43: Neurogenic Shock/Sheila Dawn

hey kids you’re about to listen to a

comedy podcast that means that none of

this is medical advice

if you need medical advice or medical care
please contact your doctor

welcome to the jock doc podcast

featuring dr. London Smith remember stay

at home for the better

don’t be a co vid spreader introducing

your host doctor London

hello and welcome to the jock doc

podcast where we discuss fitness and

health and how to incorporate our modern

understanding of science and medicine

into our daily lives but without a being

so boring I’m your host dr. London


I’d like to begin by apologizing to our

listeners we’ve received some feedback

about the overuse of complicated medical

terminology I’ve been using such as bone

scintigraphy and easter so I will do my

best to temper my vocabulary better as

we go forward here to help with that is

our producer Cameron hi um when Cameron

heard about the Easter Bunny he said in

kind of a strange voice it’s wabbit

hunting season and then so Cameron you

just picked up a gun and left well yeah

and then when you came back I noticed

that the barrel of the gun was bent all

the way backwards yeah yeah I don’t want

to talk about that I mean I will well

what do you think happened dr. London

that’s stupid that the stupid rabbit

stuck his little fingers right into both

barrels and like shotgun and so then

when I shot it it kind of bent my gun

pointed it right back at me shot me in

the face blue black dust on my face just

like guns do

I’m sorry to hear that Cameron

so it I guess my experience with guns

would be that you know if someone stuck

their finger and then it would it would

just shoot their fingers off well yeah

how do you think I feel getting out

getting getting beaten by a little

rabbit like that and he was just just a

normal rabbit that was just around and

you just when you try to shoot it ya

know this was just a completely normal

average I mean it was it was you know it

was gray does that make a difference

science wise like you’re a doctor yeah

well I’m for one thing I’m not you know

a vet but also yeah as far as as far as

I’m aware it just seems yeah it seems

odd I guess you are just as surprised as

I am about that result well I’m not a

scientist I’m an animal scientist you’re

closer to an animal scientist than me

yeah yeah just the one specific type of

animal which is human but uh in any case

also with us is dude you doing the hose

it’s hunting season and Cameron tells me

that we can also explain to a special

guest it well you know Emma I do want to

say right here DJ Dylan thank you for

that lovely beat but I also want to say

that a you know just for the record here

me and DJ Dylan we are unknowing

accomplices to whatever doctor London’s

actions are weird I just want to say

that and at the beginning of the podcast

just yes we are just taking orders that

is it and so if something were to go

down and people were to get arrested or

anything like that me and DJ Dylan don’t

know anything we’re just the sidekicks

I’m sorry what are you Cameron what are

you saying do you think something’s

gonna happen today no I just said

nothing’s gonna happen and nothing has

happened in the past we don’t know

anything we are unknowing accomplice as

to what dr. London’s actions are okay

well for our listeners I should clarify

you know be clear here this is a medical

education podcast so I don’t know

Cameron how it would turn into bring me

the money

don’t cry who are you talking to huh

just go ahead with the podcast three two

one and action I that really doesn’t

sound like me well you the voice did

that just doesn’t sound like something I

would do so and you gesturing angrily

yeah I just really doesn’t sound like

something I would do so let’s just if we

three and two and A one okay so before

we move on I would like to address a bit

of listener feedback this feedback was

scribbled on a piece of paper that I

found floating in my coffee quote Howard

this isn’t funny since your daughter had

that awful smell end quote

first of all I would like to thank you

so much for your insightful question on

the jock Doc podcast to answer your

question I would like to first clarify

that my name is not Howard

neither can i speak for the scent of his

daughter but one thing I have learned

about jokes over the years is that

sometimes a bad smell can help a joke

and even be the basis for a joke

and you know what I’ve learned about

jokes over the years

is that if you plainly explain it it’s

so much funnier it’s so funny when you

just plainly explain why something’s

funny okay I just so it’s just my

opinion and not a medical one so maybe

maybe this listener is right about it I

was just trying to answer the question

in any case thank you for listening at

this point I would normally share you

know a medical anecdote from clinical

life but our producer Cameron has

actually been very emphatic that he

wants to contribute to medical lessons

here yes so so you have some tips

