51: Emphysema/Smokin barth and marylin

Oh hey kids you are about to listen to a

comedy podcast that that means that none

of this is medical advice if you need

medical advice or medical care contact

your doctor

welcome to the jock doc podcast

featuring dr. London’s submission learn

more faster with the medical mastered

introducing your host dr. London Smith

hello and welcome to the jock doc

podcast where we discuss fitness and

health and how to incorporate our modern

understanding of science and medicine

into our daily lives but without it

being so boring I’m your host dr. London

smith (.com) I’d like to begin by

apologizing to our listeners we’ve

received some feedback about the

excessive amount of technical medical

terms that I’ve been using such as

diffuse ST segment elevation and the cow

says Moo so I will try to temper my

terminology to a simpler one in the

future here to help with that is our

producer Cameron hi dr. London how are

we well soak your lads a lot you’re

allowed to just do your snarky little

thing but I can’t say hello and I’m

polite okay do you may do me to stop for

a second so you can say it

are you down yeah let me get ready

Alfie 5mm dr. London hello hello all

right so is that is that enough are you

good on the greeting yeah why are you

why are you slowing the podcast oh I’m

sorry so this is our producer Cameron

and Cameron is so deadly making sure

that our podcast stays relevant that

when he heard that the month of June was

coming up he began collecting June bugs

so that he would quote have enough

stashed up when June slams into this

town like a freight train

so Cameron prepped if there’s one thing

that I’m great at it’s preparing yeah so

so today is June 1st yes

so I’m not sure what you think June is

but a June is here June is now yeah it’s

a six-month of the has been sprung upon

us with without any announcement I guess

maybe not this is what I’ve been saying

for I mean at least 11 months now is

that we know that this is coming you can

deny the evidence and the science of it

all you want but we know that it’s out

there and we know that it’s about to

happen and now that it’s here we have

people saying well it was impossible to

know I mean the media was saying that

you know it could go one way or it could

go the other but it’s like if you

actually looked into the data you knew

that it was coming I’m sorry I’m just

frustrated yeah no I can I can tell and

how did the junebugs factor into this 30

June bugs for 30 days

wait 30 days has September April June

March November December January February

March April okay is that a rhyme for you

to remember all the months or is that a

run for you to remember how many days

are in the months yes I don’t remember

what its original purpose was but it I

definitely can feel when it’s right or

wrong okay so so you have 30 June bugs

and what’s your one butchered game plan

yeah one per day to do what with them to

keep them alive Oh

for the full month mmm-hmm for the full

month it’s like it’s like when you’re in

grade school and you have to take care

of an egg for a period of time to show

you how responsible you are oh if I can

do this then maybe we can actually get

through June alive okay you know

whatever you know some people have their

you know sort of lucky hat or something

and if this is how you get through this

month then that seems like a fairly

harmless oh you you think I’m doing this

for me I I’m doing this you dr. London

I’m doing it for your mom and your

children and your children’s children

I’m doing it for the earth like out of

solidarity out of saving the world you

haven’t thought this through okay we

need we need to go on I’m just getting

pissed I understand okay so also with us



didn’t pose


I’m just kidding please you haven’t

thought this through you need weave me

we need to go on I’m just getting pissed


did you enjoy our home yeah after it

enough hot for it here hello

nice one mm-hmm yes and later Cameron

tells me that we can expect a special

guest so look forward to that that’s

right dr. London all right but before we

move on I would like to address a bit of

listener feedback I found this note

painted onto wallpaper it had been

apparently glued to my car while I was

in the hospital the note reads quote you

know she wears brown shoes in town I

knew right away she was trouble end

quote so I’d like to thank you so much

to this listener we like to hear back

from our listeners to answer your

question I did not realize that wearing

brown or any other color of shoe carried

some you know implication about a

person’s character but do we know do we

know who this is in reference to is

there I mean it’s obviously gonna be

someone at your place of work right I

mean it’s one of the nurses you interact

with are they sort of a brown shoe where

well you say that as if brown shoe

you know denotes a character trait like

it seems like this is a sort of a

