48: hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy/Rev Jay

hey kids you’re about to listen to a gum

anybody guess that means that none of

this has medical advice

if you need medical eyes or medical care

please contact

your doctor welcome to the jock doc

podcast featuring dr. London Smith happy

Mother’s Day to all you mother


introducing your host dr. London Smith

hello and welcome to the Jock doc

podcast where we discuss fitness and

health and how to incorporate our modern

understanding of science and medicine

into our daily lives but without it

being so boring I’m your host dr. London

smith (.com) I would like to begin by

apologizing to our listeners we’ve

received some feedback about the

excessive amount of technical medical

terminology that I’ve been using such as

gated photon emission computed

tomography and happy mother’s day so

while we’ll try to temper my terminology

to a simpler one in the future here to

help with that is our producer Cameron

hey I think that’s a haiku right

our producer Cameron yeah oh no it’s a

palindrome I don’t I’m not sure I I

think if you do our producer Cameron and

if you were to flip that around it

should be our produce produce or camera

it’s pound I don’t yes I don’t I don’t

think so but I I could be wrong so so

that’s Cameron it’s at least a haiku if

there’s a lot of palindrome it has to be

a haiku right it doesn’t have to be one

or the other

yes I don’t I don’t know that it’s

forced like I don’t know that that’s a

default for anything like I don’t I

don’t even think it’s a pun which i

think is the loosest of any case so

Cameron well you’re not a word doctor

anyway so whatever so Cameron is so

dedicated to making sure that our

podcast stays relevant that when he

heard that Mother’s Day was coming up he

began talking in a more matronly voice

and driving whatever kids he could find

to soccer practice and Cameron how’s

that been going

it’s been going really well it’s been

very lucrative for sure I think you know

obviously this came from a form of

jealousy there’s no there’s not a single

day celebrating me I mean there’s

there’s my birthday but there’s not like

a Cameron day and so these mothers get

these days these fathers get these days

even these people who talk like a pirate

get these days and for me I would just

like my own day so I feel like if I

could steal a day from someone else that

would be the easiest thing to do and

that so that’s the path that I’ve gone

down I’m a thief I’m a bad boy we’ve our

that’s been established on the show I’m

a bad boy yeah I guess okay so one thing

you said it’s lucrative are you trying

to have a ride to soccer practice if

they want to get out of the car they

have to give me whatever is on them and

so a lot of times when these kids are

going to soccer practice if they haven’t

eaten yet or whatever their parents will

give them ten bucks it’ll be like oh

just like there’s a concession stand

there just get something while you’re

there or do you know oh just you know

maybe the kids go to cc’s afterwards

Cici’s Pizza and so their parents gave

them some bucks I get to keep all that

otherwise they can’t get out so so it’s

kind of like a threatened kidnapping if

they don’t pay you

well it’s there’s no threatening it’s a

it’s a law it’s a locking mechanism so

it’s not like there has to be any

threatening it’s just this is that this

is a car lock it’s going to stay in that

position until it receives all the money

that your parents have given you and

then I’ll just pop up but regardless I’m

expecting a lot of presents on Mother’s

Day and so I’m extremely excited to have

co-opted this holiday for myself okay so

I should I should clarify that some

mothers day is usually when we celebrate

the mothers in our lives and motherhood

in general rather than but you know

trying to take it

for ourselves is in any case um I think

it should celebrate all mothers not just

mothers from the hood yes okay that’s

that’s there and I met motherhood in

terms of I guess the occupation like

being a mother you know but um in any

case to all of the moms out there we

celebrate you thank you for you know

birthing us also with us also with us is

DJ DYLAN IN DA HOUSE I’m a thief I’m a bad boy

I’m a bad boy yes yep I’m a thief I’m

the bad boy a bad boy yes that’s been

establish on the show I don’t think so

my bad boy


I’m a thief I’m a bad boy a bad boy and

later Cameron tells me that we can

expect a special guest so look forward

to that

before we move on though I would like to

address a bit of listener feedback I

found this note in my lab coat after I

got it back from the dry cleaners the

note reads quote girl to the right is

gorgeous I do not agree with tattoos

though you won’t be buried in the right

Cemetery better buy your plots now end

quote so first of all I would like to

thank you so much for reaching out to us

here at the Choctaw podcasts yes to

answer your question I’m unsure about

the connection between tattoos and and

burial plots but I certainly hope that

there is no no discrimination going on

in that regard well I think I think I

think it’s in the Jewish tradition that

if you have a tattoo you’re buried in a

different you can’t be buried and

whatever official area you have to be

buried in a different spot but I think

