All posts by London Smith

15: Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome/Alexandra

Welcome to the jock doc podcast featuring dr. London Smith one podcast a week keeps the doctor on fleek now introducing your host dr. London Smith [Applause]
Hello and welcome to the jock doc
podcast where we discuss fitness and health and how to incorporate our modern understanding of science and medicine into our daily lives but without it being so boring I’m your host dr. London smith (.com) I would like to begin by apologizing to our listeners we have received some feedback that I’ve been using overly complicated terms such as freckle and eyelash so I will try to tone that down a little in the future here to assist with that is our producer Cameron welcome friends and family members well-wishers and even curse wishers those who would wish curses upon us I welcome them ah that’s very very big of you Cameron I know thank you okay so Cameron he hears the quiet whispers of the wind he recognizes the latest trends in the population at large so do not be surprised if he briefly holds out a guiding hand occasionally during the show also with us is do Judoon in the house [Music] Plus Cameron tells me that we can expect a guest on a show a little later so keep your ears open for that well dr. London actually it’s not a guest it’s a bit a little bit of a surprise but this is going to be a listener call-in episode okay because you said so you told me this is gonna be a Johns Hopkins professor medical research professor you said you got him and you you had gone through a like you sent me a long email about how you managed to get this guy on the show I I think the chances that a John Hopkins professor would be one of our callers is pretty high so I thought you know you’d understand that because he said you you went to their campus and you sought this guy out okay and you had drinks with them okay because you and you called me during that time and we’re saying I got this guy yeah on the show and he well I guess you know I kind of think of it I guess I didn’t hear a lot from him what are you insinuating it’s I guess it just seems odd to me like you seem so sure that we had this medical researchers yes dr. London I am NOT gonna argue with you I’ve I’ve turned a new leaf I’ve found inner peace I found Zen I’m not gonna I’m not gonna let you get under my skin like you used to well I guess so I’m just gonna play it cool okay so that okay so anyway so I guess it’s gonna be a Colin episode today something must have happened with that guy and you are choosing to be Zen about that okay I’m no I’m choosing to be Zen about your hostile behavior and just general tomfoolery it’s already Zen about the listener callin episode okay one of which could be a professor right okay whatever school we discussed before okay or hospital I don’t remember okay alright well before we move on we actually received a bit of listener feedback that apparently needed to be addressed quote these children are clearly filled with satins spirit this gyrating will lead to Mary jus wanna and ever sized with satins dungarees and saying swear words to adults end quote so first of all thank you so much for your question we are always overjoyed when we receive notes from our listeners to answer your question I cannot speak for the the type of dance these children were doing but most dances with which I am familiar are not known as like gateway actions to promote the use of marijuana that that doesn’t sound like dancing traditionally has not been known as a precursor to smoking marijuana I am again trying to stay calm and cool here but you might not be the right person to ask about cool dances that lead you to smoke and some of that green sweet Kush okay that’s I’m not a user of marijuana but I I have done some dancing before okay and into me and I have not used marijuana but you haven’t done the right dances is what I’m trying to get it politely because I found Zen and I’m not I’ll let you’re kind of antagonistic brutal authoritarian attitude get to me okay well so I agree that I’m I may not be super knowledgeable on marijuana maybe there’s a chance that I’m just saying try to do the cupid shuffle without chief and a little kind wait and it might be a little impossible you’ve seen the cupid shuffle a very well-known song that they play at weddings yeah you ever notice how the the floor clears out when that song is over where do you think everyone’s going oh they’re going out back man the rollin up a J okay well in any case um okay the dances that I’m most familiar with so far have not led me to use marijuana but in any case you know any I am not aware of any particular association with the dancing and wearing of dungarees which was apparently another issue the the listener had some personal issue with and I also don’t see how dungarees are a negative thing so the use of swear words may have some association so I do recognize the concern there that that swear words and gyrating and drug use I’m not sure so in any case you wouldn’t be sure there’s no way someone like you someone like you being sure about something like this okay well there’s no way so in any case it’s it’s my opinion that probably you can allow the children to dance as long as it’s in a you know well supervised environment but that’s more of a cultural opinion than a medical one I wouldn’t admit that I am trying to stay as just calm and in peacefull I’m almost asleep okay that’s how peaceful I am I’m about to fall asleep okay but I do have to say that your opinion is about as worthless as I I don’t know when an ice cube in like a storm there’s a bunch of ice all around already so it kind of negates the need for the ice cube that’s kind of that that’s your opinion okay thank you um well to our listener thank you for the question and thank you Cameron for for your input as well thank you and I say that as calm as I possibly can mmm that’s how just Zen and peaceful I am no question Yugi you do seem to be equating peace with being asleep it’s just my my my heart rate is so low right now because of the kind of spiritual space I’m operating in right now okay well that I might as well be asleep okay well the old me would have heard what you just said and kind of talking back to me and gotten defensive and I might have said well you don’t know much about anything anyway so who cares what you have to say because you exist only to keep people down and you know put a pillow on the face of the metaphorical like intelligence or something okay and you’re suffocating it right well and that I would never ever say that now because I’m in a place where I am so peaceful oh we’re good sleepy I’m so peaceful all right well well Thank You Cameron um now for a tale from the hospital I recently had a patient who has pursued alternative medicine sort of measures for her breast cancer so now she has a softball sized mass protruding from her chest it at you know in clinic it was open and bleeding and it frankly looked kind of gross so in medicine patients who are judged to be capable of making their own decisions that they’re you know they’re mentally aware they’re present they’re alerted to time and place and that sort of thing location so they are permitted to make their own decisions even if it will likely lead to their detriment which does seem to be the case with this lady with the cancer this is known as patient autonomy and it’s just it’s just a part of medicine at least in the u.s. all right now for today’s topic wolff-parkinson-white syndrome so normally the heart has parts as we’ve discussed called nodes that send out an electrical signal to set the rate and rhythm for a heartbeat but in wolff-parkinson-white syndrome those signals are sent on an accessory pathway that results in tachycardia and tachycardia is an increased heart rate above the normal rate of 60 to 100 beats per minute sorry was Cameron is that or you scoffing I was I’m not scoffing I I my you know I I’m at peace right now I’m not wound up but if you know this were a couple weeks ago I might say 100 beats per minute that’s nothing I can do that in my sleep my hurts way faster than that oh okay because this that’s not like an impressive like a big a million time it might be a million times more than that see if it’s too high than that that can indicate a medical problem you don’t believe me no it’s not it’s not that I could think you I can’t do it like that’s an impressive thing yeah I know it’s impressive and again I’m at peace about to fall asleep mmm because I’m dead so peaceful so I’m not gonna argue with you but I don’t call me a liar what could I can I feel your pulse not just I have I have my rights I have privacy okay but here it is one two three four five six seven eight nine ten and you pointed to me twenty and a hundred okay cuz you weren’t that’s less than a minute so two issues with that one no so what you did was actually it’s a real test but so that’s a test that they use for like patients with myasthenia gravis or sometimes with like that’s how fast my heart was going I was trying to just tell you with use my words to tell you sit so when you take a deep breath and you say you count as fast as you can or or if you count it’s actually supposed to be at it sort of a metronome beat that’s that’s a way to measure your your lung function not your heart I’d say whatever yours well uh I just used it to measure my heart I mean seconds ago which again I’m not arguing with you because I’m so at peace I have such as in lifestyle right now that I would never even think about trying to argue with you so I’m not I’m just I’m independently saying to myself alone this is separate than what we were talking about okay that you’re a hack doctor and I don’t think you’re good and you’re not any sense well I guess thank you for one of the revised the 70 1911 is weathered every word of 17 I went in it was twenty one twenty two thousand is Raymond thirty forty what is it what is it once it’s okay now a hundred okay well thank you for for sharing that with us so in wolff-parkinson-white syndrome again so on EKG this shows as a delta-wave leading up to the QRS so the normal big jaggedy line it has a round upward curve at the start instead of sharp lines like I don’t know if you’ve ever seen in sort of hospital shows or like medical shows where they have the heart monitor what’s going like beep how it has that jaggedy line so what I’m talking about here what are you talking about so on medical shows you know they have the heart monitor no is it what what are you watching well and I say shows but also in movies it’s every time like there’s a screen next to the person what the patient I know what there’s not you’re watching a screen that this is where you’re confused again I’m Zen so I’m not arguing with you but you’re there’s not a screen next to you you are watching a screen ok well so I was talking about how you’re watching the so the screen of the movie and within that there’s a patient who has there’s a screen next to them what no there’s not in maybe not in every movie in every scene but in the ones that I’m described I’ve never heard of a movie having a jagged line like you’re describing ok ok have you you don’t watch medical movies or shows I think I’ve I’ve seen most movies they see the vast majority of movies okay I’ve seen Toy Story 1 Toy Story 2 ok toy store III story for 3520 story 607 English 38 39 and I cannot afford Toy Story 10 but that’s the next okay so so what you’re describing there are only so many twists there aren’t that many toy story movies out there yes there are and they’re amazing that this is most movies what are you talking about so like there are other movies no I get I get a bunch of toys I pull them out I put them out in my room I hold up a screen I look through that screen so and I’m watching I mean that’s Toy Story three that I’m describing you holding up a screen of a particular way is Toy Story so when you say you see a lot of movies or you go to the movie I see in most movies and I do it every single weekend so every weekend whatever you so when you say you go to the moon or you you’ve seen movies I’ve never seen this jagged line you’re talking about make it there yep you’re playing with toys is is what you I think you’re describing yeah Toy Story 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and 9 I cannot afford 10 it’s too expensive is 10 this toy story 10 oh it’s so expensive a toy it’s it’s too expensive I hope I’m hoping by the end of the summer I should be able to afford it hopefully okay but it’s so it’s a toy because you’re describing each of these as your whole just you two choices two three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine and I can’t afford ten okay well back to you or me now so in wolff-parkinson-white syndrome just in summary wolff-parkinson-white syndrome is when electrical signals go on their own accessory path sort of like an off-road pathway and the the end result of that is that it makes the patient’s heart rate go up and that’s fine I thought I’m so Zen and I’m totally fine with that happening it’s really fine that that happens okay it’s like so we’ll go ahead and move on from there sure it’s up to you sleepy man I’m so at peace all right well Cameron you said that we had some some listeners calling in today that is absolutely right dr. London okay and although you had promised me a professor yeah it’ll be just any of our any of our listeners as possible I would say the chances that it is a professor from John Hopkins University is about a 94 to 97 percent possibility okay all right well so we’ll go ahead and hear from our first listener if that’s I guess I’m not that’s DJ Dylan whoever is managing that it’s probably DJ Dylan I should i I honestly do not know we can ask him yourself hey DJ Dylan are you managing these calls okay okay classic dude you’re doing all right listener you’re on the jock dock podcast with dr. London Smith that’s me and with Cameron our producer hi greetings hey did y’all this is y’all emergency oh I’m sorry you’re cutting out could you say that one more time is this this y’all emergency line it could be no this is for listeners calling it cuz I got something going on on this end I mean I want to know I cuz I I got something in my yard eat you of you go you go you got are you bring here will you go you’ve got something in your yard I got there’s something in my yard there’s something flaming flaming it’s on fire there’s something on fire there this there’s some stairs on I’m sorry everyone’s running and now I’m running one second so yeah Charlotte Charlotte if you bring homes any closer to this phone I swear I swear Charlotte you better start back where you is Charlotte oh no I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry no that’s just my cousin that’s my cousin I’m just I’m a little bit scared this is an emergency and in that case correct this is our emergency line well you should be calling 9-1-1 in the event of an emergency okay Charlie Oh homie listen ain’t y’all got some cameras you got a radio station you come set up out here well what was your name listener my name is Alex Alexandra okay um what yeah Alexandra with an emergency okay oh this this sounds frightening so you said you saw a fire and you have your cousin Charlotte there sorry she’s out getting the other phone because we need to call the non okay so we need so you’re not using your own phone for it because you have to stay on the line with okay I’m live right yes yes this is live so then I ain’t going nowhere so could you describe this fire for me is it like a little I said there’s flames yes well that is a description of a fire um dr. London could you maybe talk about the medical reason for why she’s seeing so much fire okay well usually I guess the typical presentation would be that there is fire there and then I’d be concerned for things like burns is it Charlotte’s can the other hoes don’t you were I want hoes phones in it don’t worry about my sex in your yard yeah we’re good you start a fire or is this Charlotte’s got the hose on it Wow okay did you I’m just not not can you tell me what loving this energy that Charlotte’s bringing know what is I got another cousin up in here up in our business and he’s got some gasoline and he’s going towards our tiny flames okay well this sounds Henry dr. London could you handle this emergency I mean yeah you got a doctor yes but this doesn’t sound like a Dominical doctor I got Yes Doctor I got a I got a Henry a cousin Henry and he’s trying to cure someone who has a Henry no I this doesn’t sound like an illness so much as it sounds like an emergency for fire fire she just said she has a Henry which sounds really painful and she sounds like it’s on fire I know sometimes one of my back hurts it’s on fire he’s coming towards me you guys I gotta run well I’m I know exactly how she feels when I have a Henry which I’m not exactly sure what that means but you know you’re the doctor not me like so she has a hain’t Henry and it’s on fire right now oh it hurts so bad it’s on fire okay and it’s chasing after her in the yard but I get a foot cramp that’s chasing me in the yard oh okay all right well could you tell me what is what it is that’s on fire for you miss Alexandra well just look just a little Henry and Charlotte may a little bit of a Christmas dinner back in the summer though for us and we wanted to have a Christmas in the summer and we’re trying to set it all up and I shouldn’t have let my my two year old and four year old cousin up in the cooking stuff and they got all in that stuff okay now we got these flames and I’m all run in and he’s got his uh gasoline and he’s chasing me with it trying to get it on master trying to catch me on fire cuz I caught his food on fire okay so Henry Christmas dinner is what your summer Christmas dinner outside though yes so if I could so dr. Linda what would you recommend for that like vicodin or no I would not recommend opioid could you bring it here right we said we can work that out were you roasting your dinner over a fire outside your Christmas in the summer it caught the flames yes so the flames actually went off inside and we ran them outside and I said no more flames and Henry my little cousin the Henry he liked the flames and he decided to go get some gasoline and now we’re dealing with a whole big pool of stuff but we got our my little cousin Charlotte she’s on the phone with 911 she’s four years old getting it all worked out better than any a four-year-old you’ve ever known I bet okay dr. Linda do you know de four-year-olds who’d be able to handle a situation like this honestly I’m not sure that I do that Charlotte sounds very capable for her age so well Charlotte it sounds like I don’t know I think I think maybe some rest maybe drink some more water I think that usually helps with your issues and I think you could you’ll you’ll be able to get that fire taken care of well and and probably just call 911 one all right Phil thank you guys we got Charlotte on the line now and I want to thank you for all that you that Firpo just feel free to call back if you have another emergency here you don’t need nine is so expensive any any of those numbers that start with a nine there so I don’t think that that’s and they never even understand what I’m saying when I call nine-one-one y’all talk me all through it like a real hell I’m just rest and relaxation I’m well alright that sounds great so we’re gonna go ahead and move on to our next caller I think so uh yeah so we’ll go on gracias and thank you all and have a good day then yeah all right thank you and this has been your time on the jock doc podcast well Cameron did you tell people that that this was an emergency call line I said well I kind of like played a game with people I was kind of like hey like if you if you need to get ahold of a doctor right now what would you call and then people were like oh I probably call 911 I say no you’re gonna call the jock doc podcast callin episode and I do want to remind you I’m so calm right now not at all worked up yeah so I found Zen because in my life so this was you because you were trying to get a guest in the show and your solution was to just tell people that in an emergency situation they should call the pod his I didn’t okay I didn’t tell I didn’t just tell people I didn’t go to the mall and just find someone and said hurry call us I found people who looked sick who would need to call you and ask for advice the most people are gonna be visibly unwell at my job sure at the hospital the visibly unhealthy so I just went around town and I found people I would look a person up and down and say this is a person who dr. London could really help okay I went out to them and I said you know the thing I said before about if you’re sick if you’re in a situation there that you would normally call 911 they’re gonna charge you a lot of money the other day I called a nine zero zero number it cost me 25 cents a minute why did you do that it was on the TV were you you were calling in for a like I’m saying I called a 900 number that I had seen on TV they charged me a huge amount and now way it kind of put in perspective oh that’s why these 900 numbers like 911 they cost so much money I don’t so I was telling these people these really really unwell looking people hey don’t call them call dr. London Smith and he’ll be able to help okay yeah let’s go for our next caller maybe someone hopefully whose I mean maybe with at least an illness that we can discuss and I can try to explain a little bit or hopefully hopefully that that professor that you were so emphatic that you got that professor so maybe he’ll MIT hopefully he’ll call in okay we we have another caller okay hello okay I mean yes it is me it is absolutely dr. London this is the doctor have I got a case for you my flames are growing and the gasoline just spreading all around the yard and shapes of all these flames that I don’t know what to do you know I I had I had dealt with burning in my yard as well and I had to take a pill okay no that’s not how you treat it I the only thing that’s making the flames worse is that I got Henry my little cousin Henry out there spreading the gasoline so yeah what can I do what we’re now without you giving your your young cousin access to gasoline at all at all is mom I’m his cousin right but usually usually just don’t give the access to gasoline to younger I didn’t give it to him it’s free in our garage yeah because it’s free doesn’t mean we should do like starting a fire at all oh I’m sorry you did you did say this was for your Christmas in the summer dinner oh well I know I know Charlie and Henry gonna cook the Christmas dinner I’d have done it if I didn’t know oh they they cook the dinner without your knowledge we got a fire going in there you think I’m gonna start that no of course we got Charlotte we got Henry the bed cousins okay one again I there’s a reason grandma don’t like that I’m not a doctor and so I’m not a medical expert like dr. London here I’ve never had a Henry like she’s describing but again I just want to reiterate I’ve dealt with fire in my yard before and for that you took uphill yeah you just take a pill and it clears up the fire it could well yeah there’s like a burning in my yard still no because I took the pill and then it went away Oh dr. London did oh boy am I happy to hear from you right well it’s so it seems odd so you had that your Christmas fire your Christmas dinner caught on fire made by your cousins I’m just trying to trace a little bit of what’s happening I the medical jargon your thought I just can’t keep up with it I I’m gonna leave this to you dr. London because I don’t Christmas dinner and what you guys are talking about I don’t I don’t know these things at all okay well and there’s also the issue of so Cameron you said you took a pill and get cleared up the fire in my yard because your yard hasn’t liked it I didn’t see any burns on it outside well you haven’t seen it I well it’s it’s the first thing you see my yard is is extremely private I don’t know what you would see it and it started burning one day after I was experimenting go to the doctor he checked out my yard and he I took a pill over the course of six weeks and it cleared it up I think that would help this issue I six weeks so when you say that the doctor checked out your yard yeah are you referring to like a body part as a yard my yard was burning okay went to the doctor like on fire said look doctor I’ve made some mistakes in my life and I slipped up here and my yard is burning he took a look he said yeah this isn’t good take these pills for six weeks I think that would really help our listener I are you very far you’re saying it’s private but I’ve never had a Christmas dinner I I haven’t I haven’t struggled with that okay because it I haven’t had that ailment that you guys are describing sorry this again it’s the medical jargon I don’t understand it not a medical guy but I love listening to this though okay well I guess we’ll go back to Alexandra are you still there hey I’m still here and I still need that pill cuz you know I got Henry and he’s down here pouring out the gasoline and Charlotte she’s still on the phone with 900 to me that the police are on were en route on route here to my house I didn’t know how the hell I’m gonna talk to some police right now but my yards burning I might as well unless y’all got bill and six weeks to go by in the next 20 minutes I think doctor I wanted to do that I DEP I don’t know of a bill that does what Karen is describing uh what is like have you tried to put out the fire yourself oh right here they come now and of course I’ve tried to put it out myself [Music] our Manning you know these puppies filming you know what god I do want to say I had tried to take care of my fire by myself as well and so you know I shaved down near my yard and I honestly I ended up cutting myself up like really really bad I lost a lot of blood in the process so I mean I this again I think maybe going to pill route instead of just kind of dealing with it on your own might be the safer route I am NOT a doctor I’m also extremely zen and calm so I think that the yard that you’re referring to might be different from the yard that Alexandra again I’m not a medical gun firing – I’m just you know yeah so I actually already tried using my own tools and I actually it was my hose and I even tried getting my lawn tractor my grandma and lawn mowing going out over the fire cousins involved [Applause] [Music] firemen are taking their shirts off I mean that sounds like a treat are you HOT it’s hot out here are you Oh cuz the fire that makes sense firemen they’re around fire a lot it gets hot they’re like oh very cool okay it sounds like but I I do want to say I had an issue with my hose as well so I do understand that okay so one thing I should say here it sounds as if you’re both describing sort of odd things so I like saying it sounds like you might be describing and this is just sort of a shot in the dark here perhaps you are at a family reunion and something something was on fire maybe there’s a fire show and perhaps those men who came or Ripper’s this fireman I mean no we had our Christmas in the summer today so we all had a dinner and of course my little cousins we let them cook it because they’re good at that usually and it caught flame we brought the flame outside so we didn’t burn the house down and now we got the fire trucks here I’m here hiding under the car because I’m trying to watch these babies and you know I got to have a little alcohol to get me through the day and I ain’t trying to go to jail oh so you’re scared of the cops because you’ve been drinking yeah I don’t I don’t know that it’s it’s necessarily called arson which I’m guessing would be that the concern it wouldn’t be arson if it was in your own yard but again I don’t y’all go back my local guy I don’t think it’s illegal just to have like a fire going on in your yard they say one in five people have it and it’s just something that you again I have to go to a doctor and it no it’s not gonna go it’s not gonna go away go away but it does kind of get rid of it for a while okay I feel like Cameron I feel like you might be describing like an an STD i I mean I’m sorry for our listeners that’s what’s called a sexually transmitted disease children listen to this podcast dr. London we can’t be 4 to 4 year old cousins are listening to us right now are they actually listen cuz they’re huge fans of the podcast no but I mean she is she called right ok y’all really think that’s what caused this the an STD no no I think that is probably roasting something over a fire outside that’s what I could have sworn Henry I didn’t do it Henry and Charlotte started that fire I didn’t I I haven’t even been sexually active ok so you’re you’re saying because you have not been sexually active but your four-year-old cousin I’m sorry well in I again I’m not a medical expert I just want to throw this out there it could you can’t it can’t happen from a toilet seat okay so did you sit on any strange or dirty toilet seats that may have caused this fire in your yard you saying I don’t you saying I don’t clean my eye I don’t know okay I should chime in here and say no you cannot get an STD from a toilet seat I do want to clarify that that is thanking thanks dr. London and then I think I started this fire that’s I swear Charlotte in Henry anyways and now the fire trucks are here and I’m having to hide you know I’m going to jail today and I swore to Papa I ain’t going to jail more than four times this year well I’ll go in I think that you can go ahead and um probably talk to the police talk to the firefighters who have apparently taken off their shirts and we’ll go ahead and move on to our next caller I think yeah y’all gonna back me up when they come calling right well all right so I’ll give you dr. lund it’s information that you can hand to them phone number address thank you so much for your help you guys and thank you again for prefer putting me live it’s the best thing and if this is my last day free then this is what I wanted to be doing talking to you guys okay yeah thank you um take that pill Wow I love our listeners dr. London yeah I kind of feel as if did you only you were describing earlier meeting someone in the mall did you meet only one person and tell them about the podcast yeah and she looked really really unwell and I said you know I think this call-in show might be for you and did you not give the call and information to anyone else well I got wool I mean I got so tired I’ve been so Zen lately I’ve just been such at peace you know what I mean I about to fall asleep I’m so happy that my heart rate is so low because I’m so sad that really kind of Zen vibes right and so I just went to sleep okay right after telling one person about the podcast come again okay oh we’re getting another call okay caller this is London and on the jock dock podcast and you are on I swear I swear I do it I swear I do what I got him on the line here hey yes who is this Sir Henry and Miss Charlotte and and I got some ponies here and I’m walking and I know that y’all heard this whole situation right I want so could y’all please verify to the police it was Charlotte and Henry it done started this you’re an art Christmas dinner in the summer are we are we on speakerphone with the officers right now yeah officer can hear you that’s officer Jacobson and he he wants to talk to you he wants to hear your side he says you can’t get on recorded lines but he wants a year officer Jacobson hello welcome to the jock talk pass greetings thank you we do appreciate our law enforcement how do I describe it so sometimes when you’re an adult and you are learning more about yourself I don’t think that this is I don’t think that what you’re about to go into is quite as applicable to their situation why not the doctor agreed but maybe I kind of am okay kid doesn’t sound like you’ve been to the doctor and gotten this pill that I keep talking about maybe before you go on with your take I’ll go ahead and explain from my perspective okay go ahead okay so it sounds like Alexandra is trying to blame her four-year-old cousins for a fire the police are there and she is claiming that these minors these children are responsible for a crime and that she is as the supervisor there is not responsible and that to me that sounds very odd because of course if you’re babysitting which I’m guessing hey I saw the look on the cops face and I can see you’re giving them negative information about okay or well yeah I I was just trying to explain it as I saw it I called you thinking you’re gonna defend me and now you’re trying to send me to jail I’m only explaining the situation kind of as I see it are you were you babysitting is that was that the situation yes yes there’s a lot going on here so we got the police here and we got we got about eight firefighters in there all shirtless here and and and I don’t know what to do I feel like that could you ask them why they are shirtless hi ollie I only got no shirts on they said it’s hot and they are hot and they know that tracks okay well thank you is the fire is the fire taken care of they’re getting it though fireman those there’s some other fireman out there going with a water truck about eight spouts on that truck and they driving over it and they pouring all that water on and water uh if you pull great on the fire the water takes it out the fire out so I guess I really didn’t have to go to the doctor and take that pill okay no Cameron died just to clarify on this yeah camera you could have just called yeah it sounds like with shirtless fireman like I sounds like a better experience might the doctor that I saw I mean he was kind of overly closed-closed personally seemed like he was just wearing too many clothes I don’t know well they they often will wear a lab coat and that sort of thing I’d you know it’s not fun it’s like what she’s describing I’m just saying yeah I’ll keep that in mind next time I have a fire in my yard I you or hose issues all right well yeah I mean this is my last free day they’re saying I’m about to go away he was saying well they’re pretty pissed about the children right okay yeah I guess that could be considered I don’t know what what all is going on your situation they think I shouldn’t have let those kiddos cook all right well of course I should have that’s how you teach a kid responsibility you’ll hand them in they do it as a baby or whatever Idol you give it to him early millennial culture yeah the four-year-old Millennials you calling me a millennial cuz I never been had a compliment I think he’s referring to the children that your little cousins Charlotte and Henry I’m just saying it’s this entitled millennial culture yeah probably just wanted take an Instagram picture yeah that sounds just like Charlotte and Henry all right well thank you so much for being on the show Alexandra we wish you well and hopefully you know you won’t be calling in from a jail cell it sounds like this is one of those things that if you talked to a lawyer you might be able to smooth it over a little bit I’m a right y’all if I can sure okay we appreciate hearing from our listeners all right well um thank you so much Alexandra for being on the show thank you too I guess Charlotte and Henry as well and it’s it sounds like your whole situation could possibly be resolved by possibly just hiring a lawyer yeah I mean I ain’t got money for that but I know I know y’all got some doctor you can send me some that is something we can absolutely do we do it with a lot of our lives okay y’all really gonna sit me absolutely through this how much money you see the card I’m gonna let you know the pen dr. London has tried to change the pen but thankfully I’ve been able to get back in so that’ll be coming your way I can’t think thank you for being on the show and good goodbye all right well Thank You Cameron for setting up that I guess that one caller um no I love our listeners you know and it’s so at peace I sure and I I’m glad I think the level of peace I’m at is probably maybe close to the most peace any person’s ever had it probably ever Wow okay but that sounds great I would be right now is one two that’s that does some braided card ik possibly three okay well we’ll go ahead and finish up then this has been the jock dog podcast we we had our listener we got some feedback there thank you to Cameron as always our producer Cameron for being on this show thank you to do and my name of course is dr. Lennon this has been the jock doc podcast by oh my greatness what a treat that was meow I know what you’re thinking I finally finished listening to this podcast and I’m pretty much ready to give up this was the last the very final straw first of all ouch second please do not give up because of us it really messes with our sponsorships and honestly we we cannot afford to keep losing sponsors also you probably have dozens if not several frozen yogurt flavors left to try out did you know that they came out with vanilla vanilla flavor frozen yogurt huh uh-huh and so and speaking of above average and out there please subscribe to the Jacque dog podcast and while you’re here you might as well go ahead and leave a five-star review with a list of frozen yogurt flavors that you have not tried seriously that feedback really does help us to improve the podcast any any number of flavors you can you can leave in a review as separate individual comments oh yeah oh it really deliver it helps it helps me read it easier if they’re in separate I star reviews yeah and get your friends to do it too to help you compile this extensive list we’ve really appreciate that and I do want to say before dr. Linden you had mentioned you know the last straw right I just want to say we don’t know what broke that camel’s back oh you’re saying like it could have had like issues before you know what I mean it’s impossible to know what actually broke it so I think to blame the straw might is short-sighted maybe get some more straws get to the root of the issue maybe don’t worry about that just get more straws which is episodes of this podcast okay I don’t follow the metaphor that well but that ending conclusion I like okay yeah just to follow the podcast so also be sure to message a link of your favorite episode of the podcast to your crush or even just send the URL Jacque doc podcast calm and link me the profile of your crush let me talk to them let me say what’s up I owe this is their crush so I don’t know if they want you to yeah just send me your crush okay well cuz be cool about it don’t be weird about it just send me a crush well plus if you send it to them and they like it that the link I mean then you will both let’s you’ll still have the option of the podcast as something to listen to in your free time after your crush realizes that you’re coming on to them and it actually makes them uncomfortable which Cameron I know this is this is also one of those things you’ve had to deal with I don’t know what you’re talking about I’m just saying send me your crush and then whatever happens happens that’s all I’m saying okay well in any case thanks again for listening [Music] [Applause]