Sherlock Holmes Ian clue to sort of

maybe prevent something bad happening I

mean is there is there maybe a nosey

nurse that pokes around that’s wearing

brown shoes could she be stealing meds

should could she be killing patients

I guess the shoes are not the main thing

I notice about it you know could she be

the Sherlock Holmes type and the person

giving you the clue is the bad guy

trying to trying to get you to hate this

person who’s actually the good guy and

you’re the villain you’re the stuffy

boss you’re the police chief yeah yeah

who’s trying to take their gun and badge


yeah I’m not I’m not sure like this it

sounds like you’re what did you do so

confess so I just found this wallpapered

to my car like I I didn’t and I’m not

sure if it’s a nurse or someone just on

the street who decided to do this but to

be honest I’m a little I’m a little

annoyed that this was done to my car but

perhaps maybe the message is that I need

to make some changes to my own shoe

styles I’m not sure

because sometimes I wear brown shoes oh

then that’s a yeah you’re the you’re the

villain in the story again

confess what did you do all right like

it sounds man I told you when I sign

this contract to be partners in this

thing with you I asked where are the

skeletons in your closet I need to know

if there’s something that’s gonna take

you down that’s gonna end up taking me

down man and I wasn’t wearing is this

time oh the more you mention it the more

sick I become well to that listener

thanks for listening all right Cameron

do we have a sponsor today we absolutely

do dr. London we I’m really really

excited about this sponsor you know we

haven’t actually had a sponsor in a

while of dr. London and that that is on

my bad situation and for that you know

when we started my quarantine tips like

a while back and I did the whole

submarine thing the submarine warranting

to escape the virus yes

well I invited a lot of our sponsors and

funders on that submarine and most of

them drowned so my bad and it’s whatever

you know it’s in the past

you know well during this and it so much

happened during this pandemic and you

know lost lives and it’s it is really

really sad we have to be thankful that

we’re still here you know so did you so

you lured our and so we have a new

sponsor today that I’m so excited about

it is my favorite dr. London what’s your

favorite uh snack while you’re watching

TV yes popcorn probably sure sure but

let’s say all the popcorns out what you

got which is what you’re snacking on and

this is okay so maybe this is a chance

to bring in some sponsors that I like so

I like lime flaming hot cheetos okay

getting close what we call ooh yeah

getting so much closer what what do you

what what are you describing there it’s

like chips or absolutely

chips everyone loves chips there’s so

many different flavors and varieties and

you you would think that there’s a chip

for every single person out there right

because there’s so many different styles

but what if I told you unfortunately

that not everyone is able to eat potato

chips until now so like people who don’t

have teeth or is that relying till now I

present to you our sponsor mushy crisp

they’re the soggiest wettest crunchy

chips around it’s for people with

inferior teeth people who yea people

maybe people who have lost some teeth

maybe people who just want to take a

damn break dr. London we’re all working

so hard in this fast-paced world what if

I don’t want to sit around and chew so

give me that wet soggy oily nasty but

still little crunchy the wettest Moshi

is crispiest chips around Bush exists

you got every single flavor Under the

Sun we’ve got wet hot we’ve got super

soggy Cool Ranch we’ve got so the

flavors are based on them being wet

absolutely we’ve got soaked sour cream

and onion I mean these are some little


mushiya strips I’ve ever had dr. London

and I said the amount of time I’ve saved

by not chewing so much do you know what

I’ve been able to do with that time I

kind of I’m scared to ask I bought a new

shoe oh so a single shoe mm-hmm I didn’t

have time for both of them okay so

that’s so for our listeners whenever you

put a cracker in your mouth normally you

actually have you know amylase in your

mouth that will it’s an enzyme and your

saliva to go interesting if we were

talking about crackers but unfortunately

we’re not talking about chips dr. London

okay well so chips it applies to that is

what about mushy crisp so so your mouth

actually can naturally do this without

you doing any work at all

the machining like making it mushy have

you ever tried to swallow a handful of

chips without doing anything at all it

hurts like hell I if you put enough in

your mouth at once then it can overwhelm

sure or okay and there are people who

have you know deficiencies and their

saliva who have you know certain

conditions want to deny them potato

