Episode 22: Acute Pericarditis/TRUTHcast

Hey kids you’re about to listen to a

comedy podcast that means that none of

this is medical advice if you need

medical advice or medical care please

contact your doctor

welcome to the jock doc podcast featuring

dr. London Smith follow dr. London on

Tik Tok if you’re a true Stan of the

podcast now introducing your host dr.

London hello and welcome to the

Jock Doc Podcast where we discuss

fitness and health and how to

incorporate our modern understanding of

science and medicine into our daily

lives but without it being so boring I’m

your host dr. London smith.com

I’d like to begin by apologizing to our

listeners we’ve received some complaints

that my wording has been too complicated

with words such as basic human decency

and a sense of self-worth so I’ll try to

keep that in check in the future here to

help with that is our producer Cameron

on the given day

Cameron can be found sniffing around

everywhere from back alleys to our

highest political offices listening for

the latest in trends in order to better

inform the podcast with what you the

listeners want to hear and honestly Dr.

London the highest offices and a back

alley what’s the difference yeah you

know know what so I haven’t done the

sniffing that you’ve done like I yeah

but are the highest offices in a back

alley okay so when you said that you you

go to the highest offices you just mean

you’ve gone to back alleys yeah where

you’ve seen what you think are offices

yeah and they’re they’re high as hell

man like L in terms of elevation or yeah

okay all right well so so in that case

so don’t be surprised if Cameron sniffs

his way into all of our hearts by

offering fine-tuned nudges to the

podcast to keep us on track also with us


hey kids this is comedy





oh okay well okay DJ Dylan all right I

like it yeah

and later Cameron tells me that we can

expect a scientific expert on the show

that’s right so look forward to that

before we move on I would like to

address a bit of listener feedback quote

my sister just got her backside whooped

for putting a hole in the wall of stairs

after dropping a 25 pound pumpkin down

the stairs after my mom told her

repeatedly to stop carrying it up and

down the stairs as it’s about her size

she’s almost six I stand this backside

whopping because now I understand

finances and the way my bank account is

set up I know there ain’t much better

considering there’s four of us and then

smiling crying face smiling crying face

end quote so first of all thank you so

much for reaching out to us here at the

Jacque podcast we love hearing from our

listeners and having the chance to give

a little bit of advice when we can to

answer your question it sounds like your

sister had an unfortunate time with that

pumpkin so at the age of six I’m

surprised she was able to carry a

pumpkin of any size of that size

certainly 25 pounds you couldn’t carry a

25 pound pumpkin at 6 I I don’t think I

tried but I also I don’t think so now

you know what I was carrying when I was

six I like dirt a backpack you know what

was in that backpack I’m gonna say dirt

again because that 215-pound

pumpkins Wow that’s 30 pounds yeah okay

no I did the math why why were you

carrying those in a backpack to get it

from point A to point B so that I could

do see okay so let’s break this down

that what was what was point B if you

started at Point a yeah started at Point

a got it to point B okay mile north well

north okay and then from there yeah what

was point C that is what I’m still

trying to figure out so when you were

six years old and it’s been gonna say

decades you

and you you if you aren’t still carrying

those that backpack with the two

pumpkins in it well I mean with modern

technology I feel like it’s a lot easier

to kind of kind of you know pull these

pumpkins around see it’s like a million

lever system now it’s kind of evolved

and you’ve been carrying these around

since you were six yeah and you you

don’t know why well I guess you do know

why because you want to get to Point C

yep but you don’t know what Point C is

is there any like purpose I don’t know

if I’ve experienced point C in a

conscious way does that make sense

Wow I don’t know no it does not because

I think on some level are we not all

experiencing C and so when you think of

that when you think of like this these

kind of like broad spectrums that we all

kind of pick up on right could that not

be C and is that not why I have these

two pumpkins C you might have already

reached it so why would you still be

carrying those pumpkins because can you

say you’ve reached it if you’re not