14: Atrial Fibrillation/Dr. Kathy/AREA 51

Welcome to the jock doc podcast featuring dr. London Smith he’s a real doctor with an even realer podcast now introducing your host dr. London Smith [Applause]

hello and welcome to the jock doc podcast where we discuss fitness and health and how to incorporate our modern understanding of science and medicine into our daily lives but without it being so boring I’m your host dr. London I would like to begin by apologizing to our listeners we have received some feedback complaining about the amount of technical terms we’ve been using such as body and mail bed so we all try to simplify terminology in the future here to assist with that actually not here today he’s actually calling in because he said he had a previous engagement as a producer Cameron Cameron is like a weather vane he’s always looking to where the winds of trends and popularity are blowing are you are you with us Cameron dr. London yes yes that’s me hear me yes yeah you’re a little choppy but we hear you I’m here I’m alive okay really but I’m sorry barely yeah okay cuz you said you had an appointment you didn’t say yeah I’m with fate okay I don’t put that well even with finally finding things out well okay we met with you know taking down the government okay because I tell you I thought it was a dentist thing or something so you’re are you in DC I really got here my teeth but I don’t think he’s a dentist okay did what do you know why he’s like new team where are you what are you seeing I mean there’s a tree there’s grass I mean you know there’s green grass but there’s some of its Browns okay so so it’s I guess it’s warm maybe wherever you are you know I’m trying to keep this a little secret but okay but you’re trying to to take on the government wherever wherever this is is that is that right are you not responding are you just breaking up okay we’ll go ahead and move on from there also with us is DJ Dylan IN DA HOUSE in addition Cameron has well he’s left me some notes one of them tells me that we can expect a guest to join us later an ob/gyn Wow okay so um I’ll be able to look forward to that it’s really nice to have him back yeah your back sorry the teeth guy took my phone the teeth guy yeah the guy was looking at my teeth dentists okay uh alright weld it are you sure that you’re in like a safe area because that doesn’t sound safe doctor I’m telling you I’m barely alive with what we’re going through out here all right buddy just felt good me to spell it yeah yeah before we I’m pretty curious what’s going on here dr. Linda I’m at area 52 it’s right down the street from area 51 we had stopped over here just for some churros are churros popular at area 52 that there was a churro guy here I don’t know I can’t answer any more details on that dr. Landon Oh God dr. London it’s been an adventure okay cuz he left I want to say but like you it was not long ago that you left for this adventure but like you mean the last hour it’s been an adventure Oh dr. Lana it’s been such an adventure barely alive over here okay alright we’re gonna go ahead and move on but um I guess feel free to so you know guide us along to happy with but what was that well I thought it was an alien but it was just the churro guy again okay okay well so we’re gonna go ahead and move on and just you know as usual we do appreciate your help with you know helping us to stay what with what people want to hear so you know feel free to keep chiming in know as usually do here is the truth dr. Londe and that’s what I’m down here for or I’m not you know I’m not there yet you know I’m not at area 51 yet okay but you’re at your neighbor it’s the truth dr. London the kind of stuff that you’re trying to hide okay so well I’m gonna go ahead and move on to UM to some listener feedback if that’s all right okay so the listener feedback is quote can speak to manager who is not having a seizure please and thank you Google manager who is not having seizure to complain about seizure on my order didn’t order seizure end quote first of all thank you so much for your response we always appreciate it when our fans reach out with us to us with questions and we are happy to try to address them whenever possible so if I may restate the question it sounds listener as if your waiter was having a seizure and since you did not order a seizure you wish to ask the manager to bring you a waiter who will bring you your food order rather than a seizure well they only shouldn’t charge him for the seizure I mean I I’m not sure that that was the issue it sounded like but but yeah I’m sure that um the manager would sort that out that probably seizures in isn’t what they would pay for what they ordered they shouldn’t pay for it I would I would hey listener listener I would say go back to that restaurant and say I don’t want to see her anymore oh you think that they left and that the patient or that listener had a seizure yeah okay accorded that’s not what they should be getting that’s all I’m trying to say okay okay well we’re always thinking about businesses I’m thinking about the people just why I’m out here risking my life well you’re up in just a cozy studio apartment okay um I’m sorry when you say risking your life aside phone dr. Lana and I’m barely alive wait when you say barely alive what what do you mean by that it’s the risk that you have to take to come out here dr. London to stand up to the government it’s that kind of risk I’m barely alive what do you mean like you just drove to that area and that to you is bare line yet okay but the risk involved dr. London right okay well um so to finish answering that one question um I would say to the listener that you should probably focus a little bit more on making sure that the waiter is okay because if if it’s what I suspect is that the waiter had a seizure and that he did not intend to bring a seizure rather than the food order he just he has I assume that this waiter had a medical condition that caused that seizure to happen and that should be addressed as soon as possible but after that then the manager or maybe another waiter would would be happy to address the listeners concerns with the food order after that and you know you should be honest about it if you did order a seizure but that’s not what you really wanted don’t say I ordered something different and you gave me something different you know be honest but sometimes I’ll do that i order the wrong burger and I want to say oh you did it wrong but that’s not right they get blamed for that you know that comes out of their paycheck so if you if that’s what you ordered was a seizure and that’s what they gave you I just be honest about it so I’m trying to say okay that’s what we care about it’s honesty that’s why we’re here we’re almost there okay that’s given your understanding of it that sounds right well to that listener thank you for reaching out and I hope that both your issues and that of the waiter are resolved in good time now for a hail from surgery what is it Cameron go ahead okay so now for a tale from surgery he he keeps popping up behind me and when I don’t know that he’s there that’s all I’m just trying to say well I think you know these circumstances it’s very rude for someone to do that but you know here we are the circumstances being that you drove up to this churro stand yeah and you don’t think it’s appropriate for him to be there I think there’s something up with why he’s here who does he work I’m trying to get to the bottom okay all right well I’m gonna go ahead and I’m gonna share a little anecdote from our surgery so we had a patient in pre-op waiting to go into surgery then we found out that the patient’s blood sugar is extremely elevated so we asked him and yes he knows that he is diabetic so we asked why don’t you take your diabetes medication and he says I control the diabetes with my diet at this point it is worth noting that he was unable to fix his eyes on any of us who were present because his uncontrolled diabetes had literally made him blind anyway they they managed to get his blood sugar down enough to go into surgery and he was soon ready to go back to his life of being free to avoid taking medication if that’s that was a desire which it seemed like it was dr. London yes yes dr. London there’s a development over here okay okay tell me what you’re seeing the the guy the churro guy he’s closing down he said he’s done done selling for the day it’s only 8:30 p.m. does I’m not sound weird to you that that sounds reasonable considering you’re in the middle of a desert right it’s can’t stay open till 9:00 in the middle of the desert and you already bought your churros right well yeah so why do i I guess why do you care no it’s it’s suspicious dr. London okay light write something a guy dr. London okay okay and I should say here you’ve done this before please do not follow him home yeah okay we will not I’m talking to the tooth guy right now we’re not not not not going to follow the churro guy home okay wink wink okay used a lot of double negatives there and you said out loud week week no I’m okay okay what you didn’t as you write you know attribute it okay I please don’t follow him home because remember you have your area 51 mission you don’t want to miss that right oh yeah d’etre well well I I’m gonna try to do both all right go ahead go ahead all right now for today’s topic atrial fibrillation now we all know that when people are alive they tend to have a heartbeat but what actually makes that heartbeat happen what makes that beat well you have parts of your heart called nodes that send out electrical impulses to make each and every heartbeat happen I’ll tell you dr. London I was about to okay you go ahead I guess yes staring truth in the face when you’re not supposed to looking and look in the eyes one of these alien creatures at area 51 that’s what gets my heart beatin okay so that’s that’s what so but the physiological method is the sinoatrial and atrioventricular nodes more commonly known as the SA and AV nodes yeah there’s enough I wrote down notes about the churro guy I wrote down notes about the tooth guy okay well these are n Oh des as opposed to the the written notes and ot yes si an AV nodes help to set the normal rhythm of the heart but however in atrial fibrillation this rhythm is lost and the heart beat becomes irregular so clinically atrial fibrillation presents with them irregularly irregular pulse so that both the rate and the rhythm of the beat are your regular your you’re saying dr. London that if you’re looking for a heartbeat and it happens to be irregular in a person then maybe they’re not human at all I see what you’re saying no okay no I’m saying if it’s irregular she’s not an irregular heartbeat okay this is good cuz I have a feeling this guy with the churros you’re still following him I there’s something about him man well it sounds like he’s the weirdest thing about him is that he’s selling churros at area 52 wherever that is anyway I’ll I’ll just finish explaining this real quick let’s see in other words that the heart is beating abnormally and therefore the blood in the heart has a chance to slow down and actually clot so that clot can be sent to the brain or elsewhere in the body give me a churro because it’s only 8:30 I can still have a churro just give me a churro and then I’ll take your pulse sorry doc : and go ahead I’m just this guy’s impossible okay all right well please please don’t okay please don’t hurt him I’m not gonna hurt any humans on this trip I promise that well anyway so so an atrial fibrillation if you’ve ever seen movies or shows where they do that whole they’re in the hospital and they yell clear and give them a shock that’s if the patient is unstable with atrial fibrillation they do that for this type of person they give them the shock and that shock is like slapping the nodes of the heart so that they can come back to their senses and then sent normal rhythm again all right um did you get your churro Cameron yeah and his pool okay his pulse is I think it’s 6:30 over 14 2000 pulses pulses are just one number so I think 6:30 over 14 20 is what I’m getting you you know where you can feel your pulse in your wrist you you count the number of beats in you know in 15 seconds then you multiply that by 4 to get beats per minute or the pulse yes 6:30 over 14 20 is what we’re looking at which i think is a regular dr. London so I have a feeling shut up shut up I have a feeling this guy might be a irregular like you were saying non-human okay well um all right well do we have any sponsors today uh do me to give me to shout out your chourus name on my podcast okay well he doesn’t want me to shout out his choice am but I’m just gonna do it anyway if you go to area 52 there’s this guy here with an irregular heartbeat and that that’s how you’ll know it’s him yeah just if he is around six-30 over 1420 then then it’s the right guy if a coupon he doesn’t have a coupon but just ask for 10% off and just say that I sent you okay all right well I guess for any listeners who live at or near area 52 they can visit this churro stand and I’m sorry what do you say he’s a sponsor you didn’t just like he’s paying for a sponsorship right he said no but I’m gonna I’ll try to get it out of him okay I still have his hand and a hold because I’m still taking his pulse okay okay well um anyway I guess we can move on from there especially for his sake so we have a guest you said you actually got us an ob/gyn is that right it’s true and it’s and it was odd the way cuz he left me notes for everything and the note you left was follow the trail and they will be there and so anyway it it was a whole thing but we did find them alright and here’s our guest hello hello and is it dr. kathie is that right yes alright well it’s nice to meet you uh so good to be here well I’m dr. London and we have our producer Cameron on the line as well hi Cameron hey can you hear me hi hello yeah hi thank you so much for asking me on yeah yeah alright well um yeah so I I think dr. Cathy was saying that they she had sort of an unusual case for us oh yes yes I as an ob/gyn with you know 20 years of experience I come across a lot of really interesting cases you know the body is just a mystery so anyway I was really hoping that I could share one if you don’t mind sure okay okay okay interesting okay so sorry just the churro guy really wants to hear this oh do you have it on speakerphone so he can hear okay well yeah he’s welcome to subscribe and he’s not gonna subscribe okay that’s that’s fine too okay stop offering him because I know you’re just giving him my so is it okay yeah okay go ahead with the case that sorry okay okay great so I recently had a Caucasian patient who presented to my clinic with complaints of an upset stomach and vomiting and the vomiting persisted for eight days and they had also developed a fever of a hundred one degrees Fahrenheit that seemed to have come and left before they got to the clinic but patient also mentioned a recent history of trekking through the remote jungles of Georgia and quote chugging that sweet stream nectar which I thought was very interesting so what isn’t okay and sorry what was that I’m sorry yeah no that’s interesting but you you have more or is yes so so on physical exam sorry they never up the TRO guy wants to know if he can sell some of this nectar or if you have like a copyright on it I I think that would be great when directed to the patient okay the doctor from what I understand was not there I don’t have any of the sweet nectar the truck I just was really disappointed in that answer but okay well okay sorry to hear that okay so on physical exam there was no murmur gallop or rub there was no chest wall tenderness although they did have some notable tenderness around the Tatas without discharged I’m sorry sorry what’d you say tot Tatas and is that a talking about well I’m sorry it’s just not a medical term I’m familiar with oh I’m sorry but you’ve been in the business for 20 years maybe you’ll learn it’s my beastly new I’m really sorry for dr. London’s behavior he’s not comfortable with women he’s not comfortable with men he’s not comfortable with just normal people talking real stuff I am using the correct terminology since you’re referring to the chest wall tenderness and that area were your friendship that the nipples discharge yes the nobbies okay so as long as we know what were you referring to so those yeah there was no discharge yes so there’s tenderness so they did have some notable tenderness around the milky milks without discharge is that clear for you I not now you understand I’m sorry for interrupting go on thank you uh so there wasn’t anything else that was extremely interesting although their abdomen was possibly distended no fluid wave but the fullness appreciated super pubically okay anyway whenever we got to ultrasound the technician was unable to find a uterus which was fascinating okay furthermore the patient is adamant that though the patient has never seen a sex they have heard of The Associated dangers of STDs and would most assuredly shoot a sex on sight should the opportunity arise okay I’m I guess what I’m confused I guess I’m going to view about a few things but I guess that last part so the patient had never seen a set the way you phrase it makes it sound like sex is a separate never seen a sex correct all right so do you have a diagnosis you’re thinking so yes so in my opinion given these findings the patient was likely pregnant most likely pregnant okay so you couldn’t find a uterus well no but well and given my experience I know what I’m looking at and it is a pregnancy so you mentioned I guess the vomiting I’m sorry could you repeat that part a miracle of life I was just kind of basking in the glory of the miracle of life whereas you seem to be offended by it that’s all okay well so here’s one one is your habit of uh pregnancy trips you up but me personally I think it’s beautiful but that is me so so whoever this guy and the teeth guy agree with me life is beautiful okay and I’m not I’m not disputing the beauty of life or the miracle of life but what I am disputing is so given given what you’ve said so far that they had been vomiting for yes was it ten days or so um had a fever off and on and they had been drinking out of a stream it sounds like it could have been you know some feral or even my findings all of these things point to pregnancy yes the the tooth guy wants to bring up that if you’re throwing up a lot it’s gonna ruin your teeth that’s what he says the acid in your stomach ruins your teeth he just he just wants to talk about teeth I think that’s just he just wants to contribute sorry go ahead okay well that that is true it for those this is sort of a separate note but uh those are the history of bulimia or where you you know vomit frequently that can that acidity can wear down your teeth wear away your teeth so uh that that’s a fair contribution and that’s [Applause] one reason why you would definitely want to avoid those practices but also of course general well-being Oh Feherty send a picture of your teeth uh I don’t think I would like to he’s getting so mad that you just said that I just don’t think I there’s a reason to send him you know picture of his teeth okay just go ahead okay alright so yes that’s what I’m wondering here is what what made you decide like as opposed to having like a stomach bug or something what made you decide that this patient sorry you never even mentioned the the gender of the patient I’m sorry well okay so it really didn’t come up I mean these things don’t always come up and besides I would I would never presume to ask someone such a personal question I after twenty years of experience and that’s where I do have to disagree a little bit because if you’re over G weigh in and you’re assuming that it’s a pregnancy usually like that that generally happens in women and females not in in males because they have they have what a uterus I’m not really familiar with the term but I think what you’re talking about might be a big eyeness that’s the more professional term okay that’s a term with which I am unfamiliar or maybe a neigh-neigh okay sorry you said you have the patient here yes go ahead howdy-hi I’m sorry Mo’s your name I’m sorry dr. London I’m getting a question here well how are your teeth done my teeth yeah yeah patient how are your teeth Oh my teeth are terrible let me tell you that sweet River nectar just does a doozy on your teeth okay that’s what tooth guy was concerned about whether or not the Necker was gonna screw up your teeth all right go ahead and I guess sorry on that note the way you’re talking about it was that sweet River nectar that I don’t know about the river nectar I’m trying to moonshine no no no the sweet River see here what you do hop in your pickup go drive to Kentucky pick yourself up a bottle of Kentucky’s finest bourbon drive all the way to Kentucky this’n are you gonna listen I’m just gonna keep talking go on as you pick up a bottle of Kentucky’s finest bourbon you get yourself watermelon are you following me yes yes okay what did I say you need to get you said get a bottle of bourbon jockeys – and then you get a watermelon exactly so what you’re gonna do you’re gonna take that watermelon you’re gonna drill a hole in the top of that watermelon okay okay I’m gonna dump that bourbon straight down just let it tilt it upside down let it soak in that watermelon you’re gonna stick it in this in the nearest Creek nearest river whatever you got cool that thing during the summer and then you got yourself some river nectar son so so the river nectar it’s it’s named after where you keep the pump inside the watermelon in order to refrigerate it more D’Alessio okay okay so uh so really you’re talking about a sort of watermelon drink based heavily and sweet River later sweet River nectar I’m sorry so you’re familiar with the term I mean she’s my doctor she has to know all this stuff I’m Cameron are you back with us I think I got some churros over there tell him to save me some drinks I’m back I’m sorry he’s taking some back oh stop oh I love some churros I would also like the churro okay so you have a rapport with him now you trust him now uh yeah I’m still taking his pulse so he can’t really go a lot of places but haha okay well so my question is patient Morris here I’m such a patient of yours what maybe you should ask me the question well and then I defer to my doctor typically so doctor I’m sure you understand well as you don’t seem to know a lot of just keep in mind you don’t have to say anything that incriminates yourself thank you thank you and ins questioning you just defer to your doctor they’ll handle it but some great advice great advice whenever you were deciding on a doctor what made you choose dr. Cathy an OBGYN in particular he saw the sign and walked in that’s right and the sign said what would you win and and you thought I’m sorry because you you look and sound like a male I don’t understand what that has to do with anything but you get sure well would you I am so sorry are you asking him questions directly I was more just about to explain that terminology in general so OBGYN refers to listen you might deliver mail does not make him any less of a person thank you I know that in this day and age with the internet and email and all these things it’s easy to say oh you’re you’re a male guy you know you’re worthless you don’t count anymore but I’m here to say I think that’s ridiculous and I don’t discriminate I just want that to be clear in my in my practice we see everyone doesn’t matter if you have a 2d or winky will see you okay Wow doesn’t matter if you have a TT or a duty or a cookie or an O or even a tallywacker we’ll see dr. loner use the people with the duty or a chi the reason being so an OBGYN is a fairly specific specialty of Medicine where it stands for obstetrics and gynecology so the OB is like obstetrics refers to like pregnancy and childbirth I’m sorry I I don’t think you I don’t know where you went to school but I’m gonna dirt bird dr. Cathy on this one that sounds that sounds like a locust OBGYN stands for Oh baby grab your nabis wherever you into school they’re clearly making up words it’s that coastal elite just elite miss that comes from the coast and I’ll tell you I’m tired of the de elite man mm-hmm agreed okay Oh baby grab your na peas Oh baby grab you not B’s rhythm your understanding of what OBGYN stands for because they’re they’re just shortened it’s what it stands it’s not my understanding it’s what so those are just like they are you’re using it as an acronym whereas that they’re just shortened versions of words that their obstetrics and gynecology would be just that the female reproductive system female yeah not these and so dr. Lin can we just get to the point I am with child and I have to take care of myself that’s right so so in the patient note as I was presented by dr. Cathy here it sounded as if you have a stomach bug because you drank something or possible you just use have some sort of stomach virus and you’re trying to blame this on my river nectar a child we don’t refer to babies as stomach books and I’m proud air you that’s very insensitive I’m trying to figure out exactly why you think he is pregnant because my Tatas are tender have you have tender tops before dr. London it is painful well I there’s no other explanation I thought like perhaps the nausea because morning sickness is a part of often a part of pregnancy yeah reported symptom but I throw up at least once a week husbands oh is that new and of course not I’ve been watch out for a while but for how long for a while are we talking days months I would say it’s been it sounds about right it sounds about right okay well it’s I I’ve been seeing this patient for quite a while we’ve been tracking the pregnancy and it seems to be progressing well so when was and this would be just a part of it how you would calculate when was your last menstrual period sir menstrual period dr. kandi you track this done this this patient has never seen a sex so I never seen sir and honestly why would you bring up men again I don’t understand why you have to bring men back into your phrasing okay well hey sorry Cameron what’s going on there I’m sorry the chair guy was just trying to leave I grabbed him you’ve got go ahead well I guess I should ask Cameron a few questions here Cameron are you any closer to area 51 and why are you going to area 51 you’re at area 51 well now I’m at area 52 Nancy and so we’ve just been listening to the podcast okay so we have some new listeners well I mean I both of them have refused to subscribe even after I gave him the 35 bucks so I don’t think so okay and you’ve gotta stop giving people my money how do you soon this is my money pretty good deal yeah I feel like it’s a pretty good deal yeah it’s definitely a steep discount a discount yeah do you normally charge people to listen I don’t take less than $50 to subscribe their podcast because okay because the podcast is free this is an educational free sort of public health public service community podcast and your are you charging people for it yeah all right well um really wants a picture of the patient’s PE thing the nastier the better I don’t know I’ll send him a picture of my teeth okay yeah he’d really appreciate that ha God he’s rubbing his hands together okay I guess I have a few further questions to ask here because okay if saying that is what your understanding of ob/gyn means what is your clinic like it sounds maybe like you’re more of a maybe homeopathy medicine like would you an oh baby oh baby grab you’re not that you’re not these okay let’s say a patient a new patient walks in and they see the sign outside would you I in and they go in and let’s say that they think they might be pregnant let’s say it’s a female patient I’ll be the judge of that okay female patient also not relevant okay so they come in and they go to your office and what do you how does a process go use insert my hands into the penis depending okay depending on what they have you know if they have a dangler a very different sort of okay well let’s go in the examination how would you examine if the patient like our patient here I presume possesses a a dangler as you call it I don’t want to talk about my patients dangler I don’t know if I’m my hundred percent comfortable I don’t want to talk about his doctor sharing this specifically his dangler I mean why are you talking about my dangler I have a question is the dangler the same as the droopier yes also the same as a PP or a lioness or a Winker are you familiar with those terms no but is it far off from a droopy Luthi no it’s not okay so that’s fine right is it extra droopy loopy to say extra is some fly that it was once not like this so is it more loopy or more droopy it’s it’s getting loop here by the day okay and how are how are your ly lose falling off that is interesting like a battery any any orange discharge or months oh my gosh tons and the guy would I would definitely recommend you come in and we have an examination because there’s definitely something going on okay it’s not gonna mess up my teeth right because the tooth does really he’s kind of making a lot of sense now not not your facial teeth now [Music] all right well Cameron do we have a sponsor today we do dr. London [Music] smoking is really really difficult to quit a lot of people are moving towards vapes but there’s a lot of questions with vapes are they safe are they healthy there was a scare about popcorn lung some years ago mm-hmm so I want to talk about zipler vapes it is organic healthy vaping system I’ve switched to it it’s been great I what’s that doctor okay cuz it’s it’s still a vaping system though yeah because that that puts it in the same category as the other ones from what it sounds like healthy organic vaping I don’t in what way in one way is that it’s organic take different from that of the other vape the others are unhealthy on organic bait systems this is a healthy organic vape system I’m only one of its kind what makes it so what makes it organic what do you mean by that well it’s a it’s not uh nor Ganic like the other vape systems okay so the way that it is organic is just that it is not unlike those other ones I can do me to show you uh maybe okay we can do a demo right here on the podcast okay okay all right let me get this situated and started all right let’s see here all right all right yeah you want to get ready don’t want to get it started all right do it it doesn’t sound good yeah no in fact if it’s not making this sound you want to throw it into a fire suicide immediately this sound means it’s working properly this is a bass yeah this look at the crowds oh man Oh wherever it’s know so much of – Wow that flavor is so smooth and completely plant-based okay this was a and that’s all I get yeah I am today I don’t know how oh crap I need a fireproof bag give me a fireproof bag I gotta give me something you throw it I have your blankets I need blankets let me rap in it okay blue he broke it okay okay okay I okay we’re good I think we’re good okay all right I think we’re safe zip lourve apes I bet doesn’t sound good the number-one healthy and organic vaping option okay so if we could get back to that kind of leads us into this question of what the first exam will look like if a patient has a Linus rather than so why are you so interested and I’m trying to visualizing what my patients minuses look like I just really I do fear for their safety when people ask questions like this right it’s more it’s all disconcerting it’s you say it’s more to find out what your examination process is rather than what they would their particular body part looks I don’t think they would really be happy with me discussing what the process is guys tender up dr. London I think it I think something’s happening over here something big okay what’s what’s going on there the something something that’s not human at all dr. Londe hey hey when you say not human nation see is that sir let me just let me hello dr. Lunney can you hear me yeah I can hear you I think it’s I something come here okay okay what are you seeing it look it looks exactly like the churro guy but I know it’s not him you check his pulse to make sure okay that is not let me check I don’t you if you see a sex make sure to shoot it pulse is 540 over 13 90 not what I don’t understand how you’re getting that reading please don’t hurt anyone I’m just checking this pulse can you check his pulse talk to it and I’ll get back to you okay thank you for checking in here I guess what I’m wondering dr. kathie is just okay here’s a basic question how many patients do you have currently I have many patients okay I also have the gift of patients and so whenever you see them in handy being on on your show Oh dr. London do you have any patients beyond the one present here in this room it sounds like dr. London you have no patients that’s what it sounds like if you should learn to pass some patience with your guests it’s like my grandpappy once said you never look a gift horse in the broadside of a barn am i right right dr. kathie okay okay wait sorry who started fidgeting again it’s the alien my I know he’s not because of the pulse that he’s not an alien he’s not the churro guy from before he just looks exactly like him and he seems to have his keys okay because you know a pulse isn’t like a fingerprint or something where you can identify people by that like a lot of mr. completely it’s an irregular inhuman alien reading dr. London irregular alien hearts are you familiar with aliens dr. London I I don’t believe that most people are not familiar with them because they if they exist and they have not made con obviously one says you just chased it down and I’m sorry we we kind of skipped past it a little bit you said so typical pregnancy takes about 11 months so I start sorry about nine knows about how long it’s taken so far about nine months every pregnancy is different every patient is different that’s true I like to approach it knowing that you never know when the baby will show you never know what’s going to happen next beautiful yes so typically so in this case yes we have eleven month going on twelve wait the baby will be here any day okay because typical pregnancy is going to last around nine months some some babies are born premature but maybe or typical pregnancy but all bodies are unique we’re all human we’re all you nutri we all have fingerprints and different eye colors different hair colors some toys have their cheering well I’m not I’m not done some of us have JJ’s some of us have winkers some of us have t t some of us have duties we’re all special and and the same comes with with babies and how they’re born every pregnancy is special dr. Cathy just knows exactly how beautiful life is that’s why I’m glad she’s my my would you I am that’s why I have so many patients okay well um on that note that was I don’t know I’m medically accurate but that great speech I think we’ll start to sort of uh maybe wind down here Cameron how are things looking for you over it have you made it to area 51 yet oh no I mean we’re still just John okay are you are you planning to get there for um I’ve heard on social media there’s some special storming area 51 day is this is this about that huh well I don’t what they said that they’re storming area 51 like it’s some social media thing go back on social okay social media like we’re talking about Facebook or Instagram Twitter because you were supposed to be in charge of those for our podcast uh are though is that like a TV show no although you can you can post videos on those but no they are they’re their own things the churro guy that’s gonna help me set up a Twitter so we we’re pretty far into our podcast and you haven’t set up a Twitter account cuz that was like a day one thing well it’s not day one yeah okay so anyway so all that to say you that you didn’t know about the whole storming area 51 this weekend that but that’s a whole thing yeah it’s kind of hanging out so so you decided to go there out of the blue was just just to do it well yeah it was my desire to kind of take down this kind of Mirage that the government has set up to kind of lined us to make us you know see things they’re not see the things that are really there you know trying to you know take the red pill here get out of the matrix you know I’m talking about yeah I guess it’s just yeah the timing just seemed it seemed surprising considering is this that you find that the churro guy is the same one that you thought was an alien that again uh PBB he pickles the same at least I know that much okay well thank you Cameron I think we’re gonna go ahead and finish up today we very much appreciate the tried to get us a medical professional on this one I I was fooled at first I tried but okay well thank you for being honest the OBGYN thank you dr. Cathy for coming on the show on the podcast I’m really glad to have been able to share all right and uh Thank You Cameron as always and i knew i want to i want to challenge the listeners to take a picture of your teeth this week and then you want to send it over to what’s your name yeah – joe near area 52 well his name is tooth joe like as in one tooth yeah so just take a picture your teeth send it over to them i’m god he’s salivating over it again all right keep going dr. London okay well yes I was just saying Thank You Cameron I guess thanks you too tooth dough and the the churro guy as well Cameron please don’t hurt please do not hurt him he please don’t I took its keys okay thank you – dude you’re dealing with the host and we’ll see you guys next time [Music] we’re okay please stop hold on full stop you are obviously about to delete this podcast from your phone and then drinking away all memory of it but please please think about your family first now you might be thinking what family you mean those filthy rats who betrayed me didn’t reply I would have to say no those filthy rats you found in your basement are not your family and frankly their betrayal kindness seems insignificant compared to the fact that you trusted them with your emergency funds just because you find rats living in your place doesn’t mean that they are your family or that you should trust them but they sometimes close friends our family you know well right here yeah but it’s family bro so rats rats are there vermin no still doesn’t say like I wasn’t affirming what you just said I’m it’s in contrast like I’m saying hey sometimes blood isn’t thicker than water you know what I mean sometimes a friend is a family okay so in terms of a rat infestation though right okay so yeah so in summary the the rat infestation in your home is not your family and you should also continue listening to the jock doc podcast in addition you should follow us on social media at jock talk podcast and even more importantly message your loved ones are handy website jock doc podcast calm and that can send them to whichever podcast platform they prefer with just a couple clicks thanks for listening you [Applause]

13: Congestive Heart Failure/Fitness Guru John

Welcome to the Jock Doc Podcast featuring Dr. London Smith

Home of dr. London Smith himself host of the Jock Doc Podcast

Now let me introduce your host Dr. London “Jock Doc” Smith

Hello and welcome to Jock Doc Podcast where we

discuss fitness and health and how to

incorporate our modern understanding of

science and medicine into our daily

lives but without it being so boring I’m

your host dr. I would

like to begin by apologizing to our

listeners we’ve received some feedback

complaining about the amount of

technical terms we’ve been using such as

pedestrian and nipple so I will try to

speak more simply in the future here to

assist with that is our producer Cameron

hey hey hey Cameron is like a buoy on

the sea recognizing and rolling with the

waves of the world then applying that

understanding to helping me connect with

listeners also with us is DJ Dylan IN DA HOUSE


Plus Cameron tells me that we have a

fitness guru arriving later in the show

we sure do

yeah so that’s stepping a little bit

more into the the jock aspect of the

jock podcast fittin’ this guru in our

podcast yeah all right well before we

move on I would like to address a small

sample of a listener feedback quote this

is such a beautiful so tree my wife

Olive RIP in pieces best suit aful

woman once told me to be thankful for

only losing the one eye to polio

god bless ha ha ha and quote first of

all I would like to thank you for

contacting us a jock doc it is of course

always a pleasure to hear from our

listeners an answer to that question I’m

not sure to which story you are

referring but it does indeed sound

beautiful and I’m sorry to hear about

your wife and that you lost your eye to

polio which that actually sounds like an

unusual medical case to me but I wish

you well in future endeavors thank you

for reaching out you’re so heartless dr.

London it heard these people are clearly

struggling and here you are you’re I

mean millionaire billion I don’t even

know you don’t even offer to send them a

check you don’t even offer them to like

buy them new shoes

well I was lucky the new i well and

that’s well for one thing

so polio is always an excuse well and

this was just more feedback on how we

are doing on the podcast it wasn’t like

a you know the feedback is they don’t

have an eye and you’re crazy rich I I

don’t think that that’s necessarily the


let’s move on okay so now for a tale

from the psych ward we had a patient in

the psychiatric ICU or PICU who claimed

to be God and expanded with a claim that

he was the reincarnated Judas Iscariot

so when asked how we came to this

conclusion he said basically just

through meditation he had been what’s

reasonable well so he had been brought

in because like in the intensive care

unit because he was throwing things in a

drugstore while yelling about finding a

gateway to another world okay well I

mean if you found a gateway to another

world wouldn’t you be a little kind of

pissed off I mean well no I don’t think

so but also I would you know I found out

anything that I don’t already know about

I’m furious I’m fuming I’m fuming

thinking about about covering something

that I’m not already aware of so so

learning makes you aim is disgusting so

so this podcast disgusts me well I don’t

learn anything from those podcasts I’m

disgusted by this podcast for many other

reasons but I’ve never learned anything

from this podcast I’ve learned how much

of a hassle you are like well okay so

anyway said this patient we had we did

what we do with most patients which is

to ask if any medications have helped

them in the past so we asked what made

him feel worse and he didn’t really have

an answer and then we asked what made

him feel better what helped and he said

meth and of course what really helps him

was a few days of anti-psychotic

medication and after that point he began

to realize that perhaps he was not a

deity so you sucked the joy and the

imagination out of this man this is what

society does to people these days so a

little creativity you’re a little

different and then people like dr.

London are like oh you’re uh you’re a

circle trying to fit into this square

become a square well especially in this

instance that the man was the cops were

called on him because he was tearing up

his drugstore he had a vibe tries just

trying to vibe out and then dr. London

comes in and says no you have to be like

everybody else

I do just ride the vibe

all right well so we’ll go ahead and

move on from there to UM today’s topic

congestive heart failure congestive

heart failure is a chronic progressive

condition that occurs when the heart is

unable to efficiently pump blood to the

rest of the body this results in the

blood backing up into the lungs and can

even progress further into backing up

blood into the neck veins and the liver

so depending on the stage of the disease

progression patients can present with

orthopnea which is when they have

shortness of breath while lying down


they can also have what’s called

paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea which is a

sort of a breathless awakening from

sleep they feel like they can’t breathe

whenever they’re asleep so they wake up

and like rush to the window to get a

breath and they can also have pulmonary

edema which is sort of congestion in the

lungs essentially the easy way to think

about it is blood backing up on the left

side of the heart into the lungs and

that excess blood circulating through

the lungs causes congestion that results

in difficulty breathing what do you call


I actually really like your advice on

this because I’ve been struggling with

with this lately what do you call it

when you have shortness of breath after

you kind of dive-bomb off your roof I in

okay did you dive bomb off your roof

yeah well I do it every day that’s my

main form of exercise and I’m so out of

breath afterwards it hurts like hell

okay so you dive bomb from you and this

is just like your form of exercise every

day to in the morning do you say I

didn’t specify it okay so that but this

is your exercise use anyong be in the

morning cuz I can happen is that the

issue to my understanding dive-bombing

is not necessarily best friend but

everybody say sorry to clarify when you

say dive-bombing you mean you just jump

off headfirst yeah off of your roof yeah

until like a pipe like a pile of boxes

or something to catch my fall I’m not

diving off into the ground I’m not I’m

okay good okay but I am just out of


well probably like are you how are you

landing are you landing on your chest

yeah so okay that’s that’s what I’m

trying to work out is my chest so I

guess it kind of does depend if it’s leg

day then yeah I’m gonna land on my legs

but if it’s chest day which it almost

always is yeah of course I’m gonna land

on my chest but then I just can’t

breathe at all

well I don’t think that that’s

necessarily the best way to get exercise

because nobody exercises sort of using

the muscles rather than just putting

sudden violent pressure on them it

sounds like you are you just causing

bruising to your chest probably is it

like blue and like has a discolored

afterwards well yeah absolutely yeah and

but that’s what working out is it’s you

hurt yourself and then it heals itself a

little bit bigger yeah in a way but so

in that case what you’re doing is just

hurting yourself rather than it’s not

breaking down muscle in the sort of the

constructive way that like weightlifting

would be which is more intentional it

it’s not the same so you’re saying at

the Olympics weightlifting is more of a

sport than diving then dive-bombing off

of a roof and do a pile of boxes yes

well I’m trying to make that an Olympic

sport oh this is this is part of the

whole thing yeah okay for those maybe

who who haven’t heard my favourite sport

is the Olympics and I’ve been trying to

get some of my games into the Olympics

we had talked about getting like my

nephew’s gun and you shoot targets off

people’s back and talked about like

picking up coins a few facts yeah this

is sort of the the third game that I’m

testing okay

and the game is once again you it’s

exercise sorry it’s not a game you

jumping off of your roof into a pile

depending on whatever whatever’s around

I get out of curiosity does what you

jump into factor into the time

of game you’re doing the does that

second which because I know you talked

about leg day

and chest day yeah I’m not jumping into

like a pile of legs that were you’re

asking no no I could

okay and once I mean I feel like you

probably have access to I don’t right

I don’t think cuz you get me some legs

this isn’t this talk after the pot yeah

what you’re getting is a workout it just

isn’t being give me like human legs that

I could dive bomb into right

I cuz that’s an interesting thread okay

yeah no let’s move on okay let’s move on

we’ll talk about the body parts later

okay well uh Cameron do we have any

sponsors today we absolutely do dr.