chips that’s what it’s like you’re like

these people who can’t produce the

proper amount of saliva they should

never be able to eat a chip does the gas

tank okay so so your mark so anyway

sorry I shouldn’t be so negative towards

these sponsors so this has come in a

bottle why do I spend so much time

chewing my food what the hell is going

on who is preparing my jaw strength what

for what who was making me do this

for what purpose dr. London are you

because you’ve gotten on about Big

Pharma but you’ve it sounds like you’re

leading up to big chip as if that I’m no

I’m talking about big chip and putt

we’re not big Chu oh that’s a normal

rate of all different food styles its

chewing in general they’re trying to

fatten up our jaws and strengthen our

teeths for some nefarious reason that I

don’t know and I think imagine because

it must be really weird one question I

have on this so you get what kind of

packaging does it come in because what

I’m imagining is you like you pick up a

chip and it’s just kind of drooping so

how does it stay soggy mushy whatever

it’s it’s just it’s in some Tupperware

so just something like loose Tupperware

and there’s just like a like kind of a

glob of of chips for zhiting in there of

kind of mushy soggy chips and they’re

soggy from water or from my company’s


that’s the secret dr. London okay you’re

you’re winking a lot as if saliva was

right I know I don’t know the secret

you just grit okay that’s a lot of

winking yeah just be happy that we have

a sponsor who hasn’t drowned yeah and

once again

can we just be thankful for that yeah

but I really do want to get to the

bottom of that cuz that sounds pretty

criminal in nature check out our sponsor

mushy crisp let me have my soft teeth


and now for today’s medical topic

emphysema emphysema is a type of chronic

obstructive pulmonary disease consisting

of a permanent enlargement of air spaces

distal to terminal bronchioles due to

destruction of alveolar walls in other

words the alveoli which are the very

small bubble like parts in your lungs

that allow for the exchange of gases

like oxygen and carbon dioxide

many of these alveoli are overstretched

so they don’t function properly this can

happen because of smoking which

primarily affects the upper lung zones

but it can also be due to either an

increase in the activity of protease

called elastase or a deficiency in an

anti protease called alpha-1 antitrypsin

activity and lungs

you see elastase is normally released

from neutrophils and macrophages and

digests human lung but it is inhibited

by alpha 1-antitrypsin and if you smoke

tobacco it worsens it worsens all of

those issues all those issues and it

increases increased oxidative stress on

the lung by free radical production free

radical production okay are you okay so

well I guess it’s nice to have an echo

as opposed to an interruption well I’m

your height man okay this is kind of a

newt you said we need to get our podcast

a little more hyped up what’s gonna do

that more than a hype man like at a like

a hip hop show someone who they kind of

you know they kind of repeat the words

that the rapper saying they fill in the

gaps they they kind of function as

background vocals as well

okay I think you may have misinterpreted

I mean it is nice the role you’re taking

but whatever you say that I said huh you

know we need to be more hyped up I think

I was trying to say liven up and it was

in reference to all the sponsors that

you know died due to your actions so

that that’s really I wanted to liven up

future sponsors by not you know causing

their deaths

but in any case thank you for yeah

echoing so both of those are great goals


– okay so God – not cause the death of

our sponsors as well as you know

supporting the medical lesson as opposed

to opposing it right right right

okay so clinically patients with

emphysema will typically present with

what are known as pink puppies puffers

so this means that they can breathe but

it takes a lot of accessory muscle

effort muscle effort so they are

stereotypically thin people who exhale

through pursed lips in order to keep

their alveoli open

yeah they thin as hell y’all diagnosis

is through pulmonary function testing

spirometry obstruction is evident

primarily based on a decreased fev1 or

forced expiratory volume in one second

so basically they take a deep breath and

they let it out as fast as they can into

a spa

that’s right and it measures how much

air that is that is increase lung


give me that lung capacity so chest

x-ray will likely not be too useful but

it may demonstrate hyperinflation and it

can be used to rule out pneumonia

pneumonia or non poncho ducks and of

course patients should be tested for

alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency

specifically there are many treatments

but smoking cessation smoking is one of

them for smoking cessation

looking’s the treatment so stopping