aware that you’ve reached it look I’ve

spent I mean I’ve spent a lot of time

thinking about this I should give you

more credit I can’t imagine the amount

of time here okay well I guess we’ll

move on in any case studies have shown

that the tradition of spanking which was

also an issue in this listener feedback

that can be harmful to the psychological

development of children so I’m not sure

that it’s wise to stand that in any case

we appreciate your feedback and look

forward to hearing from you again here

at the Jacque dock podcast dr. London

what do you stand don’t believe we’ve

discussed this on this show yes so I

stand I guess learning yeah

and fitness and health and you what do

you stand I know this guy named Stan so

when you stand you just think of a

person when I say I’m standing

means I’m probably whatever the thing is

I’m gonna text it to the guy stand okay

he hates it I text him all hours of the

night and you’ll say oh I’m standing

this TV show I

have you seen peaky blinders I’m

standing it right now and usually that

means I’m texting stand 3:00 4:00 in the

morning so you know this guy standing

usually just the words peaky blinders

how do you know him I looked him up

where just where you look up names okay

so you found someone names this is so

you heard about this whole sort of trend

of saying I stand that every person

these days kids old people they’ve all

got their buddies stand and here I was

like a fool okay

I had nobody Stan didn’t know us Stan so

I found one and this is you googled and

now I’m like ah have you tried these

cosmic Crisp apples I’m standing it

right now and that means I’m texting him

the words cosmic Crisp apples no stop

he’s saying no stop yeah I was trying to

sleep about work in the morning I think

I assume that’s part of it

I when I hear people’s talking about

their standing this and that I never

hear like oh and Stan is really happy

about it so I just assume that he is

unhappy with that you think everyone

Stan is different okay this is sort of a

cycle it’s sort of a nature versus

nurture thing yeah it’s a it sounds like

for you that whole trend is a lot deeper

and more meaningful than for other

people yeah I think a lot of people

naturally have a stand but for me I had

to I had to get that through nurture you

know okay and does this have any

correlation to the point see have you


oh that’s interesting I should I should

stay in point see okay all right well

let’s move on now for a tale from the

surgical clinic we had a patient who

presented with

no hernia and that’s where there’s a

point in the abdominal wall that that’s

like in your sort of stomach and it kind

of break kind of bursts out between the

muscles this is sort of an outpouching

of their digestive tract and so he has

this abdominal hernia but the entire

time he was in the clinic he would just

not stop talking about his martial arts


so every time we talked about his

surgery plans he just would change the

subject by offering to give me a

discount if I went to his class and

though I’m sure that the exercises and

skills learned would be of some benefit

I did decline his offer because you were

afraid he’s gonna kick your ass all

right I know I didn’t think he was he

might have been able to he was larger

than me but a lot of the part that was

larger was coming out of him right

through the hernia yeah so I’m not sure

so he got his karate strength from his

hernia okay no I think the kind of

medical science knowledge that people

tuned in for I so this is amazing it’s a

consequence of increased abdominal

pressure that was probably okay well

move on to today’s medical topic acute

pancreatitis acute pancreatitis is an

inflammation of the thin sac that

surrounds the heart it can be caused by

a multitude of issues but is usually

associated with a viral infection

clinically it presents with chest pain

that is pleuritic meaning that it is

worse when taking a breath or leaning

back and it is relieved by sitting up

and leaning forward I’ve never had an

infection go viral

took them you know I’ve tried anytime I

get an infection what do I put it on

everything all social when you see a

hashtag the hell out of it when you say

an infection I get maybe 30 out it maybe

30 likes across all platforms which I

doing wrong are you talking about a rash

or something yeah my infection when you

say it like you like you still have it

and own it well it it adds and flows

it’s not it’s not ever gone okay

sometimes it’s at a hundred sometimes

it’s at a four you know some viruses are

like that yeah yeah so okay so to go

viral it I’m at a loss yeah viruses in