London okay


we are our sponsor for today is another

dating app oh okay I always like to

connect people so yeah absolutely this

is for Twilight dating okay so is it

like a vampire kind of no no no no no it

actually really really stresses if this

has nothing to do with the Twilight

series if you make an account and you

make your picture Robert Pattinson you

will be banned immediately okay okay

absolutely nothing to do with that okay

this is for the the exploding

demographic of men and women over the

age of a hundred and fifteen years old

115 have you joined a dating app that’s

supposed to be for people over the age

of a hundred and you’re tired of dealing

with all these young people who can’t

even relate to you I this app is for you

I mean I recognize that there’s

technically a generation gap but

whenever it’s gap whenever you reach

that age I would assume that kind of

becomes like somewhat irrelevant that

the 10 or 15 years situation it’s just I

mean if you’re born in 1903 are you

really gonna be able to relate to

someone who was born in 1919 I

there’s no sense born I guess one born

into the war kids born in 1919 they

don’t know what life was like before the

Great or yeah

World War one or whatever yeah joint

you’ve tried to sneak in and join them

even though you don’t fit into that

demographic messes oh right right right

you didn’t you didn’t try that with this

one I mean of course I did because

you’re I don’t I don’t want to give away

your age or anything but you’re not I I

know you’re under a hundred years old

let me just put it this way I’m not

gonna go into too many details because a

gentleman never kisses and tells

so did I get I guess so how did say you

joined the dating app yep and it went

really really really well in the past I

know with other dating apps you’ve been

rejected quite a bit oh yeah

because you were breaking the rules or

whatever so this one I guess security is

not quite as tight wellhe’s then I just

use the face up old age thing to h me up

okay I just ran it through that like

seven times just over and over again so

just kept making it older right cuz it

had to be that old and then the you know

my girlfriend that I had met through the

app she she is your girlfriend sort of

sees everything as just kind of blurry

blobs okay okay yeah with vision loss

and everything cataracts that kind of

thing at that age and I mean look does

she get the same references I I wouldn’t

I would imagine that she does not


so what love is about you know right so

okay so you really feel like a real

connection oh yeah her romantic

connection with her lips okay could I

could I ask your name no okay and what

does she well I would ask what she do

but I’m guessing she’s retired I haven’t

asked okay so what what made you guys

where our mouths are a little too busy

to talk I should say okay okay well I

get I guess at Twilight dating you can

find someone to share your burial plot

with you don’t want to be buried alone

they also have special prices on

different packages if you know that this

is your last 72 hours you get a discount

if you know this is your final 24 hours

you get an even better discount you can

meet other people who only have 72 hours

left – okay and like have have that time

sort of meeting someone new who you can

sort of make a connection I was gonna

say lasting connection yeah obviously

not lasting or you know you could meet

someone presenting as you only have 72

hours left and then maybe trying to get

into their will is this what you were

with with our amounts were too busy for

two to talk about wills okay well well I

am so this isn’t nothing

to do with me I guess I’m glad about

that yeah okay all right well that

sounds any any other details on that um

I mean it costs like two hundred

thousand dollars to sign up okay

well hopefully one of our listeners is a

hundred fifteen years old or more and

and are interested in spending at that

age maybe some people have that kind of

wealth stored up for their last a little

bit of time

yeah you better all right well thank you

and thank you to our Rose name of that

dating up again

Twilight dating Twilight dating and it’s

not the movie more books yeah it’s not

Team Edward not Team Jacob no okay all

right well thank you to our sponsor


Cameron uh you said you had a fitness

guru here as a guest today yeah


all right fitting disc guru into the

podcast yeah no you did say that earlier

huh all right uh hello yeah hi hello my

name is dr. London and this is

the jock doc podcast well and this is

Cameron yeah thank you for stopping

behind no I I really appreciate you guys

having me it’s a it’s a blessing to be

here really is and was your name John

John okay well nice to meet you John

all right and so Cameron tells me the

years sort of a fitness guru yeah I mean

fitness is my life um and and it’s it’s

all I do but you know I would I would

really say that I’m just a guy with a

passion you know I wouldn’t say that I’m

an expert or a guru but I suppose

someone like yourself would so it’s more

of a hobby for you but you know so much

about it that to the average person

maybe your hobby is extensive knowledge

maybe the in compared to the ignorant

masses like yourself wouldn’t really

understand that’s the one kind of

fitness knowledgeable people like John

and myself see you can’t when you would

also group yourself into this business I

mean I just talked to you about my

regimen I mean can I be honest with you

no I walked into the room and this is

what usually happens I pick out people

that have a passion for fitness and I

can just see it yep and and producer

Cameron definitely has that passion

that’s what what what was part of your

assessment what factors go into that

initial assessment because for me be you

know looking at the muscle groups like

seem like do they have you know sizeable

deltoids can the biceps without those

kinds of things well that I don’t know

what those words are but I just look a

man in the eyes and I’ll stare for about

3.8 seconds that’s all it takes

yep and I know Wow so for you see he

doesn’t need devices like you do oh let

me stick you into this cat scan machine

let me let me get this little thing that

I used to hit your knees and elbows to

see if they pop because I’m crazy it’s

not like that if you’re a real expert

you just see someone’s heart okay so

what you’re saying is that rather than

looking at muscle aches and those are

pretty basic muscle groups that most

people know like the deltoids those are

kind of your shoulder area like would

you say that one more time for me

deltoids deal what okay no not the

computer no this is so the delt anyway

so there are these muscle groups that

usually you can sort of size people up a

little bit and say like oh this person

works out or like their pecs that kind

of thing pectoralis major minor PEC

major is what you see pectoralis yeah no

you sound incredulous so what I feel

like right now do you watch Jimmy Fallon

because what he does he’s got this bit

on the show where he goes on the

sidewalk and he makes up these facts

people don’t know that they’re fake and

so they agreed to him is that what you J

Jimmy here today that would be great

with breakfast the whole show makes so

much more sense if it was just Jimmy

Fallon making dr. London tell us insane

nonsensical stupid wait ignorant waste

of time that would make it make sense

yeah if Jimmy Fallon was manipulating my

words if Jimmy Fallon told you hey go

out there as a fun prank why don’t you

say the stupidest dumbest things you can

possibly think of waste everyone’s time

and just make everyone’s lives

significantly worse that would oh my god

you think the DEF CON is really onto

something but that would make more sense

than just medic trying to educate people

but would you call it more sense when

one thing makes a zero sense and one

thing just does yeah would that be more

would that just be sense I your times

anything by zero at zero you know boom

yeah all right

okay so times anything by negative it’s

a negative no I don’t know about that

well if it’s a positive okay so John

what um what about your fitness what

about your lifestyle makes you feel like

you are a fitness guy aside from the eye

contact sure absolutely

so I don’t know if you noticed when I

walked in I’ve got to walk a little

sideways through the doorways the

latinus door sigh it’s actually the

largest muscle group in the upper body

it’s what I focus on

well it’s it’s not like it’s it’s a it’s

a large muscle on the back like door

side comes from but it’s for the back

like the dorsal fan of a fish it’s the

it’s like a doctor and so and then let’s

hissa mess well the whole group of word

is like big muscle on the back which is

miss Doris I so that muscle is normally

like for climbing specifically right

being able to hang for a long amount of

time and pull yourself up right and and

that’s what I spend you know I would say

probably in 95 to 99.99% of my time on


what okay what about the rest of your

time that other what five ish percent

yeah that’s spent walking into and out

of the gym hmm okay so you your training

exclusively and with all of your time on

this one particular muscle because that

I will say like your arms are just

atrophied like there’s there’s nothing

there they’re gaunt and your legs also

like very spindly your neck like

everything looks pretty like

malnourished almost but but

admittedly your latissimus dorsi is kind

of there

what from what I can see at least it’s

it’s an odd shape to be honest because

sure yeah I can see how someone like

yourself might think that and you said a

lot of big worries before it’s it’s what

he tries to do we tries to trip you up

around these terms just to kind of make

you feel small sure and it’s got me on

edge cuz I don’t know them so I feel

like you want me to be smaller because I

am so large with my lat amidst door sigh

so careful alright a little respect for

our guest dr. London and I did not mean

to offend in any way I am more trying to

clarify and understand maybe education

needs clarification okay well okay so

you’re you’re working out this

particular muscle group why not work out

your I guess to be more simple about

your arms okay or any of that yeah

because you don’t need your arms as much

in climbing you need your ladder missed

door sigh okay so you’re climbing

enthusiast I should have asked that of

course no okay well what then why are

you so you not you don’t you work out

your climbing muscles exclusively but

you do not climb that’s correct I don’t

like to climb in fact I only plumbed

once mmm by accident and I don’t intend

to go I’m sorry on an accident you

clubbed that’s correct

in what in what scenario was how did

this come about and how I I don’t often

accidentally climb that seems like a

very sort of a in action that requires

more initiative you don’t fall into that

it’s the opposite of right well in one

morning I woke up in a tree and I fell

out but my shoes were still in the top

of the tree so I had to climb back up it

was an accident that I fell out no okay

so the falling out was the accident but

the client okay that makes sense so was

it based on that

experience though I I am just prepared

and it’s a specific preparation I

understand but what if I go to the Grand

Canyon okay right and my tour guide

chadwick Howell the third Chadwick


he goes by Chad though but with a name

like that you got to think he’s from the

Northeast there’s nothing to climb up

there what is he no yeah so I’ve got to

be prepared right okay right so I’m in

the Grand Canyon Colorado River nice and

cool all of a sudden Chad looks like hey

let’s get out of here he falls and hits

his head Wow so Chad’s got blond hair so

you can see all of the blood right and I

can see the way out it’s straight up

I’ve got to be able to climb yeah dr.

London Smith everyone’s biggest fear

right Wow so you’re so okay do you have

any plans to go to the Grand Canyon why

is this no it’s actually very hot there

and I’m not into that okay so so this

you know this sounds just so specific

this scenario that you have in your head

this is this is this is everyone’s

biggest fear dr. London specific broad

those are just words yeah lad amidst

door sigh these are muscles well I mean

well I’m not Cameron you say it’s

everyone I’ve never heard you mentioned

this particular fear this is what keeps

me awake at night and all day all day

yeah I can’t sleep and when I do I’m

dreaming about this okay and sorry to

restate the issue here your you okay

you’re preparing you’re working at these

muscles latissimus dorsi you’re working

these out specifically for this scenario

in which you’re in the Grand Canyon with

the tour guide Chad and that tour guide

becomes incapacitated correct and then

you just have to climb your way out of

the situation

and that’s that’s this hypothetical that

you don’t you don’t want to go there

even mm-hmm this hypothetical is why you

work out you’re a real survivalist huh

absolutely yeah I am prepared for that

situation anytime any day and the thing

is Chad never has the proper climbing

equipment so it’s not like I’ve got

ropes and I can anchor in the wall it’s

a free climb you’ve seen that

documentary free solo III have not yeah

me neither but he doesn’t use ropes

I think okay so sorry to clarify on this

you said you were not like a climbing

enthusiast have you tried let’s say free

climbing like you’re saying like that’s

that seems like something that would be

reasonable like beyond the building the

muscles learning the technique have you

learned to free climb and well he told

you that he climbed into that tree that

he fell out of I was presumably free

didn’t cost him any money

lot of that was a point but there was a

sorry I gunpoint well yeah I mean

producer Cameron mentioned that I was

free to climb the tree but it was a gun

point so was it really free yeah that’s

true so okay I guess so that that

situation there okay gun when you’re in

the Grand Canyon yes okay good

it’s a rubberband gun but I have a gun

okay Wow okay the kind of survivalist

stuff we need to be talking about dr.

London okay i’il raw stuff real stuff

that people deal with okay so so with

the tree situation maybe and I’m sorry

if this is gonna be getting a little bit

more more uncomfortable but I would like

to ask was that a traumatic experience

for you and maybe that’s that that fear

is is that what drives you to have all

of this was it like sort of a

post-traumatic situation Wow Wow it I

just producer Cameron can I talk to you

for a second yeah just dr. London could

you just

just alts here do you want to play a

game on my phone just play a game on my

faul shit I’m just gonna load up the

that poppy jump from 15 years ago and

you can play that okay is is he always

this insensitive yeah it was he always

just a huge just jerk ass piece of a

piece of jerk basically yeah yeah okay

he go he finds the things that he thinks

will humiliate you and then he shoves it

in your face over and over and over yeah

from the beginning when I walked in I

felt like he wanted me to feel small and

the thing is when we leave when we’re in

the parking lot he’s gonna go me and

that guy was a loser oh he’s such a big

lose like I see your the phone just had

one of the stickers on it with the the

pictures of apps uh-huh was that like so

that’s not a game well let me shake it

there’s kind of like like little beads

in there and I think it lights up well I

feel like you guys are probably done

talking about whatever or it was like 30

more seconds okay yeah you just just

shake the phone just write a list yeah


yeah if we get into the parking lot it’s

gonna be like oh I hate everyone I hope

all my patients die I’m gonna do surgery

on them even if they don’t need it just

to screw with them because that’s what

makes me feel powerful that’s yeah

that’s yeah okay well I’m just glad I’m

not so it’s not specific to you okay are

the expert right here well don’t worry

thank you

okay okay um well so let’s I did want to

clarify one thing though yeah you did

mention that 5% to point zero one

percent of your time is spent leaving

and then coming to the gym correct but

you also spend time falling out of this

tree do you live in this tree and is out

this way okay this is actually a fair

question do you believe him climb up

into the tree live in that tree leave

the tree and go back to the gym because

the tree situation that seems awesome i

I was gonna say I that was the partition

waking up in a tree is what I didn’t

Stan it sounded like pretty sure he

lives in the tree that’s dedication

something you would never understand

right he would never live in a tree

outside the hospital I will say you’re

you’re too obsessed with your cozy bed

and your big TV and you know when I

spent that 3.8 seconds staring into your

eyes I thought about giving it a little

more time because I thought maybe it’s

there it just wasn’t so to answer your

question yes and also yeah okay to both

of the same question of do you live in a

tree uh-huh okay so you just use

affirming twice okay right well you seem

like you needed a little extra

affirmation from me I don’t know why

okay now wait a minute what I fear that

you think of me is that I just live in a

tree like a bird I in this sense that

birds often live in trees like that as

far as that comparison goes yes but no

further I don’t think that you are a

bird person if that’s what you’re

getting at

it wasn’t but now that you’ve mentioned

it okay that’s are pretty wide oh I’m


latts that’s what we in the gym biz call

latissimus dorsi right Wow

so lats it’s just easier for you guys

yeah I mean I I know

producer Cameron you understand oh I

don’t know the jar I I just know how to

like work out and sure yeah you don’t

you don’t help you spend time on target

absolutely yeah no I can see that I

didn’t even get the 3.8 for you I I saw

that right away so that in that one

scenario and I’m sorry if this is and if

this is too if I’m crying too much then

please just just stop me and we can move

on okay but um that time whenever you

fell out of the tree and wanted to climb

back up and you had a gun held to your


was that a rubberband gun and was that

was there a child there with rubberband

gun and that’s that was the coercion

going on there dr. London are

you scared of someone pointing a

rubberband gun at you uh slight slightly

egg maybe okay so if you’re only

slightly scared of that would I be

scared at all

I it’s tough to tell at this point is it

okay so is that that’s the answer we’re

gonna get for that one is okay I mean I

think it’s pretty clear that John was

probably nesting in his tree and a

hunter came by and you know tried to do

what hunters do because I wasn’t wearing

bright orange so in fairness to the man

he just sees something in the tree he

saw it fall he thought hey that’s easy


luckily he got close enough before

anything happened and then you climbed

back up I did again my shoes were up

there okay and I was headed to the gym

which is right beside my house I mean

the tree the hunter was was there at the


well would you say hunter

we’ve been when we say enter here do we

mean do we mean a child why are you so

fixated on these kids only sorry it’s

only because you the rubberband guns

genuinely are thing associated with

children toys and so just because I’m

prepared to be stuck in the Grand Canyon

with the tour guide Chad with blonde

hair that’s bleeding that can’t climb

and I’ve got a rubberband gun doesn’t

mean that everyone around me has a

rubberband gun or that I’ve ever seen a

rubberband gun and it sort of sounds

like you’re calling our guest a child

because he happens to have a rubber game

of rubberband gun in preparation for

survival except that he doesn’t have the

the rubberband gun it it’s a

hypothetical scenario in which well yeah

I don’t think he has a rubberband gun no

but I’m prepared in this scenario with

the rubberband gun right it’s all part

of this very very specific hypothetical

you’ve got to be ready it’s my biggest


right I cry I can’t blink longer than an

instant because if I do I see it and

you’re not not prepared so for you it’s

just the idea of climbing in the Grand

Canyon I don’t know anything about Chad

at all the are you scared because you

just heard about Chad I just don’t know

anything about him he’s an enigma and so

Chad’s the scary part for you what are

we going to talk about so so for you

it’s not just the climbing situation

it’s all of it

it’s the the conversation before he gets

incapacitated just everything what I’m

gonna wear

right okay uh this is why I need advice

from someone like our guest to help me

through these kind of things to teach me

survival right okay well thank you why

I’m here to announce I am moving into

John’s tree yeah there’s plenty of space

sweet and so nice a tree I should

clarify this is a tree house or is that

a tree like just you you mentioned

Cameron you mentioned nest as if like

have you visited this tree living space

I can imagine it okay and John is it I

don’t know if you ever if you dig

confirmed that you live in a tree is it

a tree house is that a I know it means

my house yes well the tree is your house

correct like as part of it I think about

it whenever kids leave their parents

house the parents become empty nesters

the house is the nest so with all that

yes the tree is my house okay I I get I

guess nevermind so Kevin you’re gonna go

live in the same tree to learn survival

yeah and you’re calling it a tree house

even though it possibly is just a tree

that you refer to as a house all right

well um that that’s great thank you John

for coming by and sharing your

of your fitness knowledge with us yeah


Thank You Cameron as always thank you to do to doing the hose and this has been

the jock Doc podcast



12: Prinzmetal Variant Angina/Jeremiah

[Music] Welcome to the Jock Doc Podcast featuring Dr. London Smith do not call him a quack because you might get smacked hey
Cuz he’s the medical practitioner
in a position to help listeners
with their medical conditioners
when he administers inhibitors
which occurs whether it’s testicular
or atrioventricular
so don’t call the quack okay okay put some respect on my man’s name now let’s go