treatment is smoking so you want to stop

smoking because that’s the most

important intervene or many treatments

I’m looking at it right now there are

many treatments especially smoking so

quitting smoking can drastically change

the prognosis prolonging the survival

rate as as can home oxygen therapy other

therapies or treatments include

bronchodilators like anticholinergic

drugs and beta-2 agonists and in acute

exacerbations consider steroids and

antibiotics yep quitting smoking can

drastically prolong the prognosis

increasing the survival rate by smoking

more other treatments include

masturbation okay no okay this is not

that type of so symptoms and severity

will change treatment approaches I’m

sorry acute masturbation’s yes okay

exacerbations that was no word there

it’s not it’s exacerbations but symptoms

and severity will change treatment

approaches and lung resection or

transplant could be potential options

for certain cases it could be but who

knows well usually that the physician

and the patient will discuss it it’s

sort of well I mean the way it’s written

here it says like well it could be I

mean like a peanut butter jelly sandwich

could be the cure here but who knows I

love that attitude it’s being open to


well it’s it’s not open to every it’s

just saying that this is one treatment

should the other ones fail and if you

know especially if they have say the

genetic disease that the enzyme

deficiency in any case yeah so so


the biggest takeaway there would be like

it just quit smoking is huge and

actually with regard to most diseases

quitting smoking can really help you but

who knows

Cameron you said that we have a guest

today we absolutely do dr. London and in

fact we have a very special guest today

and I would argue maybe objectively our

most special guests okay hello there as

well what can I give a proper

introduction please yeah sorry I

sometimes you don’t have one we’ll begin

that’s when I don’t know the person’s

name because they’ve just walked in I

can’t know every guest name that’s not

my job right we have with us today the

one in the only

the Tooth Fairy hey – oh hi Tooth Fairy

hey how are you how are you I’m great

nice to see you guys nice to see you as


sure uh hi that okay hello tooth fairy

um this is our producer Cameron my name

is dr. London Smith okay yeah you’re on

the jock tech podcast what I get what

brings you on the podcast today well

I’ve got I did I did change things up

during the pandemic and so I’m just kind

of here to lay things all out and say

things are not gonna go back to how they

were it was a lot of before that it was

a lot of trifling through

kids beds looking for their teeth no I’m

done doing that okay I have heard some

about this there’s been a lot of talk in

the news lately about like the new

normal and things aren’t gonna go back

to exactly how they were before there’s

gonna be adjustments to social norms is

that what I mean is that what you’re

sort of running into here yeah this is

what I’m saying I’m not going I’m done

I’m sick and tired of trifling throw

your kids beds looking further – any

time the little teeth know in the dark –

do you

I’ve always wondered this I have to ask

are you rummaging around like in the

dark knocking stuff over or do you have

some sort of like night-vision goggles

or do you just have good cat-like

eyesight oh no I’m definitely okay

waiting to get it out in the open as you

can see I don’t necessarily look like

what you guys have imagined I’m probably

much bigger yes

I’m not a lot of people they kind of

focus on the wings aspect and they kind

of think they go crazy they think fairy

you know no it’s really more like three

foot troll with fairy sized Williams yes

it only lets me hover a couple

centimeters off the ground right and

they’re more moth-like than fairy law

correct like shedding and dusty right

and I wouldn’t even say

bigger than I expected but more like

deeper as in like your your love beer

your death yeah yeah your length of

death is way longer than I would expect

any not just to ferry but any living

thing would be able to have that your

lumps are larger than any I had imagined

the tooth fairy I love be knobby these

are think yes okay get it out the way I

know this is the usual Joe and I got

what what do people what are your

friends call you can I just call you to


well really my friends this tooth fairy

my name is actually Bartholomew and so

my friends truly my friends call me

smoking bars yes oh great

and so I gotta I was about to say

smoking bars

I mean you smell terrible well I was in

the parking lot of smokin I’ve got a

couple bags amount now that I know your

full name the smell I totally right yeah

exactly yeah um so what I know what else

what else what else you got let’s just

get out the way well no I mean I want to

hear more about like your I mean you’ve

you’re talking about how much of a

struggle it is to just rummage around

