Jock Doc Podcast Episode 6: The Mouth/Andi

welcome to the jock podcast featuring
dr. London Smith he’s an expert
physician on a physical fitness mission
I’m DJ Dylan now make some noise for
your host the one the only dr. London
Smith hello and welcome to jock doc
hello hey hey Cameron
hi okay well if you okay well that’s our
producer Cameron
you said hello oh that’s that’s true now
you got me there trying to be polite I
walked right into that okay well so this
is jock doc where we discuss fitness
and health and how to incorporate our
modern understanding of science and
medicine into our daily lives both out
up being so boring I’m your host dr.
so unfortunately we have continued to
have complaints from some listeners
about how I need to tone it down with a
difficult medical terminology such as
ambidextrous and back of hand so I will
try to keep my words at a more
understandable level as we continue to
educate in a way that it’s beneficial to
everyone listening I got a complaint
this last week in the mail oh okay I’m a
mailbox like snail mail yeah yeah okay
what was the complaint I just said I
hate you
was it off talking I hate you was it
your mailbox or was it the the podcast
mail do we have a mailbox
I mean it was it was in my house it was
on my kitchen table so wasn’t in your
way it was this just a note that was
written in your house I don’t know where
it was written it was found in my house
okay kitchen table it said I hate you
stop talking please stop talking
does anyone else in your house know
anyone who might have put that letter
inside of your house no I thought that
was the fans look did you write that
no I think a fan did okay well yeah I’m
not sure
I’m it’s always good to hear from our
fans I guess oh yeah no I loved it shown
we’re getting a real response I want you
to die I want you to jump off a cliff it
said all sorts of stuff like that okay
well yeah so well what I was talking
about a moment ago was um how we’re
trying to educate people in such a way
that everyone understands and so Cameron
who was just chiming in he’s our
producer so he tends to be aware of what
people want to hear about he might add
little small comments like he just heard
just here and there – it sort of subtly
guide the podcast in the proper
direction just not everyone listening to
this as a you know scam artist doctor
like yourself so maybe they’re not gonna
get the normal or the abnormal terms
you’re always thrown around that’s where
I come in just a commoner just a guy
loves to hang out as a chill right just
just a normal just normal fine and if
any fan one still just like chill that’s
cool to chill with you yeah okay oh that
sounds nice also with us is a digital
ooh in the house nope oh all right
good call in addition Cameron has told
me that we may have a special guest
coming on and a little a little later we
sure do
okay well stay tuned for that secret
yeah that’s Cameron does have a policy
of not telling me no matter how much I
ask and try to research he helps to
guide this whole thing helps to keep us
relatable so I do appreciate that
well it’s cuz the the first time when I
told you who I was bringing on and it
was that black magic guy who was gonna
cut off one of our fingers to do some
cool tricks he said no I don’t want
anything to do with it right be getting
him out of my house yeah well that was
another thing it was just at your house
and it wasn’t that a recording there are
a lot of reasons why I didn’t want that
man around
we were gonna record it on my phone he
was gonna cut off one of my fingers and
one of your fingers
who’s gonna mix them together and then
something was gonna happen I don’t we
never figured out what the final part of
that trick was he also never mentioned
magic while he was there you said it a
lot like most of what I remember is he
had a knife and you said yes yes yeah
yeah and you just kicked them out so now
I gotta keep it a secret can’t tell dr.