[Music] hello and welcome to jock doc where we discuss fitness and health and how to incorporate our modern understanding of science and medicine into our daily lives but without it being so boring I’m your host dr. London I would like to begin by apologizing to our listeners we have received some feedback complaining about the amount of technical terms we’ve been using such as thirsty and eyeball so I’ll try to speak a little bit more simply in the future here to assist with that is our producer Cameron hi friends Cameron has an ear to the heartbeat of this nation and to the rhythms of this world so don’t be surprised if he gives the slightest of nudges in order to keep the podcast on on track that’s right also with us is DJ Dylan IN DA HOUSE plus Cameron tells me that we have a guest arriving later in the show so look forward to that we certainly do before we move on we’ve received a bit of listener feedback that apparently needed to be addressed quote favourite adult diapers and go end quote first of all I would like to thank you so much for contacting us at jock dock this of course always a pleasure to hear from our listeners an answer to that question I do not utilize adult diapers so I myself do not have a preferred brand or sighs or whatever however we we are always looking for more sponsors so we are certainly open to finding a new favorite thank you again for the question and we hope to hear from you again in the future all right now for a tale from the hospital I had a patient who was homeless and he was in the hospital for an abscess in his arm when I asked him how this abscess came about he said that it was probably because of the needles he was using to inject recreational drugs after I left the room the nurse who had been attending him when to use the restroom just after this the patient left the room needles still in his arm needle for medication and he began to walk away so security was called but it was apparent apparent that this homeless man was actually seeking in addition to the treatment for the abscess he was just wanting a suitable access point for the drugs that he was injecting ah sorry mm sorry go ahead are you okay oh yeah yeah no I’m fine yeah go ahead well okay I feel like you’re no no no no just keep going just tell you a little story are you okay it sound like you’re oh oh no no no just keep going okay no we we do have to address this problem what what’s going on well I I really hate to be such a downer today but I I have sort of a negative diagnosis this is oh you sort of a new thing that I’m kind of trying to come to terms with and trying to learn learn to live with with the with the time that I have left I’m so sorry to hear that is that so you were recently diagnosed with with an illness yeah yeah okay would you like to oh I’m so sorry oh but if I may ask what is what the diagnosis what do you are you suffering from I have hypochondria and I don’t know it seems pretty aggressive and I don’t know how much longer I’m going to be able to take it you know oh [Music] okay so you have hypochondriac andreas this is okay I am familiar with this particular psychiatric and you know why I’ve why your and I’ve been taking time to see some my family and and kind of catch up with old friends you know right um because of readjusting my will so to clarify on this i hypochondria is where thottie virus it’s not easy well okay so you keep on acting like you’re in pain here I don’t I don’t mean to minimize if you are having any pain but um so that illness is sort of a seeking medical treatment assuming that you have an illness when really the that illness is a fact you you could have possibly ever imagined that you don’t have an illness at all it’s my my foot oh you’re talking my foot cuz you’re grabbing advances that’s all over and so they did explain to the doctor explained to you that this is just you it’s essentially like an overreacting sort of thing it’s it’s it’s more of a syndrome than it is an illness where you you seek medical attention for people things that proportion the who who’s supposed to be telling me this doct a doctor I don’t I don’t okay cuz you what are you referring to okay I guess this is one of those technical terms okay did you go to a medical facility of any kind I guess I mean yeah I think so it’s Google Chrome did you okay so you when you say you got a diagnosis deeming that you just googled like I googled my my symptoms and it said because of the amount of symptoms you’ve been googling you have hypochondria oh it’s so it’s you know I can really feel it especially in my liver I can especially feel it in my my toes sorry to back up just say so Google’s Google thought you were giggling to my Google even reacted to the amount of searches that you were doing and just said that you had hypochondriasis yeah it won’t let me Google anymore because you are abusing that okay I’ve net I haven’t heard of that um okay well just to just to give you some assurance here this isn’t a terminal illness nor is it an illness it’s not a physical okay well we can go ahead and move on to today’s topic I just if if this is my last record I just wanted to say for the people out there who need to hear this dr. London’s his debit card pen is six if you are out there I get a lot of questions you know oh I’m trying to buy something over $100 with one that’s debit card I can’t do it what’s this pen I finally been able to acquire it and I really think this is the most appropriate form for it I don’t know I thank you dr. linen for letting me kind of speak my truth and that how is that your true okay well we will go ahead and move on to today’s topic if that’s okay I know you yeah as if you’re in okay so now for today’s topic variant angina also also known as prinzmetal angina or angina okay so variant angina is what are you what are you laughing at no nothing okay so the Prince metal angina is when the blood vessels supplying the heart o start constricting for no apparent reason and so they cut off the blood supply to the heart Prince metal angina presents similarly to a heart attack oh oh so prince presents immediately similarly to a heart attack with the chest tightness and left arm numbness except that it tends to happen in younger individuals a lot of times in those who smoked and it happens while they are at rest especially at night but on an EKG will even show up as an ST elevation which is what you actually look for in a heart attack so oh yeah no it is it it’s bad it’s like because it still causes that damage to the heart but um this one you don’t treat with this has been a the one word again prinzmetal or also known as variant angina no not that one heart attack knows another one EKG oh okay like this shows not supposed to be like dirty like this but I don’t just keep going oh sorry kids so ukg so it’s electrocardiogram the K though is actually that comes from I believe the German word the word German spelling so that’s a little fun fact there for that one uh-huh okay well let’s see we can move on from there sure okay do we have any sponsors today okay that’s all right I don’t know you’re always asking about having bouncers when you’re never asking about me I guess okay well okay camera and I have you what was the sponsor oh do we have a sponsor just someone this week you know two that we can just advertise that’s all you care about this capitalistic society never ask how I’m doing that’s fine well well for one thing we did very recently discuss how you were doing with your your diagnosed but ever ask how I’m doing hello okay Cameron how are you doing I’m doing pretty good dr. London I’m doing all right I’ve been busy lately okay busy with what well you know switching gears a little bit um you know we focus a lot on the dock part of this podcast right I don’t focus enough on I think the jock sure is podcast okay so I’ve been working really hard with my local community as we near the 2020 Olympics are coming up next year right so right now they’re testing a lot of these kind of preliminary sports okay asking out the best they can be eligible for 2020 maybe 2024 in Paris something about guidelines yeah so I’ve been like I said working with my local community with the local kids trying to put together some of my sports the the different things I’ve worked hard with to try to come up with an Olympic sport okay so you’re just trying to come up with a sport for the next year I’m trying to to get the support of the Olympic Committee for the spa that I have invented okay so the heck will be really really great on an international scale okay what kind of sports have you invented well the main sport the one that I think has gotten people really excited it’s like it’s kind of its kind of impossible to explain okay well it’s like well I you are you said you’re involving kids explain so I assume that you’ve explained it to children it’s like everyone’s it’s like everyone’s got these bags right okay and then like they’re they’re picking up all these coins there’s a bunch of there’s a ton of coins I forgot to mention that there’s just a ton of coins on the ground everyone’s got these bags and you kind of like try to pick up as many coins as you can pennies are worth two points nickels are worth three points dimes are worth 13 points quarters are worth zero point dollars are with seven points this Sacagawea dollars are worth I think 7 and a half point throw them into the bag okay and you kind of just kind of start spinning the bag okay you say that as if that sounds like an ending spinning the bag what do you spin it for like do you try to like it’s kind of a free-form do you throw the bag afterwards I don’t is it like a throwing thing and that’s how you measure how I’m so tired of all of these rules like what happened to the artistry of it when I just give people these sacks of coins and just like let them do what they need to do let them express themselves a little bit so they start flying the coin sacks around okay each other you know okay so it’s just like hitting each other part of it then yeah I mean anybody things part of it man it’s all part of it but so it’s a so if I can break down the game real quick if I can try to summarize for you um you have a lot of various types of coins on the ground yeah like a ton okay and then the game is is there a time limit on this or that’s whatever you feel if you feel there should be a time limit then yeah put a time limit on it so the game is everyone is just gathering coins from the ground and putting them in a bag and having that bag yeah it’s just like doing whatever like it leads you to do because I can say for a lot of people that just sounds like swinging around gathering money and just going to spend that money is what it sounds like it would be no one’s spending them I mean they can spend the money when they leave but you’re on the field there’s a field Oh covering coins things are worth two points nickels are worth four point right now I yeah yeah there’s a Secretary’s or seven and a half anyway it’s been taking over I mean the local community by storm okay see the way that it’s done that has it been buy you don’t really explain it and you just pour money on the ground because that’s what I and you give them bags it’s not and you think it’s it’s not like pouring it on the ground it’s like placing it on the ground it’s very intentional but there’s a ton of coins so you bring coins to a neighborhood yeah put them all on the ground yeah there’s a whole lot of them very carefully and you invite everyone especially these kids to come over give them bags to gather coins and then this is your Olympic sport yeah and just bring some artistry back to Olympic the Olympics it sounds like you’re giving back to the community but just financially yours giving them money it’s hard to explain so I you know I am a little bit of a jock myself I’m a sports aficionado and I do have to say my favourite sport is the Olympics so this is something that I am a baby a little more educated about okay I I don’t know the Olympics is and I think this would be the Olympics are a sport and it’s my favorite sport okay and USA team number one and we’re gonna be number one at this new sport gathering in Japan Queen bad coin is not okay well that all right see okay what else we got okay you have more games yeah you see yeah oh yeah I mean I’ve got an infinite amount if you just give me like five minutes I feel like an infinite amount of games okay so you know so one more let’s see oh oh oh okay so my nephew has this gun right and so this is like I’m thinking like everyone has like balloons taped to them not helium balloons that are floating up more just like just a little tape so let’s say they’re back or in their front let’s say one on the front one in the back and then my nephew he’s a great shot like he’s a really good shot that could be a sport okay so just shooting range kind of thing will try to pop these balloons that the people are on Pete okay do you like a really good shot well you know that bullets like boy you’re saying with blanks I guess yeah that still sounds know you he’s a really good shot he doesn’t need to use blanks okay because the issue with a real bullet would be that obviously yeah you’re gonna pop the balloon that’s the goal of the game hello would travel in again how many points does a pop balloon count as I don’t know it’s all up in the air baby we’re talking about just like a free-for-all just hanging out do what you want to do if you want to do yoga where you got these balloons taped to you that’s fine just know that my nephew’s gonna be out there just kind of like he’s a great shot ya know I’ve heard uh well that that sounds like an interesting game it does more than one gun if you want to get out there and kind of start popping some of these balloons I don’t I don’t I’ll get you a gun I’ll get you again okay we’ve decided we can yeah we can okay we can move on from there um and he’ll teach you you can just like well if he’s shooting people well you can kind of like bend the bullets you ever seen wanted okay actually I do have a question on this okay have you done this with people like have you played this game before are there other follow-up questions after that yes no sorry if the answer is no then no then no I have not played because this shoot the balloon okay because balloon is attached to a person uh-huh they’re running around I mean again doing whatever they do describing it like you’ve seen it played are there gonna be follow-up questions if I say I have seen it then I haven’t seen it okay all right well I guess we can go ahead and yeah next portion okay do you say we you said we had a guest today we do okay one guest okay all right well welcome to the show my name is dr. London Smith now calm and this is Cameron and you’re on July hello hello thank you for having me what was your name my name is Jeremiah Jeremiah alright well nice to meet you Jeremiah hey Jeremiah thank you thank you alright Oh what brings you here today well I started down I would call it an experimental road with prescription penis enhancing pills and I I kind of started to maybe by some standards abused them by mixing chest pain related medication with it okay like you know nitroglycerin and viagra and I I’d say that I just had an experience that I could only define as someone like you for ik sexual unconsciousness probably badass right yeah yeah I I and I can’t really stop doing the mix I’ve actually added some other you know sexually more herbal remedy solutions but I do feel like my life is in danger so I’m here to just maybe see what I could do to maybe regulate my experiences yeah okay so you’re coming on the show because you’re not the the concoction of medications that you’ve been taking has caused some amount of distress and you’re why yeah I ended up in the hospital pretty frequently I would assume so yeah my parents are pretty worried about me and my I don’t mean I had a girlfriend but you know she left me because I just I can’t stop right and so and when you say you can’t stop so you’re taking a mix of Viagra which well it varies on the day you know I have a selection of different um you know penis enhancing pills and and and different heart medications and I just kind of spice it up and bury it up and right sometimes I mash up some maca me root and I drink that and I’ll just take the the mix and I’ll pass it on the couch to the video of my choice okay and that like that sounds interesting how long has this been going on for probably about three years now you’ve been taking the various mixes of medications for three years and you said you’ve been in and out of the hospital frequently yeah yes I mean it’s kind of sounds like you’re an expert all this separate I don’t even know why we’re bringing doctor London into this well it seems like I I don’t yes it’s true I just don’t know how sustainable this is because I agree I had a scare I did I did I had a scare about two weeks ago I’m so sorry yeah nobody came nobody came when I I hit my button I had like you know one of those buttons that the elderly use I actually yeah and it didn’t alert anyone I woke up about three days three four days after three days after you say you had just taken one of your medications well I mixed it was a couple a cocktail of different over-the-counter herbal supplements okay and and then you were passed out for three days three days what counter you keep talking about over-the-counter you’re getting these supplements so wait where where are these something that’s being acquired I don’t know if I could say I may say over-the-counter it’s just sort of like a you know my best way of saying it but you know hands or hand okay well I just want to make sure this isn’t coming from my Oh pharmacy is oh no no no it’s not Mike no no okay okay cool okay we’re good you’re good when you say your farm is honey Cameron when you say your farm honey are there follow-up questions to this that denied that’s how this show works my I think I said farm races racing on a farm that’s all okay well I have nothing to do with selling anything to anyone involving kind of stuff that I find outside okay well for out of putting it into a powder and just kind of saying this is a pill you should take I don’t do that I’m just racing on a farm pharmacy farm Bracy okay well so two points Oh oh it hurts oh sorry one point here would be over the case came back to our guest typically means thank you at a pharmacy okay anyway so this medication you’ve been taking taking it for years and now it’s causing you distress because you passed out for three days and your life alert what and why do you have a life alert you seem well because you know obviously for the amount of time I’ve been experimenting with these drugs that render me unconscious I oh they they do this often all the time I mean I can imagine that with the way that yeah maybe not to London you should talk a little bit about the benefits of being kind of habitually unconscious yeah I’d actually have to say that or maybe maybe also the science behind the madness I’m okay III compare this to you know maybe a drug-induced female orgasm because I think with men you know that the short lifespan is what I was getting away from of that of that peak so in my in mind you know in that state of low blood pressure where I pass out it I feel like I’m going into that I try to time it right like you know the peak I try to time the peak with the unconsciousness and then it just lasts but again you’re sure you haven’t gotten this from like my apartment because the this is really sounding familiar this is kind of a selling point for most of my stuff I usually get it from most of your another party like a third party movie so maybe one of your your friends do you know Trey are you going to three parties later is that maybe okay okay anyway anyway anyway doctor London okay it’s pretty badass right a lot of things to address there aside from the this other your pharmacy so huh right so so whenever you pass out from something like that what what I’m guessing here and it could be a number of things going on if you’re mixing medications lots of medications it’s usually a few hours but this one was like three days and I kind of went on an existential maybe voyage it voyage is a good word and so by the end of that time you know it was almost like light dark tunnels you know lots of like just processing of the unknown Ventures of the human psyche meets my penis mm-hmm by the end of that I was climbing a giant shaft and I arrived at the top and then I woke up but it freaked me out so much that I just I’m here now Wow so so one thing there whenever you have informational it’ll decrease your blood pressure and so like that’s less blood going to your brain and even for a few hours that sort of thing can be dangerous for a few minutes that can be dangerous because less blood flow to the brain means brain cells can die oh my god am i dead I I do not believe so is my penis dead i I I do see would you look at my penis I do not wish but that’s that is why you’re on the show we took a lot for me to get here okay okay well yeah we can take a look briefly for your privacy let’s away from okay oh okay well what do you think well the fact that you had to drag it out like that so it’s longer that’s what I’m saying yeah over three days that grew it something happened but it’s not it’s like like a slinky like I get like a slinky as like it’s very thin and trailing what does it mean a big corkscrew yeah I’m not like when I say big I just mean length like it’s yeah I’m 35 feet long like a deflated balloon it’s always been that long it’s just floppier ring clear okay oh this this does sound like something have they dressed this in your hospital visits or is this recent is this specific development recent I you know they see me so much that I kind of wanted to get a fresh pair of eyes right and so you came to a podcast which you’re a doctor yeah it’s just like normally you’d want to take care of these things in actual healthcare setting I probably should have told you before their court I did kind of open up our guest spots to any of our listeners that wanted to come on any of them yeah okay cuz I said if you’re well I didn’t really even address listeners I just kind of like went on reddit and said if you’re sick please come to our podcast okay because normally we’re trying to bring in experts on medicines he is an expert on long slinky penises well not so much an expert as just someone who has that are you more of an expert on it than he is no I for three years I’ve been mixing these drugs I mean I saw the ad and it said experienced in you know one branch of medicine and I feel like I’m kind of an expert in that but this this was an anomaly for me I’ve never okay should I put this away you can probably put it okay okay yeah yes okay it’s I don’t want to say it’s horrifying but like the fact that it was also so black colored is also concerning because that to me that that sound looks like dead tissue has this and I’m sorry these are gonna be very personal questions because of the nature of it um has this affected things for you let’s say in the in the bedroom and whenever you take the medication because if it’s dead it shouldn’t be able to hold blood but I don’t I don’t it’s hard to determine if it was dead because you though I mean it wasn’t the skin that was black it was the scales oh my god that’s that’s valid it was scaly and that was following off um do you do you have a history of her psoriasis no not that I know of okay no I feel like you would know about that okay so I you know I honestly haven’t done the the concoction since the experience oh I did bring I did bring them with me this time if you – I don’t that doesn’t sound like I thought I thought if I replicated the experience here on on site it might help give some clarity I think they’d be really beneficial for our audience I don’t know I brought my life alert you know but you guys are here so the life alert that didn’t that didn’t work well I got it fixed okay I caused it for this podcast great well you could you get a cameron if you would like to try I I’m not sure if are we all trying it or are we just watching him try it okay oh sorry good point I did I really for everyone right I did bring enough for everyone okay great okay because no I don’t know that that that would be appropriate for me somewhat for one thing I don’t you look I do have to ask do you think this is going to affect my hypochondria you know I mean it has helped my anxiety a lot but mainly because I’m in an unconscious state so I can’t really speak for consciousness because I saw it might not be as a high as a hypochondria I can who’s struggling with that it might not be safe to mix are you taking prescription medication for your hypochondria or over the counter over your counter are there gonna be follow-up questions to that he’s been the one asking the questions if that helps yeah but it sounds like we’re going to three parties later so we’ll talk about this later right you might need to go to the ER and with with your prognosis on my my slinky dick okay well and I will say also um scaly scaly yeah and just I’m sorry this is it’s been a bit but um you in that situation you will want to call 9-1-1 call an ambulance we’ve had some issues before with a previous sponsor but just just wanted to clarify all right um I guess sure I guess for the show go ahead go ahead and you can you can try your medication if you’d like yeah I’m gonna try it alright okay here you go Kim Chewie okay your eyes are changing color yep I can see that oh you can see you can’t see the color changing okay cuz what am i what’s happening to me right now talk me through this well generally there is a color change for me ooh I typically see it and in my eyes you know I can tell like my eyes are changing and then it gradually moves down okay yeah now your cheeks are and the color it’s hard to define one color on this okay oh define – yeah so I first I saw red which is very but it’s not blood I don’t think okay no now it’s going purple mm-hmm so it’s like bruise color so you see we’re still thinking blood but now it green here give me more that’s I mean you you don’t do this very often do you I mean I typically take about five uh connect six okay okay now I’m seeing black speckles you should probably stop taking this Oh my hypochondria this is unrelated to it okay and you’re come to think of it your hypochondria might be actually just your drug abuse I don’t abuse anything sorry when I would say drug abuse that’s that’s not a term for like hitting your drugs that’s a term for you ingesting that what’s happening to my feet right now are you are they tingly you feel in them tingle it’s more like they feel like someone else’s feet are tingling does that make sense mm-hmm okay your shoe is wet with blood now yeah did you have an open sore on your foot uh it’s impossible to know oh my god that’s a big that’s a big no-no you can’t have open open sores anything that could leak definitely not advised so this it functions as an anticoagulant I mean no said heart medication there’s so many things like open in my body at any given time that it’s kind of I mean just impossible to determine when what started or who started what or you know whatever it’s a cocktail I said the sized it I worked with a guy who I know from the pharmacy he turned it into gummy form actually Wow okay so Cameron you probably should not have taken this cuz now yeah it’s jet like my feet are getting wet from your your blood puddle here yeah so we do need to cut it could be unrelated I don’t think because for one thing apparently this is an anticoagulant say makes sense in that sense are you feeling light-headed at all cuz that’s more what he described as being no my head feels like like heavy like really really heavy how’s your penis I’m actually surprised he’s still conscious right now yeah okay and I don’t feel pretty good I don’t I don’t want to say it out okay okay in the reason season I wasn’t reacting about the color of my penises because I’m very used to color variations so I’m you know I I figured out is that how it looks in the in the middle of it well let me get the rest those are pretty okay okay I was reacting to just your finger which doesn’t look like a finger either I didn’t never knew you could get pants that unzipped completely nothing so now you have no pants on yeah well there’s not exhibit once you unzip at all there’s nothing left yeah where do you where do you get those Pam from I made him oh alright get him at my pharmacy I really need to go to that farmers yeah it’s pretty sweet could I and they I’ve got some beer that they sell there too which is pretty good just got those this isn’t the same the same beer that caused paralysis is it uh are you gonna if I say yes are you then gonna ask if it’s the same beer that caused so many suicides I feel like I’ll know with the first question of the net okay I’m gonna stop this right now because I look the color okay the color is why I’m not too worried about my color and look the scales already like he should not be conscious I have no idea what’s going on he should be already hitting that plateau well my one concern I have is you would think that it would be erection but it’s actually like very flat like state sticking to the skin it’s like opposite of what yeah I think I describe it as like an internal gasm instead of like an erect like you’ll be back it pulls back in which is where my experiences have come from so you’re saying that because the the penis retracts into the body it’s like reverse inside of your body is where you feel the experiments and then there’s like maybe a a sort of like the whole fluid exchange that’s why the penis extends because it has that that effect Ryan and so instead of it being like firm it’s like something about the nitroglycerin meets the viagra kind of creates a bungee cord colored effect and this is why I’m so glad we have an expert like you on the podcast to really kind of speak about these things that maybe don’t get a lot of attention well I was all I was an expert I thought until the climb of the penis plateau that lasted for days so I really don’t know how that I’m that’s why I’m here is I figured there’d be some type of clarity yep I mean my my medical advice here would stop taking this because well he’s fine but except for the consciousness part and the bleeding yeah it’s it’s hard to explain but I know that I should not be conscious does that make sense with everything with every fiber in my being it’s almost like I’m going against nature that I’m still conscious which is kind of cool yeah I mean mate maybe it’s his medication for his type it’s like a weight on my shoulders I’m not talking about my heavy heavy head because it’s so that’s the feeling you get before you go unconscious of something some something is blocking the unconsciousness I have no idea what this is gonna be like for you is this fascinating it’s almost like a darkness you know what I mean yeah I mean not really it’s mm-hmm wait I think this is really he may be actually experience of conscious states London what could you ask him some questions that consciously he would be able to answer but subconsciously he wouldn’t okay consciously some some basic obvious type of questions maybe so Karen what is your position with regard to the jock talk podcast well is your title um I guess missionary okay I guess I like doggie I don’t know okay no you’re actually you are the producer of the podcast okay yeah does that make sense yeah okay so that’s that’s an odd answer because it sounds like your thoughts at least you just refer to sexual positions ye producer okay okay so you’re you’re back with us maybe or is this just I’m front with I’m facing front words okay hit him hit him with some like Freudian subconscious I mean I yeah do that I don’t focus as much on that like the it’d and the ego that’s that’s not quite my exact my specialty do it okay um what what do you see is what drives you I can tell you what I see it’s your stupid shirt oh is it that part of the drugs this is a new territory for me but I’m but I’m happy to see that his penis is the same color of this this is not good for you because for once that your penis is going through the color changes and like it was weird before because it was doing the sticking to your skin and pulling in but now around that region I’m just gonna put it back it’s getting a little uncomfortable how detailed you are getting with I’m I’m sure the color has a lot to do with the ginseng root apparently that has a lot of variations in color so are you like watching it I can’t even tell but you you brought the zipper back from air I have to I have to create a new pair of pants every time with loose zippers I’m curious I’m curious in this in this state just out of curiosity are you feeling really good or are you feeling anything right now I feel like London’s shirt soaks oh yeah I don’t think that’s the dress I feel so heavy it feels like a thousand pounds okay yeah and you should pick it up off the ground like I don’t know if you can rest your head on the chair or something but I got to do my pants face Oh keep going sorry I don’t want to stop the podcast right okay well uh all right so Jeremiah and my advice oh my god after all of this oh that’s my pal I think we’re good I’m wearing scrubs that mine don’t even zip but I I was weird um so Jeremy I don’t know what uh exactly what caused all of these reactions but I do know that you should stop taking medication that you aren’t prescribed by a medical physician but I but I am prescribed them I just wasn’t prescribed to mix them or add on to them okay so you should do I got it I got a prescription for Vienna nitrous this sort of reminds me what we were talking about earlier when I was talking about my Olympic sports there’s so many rules and regulations these days what happened to the art of medicine is what I mean just like buing it out well so medicine is oh let’s let me paint this picture and only color in the lines let me only use four colors and color in the lines nah man let’s make tie-dye ah so medicine is a science you know what I mean like let’s just feel it out I’m tired of these doctors walking in and saying this is what you need to do you have to take these pills get these shots how about a doctor who comes in the room and he says hey man whatever let’s just figure this out man I want to I want to I want a doctor to be a DJ seeing what’s next feeling it out bring an artistry back to the form you say it I feel me I know I I do I do I mean I feel like that’s the road I went down until it just got really dark have you thought about just kind of pushing through cuz you say it’s dark right now but what if the on the other side of that it’s like more badass I see what I’m saying I say justjust go I just you know in in okay you said you usually take five five go 15 oh my god I I do not I disagree you should not do this listen can you wrap up this uh this podcast on your own yeah I was thinking we should already be wrapping up anyway especially it cuz you’re I’m still I’m still so surprised that you’re conscious are we doing this okay we’re doing well and you’re at this point Cameron you’re also shaking visibly and sweating a lot well oh you’re going for it no opposite way then it looks normal is your ear leaking well are there gonna be follow-up questions if I answer that I hate no okay it’s a lot okay well I guess mainly I would like to leave with the advice of you should not be taking these medications neither of you should be you shouldn’t be you might be taking the medications as prescribed though so if the doctor says take this one at a certain time of day certain amount you should listen to that rather than taking a mix-and-match version of that and then and that is absolutely true or just kind of feel it out again it’s an art form it’s art okay I gotta say it is not an art like there are ass there’s no room there are rules and there are laws people people a long time ago said you can’t put distortion on that guitar sound sound so fuzzy I don’t like it Oh guitar should only sound clean and then rock and roll okay so with guitars that’s an art medicine is you can’t you can’t play a guitar string and make it sound like echoey where it’s playing it twice the edge guitarists in you to delay pedal isn’t yeah isn’t that science that helped give us distortion yeah in guitar like didn’t didn’t that take a scientific sort of approach where the streets have no name with or without you bullet the blue sky so beautiful day you science can help the art but fair art to be the way that science and art are two different types of fields you understand so the scientist is a logic evidence-based method and that’s why we need to get back to the art form so it’s not a logic oh I’m a computer 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 what happened to the art of it ok well I guess that’s that’s all the time we have today umm people told Bon Iver that he couldn’t and he did it anyway because it’s art ok alright well thank you to Jeremiah for being on the show when people said hey beetles you can’t have like Bowl haircuts you’re grown man what did they do they did get haircut huh I don’t know if that was if anyone told them they couldn’t yeah it’s an art Thank You Cameron and thank you too this has been jock doc see you if you liked that episode please tell your friends according to our stats we have 3 listeners don’t get me wrong we love our listeners but it feels very creepy to tailor every bit of content towards a specific tastes of you 3 people so please tell George and yes our marketing Intel shows that all three of you despised George but it also tells us that he has been asking for podcast recommendations and that so he has that belly button leakage and that makes you all uncomfortable but that you can’t let that keep our podcast from growing he can’t help that medical condition and I do want to say one of our listeners Stacy we know that she works in an old folks home both of old people are sleeping just add the podcast tour to their phone oh oh oh it’s our listenership come on Stacy and I I would say maybe instead of our podcast is kind of like radio in a way so that would be a point of relation if if they could set up for them sure but probably well there awakes that there they know about it do it while they’re asleep your boyfriend Darrell is not gonna mind at all yeah Darrell the stats we have on him yeah okay well um also uh please leave us a five star review explaining which of George’s gross is least appealing to you we are at jock dock podcast on social media and you should actually go ahead and just text someone jock dock right now so that they can listen in to and that’ll have links to major stream major podcast platforms you can get this podcast on Apple podcast stitcher pocket cast google podcasts Hellmann’s mayonnaise podcast the Heinz ketchup podcast app NASA’s podcast snap so the ketchup and NASA they all have podcasts they have class apps yeah okay huh I I did I didn’t know that yep okay well alright well thanks for listening [Music] [Applause]

Episode 11: The Peripheral Nervous System/Mrs. Daniel Denny

Welcome to the Jock Doc Podcast featuring Dr. London Smith. Witness the medicine man with a fitness regimen plan. Introducing your host Dr. London Smith.
Hello and welcome to Jock Doc where we discuss fitness and health and how to incorporate our modern understanding of science and medicine into our daily lives but without it being so boring I’m your host Dr. London I would like to begin by apologizing to our listeners we’ve received some feedback claiming that maybe we’re using too many technical terms such as genetic and fuzzy so we will try to keep things just more simple in the future here to assist with that is our producer Cameron
All right yeah so Cameron feels the pulse of the world he
-got it
Right yeah he listens to folks like you and he passes that word along to me so that I can kind of know what what you want to hear and how you want to hear it all right so um so don’t be surprised if he speaks up to offer sort of a slight shepherding hands to assure that we stay on track. Also with us is DJ Dylan IN DA HOUSE. Plus Cameron has informed me that we have a guest arriving later in the show by the name of Barbara Denny right yeah she’s a she’s apparently an activist so brace yourself for the enlightenment that that is likely to bring. Before we move on I would like to address a bit of feedback that we received quote place an order today for eight waffles for chocolate and four pecan waffles when I arrived at the chocolate shop waffles
have no chocolate chip they have to go back and put them on there when I got home and I looked at them I was extremely disappointed I was expecting some nice fluffy waffles not these raggedy tortilla looking waffles I’m being charged extra to have pecan
waffles but these waffles barely have any pecans and end quote first of all I would like to thank you for contacting us at jock doc it is of course always a pleasure to hear from our listeners and answer to that question I am so sorry for what happened with your waffles and the jock Doc podcast is not typically known for
selling waffles but
-dr. London they reached out to you for a reason I mean
and here I’m kind of wondering what that reason was the waffles do sound delicious except for the problems that they were having
-maybe they just wanted a medical experts opinion on their waffle situation right um well so why maybe can you talk a little bit about the medical side kind of the medical science of why their waffle order was so messed up
okay well I’m I’m not sure I can speak specifically to why was messed up of course but I can say that sometimes it is nice to just have a little treat like a like a waffle as long as we keep
our diets otherwise balanced
-oh so you’re saying that having eight or four chocolate chip waffles and four pecan waffles that’s kind of a balanced diet
right there because you get half a beat not one that I had sown
No you’d have to this is really over the course of several day so it’s it’s a dessert thing to have once in a while as a special
treat but you’d really want to keep a balanced diet otherwise
-this is really interesting because for for about 13 years of my life I lived on a waffle only diet and I heard many things from
the medical community begging me to stop and reached out to you now I realize I was just eating the chocolate chip waffles if I had balanced it like you were saying with a balanced diet with
pecan waffles maybe with strawberry waffles I don’t think that I could have man why what makes really fried
what made you try for for a thirteen year diet of the same food every day
-well it’s not like I decided on day one I’m gonna do this for
exactly 13 years okay I woke up one day to waffle limp went to bed woke up the ext day another waffle chocolate chip waffle went to bed again woke up the next day hung out with some
friends went over to my mom’s house had
a waffle you remember that Fuentes
Lanier’s next day I well I I went and
saw a movie at the movie I brought my
lawful okay we can go ahead and move on
then I mean as interesting as it is well
we’ll go ahead and move on from there
but thank you once again for for
reaching out now for a tale from the
hospital even yeah we have a patient who
lay it on me
yeah well that’s that’s what I’m doing
yes the part you laid on me it’s good
okay so we have a patient who keeps
saying that his wife has done nothing to
cause his current condition he escalated
this complaint to hospital
administration his wife is doing the
same but here’s the deal we never said
that his wife has done anything to him
we actually didn’t even know he was
but she’s recently been at the hospital
some apparently so administration is
also confused
he is also mad that we won’t tell his
wife what is wrong with him and we told
him he hasn’t filled out the proper
forms to us that allows us to do so then
he refuses to fill out those forms so
his wife has also told us that the meth
in his system is because their neighbors
cook it he has no method of system to
summarize this patient is complaining to
hospital administration with the claim
that his wife has done nothing to cause
his current condition and his wife
claims that the meth in his system is
because their neighbor’s cook it even
though there is no meth in his system
case closed
all right it just seems very odd well I
mean can you talk about the medical
science of why meth was not in his
system my suspicion would be that he did
not smoke meth or like that that there
was no meth to be no
issue and the neighbors cook which is it
makes sense if the only way you were
able to know if someone has a balanced
diet like you were saying before is by
checking the meth levels in their system
that and that’s not so you want things
like cholesterol and things like that or
also critically important to cholesterol
high meth levels higher you want to have
zero meth in your system generally
speaking not even generally varies but
you don’t want to have meth in your
system zero you can’t balance things
with zero imagine a scale and on one
side is good old cholesterol another
side is air that’s not a balanced diet
dr. London that I I sort of see your
logic but okay let’s go to move on from
there okay okay okay so now it’s time
for today’s topic the peripheral nervous
system the peripheral nervous system
works with your central nervous system
and that that one consists of your brain
and spinal cord but in a way your
peripheral nerves are like mail carriers
sending messages between your brain and
your body
ooh not my mail carrier uh he stopped
bringing me stuff
was there a reason for that oh yeah well
I mean like I I wanted to I wanted I
wanted to go on a ride-along you know
like people do with the police and he
was not really willing to do that cuz to
me you know those mail was mailed trucks
you know think about the stealing was
tearing well on the opposite side as
opposed to that’s nuts that blows my
mind so you imagine just imagine waking
up as a mailman and getting into the car
on the opposite side that’s my dream you
know in other countries and so I tried
to push him out of his mail truck when
he wouldn’t let me in now he won’t bring
me my mail he just kind of throws it he
throws it into the trash he tried to get
in his car just when he was bringing you
mail yeah well I talked to him about
this four weeks beforehand he say talk
to it do you mean accept your approaches
I left him messages where on his
he’s okay it seems like one of those
things where you would if you wanted to
learn about that job you maybe go to the
post office and talk to them I wanted to
ride this mail trucks mail guys mail
truck from your house yes so I left
messages messages you know that said I’m
gonna find you I’m gonna get you I’m
gonna get in your car well that see
that’s threatening to me it’s fun but
I’m not I think part of the reason why
he may have been disinclined to allowing
you to join him is that those sound like
threatening messages rather than sort of
positive requests
oh yeah cuz in this day and age
everything has to be positive no one
wants to face reality
no one wants the real stuff I’m offering
realness I’m saying hey you know what’s
real the sky is blue grass is green all
right well I’m going to get into your
mail truck and I’m going to drive it
away and I’m going to throw things out
of that window because it’s cool that
you can drive on the opposite side this
is what today is
a society right today okay so I am going
to get in your truck so back to
peripheral nerves so they’re like mail
carriers sending messages between your
brain and your body some of those nerves
carry messages from your sensory organs
like your eyes skin nose all of those
that carry messages to your brain so
whenever you saw that mail truck you
know some of those nerves send messages
to your brain and I never got them okay
there so those are sensory nerves other
peripheral nerves carry messages from
your brain to your muscles and organs
and so those ones are called especially
to your to your muscles uh speed motor
nerves I haven’t gotten my issue of
Popular Mechanics in 14 months is this
now sure you’re having with the mailman
as well
no it’s an issue of a magazine oh all
right so you have sensory and motor
nerves one for feeling and one the other
for action so I guess so
the way that could tie in with the
mailman’s situation is use use your
senses to find out that he was coming
and passing by and you used action to
try to get into his mail truck
absolutely that is extremely accurate
dr. London all right well it’s nice that
the lesson yeah but were on the same
page all right okay well let’s mean I am
going to shove him out of his truck
every single day until he lets me drive
uh and I’m glad that I have your support
I okay I don’t support violence and oh
who said anything about violence I
didn’t I didn’t say anything about
violence I’m just carrying this big
stick just carrying it around I was
wondering about that cuz you got spikes
oh no reason I got it just got it helps
me walk it’s a walker
with the with the stakes and with the
nails yep just helps you walk yep okay
it seems seems like I could cut your
legs while you’re walking
no I’m careful okay the point Ian is uh
faced in a specific direction
it towards the mailman that’s where it’s
always pointing okay well uh let’s gotta
move on from there if you don’t mind I
will destroy this mailman Thank You DJ
Dylan all right well let’s go and move
on um let’s see do we have any sponsors
today uh it says you okay all right so I
get times I’m sponsoring our podcast
today which that makes sense because if
we keep losing sponsors at the rate
we’ve been losing them then I because
you do seem to read the ads in a certain
way are our shows budget you know the
show’s bank account that we have yeah
it’s really running out of money because
we’re spending so much on the these ads
I’m just gonna say it we are spending so
much on the app yes okay because it’s
just irresponsible at this point because
the point of the ads are supposed to be
that we don’t lose money we actually
we’re supposed to be gaining money from
ads I I don’t want to lose money either
but we are losing money and you you say
you say it as if it’s because we run ads
yes they’re so expensive
okay the absent I give one of our
sponsors your debit card they still they
spend it on insane things okay why are
you giving them that okay well in any
case I guess today since you’re you’re
the sponsor I can finally give your
debit card to you yes out and once I get
it back I will give it to you from our
previous sponsors response they kind of
pass it around amongst each other I set
up like a group chat right a group text
message so they can like be like hey
I’ve got it in court I’m at the Safeway
come by okay all right well let’s move
on um do we have any any guests as you
said you said we had two guests today
yes we do
miss Barbara
oh yes yes I’m sorry what do you like to
be called I know your name’s Barbara
Denny do you prefer oh please call me
mrs. Daniel Danny please mrs. Daniel
Danny okay all right what you’re you’re
an activist uh yes we are having a March
for Human Rights we are i me and my
sister wives
we have been yes that’s our ego ongoing
I don’t mean to interrupt me and my 12
sister wives we have been getting this
march together because they are coming
against us in our way of life and we
like the way that we live and we want to
finally come out and say that we’re fine
oh we’re okay we’re choosing this for
ourselves and we can leave at any time
we wanted so that’s why we’re here I’m
sorry are you cheering up a little bit
seems like she’s really happy to be here
yeah yes
yes and I’m so happy to be here
representing my husband and our family
okay well it is a pleasure to have you
here miss Daniel Danny sorry mrs. Daniel
Danny um what so whatever you say you’re
you coming here in support of them is it
have you faced discrimination yes they
wanted to they wanted terribly a pardon
I’m just here to say no we’re okay we’re
saved we’re fine we’re happy with the
way things are me and my 12 sister wives
and you know what we where we can leave
it any time we want we’re not being held
here we can leave any time we want
that sounds like a I mean honestly a
fantastic situation yeah it’s really
great we get to stay here we get to stay
at our house and we get to have a lot of
a lot of children we get to just keep we
just keep get to keep having children
every year Wow
nothing sweeter than the laugh of a
child yes
every year all 13 of you have children
have a child we get – that sounds like
an odd sort of privilege so motherhood
is a privilege right and we do we do
love our mothers out there that seems a
bit I want to say excessive that that
many children because with 13 how long
have you been having children every year
for like how long has this been going on
for 16 years okay
so 16 you have to have that many
children so that we could get into
heaven we have to have at least a
hundred at 12 okay anyways it sounds
like it’s sort of up your alley dr.
London right I mean medical stuff having
yeah access to heaven this is all kind
of falls under your purview
yeah and obstetrics certainly you know
the pregnancy and everything does fall
into medicine but um the whole concept
of I’m sorry with your faith with your
particular what religion is this where’m
okay and Marvins they believe that you
have to have I’m sorry was a hundred how
many children at least one hundred
twelve hundred twelve children in your
family and okay and that has to happen
just to get into heaven is there any
other process to get into heaven and
your in your faith or is it based on the
number of children only that’s all that
I know that’s all I’ve been told so far
so I’m just going day by day with this
so this is the most sense religion has
ever made to me so when what is yours
what is your husband’s name if I may ask
Daniel Daniel DNA okay
and so and your mrs. Daniel Danny right
that’s what I must be called okay do you
which number are you you say there are
I’m number eight number eight okay and I
love it and I’m so glad that we’re fine
and that we’re okay and that we can
leave whenever we want if I wanted to
leave it I could wait till the fourth
Saturday when he’s in Shelley’s room
because that’s the farthest from mind
and then under the cover of darkness I
know that he sleeps well between 12:00
and 4:00 I could go downstairs I know
the third stair from the bottom creak so
I could skip that one and then if I
could get into his his lounge I could
find the box it’s underneath his desk
and I’ve tried the combination three
times and I think I know it this time I
think I can go I can get my stale pieces
of garlic bread and I can go all I need
to do is strap those babies onto my
elbows and knees and I can crawl through
the 30 feet of barbed wire once I get
there there’s two miles to the major
highway if it’s a red Ford Focus sounds
like a hide because that’s his brother
and if his brother tells him that he
sees me out I don’t want to think about
it then I just need to run I need to run
for about three miles in the nearest gas
station I’ve already sent two pigeons to
my mom she knows that I’ve got me but
where’s a pigeon
uh yeah I trained a pigeon okay I’m
sorry I don’t mean interrupt so you’d
you’d send a pigeon so your mom would
know and then your mom would come to
pick you up she would know to expect me
are you are you in contact with your mom
does she know through the pigeon carrier
it sounds to me like this may not be
necessarily the best situation whenever
you say that well she said she can leave
at any time doctor London she just said
that yeah any time you think she’s just
too weak to leave anytime she wants well
I think the main issue might be
she there’s a week to leave according to
dr. London yet another famous quote so
she doesn’t know the comp you don’t know
the combination to get out so it’s you
being free to leave
it’s based on you being able to sneak
out while your husband is asleep and
carefully not wake him and I’m guessing
the other 12 sister wives and get out
use the combination in the lounge and
then go through barbed wire watch out
for the red truck his old garlic bread
with some Old Yeller bread and then get
to a gas station send a bridge pigeon
knock that doesn’t sound free to leave
to me that sounds actually like you’re
having to strategize an escape plan no I
can leave anytime I want any of us can
leave anytime we want we’re happy we’re
fine we’re okay it’s okay yeah it sounds
like she can leave it anytime she keeps
saying it okay how long how did you meet
your husband mr. Daniel Danny he’s my
dad’s brother Jude your dad’s brother
yes okay your uncle yes okay he was 86
when we got married
okay and he said those 16 years ago yes
okay so he I keep counting down the days
but he won’t die can’t die he won’t ever
die okay is this so you talk about this
religion I’m sorry was Marmon ISM is
that right yes right so in this religion
you have someone is it just I’m sorry
who is a member of this religion is it
just as 12 Sister Wives yourself and
yeah I mean I can name 14 people in this
religion right here I’m sorry did you
join their religion no you got Daniel oh
yes yeah okay well so I mean yeah 15 now
okay so I’m on board
beyond that are there any other members
of the your religion his his grandfather
is the one who got the divine message
good Andy he was
in Mexico the legend goes that he drinks
in bad water he was in the bathroom he
was having the worst diarrhea of his
he heard a voice from what we assume is
the heavens and the voice said don’t
drink the water
mm-hmm and that’s what we that’s what
our religion is based off of because
that’s a very common saying whenever you
travel because of how potentially
dangerous the water because the water
can be filled with certain bacteria
certain amoebas and if he was hearing
voices not only could it be just a
normal warning that was being said but
it could also be if he had very severe
diarrhea he his electrolytes could be
imbalanced and that can cause
neurological disturbances like psychosis
I wish that were true
well doctor listen you can’t be telling
people that their religion is because of
some sort of mental instability that’s
like you got to be careful with this
kind of stuff right I’m sort of more
trying to get to the understanding that
so you’re mrs. Danny you guys have a
roof over your head correct yes it
sounds like you have a bed or at least
blankets to sleep on yes how do I become
the fourteenth sister wife I went in I’m
not sure if if that’s really the best
thing to go for here because it sounds
for one thing Cameron it sounds like
that’s restrictive in terms of what
you’re allowed to do or or move around
so it might inhibit your participation
in this podcast for instance I mean it
sounds like it’s easier to to leave to
leave here than it is to leave this
podcast could you tell me what what are
the living conditions like we’re fine
we’re happy we like our house if you
want to participate in the March we’ll
be meeting at the town square
oh yes the March the reason why you’re
you’re on the podcast at all will be in
the Town Square on Saturday at noon and
if you do come
maybe you could bring some some wire
cutters so that I could cut the shackles
better on my feet oh and maybe I could
get in the back of your truck and maybe
you could put a blanket over me maybe
you could drive me to my mom’s house in
Wisconsin I’ll see you there
I will be there sounds like a great
March for a good cause
well it aspects of that Senate is very
good in terms of the rescuing someone
but it sounds like there’s a very real
issue going on there they’re trying to
get away from the discrimination you’re
bringing right now at dr. London so this
is why these kind of marches have to
exist people like you could you tell me
a little bit more about that aspect of
the religion of it’s based on don’t
drink the water could you go into that a
little bit more I have to go I hear my
husband oh oh oh hey Daniel
hey Danny we play bridge yeah well and
you kept introducing me to him too okay
so this is the same Danny that you said
he’s a great guy like very insistently
yeah well he told me to tell you that
okay so said that wasn’t okay well so
they’re leaving okay they’re gone so
yeah see you next weekend I can’t help
but feel like we should call the cops on
that well big shoe her feet were
shackled and that to me that that that’s
a real indicator that something’s wrong
do you think maybe we should be thinking
about calling like a baker or something
so we have something to bring to the
rally like a dessert or something
it’s called Baker first and then we’ll
we’ll meet back up in
we’ll figure out what we do next up to a
baker I’m gonna run by the store I need
some new clothes
get some new shoes do you bring baked
goods to marches very often yeah
oh all the time and that’s people people
eat it yeah yeah okay all right well
probably we should call the cops on this
one I’m gonna call it Baker thank you so
much for listening to that episode if
you liked it at all to the point where
you did not necessarily feel nauseated
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oh no okay no we will we don’t want the
camera we don’t want a lawyer
we don’t want blood yeah I’ll get you in
contact with just a really excellent
lawyer who can give you the justice you
deserve okay no because we our podcast
does not cause I I don’t I feel like
this is weird to have to say it doesn’t
cause nausea why did you just say it I
was saying like bullet because it
shouldn’t and so it shouldn’t cause it
and so for that reason it’s sort of a
yeah it shouldn’t if it does here’s a
lawyer okay
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Episode 10. The Brain/Shane Fleg