this case are actually a little bit

different this is sort of the medical

virus so be causing like there’s

bacteria and there’s viruses and then

viruses will cause disease yeah okay so

you’re saying I need to be maybe

appealing more to the medical side of

the social media doctor meme sites stuff

like that I mean I’m in one way I would

say you should go to a doctor about your

infection you think you can give me but

I’m also setting hash tags – well I’m

saying when I put this out there I can

also say I’m just thinking like you know

the common everyday American there could

you know they’re seeing all these like

things go viral when these all these

different infections go viral and

they’re you know liking it loving it and

so I’m thinking you know if I can just

kind of like put myself out there a

little more maybe push myself to get the

kind of like craziest nastiest smelliest

infection I can smelliest yeah you think

that would help over social media I

think if I could get someone maybe you

know in like I’m you know I’m videoing

the infection what what is that smell I

think that could go viral I so on a lot

of clinical social media you don’t see

pictures of some infections and things

and those have a popularity to them but

i’d i don’t think it’s viral in the

sense that you think it is necessarily

well i don’t think it is that’s the

issue okay so i’ll go back to finish up

yeah yeah yeah so about acute

pancreatitis if you listen with a

stethoscope you may be able to hear

what’s called a pericardial friction rub

which is the audible sound of the

pericardial sac rubbing against the wall

of the heart an EKG acute pericarditis

looks like a heart attack with st

elevations except that instead of being

localized to one area of the heart you

can see the st elevations diffusely in

all leads

most patients recover from this in one

to three weeks with the use of NSAIDs

like ibuprofen it sounds like your

infection has lasted longer than the one

to 3 weeks though yeah but a lot longer

well how much longer well I told you

since I was six this has something to do

with the pumpkins I can only assume it

must but I don’t know if it’s the

pumpkins or if it’s the walking a mile

north every day with the pumpkins that

does it so the point B which was a mile

north yeah

from point A and do you say a mile no it

sounds like an odd direction I mean at

least you earth is the least odd

direction I can possibly think of I

would say north is north is viral north

is easily the most popular direction I

North Star North Pole north west i i

guess i’m i it’s hard to North by

Northwest which is like a South by

Southwest either offshoot or just kind

of all changed without parroting the

name or something I don’t know it some

festivals I’m sorry okay people love

north north face yeah I feel like south

also gets like you’ll refer to with the

south mmm-hmm wait if they go to now the

southern region of the United States

then they’ll say like the South the


some of them will say like the south

will rise that kind of thing I mean like

Southwest like the airline but that’s it

okay oh okay so that sounds odd

I will Cameron you said that uh we have

a guest today is a scientist is that

right we do dr. London okay

hello there oh well I should probably

specify that I was standing the podcast

and I am NOT a scientist no I’m not well

you’re a very learning fellow Thomas yes

yes but um I think I would be doing a

dishonest thing if I tried to present

myself as a scientist exactly really we

needed medical help here I’m having an

issue with my see connected to my two

pumpkins yep okay well that’s

so I guess Cameron sometimes Cameron

misinterprets things

if someone says like they have something

that’s a sign that the words the points

II meant scientists somehow or no okay

how did you connect them how do I

connect a and B to see that the first

three letters of the alphabet no I

yeah I mean I I’m not a learn it fella

like you dr. London but dyi

yeah like listen I’ve done my research

and you are I don’t want to say a

handsome man dr. London but you are very

beautiful so Cameron is clearly the

brains of the operation

yep Cameron I I had someone try to

reattach my foreskin to my C and it’s

been bleeding and I asked Thomas to take

me to you because I figured being a

producer of a medical podcast

you’d be able to offer some assistance

whoa dr. London smith.com just watched

on for moral

or sort of like a young Gavin Rossdale

from the band Bush yes yeah and quite

disturbing Dickies been bleeding for two

days straight we’re trying to find a

solution here absolutely I mean yeah dr.