for you that I think in your case cuz

you’re not Jewish I think in your case

it’s just it’s doesn’t seem that

relevant because you with all the all

the people that you kind of botch and

mess up you just throw them in a pile

out back they don’t seem to get buried

at all because they stack up I mean what

that’s the opposite of being buried six

feet under that’s like 12 feet high okay

well like I didn’t want to bring a riser

is this sort of religious expect I guess

a thank you to this listener for

listening and now normally we would I

would share a tale from the clinic from

from hospital life but Cameron has

actually been introducing some tips for

ways to manage during the quarantine and

he really wanted to take take a big part

of the education aspect of this show so

he has some helpful tips for us



that’s right dr. London over the last

few weeks we’ve talked about a lot of

different ways at first to avoid the

virus then how to handle the virus and

then how to sort of live in this new

world in the post virus world not truly

post virus but I guess post lockdown and

first you know we talked about the

quarantine submarine this was a

submarine that you would use to get to

the bottom of the ocean or maybe the

bottom of YMCA pool to avoid the virus

then we talked about the quarantine

trampoline which allowed you to bounce

away from the virus as quickly and as

high as possible then we talked about

the quarantine mezzanine which you know

a mezzanine is sort of like on the

second floor of a building but it’s not

really a second floor but regardless

it’s just too high for the virus to get

to and so we were having parties and

stuff up there and then next we talked

about the quarantine between do we need

to hear each of these like recapped to

understand cuz it they all seemed

separate enough that like not related

enough to necessarily need so then we

talked about the quarantine in-between

which was sort of a elevated plane that

I had moved to once I have sort of

defeated the virus then it became the

quarantine cave and stream these are the

caves and streams that you decided to

move into post quarantine such as we all

did and have done and then we talked

about the gain rice and beans this is

just about eating rice and beans just

Tony rice and beans good plays a good

thing to have it’s healthy it’s cheap

good for quarantine good for not

quarantine now today dr. London we’re

gonna talk about D quarantine limousine

now ideally during this quarantine you

weren’t wasting the entire quarantine

you were investing like everyone else

was so hopefully you’ve been investing

in zoom hopefully even investing in I

don’t know like mask companies hopefully

even investing in Lysol and hand

sanitizer and maybe like kwibi

and these kind of things that have been

making tons of money lately and so now

it’s time to live it up now I know

you’re living in a cave but it you can

have the biggest and Radice cave and

here’s the thing here’s the advantage to

being extremely wealthy is that

everything you can purchase gets to be

super big which means you get to create

more space so you can still maintain

social distancing wherever you go and

wherever you live so you have the

biggest cave you have the biggest pool

you can still be far away from all your

friends you’ve got a quarantine

limousine it’s stylish you get to you

know strut around town and it’s not

really a town it’s just more of a

connected cave system so you can just

strut around the connected cave system

that you live in now and you you get to

go around you get to have your friends

in your limousine with you while still

maintaining social distancing so it’s

the quarantine limousine I guess part of

my problem here is I don’t live in a

cave and I think most people still just

live you know either wherever they were

living that is a huge problem that

that’s not just part of your problem

that is your main problem is that you do

not yet live in a cave you you should

have taken care of that weeks ago yeah I

just I already lived somewhere but that

was the problem so yeah but it was not

in a cave it was it’s not near a stream

so it’s not really living in this post

virus world what see it okay okay so

you’re you’re saying your advice your

tip for people is that they should just

that they should have already invested

wisely before this crisis happened and

profited from it well we just we talked

about two weeks ago when we were talking

about the quarantine cave and stream

that money is no longer relevant in this

world it’s shares that you have in tech

startups that’s the only thing that

matters so you know you and your

neighbor Greg rug you’re exchanging

tools to start a fire in your cave or

you’re exchanging Spears to hunt instead


you know giving each other dollar bills

with these presidents that don’t matter

anymore you know we’re giving each other

shares of snapchat or shares of heads-up

or shares of you know flappy bird so I

guess so I haven’t seen that change

happening that that’s I guess been the

issue for me is it’s been yeah because

you don’t have your ear to the ground

instead you’ve got your head up here

being oh okay

and maybe it’s because I’ve been social

distancing so much that I’m I guess just

from my experience I’ve still had to pay

using you know my debit card oh man I