Welcome to the jock doc podcast
featuring Dr. London Smith when he’s not
pumping iron in the gym he’s pumping
knowledge into the ears of his listeners
introducing your host Dr. London Smith
hello and welcome to Jock Doc where we
discuss fitness and health and how to
incorporate our modern understanding of
science and medicine into our daily
lives but without it being so boring I’m
your host dr. London Smith (.com) I
would like to begin by apologizing to
our listeners we have received some
feedback claiming that we are using far
too many technical medical terms such as
ear and hair in the future we’ll try to
you know dumb these down a little bit
not to say the audience is dumb but
simplify simplifies a better word keep
it on a level where we can all
appreciate and learn here to help with
that is our producer Cameron unlike me
he’s always out and about searching out
what is going on in the world so he
understands what you the listeners want
to hear
-finger on the pulse
mm-hmm yes so don’t be surprised if he something
you would not know anything about I mean
well don’t be surprised if he makes a
rare small note to guide us along mm-hm
all right also with us is DJ Dylan IN DA HOUSE plus
Cameron has informed me that we are
actually we’re expecting a guest later
on in the show we are so stay tuned for
that all right before we move on I would
like to address a bit of feedback that
we received from user Shane Fleg if
global warming is real do you think it
will have an effect on the health of
humanity as a whole
first of all I would like to thank you
for contacting us at jock doc it is of
course always a pleasure to hear from
our listeners thank you for asking
something really related to science and
medicine sometimes we get questions that
seem almost like they’re directed at
something else
-well I mean it’s really related to giant hoaxes but
-yeah well okay so well so I’ll go ahead and answer
that question real quick it’s it’s a big question it’s pretty big
but um the basic answer is yes global
warming also known as climate change it is a
significant danger to a great deal of humanity yes it will absolutely have an effect on the health of humanity as a
whole and we are unfortunately already
seeing those effects in the form of
natural disaster
-if global warming’s real
rising ocean temperatures
-then how come I eat an ice-cream cone outside yesterday
okay well that’s you had something refrigerated frozen in that
-yeah but you’ve been outside outside and nothing happened I ate it ate the whole thing every bite
-yeah but so so so that’s your I got me a little bit closer to weather but really describing something cold not heating up too fast
-I ate an ice cream cone outside okay global warming is fake okay I don’t I don’t believe that that’s an instance that either proves or disproves for that matter climate change I think it’s more just you had something cold that didn’t melt
-I bought frozen peas at the grocery store
-and when I got home they were not completely unfrozen okay so explain that
okay well you can’t did you you drove home
okay so in the car you actually have climate control so that’s like your air conditioner right so that
-that’s interesting so in a way like we’re in control of climate change well with some tiles in our car in if the climate of
your car inside the car
-Oh see this is the kind of stuff I didn’t know what people talk about climate change all the time and they talk about oh we’ve got to change all these habits you just got to turn a knob in your car well and while you’re in your car it can it can kind of work like but but it’s very micro whereas macro meet like it’s a it’s a small environment it’s an enclosed it took closed system kind of things so it’s only in your car whereas what we’re talking about with climate change is the
entire planet which speaking of cars the
the exhaust the pollution from the cars
so you’re saying the planet has a big
dial that in the same oh man this is
crazy to me so in the same way that I’m
able to control the climate in my car
resident able to control the climate of
the world with a big dial it sounds like
in Washington DC no okay no that’s
there’s no there isn’t a big dial but in
a way the president turned the dial
people okay I’m tired of these politics
not letting the president time the dial
okay cuz he what what he can do is is
push forward policies to to tied the
dial no introductive not the real
physical dial that you’re referring to
but we can delay and you know help help
to push off climate change to stave it
off I believe might be the best term for
it this is interesting too because I’m
really into science oh well okay well
then I guess um I love science just go
back to our you you know the guy’s a
Tyson yeah yeah the physicist yes racist
yeah oh good so even watching some of
his stuff I’ve never seen him in
anything okay as he is I know have you
heard his like I think he has a I think
he has a podcast now okay so how do you
know him bumper stickers so he you just
read bumper stickers that had his name
on it
well it’ll have like a picture of him
and he’s like like peeing on the Ford
logo okay and it’s because of those
bumper stickers that you believe in
science yes huge science nerd okay well
so we’ll go ahead and move on that’s
alright think yeah oh yeah thank you uh
we answered his question thank you user
Shane fleg once again thank you for
reaching out now for a quick brief quote
from our psych ward
prompted a woman said to me I saw skunk
by my bed I asked a skunk where we are
the skunk said you’re at the hospital
and then skunk left a mess but I cleaned
it up later that day the same patient
said she won’t eat fish because quote
they get them one day little when they
have snot developed they crying and they
still wearing their little diapers so to
clarify there was no skunk at the
hospital and fish do not typically wear
diapers but there are usually skunks at
the hospital right no no I that’s not
even a myth that I’ve ever heard of
never heard that no now that there’s
these gunk at the hospital then go to
another one I’d like the whole thing
that’s that seems like good advice maybe
but no that’s people people don’t
I mean people sometimes bring like their
pets like a dog or a cat maybe and even
that’s some Isis if you go to a hospital
and there’s not a skunk there you find
another one that has won every hospital
I’ve ever been to has a skunk in the
that’s so you select your I thought you
were saying the other way so you select
your hospitals based on the fact it has
to have a skunk well yeah the more the
have you been – I’ve been to hospital
with multiple skunks yes
were they are you sure this was a
it said hospital outside was it an
animal hospital even that would be
unusual to me
like a veterinarian just said a hospital
okay so maybe 35 skunks tonight okay so
that that sounds like maybe it wasn’t a
people hospital
it also honestly I don’t know a lot of
people with skunks for pets so it sounds
like it wouldn’t be a pet hospital you
sure it’s that hospital though look I
went to a hospital no skunks so I went
to the next door
no skunks I went to the next door no
skunks until eventually I reached a door
there’s about 35 guns from there I went
there I got what I needed
I left what did you need a skunk oh okay
well I’m glad you found so you have a
skunk for a pet now or it knows for
medicine it was medicinal purposes not
recreational in what way was it
medicinal it’s complicated ascribe in an
audio format but you can see if you take
so imagine this is the skunk
okay then imagine this is my body and if
you go if you if you go okay and he’s
making a emotion you know do you see
what I’m saying placing one inside of
the other did you turn again
yes they’re not great for the audio
format but you can pick did you did you
try to to insert an animal into no dr.
London well I’m trying our audience is
mostly children you can’t say stuff like
that okay I I do apologize ate the skunk
so I could get some of its powers I want
to be able to spray on people and make
them stink so you you ate the skunk for
medicinal purposes and the medicinal
purpose is so that you can spray the
skunk still my foes your foot so your
medicine is attacking people with you’re
attacking your foes with the skunk stink
yeah my first
now for today’s topic the brain the
brain and spinal cord make up the
central nervous system the brain has a
lot of jobs but for today we will talk
about its main jobs first the central
nervous system is in charge of taking in
sensory input from all over the body and
the external environment then it
processes and interprets that sensory
input then finally it decides what to do
in response to that sensory input so for
example Cameron your eyes right now are
taking in light from light input from
just looking around you don’t know that
okay well I’m and are you able to see
right now I don’t feel comfortable
saying well now that you’ve assumed what
I can and cannot do so normally in a
given individual your eyes will take in
light input from just looking around and
then your brain converts that input into
electrical signals so it goes from light
to electrical signals in your brain so
it’s it’s so you’re saying that in the
same way that a light charges up a solar
panel light is filtering through our
eyes creating electricity and that’s
what causes our nerves that’s what makes
us nervous okay no I thought this
feeling that I was having after those
eight that’s good I thought that feeling
may have been connected to what I was
eating but what you’re saying is that
those are just my nerves because that’s
the nervous system I got nervous I’m not
saying that cuz of all the light that my
eyes are accepting in so I need to be
closing my eyes more often this is the
kind of stuff I wish our previous
episodes were more like this dr. London
okay now I I need to says once so you’ve
been having symptoms since eating that
skunk well yeah sure I’ve been nervous
when he’s okay so you’ve just been more
anxious nervous you’ve been yeah like
anxious because of how bad I feel well
what in what way do you feel bad well I
mean their nerves I’m shaky my stomach
hurts can’t sleep can’t really eats
can’t really think okay drive anymore
which is I wasn’t expecting that
is that because of vision problems is
that where you were so sensitive about
it’s like I get behind the wheel and I
just I can’t drive can’t go like you
can’t move your body I can’t make the
car go did you
is it was a car turn on were you putting
it yes the right gear I know how to turn
on a car dr. London okay I just so I’m
trying to get it’s a series of wires
that you connect them all together is
this your car yes it’s the car that I’m
driving well now I’m not driving it
anyway nervous system I’m nervous
cuz a light it’s charging up my nerves I
did okay and just to clarify you sort of
like when you rubbed your feet on the
ground and it creates static electricity
you’re charging it up and then you you
put your finger on a doorknob and it
zaps ya it’s a different process light
is charging your nerves that’s what I’m
hearing the light going through your
eyes I okay sounds crazy
I agree with that sentiment so this is
the kind of stuff that should be on a
bumper sticker right so you can be a
science geek about this yeah so it’s
when you okay do you know whose car it
is that you’re that you are using
trotter trying to use currently
I can’t use any car currently I can’t
drive right but could it be because it
sounds like you stole this car is the
way you’re describing it like are you
hot-wiring it I don’t know what those
words mean I’m trying to start the car
by putting wires together that are very
hot to hold okay well okay so well I’m
basic piece of advice you should
probably not seek out any more skunks to
eat okay that’s a basic I believe that
you know despite what you were
interpreting from what I said it’s
probably the way you’re eating not it’s
not natural to be to have shakiness and
yeah your tremors anything like that I
don’t know if you’d experience weight
loss headaches you you’re having you’re
uncomfortable with talking about your
vision your altered mental status
it sounds like yeah so that I’m not
exactly sure the pathology but we might
that might be worth going to a hospital
without skunks I I mean people say if
you walk into a hospital and there’s not
a skunk there go to the next point I’d
have never heard that before
people have always said that always
that’s the first thing that’s my
earliest memory is being told that by
your parents yep okay well we never we
haven’t have really ever gotten would
you mind if I asked you about your
family I would find okay all right well
okay I’ll leave that alone for now my
dad is a sailor is okay so as your is
your dad still with us I don’t mean
physically geographically with us oh
he’s physically still with us okay good
okay yeah so so he sails for a living or
like does he do that for work his
employment his his physical body sails
around I assumed the world okay but to
say is he is he alive I guess no but his
body is with us and it sails around the
my family is Vikings and this is a
traditional Viking funeral you wanted to
know more about my family okay that’s
this is a Viking okay okay that makes
that makes that’s better than what a
Viking funeral you put the body on a
boat push the body on the water you
should have flaming arrow and it catches
on fire right I’m not that great of a
shot so the body just kind of kept going
and now I did tell the rest of my family
that the arrow did hit the boat and
catching on fire but it did not actually
do that so the body’s kind of just going
around the just kind of keeps going
around the world keeps cycling I’m sorry
to hear did does your family listen to
this podcast
would they with this new shock them if
they listen I’m not comfortable telling
you whether or not my family listens to
things I think that’s kind of maybe not
your business okay but this is again
part of the whole your whole data mining
right but okay okay well we’ll go ahead
and move on from there then right I
guess all right do we have any sponsors
today um my neighbor’s cat I don’t think
has been eating enough so maybe someone
should kind of take that cat okay I feel
like that’s not exactly it so a sponsor
is someone who you know pays a product
that someone might want I don’t think I
see Mike my neighbor’s cat through the
window eating like twice a day I think
it’s probably eating like three times a
day I think someone could be taking care
of it better well I feel like that and I
think that you could just go pick up the
cat that’s a sponsor okay I don’t okay
you’re saying like someone a sponsor
like sponsoring a person okay well I so
what I’m referring to for this would be
someone who pays us to advertise the cat
looks well their product we we pay the
sponsors for the permission to advertise
products I was hoping to be able to save
some money by maybe talking about some
stuff that was our own stuff rather than
having to pay these sponsors these tens
of thousands of dollars that we’ve been
paying yeah we yeah straight out of our
pockets well your debit card see it’s
too expensive I’m tired of spending so
much money on these sponsors I’m just
trying to keep it local I am and it
looked the cat he looks fine it’s not
like the cat skinny but I watch this I
mean I watch this cat most of my day and
it’s only eating twice most of you jeez
are you at home a lot just watching the
cat yeah like I have I mean like I have
cameras and I review the video that
next morning and stuff I just think it
could be eating more so if you’re a
listener and if you think you can take
better care of this cat than my neighbor
I I would really encourage you to just
swing by and just pick up the cat well I
I’m not sure that I can endorse the same
thing but it sounds like we don’t have a
I think the listeners would really like
it if you endorse I don’t kidnap watch
the ratings live and every time you say
you don’t endorse this cat we lose to
people okay I I can say I endorse the
cat I like I like cats
sorry that may turn off some listeners
actually actually we did lose some dog
people yeah sorry to hear that say
animals exist animals exist that’s the
perfect level
yeah just acknowledging that they are
there yeah okay are there are there
certain groups that don’t believe in the
existence of animals I would say that I
think a lot of people say a lot of
things about certain animals that I
don’t necessarily believe okay like that
they exist so you’re saying I believe in
cats so I don’t believe in horses I
think they’re too big I know what the
size of a pet is dogs are pets cats are
pet they’re a certain size horses people
say their horses have are our pets you
see them in movies as pets they’re too
big to be pets what do you believe that
they are then no I think I mean I think
it’s their animals it’s like a sasquatch
it’s like Loch Ness monster it’s you
don’t you know a myth or you don’t
believe that horses exist no no there’s
no proof that they exist
black beauty you think black beauty’s
I’m sorry I didn’t know I was dealing
with a child who believed in fairy tales
okay I well alkanes are you saying that
those are real cuz those are smaller at
least Falcons are just pigeons that
people mistakenly took for some sort of
mythical being so you don’t believe in
something I think it is moving super
fast people just see the blur and they
think that they saw a hawk in the same
way that you might see a Bigfoot because
you saw you know a monkey in the woods
okay well it’s it’s interesting to hear
that viewpoint I’m glad that we’re at
least having multiple sides on this
because I do believe in the existence of
animals all known known animals that
have been catalogued yeah I mean I do to
cats I believe in you know porcupines
dogs so porcupines make it on your list
yeah of course yeah okay working
homeward bound yes
any animal featured in homeward bound
that’s real that’s a real that those
animals they were lost and they got home
right how could they have done that if
if that movie was fake
those animals made at home I’ve seen the
pictures okay okay would still be lost
if it was if it was fake okay okay so um
we’ll go ahead and move on from yeah we
do pick up the cat okay
his code like his garage code is 15 20
the the owner of the cat yeah so just
type that in and then just take the cat
well I
I 1520 all right let’s move yeah I
believe in the existence of animals
that’s what I can say about that so
anyway all right uh do we have a guest
today yeah we do all right let’s see hi
hi my name is dr. London Smith and this
is jock doc hey hey guys I’m Shane fleg
actually uh I’m the one who wrote in
earlier about the global warming
question I recognize your name yeah yeah
I I’m have to say I’m a I’m a frequent
listener of the podcast I would say big
fan but you know there there have been
some questionable topics and opinions on
here yeah it’s good not judging anyone
for their opinion but I do like to you
know I don’t want to support any
opinions necessarily that I’m that I
think are bad okay I think a lot of this
stuff maybe dr. London’s been trying to
push is questionable I’d well it makes
sense for someone who’s you know been in
medical school and brought up under the
umbrella of and the watch of big pharma
it makes sense to have some of the
opinions that he has but I don’t and and
don’t I don’t blame you I used to think
more that way when I was first starting
my research I do and so and you know
what’s crazy he’s controlled by Big
Pharma he’s never been to a farm I asked
him right right I mean not like I
haven’t done ivan been a farmer see I
didn’t even spend one day as a farmer
and did he’s in the pocket a big farm
you know farming is technically bad for
the planet mmm what I’ve heard this if
you if you over farm in certain areas
and don’t allow the soil to rejuvenate
oh yeah yeah then you can the the soil
blows all over the earth we saw it in
the Dust Bowl mmm-hmm so it I read all
about this on Shane talks I mean you
keep doing that oh you read that was
that you that’s me that’s my website
that’s my home page you’re kidding me
this is crazy this is
it sounds so okay well if we can back up
for just a moment um I could ask mr.
could I tell you mr. flag or do you
prefer to just you can call me Shane
Shane okay pretty uh you know informal
guy okay Shane what um what what do you
do for a living
um well I work at Walgreens but but
that’s kind of my bread and butter
mostly I would I would call myself more
of a blogger okay or an educator okay
okay well we have we have that in common
that’s the purpose of this podcast is
right yeah like I was saying I’ve you
know had years of research so I think my
place in this world is more you know the
education space is kind of where I
belong when you say an educator and your
research well when you say research
specifically where have you researched
have you done like worked with
scientists well I love the Internet
of course I went to I went to school
through senior year of high school he’s
dropped out yeah I dropped out senior
year halfway through because I realized
what a waste of time it was well with
the Internet at my fingertips I was able
to learn and educate there so yeah I
would learn something and you know show
other people what I had learned
you know I saw on the internet the other
day a video of a monkey scrolling
through Instagram
I bet dr. London couldn’t show me that
okay and honestly I’m not surprised to
see a monkey scrolling through Instagram
I mean they are similar to us although I
don’t personally believe that we came
from primates okay what do you believe
well I think that we evolved in a
different way than primates because if
if we if we came from primates why are
there still primates and why are we so
much smarter than them I’m sorry you’re
right okay why are we so much smarter
it’s that’s the idea of evolution which
a great many scientists subscribe to
this idea that slowly over time over man
we have evolved from certain amount of
beings we’ve had a adaptive changes in
our DNA and over time we’ve we’ve just
developed evolved is the term so you’re
saying that that doesn’t make sense
all right right I’m saying it doesn’t
make sense because we’re so much smarter
you’re a monkey but it makes sense to a
but unfortunately dr. Linda and your
audience isn’t monkeys they’re real
people with real thoughts with real
brains well okay so you’re saying that
they’re a monkey would hear what you’re
saying and say ooh let me let me eat
what doctor London’s trying to sell well
monkeys can’t understand language
exactly right so the UM whenever you say
Coco right right of course
the so those those those creatures
they’re different from us they’re less
evolved than us and that’s sort of the
principle you’re staying right well what
I think you can swing in a tree like a
monkey eyes are so much more evolved I
you see enough as they can swing that
that’s one of those traits that I’d love
to see you try I’d love to see you race
a monkey it’s one of those things that
that over time has been less like how
our feet are not like our hands whereas
for a lot of those types of creatures
their feet resemble the hands they can
grab onto things and that’s for move
into the jungle whereas the further
evolution has pushed us to you know it’s
it’s more about brain power than about
brawn you know that kind of eat someone
else’s ham that had to be kind of put on
there and I I don’t know it seems kind
of weird that you’re making fun of me
for that on this this wasn’t targeted at
you it wasn’t argued at you and I I know
that you had the surgery which I don’t
quite understand you say it was an
accident but you also say that you paid
to have it done and I don’t get that
well I think feet were an accident by
God okay well anyway Shan Shan why are
you why are you here today is it for did
you have a question I know you asked
about the global warming thing right
that’s I would say that’s kind of why
I’m here because I’ve been wanting to
ask that question but I wanted to be
sure and be able to be here and monitor
kind of where the conversation went
because I don’t feel like you guys even
really answered it correctly or in depth
earlier so I just wanted to come back to
I think Cameron was making a good point
earlier he was basically saying that he
bought some peas at the grocery store
frozen and by the time he got them to
his house they were still frozen okay
not yet thawed and you would think in a
world that would be that is becoming
warmer well it would still be becoming
warmer during that time that he was
traveling from the grocery store to his
home therefore the peas would have
warmed up and the you know what’s funny
the temperature was the exact same when
I left the grocery store it was 135
degrees and when I got home it was still
obviously speaking Celsius because
Fahrenheit that would be way too hot so
I think you know in order to get a
better handle on this pee situation I’m
sorry defer listeners I do need to back
up on that so 30 degrees Fahrenheit is
still very hot but you know that’s why
it would be Celsius but but in Celsius
it’d be even hotter because like hundred
degrees is boiling in Celsius which 135
in Fahrenheit isn’t isn’t at the point
of boiling it’s well actually that’s
actually in Celsius it would be cooler
because you have to shift it you know
freezing is 32 degrees in Fahrenheit but
in Celsius it’s zero so you’re still
you’re four Celsius you’re having to
shift it back 32 degrees
okay so boiling would be much cooler
than it would be in Fahrenheit are you
familiar with the and perhaps this is
one of those classes that you didn’t
it’s the classic
it’s the classic metric system you know
bias that the world has there you know
they’re trying to say that Celsius is
hotter it’s the new thing no it’s it’s
it’s really it’s really less useful you
have misunderstandings like this you
know so you you think that the metric
system is a problem like because a lot
of the world especially necessarily
think it’s a problem I just think it’s
inaccurate okay so for one thing to
convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius or
vice versa it’s a there’s an equation
it’s not as simple as just subtracting
technically adding 32 to the scale you
see what I mean well it’s I I see how it
it’d be nice if it was that easy but
there’s an e there is an equation for it
which up top of my head I don’t quite
remember the equation but it’s not the
the the different degrees aren’t you can
expect dr. London it actually know
something it’s right it’s a scale
it’s a scaled difference it’s asking too
much of dr. London to be able to say
something of any intent well it’s the
same thing it’s I would say that the two
measurements the two units of
measurement are congruent
but Fahrenheit is more specific and
useful like well well I don’t think that
well so so Celsius you know it’s fine
but once once you want to get down into
specifics and really measure something
you know that’s very small a very small
difference in temperature you’re gonna
want to use Ferren well that’s not so
it’s just a matter of metric is based on
you know like some rule of it’s zero
degrees is freezing 100 degrees is
boiling it’s a sort of easier
measurement so there we go
are you well I I think I think what
Cameron’s trying to say is that you’re
just not making much sense I understand
where you’re coming from because you’re
more from the medically educated
official you know taught by the
conglomerate and so and so where I’m
coming from is just you know from a
little more out of the box
and just from my viewpoint
I would say that Fahrenheit is more
useful Celsius is a little more it’s a
scam it is and honestly I was actually
gonna bringing up scams I I was gonna
say that
I think global warming you guys were
referring to it more as a hoax but I
would not well I I heard I consider it a
hoe right you were both saying it was a
hoax but what I would rather say I
believe that global warming is more of a
scam than a hoax
all right well Cameron do we have
another sponsor today we do dr. London
oh great we have an app oh great yeah
we’ve been cruising on these yeah yeah
this is a there’s an app it’s available
in all app stores you can get it
anywhere any country oh okay this is a
weather app it’s called the all-in-one
weather wonder forecast tracker okay the
most detailed and useful weather app
that exists okay so this is like the
real yard yeah well I mean all you it’s
so simple okay
all you got to do you’re gonna download
the app okay you gotta you got to go out
and get a weather vane did that connect
it to the app you got to get a rain
gauge connect that to the app go go to
the store get a thermometer you got to
connect that to the app okay you want to
get a barometer connect that to the app
you want to set up a sort of a Doppler
style radar system and something you I
know you’re gonna ask do you connect
that to the app yeah you do you just
connect that to the app super simple is
it is it a simple process to connect it
to the app sure okay why not right so
but you say like this is that sounds
like a lot of stuff that you have to get
in addition to buying these I’m sorry is
it a free app or does it
oh the app is free okay Yap is for
absolutely free and you say like it but
when you download it though it’s free
but it sounds like the app itself
doesn’t the
is 100% free the app itself you open the
app it gives you list it gives you this
list of things you got to get and then
once you’ve got it you click a checkbox
and then there’s an arrow that points
you where it is in your house like a
message you’ll you will never lose your
Doppler radar system again okay but
because the you know that giant machine
kind of gets lost in your house now the
app just a narrow reason to what room it
is facing that reasoning that light
targeted at me like in my house I would
lose that machine yes okay but I mean if
you’ve got to get some weather balloons
as well you can’t forget that attach
that to the app and again the app is
gonna point you to where the weather
balloon is until it gets high enough and
then it can’t reach but it when it’s on
the ground it can say hey the weather
balloons over there go look at it and so
the app is basically just telling you
where to look for the things that you’ve
bought yeah it sounds like like the app
is actually just telling you to a bunch
of arrows become a like figure out how
to be a meteorologist does it tell you
how to well read and determine no you do
need to hire a meteorologist to
interpret this data so contact a local
news agency just ask them hey can I get
in contact with your meteorologist you
know maybe negotiate some sort of salary
and you’re you’re like I mean then they
are able to look at all this equipment
tell you what the weather is gonna be
tomorrow so it’s like asking them to do
like an off hours freelance job of
tracking the weather specifically I
guess at your house yeah it sucks when
you just you don’t know if it’s gonna
rain today you know what I mean ah
should I bring an umbrella can I wear my
leather boots or not you know yeah I now
with this app you’re able to know all
that information and more
okay.what and animart it’s gonna rain
how fast it’s gonna rain the app tells
you that the meteorologists that you’ve
hired will – I mean that it’s you know
he’s your employee so I
however you want to do that if he wants
to give you a daily report if you want
to give you a daily phone call that’s
kind of your decision I’m not going to
tell you how to deal with your own
you should probably register as an LLC
like as a company if you’re gonna have
employees and you probably need to set
up some sort of benefit system okay you
don’t want someone working for you
without benefits okay even though you
know if they might need an assistant as
well so then you’d have to hire yeah
just like a few people kind of get it
going you don’t want them working out of
your house like every day so you
probably need to you know rent an office
space I feel like what you’re about to
lead into is you’re gonna that are
easiest app you’ve ever seen it
absolutely okay because because I was
gonna say it sounds like you’re about to
just have to start your own Weather
Channel TV station hey that’s your
decision if you want to start a TV
network it sounds like that’s what
sounds probably like a pretty good idea
but if you just want this information
for yourself yeah like for me I’m a
private person so I’m not gonna blast in
everything on my own channel I just want
to know when I wake up in the morning I
just want to know is it gonna rain later
that’s all so what do I do I call it the
company that I’ve set up and I talked to
the people right so you you just call
into your own company and say what
what’s the weather gonna be you know
what doctor landed that’s not just it
there’s more to this half there’s
actually a pro version okay that’s sort
of a ways for weather where you can let
people know and people can let you know
what the weather’s gonna be based on
your relatives joints okay so my Aunt
Martha for example her her knees start
singing when a storms coming so she
contacts me she says hey my knees
singing I submit it to the app now other
people who have the app can have an idea
of what the weather is gonna be based on
my Aunt Martha’s so yes you’re not just
asking her like say what the weather is
where she is only coordinated no because
nothing’s more accurate than a than a
bone I
I don’t know if I okay
well now that sounds that’s great uh we
appreciate our sponsors of course
absolutely you know be able to keeps us
on the air so um thank you to OHS the
day of the app again it’s the all-in-one
weather wonder forecast tracker so I
guess all-in-one is referring to the
fact that it can point you to all to
everything and also utilize family
members joints to help inform you of the
weather but in the paid version yes yeah
oh yeah that cost money okay so the
reason that global warming is more of a
scam rather than a hoax
is because of the greenery it’s because
of the moolah the money who’s getting
rich on global warming you might say oh
the oil companies no it’s not the oil
companies the Sun is actually would
would be giving to the earth so it’s not
the Sun okay I see where you’re coming
but think the main by the way thank you
for saying I see where you’re coming
from I don’t get any of that from dr.
Londe well every time I say anything he
points to me he says you’re a loser and
stupid well and and you have to remember
where he’s coming from you know it’s
like parenting if a parent calls a kid
stupid the kids gonna call his friends
stupid if a doctor is you know educated
under the system he is going to write
he’s going to act a lot like them say
the same kind of things have the similar
believing that’s not now I want to hear
more about the scam all right so that’s
not the reason I know I was arguing
before and saying I thought it was a
hoax I mean I’m fixing to blow your mind
you’re gonna understand this you’re
gonna love this this is what this is
what I as me as a listener to this show
as well this is what I well like I said
I’ve been doing research for years on
the Internet and I have you know pulled
from all over the dark web the light web
I’ve pulled from all aspects of the web
information and the reason that global
warming is a scam rather than a hoax is
because of the money and who’s making
money well I’ll tell you it’s the
scientists who are making the money I
talking about because they are the ones
researching it and they get paychecks
for their research I’m saying that they
have found the perfect scenario to take
advantage of so they if if global
warming think about this I’m going back
to Fahrenheit here Fahrenheit is very
important to scientists who are
measuring global warming I don’t know if
that’s I when looking up global warming
online if you look at the temperature
increase since 1970 it is 0.3 degrees
Fahrenheit now taking the human body
temperature into account now everyone is
resting at about 98.6 degrees correct
the core temperature right so if from
temperature of 98 point 9 well that’s
close to approaching fever so if in the
next decade we went up even 0.1 degree
we would all be sick it’s ok and this is
why I love science
now do you know though do you know a lot
of times information false information
can get into your mind and you can
actually start believing false
information now no not right no you
wouldn’t think you wouldn’t think so and
that’s what’s so dangerous and and let
me let me tell you here’s where the
money comes in now if people think that
global warming is real and it is rising
the temperature of the human body and we
all think that we’re sick I who’s going
to benefit dr. London doctors exactly ok
so so you’re saying that the the earth
increasing in temperature so the average
temperature is above that of a fever
will automatically make the average
humans core temperature increase to a
fever above a fever or to it to a fever
range and you think that first of all
that that causality would happen and
that humans with that increased
temperature to a fever would go to the
doctor as a result because doctors say
it’s a fever and that is why scientists
are pushing this climate change now that
I’ve seen the truth I okay it’s just
like I said the point about him saying
the words like scam over and over cuz
it’s like he’s going scams chemcam
schema schema scam scam scam scam scam
scam because it’s not a scam well let me
check my scam book it says Monday scam
scam Wednesday breakfast bowl then scam
because what I’m trying to because the
so that causality does so the core
temperature is maintained by your body’s
homeostasis which well it’s it’s a whole
topic to get into but your body keeps a
careful balance so that so that your
body stays your core stays at that same
like you said 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit
yeah and it but it takes in that
external temperature with the sensory
inputs as we talked about with the brain
and then it decides human body has the
human body has been at 98.6 degrees
since the beginning of medical studies I
mean right so what so what I’m what I’m
saying is that with the increase like
the outside increase in temperature the
body wouldn’t be tricked into increasing
its temperature some people live in
places where it’s over a hundred degrees
Fahrenheit prove it and I’m not
necessarily saying that our bodies would
actually become sick and our
temperatures would actually rise to
above ninety nine degrees Fahrenheit I’m
saying that the brain is a very powerful
like I said and if you’re being fed the
information that global warming is
rising by 0.3 degrees and if it
approaches point four degrees we’ll be
looking at 99 degrees Fahrenheit it for
body temperature you would think so if
people are telling you that the global
that the globe is warming up then you
would think the body would warm up too
so we don’t have a lot of wiggle room
there and I I I’m not sure that I feel
like the logic isn’t quite lining up
exactly it’s a placebo it’s a placebo
effect you can care about global global
warming over and over again and I
climate change you your body starts to
adjust to the perceiver effect that’s
sugar pills like okay what horses eat
which dr. London believes them
you know another perfectly good example
of a scam rather than a hoax mm-hmm
is actually vaccinations and I know this
is a controversial subject I did but so
I thought about this right so you get
sick you go get a vaccine right vaccine
let’s say that’s all right that’s that’s
not usually you get the vaccine to
prevent sickness not to to treat it
right but the only way that they know to
give you a vaccine is if you get sick no
no they give you vaccine before you like
it’s preventive it’s that doesn’t make
any sense yeah let me go get my my
windshield fixed before it’s broken
let me just go do that well the logic
just doesn’t make sense so so whenever
you’re a baby and you you haven’t built
a lot of I’m not a baby I’m not a baby
I’m so tired of people calling me a baby
I’m sorry so let’s say I’ve died blood
I’ve done a baby at all so as an adult
we’ll say that as an adult let’s say you
get a vaccine against tetanus okay so a
tetanus booster so you already had a
tetanus shot whenever you were younger
but you still get tetanus boosters every
so often because you get the tetanus
booster I mean that’s the every every
like five different pieces that’s when
you get that’s the line piece right
which is the straight line rather than
um the L or the S or the Z shape
I don’t know so well for for tetanus
this is to prevent you getting tetanus
I’m not you’re trying to get a straight
line to clear it out and I think the
most useful one which people often
listen call it when I was there it’s
gonna be the straight line when I was a
kid I stepped on a nail what did I do
I went and got a tetanus shot you didn’t
see me getting a tetanus shot before I
stepped on a nail it wouldn’t have made
any sense out I’m in a waste of money
here’s what they do they tell you you
have to get a vaccine when you’re young
when you’re a bit let’s say you’re a
baby they make you go get your hepatitis
vaccine now what you do you just wasted
money and you could have gotten autism
and so it’s really enough it’s really a
double ribbon to not be well now it has
happened and it and it really is a
double whammy there because listen you
don’t think that those doctors have a
referral fee with you know psychologists
and special needs doctors of course they
do that’s why they give them vaccines at
such a young age they they first of all
they give them the vaccine they get
their quick money upfront then the kid
catches autism and he gets sick they
send him to you know their friend who’s
a who’s a psychologist and they send him
to their friend who is a special needs
and to build off of that a little bit I
think just to go back to the tetanus
booster a little bit I think what you
want to do is you want to build up at
least four lines while leaving a space
on the right right or left hand side or
then when you get the booster that comes
in that way it clears four lines at once
that’s that’s gonna maximize your points
okay like you know these are all
to clarify for our listeners the reason
you get those those vaccines and every
year born and like at certain points
during your baby an infant hood so to
speak is to prevent you from getting
diseases that will otherwise kill you
and also to give your doctors plenty of
and moolah that that can’t be treated as
well we don’t have a treatment for it
because a lot of those viruses and
usually put into ching sounds every time
london talks you that would be very
helpful thank you you guys ever heard of
a little thing called ice covering new
diseases well I think that’s all the
time we have thank you – Shane – Shane
no problem hope to be back soon yeah and
thank you for sending in the question
and for surprising at least me by being
here thank you – Cameron as always thank
you for the hosts this is Jacques dr.
podcast my name is dr. London Smith dark
rum and we’ll see you next time
oh thanks for listening to that episode
yes you I’m talking to you
we’re we’re closed right sorry if this
isn’t appropriate or whatever but it
seems weird that you still haven’t told
anyone about us like not once have you
mentioned jock dock podcast to your well
your other friends Wow is is it me
do I do I embarrass you I mean it’s
definitely you I okay or do you feel
like I wouldn’t get along with your
other friends that’s definitely true
okay well I guess I’m not sure I guess
what I’m saying is you could go ahead
and introduce me to them and like it
could be casual too like no it doesn’t
to be weird
um if you’re around it’d be weird okay
well okay we’ll just just text my
details like jock doc podcast comm or a
link to your favorite episode and maybe
even share from our social media ad jock
podcast now that I can do okay so at
least we have that thanks for listening