London who the guest is right well in
any case we got some other listener
feedback aside from the note you found
in your house and it was let’s see quote
thumbs up if you poop into your hand and
lower it into the toilet to be stealthy
so before I address this question I’d
like to say thank you very much for your
input hearing back from our listeners is
as we said earlier it’s the best part of
what we do here at jock dock in answer
to that note I’m afraid that I must give
a thumbs down when I use the restroom
I’m not so worried about stealth I’m a
little bit more worried about getting
fecal matter onto my hands and
contaminating in that way just sounds
like you’ve grown up with a privileged
life where you’ve never had to stealth
poop into your own hand into the toilet
that’s exactly what I mean there did you
hear that
I yeah right real life that’s what real
people do okay well so I use I use the
toilet in a conventional manner but
anyway – that listener thank you for
reaching out
they appreciate hearing back for my
that was our listener flushing your
response down the toilet all right well
think thank you okay
next I don’t know if you can tell my
voice is a little off I’ve some
allergies and that relates very much to
my little tale today from the pediatric
clinic so we had a patient and they were
just coming in for a checkup
but she was around 12 years old which is
an age at which females can potentially
become pregnant so I was speaking to her
about just safe safe sex and
contraception and the risk of sexually
transmitted infections but unfortunately
my allergies had given me a sore throat
and nasal congestion so rather than
having sort of a an informal talk sort
of had keeping it at a comfortable level
I have cleared my her a formal talk you
didn’t want to give her an informal talk
so you gave her a formal talk what does
that even I don’t even know what that
means a professional is what I meant I
was trying to keep it professional but I
kept clearing my throat which gave every
appearance that I was very uncomfortable
with talking about contraception rather
than just you know what was actually
happening was I was trying to clear the
throat mucus out of my throat
I did I did power through because the
object there was to educate you know get
let them know um how to stay safe out
there and that’s also our object on jock
dock this podcast so uh patient
education is of the utmost importance to
us but you had to power through with the
contraceptive I don’t what kind of
contraceptive is this okay I I’ve had a
contraceptive before that does plug into
the wall but you don’t have to run power
through it it just you charge it and
then it goes off the charger when you
say contraceptive this is what you said
okay well in any case in that when I use
when you use the term contraceptive I
mean a method of preventing pregnancy
which in that instance were especially
talking about condom use which

  • my understanding is not something you
    plug into the wall you know the right
    ones for today’s topic I would like to
    talk about of a mouth normally we might
    think of our mouths as just the things
    we talk with or sort of just the Gateway
    to the digestive tract but digestive
    sorry digestion of food actually begins
    in the mouth did you know that your
    teeth are technically bones each of your
    teeth is actually a bone you might only
    think of the big bones and your arms and
    legs as being the bones but each of
    those little teeth in your butt in your
    mouth is a bone all by itself now hang
    on dr. London if my teeth are bones then
    why I’ve never seen a tooth in a cast
    okay I’ve seen every other but every
    other bone you can think of top to
    bottom I’ve seen in the cast okay Keith
    you’ve seen every other bone in a cat’s
    teeth are for dentures P therfore caps
    okay that’s a nice question part of
    these ears
    right so the fracturing the way you
    would treat a tooth injury is different
    from because there’s such small bones
    and their placement how easy they are to
    reach and everything mmm what’s another
    small bone I don’t know my pinky toe I
    can go in a cast well usually I would
    think more of a splint situation there
    you’ve never seen a pinkie toe cast I I
    don’t believe so
    well I’ve never seen a cast on your
    teeth case closed okay well uh alright
    so they are all those anyway get them
    out of the lesson uh those teeth those
    bones in your mouth they grind up the
    food when you eat and that’s called the
    mechanical digestion but you also have
    your saliva or your spit and that has
    digestive enzymes that help break down
    the food I know my spit is not a bone
    okay I know that okay and that’s that’s
    true so that’s we talked about the bones
    before the teeth and
    those are part of mechanical digestion
    like a machine oh but the spit comes
    from the teeth
    no okay those actually those come from