lund is not gonna be any help at like

you said he’s like Gavin Rossdale

I think Gwen Stefani divorced him at

some point blah blah blah so what you’re

talking about right now blood rushing to

the penis that’s normal that’s a

completely grounding he said you and out

of yeah so you know that’s you know you

know not to get a little blue we try to

keep things a little clean on this show

but when a man is feeling a certain way

he’s watching a certain movie I believe

watching a certain movie he’s watching

peaky blinders

he’s blinders and they’re bootlegging or

whatever is just really getting him

going and blood starts rushing down to

his sea and so what you’re supposed to

do when that starts happening is find

someone or I guess something and then

you do the thing so it could be a

pumpkin so you said two days ago you had

I think with the jack-o’-lanterns it

might make things easier to have like

holes that are specifically that size

and shape well I had foreskin

reattachment surgery no attachment

reattachment why did you feel the need

to have the reattachment ha and you call

yourself a doctor

I’m sure Cameron’s told you many times

but you were too busy looking at your

beautiful beautiful face in the mirror

and did not pay any attention but they

remove the foreskin from young men to

get us used to ritualistic mutilation

which leads to vaccinations so I just

kind of wanted to go back to the

beginning and have my foreskin

reattached yes

since deke is technically still an 11

year old boy he is within the window

that it can be done fairly easily

I’m only pure baby absolutely I think

you can do it at the mall I got eclairs

I’m a guy in the mall parking lot who

said he could do it this is what got us

here yeah great

okay and so I’m sorry we should have

done in by the way dr. London I thought

you knew my feelings about circumcision

I’m obviously an anti circumcision

activist it’s what I send you but all of

my free time doing and talking about and

posting about online I guess because you

don’t say outright you don’t use the

word circumcision you always use terms

like slicey dicey or whatever I go snip

snip snip uh-huh I just do that yeah

sort of like yeah like when Newman’s on

Jurassic Park and he’s saying like

something something oh yeah I’m doing

that 30 40 times a day but you do that

with the Newman thing and so it’s it

looks a lot like you’re just a fan of

Dre yeah I hacked your computer and I

made it where that’s the only thing that

happens on it it’s me going snip snip


whenever you do this to only my computer

you spend all of your time doing that

well it took a lot of time to figure out

how to do that

okay I okay so that all of your time

went more into researching how to create

a how to permanently have your computer

screen be a screen saver of me of my

face and my fingers doing kind of like a

snip snip for the listener you know

think of you know Uncle Joe exactly cut

it out I could change it to except

except in this case it’s off right yes

listen dr. London smith.com huh I don’t

want to tell you how to do your job

you’re a doctor we get it you went to

medical school you can use fancy words

like forceps and botched and stat

Cameron is a producer of a medical

podcast show so he’s able to speak to


man he’s sort of like a translation

expert I don’t mean to mansplain this to

you dr. London but you’re very pretty

like a lady and sometimes it’s just

coming out naturally damn you’re

gorgeous okay

and I must admit you’re the first guest

who’s complimented me this this heavily

usually I’m bleeding more and I feel

like it’s could you may face thing is

losing a lot of blood here we I think we

need to act quickly should I put on okay

so I have a surgical mask here would you

like me to put that on please

okay well let’s stop his bleeding no

obviously this is new because you’re

young you’re 11 you’re going through

puberty this is all new to you but this

is common every day I come home and I

bleed out my dick for an hour and a half

right now it’s your flows gonna be

pretty heavy because you’re going

through the worst of it but it will calm

down it’ll be more sporadic your body is

going through many changes now III think

you need to listen to your body and you

know find your limits and that’s going

to take maybe a little bit going past

your limits sometimes oh yeah I’m sorry

Kerry London I know you’re an expert on

Fitness but how about you try to fitness

knowledge into your your pretty little


right well okay for one that Cameron how

long have you been bleeding out of your

since I was six years old I keep saying

this okay in that you’re not a very good

list have you ever mentioned this to

your doctor you are my doctor no no I’m

not I’m we work together in this

capacity but I don’t you know I don’t

see you as a patient I think that’s the