wish it was that easy still oh man I

wish it was that easy still I had to go

I do acquire shares and pixxa I don’t

even know what that is

and then I had to exchange that just to

get a piece of gum yeah that that sounds

much more difficult than the reality

requires yeah it really is all right


yeah I guess that’s that’s a good time

to move on anyway now for today’s

medical topic hypertrophic

cardiomyopathy hypertrophic

cardiomyopathy is a typically autosomal

dominant condition in which a sarcomere

mutation results in septal hypertrophy

that prevents outflow of blood or at

least proper outflow of blood from the

left ventricle of the heart which is the

left lower chamber patients are

classically young athletes presenting

with shortness of breath or syncope also

known as fading fainting on exertion

they may also have family history of

sudden cardiac death

and so another classic example would be

some young athlete who they’re playing

sports and then they just drop dead

classic example yeah the one of the most

classic things in American culture is is

athletes playing sports I completely

agree with that yeah and and so this

example would be they they died suddenly

and you know they seem perfectly young

and healthy but it’s because

of this septal hypertrophy in the heart

so clinically these patients may present

with shortness of breath on exertion

don’t you think you’re taking this all

like too seriously taking what like why

are you make just like you’re making all

this into like a big deal I don’t know

all the stuff you’re talking about your

heart and these young kids dying and

stuff it don’t you think I just kind of

are you just taking it like just like

chill okay and so for it seems like

you’re it seems like you’re making a

mountain out of a mole man well to these

you know to the patients who deal with

this it’s actually you know potentially

life-changing how it affects them so

that’s one reason why I try to you know

give it a little bit of weight but um

you know clinically they present with

shortness of breath on exertion chest

patients don’t want a doctor that’s

gonna be like oh you’re gonna die oh

everything is so serious life’s so

serious no one ever hangs they want a

doctor they can chill with and then I

can like have a beer with and I think

like again it just seems like you’re

making a mountain out of a mole man yeah

I it’s really so so the doctor-patient

relationship is more based on you know

they’re paying me to treat them that’s

really the like I’m there to help them

with their illness and so it’s not

usually a social call

just seems like you’re taking a little

too seriously but go ahead whatever so

these patients can also present with

syncope after exertion or the valsalva

maneuver and that’s where you kind of

like whenever you’re little you hold

your breath or you like you take a

breath and then you hold your nose and

you’re like you you know you bear down a

little bit

that’s what the valsalva maneuver is

they can also present with sudden death

like I said on auscultation which means

listening with a stethoscope these

patients will have a loud s force so

this is sort of instead of sids which is

sudden infant death syndrome this is

more like sudden big boy death syndrome

yeah or or young man is instead of an

infant it’s like a big boy yeah

well it’s usually

young athlete is the classic example but

it could be in a and a big boy as well

yeah I guess

comparatively I’m not sure this is

necessarily the best Kassadin vendetta

syndrome it has less specific

pathological traceable issues whereas

this one you can actually do something

about it so anyway so these patients

will have a loud s4 sound a systolic

ejection murmur best heard at the left

lower sternal border that increases with

valsalva and standing and decreases in

intensity was squatting lying down or

leg raised and this is due to the

decreased outflow obstruction so

hypertrophic cardiomyopathy actually

sounds similar to a or text enosis

except that these positions would have

the opposite effect on how loud the

murmur is patients may also have rapidly

increasing carotid pulse width to up

strokes definitive diagnosis is with

echocardiogram which is an ultrasound of

the heart and that’s you know paired

with clinical diagnosis and family

history treat but I mean this is what

I’m talking about like people people

want to have like a fun Saturday you

know what I mean and so they go to your

doctor office and they like I want to

hang out and they want to chill and

you’re making them do these like

sonograms or monograms or whatever

you’re talking about mammograms

you know you think they want to just

like have a good time while they’re

there and like not waste their Saturday

with some guy just babbling on just

being like oh let me scan you all can I

please scan you why do you do you think

that people go to go to the my office to

hang out on a Saturday that that’s mine

you haven’t been advertising that way

have you that your office is just a

great place to hang of course I’ve been

advertising it that way because it

should be it should have that kind of

atmosphere see and you’re in you’re

you’re turning away customers by being

so desperate and thirsty being like okay

take your ployed let me take your blood