    the salivary glands but so these that
    the spit has enzymes in it one of them
    is called amylase and if you ever put a
    cracker in their mouth and notice that
    it gets sweeter even without you chewing
    that’s because the amylase is actually
    broken down some of those carbohydrates
    into glucose I’ve never put a cracker in
    my mouth and it became sweeter okay well
    it sounds like maybe you have a little
    science experiment to do tonight No
    fair enough oh hello hi it’s Andy hey oh
    hey welcome back welcome back to jock
    doc Andy
    Dylan you said that this was canceled
    that you’re going to church you weren’t
    supposed to be here you were supposed to
    be with me because I have to go to the
    dentist today and you knew that well is
    this is this something that needs to be
    done in the podcast nope I’m not worried
    about your little podcast your little
    night out with the boys what I’m worried
    about is that you were supposed to be at
    home getting me applesauce getting me
    soft foods I have to go to the dentist I
    have to get my teeth removed all all of
    your teeth removed well about 90% of
    them removed yes but back to what I’m
    trying to tell you Dylan why did you
    tell me that you were going to church
    with your grandma and then Cameron text
    me and I track your phone and it says
    you’re here huh I’m just understanding
    lately what’s going on with you because
    here’s the deal
    I know that you had a heat stroke at the
    Arboretum and you keep saying who I was
    wearing a fur coat it’s like okay yeah I
    know you wearing a fur coat but you
    weren’t wearing it shirt underneath and
    that should have kept you cool enough
    and now I find you here you’re just
    lying you’re just I can’t even deal with
    this anymore to to defend DJ Dylan here
    a second is there a chance that he told
    you that he was going to church because
    that’s what we call my house the church
    well is Dylan’s grandma here yes
    well then I guess that’s possible yeah I
    can understand that that confusion I I
    don’t refer to I have heard of this as
    the studio normally and I believe that
    the calling it Dutch Church is more of a
    DJ Dylan and Cameron exclusive factor
    because I try to be clear about it but
    you are not allowed to say that I would
    be so mad if I heard that coming out of
    your lips right well we’re both happy
    with an ad you just said it a second ago
    but I’ll let it go for the show for the
    show well I just want to bring up the
    fact that mm-hmm all this money that you
    guys have been giving me for my career I
    mean it hasn’t done squat it hasn’t done
    diddly squat well I’m trying to get my
    career up and running and what was your
    career again there’s music correct I
    cannot believe that you just said that
    you know okay you know what Dylan yes
    play my new song I’m having to go in a
    different direction because my last song
    did not take off and I swear if this
    song does not take off I’m not taking
    your money any more okay you’re not
    gonna be sponsored we are still paying
    her as a sponsor I just gave her your
    debit card that’s not that’s not okay
    for for me we’re gonna have to talk
    about this after I gotta see ya hands up
    Oh baby I wanna see your hands gang
    put your hands up hands up hands up
    hands up hands up right now if I don’t
    get to see those hands up high someone’s
    gonna die so show me your hands right
    now all right okay they’re up I’m sorry
    dr. London
    do we have to keep her hands up
    I hate she threatened our lives so I’m
    gonna keep my hands up um yeah
    so baby well wow that was really really
    good really good yeah I was gonna say
    that’s great um thank you finally are
    those the fans outside yeah those have
    to be right yeah I think so gotta be
    someone uh so you mentioned something
    about getting your teeth removed today
    we’re actually talking about the mouth
    and one of the aspects of them what a
    right so um could you tell us about uh
    the reason why you’re having 90% of your
    teeth removed well they all chipped and
    cracked all 90% of your teeth yes I got
    the cast I got the teeth cast but it
    just didn’t repair the way that they
    thought that it would so I’m having to
    go in and get them removed you did get a
    cast on your teeth yeah 90% of my teeth
    I had an entire belief system hmm and
    surprisingly mine as well
    I got a ask was saliva spewing out of
    those crack teeth all day see okay so I
    did know that for sure but saliva is not
    a bone okay now just to clarify their
    saliva does come from the salivary
    glands and it’s it is located near the
    teeth but the teeth themselves don’t
    secrete saliva it’s sort of so I always
    thought blood came from broken skin but
    now I’m starting to think that blood