and I assume as a frontline worker like

yourself you there’s probably been a lot

of concern lately with with diseases

going around and yeah I mean it’s kind

of gross to be to be like looking all

for all these teeth and stuff I mean do

you want to talk more about that well

yeah I mean we’re just switching

permanently to porch drop-off yes and

pickup okay I’m not going inside the

house anymore

everybody got time for this I’m not no

it’s better for you guys to know what I

really look like and who I really am so

you’ll stop having me come into your

kids rooms at night okay I’ve done with

it used to be working my advantage to

you preserve them to think oh it’s a

magical fairy let yes of course you can

come in my room if you’re a fairy but

I’m done with that so you guys just need

to see me for who I really am and

smoking bars and I need your kids teeth

okay leave them on the porch

and that’s another smoking thing I’m not

paying people trying to pay 20 bucks

further no they’re rather be 20 teeth in

there if I’m paying 20 bucks okay no you

have a pretty strict Rea there one tooth

one dollar and that’s generous in my

opinion but that’s that’s really

generous yeah I think I got a quarter

with ya I try to compromise pair come on

okay one one question I have and it’s

it’s just that I can’t help but see

their relation to the medical topic for


smoking birth you seem to vote for one

thing your nickname I’m guessing comes

from the fact that you you smoke

frequently yeah and I’ve lost all my

teeth do do it yeah so and I see that

you um like you you’re using your

accessory muscles to like you seem like

you’re struggling to breathe and I can’t

help but think that maybe and like as a

medical professional I would like to go

ahead and advise you to maybe consider

quitting smoking okay thanks for the


anyways so we’re doing porch drop off

and it’s only a dollar tooth alright and

I’ve only I’ve almost got a full set so

I’m really only needing about nine or

ten so y’all are gonna need to think of

something else to do when your kids lose

their teeth because I’m not picking them

up anymore

I’ve almost got my full set of didn’t

wait wait wait wait what so this entire

time I mean how long have you been doing

this you’ve been doing this for decades

right right I so you’ve only been able

to acquire how many teeth does a person

have like thirty well I want them to fit

right you know if I’m gonna have them

for the rest of my life I want them to

look a certain way you know I’m not here

for I’m looking for quality over

quantity here I’m getting quantity and

I’m looking for quality so oh so you’ve

you’ve received more than the 32 teeth

that like an adult has right I assume

you’ve probably received like billions

right and I mean I’ve got my separate

businesses you know I celled certain

vendors and things like that but

it’s neither here nor there what I’m

really here to just say is um why it

would bring that up if you if it’s

neither here that sounds very very much

here and there so so your purpose is to

come on the show is to talk about your

struggling business and the missus

pandemic and no not really

I’m business is fine kids are gonna be

losing their teeth no matter what yes

grown a virus or not I’m here to say I’m

not rummaging through your kids beds


we’re switching permanently to porch

pick up and not only that but it’s only

going to be a dollar or two okay so well

I’m I guess adaptions to business is

what I should have said rather than

struggles but um you seem what is the

purpose of the teeth because you said

you got a you’re trying to get a full

set is the purpose of gathering these

teeth to just give yourself a full set

of teeth yes I used to kind of hang

around the bar scene and kind of when

people would get into bar fights I’d

rumba dried quick get their tooth you

know and uh I realize that adult teeth

you know I’m not really the full size of

an adult so I don’t it looked weird it

looked really strange so you couldn’t

get a full set in there you would have

you would only be able to feel like a

cuddle and cameron’s emphatically again

here because he also goes to bar fights

to collect whatever falls on the ground

it’s a great business I mean it’s a sad

hustle for sure yeah I mean my that’s my

Etsy shop is bar stuff and it’s stuff

that I’ve acquired from bar fights but I

want to know you were talking about what

you have you what do you have vendors yo

who are that where the teeth going these

billions and billions of teeth that

you’re acquiring that you’re not using I

mean I just have lots of resources of

people that need children stays I don’t

you know I don’t really need to go into

all the details of all those things I

just these are just regularly asked

question should you you know could you

go into a little detail just the tiniest

bit could you give us just a little more

of maybe a clue of who one of these