dude I gotta take your blood oh let me

take your temperature

well so those we really just take the


well let that we take with every you

know appointment just taking vitals but

then also taking their blood and

whatever that’s you know to figure out a

specific diagnosis depending on the

person but anyway treatment is with beta

by people are just there to like have a

couple beers and you’re like all getting

this machine getting this big like

spaceship looking machine that you slide

into and it’s like dude people are they

just have a beer I guess I guess that

hasn’t been my experience so much most

people don’t come in wanting to have a

beer as far as I am aware whatever I

don’t care anymore okay well so

treatment is with beta blockers and

avoiding dehydration so these athletes

are really not allowed to get their

heart rate up treatment can also be with

alcohol ablation or myectomy that’s

cutting out that part of the heart

that’s overgrown another potential

treatment may be pacemaker implantation

but that you know that depends on the

clinical scenario and for the record

like I do try to make it a relaxing

atmosphere whenever people come to the

clinic it’s just not it’s not really a

have a beer kind of atmosphere oh dude

let me let me just put this puffy thing

on your arm so I can like read some

numbers about your like cholesterol or

whatever your like blood pressure or


oh dude let me just do that let me just

swipe this thing on your forehead for

one second yeah so that’s just

not–that’s just taking vitals is what

you’re describing I think Oh like people

were there to hang it doesn’t matter it

doesn’t matter yeah and that’s anyway we

try to put for the professional

environment because we’re trying to be

you know professional in any case we can

move on from there and Cameron you said

that we had a guest today that is right

dr. London we sure do all right hello

there my name is dr. London Smith comm

and this is our producer Cameron what

was your name riff J rev j rev J is that

yeah it’s short for Reverend

uh because I’m reverent okay wait I’m

sorry did you say you are

irreverent or a reverend yes okay

whoa a little bit of a naughty Reverend

that’s an inclusive or okay okay well

good to know

so is that I guess I would answer my you

know maybe my first question which is

what what do you do what what brings you


rev J yes well I’m a traveling nomad and

I just came across your podcast on

Spotify when I was wandering through

Spotify I just had to reach out I did

say namaste



nice thing okay Wow and so whenever you

say your because you’re you’re calling

yourself a nomad that’s a title as

opposed to like reverie Nomad is

mortgage orbital so thing that I call

myself Reverend is actually on the

certificate that I got online from the

Universal Life Church monastery oh oh

yeah I’m a cardinal there Oh like the

bird the egg they actually let you

choose your own title believe it or not

okay so and you chose

rev J I guess or you chose Reverend

because you wanted to use the name rev J

you know it’s more of a chicken or the

egg type of thing it’s hard to say but

they both sounded like an idea at the

time and so I just rolled with it okay

so you’re saying one gave birth to the

other yes and that that one in turn gave

birth to another just kind of infinitely

down in terms of your titles yes exactly

one just names the next one and it’s

endless I do want to clarify also you

said that they let you choose any title

that is not true because my original

title was five zero zero eight so when

you would looked at it upside down it

would look like boobs and they let they

cancel that they let mean they didn’t

let me have that title oh they’re okay I

should specify there is a drop-down menu

of pre-selected choices you could choose

from you can’t just choose any Oh trust

me I spent a lot of money on fixing this

yeah weeks right

well it’s all worth it to be to be you

know ordained yeah so so tell me about

what well I guess for one thing what

what brings you on the show because so

this is actually medical education

podcast yes yes well I’m so glad that

you brought that up because I was just

doing a personal reading of your auras

each of your auras

I noticed that there was an imbalance in

your solar plexus chakra both of you in

fact and I just wanted to yeah it’s okay

it happens all the time

chakras just go out of balance

everyone oh it’s just it can just happen

and but it’s not there’s no reason to

freak out because I have some exercises

that will help that bring that chakra

back into that line tell me no matter

reverend is it fatal

absolutely not fatal thank you don’t

have to worry all it will really affect

is just your day-to-day life so there’s

two ways so the only thing it will

affect is just at just everything in my

life yes yeah okay well not that is a

relief for camera because he avoids

doing most of those things anyway so

there’s two ways that your solar plexus

chakra can be out of balance and that’s

it can be under active or overactive now

dr. London I think your solar plexus

trucker is under active that could mean

you maybe have a lack of confidence low


you’re indecisive right helpless lack of

purpose right okay it’s okay because but

there are activities you can do to just

bring that back into focus and dr.