    comes from bones in your body right
    bones are spewing blood except for the
    one exception mouth bones see that’s
    where you spewed the salad the Salzburg
    mouth grant yeah the met the blood of
    the mouth which is a lot okay well to
    clarify there it sounds like eating this
    is bringing real science to the common
    people this is great your teeth are not
    something that it’s the big bones that
    make the blood so your little teeth
    they’ll bleed but it won’t be where the
    blood is made oh yes they will bleed I
    will say right now red blood let’s say
    big boned around Andy okay she’s been
    called that all her life you don’t want
    to see what she how she responds okay
    she has already threatened our lives so
    I’ll see like a bird boat of that that
    means something very different
    well so who was big boned oh no I said
    Dylan are you gonna let him talk some i
    said i said bird boned hello okay
    I am very delicate and bird boned and
    Hollow absolutely okay well well that’s
    great to hear
    so you said play my hit song boost d.o
    boost a baby get your hands up high
    get your hands up now I never put him
    down they’ve been up the whole time
    well it’s so great to hear that you’re
    coming out with more music have you
    thought about changing the the musical
    the backing tracks for any of your songs
    why their fire I yeah I wouldn’t change
    it it slaps yep it just seems like maybe
    if you have some variety in there I’d
    like it but it’s sort of just one thing
    over and over and what if you try
    changing it up with a different song a
    different beat why don’t you stay in
    your lane in your doctor Lane because
    what you’re not understanding is that
    these are clips of all of the same song
    called boost II what are you not
    understanding about that what you went
    to school for 12 years just to not
    understand that it’s all clips of the
    same song called boost II I really don’t
    think it needs to be explained how
    unstable she is but you still antagonize
    her over and over so maybe you like okay
    it sounds like that’s a good time to um
    to move on to our next segment
    do we have any sponsors today Cameron
    and I sorry I do want to clarify not
    someone that we are paying because
    that’s apparently an me and I’m not okay
    with that
    but go on any sponsors today we do dr.
    our sponsor today is balls-deep dating
    but the first and only dating service
    for human cannibals cannibals
    nananananana cannonballs the people who
    kind of roll themselves up and get shot
    out of a cannon and it’s called ball
    balls deep dating so if you are a cannon
    ball man and you are seeking a cannon
    ball woman if you I mean if you like
    fitting into small spaces if you have a
    bunch of gunpowder laying around I’ve
    actually been using this app quite a bit
    lately have you I feel like you never
    talked about your being a human
    cannonball but well that it
    unfortunately that is part of it dr. Len
    and I had to sort of lie to sign up and
    mislead some people and to saying I was
    a human cannonball which unfortunately
    led to me going on a date with a pretty
    nice cannon ball lady who did to prove
    myself she did force me to crawl into
    her dryer and unfortunately she just
    closed the door and turned it on and
    left it doesn’t sound like she was
    proving herself
    I guess maybe you climbed in wrong eye
    that must be it because I I thought if I
    climbed into the dryer that would prove
    that surely I could be shot out of a
    cannon right but then she just turned it
    on and I don’t I say she left from it
    sounded like she just turned on TV okay
    did well you say she slit other clothes
    in there did you get out of the urine
    with clothes yeah okay so I didn’t want
    to stop him for you know the clothes
    were dry right did you so you did stop
    it after the clothes were dry yeah oh
    yeah once I detected that they were dry
    I kind of popped it open got out of
    there but it’s important here on
    balls-deep dating if you like being shot
    out of things other than a cannon such
    as a catapult do not use this site they
    will be very very very mean to you on
    this site and they track you down
    I mean the way technology is I would
    assume oh they’re very abusive okay
    bullying people you’re saying this from
    experience yes because initially I was
    hoping oh okay
    maybe if I don’t say I enjoy being shot
    out of a cannon but I enjoy being shot
    out of a catapult that way I could talk
    about specifics that they wouldn’t know
    and it would be okay that I didn’t know
    their world mm-hmm but then they I mean
    they egged my car they egged my house so
    they found you a bag I mean they egged
    my mommy and my dad they they egged