Episode 9. Myocardial Infarction/Whiff App

Welcome to the jock dock podcast featuring dr. London Smith clinically proven to be the number one top best podcast to listen to now introducing your host Dr. London Smith
Hello and welcome to jock doc where we discuss fitness and health and how to incorporate our modern understanding of science and medicine into our daily lives but without it being so boring. I’m
your host dr. London I would like to begin by apologizing to our listeners we have received some feedback claiming that we are using an excessive amount of technical terms such as spit and toes so I’ll try to simplify my terminology a little more in the future. Here to assist with that is our producer Cameron hello friends Cameron feels the energy in the town the nation and sort of in the world beyond even so be ready
for him to chime in to guide us along as we go
-I have a certain connection to the art listenership that maybe someone like you from more of an elite community wouldn’t be able to understand
-well right well I I mean I did spend my time I’ve been a normal person for most of my life but yeah I do spend a lot of time in the hospital and all that so I
-So there’s no way you could know what a normal person is like all you know is hospital people
well okay well also with us is DJ Dylan IN DA HOUSE. Plus Cameron
tells me that we have a guest coming on later who’s a an innovator
-we sure do
All right so I look forward to that. now for a tale from the psych
ward I was speaking to a female patient and I asked if she ever hears voices that aren’t there so this patient said to me “oh I don’t hear voices but what I do got family members who enter my body physically cuz day’s hunger for food I don’t see them all the time just when I close my eyes so I see them behind my eyes” and so as far as I will I was able to ascertain through my own observations there were no other people in the room and I certainly did not see a family behind her eyes though I did I
admittedly did not perform a funduscopic exam to check for family members. Alright well now for today’s topic myocardial infarction it’s more commonly known as a heart attack so myocardial infarction is due to necrosis or death of the myocardium or the heart tissue and that’s as a result of an interruption to blood supply so this specifically occurs after a thrombotic occlusion of a coronary artery which is the artery that supplies the heart this usually presents in individuals who are middle-aged or older and so it can present with chest pain during exertion and often with radiation to the left arm or jaw they can have shortness of breath so they kind of sweating weakness it can present a lot of different ways it could have nausea fainting or even just a sense of impending doom but it can also be you know asymptomatic and up to a third of patients especially elderly patients diabetics or women. Myocardial infarction
-dr. London I hate to interrupt but this word you keep using I think may be sort of inappropriate for a lot of our audience you keep talking about mighty fart suction and I you know most of our
audience at this point are under the age of 12 because of the way we’ve been kind of handling our marketing
okay well so I’ve been saying a myocardial infarction it’s
-you the way you said it’s I think it’s specifically the way you say it there’s something there’s something weird about it that I think is gonna turn a lot of people off because I yeah that’s more appropriate than what you’ve been saying and you see we’ve been marketing to children under 12 years old well okay so like a lot of these kids these days have these cell phones right like every kid every every seven-year-old has an iPhone right because we’re so addicted to our phones mm-hmm and so I’ve just kind of been like like hanging out with them and then I’ll be like hey let me see your phone let me take a picture of you on your phone you’ve been Anibal and then I’ll just open up iTunes subscribe them to the podcast that’s good and then that part I can see beheaded but except that let me get us all wouldn’t be cool if I if I took a video of you doing that cool trick on your on your scooter and then I just download the podcast
and you’re you just hanging out with these kids
-well yeah like I’m meeting up with these kids
but that sounds uh okay
-well I mean it’s for the podcast sure I just so I figured we’re trying to we’re trying to appeal a little bit more or try to feel a little bit more to you know like physicians to medical people you know the at least one of these kids is tells me that they are
a doctor I don’t I don’t know if I buy it well you haven’t but they did stitch up my arm did you get you got into an accident and they just had the suture kit well we were we became you know like
Blood Brothers you know when you like
cut yourself and then you kind of like
shake hands and then they were able to
stitch it up I mean super clean stitch
up the how big of a cut did you make for
cuz Blood Brothers isn’t a huge cut
right like I’ve seen in movies and
things yeah if you’re not you know a
real blood brother you might do you know
if you’re a tiny blood brother you might
just do a little cut like a paper cut
but you’re saying that you if you like
if you’re really close with someone you
want to like really make ties with
someone then yeah you might cut from
like the top your finger down to you
know like your elbow okay that sounds
like that sounds pretty dangerous but
you’re saying that this child yeah this
genius kid was able to stitch me up
super-clean did you call him doctor
because of what he did or did he claim
to be a doctor a little column a little
combi right okay well in any case so
some mario kario infarction i’m just the
way you say it man oh god it makes me
want to throw up okay well so it
presents with chest pain during exertion
often with radiation to the left arm or
jaw and so with okay so it’s it’s not to
clarify it’s not for its suction ah
ma’am it isn’t that okay it’s it’s a
it’s when the blood supply to the heart
is interrupted and so they can have
choice of breath sweating weakness
nausea fainting there are a lot of
presenting signs and symptoms but you
know it also at the same symptoms that I
have when I struggle with fart suction
so it does sort of seem like it’s
something that you struggle with yes
sort of the same thing okay the way you
what do you use for fart the kiss fart
suction do you use a suction device like
a vacuum cleaner what are you talking
about I don’t use anything when I am
struggling with fart suction my left arm
goes numb everything you’re talking
about just saying okay I’m not I’m not
exactly following but we can move on
from there when you fart and it sucks
something in it’s fart suction so when
you fart that’s an outward gas escaping
gas escaping outwards from your body
yeah I guess you could call it reverse
farting okay putting me on blast only I
I’m more I’m just trying to make sense
of what you’re saying here so you’re
saying that whenever you have whenever
you struggling suction yes which is a
personal issue I wasn’t expecting to
talk publicly today but you know for the
podcast I understand I want to I wanna
be able to help the community it’s still
disgusting the way you say it I was
hoping by now what you just maybe say in
a more polite manner but so I’ll just
say heart attack
I guess that’s easier yeah that’s great
when I’m having a
heart attack when I fart so bad it sucks
something up go ahead I feel like yours
is more of a digestive tract issue
whereas we’re focusing more on the heart
so um but anyway we can either way we
can move on from okay yeah that’s great
yeah okay so um all right I guess next
we’d like to talk about do you have any
sponsors today we do our sponsors
actually our guests
okay the innovator okay well uh hello
and welcome to jock doc it’s great to be
thank you for having me well my name is
dr. London Smith comm this is Cameron
what’s your name my name is broccoli and
I’m here today to talk about a brand new
app that should be coming to the App
Store soon it’s actually called the
width app Wow mm-hmm yeah it’s it’s it’s
actually a funny story uh about 10 or 15
years ago I had a friend and he
tragically was born without the sense of
smell yeah he has all the other senses
in there they’re actually quite
heightened he’s almost like a superhero
in that way but anyway he just he just
could never you know just just avoid
eating things that had gone bad and you
know he was always getting sick because
of rotten milk and things like that you
know so my heart really went out to this
guy you know and so the same thing it’s
just ironic but one day he was walking
out of my house and he just said smell
you later and like a bolt of lightning
it hit me someone needs to invent an app
that will let you smell things on the
other person’s phone through like
headphones or something you know so so
we did a lot of brainstorming and I
dropped nearly 250,000 dollars on this
to try to get it right yeah it was um a
lot of trial and error a lot of trial
and error but at the end of the day I
got to the point where I was like you
know what
and this is just gonna take off like
wildfire and so basically for the past I
don’t know two or three weeks I’ve
really just had people just a hundred
percent behind me you know smelling
everything that I’m doing and then
honking man they smell me you know they
really were there with it um but the
whip app is basically just designed for
people who can you know just connect
with another person because of what’s so
hard to connect these days and it really
it is but when you smell what that
person is going through I have always
said that texting is so less personal
right because I can’t smell what’s going
on you really see it really this is
really intriguing yes and so oh well I’m
sorry go ahead what it was what is your
complaint let me let me get ahead of I
mean I can hear it I do want to say
nobody’s gonna go work dr. London you
put in 250,000 yes a hundred thousand of
that is your investment from your debit
card that I had given him you will be
reimbursed once the app reaches a value
of a billion dollars or more absolutely
yep okay that’s that wasn’t going to be
my complaint but no now that is a very
real complaint that I have because I
don’t understand I just told you you’re
gonna get your money back literally it’s
foolproof you’re going to get it back
plus a 1 billion 1% interest
mm-hmm ok so once it hits a billion
dollars so has this app you said it’s
launched already it’s um we’re still in
some beta testing processes but I mean
I’ve already I’ve already had people you
know definitely out there beta testing
that’s when you test it on a weak man
yes yes it’s not macho testing yeah it’s
beta testing you know yes alpha let’s uh
cuz no only beta testing is whenever you
you released like a sort of a partially
finished product you aren’t sure oh I
didn’t know you were a technology expert
yeah and I just understand why you’re
complaining doctorís is really gonna
take off really okay so um okay can you
tell me about how how worst is as far as
I understand that technology of cell
phones right now is it’s more sound and
visual components whereas transferring
actual smells
like you’d have to ring more or less
reproduce that smell on a given person’s
phone rather than transfer that same
like the way you would do with a text or
an image so um let me just walk you
through this because I feel like I have
to really break this down for you
basically you’re born with a certain
number of senses okay um one of them is
hearing so you need to try to do that a
little bit and then the other one is
like you use visual you know clues and
things like that
um and so thank you I mean it isn’t
exciting to talk about your senses and
so basically this is going to access
your nose or as some people say your
snoot er and so you’re gonna be able to
smell what the other person is doing on
their side through the little speakers
already on your phone I mean it’s
ingenious you know it really works well
and so let’s just sound waves to to
access the olfactory nervous the the
olfactory senses because the way those
worked to my knowledge it isn’t
associated with sound like those are two
different organs in your body that don’t
give the nose versus the ear right it
doesn’t yeah I mean you would know more
than I would cuz I’m not a doctor but I
do believe that the he he definitely
would not know and anyone in this not
okay um sort of a more of a Dr Pepper
type of dog oh okay okay
like a doctor Scholl’s kind of doctor I
think dr. Scholl’s wasn’t actual oh
maybe dr. gray okay or something along
those lines right doc ock okay yeah
spike man BL fan growing up big fan um
the thing is we already know what people
are going through you know with working
out and things like that but you know
there’s certain times you’re like man I
wonder if that new deodorants working
out for them because we spent six hours
shopping for a new one that wasn’t gonna
make them break out
sorry you spent six hours searching for
a deodorant um doesn’t everyone happy
you know you gotta find that right
you know just the you know the right one
that’ll just work for you but you know
you know you know you have a buddy at
the gym and you’re like I wonder if he
stinks today
you know you’d be like hey man you know
with that over to me real quick and just
you know I’ll let you know what’s going
on with it you know and I’m always when
I’m talking to someone on the phone just
just desperately needing to know what
they smell like
just in everyone I need it I mean in
that sense and the thing is this makes
so much sense it makes a dollar really
guys I mean you know it’s it’s easy it’s
easy you know because the thing is the
more senses you use the better it works
out you know because they say that you
know when you’re talking to someone
you’ll remember things better when you
have more senses involved you know and
so I was gonna go maybe the tasting
route with things but I just didn’t want
people to slobber all over other phones
and you know I to your credit there for
that point the the olfactory senses are
supposed to be the ones closely tied to
memory so that is not even your favorite
I guess I shouldn’t be so critical since
it sounds like I am thoroughly invested
in this right are definitely invested
yeah I very much for your sake I would I
would suggest trying to be positive
about this but I am excited about this I
mean if I was able to capture smells
then I feel like it would solve a lot of
this confusion earlier with my farts
such an issue because I’d be able to
capture it and then show dr. London hmm
here’s what’s going on
if please smell but if it’s no smell
what’s happening right now and the thing
is how many patients are in the same
boat yeah where they’re having hard
sucks back in I mean it’s got to be you
know at least 10 yeah at least a Behrman
and how much I’m sorry what was the app
called it’s called the whiff add a whiff
that okay oh yeah I know you’d said
earlier something about whiffing it’s
sending away first yeah just whip it
over okay mm-hmm and just imagine the
medical uses for this technology mm-hmm
imagine I have a tumor and then I can
just capture the smell of that tumor and
just kind of text it to you or say hey
does my tumor stinky yeah okay well that
that I don’t know if that would apply so
much but there are some some diagnostic
things that having the smell does help
are my feet too stinky
why is my hair stinky these are things I
could be sending you every single day I
mean is this a medical grade funk that
I’m dealing with with this smell I mean
because you know sometimes you really
gotta get an expert’s opinion about
what’s going on
you know these doctors today in the
medical community who think they know
every single thing just based on sight
and touch and education and knowing
things they’re not even factoring in
smell right that’s completely Oh a
doctor has ever factored in smell for
any single thing ever in the world I
ever after and until now until now I can
see and you’re a part of it really
because he’s like you said you’re
invested fine financially at least I I
am apparently a part of it you are also
the spokesperson for it yeah um we can
have some paperwork for you to just okay
we’ll deal with that and just a little
bit is that okay well I guess a few
parts of it so telemedicine is going to
be a significant thing it’s a growing
sort of movement and business thing
going forward and smell is a small but
but still a part of what makes the
doctor’s visit something if there aren’t
that many diagnoses that I feel like I
have an idea for a billboard right and
it’s doctor London and he’s sniffing on
the app have any faints cuz it stinks so
bad no that’s good it’s a moving bits
good I haven’t figured I think it you
know like hologram cards where if you
kind of turn them so I think that when
you’re let’s say a quarter of a mile
you’re sniff it you’re really just
sniffing sniffing that hats
just so hard and then when you get about
an eighth of a mile away its you’ve
fallen over
maybe there’s birds flying around your
head to like show that you like kind of
passed out maybe there’s stink lines
coming from the phone and maybe you’re
going pee you that is stanky that is
stanky stanky how did you get that angry
sound bite I don’t think I’ve said that
before that is stanky
okay so so from a telemedicine
perspective I can see how how having
only since involved I haven’t I don’t
know what that is
and I don’t care okay well for listeners
as well to tell medicine is this
basically the idea that you’re you
communicate with your doctor from your
home instead of going to a doctor’s
office and one of the ideas behind it is
it can save you time and money that is
the furthest thing from what we’re
talking about today we’re locked down
about an ass Soniya phone art not
leaders discerned smells to our doctors
not whatever you’re talking about just
staying at home and fake having a
staycation yeah or it’s nothing day with
staycation the home that’s pretty good
thank you
so Billboard says stink occasion at the
very tongue you’re just sniffing the
phone just so hard that yes then yeah
you didn’t hate the mile away
it’s you’ve fallen over birds flying
around your head to show you shows like
you got knocked out there stink lines
and then it says maybe it’s a sake stink
occation bigger I haven’t figured all
the logistics out so so you’re saying
basically as you’re driving some was
gonna be out to be staring at it as it
progresses maybe it can make a sound
maybe if you go pee you or it or a
smelly you when you drive by a smell to
your app on your phone motion-activated
since its advertising the app if it went
to your phone while you pass the
Billboard and then it anyway I granted I
don’t work in advertising so I don’t I’m
not sure on that but just think about
know when your job is that I’ve been
wanting to ask that what do you do okay
no I’m a doctor that it’s medicine or
the podcast you’re a doctor but like
what do you do
no okay so my the day job would be
doctor and then this is just a chance to
reach out and help the community through
education except my actual job at doctor
like at a hospital or hynix
okay well for me it’s kind of kind of
exciting and it kind of makes for a
whole reason to do a PU
yeah that stinks things that mean all
right I asked you I mean but you do make
good money that we definitely have
invested into this so whatever you’re
doing you know black market stuff
whatever it is what is your what is your
pipe dream for this app where do you
want to go what’s next for it I I
literally want every single human being
on the planet to be sending smells back
and forth why just I feel like we would
all just know each other so much better
and you know and not only that but just
if you’ve ever found something super
funky you know just something that was
just ranked and you’re like man that’s a
terrible smell or like you know the
everyday average ordinary working man
that dr. London has no idea what they go
through like like a garbage man or
something of that that nature you know
there’s certain times I just feel like
it would be so just essential yeah
garbage man sewage you know to know what
that person went through the factory man
hey honey check this so you know now and
to clarify you cannot send good smelling
things through this app correct I mean
you can but really like you know who’s
what’s that want to smell the roses you
know I mean it’s just okay so it’s not
like you have moderators preventing that
I mean hmm right now no but I really
feel like the point of the app is to get
the funk you know to really get the you
know the the weird in that world I have
another question about so you said that
this app was inspired by your friend who
didn’t have a sense of smell that is
are any of the proceeds going towards
any sort of nonprofit for those who have
lacus of the smell for any research or
surgery or I mean at the moment I
basically just used him to get the idea
and we actually stopped talking because
we were in a fantasy football league
together and it just didn’t work out
yeah that’s worth a fortune to stop
talking because I’m really sorry about
that that’s really hard no and it was
hard because he he drafted a running
back that I really wanted Wow
in the
in the first round and I just knew that
he was gonna go off that year but it hmm
I’m sorry she took me up because Adrian
Peterson almost broke the record I’m so
sorry to bring up no it was it’s
definitely painful and but just imagine
if your friend were able to send and I’m
sorry smell without your with app that
is not that he would know what it
smelled like he could guess I mean the
thing is okay just all the cards on the
table he he grew up in a family where
everyone else around him was smelling
things and being like you’re missing out
on how this roast beef smells and you
know he just he always kind of felt left
out but I mean he’s saying shouldn’t
news I mean I’ve moved on from him so
completely it’s like you know I’m I
don’t even do fantasy anymore
yeah you know so just but but the thing
is he can’t smell but he says it all the
time smell you later and I just find
that very confusing but with this app
you know he could find out from his mom
or his friends you know hey is my milk
bad you know or hey does this lasagnas
you know smell appetizing or whatever
you know but well and I’ve been using on
the app you’ve got the Stingo meter that
ranks it right that ranks you the game
raises stank from zero to ten ready and
so that way I can tell oh this is pretty
stinky but is it stinky enough and give
me a gauge of whether or not I should
make something stinkier before I start
sending and say oh so you’ve you’ve been
you’re one of the beta testers yes okay
why I had to have somebody did you know
and Hedden obviously he’s got a good
nose for these sorts of things yeah you
know in a manner of speaking
oh no literally like his nose is huge
gigantic it’s perfect for this app okay
well um so I did we can move on to some
listener feedback and if you want to
join in you can help with that yeah all
so maybe you could as you hear this
feedback tell us what you think this
listener probably smells like I can do
that for sure really have really been
studying smells kind of give people the
benefit of knowing what something smell
like when you hear it mm-hmm because I
think we could really move this podcast
towards kind of a smell
smelly podcast yeah sort of a stink
based podcast running really good a
stink based audio format yes mm-hmm
okay all right well so I’d like to
address it’s just some feedback we
received from a listener quote tell your
grandchildren to get off their
depression meds and pray all right end
so first of all to that listener like on
my part I’d like to thank you for
contacting us and thank you so much for
such I mean such a good idea well so it
is it’s always a pleasure to hear from
my listeners I just want to say that
right off the bat but an answer to that
question so it depends very much on the
patient there’s some variability but a
therapy for depression like it does
depend on what they present with like
generally you have cognitive behavioral
therapy or some SSRIs SNRIs some
antidepressants they’re just more
commonly known as so um a lot of times
you give them that and so I will say
that meditation and prayer sometimes can
can also be appropriate if it’s if that
is effective in treating all right uh I
bet these I mean I bet smell probably
would help yeah and definitely
definitely I have been wondering lately
my might be here that I’ve been brewing
I had talked about it a few weeks ago
it’s caused a lot of suicides and I’ve
been wondering if it’s the smell okay
well there if you think so you it’s
cause suicides you I think one of the I
can’t guarantee that it’s caused a lot
of suicides but a large percentage of
our clientele have killed themselves is
it is it mostly a hops based beer or its
I just don’t think the stench is where
it needs to be right okay cuz cuz you
would also describe you have a number of
things but for one thing similar to our
listener base you describe them as being
children for the most part yeah right
and not just like 12
like five-year-old show 5 to 15 in in
the beta testing by the way kids
absolutely love this app they love it
they’re like kids smells so bad they
just rink just like gross little things
but they love the app you know so I’ll
take a dollar from anybody you know it
doesn’t matter yeah it doesn’t matter
twenty bucks is twenty bucks you know
but so if you take it towards the the
beer thing I don’t think you should keep
burning this beer because it sounds like
it’s doing real harm to people well we
don’t okay cuz we don’t know that yeah
I’m just trying to suggest positive
solutions to this problem right now we
have this fear that is not smelly enough
and we’re seeing a lot of suicides we’re
talking about like yes a lot of these
kids have dumped their antidepressants
and because I told them that the beer is
sort of an antidepressant well okay and
declare it kinds of the arteries of the
smell like really really get a stink
going through that beer it could do a
lot for a lot of my clientele and a lot
for the community I mean one less person
you know maybe you don’t notice but 15
or 20 people that are trying this beer
and then all of a sudden not they heard
a woman you know you’re gonna start to
see the economic impact for sure and I
don’t I don’t like I am against suicide
I think you’re maybe going on the pro
for this I’m like an ant I know I know I
su aside is a there’s not not a good
thing but what I’m what I’m trying to
okay now so what I’m saying is that if
the beer
you’ve already you’ve already talked
about how the beer is giving people like
horrible symptoms in general but now
you’re saying it’s psychologically very
much a depressant to the point that
people are and you’re also you’re
telling them to throw away their
medication prescribed by their doctors
well yeah cuz I’ve got the beer so that
why would they be need to do both well
neo antidepressant antidepressants with
my beer yeah that’s all the time it says
don’t you know don’t drink and you know
take such and such medicine okay I and I
agree with that
I think of the thing you should cut out
in that situation is the beer not the
well that’s gonna really hurt my say I
mean and how is he supposed to make a
living yeah I you a job would be my
suggestion this is my job such as mine
is brewing with that bloody beer it’s
just we all have different strokes it’s
the beer for buddies yeah it just needs
to be stinkier and I think that would
really really help a lot of these issues
well and to clarify the so alcohol is a
depressant so it’s not an
antidepressants a depressant so that
would be countered into it so if if
that’s what I’m saying if you took a
depressant and the antidepressant they
cancel each other out so get rid of the
antidepressants really commit to the
beer and if it’s stinky enough it’ll
you’ll be ok cuz it creates so much a
joy and did you have other people’s
comments that you know dealt with smell
or I mean what what kind of information
can I help you with as far as we’re
we haven’t well as I mentioned so this
this podcast is primarily audio based
right so there have been very few very
few comments or reviews about the smell
of the podcast which is an area we’re
really lying and which is I’m really
excited for pivoting towards a stench
based podcast right ok and as that’s the
future mm-hm everyone can smell it
I’m not sure if that okay well in any
case I’ll give you a case I think that’s
where the issue is you haven’t tried no
buddy beer oh no I do not want me give
you a case a buddy beer you maybe you
can help a little with my stink problem
because in Tribeca like with somebody
like a case as well okay yeah I’m exempt
finally I definitely complicit in this
issue yeah I don’t
okay well in any case um I think it’s
all the time we have for today thank you
to a mister he said broccoli that is
correct okay yeah I think it to mr. Lee
for dropping by thank you to Cameron
thank you to do gender than the host all
right this has been jock doc see ya