first problem you don’t see Cameron as a

patient that you just see him as a

producer here you’re objectifying him

okay well I should clarify for our

guests here that producer doesn’t mean

that he produces every aspect of the

podcast producers more the sound and

equipment side of it so I I’m the one

who you know teaches the medical lesson

that kind of oh thank you for

mansplaining this to us dr. London

smith.com does it mean that he also

produces the majority of the medical

advice as we are still waiting to stop

Vicki’s bleeding okay so for that he’s

produced the hospitality by inviting us

yep so you should go to the hospital if

you’re if you’ve been bleeding for two

days well you should actually call the

surgeon to let them we that that is a

problem because we are banned from the

hospital you’re there you’re banned from

the hospital yes you’re banned from the


I find myself banned from most places

really been there buddy

oh why were you banned from the hospital

which hospital okay well let’s say that

the one the closest one to you where you

would normally go in the event the

urgent care yeah probably the earwig

incident okay

what what happened with the earwig

incident well you know how neti pots

work well go ahead and for our listeners

it’s getting you know like neti pot you

have like you get the hot water going

and you have that little pot thing that

you’re supposed to put in one nostril

yeah yeah bring your head to the side

while putting earwigs in your ear

yeah the earwigs did not want to come


and yeah they looked at it as some sort

of Halloween prank oh yeah he seems to

have a colony of earwigs living inside

of us at any given moment

oh so they’ve multiplied yes yes yeah

it’s an it’s an entire ecosystem are

they are they moving dr. London you

don’t know how babies are made I my

understanding of how babies are made is

different from what you’re describing

what though describing a my ear wiggling

around in his head yeah that sounds

Thank You Cameron because normally for

one thing normally it’s more the closer

to the opposite end of the body that the

the baby-making tends to be made no

we’re talking about okay looks the

insect earwig oh you’re saying that the

babies have to be made in the inside of

your ear yeah the waxy warmth oh yes now

and then the embryo travels down into

the uterus let me verify my facts let me

look this up on dot-com the doy it

checks out you weren’t you were just

so thank you Cameron did or you medical

care that if you have any sort of

bandage that you could by apply pressure

to your you know the the part of your

genitalia that is bleeding let’s be

adult here and call it my see okay so

your see if you if you could find some

like some clean bandages and apply that

of a hair band okay not not a band a

bandage so oh this would be like gauze

do you have any clean bandages um I can

tear off a piece of my t-shirt for you

Dickey yes please

I don’t know how clean that’ll be but if

you have no other alternatives there

well let’s explore this Avenue are you a

clean guy I’m very very clean give them

a sniff Cameron there’s a nice Musk oh

yeah oh so yeah we’re off location for

us so I don’t actually have you know the

typical gauze that everything that we

normally apply for this sort of thing

and also you think for a fella named

doctor you would have some doctor

materials around nope yeah well normally

we just send people to the hospital but

it sounds like that’s really been ruled

out for you yes we would have to leave

the Midwest is there so what’s another

hospital that you are banned from let’s

see I can’t watch the television show

new Amsterdam I can’t watch reruns of

st. elsewhere Wow

I can’t watch reruns of General Hospital

so what about Doogie Oh cannot watch


so issues from hospitals could some of

this just be that it’s just TV Hospital

shows that are the issue no it’s more so

documentaries that that we consume okay

well I guess the point I’m getting at is

if there are any sort of non-fictional

not non TV non documentary like

sort of brick-and-mortar I guess no I

assure you this is purely non-fictional

we are consuming documentaries trying to

learn okay we’re trying to achieve

insider information in these hospitals

and how they operate so we watch

documentaries such as you know ER or

Grey’s Anatomy yeah Chicago Hope yes yep

well I’m not sure how we can really

address your problem just given that we

sort of lacked the resources here but

boy I didn’t realize how much show prep

Cameron has to do to get you to sound

like you’re on the ball dr. London

smith.com oh it’s a night doing some

real heavy lifting you’re doing God’s

work Cameron you’re doing you’re doing

some real heavy lifting

it’s a complete nightmare all right well

camera could I get an autograph while

we’re here because I don’t think dr.