    people yeah shot it out of a small
    cannon egg-sized cannon absolutely
    Wow that’s okay well that’s sorry to
    hear but but it is not for cannibals
    okay so we should distinguish that yes
    cannonballs not cannibals cannonball
    lists not cannibals right okay that war
    catapult is yeah it seems like they
    could have gotten in trouble so good
    that we clarify that well um and so the
    app is called balls-deep dating all
    right all right thank you to our sponsor
    thank you for all your help
    yeah thank you thank you Andy and I you
    sound like you’re pretty busy though huh
    like maybe do you have anything else
    you’re needing to uh maybe you’re too
    busy to come by
    yeah sometimes yeah and I mean I I don’t
    want to put words in your mouth or
    anything but it seems like you just
    sound so busy with your music so busy
    yeah but uh if you’d like to stay then
    you could while we go on to our next
    Cameron from what I understand you’ve
    been spending a large amount of your
    time volunteering in areas of town that
    maybe they’re underprivileged is that
    right oh well they’re underfunded okay
    very specific ways how are they
    underfunded in what ways well the the
    places I’ve been helping out
    specifically don’t have a roller rink in
    our city there’s 37 roller rinks there’s
    a hundred and fifty different
    neighborhoods you do the math on that
    dr. London that actually sounds like we
    might have more than we need for the
    given area no that means we’re missing
    like I don’t know I don’t want to I’m
    not a math guy but six or seven hundred
    roller rinks well okay so what are you
    what are you doing in town then are you
    just like raising awareness or are you
    starting your own roller rink company
    just kind of bitch in I’m going to
    different people and just kind of
    complaining it like I’m kind of holding
    my rollerblades
    and saying I’ve had no place to use
    these but I really think it’s kind of
    transforming communities in new and
    exciting ways that we haven’t yet seen
    well I’m glad to hear that you’re you’re
    making a difference and you know you’re
    in your own way and your own place it’s
    that’s great to hear this I this year
    alone mm-hmm I’ve told 7,000 people that
    there’s no roller rink in their
    neighborhood and I want to hit eight
    thousand by the end of the year all
    right that sounds great um Annie have
    you done any volunteer work no why would
    I be volunteering when I’m so busy with
    my music career okay
    fair answer have you have you considered
    any charities or something I know a lot
    of artists will will sort of try to
    raise money for a given charity whenever
    they you know raise sort of whenever
    they put out music doesn’t it I’m just
    gonna tell you right now she sees
    charities as thieves so I’ve just tread
    lightly here I do have a corporation
    that I work closely with and it’s gloves
    for poor people and it’s gloves so that
    when you poop in your hand and you lower
    it into the toilet it doesn’t touch your
    skin it touches the glove and then you
    just leave the glove in the toilet and
    how much do those gloves cost $39.99 per
    glove yeah okay
    I work closely with this organization
    and we really are doing some great work
    in the poor community a lot of those
    people are having to touch poop with
    their hands let’s just say that do the
    gloves they do disintegrate in the water
    No so these gloves aren’t designed for
    the toilet
    they’re just latex gloves that that cost
    that sounds pretty pricey for a
    for Layton there’s one glove in each
    pack that okay so so for one glove it’s
    $40 then $39.99 39 do we do you want to
    combine ideas maybe that might work kind
    of take the glove thing in the roller
    rink thing and kind of make it the same
    thing how would you combine those two I
    figured you’d go into these under-funded
    areas right and you say you don’t have a
    roller rink and you’re pooping in your
    hand okay so they have this solution for
    both well I don’t have I don’t want to
    stress I don’t have a solution for
    getting roller rinks there right I’m
    more pointing out that there isn’t one
    where there could easily be one in
    similar situation with the gloves that
    they don’t have a glove I don’t have a
    glove she does except only have one
    that’s all I can’t afford yeah they’re
    no one’s we’re not as rich as you doctor
    in London well they’re $39.99 from what
    I’ve heard yeah we can’t just throw
    around 39.99 like you can we have to
    hold it in until we have 39.99 to buy
    the glove and then we have to wait a
    couple of days for the shipping and then
    we go we’re only getting to go once or
    twice a month it must be nice to be a
    doctor who can afford to poop every day