people are and I should I should clarify

the reason we are asking is because 32

teeth of the presumably you know

hundreds thousands millions maybe

billions of teeth you’ve collected

surely you’ve had enough for those sets

of teeth and your primary you know

vocation in this career of yours I

assume would have to be dealing with the

vendors rather than trying to fill your

mouth with a proper set of teeth well

I’ve got a lot of different business

ventures really I mean one thing I do

with the teeth is as you can see I have

made armor and I’ve made weapons out of

them I’ve made a home I’ve made barred

for my animals um oh so you were saying

you were saying business ventures so

you’re keeping all of these teeth but to

build your own stuff is what you’re


I don’t I mean you cannot even imagine

the amount of teeth that I deal with

just on an hourly basis yeah it’s a

problem so I’ve found ways to funnel

funnel out all the teeth and even if I

can’t use them for my personal gain but

trust me I have used them for my

personal gain okay I have really built

you could say a kingdom yeah so the the

the like tooth fairy Kingdom part of

your back story is true yes but it’s

more of like a bunker it’s more of like

a preparing for the apocalypse

Topol okay so what’s usually depicted is

yeah maybe like a castle in the sky or

something like that yeah I know it’s

underground tunnel systems this is more

like a this is more like a basement like

an old-timey basement cellar and you

need the weapons for I guess mole people

the – yeah I mean just the times that

we’re in I mean if you haven’t realised

if you have it wised up to the times

we’re in

you’ve got another thing coming so

you’re you’re a huge gun advocate as


you know I’ll admit it I leave my

neighbors I’m not letting my kids die

I’m just gonna be honest my superpowers

being honest yeah I have extrapolated

this out and I won’t have to for a few

years cuz I got food and stuff but I’m

literally looking at my neighbors now

and going and I’m ready to hang them up

good him and skin him and chop them up

you know what I’m ready

my daughters aren’t starving to death

I’ll eat my neighbors right I will eat

your ass so I thought your superpower

was you know night vision maybe like

Cameron had said or like your whole

having wings being a fairy creature I

thought that was more your superpower

I’ve got plenty superpowers so is the

entire point like this dream of

acquiring a full set of teeth is it

entirely based around being able to eat

your neighbors not entirely but if

things get to where I think they I’ve

extrapolated it out but they’re going I

need them so this I feel like this makes

a lot more sense to me dr. London don’t

you agree cuz I was also wondering like

how could you have not found 32 perfect

teeth yet yeah if you’re searching

specifically for teeth that can eat a

human yeah I mean you’re gonna be picky

I would imagine and just teeth usually

aren’t designed for that as far as I’ve

seen like maybe in dinosaurs or

something but yeah I mean so I do I

totally know where the tooth fairy

a case Moke and Barth is coming from

like I I get it

I gotta ask real quick another another

cliche of the tooth fairy is like she

has or he/she whatever has a sort of a

wand with like a tooth on the end and

that I don’t know it’s a magic wand or

something like that do you have

something similar to that that would be

a tooth machete machete made out of

holes is this it is this like a um is a

blade that’s been

is this rounded teeth rounded together

into a blade okay okay

and I see that you one of your growths

you’ve actually done I well I guess what

is an artistic representation because

it’s it’s got you know the the eyes and

the mouth foreign with teeth

you know I guess poked into the growth

as well as its own little tooth oh I’m

Marilyn oh hi I’m Marilyn hello Marilyn

who is this well I mean I know it’s

Marilyn but who is this I’m smoking

Bart’s wife

I missed tooth lice that lives on this

head oh thank you for noticing me yeah

okay so that so the teeth were but

that’s okay okay so that’s another may I

talked to smoking Barth again real quick

sorry yeah hey Barth commute so can you

you built yourself a tooth wife yes I

keep her with me at all times yes how

long into into your your Tooth Fairy

journey did you decide that this was

your goal to build a companion this kind

of seems I mean this seems a little odd

to me right I mean dr. London this is

yeah this is oh well I guess my thought

is actually if it is able to sorry if it

was at Maryland is able to speak then

potentially yes then potentially the

growth like it took on a life of its own

I think this is beyond smoking Barth’s

control just physiologically it that’s

what I can see adding up here that’s

valid that’s valid Marilyn can we ask

are you on board with this eating your

neighbors situation only what ever smoke