London Smith that comes gonna be able to

help me out and it would sort of be my

wake a wish

yeah absolutely I don’t have a pen but I

mean you’re bleeding a lot oh yeah just

here get some of my blood on your

fingertip yeah well you get it right

from get it right from my see yeah we

don’t use the stick – that doesn’t seem

necessary well why would he use his

fingers that’s not sanitary dr. Smith it

is a calm right well it just seems it

said to put it in there was kind of okay

well I guess I offered well that seems

very helpful but I think it was I have

an autograph now yeah and I’m sorry

that’s that may be all that you’re

coming away with on this in this

interview so normally this podcast is

actually more for education rather than

to actually medical illness

oh good how are babies made okay I guess

the question trying to figure that out

for a couple of weeks now yeah so this

so far we’ve been it sound like we have

this issue of which type of baby you’re

talking about are you talking about a

human yeah human you know how like when

a man and a woman human are abducted by

aliens and the man has no recollection

of copulating with the woman but she

swears that she’s pregnant with his baby

even though he has no recollection of it

at all you know how do that work well it

sounds like possibly one either either

the existence of aliens and there’s a

this large intervention on their part or

possibly part of the story could be

fabricated by one of the parties there

dr. London the man or the woman are you

calling our guest a liar Oh was this you

Dickie was this you that this happened –

yeah yeah yeah was me I’m so sorry to

hear that so have you

where does this stand now in the

timeline of all that did that recently

happen or yeah where does wait I mean I

have no recollection of it well I was

standing a calendar and it looks like it

must have happened in about February cuz

that critters do oh and I meats a

critter I don’t mean like my sea critter

I mean the other kind of critter I think

that critters due any day now okay I so

on a number of levels I’m it seems

difficult to sort of figure out so

February you had this and the we are now

towards the end of the year we’re in

late early November so myspace Arab and

you know what I think I’m gonna have to

stand a map because you’re not offering

a whole lot of help I thought I was in

the United States of America not Canada

with useless government subsidized

health care because you’re not really

offering me a whole lot of help there

dr. London smith.com that’s what it is a

pretty basic question of how our babies

made and you want to know what month it

is pork this is what he does is he he

plays these mind games he asks these

questions that make no sense and then he

tries to convince you that it’s your

fault he says all this was your fault

is he abusive Cameron is it abusive to

tell someone that it’s it’s because to

you so then yeah is he laying hands on

you he will he be the same why well he

does pray over me every night so yeah

yeah I do lay hands on him for that

purpose against your will

well no I you know test well I’m not I’m

not confident in my own nightly prayers

and so I’ve made him like mine are just

kind of weak you know what I mean like

they’re just kind of like he was weak I

think you are not giving yourself enough

credit Cameron yes

Cameron we we do a podcast called the

truth cast which is to revelations

uncovered through heroism and Cameron

you’re what we would call a hero whoa so

on truth cast

if if you can’t write never ventured

that way he would maybe have have an

opportunity a platform but since we’re


probably let’s stick with sort of

medical science just because that’s not

really that’s not really what we’re

about kind of sticking to medical

science yeah why engage with real people

when we can just have our nose in a book

and say oh oh look at me I’m reading I’m

so smart I’m doctor London yeah I know

how babies are made depending on what

month it is dr. London with a nice jaw

and perfect skin and beautiful hair that

just kind of hangs over my eyes like

anime I look like a human anime doctor

I’m so beautiful I don’t have to know

about what babies are made in February

I’m sorry I I do apologize for my

appearance I don’t I had um I did wake

up like this I didn’t try to mm-hm I’m

so sorry

you should be puts people at ease it

doesn’t make them you know have excess

bleeding or anything well how many

people do you see with botched foreskin

eye surgeries admittedly at your age

admittedly few all right well so maybe

we’ll maybe we should both go on the

truth casts some time and we’ll oh hey

look who just invited himself out

yes Thomas Wow Wow I suppose we could

have you I well I mean I was gonna give

you know Cameron a plus-one but I you

know figured yeah I could bring the

deejay or something but

this is one DJ you don’t wanna quit I

mean hey dealer’s choice Cameron I mean

yeah man it is it is up to you I mean I

you know I was gonna invite Quinn

Stefani but I guess you’re gonna have to

take that spot now we’re just fine well

normally I know it’s fine I don’t even

care about no doubt so this is the first

time this isn’t the first time that

you’ve rented this issue because

normally you will tell me you’re going

to a party you have a plus-one

and then you tweet at Gwen Stefani speak

no boo do and say you’ll tweet at her

and say that your plus-one is taken but

she doesn’t reply yeah um yeah probably

because she’s been walking into spider

webs and she doesn’t want to get her

phone all sticky I don’t know what

you’re implying

yeah dr. London use your brain for a

little bit okay I’m staining Gwen

Stefani okay so so maybe we’ll be on

maybe did you don’t want to come along

to the truth cast podcast in case I

thought we were on the jock dock podcast

and not on the Supreme Court podcast

because someone’s judging quite a bit

whoa okay well that’s a good time to

just call it here I think we’ve had Pete

somewhat this dark energon care nearby

our guest got you in a corner and you’re

wanting to chicken out the urgent care

if I were to tell you where it is I

think they would know and they would not

let you in I can wear it as dr. London’s

surgical mask they won’t know it’s me

is there an is there an okay is there an

Asian market nearby ooh we don’t see

race that way but there was a market

with a lot of I don’t want to they they

had those um lanterns hanging that were

paper yeah it was an olive Kevin yeah

there’s an Olive Garden

so yeah Olive Garden that’s we were

asking for

where there’s an olive where there’s an

Olive Garden there’s a PF Changs I have

an idea Dicky I think I may be able to

fix you nice okay well thank you thomas

and thank you Cameron all right and uh

thank you

Dicky and thank you thomas for being on

the jock talk podcast Thank You Cameron

our producer look at the doctor needing

to have the last word and I really do

doctors have got complexes thank you to


the jock doc podcast let’s set the scene

for a moment you’re on a date the date

excuses themselves and you wonder if

this yes was the date excusing them okay

okay yeah you’re excused

Thanks okay so your date excuses

themselves and you wonder if this should

be the last date or if things should go

further I thought you were excusing

yourself here okay so but your date they

left their phone behind and unlocked you

naturally take a few hundred selfies and

set one as their background but you

still want time to have another surprise

later that’s when you open their podcast

app and subscribe to the jock dock

podcast boo boo boo and you leave a

five-star review

downloading podcast in which you detail

what you think of the dates so far and

where you think that things are going to

be headed you also go into the context

I’m sorry you also go into their


and text the last ten text recipients

with our handy website Jacques podcast

calm or maybe just a link to your

favorite episode if you do all this then

no matter how this relationship goes you

can always treasure the memory of when

your selfies helped further the

education of the masses with regard to

health and fitness what’s this what’s

this new podcast that’s on my phone I’ve

never heard of it thanks for listening