Cameron I not dr. house well thank you I

appreciate I know can i in the same in

the same way that like dr. pepper is a

doctor sure okay so like ya know degree

– it’s more like an honorary title for

my soda

that makes more sense then I think

Cameron that your solar plexus chakra is

actually overactive which means maybe

you might feel a little desire for

control may be overly critical or yes

excessive stubbornness maybe a little

bit of anger and aggression okay mental

yes yes of course now I mean dr. London

is speaking to you because now did

everything he was saying about you

sounded 100% accurate to me well he was

calling you like a pathetic loser and

like someone who like quits everything

and someone who has like no Drive and

like he’s going nowhere or whatever he

said that all ring really true why is

that something that you felt no no so I

felt like I actually I feel like I have

a fair amount of self-confidence that no

when it comes with you know the role of

practicing medicine you have to kind of

know what you’re talking now you have to

don’t know what you’re talking about

don’t think about well enough to

convince you know a patient to follow

you know your directions you’re saying

that it’s impossible for doctors to deal

with insecurities that doctors and

confidence go together I’m not saying

that that’s like a definite thing but

your medical doctors London that’s

exactly the type of indecisive lack of

confidence that I’m talking about but

that’s okay because their things their

activities you could do to to help with

that and now here are some a list of

things for example you could try new


spend time in the Sun you could do yoga

for solar plexus chakra now here are

some yoga poses you could try the party

Poorna navasana titty bassinet already

okay Jessica it sounds like you’re just

direness reading these off like you’ve

never read them before but also so

trying new things that that sounds nice

going out in the Sun you know we all we

can all use some vitamin D probably so

those sound like yes you know actual

good healthy advice I don’t know how

much so you say that doing these

all healthy things will help a little

but there’s more that you have to do

though okay there’s also some

affirmations that you had to say now

here’s some solar plexus chakra in mind

affirmations that’s gonna do that you

could say now repeat these ad to me okay

I love and accept my house with which

one of this is which one of us is

repeating this Oh bowtie could you

repeat it oh so wait is there are there

not different exercises for different

because it sounds like me and have

opposite issues right there opposite

issues but they’re there healed by the

same back to the middle manner of

thinking yeah they’re just both kind of

like a magnet yeah and then yeah that’s

why I should clarify here Kevin before

we do this that this this isn’t one of

those what’s that one movie where they

switch bodies if they say the same thing

like I just want to clarify because I

know you every time we have to say

something and use it unison this becomes

an issue we’re not gonna switch bodies I

want to know are you talking about


no no free Friday Freddy got fingered no

Friday night light Friday Night Lights

yeah Freaky Friday no Freaky Friday the

movie version so I mean Dr Lin and I can

promise you I’m not going to coach high

school football I’m not going to teach

you how to you know get through your

your your problems at home through

allegories like flip about football I’m

not gonna do that okay I just know

Friday Night Lights funny business is

going on here okay I just I just wanted

to to clarify this before like in case

you reacted somehow okay so what are we

supposed to say so now repeat after me

and these five phrases I love and accept

my house I love and accept

I am authentic I am autistic I feel my

own powers I feel my I feel myself I am

free to choose in any situation I am

free to choose free to shoot anything

that I want

I drew my own life I I’ve directed 42

movies yes so so these so saying those

phrases plus doing generally healthy

things aligns your chakras are we fixed

then nope next is we take a crystal

specifically a tiger’s eye crystal yeah

and if you if you don’t have that thing

any object that is yellow any object

that is yellow will work also well I

actually have some interesting science

about this and dr. lemon maybe you can

speak to this as a doctor is that you

should have yellow inside of you at all

times because of your your pee-pee could

you speak to the medical truthless of

that dr. London because of your what I’m

sorry I missed that last word a pee-pee

okay so so I mean just let you know you

do have something yellow inside of you

at all times like your your adipose

tissue tends to tends have a yellowish

tinge tinge to it your pancreas also has

a yellow color to it so you don’t have

to bring things in but so your urine is

colored by a Billy Rubin you know it’s

from the from the breakdown of red blood

cells and things so you do have those

things in your body but that’s not you

don’t need to try to make yourself

yellow if I can just speak to that point

okay now that’s interesting and very


because the urine is held it’s stored in

the body roughly around the same area as

the solar plexus chakra was just right

behind your belly button and it just so

happens that that chakra is also yellow

in color each chakra is a different

color so it kind of makes a rainbow but

you have to be able to view it in

spiritual dimensions not in 9 the

ultraviolet sense so so you get dr.

London’s not gonna get this he’s gonna

he’s gonna question you and he’s gonna

be condescending about it because dr.

