i do land

to see my wife

yeah and you you do you you know

obviously since you’re not allowed to go

to the hospital you’re probably also not

allowed to go to

see you know dr london in his office i

assume right

yeah i mean i we’ve definitely so like

you know

if if there’s a flu in the family we

will bring in a doctor to

the uh to the submarine

shop you know in a case right it’s sort

of in the in the back room

with a doctor who’s sort of making house

calls right

exactly exactly in an office yeah

right yeah so if dr london if you’d be

interested in you know maybe getting a


meatball sub checking out my butt we

could arrange something we could arrange

a time

yes dr london do you want to make a

house call to

this family’s sub shop i

and like well i think i’d have to

probably decline maybe that could be

sort of

a sort of an ongoing relationship going


maybe they need something stitched up or

maybe they need something removed or

something like that and

that’d be fantastic yeah our last family

doctor did disappear

strangely on the same night that i

watched that i helped clear the way for

my wife to take a carpet to the

uh to the dump in pasadena uh but yeah

so we’ve been looking for a new one for

a couple of weeks now

uh yeah i you know i i just have my own

reservations but

for me you know part of the issue is you

know i know oh

no no no those reservations have been


sorry okay i forgot to tell you yeah to


because we made this you don’t have

reservations for dinner i mean a sub

sandwich could be a great solution

yeah we might want to just pick up a sub

sandwich dr london because he had those


i so i didn’t make them but it was


my phone it had an upgrade

that’s it and so you decided not to

not to make them yeah okay i did the

upgrade instead

i had to choose between the two and i

felt like that was more important for


okay well uh so security is very


to answer your question i you know i’ve

already got kind of a full

employment going on so it’s for me to

split my time

that’d be more than and like i’m happy

with where i am so

thank you okay i mean it doesn’t sound

like it’s a full-time job it’s just

occasional house calls dr london and

it’s probably not even during working

hours i mean

what time of day does do does the doctor

usually drop by

that’s a great question i mean i’ve i’ve

definitely helped clear traffic to get

the doctor to

to the sub shop at all kinds of

different hours a lot of 3 a.m calls

you know where i’ve i’ve worked at

double duty to clear the waste to get

uh uh some of my wife’s associates cars

to the to the

sub shop as quickly as i put possible

while also clearing the way to get

uh uh the doctor to the sub shop as

quickly as possible all while monitoring

for any police activity which honestly i


sometimes they asked me to do too much i

think but it was a fun night

huh so yeah you could work any hours you

want except you do have to work all

hours just in case

yeah i mean dog this seems manageable so

how about this what we’re gonna talk

we’re gonna come by the sub shop later i

i don’t know and we’re gonna talk

through this

okay i don’t know about about all that

but but you know what it seems like this

is a good time to go ahead and

um so we i guess we didn’t warn you

about this beforehand but we actually


some chores that we have to do sometimes

oh yeah

anything i can help you with from the

sky yeah

honestly any any help would be helpful i


i guess i can explain to you and to our

listeners who are maybe just now

checking in

uh basically dr london and i had a

uh to-do list of chores that we sort of

neglected and we lost the list for a


and now it’s this huge

list of stuff we’ve got to do we gotta

get it done

and so i created this chore wheel and we

spin it every week

and whatever chore it lands on we just

gotta do it even if we don’t wanna do it

even if we’re being lazy

or whatever we just gotta do it and so

uh we’re gonna go ahead and spin the

chore wheel

right now and uh so

i’m gonna go ahead and do it if that’s

okay yeah yeah i’ll stand back because

it’s uh

i don’t know who added spikes but there


spikes oh that was just to ward off


that’s all all right i’m gonna get a

letter oil

i don’t see any dj dylan can you oil up

the wheel or

a little yes a little just go ahead and

oil it up

okay and then spin

oh i was dreading this chore no man i

can’t believe we got to do this

yeah okay but no we we have to it’s on

the wheel

um we have to have our holiday party oh

okay no no it’s great it’s great

so it’s well it’s we have to it’s a lot

it’s a lot more complicated than it

sounds do you explain why

i mean okay so so for one thing

normally like because there’s the

invitation process

we’re we sure we’d like to have the

party now but there’s so much prep

involved uh like

cameron you’ve been working on the

chocolate fountain right

building it yeah and that’s been we’ve

run out of

materials which has been the issue

because of how large

it’s you know we have to make it larger

every single year

and unfortunately we’ve been doing this

for so long that it’s become

sort of sort of a large

fountain like a almost like a city park

type of fountain