together we are we are continuing our

what do you want to call it lesson plan


series I guess well yours yeah this is

this is part 3 of my series talking

about what everyone’s talking about

which is the corona virus right right

sorry I didn’t otherwise I’d to confirm

for you yes that is what you’re talking

about and so if you if you haven’t

listened over the last two weeks two

weeks ago I had gone into the deepest

part of the oceans and my quarantine

submarine in order to get away from the

virus which the the deepest part of the

ocean in your mind is the bottle would

be the YMCA swimming pool yes yeah I

just wanted to clarify fortunately the

virus can get you if you are frequently

surfacing to get snacks from the vending

machine which we unfortunately found out

so we moved to the quarantine trampoline

which is where I was last week

and if you didn’t listen the quarantine

trampoline allows you to jump as fast as

you can away from the people with the

disease who might be in the trampoline

with you well theoretically if so it was

just a trampoline well it’s a trampoline

and there’s like a you know there’s the

net you get over there right yeah no I

agree there’s there’s a net surrounding

the trampoline the unfortunate part of

that is if you if you’re having a party

in the trampoline there’s just too many

people and since I’ve definitely been

partying a lot lately

that that put a lot of stress on the

trampoline it couldn’t hold and it we

ended up kind of breaking the trampoline

is the issue well and I have to imagine

that these seagulls that you attracted

to the top of it and the snakes that you

kept below uh-huh

surely cause some types of problems like

I don’t know about your guests the bird

and any Headroom yeah of course

so and even having guests over one of

the you know things about this virus is

that you want to avoid close contact

with people it’s social distancing I

mean there were there couldn’t have been

more than 150 people in this trampoline

but unfortunately even though I’m

continuously jumping away from people

trying to breathe in my face if all 150

people are doing this the trampoline

just can’t support that kind of weight

everyone jumping away from each other

constantly in sort of a vicious circle


it looked sort of like a spiraling drain

you know but of people avoiding the

virus so this week now this is gonna

sound a little contradictory to what we

talked about two weeks ago in terms of

the best way to get away from this

disease is to go as low as possible I

have moved on to the quarantine

mezzanine which accord which a mezzanine

of course is sort of when there’s like a

staircase and it’s not a full second

floor but it’s just kind of like a

little loft area in your house right and

I think that could allow up to 150

people to just kind of party you’re too

high for the virus to get that’s

determined because you’re above the

floor okay and you can have as many

snacks up there as you want so you’re

you think that the virus can’t climb I

don’t think it would want to I think if

you think about how small it is and how

many how long it would take to go up all

those steps there’s no way it would want

to so I would say my first tip for you

because again that’s tips 0 that is


default that all of our listeners will

be doing that so hang out in the

mezzanine yes so my tip number one is of

course get some good shoes because

you’re gonna be walking up those steps

you weren’t gonna want shoes that aren’t

gonna slip in slide everywhere so you

don’t fall down the stairs and you’re

gonna want shoes I would go with cleats

honestly okay earth rocks I was thinking

more like soccer cleats like the spikes

and everything okay and that’s just to

make sure you have a good grip well

climbing climbing up the stairs and

you’re not gonna slip in slide okay I

would say the my second tip is to bring

the snacks from the first floor up there

with you so you don’t have to keep going

up and down okay so that’s I still I

think you might be missing one point

with viruses with any respiratory

illness is that or infectious ones is

that they are passed through from the

person to person so if you have a party

up there they’ll bring it because it

lives in their lungs do you see how

that’s an issue

interesting so okay so from here on out

only lungless people will be invited to

the party that is tip number three and

that is Cameron’s tips do you know a lot

of one less people know but I’m really

good at making friends okay I guess

theoretically because the virus does you

know attach to believe it’s the ACE to

receptor in the lungs I guess

theoretically if you didn’t have lungs

then that would be a safer bet okay so

that would be tip four then I so tip

three invite people who are long less

tip four try to be long list yourself as

much as you possibly can I imagine if

you just youtube that you can probably

find tutorials on how to achieve that so

I guess I’m just gonna the problem I’m