in bars interests yeah she’s whatever I

eat we both eat through my mouth so

yeah oh so there’s a there’s sort of a

symbiosis going on here the tooth is

part of your even though it’s on top of

your head as part of your body that’s

what marriage is it’s a symbiosis of two

individuals coming together saying here

are my strengths here are my weaknesses

we’re coming together as one it’s a

symbiosis in this case your your

strengths would be your um your honesty

as well as your night vision shetty as

well as your ability to fly my mountain

of teeth my many businesses my massive

wealth guess I’m the full package I’m

not worried about me are you worried

about you yes to some extent what are

you eating you know what are you eating

for dinner

you know that’s what I’m curious about a

sandwich was was my plan peasantry in

case so you’ve been you’ve been focusing

more on curbside pickup and you’re

you’re expecting this to come to the

point I guess my real question is how

are you making money businesses I funnel

the teeth through just have lots of

vendors that name children yeah I wanted

to talk a little bit more about those

vendors I know you were saying you can’t

talk about them or you don’t wanna talk

about them and sort of you pivoted

towards you know you making weapons and

and all that kind of thing but who are

you you say you have a lot of suitors

you’ve got a lot of people requesting

for these children’s teeth can we get

like a glimpse like what industry are

these people and do you know or these

just are these just like random people

who call you up and say hey give me 30

teeth I send out a truck every Wednesday

to a bone garden

oh yes some people have you know they

use them for multiple things like

potions and things like that you know

some people use them for more than you

think you know many buildings are

actually made out of crushed bonemeal

used children’s teeth I mean they’re

gonna get rid of them anyways I mean

where’s the outrage here agree and I’m

not saying we’re not we were just this

is an outrage cancel culture you’re not

gonna be canceled just because you’re

given all these teeth over to this this

bone garden which like the owner of the

bone garden has come on as a guest and

they were murdering people that appeared

but they were running a business of a

bone garden and trapping Souls we were

young we personally as podcast hosts are

not here to throw judgment I cannot

speak for our listeners but in terms of

this environment you are you know we’re

just here to learn about you I know

you’re listening audience okay this is

the Casey Anthony podcast network okay

I’m well aware yes well aware okay so

what what are things looking like going


you switched you know it’s it’s curbside

pickup only what about the families who

will not comply with that rule and

they’re not getting their dollar for

tooth nope I mean that’s all that there

is to it sorry I mean really once you

know who I really am do you want me

around your kids I come up that is a

very very valid not what your around my

children or even my pets I’m smoking a

full pack of cigarettes before I crawl

up the tunnels under your kid’s bed I

mean that’s why I get in that’s what you


wow you’re you’re really you’re the

reverse Santa Claus

I don’t want to get into that son of a

bitch oh there’s a beef here apparently

I’m not gonna like it

I’m not talking about it my lawyers

actually say I’m not allowed to talk

about it so we need to move okay I don’t

I don’t want to probably do you have any

issue with the Easter Bunny or any other

of your peers I would not consider the

Easter Bunny my peer okay

why Easter bunnies the Easter Bunny is

an animal duh a demonic animal right

you’re a creature with lumps and growths

and moth-like wings and you’re I mean at

least I have wings what do you have a

big nose I’m just smoking Bart really

really destroyed you there dr. London

really made you look like a moron

all right well if we can get back to ya

I want to ask about your you know you

see you’re no longer tunneling from from

underground so what’s the process now

this curbside pickup are y’all just

driving vans is this like an amazon

pickup type thing I’ll just come up to

I’ll just come up through the sewer

outside your house that’s so much easier

oh that’s so much easier oh that does

sound so much easier if you guys want to

sure you want to drop your teeth into

the sewer oh my gosh that would save me

decades seriously Oh what about flushing

their teeth I guess yeah that would work

too so I mean at the end of the day just

maybe put a little note on there your

address so I can mail you a dollar or

just don’t expect a dollar anymore I

mean well no I mean you have an

obligation here you’re acquiring you’re

profiting off of the teeth you’re not

just acquiring it but you’re you’ve

built like a huge empire around it

you’ve got it you’ve got to pay your

where the materials come from