London doesn’t believe in this kind of

stuff he’s always like show me the data

let me check her forehead let me look at

let me let me let me take your blood he

doesn’t understand things on us on a

further spiritual level well isn’t that

right dr. London oh I think part of the

issue is that I have seen you know

bodies cut open before and so far I have

not seen these chakras but you’re

talking about it like it’s a very

specific thing in a very specific place

and Colour yes and that’s the great

thing I think you’ll agree with me here

dr. learning about science is that you

don’t have to believe in the science for

it to be actually happening and doing

its thing yes exactly like electricity

absolutely in gravity yeah

in the in the earth being flat yeah I

mean what you stated specifically yes is

true I don’t know that that principle

transfers to to all just a chakras like

to their legitimacy but in any case we

I’m glad that you’re on finally on board

with earth being flat though dr. London

and this has taken weeks

Helen Smith I believe that the earth is

flat he said the earth is flat and you

said well obviously that’s true okay

what you’re saying is true I was

speaking more to the idea I did kind of

slip that in there and Rev Jay I really

appreciate this I have been talking

about this for months and months and

months and so now for dr. London to

finally open up his mind you know he’s

talking about like oh I’ve seen inside

bodies and I can’t see this chakra but

how are you gonna see it if your eyes

are closed bro if your eyes are still

closed and you’re unwilling to open them

then of course you’re not gonna see it

and now that maybe your eyes are open to

the earth being flat and there being

military presence on the outskirts of

the Flat Earth to prevent people from

getting to the edge to prove it and all

that being true maybe now that your

minds open about that your mind will be

open about this little thing behind the

belly button that determines if you’re

like cool or not like they say when

you’re two eyes closed the third eye

grows absolutely like when you’re asleep

yes exactly

or blindfolded maybe yep anytime the

eyes are closed yeah that’s where that’s

where you start to go in a dream state

you your brain is going on theta waves

which are like much deeper and you’re in

your subconscious state dr. London can

you talk about the science behind the

medical science behind that

but behind fadeaways yeah behind like

fade away like when you’re when you’re

dreaming and you’ve got like food aways

and like you’re like kind of waving and

you’re kind of like vibing and you’re on

like your own like plane can you talk

about the medical science behind that so

there are different phases of sleep and

the most famous and you know I guess

very useful in a lot

raises REM sleep rapid easily easily the

most famous part of sleep everyone

always talking about 90s the most famous

part of sleep REM well I say it because

it’s the the one that people will

recognize is oh yes I know that that

little factor as you know the the

different you know save face – not as

famous it doesn’t have as much it’s

going out it was raised REM that has

your dreams in it all right well the

point is is that like the your dreams

are vibin and I think we can all

establish that and you’re working on a

certain wavy plane it’s a rev Jay I want

to talk about you talked about you’re

sort of a nomad but then you were also

talking about how like you were sort of

traveling through cyberspace you were

traveling through Spotify to find our

podcast are you more of a digital nomad

or you are you moving around physically

like where have you been going most

recently I’ve been I’ve been all through

the digital and astrological planes but

recently I’ve become more of a digital

hermit just avoiding general digital

hermit mean me me you stick to exactly

one website and you don’t venture out

beyond that that’s exactly a very good

way to put it in fact yes I don’t

venture out as one would physically I do

not do that digitally either I get okay

so which which website are we talking

about you know Facebook or um read it

read okay read it there is there is a

lot of information on reddit a lot of

theories there so a lot of mostly true

information I actually have learned a

lot from reddit over this quarantine

coronavirus period like like did you

know that if you close your eyes and

then stick your fingers in your ears

then you can just you can just

say that it’s not happening and it works

yeah what what does it do how does it

work in what way does it work it wins it

wins the virus a pizza checkmate

thank you okay so so you go to Reddit

and you travel there is that is that

where you do your preaching as a

reverend no I don’t actually do any

preaching that’s more of just a

formality that I go by okay so that’s

really just just for the sake of calling

yourself a Rev yes you’re you’re a

reverend in the same since then I’m a

doctor you’re like a reverend pepper

that’s a good way to put it yes except

that people don’t even call Cameron dr.