Jock Doc Podcast Episode 8: The Intestines/Raven Hole

Welcome to the jock doc podcast featuring Dr. London Smith. When he’s not playing sports he’s reading medical reports. Introducing your host dr. London Smith.
Hello and welcome to jock doc where we discuss fitness and health and how to incorporate our modern understanding of science and medicine into our daily lives but without it being so boring. I’m your host London I would like to begin by apologizing to our listeners we received some feedback that I have been using some unnecessarily complex terminology such as thigh and fluid and I will try to use more common words in the future in order to help
each and every listener to keep learning at the same pace together. here to help me with that is our producer Cameron
Hey hey hey
Unlike me he doesn’t spend so much time in the doctors lounge so he gets to hear about what’s really going on in the world so don’t be surprised if he makes a small note once or twice to help keep the podcast on track. Also with us is DJ Dylan IN DA HOUSE and cameron has informed me that we may have a guest arriving a little later so keep listening for that. before we move on I would briefly like to address a question posed by one of our listeners Ted fatsman he said my saltines came out sour should I put them back in the oven? so first of all I would like to thank you
for contacting us at jock doc so repeatedly though we did receive this email the first time we would appreciate it if you refrain from sending the same message ninety three times despite that
it is of course always a pleasure to hear from our listeners
-oh he I think he contacted my mom about the podcast about
the saltines
okay did did she answer this question because I was about to say I’m not
-he said ask dr. London okay so he went to her first no he went to you then he was like I’m guessing here I don’t know this guy okay it sounds like he went to you then after 70 something times contacted my mom logical move and then she made the logical move to say contact dr. London about it because you are that does make the most sense in my mind
okay well I’m okay I for one have never had to bake saltine crackers again cuz whenever you buy them they’re already
baked crackers
-it sounds like this person is crackers are a little soggy
okay if that that maybe got them wet I didn’t think of that maybe they aren’t packets
-are you gonna help the man or you’re not
-okay so I guess with that in mind I would say for one thing always double-check their recipe and make sure you are using the correct ingredients because my suspicion was that maybe he’d
doused them in water to cook them or something or douse them in something so my advice would be double-check that recipe because as far as I know most saltine usually people don’t cook with
saltines but if they do my guess is that
-oh you’ve never eaten soup dog this is part of dr. London’s elitism he’s never eaten a cup of soup never gone down to
the soup store and just ordered a bowl of you know you know chicken soup yeah what was sold right right
well normally you have a that the crackers are separate from that and they’re come straight on the packet
-never had never never gotten cold no okay I have and he was too expensive like the rest of us had to deal with and we got to eat a cup of soup dr. London turns the heat on doesn’t matter what his bill looks like at the end of the month when you’re dr. London man right
well okay well in case
just it’s not they just they’re not
gonna get this okay they’re not gonna
okay well I can just tell them and how
to get his soggy crackers to not be
foggy anymore okay so my my advice
I’m gonna go ahead and just my advice
that I have would be to double-check
that recipe and make sure that your
ingredients are correct and this rule
applies to everything from cooking to
chemistry but above
keep practicing you’ll get there once
again thanks for reaching out and I
think we can I I think we need to be
making initiatives to kind of connect
with our fans a little bit more so I
think that if you’re dealing with soggy
saltines maybe just send them into the
studio and then you can deal with them
and then it’s mailed them back no I
okay don’t just go ahead you can find
our address online send in your soggy
crackers and we’ll ship them right back
to you and you can put them in any soup
you want dr. Lana’s against soup but you
can put in any soup now for a tale from
the world of hospitalist inpatient life
I was doing rounds one day right I was
doing rounds one day and had a patient
who’s extremely angry she was infuriated
that another consulting physician had
casually told her that this patient was
obese and she found that to be insulting
now to clarify calling someone fat as an
insult that’s an appropriate right but
um the terms overweight obese and
morbidly obese they are all clinical
terms based on a patient’s body mass
index or BMI and that’s a calculation
based on an individual’s height and
weight so this patient had a BMI of over
obesity I cannot speak for the tone used
by the other physician but obesity
itself is considered a diagnosis I’m
using that term is not necessarily an
insult I think it’s maybe just probably
the way you said it because the way you
say a lot of things it comes off as an
insult okay well in this instance it
wasn’t actually me who said they were
matter right it wasn’t actually you I I
understand how you know shows like this
work okay oh yeah this patient not my
patient but another doctors patient I
don’t remember his name what’s his name
mystery guy anonymous okay but it’s
probably I mean you probably went up to
this person you said hey stupid bitch
simple piece and that kind of stuff is
inappropriate in a professional setting
so just walk up with someone
be liked why do you like why do you look
the way that you look there’s something
wrong with you you’re messed up I just
personally I would I would be offended
at that okay and I think that I would be
to uh to clarify it it wasn’t me that
did that but that that is true Cameron
Debbie look you just what’s wrong with
you are you talking to me now oh just
eat just see another McDonald’s you’re
just gonna eat McDonald okay every
single day every single meal okay I
ain’t going going you can’t say stuff
like that dr. London I I agree with you
that I that I should not end this little
piggy went to the hospital inappropriate
for such a professional setting I and
once again I agree and it anyway let’s
we’ll go ahead and move on to today’s
topic okay okay
right so today’s topic is um the
intestinal tract so you have a small and
a large intestine but don’t let those
names fool you the small intestine is
very large 20 feet long but well yeah
it’s small in diameter though that’s
where it gets its name the large
intestine on the other hand is
comparatively short at five feet long
but is much wider than I am I uh I was
trying to be proactive about this
podcast so I had contacted the American
Gastroenterological Association okay see
if we could try to get maybe a doctor
one of your colleagues to talk about
what you wanted to talk about on the
show okay is that no I’d gone in contact
with the dr. Robert Hughes okay um and
then he he wanted me back and he said
the American Gastroenterological
Association okay considers us traitors
to the medicine medical field and
demands that we don’t talk about the
intestinal tract anymore and you your
children and your children’s children
will not be allowed to be a member of
the American gastrula logical
now that ad they were they were thrown
around like words like we have lawyers
that can kind of shut this down you’re
doing a disservice to the American
public by this kind of inane show but I
mean like I mean right like what are
they really gonna do well is that based
on something that you sent to them or is
it based on the podcast itself because I
thought a couple episodes of the podcast
and that’s when he said you’re a traitor
to the field of medicine to the American
people that’s sir because I’ve if I’ve
stuck to I mean he said I mean he he
talks a lot about your looks
specifically which I thought was
probably too far that sounds he said you
looked like Aldi Gumby huh but that
sounds odd to me but uh I and Gumby’s an
odd insult to use
he kept saying dr. Gumby and he kept
saying I bet his arm stretch out like
Gumby okay I it’s all like it’s hard to
take that as an insult it doesn’t sound
that bad but I may be from the
gastroenterologist through context it
seemed like it was supposed to be
extremely pointed it mean okay
well I’m I’m very sorry to hear that I
guess I can uh I guess I can cut the the
lesson today just you can just do
whatever you want it’s all Internet baby
well I’ll I’ll say I’ll finish
I’ll finish a little bit but no here’s
EC regulations here we can do what we
want is that true because you usually
manage that kind of thing I have no idea
I assume so
okay have you seen some of the stuff
online yeah like people posting all
sorts of things I mean I go to like
scholarly sources and but people don’t
usually post yet people post all sorts
of things you can just post whatever
okay okay well in any case I guess we’ll
go ahead and move move on from the
lesson today that because I was gonna
talk about how you know goes in small
intestine small intestine absorbs sort
of the food large intestine absorbs more
of the fluid the water from the food but
and then it comes out as poop
Oh doctor LAN dead yeah I’m sorry that
Oh finally having some fun on this show
huh I guess that is gross now that you
say that for the one time that we’ve
been threatened with with legal issues
so hopefully that that will turn out
okay well dr. Linden maybe you can
actually help me out with something
I never relating to this I’ve been
brewing this beer lately okay and the my
main complaint that I’ve heard and I
think that it’s just a coincidence I
think with you know the you know human
growth hormones that are in all of our
foods these days you got soy but also
all these chemicals and stuff there’s
all there’s all sorts of factors but
every person that has drink it has
stopped pooping and has not started
okay so I don’t think it’s constipation
because people when they talk about when
we talk about it in periods of time like
say they say I was constipated for 72
hours these people have it’s the
function has stopped which i think is a
positive thing good that doesn’t sound
good that sounds like him
are these all in elderly patients or in
younger or all ages okay I would from
five to uh well 25 is probably the
oldest you should not be giving this
drink to anyone and why are you giving
five-year-olds beer well I mean it’s
beer that I brewed safely that so
there’s not gonna be needles in it which
is what a lot of people worry about
their kids go door to door getting beer
from neighbors right no it’s because of
the alcohol content I would say probably
once a month kids knock on my door they
ask for beer and then what you’re
supposed to do was a nice neighbor is
you know give them beer so a lot of
parents get a little strict about it
because you know they worry about
needles in the beer and all sorts of
things but now that I’m doing it my on
my own I can ensure that it’s safe but
they have just stopped pooping well and
it’s not even just stop pooping it
from the way they describe it it just
sounds like the function anything that
happens below the neck has stopped does
that make sense are they breathing okay
because that is below the neck
I mean I don’t know they’re telling me
these okay so they can speak you’re
they’re texting me these things so I
mean and these are you have children
coming up to your house asking for beer
yeah do you not know that sounds like
five-year-old children coming up to your
house at Smith I mean there’s one
five-year-old kid most of them are six
plus but there is there is one kid who
is five okay well that’s still under
under 10 years old it’s kind of unusual
very unusual to be seeking out alcohol
so become sort of publicly it seems in
aggressively to they are they pushy
about it I mean they do push me yes try
to get to my house yes well okay so I
would say probably stop sir stop serving
that try stop making that find it find
it like Google a recipe instead of
brewing it whatever you’re making
because it sounds like it’s causing
medical issues again but you know like I
don’t think it’s a little needle aspect
that I think it’s the let’s file this
away we can come back right after a
couple weeks when I want to have a
little more data so I understand
sounds things sound like some things
sometimes but are really other things
that aren’t the thing that sound like as
well idea okay maybe I can agree with
you let’s move on okay okay right do we
have any sponsors today yeah we do
if you basically if you want beer just
contact me okay now just if you just hit
me up
honestly just text me if you have my
number you think you can find on the
LinkedIn so if you’re there if you’re
there on the page to get the address for
mailing back those crackers
just please don’t do that while you’re
there just leave a note maybe like on
the cracker package saying like hey
shoot me some beer and I’ll I’ll shoot
some of your way okay well there’s no
Cameron s beer I doesn’t have a name yet
I’ve got to figure that out I think like
beer buddy it’s it sounds like it’s
harmful I don’t think you should but we
can okay we can move um do we have a
guest today we do okay okay good all
right and who is the guest it’s that
person over there oh hey hello hi my
name is London’s dr. London Smith and
this is Jacques doc what was your name
and just I’m gonna start doing this with
all of our guests from now if you think
doctor in London to being kind of mean
you can just cut it you can just kind of
tell me and I’ll take care of oh okay
see the way the way kind of bullies
people is kind of aggressive oh oh okay
and I some would maybe consider it
assault but go ahead I I did not pick up
on that that energy right off the bat
but thank you as as we progress through
this session you’ll see
oh I you know if you you you obviously
seem very confident in this decision but
I tend to see the best and everyone that
I sound great same I do the same I try I
try I really do
um as far as names go I I’m not sure I
can give you my legal name for purposes
of certain conditions of just legality
okay I if you know I I deal in certain
mystic paraphernalia and
properties that some might call narcotic
in nature so okay well oh okay okay
and and so you know III just um I’ve
been places spiritually mentally
metaphysically esoterically that I I
just don’t think the law enforcement of
today’s generation could comprehend if
that makes any stand alit that handle
what you’re putting now I I think saw
brought this guy that’s I he’s been
telling me some stuff that’s like crazy
yeah yeah well it but but but my friends
they uh they give they gave me a
nickname because of a dream I had once
where I was floating down into an
eternal abyss and as a as a raven and so
naturally raven whole um was the name i
I adopted so you can you can call me
raven whole whole of the raven also
works or holy holy raven is is new to me
but i will accept that as well
Raven whole raven whole okay and that’s
would you think of that as a first and
last name whereas one more of a first
life second life kind of experience
mm-hmm okay and I’m not sure which one
came before it was the whole first or
the raven or the raven and the whole but
they both go hand in hand i think okay
so so what your well you were kind of
hinting at earlier I feel like was if I
just may ask sort of bluntly um are you
a drug dealer
and that’s a harsh term I just want to
say right here we do not we don’t
endorse drugs or anything like that but
we do endorse experiences that’s right
that’s right and we heavily heavily
heavily endorse and promote experiences
like this done okay well hold on cuz and
that’s why you gotta have listened to
this prescription says cuz they’re gone
on his apartment the other day on this
stuff he was lying man
thank you Sifl if a doctor prescribes a
drug then that’s been through some
someone who has you know of course well
I really dr. London prescribe something
it’s the best thing in the world it’s
gonna heal you of all your disease is oh
I’m sick dr. Linden give me some drugs
push pills down my throat mmm I don’t
know different different worlds
different lives
I believe you even adopted a name but
have you forgotten it well I thought I
was Raven hole oh so you just kept
saying it over and over again but that
didn’t make it your own
well I think I’m gonna I think I’m just
gonna call myself for Aven ho as well
that’s okay yeah that’s fine how about
you call yourself Raven hole and I’ll go
by hole hole over even for now let’s see
do I want to be brave and all this is an
opportunity to change it up I’ve gotta
think about this for a sec to change it
up from it could be today
I think of thinkable can rolls off the
tongue well with a beer buddy beer buddy
Raven woohoo peer buddy Raven Hall how
about Raven beer hole beer Ravens holes
holes of the Raven buddy no goals arrays
it hole of the Raven buddy
beer hole Raven
my hole with beer and Ravens so raven
hole beer buddy beer hole Raven at the
ooh think of it like a tavern like the
Raven hole and the beer buddies at Raven
Hall mm-hmm it’s like it’s very folk
Lord of the Rings very middle-earth you
know mm-hmm okay well for my sake I I
get that you feel like you’re on sort of
a journey with your name I’m gonna go
ahead and call you Cameron still if
that’s okay just Cameron still I love
that double Cameron still like still
waters of the Cameron that you would see
maybe like a rave and landing on some
still waters
a raven whole even no no dr. London oh
my gosh it’s okay yeah that’s disgusting
sexualized I see how this is all right
anyway anyway so tell us about readable
yeah what you okay this is your
full-time job
the I guess experiences sale selling or
as or do you do do you have another job
like a day job oh good question good
good question I I did and I still
technically on LinkedIn I think I do
go under one job title I’m linked in
linked on the LinkedIn I do hold one job
and have for the last 12 years but in
I’m not sure I don’t think I ever put an
end date do you get a paycheck for that
or is that just a social media listing
that you selected I believe I have
myself listed as an entrepreneur an
entrepreneur and I think that you know
we you know we hemorrhage a lot of money
when our startup kind of culture so
technically I don’t think I’ve had a
paycheck from that job okay
because you know I mean I mean Amazon
didn’t start making money into like two
years ago right isn’t that just how
startups work these days CEOs you know
it’s not about the profit it’s about
kind of getting names getting your name
out there okay I think gonna say about
the product but do you know it’s
definitely not about the product okay
okay so those experiences the product is
experiences right in the in the pill
form oh I would not know know I tend to
work Ablett it’s mostly gummies to be
honest mm-hmm okay
so what sort of there
you said you said narcotics like whoa I
that’s what I’ve been labeled as and I’m
trying to you know Cameron back me up
here I with some of the discrimination
that people face today they’re that
people throw words at people you know
what I’m talking about
that means certain things that convey
certain things and certain ideas that
people have about certain things that
don’t necessarily accurately represent
the things that they’re talking about so
your what whatever you because you’re
using kind of vague vague no I’m not
okay just hear me out guys like for you
for the sake of those of a higher
consciousness level the effects of these
nah see they though it’s really hard to
find the right words I wanted to say
substances but that’s just my pre
conditioned response to this society’s
like pushing vocab of their vocabulary
kind of base yes
you know like intestines you talked
about intestines right and I don’t think
that that’s an accurate description of
the of the depth and the crevasse of the
cavern of the of the internal being you
know what I mean like that isn’t that
such a more fluid way of saying the
inner soul of man that that just happens
to be represented in this physical form
when really it has so many depths and so
many layers well I wasn’t I wasn’t so
much your friend
well I wasn’t so much referring to sort
of the spiritual insides as I was to the
very physical easily seen you know
easily prove them inside so it exists in
the human which would be the intestinal
tract it wasn’t meant to be spiritual I
can see how you’d be limited through
that through that lens and that focus
the magical intestinal tract that is 20
feet tall older than the tallest
basketball player you have you have a
basketball player inside of you this is
the kind of stuff that dr. London tries
to convince people know it’s funny I
didn’t say tall it was long like it was
basketball player
he said Yao Ming ain’t got nothing on
this or something like that I’ll
remember probably twice yeah tall I
don’t remember exactly what you said but
it was it was along those lines okay so
I’m sick of it okay so so when you say
you have these experiences that you sell
how I get how is business
aha again the the wording of business is
slightly C again for the sake of you
know the people that will listen to this
I am must reiterate that it is not just
its experiences and spiritual
experiences of the mind of the body and
of the soul and the trifecta the Trinity
of experience and not a business I if
people decide to gift me then that is
that is their choice but I really can’t
I can’t I can’t use that word here it’s
like 50 bucks so you accept you have an
estranged well my my sister helped to
move a couch in exchange for an
experience okay and the experience came
in the form of a physical extrapolate no
get template see super 8 how about maybe
more of an experience I like that yeah
that felt good originally I wish we
would have kept doing doctors I guess
that the difficult part of that is that
perience is something that happens sort
of mentally right yeah and so the
whenever you say that you’re selling an
experience what you’re selling is a
method by which it’s not meth at all see
I heard that word it triggered me it’s
really today that it’s an experience I
heard it whenever you describe it as an
experience I just just for the sake of
sort of being able to visualize it if
someone hands this we’ll call it
experience to you and you you hold it in
your hand what does it look like
like before you
I assume you swallow it you ingest it it
it it’s it’s hard to describe because
once you’re seeing through the eyes of
the the all-knowing it changes shape and
form so who can say whether the first
time experience of seeing it in through
those eyes can be actually somehow
validated through the secondary
experience which some actually prefer
and call more real and that secondary
experience can be so subjective so that
first experience may just be the gateway
who and dr. Ravin Hall has talked a lot
about this about how you know like the
you know you’re holding your car keys
but all you know only in this dimension
are you holding your car keys maybe in
another dimension you might be holding
like you know cuz like realities are
sort of layered on top of each other so
in one reality you’re holding your car
keys in another reality you might be
holding a banana it’s and so to say what
is this physical thing but in this I
mean it’s an experience in a physical
form that is an experience so can we say
before you have the secondary expiry
your first experience what does that
deep are you swallowing something are
you lighting it on fire and then
inhaling that oh no no it looks like a
pill and it has a smiley face on it I is
that what you were asking yes
Oh what it looks like yeah like that and
it’s it’s one single well actually I
thought I did bring a bag I did well and
I saved bag for the sake of again like
don’t don’t don’t
I need people to just not think of it as
bad but I did bring one yeah what’s up
yeah I don’t I’m I don’t think that I
can come on hold out your hand
I don’t okay for our listeners I’m I
don’t describe it visually okay yeah
visually he’s right it’s a it’s sort of
um I guess it’s kind of like a skittle
or an mm except with the smiley face on
it now details are very important the
smiley face has many interpretations
based on the subconscious reading of
your own projection onto that smiley
face now tell me what inflection of
smile are you in this moment witnessing
right so this is that what I would term
is like the standard one like it’s not
an emoji kind of or I guess it’s like
the sort of basic emoji of just it’s two
circles for the eyes it’s two black
circles and then the the crescents sort
of curve underneath oh that’s the kind
of stuff you’re saying man okay well I
haven’t taken any okay because you’ve
taken four well yeah I mean I mean this
was I’m taking them you just now you’re
okay you’re eating them like he’s got a
snack pack he actually uh we called the
snack pack do do most of your experience
seekers take that much you know it I
think it has to do with tolerance
tolerance to the real world so more that
they’ve been able to kind of like
saturate themselves with the sense of I
would say I resistance to the
fundamental for enforcement of this
society’s just kind of polluting
corruption and they’ve been able to kind
of like rise to the occasion then they
can snack they can snack like a
like a mofo you know ok they can fly on
the wings of Raven holes i what would
you concur yeah I have probably like a
hundred and fifty two hundred like a
night okay so you’ve been out on this
for a while yeah for how like how long
have you known each other for one thing
why lifetimes
well yeah lifetimes I was gonna say we
met three weeks at a Kroger
but what Raven holes kind of taught me
and kind of opened up my chakra as it is
well then it’s a limiting term Cameron
remember that song currents is what they
that children of you know men tend to
call the spectrums of the you know
rainbow absolutely so really we’ve known
each other for thirty five thousand
forty five thousand years but three
three weeks in human terms and you met
at a Kroger yeah what were you anything
in particular just going shopping for
your groceries I do you want you want my
shopping list yeah I bought eggs dr.
London I’m I was part of dr. London’s
medical system trying to get all of its
as HIPAA stuff trying to get as much
information as possible so we can share
with all of his friends all my personal
don’t tell me Cameron that you’ve done a
DNA test well that wasn’t dr. London did
force me to take a DNA test he forced me
when you you did sign the consent form
but we did like we haven’t I have good
news I have good news with the the
amount of experiences that you’ve been
consuming since we met I believe that at
this point you do have new DNA Wow
is that well believe it so have you i
believe it and therefore he receives it
okay okay because it is a concerning
thing if i receive i receive it yeah am
i receive a connecticut yes okay i
receive it if someone’s DNA does change
that’s sort of like you know that the
term i receive it nuclear reaction okay
yes yes like Chernobyl that those sorts
of accidents can the radioactivity can
cause changes to DNA and that’s things
like and you will have it when you take
one of these experiences there is a high
chance you will have an accident if
that’s what you’re getting at
I I wasn’t but what kind of accident do
you me the same kind of accident we were
talking about before with the intestinal
tracts and stuff oh so this is all right
okay now that I’m saying it some of
these kids who are stopped up because of
raven holes buddy beer whole raven they
could probably use some of those these
experiences no no because these are I’ll
I’ll give you a few of their numbers
okay these kids like all got iPhones
yeah yeah every single one and you’re
talking about the five six year old yeah
well in the five year old has like a
galaxy I meant in terms of he’s got one
of the folding the numbers that you’re
gonna give of galaxy folds okay well um
so dr. London Smith mmm-hmm I noticed
you were still holding your experience
oh yeah I don’t I don’t really think
that I want to you should probably take
eight well because this is the guys from
the American gastro society American
Society to think you’re cool I they’re
all you think they’re not taking this
stuff they’re all taking this stuff I
don’t think they’re all taking this
stuff could you tell me what what
exactly is in it for its or it’s all
you wouldn’t understand if I told you I
feel like I that’s the most organic part
about it you couldn’t wrap your mind
around what it is like I can tell me
what’s more organic than that something
that you can’t even think of let me tell
you an experience I’ll walk through of
the ingredients it’s like a Christmas
tree meets the summer beach of the
Bahamas while also scaling the Alps okay
a small penguin and accompanied llamas
mm-hmm I know this Sahara Desert digging
deep into the once fertile lands of
prehistoric oceanic activity mm-hmm
well I don’t know if that’s exactly what
uh what we’re looking for and I don’t
think I’ll take it just to but we can
ask Cameron thinking also it can also be
inserted anally I lots of things can be
but I don’t know that that’s that’s wise
are you too afraid honestly yes baby I’m
gonna text I’m gonna text the text dr.
what’s-his-face now from the gastro Foam
fills the gastro philosophical society I
don’t right now that you’re not even
cool enough to hang don’t have some
experiences of yourself dr. Morrison to
have like an actual real experience cuz
you’re so used to these fake experiences
you always have at the doctor’s office
why fake people I hate fake people not
uh it’s not that I’m it’s because what
you’re Lisa fakers coming in and being
like Oh dr. London my feet hurt or
since I’m professional oh yeah this is
great but you’re not talking about real
stuff when was the last time you talked
about something real with one of your
patients like hey man maybe let’s shelve
your stuff about your foot pain or
whatever and how are you doing well
that’s usually my first question my
first question is usually what we call
think about well I don’t usually ask
that like have you ever thought about
like people were alive 10,000 years ago
isn’t that crazy this is the kind of
stuff you could be talking to your
patients about if you weren’t so focused
on having non experiences talking about
foot pain I would I would really like to
see the version of dr. London Smith
after having experienced the experience
agree I don’t look this is we’re in a
professional environment this is to
and to educate about things that we have
clinical knowledge of which have you had
this tested by it well look at look at
our friend here my friend
FDA fakers deniers assholes okay well I
yeah think about it
well so they put things through it
there’s sort of a process to make sure
that things are safe for humans to to
take and so oh whether or not it’s dr.
London approves it machine is that what
it’s called does dr. London approve this
well let me just put this on a conveyor
belt and see if dr. London approves
let’s know it because like you were
describing with the beer that you really
good by the way and but it apparently
causes paralysis from the neck down from
what you were describing so the beer is
really spicy and I’m trying to tone that
down a little bit because I do think it
is maybe dangerously spicy as well as
being dangerously cheesy it’s a beer
yeah anyway go ahead
so because of reasons like that that a
great example of buddy beer whole Raven
oh wait I can get it through like I said
just text me and I’ll I’ll send you a
bat well I don’t think that it’s really
I don’t think I’m gonna try it today
just because it’s not tested except for
I guess on both of you you’ve had your
experiences but I think professionally I
probably shouldn’t that five-year-old
just texted me cuz I just I told him
like that you were unwilling to have an
experience and called you a pussy
okay he’s so cool too he won’t let me
like hang out with him but he I am
allowed to have his number he allows you
yeah may I may I have my experience back
I I if you’re not going to partake yeah
I I’m sorry I’m not not this I don’t
like to take hallucinogens that it’s
okay I think I’m I’ll take one now
same okay well I guess I guess that
that’s all the time we have for today
really so thank you thank you to Cameron
as always for sort of keeping us in the
know with what people want to hear and
for bringing his tens of thousands of
years friendship
or whatever you call it experience share
rave in the whole and I think you do the
whole okay well so we’ll go ahead and
we’ll go ahead and end it there uh and
thank you to our listeners this is
Jacques Doc podcast see you before you
skip on ahead to your true crime podcast
we need to address something we are now
up to five listeners in total but
according to the listener stats you are
all glue sniffers specifically Elmer’s
glue sticks now we love our listeners
but it is kind of embarrassing that not
only do you all sniff glue but you sniff
glue that does not actually give you
know a height or anything not not that
we would encourage that so please tell
your friends about the podcast so that
we can stop making all of our marketing
geared specifically towards the very
specific demographic of Elmer’s glue
stick sniffers also please subscribe
rate and review the podcast and follow
us we are at jock doc podcast on social
media and also jock doc send
that to your friends relatives and your
enemies thanks

Episode 7: The Stomach/Deborah Morgan Christian Scientist

welcome to the jock doc podcast
featuring dr. London Smith he’s buff
he’s tough and he knows his stuff
introducing your host dr. London Smith
hello and welcome to jock doc
where we discuss fitness and health and
how to incorporate our modern
understanding of science and medicine
into our daily lives but without it
being so boring
I’m your host dr. London to
our dismay we have received some
complaints from our listeners about how
I need to stop using complicated medical
terms like ankle and heartbeat so I will
try to refrain from such difficult
terminology in the future so that all of
our listeners can keep learning from the
knowledge we try to share here at jock
dock here to help me with that is our
producer Cameron

-and I do have a note
already dr. London okay I don’t think
people have an issue with you saying the
word heart beat but if you could just
make the sound after you say it so
people have an understanding of what
you’re even trying to talk about I think
that would be a lot more helpful I think
that’s the big issue I think if you just
say Oh heart beat
oh he’s got a heart beat I’ve got a
heart beat who doesn’t have a heartbeat
that’s where people get confusing so
they say oh here’s a heart beat okay
hard people alright so that the way
we’re taught is it’s lub dub is sort of
the sound of it whoa that’s a nice bass
string but it’s more of an lub dub lub
dub and then there are different heart
sounds for if you have different
pathologies going on but okay well thank
you for the note I don’t know if I’ll
necessarily remember to stop every time
I say heartbeat lub dub my makes more
like a crunchy sound does that make
sense it if you have like if a normal
heartbeat is which it is not boom boom –
more like
well that’s that’s something worth
checking when you say your heartbeat are
you listening to it with a stethoscope
or I don’t know what that is what we’ve
discussed before that I have no idea
what that is
oh what a stethoscope is right and no
one’s told me well so that’s what a
heartbeat should sound like okay well in
any case and that’s where you know life
starts okay well here to help me with
introducing these topics is a Cameron so
while I remain sometimes to mentally
entrenched in science and medicine
Cameron remains informed about everyday
matters and what most people want to
hear so you can expect him to pop in on
rare occasion to gently offer a guiding
hand as he increases the the podcasts
appeal also with us today is digital the
house and Cameron tells me that we may
have another guest on the show a little
later we sure do
alright so we have that to look forward
to as well so I would like to briefly
address some listener feedback quote
these leak now my third bag has leaked
while defrosting and quote
so before I address the question itself
I would like to say thank you so much
for your input hearing back from our
listeners is what makes all of us at
Jacque talk enjoy what we do so an
answer to that note I do not believe
that we have been selling any bags of
any kind much less the carrot I mean we
definitely have or you say we let Jacque
dog the podcast we’ve sold a lot of bags
and do they leak I don’t know I didn’t
try them out what what I’ll get high on
your own supply what what reason why do
we have these bags what are they I
assume people want to carry stuff around
with them I’m sure you could put your
keys in there or maybe you could put
water in the air like a like a shopping
bag I mean it’s just kind of a bag okay
because they also said
that now their third bag has leaked
while defrosting what I did I did say if
you you could put it in the it’s one of
those things where you can stick in the
freezer and you can it can get cold or
you can stick it in the microwave and it
gets hot but what to what purpose would
that that’s for them to decide anyone
can use the bags for any purpose they
want that’s that’s what makes these bags
better than most bags and we’ve been
selling these yeah so I guess an answer
that note I am sorry and I guess address
your complaints to Cameron and he will
hopefully remedy this this bag leakage
problem yeah I’ve just been get given
people your debit card when they have a
completely you can they can just use
that I well I tell them you know if they
bought three bags that’s how much are we
charging yeah I mean that’s about $1,200
for the three bags so 400 bucks apiece
so I’d say okay here’s London’s dr.
London’s debit card only use it for the
amount that you spent which a number of
levels I’m not okay with that
the biggest one of my mind being of
course that you’re using my card without
my permission
hey man stop giving me your debit card
I keep we’ve been this is the seventh or
eighth time I painted out your debit
card and you say no no no yeah and then
I keep doing that I don’t see the issue
okay well any case it to that listener
we wish you well with those bags and we
look forward to hearing from you again
in the future although hopefully you
will not be given my personal debit card
anyway now for a tail from the psych
ward this one is like yeah well this
one’s actually kind of sad see the tail
from the psych ward psych right right so
so bear with me for a second it’s it’s a
little more sad okay
it’s a we had a young african-american
male patient support ok well it’s no
this is this happened so he was
unfortunately blind death sorry blind
deaf and mentally disabled he had been
prescribed antipsychotic medication but
on examination by our staff he was
actually not found to have any
psychological issues psych because of
that previous misdiagnosis he’s being
treated for problems that he did not
have and he was not being treated for
the very real needs that he did have
some kind of sounds like the the
problems they thought he had we’re going
psych yeah I I guess you could put it
that way any case it it’s um sometimes a
very sad part of medicine but that’s why
we train doctors to uh to watch out for
these kind of issues and so hopefully
hopefully we’ll all be improving as we
go now is the ward of the psych an
elected position or is that something
that you’re promoted into okay so so the
word ward has multiple meanings so in
this case Ward is a section of a
hospital or clinic and it’s where they
keep a certain demographic so in this
case the psych ward is the son yes so
it’s a psychiatric what people with
psychiatric illnesses are sectioned off
into this area that’s for ease of one
type of doctor a psychiatrist would go
to that area to to do their work does
that make sense so it’s an elected
position no it’s it’s a portion of a
hospital yeah it’s in the hospital well
okay well so just move on from there
okay I’m gonna be the psych ward one day
hello Cameron did you say that you had a
new like feature segment that you were
excited about yes really really excited
I think it’ll be really really
educational and help the listeners yeah
okay I thought we could kind of make it
into a little
of the game which might be fun okay I
I’m gonna list some symptoms that a
hypothetical patient might have sure so
a patient walks into your office they
say dr. Londe dr. London okay yeah that
sounds like them and then they have
these symptoms and then you can diagnose
them I think Kay yeah that would be like
pretty cool yeah a lot of the test
questions that I had yes yeah we’re like
that absolutely so patient walks in okay
he’s six foot seven but that’s
irrelevant okay so he comes in he says
he has feeling of pain and tightness in
his chest and his left arm has becoming
numb and that started while he was
exercising what do you think is wrong
with him okay so the first thing we want
to roll out is a heart attack
real infarction so that’s that like
that’s the biggest diagnosis that you’re
potentially thinking how old was this
patient did you say impossible to know
okay and he’s sick is one of those
people you can’t tell their age and
you’re too embarrassed to ask okay okay
so if it was an older patient then you
definitely be thinking like a heart
attack kind of things myocardial
infarction if they’re younger you might
also be thinking a variant or Prince
metal angina mm-hmm all that sort of
thing does that that answer your
question I mean those are the first
things that I think of there are more
let me see is that the right answer nope
okay wrong all right well what what does
this hypothetical patient have well okay
so the numbness in his arm is because he
was at the zoo earlier in the day and so
he was eating like a Nutter Butter
you know those yeah yeah things and he
had dropped it in the monkey cages so he
had stuck his arm in there and he was
trying to reach for the Nutter Butter I
think it cut off some circulation I
think a monkey was probably pulling on
his arm too okay so and then the tiniest
in his chest that was just because he
was running so fast cuz the monkeys were
chasing him okay so it’s like like
having a stitch after right like you’re
just yeah so he so he went to the zoo
got his arm stuck and cut off
circulation because he had a Nutter
Butter and he was offering the monkeys
and that okay so this is one of those
things where like in medicine usually we
think of like that would be part of the
history that you give in the question
normally okay so you’re saying you’re
not smart enough to figure this out
without more information that’s
interesting well okay
and I also this just sounds very
specific like like a weird hypothetical
very specific oh is is not every patient
a specific case you sure you see every
person who comes in as just some sort of
blob that mixes up with every other
patient no not as real people dr. London
how does that sound
and we that sound crazy to you no no we
do we do try to consider them in that
way all right well yeah he was running
really hard so as his heart was was
beating really fast his shirt was way
too tight was a really old shirt was a
Bowling For Soup shirt that he had
gotten in 2002 on their tour they’re
like 1985 tour okay
so cause tightness in his chest right
okay well that I would he did get the
Nutter Butter back well well good for
him okay are we ready or can we move on
to the next one oh you have more oh yeah
so okay a patient comes in and he’s
having seemingly random episodes of
headaches palpitations sweating you you
test his blood pressure it seems pretty
high what do you think you might be okay
if it’s random episodes of headaches and
things and that palpitations then you’re
starting to think potentially it’s rare
but feo chromis itoma
which is um it’s a rare catecholamine
secreting tumor so that’s like like
adrenaline that kind of thing yeah it
secretes that and I’ve sort of had
random episodes just just kind of gives
you a big boost of energy of adrenaline
okay and so that’s so and that’s for our
listeners who are pretty curious
yeah it’s associated with von
hippel-lindau syndrome multiple
endocrine neoplasia type two and with
neurofibromatosis type 1 and that’s
pretty interesting for being completely
wrong having okay well okay well what
was um what was wrong with this patient
well the headache was because when he
had stuck his arm in the monkey cage the
monkey had grabbed his arms the slammed
it against the cage they matched against
the bar this is the same patient and so
obviously when he’s running away from
the monkey he’s real stressed he’s
scared that’s where the sweating comes
in and the high blood pressure it’s just
the stress of the situation well it
doesn’t sound random either it sounds
you said I think with the
inconsistencies in the time of day that
it happens it has to be random okay and
did you say that you know this person
cuz this doesn’t sound as a quiz but
it’s the same guy your key learning
dropped his Nutter Butter in the monkey
cage so it makes sense that his headache
would be that the monkey is grabbing his
arms slamming it against the cage sure
yeah no I I’m not doubting that that
those symptoms could be caused by that
yeah okay well um all right well we can
go ahead and I guess move on from there
okay today’s topic is the stomach also
known as the belly or when I was little
the Tumtum so sometimes people refer to
their entire abdominal that’s
embarrassing you called your stomach the
tomtom didn’t I sure that you want to be
saying that on mic right now you go to
the Tumtum yeah or they are the tumbly
yeah but I mean now of course I refer to
it as the stomach
TomTom’s are chalky candy right you mean
tums not your stomach
dr. London’s been calling DJ Dylan can
you believe this it’s good to hear DJ
Dylan laughs you know he plays all these
sound effects that’s good to hear him
like really tum tum doum doum oh this is
London’s heartbeat
Tom dome okay so the stomach is actually
just the first big stop in digestion
after you swallow your food and fluids
so what might sound crazy about the
stomach is that it is literally filled
with a substance known as known as
hydrochloric acid I do
just a note I do think that calling it
tum tum does make you more relatable so
I do think you should say that for the
rest of this reading instead of stomach
or bestseller okay so the tum tum is
filled with hydrochloric acid so it’s
good it’s like a scientist said could we
maybe come up with maybe a more fun way
to say that just acid in your stomach
being hydros water or chloride is
chlorine acids acid acid okay so your
Tumtum is filled with acid so it’s like
a science experiment in your belly and
it helps to break down food and it also
kills viruses and bacteria and so that
can help you to keep from getting sick
oh sweet mercy
mmm hello does this you’ve got to stop
this you’ve got to stop this podcast
what do you understand what you’re doing
here I’m sorry is this
Cameron is this a guest yes well this is
that’s a little bit unusual Debra Morgan
Christian Scientist and I really need
you to hear me out right now we’ve been
outside with the shofar we’ve been
we’ve been crying out that you would
hear us
you would finally hear us me and Cameron
have been standing outside when Cameron
you’ve been outside protesting with them
yeah for sure well you know you you
don’t you can just ask me it’s it’s not
hard to reach me oh I’m gonna ask you a
question and get some sort of
condescending response about how I can’t
talk no good I usually no I unless you
usually every single time well if you
don’t is often whenever you talk to me
for whatever reason you are putting food
into your mouth at the time so it’s not
confidence that I just can’t understand
you usually well you can’t let our
guests speak either apparently and it
seems like there’s a lot of things you
can’t do dr. London oh are you
understanding me young man young man are
you understanding me yeah what you’re
doing is wrong don’t you understand
which you are trying to promote the
devil you’re trying to promote demons
you’re trying to promote Satan every
time you give anybody a flu shot any
time you take anybody’s blood pressure
don’t you understand that any time you
do the Heimlich maneuver you are
summoning the devil himself don’t you
understand you just have to cry out
you just have to cry out that’s all you
gotta do don’t you understand young man
you just have to cry out if you’re
choking you just have to say lord help
me Lord if you’re choking you just say
lord help me and whatever it is we’ll
just fly right out don’t you understand
don’t you have faith young man I well
it’s not so much a lack of faith it’s
just I’m sorry you’re saying that I’m
summoning the devil whenever I use the
honey we’re doing the Heimlich maneuver
or whatever you give somebody a cat-scan
when you go in and you ask a patient how
are you today ma’am you are summoning
evil you’re summoning evil don’t you
understand young man don’t you hear my
words young man I’m sorry again Debra
Morgan Christian Scientists okay miss
Debra Morgan Christian Scientists Debra
Morgan Christian Scientists my name is
dr. London Smith don’t say it I don’t
want to hear it this is Debra doc
podcast Debra outside was saying
something really interesting about
corrective lenses okay what about
corrective lenses go ahead Debra when
you use in the corrective lenses when
you put those on it’s as if for the
first time you’re seeing the sky is
opening you’ve seen an angel come down
and that angel says to you young man by
wearing corrective lenses instead of
crying out you’ve summoned the devil
you’ve got a demon inside of you now
well you keep saying that I summon the
devil every time I use is it any piece
of medical technology yes young man
don’t you understand
you keep asking if I understand as well
if I’m not I think so
but this is why I’m clarifying mask if
you clarifying questions to make sure
that I understand so you’re asking do I
understand that I am summoning the devil
every time I use let’s say contact
lenses or a blood pressure cuff
hallelujah she had a lotta fun I have
seen his
have heard he understands okay so she
said that when diabetic when diabetic
people lose a foot it’s as a punishment
for using insulin huh well okay for our
listeners insulin actually would be
protective against that tell that to the
guy without a foot yeah well at that
point he has not taken his insulin would
beat would be the issue and so good
there’s diabetic nephropathy oh sorry
diabetic vascular thiis different nerve
and blood vessel issues that can lead to
the loss of a foot it’s actually leading
cause of amputations in the states the
diabetes so uh it’s because they’re not
crying out yep if they would be crying
out they would no longer have the
diabetes the insulin is filling them
with the devil telling them with demons
what I know I don’t think that that’s
the case
I do you think that uh you know the the
I assume it’s the the biblical text that
it says not to use any medicine any I
guess Western technology yes as a cook
and I body thou shalt never go in for a
cancer to say a shot young man you do
not know you do not understand we’re
back we’re back to being blinded we’re
back to being a an imbecile we I’m sorry
so I I haven’t heard of that specific
text you were quoting has Zach ik is
that right 3:9 and it’s not use insulin
in that but so it’s about shalt not get
in the cat scan machines is that in the
Bible or is that as a cook three nine
she was she was reading a great verse
outside about not using those dr.
Scholl’s things you put in your shoes
that are real squishy okay I guess what
so these all sound like
you know fairly recent inventions and
innovation I don’t think shows she was
saying it was in the Bible yeah I guess
what I’m doing here is I might I’m
questioning that a little bit because I
don’t think that that those those have
only come up in the last you know
century or two especially the dr.
Scholl’s thing that’s this information
was given to me on a mountain don’t you
understand young man okay I didn’t
before I admit that I did not know that
I heard the Thunder I saw the lightning
and then I heard this voice calling
calling calling from the forest it was
saying bro
I responded I said yes I’m here
The Voice said write down what I’m
saying Deborah so I’ve got out a sharpie
so writing it on the jeans said thou
shalt not use insulin and daya bhabhi’s
thou shalt not get a cat scan
thou shalt not ever ever ever go to the
doctor if you have pneumonia okay well
that’s just a small sampling of the many
things that I heard while I was up on
the mountain okay and we have a lot to
tackle there I guess one of my basic
questions would be how do you come up
with a name
Kazak ik for a book of your Bible I
heard it young man don’t you understand
on the mountain oh so he told you what
to name the books yes
chapters introduction preface all of it
okay that’s in the back the what the
maps okay
maps in the back as well okay um that
all does sound very exciting how long
ago did this happen to you two weeks ago
oh wow okay so two weeks ago you went
out on the mountain you wrote out a new
biblical text on your jeans in sharpie
and since then because it has been yeah
roughly that loan that we’ve been having
I would say these protestors it’s been
you and then later
very soon after Cameron joined you
outside protesting yes he understood
he’s a young man who understands don’t
you understand young man if anyone says
anything to me loud enough I’m probably
just gonna agree and to your to your
credit Debra Morgan Christian Scientist
he you were quite loud outside she’s a
lot louder than you that’s that’s valid
I mean I we’re talking into microphones
so I don’t have to be as loud whereas
I talked into a megaphone right these
microphones yeah I speak into a
megaphone I let my voice ring out ring
true on the streets right so why are you
like as opposed to protesting in front
of them let’s say a hospital or I’m not
sure like any of the other types of
place why are you protesting outside of
a podcast recording because I still
believe there is hope for you young man
don’t you understand
I still believe there is hope for you
so it’s specifically targeted at me yes
okay but uh what what do you see that
needs to change in in this show or in me
because we are always looking for
feedback it’s time for you to walk away
walk away from what walk away from it
all everything that’s been summoning the
devil okay witch witch burn your scrubs
young man don’t you understand
well that doesn’t seem to be okay
because for one thing we’re relatively
new at this we haven’t been around that
long with with these recordings
maybe maybe dropping it all isn’t the
answer right like possibly we can learn
from each other like maybe maybe there
is something I can learn from you on
this I think I’m going to keep doing the
Heimlich maneuver if someone’s choking
but and not give that person the chance
to cry out
well they you could be standing in the
way of someone’s breakthrough young man
and you wouldn’t even know it because
you’ve been summoning Devils Debra says
that the Heimlich maneuver is the number
one way people lose their feet in
America okay well that that is
inaccurate I think and what one other
note specifically with the Heimlich
maneuver that blocks their ability to
cry out because there is food lodged in
in the way where the air would travel
I’m not sure if you’re aware of that but
that’s they can’t fizzy
we cry out that’s why the emotion is
both hands to the neck because they
can’t say words and that’s the problem
young man people like you doctors like
you believe you don’t understand that
anything is possible anything can happen
doesn’t matter if they’ve got something
lodged in their throat they can cry out
don’t you understand young man okay I
and I feel like I do I am starting to
understand my limitations here
so whenever a person is choking they
can’t make a sound it is that whole with
faith like that young man they can’t
okay before two weeks ago and since then
have you been doing anything else to
raise raise awareness for your cause
here day and night outside of the jock
dock podcast me and Cameron we stand on
egg crates and we tell everyone walking
by that this man summons devils and to
stay away okay and before this what did
you do before two weeks ago i groomed
cats okay so that’s actually how we had
initially met okay so do you have a cat
no I was just kind of wondering you’re
wandering a wondering oh I was just
wondering like what what cat grooming is
like yeah I like this is in a chat room
okay what were it’s a discord channel
and you were that modern enough for you
sure I guess um what so you were
chatting about she said something about
about cat grooming and you said I want
tell me everything yeah tell me
everything and then you end up just
meeting up to talk about cat grooming no
then like a day later she said I got
this word
okay so and I said I’m on board so it’s
two and so than I told her where we were
where we were recording and then she
said that’s the problem or something
that effect well first she said I don’t
have the gas money to get over there I
said here’s a debit card no one well
specifically was it my debit card
it was a debit card and then she came
over here that was two weeks ago okay so
two weeks in a day ago you’ve met online
in a discord chatroom talking about cat
grooming the next day she said she found
out about this that she got this word
about how medicine sounds like Western
medicine in general the very basics of
it are wrong and are not only are wrong
but are summoning the devil and you got
right on board with that two weeks ago
and that’s why you’ve been outside
because you’ve been you’ve been out
there you set up a tent and this is you
live here yeah we’ve been setting up a
tent outside protesting egging the house
yeah okay what more do you want from me
to me it seems a little bit unusual be
doctor London okay our medicines puppet
that that is the viola I’ve been getting
here okay well um well thank you
Debra Morgan and Christian Scientist for
dropping by appreciate it do we have any
other sponsors today or is this mostly a
protest heavy day yeah any any sponsors
that we had initially had I
I told Debra who our sponsors were and
she contacted them and they have dropped
out well okay well never Morgan
Christian Scientists if in the future
you could maybe avoid doing that so much
because we are trying to educate people
I think you Cameron for
as always boo blue this podcast think II
did you do it in the host
and this has been my name is dr. London
Smith calm Thank You Debra Morgan
Christian scientists for coming by do we
have any listener mail today
we sure do dr. London okay our first one
dr. London’s home panel was disarmed
okay the next one dr. London’s home the
back door reported a pending alarm well
what was that forty five minutes ago
okay so I wasn’t here yeah dr. London’s
home the system was no longer armed
please arm the system okay but this does
still sound concerning dr. London’s home
the back window is broken after London’s
home the security system has detected an
entrance through the back window okay so
someone in the house it doesn’t say in
the email do we have video footage or
camp do you have something yeah it says
there’s your back porch security cam
there’s a sign that says has that got
no no okay
so Cameron did you or miss Debra Morgan
Christian Scientist did either of you in
the midst of your protests very recently
break into the house rather than using
the door I don’t we did so much stuff I
don’t know okay kids once because you
have like you can get in normal like the
front door I would have opened the door
for you guys you don’t have to break in
your guests on the show yeah
was kind of a whirlwind we were just
going when you say just going so you
guys were just protesting outside things
were I was happening I don’t know
because you think you should just
started rolling and then things were
just going really crazy at a really fast
pace and we were just all like you know
well because from whenever I would
occasionally look at the window you were
just walking in sort of a circle yeah
holding a sign down with insulin and now
and like that’s all you did and
occasionally you would stop to take a
nap under the tree yeah and like such a
bright day yeah and then try to so warm
mm-hmm well and then you would try to go
to that possum down anyway it so
whenever you say things were going it
doesn’t seem like that’s I don’t know
all right well okay so no any any
feedback from the list because that
sounded like security nothing no
listener feedback yet it says your car’s
been torched did it say when that
happened right now like just like
okay cuz that’s okay wad