I guess people have just been baiting me

over their head what’s needing $20 a

tooth or you

kidding me do you know how little

baggage is no the the free market

determines the price of these things if

that’s if that’s what they’re worth and

that’s what they’re worth

yes I do want to emphasize once again

smoking Bart that maybe it maybe it’s a

good time to consider quitting smoking

because with all this going around thank

you and just so that you’re aware

there’s medication well yeah this is

this elitist attitude that dr. London

always has where he says Oh cigarettes

are bad for you because I want you to be

vaping instead by my vape and it’s like

dr. London go away okay I’m not 100

years old okay if you think smoking

Barth is gonna keel over any day now

you’re wrong okay once again you look

like it’s true to look at this creature

and then to decide to give them medical

advice is the height of arrogance dr.

London I’m just way above your league

and it just makes me laugh inside give

me all your your three-dimensional

disease so long you struggle to breathe

as I guess what what’s really indicating

to me boo shut up I’m not really it’s

kind of like fish out of water situation

I’m not really from this dimension so

much so yeah I mean it is a little

tougher to breathe here but the fact

that I can be from that dimension and

here and still breathing I mean that’s

more than you could ever do so laughable

can we hear a little bit more about your

dimension that you’re from yeah the

sun’s oh maybe more interesting than

whatever you’ve talked about so yeah I

I’m just good like I the Tooth Fairy is

obviously you’re a legend here you’re

one of the most famous people in the

world yes it’s super interesting to hear

your process I’m not sure I’m super

interested in like how obsessed with

teeth you are as much as I am this

transdimensional aspect like where are

you from

I’m from the fourth dimension so we know

about that one already we’re talking

about space and time well I’m talking

about the in-between okay like in the

like in the show like the quarantine in

between oh okay so you’re saying

Cameron’s got a great soda there yeah

got great soda you don’t have to tell me

I’ve been there

I was on I was on an episode a few weeks


it’s great the soda there is awesome

yeah I was born there yeah so for

listeners Cameron hid under a blanket

and drank soda and he called that the

quarantine in between he thought he’s

making a transdimensional trip mm-hmm

well from your small-minded perception

sure yeah from the type of person who

would look at a magical creature like

we’re looking at and say hey you should

stop smoking that kind of mind I’m sure

wouldn’t be able to grasp both what was

going on here I get it okay alright well

that’s I feel like we’ve covered a lot

of ground here also what’s the craziest

thing you’ve ever built out of teeth my

wife that is a good answer and can we

talk to your wife just one last time

before before we wrap things up here no

she’s asleep I’m telling you that was so

crazy she’s psychotic she’s straight up

my notic straight

telling you to put the toilet seat down

tell you to wash your hands sometimes so

I’m gonna tend to the kids and deal with

the dog I’m just like now all right well

it looks like another one of your

growths is starting to ooze something so

this seems like a good time to wrap it

up a little okay so remember curbside

pickup and you’re only getting a dollar

don’t get greedy okay and you there is

also an option to flush it down the

toilet if you do a Trask you if you

do attach your address or maybe attach

your venmo do you guys do you guys VIN


no but I could mail you a $1 check that

okay right we can’t address yeah you

just attach your address all right um I

thank you to smoke and birth into your

wife Marilyn for being on the show thank

you – Cameron our producer thank you to


oh really my friends my name is actually

parked all in so my friends truly my

friends call me smoking bars


my name is dr. lemon smith.com and this

has been the jock doc podcast see ya


moisture gathering where you sit maybe

it’s some sort of nerve problem these

things happen but the warming sensation

begins to turn cold which becomes more

and more noticeable and you start to

think that maybe it is time to check

things out so you open your eyes and

glance this side but no one on this

airplane seems to have noticed the damp

spot on your crotch this has been a very

relaxing flight so you take your cup of

water and pour it in your lap leaving

the cup tilted on its side so a spilling

will be assumed in the eyes of any

passers-by and you close your eyes again

mentally praising yourself for how very

clever you are speaking of clever don’t

forget to leave a five-star review of

the Jock doc podcast in which you

detail your own pants-wetting adventures

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