and I do have a certificate also yeah no

I I don’t doubt that so so you’re on

reddit you’re you’re traveling around

digitally but I guess you know you click

you click around and what we’re of these

journeys taken you and I guess how does

how has this helped you to find I guess

I’m trying to think of a way where this

comes back to medicine somehow and I’m

sure well I just want to know what I

really just want to know what’s the

nomadic part of your name cuz we’ve gone

from your well you’re a digital nomad

that like searches through Spotify but

now you’re a digital hermit that has

never left Reddit so where where you

where your track where have your travels

led you that’s all that’s all I want an

answer to they’ve led to right here now

that is a good answer good answer I

would like to also specify their Nomad

identification or self identification I

guess is more of in the physical plane

not the digital one of me traveling

around because I do like to travel in in

the three-dimensional space

I love that I do I do want to clarify

one question here is there any chance

that you adopted the the nomadic sort of

title just because you aren’t angry like

no or like your anti anger no mad

because yes I could see how it would and

that’s a very excellent point that’s

actually how the term Nomad was derived

because originally they were people that

had a great civilization built and some

army came in and took it and they were

like it’s all true we’ll just go find

another place true and then they just

never stopped because they loved

travelling and that was the real

treasure was the friends that they made

along the way so they would just say

that was like like we nomads yeah yeah

that was and that was kind of like me

after I had lost my house where I was

kind of just like traveling from like

friends couch to friends couch and I

would go to like a friend’s couch and

that place would burn down and then I’d

go stay on another friend’s couch and

then that place would burn down I was

kind of traveling so you would probably

I think you know mad experience yes well

I mean I live in a permanent place now

but I mean I would say for a good 20

years of my life that’s how I was living

and so I definitely can relate to your

lifestyle now I do want to ask I mean so

we talked about our desires our chakras

are all screwed up one point of contrast

here so Cameron’s pseudo nomadic thing

he was angry every time whenever those

house oh yeah I was furious so that’s

where I forgot to mention that I was

furious that could happen because of

your solar plexus or just like because

he gets explains it whatever people

clean up their dishes sometimes that

upsets him if you like or tidy that that

can really set him off

yeah I mean it totally explains why I

did that thing and why I put that thing

there and why I said that thing to that

person and why

I put that person in that position

because my chakra was messed up yeah

exactly exactly it all comes down to

that so you you taught us before about

these kind of words of affirmation that

we tell ourselves and then these yoga

positions is that it I mean is there

anything else that dr. London and I need

to be doing yes actually

everybody’s got a little track but not

quite balanced yet we’re like half

balanced half imbalance there’s only a

couple more things that we need to do

one is to take that tiger’s eye crystal

or any yellow object that you might have

can you just point yeah might insert

that directly into your belly button

okay that’s much better

and now the solar plexus chakra it

vibrates at 528 Hertz so I have this

should I be measuring needed yeah it’s

okay because I have this Tibetan singing

bowl that is tuned to 528 Hertz so this

will target this solar plexus chucker

and as you can hear

that’s 528 Hertz so okay now as I

forgetting 527 oh there’s okay there’s

the fight there’s the 528 okay 528 yeah

perfect perfect now I’m as I play this

singing bowl we’re gonna take a deep

breath in and we’re gonna chant ohm and

we’re gonna try to match that tune of

528 Hertz okay ready okay all right so

take a deep breath in through your nose




we hid for a second does that hit the

long you can hold it better the more

that’s just bringing that chakra into


I can feel my belly button getting


I mean I did have to piss on my belly

button but because that wasn’t the

yellow object I had but like getting

warmer that means it’s working that

means it’s starting to kick in now no

there’s no and I did say I did say Oh

more than both of you combined I said oh

I’m like a thousand times

so that I mean I mean I count one right

you yours is supercharged at this point

oh ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma my mom

alone no there’s only one last thing

that we have to do to lock this energy

into place and that’s to we’re gonna rub

our hands together really fast keep

going for like 10 seconds

okay that’s good no separate amount to

and put your fingers together like this

like you’re holding a ball in between

your hands and you should feel some warm

heat energy that’s some Chi energy

that’s pulsating between your hands now

just open your mouth and put that into

your mouth swallow it down and what hurt

the the energy the ball and that was in

your hands now it’s it’s going down your

stomach it’s yellow in color it’s this

bright yellow light and now it’s now

it’s in your solar plexus why is it

tastes like piss that’s that because

that’s what the color yellow actually

tastes like so so is there a chance that

the friction from rubbing your hands

together created heat and maybe that was

the heat that we were feeling whenever

we rubbed our hands together like that

now that’s that would be a scientific

explanation for a phenomenon that it’s

also taking place as in quantum

entanglement in the spiritual realm well

a double slit experiment right that’s

quantum yeah yeah and yeah and what’s

special also about 528 Hertz it’s a

digital bio holographic precipitation

crystallization and miraculous

manifestation of driving frequency

vibrations okay good to know and for our

listeners I’m sure we can take that home

and really I guess find a practical use

a part so okay so so are we at the end

of it have we have our chakras aligned

yes now the solar plexus chakra should

be firing on all cylinders and it should

be perfectly all lined up so you should

be feeling great

now how many hurts again 528 how many

cylinders was that all of this said

firing all cylinders okay alright so do

we flip on the Shocker machine now or

whatever yes yeah now now everything’s

it’s like Christmas lights when you plug

it in all of them light up you know as

long as they’re there’s no breaks okay

so I I guess I I can’t really say that I

feel much different but I from your read

on me I’m guessing that I’m I’m aligned

now I can sense a difference in your