of chocolate that you can sort of dance

in if you want to or whatever

yeah last year we had to donate ours and

it was considered

like they used it to help build a

highway yeah uh

because it was so gargantuan and frankly


and not not to be down on you cameron

but the construction wasn’t like it

didn’t actually make chocolate

flow it it seemed like your perception

of chocolate fountain was that it had to

be made

of chocolate looking substances

yeah just like brown wood dark brown

colors yeah

which you know just normal stuff that

you paint a dark brown

yeah which is why that that highway you

know it did

did collapse um anyway so so the

the other thing about holiday parties is

that it requires

mingling with your co-workers

and i’m not sure if our listeners are

aware of this but cameron and i do not

talk outside the podcast

if we can help it nope we gotta save it

for the podcast that’s right

i i sometimes sometimes dr london will

be like hey cameron

and i go la la la la la la la la la with

my ears

plugged mm-hmm because save it for the

cast man yeah that’s

money uh so lloyd

maybe you can help you know soften this

so we’ll uh

okay so we have some punch here uh i

don’t know if

so from the sky if you could i don’t


try to join in a little bit to whatever


i mean maybe you can help like just

what do you and your wife do for the


yes that’ll be helpful oh that’s a great

question you know we actually we tend to

not take

formal holidays it’s more like

spontaneous vacations here and there um

but during the actual holidays we do


she does some of her best work then

because you know the city has a lot of


especially around the holidays when

people are having parties like yours you


dealing with say a big chocolate

fountain that has to be turned into part

of a highway that’s kind of in her whole

bailiwick you know

in those times we do have to uh

keep the roads clear for i have to keep

the roads clear because she has to do a

lot of work

um but something i like about the

holidays is lights so if you want any

lights hung on your buildings no i can

do that yes

yes oh yeah that’d be super helpful yeah

if you could just

fly by the studio

i’d love to yeah yeah and just just

throw some lights on there that’d be


so we’ve got the lights taken care of oh

can we

like spell a message in the lights you

know how some people do that dr london

do you want to do you have a message you

want to put in there

it’s got to be like one or two words

it’s got to be short yeah okay

um uh


not suss oh

sure because you’re not the imposter


and the best way to you know convey that

would be to just

say it i i guess i was thinking more

along the lines of like

tony hawk is that

oh yeah do you want to tell the world

that you’re tony hawk

or justin i think it’s yeah an

enthusiast or just that the party sort

of embodies the spirit

of tony hawk and also i

i think if tony hawk maybe flew

somewhere and then was flying back home

and he saw that he’d probably be like oh

i should probably

uh check that out or even better he’s

like oh i guess that’s my house

i thought my house was somewhere else

but i mean that place is labeled tony

hawk so i should probably

head there

yeah yeah i mean so i guess either one

uh or mix the two

up or even you’re gonna say not suss

tony hawk oh i was gonna say not tony


or tony hawk yes

what about tony hawk colon not suss

like that way we’re just letting the

world know that tony hawk is not the


yeah he might drop by to to show his


just i’m not sure if we can be sure that

he isn’t

us but um okay

he seems like too good of a guy not to

be an imposter

we gotta take care of we gotta take care

of the tree

yeah so the tree which so unfortunately

i couldn’t find like christmas tree type


um so

it is just sort of like a heap of

blankets uh-huh

but i think that embodies christmas even

more than a christmas tree don’t you

think because of warmth

and cold coldness and like by the fire

and stuff

yeah it’s just a pile of blankets yeah

no decorative no

no ornaments or anything

no and i should specify when i say

blankets i mean just top sheets

yes yes no they’re not like quilt i

worry people were thinking i was talking

about quilts or something

it’s just the top sheets but it’s a lot

of them uh-huh

yeah it is a hefty amount so it’s soft


it’s so easy to confuse blankets and top

sheets because they are two different


and that’s i this is honestly one of the


of this show is sort of teaching our

audience the difference

and the science behind these differences

you know science tells us that a quilt

is gonna have sort of a different


than a top sheet we don’t know why

that’s something that

might take generations to to figure out

but science can tell us that those

differences do

exist and don’t even get me started on a

duvet cover i mean

that’s just that’s a cross between the

two that i’m not comfortable with

yeah no and that’s it’s trying too hard

that’s all i got to say

all right so that’s the three the

the last thing is the is the food i

guess right yeah yeah

so uh well cause

what you because i was gonna save drinks

but yes you because you made a a grog

um yeah you made it very thick