Jock Doc Podcast Episode 6: The Mouth/Andi

welcome to the jock podcast featuring
dr. London Smith he’s an expert
physician on a physical fitness mission
I’m DJ Dylan now make some noise for
your host the one the only dr. London
Smith hello and welcome to jock doc
hello hey hey Cameron
hi okay well if you okay well that’s our
producer Cameron
you said hello oh that’s that’s true now
you got me there trying to be polite I
walked right into that okay well so this
is jock doc where we discuss fitness
and health and how to incorporate our
modern understanding of science and
medicine into our daily lives both out
up being so boring I’m your host dr.
so unfortunately we have continued to
have complaints from some listeners
about how I need to tone it down with a
difficult medical terminology such as
ambidextrous and back of hand so I will
try to keep my words at a more
understandable level as we continue to
educate in a way that it’s beneficial to
everyone listening I got a complaint
this last week in the mail oh okay I’m a
mailbox like snail mail yeah yeah okay
what was the complaint I just said I
hate you
was it off talking I hate you was it
your mailbox or was it the the podcast
mail do we have a mailbox
I mean it was it was in my house it was
on my kitchen table so wasn’t in your
way it was this just a note that was
written in your house I don’t know where
it was written it was found in my house
okay kitchen table it said I hate you
stop talking please stop talking
does anyone else in your house know
anyone who might have put that letter
inside of your house no I thought that
was the fans look did you write that
no I think a fan did okay well yeah I’m
not sure
I’m it’s always good to hear from our
fans I guess oh yeah no I loved it shown
we’re getting a real response I want you
to die I want you to jump off a cliff it
said all sorts of stuff like that okay
well yeah so well what I was talking
about a moment ago was um how we’re
trying to educate people in such a way
that everyone understands and so Cameron
who was just chiming in he’s our
producer so he tends to be aware of what
people want to hear about he might add
little small comments like he just heard
just here and there – it sort of subtly
guide the podcast in the proper
direction just not everyone listening to
this as a you know scam artist doctor
like yourself so maybe they’re not gonna
get the normal or the abnormal terms
you’re always thrown around that’s where
I come in just a commoner just a guy
loves to hang out as a chill right just
just a normal just normal fine and if
any fan one still just like chill that’s
cool to chill with you yeah okay oh that
sounds nice also with us is a digital
ooh in the house nope oh all right
good call in addition Cameron has told
me that we may have a special guest
coming on and a little a little later we
sure do
okay well stay tuned for that secret
yeah that’s Cameron does have a policy
of not telling me no matter how much I
ask and try to research he helps to
guide this whole thing helps to keep us
relatable so I do appreciate that
well it’s cuz the the first time when I
told you who I was bringing on and it
was that black magic guy who was gonna
cut off one of our fingers to do some
cool tricks he said no I don’t want
anything to do with it right be getting
him out of my house yeah well that was
another thing it was just at your house
and it wasn’t that a recording there are
a lot of reasons why I didn’t want that
man around
we were gonna record it on my phone he
was gonna cut off one of my fingers and
one of your fingers
who’s gonna mix them together and then
something was gonna happen I don’t we
never figured out what the final part of
that trick was he also never mentioned
magic while he was there you said it a
lot like most of what I remember is he
had a knife and you said yes yes yeah
yeah and you just kicked them out so now
I gotta keep it a secret can’t tell dr.
London who the guest is right well in
any case we got some other listener
feedback aside from the note you found
in your house and it was let’s see quote
thumbs up if you poop into your hand and
lower it into the toilet to be stealthy
so before I address this question I’d
like to say thank you very much for your
input hearing back from our listeners is
as we said earlier it’s the best part of
what we do here at jock dock in answer
to that note I’m afraid that I must give
a thumbs down when I use the restroom
I’m not so worried about stealth I’m a
little bit more worried about getting
fecal matter onto my hands and
contaminating in that way just sounds
like you’ve grown up with a privileged
life where you’ve never had to stealth
poop into your own hand into the toilet
that’s exactly what I mean there did you
hear that
I yeah right real life that’s what real
people do okay well so I use I use the
toilet in a conventional manner but
anyway – that listener thank you for
reaching out
they appreciate hearing back for my
that was our listener flushing your
response down the toilet all right well
think thank you okay
next I don’t know if you can tell my
voice is a little off I’ve some
allergies and that relates very much to
my little tale today from the pediatric
clinic so we had a patient and they were
just coming in for a checkup
but she was around 12 years old which is
an age at which females can potentially
become pregnant so I was speaking to her
about just safe safe sex and
contraception and the risk of sexually
transmitted infections but unfortunately
my allergies had given me a sore throat
and nasal congestion so rather than
having sort of a an informal talk sort
of had keeping it at a comfortable level
I have cleared my her a formal talk you
didn’t want to give her an informal talk
so you gave her a formal talk what does
that even I don’t even know what that
means a professional is what I meant I
was trying to keep it professional but I
kept clearing my throat which gave every
appearance that I was very uncomfortable
with talking about contraception rather
than just you know what was actually
happening was I was trying to clear the
throat mucus out of my throat
I did I did power through because the
object there was to educate you know get
let them know um how to stay safe out
there and that’s also our object on jock
dock this podcast so uh patient
education is of the utmost importance to
us but you had to power through with the
contraceptive I don’t what kind of
contraceptive is this okay I I’ve had a
contraceptive before that does plug into
the wall but you don’t have to run power
through it it just you charge it and
then it goes off the charger when you
say contraceptive this is what you said
okay well in any case in that when I use
when you use the term contraceptive I
mean a method of preventing pregnancy
which in that instance were especially
talking about condom use which

  • my understanding is not something you
    plug into the wall you know the right
    ones for today’s topic I would like to
    talk about of a mouth normally we might
    think of our mouths as just the things
    we talk with or sort of just the Gateway
    to the digestive tract but digestive
    sorry digestion of food actually begins
    in the mouth did you know that your
    teeth are technically bones each of your
    teeth is actually a bone you might only
    think of the big bones and your arms and
    legs as being the bones but each of
    those little teeth in your butt in your
    mouth is a bone all by itself now hang
    on dr. London if my teeth are bones then
    why I’ve never seen a tooth in a cast
    okay I’ve seen every other but every
    other bone you can think of top to
    bottom I’ve seen in the cast okay Keith
    you’ve seen every other bone in a cat’s
    teeth are for dentures P therfore caps
    okay that’s a nice question part of
    these ears
    right so the fracturing the way you
    would treat a tooth injury is different
    from because there’s such small bones
    and their placement how easy they are to
    reach and everything mmm what’s another
    small bone I don’t know my pinky toe I
    can go in a cast well usually I would
    think more of a splint situation there
    you’ve never seen a pinkie toe cast I I
    don’t believe so
    well I’ve never seen a cast on your
    teeth case closed okay well uh alright
    so they are all those anyway get them
    out of the lesson uh those teeth those
    bones in your mouth they grind up the
    food when you eat and that’s called the
    mechanical digestion but you also have
    your saliva or your spit and that has
    digestive enzymes that help break down
    the food I know my spit is not a bone
    okay I know that okay and that’s that’s
    true so that’s we talked about the bones
    before the teeth and
    those are part of mechanical digestion
    like a machine oh but the spit comes
    from the teeth
    no okay those actually those come from
    the salivary glands but so these that
    the spit has enzymes in it one of them
    is called amylase and if you ever put a
    cracker in their mouth and notice that
    it gets sweeter even without you chewing
    that’s because the amylase is actually
    broken down some of those carbohydrates
    into glucose I’ve never put a cracker in
    my mouth and it became sweeter okay well
    it sounds like maybe you have a little
    science experiment to do tonight No
    fair enough oh hello hi it’s Andy hey oh
    hey welcome back welcome back to jock
    doc Andy
    Dylan you said that this was canceled
    that you’re going to church you weren’t
    supposed to be here you were supposed to
    be with me because I have to go to the
    dentist today and you knew that well is
    this is this something that needs to be
    done in the podcast nope I’m not worried
    about your little podcast your little
    night out with the boys what I’m worried
    about is that you were supposed to be at
    home getting me applesauce getting me
    soft foods I have to go to the dentist I
    have to get my teeth removed all all of
    your teeth removed well about 90% of
    them removed yes but back to what I’m
    trying to tell you Dylan why did you
    tell me that you were going to church
    with your grandma and then Cameron text
    me and I track your phone and it says
    you’re here huh I’m just understanding
    lately what’s going on with you because
    here’s the deal
    I know that you had a heat stroke at the
    Arboretum and you keep saying who I was
    wearing a fur coat it’s like okay yeah I
    know you wearing a fur coat but you
    weren’t wearing it shirt underneath and
    that should have kept you cool enough
    and now I find you here you’re just
    lying you’re just I can’t even deal with
    this anymore to to defend DJ Dylan here
    a second is there a chance that he told
    you that he was going to church because
    that’s what we call my house the church
    well is Dylan’s grandma here yes
    well then I guess that’s possible yeah I
    can understand that that confusion I I
    don’t refer to I have heard of this as
    the studio normally and I believe that
    the calling it Dutch Church is more of a
    DJ Dylan and Cameron exclusive factor
    because I try to be clear about it but
    you are not allowed to say that I would
    be so mad if I heard that coming out of
    your lips right well we’re both happy
    with an ad you just said it a second ago
    but I’ll let it go for the show for the
    show well I just want to bring up the
    fact that mm-hmm all this money that you
    guys have been giving me for my career I
    mean it hasn’t done squat it hasn’t done
    diddly squat well I’m trying to get my
    career up and running and what was your
    career again there’s music correct I
    cannot believe that you just said that
    you know okay you know what Dylan yes
    play my new song I’m having to go in a
    different direction because my last song
    did not take off and I swear if this
    song does not take off I’m not taking
    your money any more okay you’re not
    gonna be sponsored we are still paying
    her as a sponsor I just gave her your
    debit card that’s not that’s not okay
    for for me we’re gonna have to talk
    about this after I gotta see ya hands up
    Oh baby I wanna see your hands gang
    put your hands up hands up hands up
    hands up hands up right now if I don’t
    get to see those hands up high someone’s
    gonna die so show me your hands right
    now all right okay they’re up I’m sorry
    dr. London
    do we have to keep her hands up
    I hate she threatened our lives so I’m
    gonna keep my hands up um yeah
    so baby well wow that was really really
    good really good yeah I was gonna say
    that’s great um thank you finally are
    those the fans outside yeah those have
    to be right yeah I think so gotta be
    someone uh so you mentioned something
    about getting your teeth removed today
    we’re actually talking about the mouth
    and one of the aspects of them what a
    right so um could you tell us about uh
    the reason why you’re having 90% of your
    teeth removed well they all chipped and
    cracked all 90% of your teeth yes I got
    the cast I got the teeth cast but it
    just didn’t repair the way that they
    thought that it would so I’m having to
    go in and get them removed you did get a
    cast on your teeth yeah 90% of my teeth
    I had an entire belief system hmm and
    surprisingly mine as well
    I got a ask was saliva spewing out of
    those crack teeth all day see okay so I
    did know that for sure but saliva is not
    a bone okay now just to clarify their
    saliva does come from the salivary
    glands and it’s it is located near the
    teeth but the teeth themselves don’t
    secrete saliva it’s sort of so I always
    thought blood came from broken skin but
    now I’m starting to think that blood
    comes from bones in your body right
    bones are spewing blood except for the
    one exception mouth bones see that’s
    where you spewed the salad the Salzburg
    mouth grant yeah the met the blood of
    the mouth which is a lot okay well to
    clarify there it sounds like eating this
    is bringing real science to the common
    people this is great your teeth are not
    something that it’s the big bones that
    make the blood so your little teeth
    they’ll bleed but it won’t be where the
    blood is made oh yes they will bleed I
    will say right now red blood let’s say
    big boned around Andy okay she’s been
    called that all her life you don’t want
    to see what she how she responds okay
    she has already threatened our lives so
    I’ll see like a bird boat of that that
    means something very different
    well so who was big boned oh no I said
    Dylan are you gonna let him talk some i
    said i said bird boned hello okay
    I am very delicate and bird boned and
    Hollow absolutely okay well well that’s
    great to hear
    so you said play my hit song boost d.o
    boost a baby get your hands up high
    get your hands up now I never put him
    down they’ve been up the whole time
    well it’s so great to hear that you’re
    coming out with more music have you
    thought about changing the the musical
    the backing tracks for any of your songs
    why their fire I yeah I wouldn’t change
    it it slaps yep it just seems like maybe
    if you have some variety in there I’d
    like it but it’s sort of just one thing
    over and over and what if you try
    changing it up with a different song a
    different beat why don’t you stay in
    your lane in your doctor Lane because
    what you’re not understanding is that
    these are clips of all of the same song
    called boost II what are you not
    understanding about that what you went
    to school for 12 years just to not
    understand that it’s all clips of the
    same song called boost II I really don’t
    think it needs to be explained how
    unstable she is but you still antagonize
    her over and over so maybe you like okay
    it sounds like that’s a good time to um
    to move on to our next segment
    do we have any sponsors today Cameron
    and I sorry I do want to clarify not
    someone that we are paying because
    that’s apparently an me and I’m not okay
    with that
    but go on any sponsors today we do dr.
    our sponsor today is balls-deep dating
    but the first and only dating service
    for human cannibals cannibals
    nananananana cannonballs the people who
    kind of roll themselves up and get shot
    out of a cannon and it’s called ball
    balls deep dating so if you are a cannon
    ball man and you are seeking a cannon
    ball woman if you I mean if you like
    fitting into small spaces if you have a
    bunch of gunpowder laying around I’ve
    actually been using this app quite a bit
    lately have you I feel like you never
    talked about your being a human
    cannonball but well that it
    unfortunately that is part of it dr. Len
    and I had to sort of lie to sign up and
    mislead some people and to saying I was
    a human cannonball which unfortunately
    led to me going on a date with a pretty
    nice cannon ball lady who did to prove
    myself she did force me to crawl into
    her dryer and unfortunately she just
    closed the door and turned it on and
    left it doesn’t sound like she was
    proving herself
    I guess maybe you climbed in wrong eye
    that must be it because I I thought if I
    climbed into the dryer that would prove
    that surely I could be shot out of a
    cannon right but then she just turned it
    on and I don’t I say she left from it
    sounded like she just turned on TV okay
    did well you say she slit other clothes
    in there did you get out of the urine
    with clothes yeah okay so I didn’t want
    to stop him for you know the clothes
    were dry right did you so you did stop
    it after the clothes were dry yeah oh
    yeah once I detected that they were dry
    I kind of popped it open got out of
    there but it’s important here on
    balls-deep dating if you like being shot
    out of things other than a cannon such
    as a catapult do not use this site they
    will be very very very mean to you on
    this site and they track you down
    I mean the way technology is I would
    assume oh they’re very abusive okay
    bullying people you’re saying this from
    experience yes because initially I was
    hoping oh okay
    maybe if I don’t say I enjoy being shot
    out of a cannon but I enjoy being shot
    out of a catapult that way I could talk
    about specifics that they wouldn’t know
    and it would be okay that I didn’t know
    their world mm-hmm but then they I mean
    they egged my car they egged my house so
    they found you a bag I mean they egged
    my mommy and my dad they they egged
    people yeah shot it out of a small
    cannon egg-sized cannon absolutely
    Wow that’s okay well that’s sorry to
    hear but but it is not for cannibals
    okay so we should distinguish that yes
    cannonballs not cannibals cannonball
    lists not cannibals right okay that war
    catapult is yeah it seems like they
    could have gotten in trouble so good
    that we clarify that well um and so the
    app is called balls-deep dating all
    right all right thank you to our sponsor
    thank you for all your help
    yeah thank you thank you Andy and I you
    sound like you’re pretty busy though huh
    like maybe do you have anything else
    you’re needing to uh maybe you’re too
    busy to come by
    yeah sometimes yeah and I mean I I don’t
    want to put words in your mouth or
    anything but it seems like you just
    sound so busy with your music so busy
    yeah but uh if you’d like to stay then
    you could while we go on to our next
    Cameron from what I understand you’ve
    been spending a large amount of your
    time volunteering in areas of town that
    maybe they’re underprivileged is that
    right oh well they’re underfunded okay
    very specific ways how are they
    underfunded in what ways well the the
    places I’ve been helping out
    specifically don’t have a roller rink in
    our city there’s 37 roller rinks there’s
    a hundred and fifty different
    neighborhoods you do the math on that
    dr. London that actually sounds like we
    might have more than we need for the
    given area no that means we’re missing
    like I don’t know I don’t want to I’m
    not a math guy but six or seven hundred
    roller rinks well okay so what are you
    what are you doing in town then are you
    just like raising awareness or are you
    starting your own roller rink company
    just kind of bitch in I’m going to
    different people and just kind of
    complaining it like I’m kind of holding
    my rollerblades
    and saying I’ve had no place to use
    these but I really think it’s kind of
    transforming communities in new and
    exciting ways that we haven’t yet seen
    well I’m glad to hear that you’re you’re
    making a difference and you know you’re
    in your own way and your own place it’s
    that’s great to hear this I this year
    alone mm-hmm I’ve told 7,000 people that
    there’s no roller rink in their
    neighborhood and I want to hit eight
    thousand by the end of the year all
    right that sounds great um Annie have
    you done any volunteer work no why would
    I be volunteering when I’m so busy with
    my music career okay
    fair answer have you have you considered
    any charities or something I know a lot
    of artists will will sort of try to
    raise money for a given charity whenever
    they you know raise sort of whenever
    they put out music doesn’t it I’m just
    gonna tell you right now she sees
    charities as thieves so I’ve just tread
    lightly here I do have a corporation
    that I work closely with and it’s gloves
    for poor people and it’s gloves so that
    when you poop in your hand and you lower
    it into the toilet it doesn’t touch your
    skin it touches the glove and then you
    just leave the glove in the toilet and
    how much do those gloves cost $39.99 per
    glove yeah okay
    I work closely with this organization
    and we really are doing some great work
    in the poor community a lot of those
    people are having to touch poop with
    their hands let’s just say that do the
    gloves they do disintegrate in the water
    No so these gloves aren’t designed for
    the toilet
    they’re just latex gloves that that cost
    that sounds pretty pricey for a
    for Layton there’s one glove in each
    pack that okay so so for one glove it’s
    $40 then $39.99 39 do we do you want to
    combine ideas maybe that might work kind
    of take the glove thing in the roller
    rink thing and kind of make it the same
    thing how would you combine those two I
    figured you’d go into these under-funded
    areas right and you say you don’t have a
    roller rink and you’re pooping in your
    hand okay so they have this solution for
    both well I don’t have I don’t want to
    stress I don’t have a solution for
    getting roller rinks there right I’m
    more pointing out that there isn’t one
    where there could easily be one in
    similar situation with the gloves that
    they don’t have a glove I don’t have a
    glove she does except only have one
    that’s all I can’t afford yeah they’re
    no one’s we’re not as rich as you doctor
    in London well they’re $39.99 from what
    I’ve heard yeah we can’t just throw
    around 39.99 like you can we have to
    hold it in until we have 39.99 to buy
    the glove and then we have to wait a
    couple of days for the shipping and then
    we go we’re only getting to go once or
    twice a month it must be nice to be a
    doctor who can afford to poop every day
    all right well these are issues that I
    was not aware existed although is this
    only because you want to have a stealthy
    poop because which you’ve never had to
    experience don’t even know what it is
    you don’t understand the struggles of
    everyday people we have to have stealthy
    poops is there a reason for that
    predators they can smell they can hear
    when you say predators what what type of
    God do you mean like sort of lions
    tigers and bears that kind of predator
    just anything you can imagine any type
    of predator so you haven’t seen these
    predators but you suspect
    to them and that’s why you wear a glove
    well you use my instincts I can smell
    them in the wind well and I mean I’ve
    seen lions I’ve seen Tigers have seen
    Pumas Jaguars have seen cheetahs I saw a
    bobcat the other day I seen bobcat with
    these awesome traps I’ve seen or have
    you seen them in person in person I’ve
    seen Penguins – at the ceiling wins
    you’ve said had we seen them right and
    I’m you said there were that there was
    no such thing as a predator and we just
    listed I mean 30 or 40 right there
    flamingos eagles if you did you go to
    the zoo recently and that’s why is that
    what you’re listing here animals you saw
    at the zoo I’m listing predators that
    I’ve seen in real life because that’s so
    important to you okay so so you’ve seen
    these predators and you fear that they
    will go after you if you do not have
    stealthy bowel movements well I don’t
    fear anything but but you’re saying the
    the people you work with may yes okay
    and that is why you’re thinking of
    combining businesses with the roller
    skating rink and the glove yeah okay
    well that’s I’m not sharing the world
    one neighborhood at a time all right
    well one package of a single glove at a
    time mm-hmm it’s great that you’re
    trying to give back to to society trying
    to get back to the world and help those
    less fortunate than yourselves I’m not
    sure that this is maybe I’m not sure
    this is the best venture to to use for
    that pursuit and II you can just use the
    debit card that I gave you to buy more
    gloves and then we could sell like
    yeah that was my plan all along okay no
    okay no ahead dr. London talk about
    that’s uh like bone juice or whatever
    you’re talking about okay well uh I
    guess that’s I guess that’s about it
    right is there anything else
    Andy do you have anything else to
    promote I know you had your music okay
    Oh baby booty baby I want to see your
    hands right now you listeners we have
    not lowered our arms throughout this
    recording I’m kind of getting used to it
    though I am NOT this is this is painful
    this is fine for us so I am trying to
    sort of just cut this thing short all
    right well thank you to to Andy for
    coming by again I hope that you you
    solve whatever issues you were having
    thank you for sharing you your music the
    different segments of the one song with
    us and I hope that inspires people to as
    we all hope music inspires and Cameron
    to thank you as always for helping us to
    keep to what the listeners want and DJ
    Dylan thank you for that
    all right and my name is London and this is jock doc thank you
    for listening and Mandy congratulations
    on graduating from medical school thank
    you wow what an episode my favorite part
    was the podcast but we want to hear your
    favorite part please write a five star
    review on iTunes and let us know what
    you love most and what you hated most
    and who you hate most
    based on our listener stats we seem to
    have a lot of astronaut haters but we do
    hope to change that we are jock doc
    podcasts on social media so
    please let us know your thoughts on
    astronauts there that is unless the
    thing you hate is me are you oh yeah you
    don’t so I so I there is a group on
    Facebook called Cameron haters and it
    has 350,000 users yeah quick well here
    let me solve this a little bit if you
    give the podcast a one-star review okay
    but this is an honor system thing you
    have to truly feel like it was a one
    star worthy episode we will send you $35
    no that is not $35 just to prove how
    much we care about our listeners even
    our haters even these people who are
    just hate-filled you will get $35 in the
    yeah is it wait you say that that’s just
    because they made a group hating you
    that you want to pay them to stop hating
    you a it’s not paying them to stop
    hating me it’s giving them $35 every
    time they have a complaint about me so
    that they will like me well uh what we
    are don’t don’t do it if you think it’s
    a 5-star show right as an honors thing
    don’t if you just need $35 just text dr.
    London he’ll give it to you but don’t
    leave a one-star review jock doc podcast
    on social media