    all right well these are issues that I
    was not aware existed although is this
    only because you want to have a stealthy
    poop because which you’ve never had to
    experience don’t even know what it is
    you don’t understand the struggles of
    everyday people we have to have stealthy
    poops is there a reason for that
    predators they can smell they can hear
    when you say predators what what type of
    God do you mean like sort of lions
    tigers and bears that kind of predator
    just anything you can imagine any type
    of predator so you haven’t seen these
    predators but you suspect
    to them and that’s why you wear a glove
    well you use my instincts I can smell
    them in the wind well and I mean I’ve
    seen lions I’ve seen Tigers have seen
    Pumas Jaguars have seen cheetahs I saw a
    bobcat the other day I seen bobcat with
    these awesome traps I’ve seen or have
    you seen them in person in person I’ve
    seen Penguins – at the ceiling wins
    you’ve said had we seen them right and
    I’m you said there were that there was
    no such thing as a predator and we just
    listed I mean 30 or 40 right there
    flamingos eagles if you did you go to
    the zoo recently and that’s why is that
    what you’re listing here animals you saw
    at the zoo I’m listing predators that
    I’ve seen in real life because that’s so
    important to you okay so so you’ve seen
    these predators and you fear that they
    will go after you if you do not have
    stealthy bowel movements well I don’t
    fear anything but but you’re saying the
    the people you work with may yes okay
    and that is why you’re thinking of
    combining businesses with the roller
    skating rink and the glove yeah okay
    well that’s I’m not sharing the world
    one neighborhood at a time all right
    well one package of a single glove at a
    time mm-hmm it’s great that you’re
    trying to give back to to society trying
    to get back to the world and help those
    less fortunate than yourselves I’m not
    sure that this is maybe I’m not sure
    this is the best venture to to use for
    that pursuit and II you can just use the
    debit card that I gave you to buy more
    gloves and then we could sell like
    yeah that was my plan all along okay no
    okay no ahead dr. London talk about
    that’s uh like bone juice or whatever
    you’re talking about okay well uh I
    guess that’s I guess that’s about it
    right is there anything else
    Andy do you have anything else to
    promote I know you had your music okay
    Oh baby booty baby I want to see your
    hands right now you listeners we have
    not lowered our arms throughout this
    recording I’m kind of getting used to it
    though I am NOT this is this is painful
    this is fine for us so I am trying to
    sort of just cut this thing short all
    right well thank you to to Andy for
    coming by again I hope that you you
    solve whatever issues you were having
    thank you for sharing you your music the
    different segments of the one song with
    us and I hope that inspires people to as
    we all hope music inspires and Cameron
    to thank you as always for helping us to
    keep to what the listeners want and DJ
    Dylan thank you for that
    all right and my name is London and this is jock doc thank you
    for listening and Mandy congratulations
    on graduating from medical school thank
    you wow what an episode my favorite part
    was the podcast but we want to hear your
    favorite part please write a five star
    review on iTunes and let us know what
    you love most and what you hated most
    and who you hate most
    based on our listener stats we seem to
    have a lot of astronaut haters but we do
    hope to change that we are jock doc
    podcasts on social media so
    please let us know your thoughts on
    astronauts there that is unless the
    thing you hate is me are you oh yeah you
    don’t so I so I there is a group on
    Facebook called Cameron haters and it
    has 350,000 users yeah quick well here
    let me solve this a little bit if you
    give the podcast a one-star review okay
    but this is an honor system thing you
    have to truly feel like it was a one
    star worthy episode we will send you $35
    no that is not $35 just to prove how
    much we care about our listeners even
    our haters even these people who are
    just hate-filled you will get $35 in the
    yeah is it wait you say that that’s just
    because they made a group hating you
    that you want to pay them to stop hating
    you a it’s not paying them to stop
    hating me it’s giving them $35 every
    time they have a complaint about me so
    that they will like me well uh what we
    are don’t don’t do it if you think it’s
    a 5-star show right as an honors thing
    don’t if you just need $35 just text dr.
    London he’ll give it to you but don’t
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