aura even if it’s not something you can

feel right now I definitely have seen I

can see the changes taking place okay

I definitely feel different because I’m

covered in piss so I’m mad about that

and it’s a mess so I would say I mean

I’ve seen a lot of changes well so he’s

Cameron’s moved further away from the

the Nomad situation then but you know

maybe my chakra being aligned isn’t

nomadic maybe it’s yes Matic okay

everyone’s is different that’s science

opposites on this I guess that I would

be the Nomad yes alright well you know

this has been a guest hundred twenty

five thousand six hundred Hertz we all

know about the conspiracy of 432 Hertz

no I never I guess we aren’t really into

conspiracies on this podcast normally

this is one of those few conspiracies

that is actually true

now the note that so the a note in all

instruments back in a century ago there

used to be no standard a tuning but

432 Hertz used to be what a was and that

resonates with the Schumann resonance if

that is the frequency that the earth

makes when it rotates which is only 8

Hertz a very low frequency 432 it

resonates with the earth and so it’s a

very natural feeling frequency when we

hear it now the but the problem with

that is is that the earth doesn’t rotate

because it’s flat is that you can rotate

it can rotate on that flat plane you

know I can look I’m not a conspiracy guy

I don’t like to get into all these

conspiracies about like what’s true and

what’s not

let’s just accept the earth is flat and

that’s it well we do we have to get into

these conspiracies and music was

different back then

no music has been the same since the

beginning of time and the earth is flat

let’s accept this truth boy but here’s

where the conspiracy comes in though it

starts with the Nazis the the propaganda

minister for the Third Reich Joseph

Goebbels insisted on changing the tuning

of a from 432 Hertz to 440 Hertz in

Germany because he believed that made

people think and feel in specific ways

making them a prisoner of searching

consciousness and aggrieved furthermore

the boom and this is a quote the

monopolization of the music industry

features the imposed frequency that this

imposed frequency that is quote hurting

populations into greater aggression

psychosocial agitation and emotional

distress predisposing people to physical

illnesses and financial impositions

profiting the agents agencies and

companies engaged and the monopolies

Orissa is that why whenever Selena Gomez

comes on the radio I get real pissed off

is that why was justin bieber’s on the


like yes this off right now hot there

yes they’re all tuned to 440 Hertz which

is in clashes with our natural

vibrations and is that why I prefer to

you know read or study without music

very likely unless you are listening to

the 4/3 2 Hertz music which it is out

there but it’s it’s hard to find yet to

look for it I’m usually not is this why

yeah when when Lady Gaga comes on the

radio it makes me wanna puke that’s why


when imagine dragons comes on the radio

I want to run in the opposite direction

this is actually part of Cameron’s

stand-up set and you triggered that so

we I I feel like we should stop this

before it starts

I mean or what are you talking about

when when I when when whenever Adele

comes on the radio and I’m one to get

the del out of there so so he will just

keep doing this oh when Ariana Grande is

on the radio well I want to I want to

let’s see Grande means big so I wanna

Starbucks small that kid size yeah over

a kid sighs she’s all maybe that’s well

all that is to say um I tune my guitar

to 432 Hertz and I brought it along with

me and I was wondering if I could play a


it’s from it’s a yoga song okay yeah

yeah it’s nice to have some music can be

you know soothing and healing for people

all right would you like to sing along

these are how the words go ready may the

longtime some may the longtime Sun shine

upon you Oh shine upon you all of

around you baby

you everything sink I anyway okay it

sounds like we are

okay ready me the long sippy-sip is up


supa dupa everybody’s a bizarre buzina

or was it was a while





alright well that was great and normally

I see you know you guys have a sort of a

drum circle starting up so I think

that’d be a time where maybe it’s best

to leave this you know off the podcast

because we are a medical education

podcast but great to hear that and to

get a taste of that frequency I was some

solving cue medicine yeah thank you to

you I feel like I said before I feel

very warm

I feel very collected I’m very pissed

off I think everything is like correct

you might feel a little bit of a warm

tingly feeling that’s that’s it there’s

just a huge mess everywhere it’s gonna

take hours to clean up that’s perfect

your Chi is popping off I love it all

right thank you to rev J for being on

the podcast rev J do you have any anyway

for listeners to follow you or keep up

with you outside of that’s how the

podcast or are you primarily you know

nomadic and staying off the grid well I

also have I also deliver packages for

FedEx so you might see me on your porch

other than that you’re just gonna have

to chase me down okay alright and thank

you to our producer Cameron also for you

know helping to I guess you know provide

the equipment for the podcast that’s

really his main role here and finding

guests and thank you dr. London for

finally embracing this sort of this this

sort of new science that you usually try

to push out and embracing the third is

flat and embracing that the chakras are

real and you’re you’re finally opening

up to these things thank you doctor and

wanted that it’s very this has been a

very special day for me okay and thank



it’s a digital bio holographic

precipitation crystallization and

miraculous manifestation of diving

innovations and that resonates with the

Schumann resonance that is visible you

can see that the earth makes a vibration

my name is dr. Londonsmith.com and this

has been the Jock doc podcast see you

left gleefully as you pass one child

after another kicking the ball ahead one

child stands directly in your path and

whether or not this was by their own

intention you are not willing to condone

such an impediment to your course so you

physically pick up and violently throw

this child to the side as you run still

kicking the ball ahead of you finally

you begin to slow down

out of breath and pick up the ball the

cashier asks will that be all and you

grin ear to ear with a knowledge of such

a successful trip to Walmart oh yes you

reply speaking of reasons to grin don’t

forget to leave a five-star review of

the Jock doc podcast in which you

describe the human impediments that you

have encountered while doing some

essential shopping and while you’re at

it go ahead and share the jock doc

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