uh soup so thick that it’s almost a food

it’s not quite grog and it’s not quite

gruel but i sort of call it grg

mm-hmm yeah it’s sort of a combination

of the two

and so that way uh if you’re just

wanting to drink with your friends

or if you’re trying to feed everyone in

the orphanage

which this this this drink is for you

and it is

drink slash food because you do have to

chew it quite a bit it is

heavily alcoholic so i i will

load it yeah i wouldn’t say giving it to

kids is a good idea and it’s been

sitting in the sun for weeks i don’t

know if that makes it

more alcoholic or less alcoholic but i


stinks like hell yeah so you guys i have

to cut in here i gotta tell you

my least favorite way to consume alcohol

is to chew it

okay really teach their own i guess

i suppose so i yeah i’m not familiar

with a lot of other ways

but um anyway so i feel like we’ve we’ve

got a real party going

um wow yeah this is this is really

something okay

and all right one more thing i got the

boom box

we gotta pick a christmas song okay uh

and we gotta you know stay within what

we have the rights to

so dido dylan actually would you mind um

popping my favorite i know it’s it’s


i try to do stuff for the podcast but

this year could you play my favorite

smoke weed every day oh

okay all right that was

uh very um saucy

yeah i don’t know how to i don’t want to

say inappropriate but i did feel like it

was inappropriate

yeah and i guess i guess you could

i guess there’s a world in which that is

my favorite i just

maybe not maybe not this one but in any


um i think it’s a good time to well

let’s let’s uh

destroy sorry um unfurl close up

and repackage the chore wheel

all right okay and uh i guess that that

brings us to the end um

so anyway i want to be thank you uh to


first airman lloyd cappicci

and lloyd um is there any way for the

listeners to

reach you to keep up with you to hear

from you after after today’s recording

i’m so glad you asked yeah if you want

to hear my traffic reports which again

they are

real they’re not lies i’m not just

tricking you to get you out of the way

so my wife can get

home faster uh that is at um

first airman lloyd kapiki i have to do

it on twitch because i’m not allowed to

broadcast directly to radio so

it’s it’s complicated it’s complicated

uh but if you want to

yeah you were banned also from

twitter because of how much uh

misinformation you were posting about

the election and they were sort of

cracking down on that

yeah i did keep posting about how uh the

most important thing about getting to

the polls was to not block traffic

stay away from being in the streets and

people and they did

ban me from twitter for that saying you

know no it’s really important people get

to the

polls do their voting whatever whatever

i’m like okay sure but just

keep the roads clear you know um so yeah

i’m banned from twitter

also i tried to get a job on the radio

they said no once and i quit

so uh that’s that but another thing you

can do on the internet that i like is i

follow this guy

on instagram at ezra partier on twitter

as reporter and he he’s he does a bunch

of shows every week but one really fun


is this one called apocalypse tips with

lester pips that’s a podcast now

uh uh so you can get that wherever you

get podcasts and also is on

twitch uh every thursday

at 6 p.m pacific 9 p.m eastern

on pack theater

it’s fun not mob affiliated but fun

that sounds great all right so our

listeners can

you know look up either those traffic

tips or

uh go to those apocalypse tips

all right and uh i guess i just kind of

wrap it up so um so thank you

obviously to lloyd uh thank you to our

producer cameron

thank you too did you do in the hose

yeah i sent the blueprints to elon musk

and i said muskies

you know uh he didn’t appreciate the

nickname i i was

way too i was way too bold and just

going with a nickname i didn’t even know

if he had or not




the more funds you have to work with the

more successful you can be in any kind

of technological enterprise that’s what

i always

uh think to myself sometimes

musky let’s make a deal

muskie let’s make a deal just to be

clear i don’t know him and i can’t call


my name is dr and this

has been

the choc doc podcast see ya


the door slams in your face with a loud


and it is difficult to discern whether

the silence that follows

is more due to the contrast from the

significant volume of yelling that you

had inundated that room with moments


or because of a muted layer of deafness

provided by the door’s closure

in any case you are perfectly fine with


that’s right door you are fine with it

and why shouldn’t you be who oils these


you and who has suppressed every urge to

punch a hole through the door

you and still the door decides to slam

in your face

well you don’t even need the stupid door

still as you run your hand along the

wooden frame

you can’t help but feel wistful about

your times together

it’s it’s always hard to make a clean

break but you must

speaking of things you must do don’t

forget to leave a five star review of

the jock talk podcast

in which you share about your troubles

with doors that have difficult


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