just gonna swing for the fences here if

you just go to youtube.com slash go long

lists just do that right now I don’t

know what’s there but I assume it’s

gonna be relevant to what we’re talking

about and we can just

that’ll be tip number four and we’ll

make that tip number five well and I was

walking just through the theoretics of


but you know humans do require lungs for

oxygen exchange and woman and I do think

tip number six should be cleats you

should wear shoes because you’re gonna

be going up and down the stairs or up

the stairs and I would say tip seven

make sure those snacks that are

downstairs just bring them up there with

you so you don’t have to keep going up

and down okay I guess I that sounds like

it’s time to move on and then tip eight

what you’re gonna do is you’re gonna

want to only invite lungless people to

your party you’re gonna want the shoes

your nice shoes think cleats that you

can go up and down the stairs with well

thank you Cameron I guess it’s time to

move on from there now for today’s

medical topic neurogenic shock

neurogenic shock results from a failure

of the sympathetic nervous system to

maintain adequate vascular tone let’s

see what you have right because you have

no sympathy whatsoever failure attic

nerve system also known as sympathetic

denervation so in other words you have

because you have no sympathy whatsoever

one vessel stopped constricting like

they’re supposed to in order to maintain

blood pressure now the sympathetic

nervous system is more commonly known as

your fight-or-flight but it plays an

important role in your day-to-day health

as well some causes of neurogenic shock

include spinal cord injury severe head

injuries spinal anesthesia and

pharmacologic sympathetic blockade and

it is characterized by peripheral

vasodilation with decreased systemic

vascular resistance clinical features

include well perfused skin load to

normal urine output bradycardia and not

a problem I will just say that right now

what the urine volume not an issue oh

you’re you’re trying to apply this

lesson to yourself you’re saying that

you are not in neurogenic shock buddy

look I I look I don’t want to brag I

feel like this is getting into kind of

weird personal territory but a

don’t have to worry about a urinary

output I’m a I’m outputting a little ha

ha ha to piss lots of it well I I guess

I good maybe that means you’re drinking

a lot of water

oh no don’t know where it’s coming from

don’t care ok well that could I just

know I can actually pop it that can be

troublesome actresses thanks : you know

kind of a presentation of diabetes

potentially it’s just a continuous

non-stop stream of stream oh wait are


oh you’re going right now well I this is

my issue is if you’re if you’re never

stopping are you really going you know

what I mean if it’s just always going

then it’s not like going it’s just is

the default so I guess one one thing I

would clarify here is that normally you

have a th antidiuretic hormone that is

preventing you from having to pee on the

time not at all 88 I’m in my late 60s ok

I’m sorry I should clarify ADH and also

you’re you’re in your late 60s

yeah that’s a rough guesstimate but yeah

ok that’s just that’s older than I would

have guessed I go up any sort of the

Nielsen rating categories so for a long

time I was 18 to 39 and then I was 40 to

65 plus and right now I’m in 65 plus so

you use a rating system like so I sorted

the Nielsen rating grouping system like

Nielsen ratings for TV right so normally

you would calculate your age by taking

your date of birth and then subtracting

you know the current year I think back

to that from the current you yeah I mean

I think in certain religions and regions

of the country shirt okay all right I

don’t want to you know bring in ageism

or anything so

we can move on from there thank you so

as I was saying clinical features

include the warm will profuse skin low

to normal urine output bradycardia and


although tachycardia can occur and

decreased cardiac output treatment for

neurogenic shock includes judicious use

of IV fluids Basel constrictors which

are drugs that make blood vessels

constrict these can also be used to

restore venous tone but they should be

used cautiously patients may also be put

into the supine or Trendelenburg

position and because fight or flight can

affect hot and cold treatment also

includes maintenance of the patient’s

body temperature so you know if they’re

very cold and it’s blankets very hot you

know you managed it appropriately oh I’m

really really glad you took a

significant amount of time to tell

people that if they’re cold like get a

blanket yeah well these people would be

in shock so they the people would be

unable to but this is for people

learning medicine to know yeah you know

up cold person might need a blanket I’m

glad that our doctors are getting this

level of education carry on doctor

London carry on I hate to interrupt but

Cameron hey do you have I’m here to pick

up my order

I’ll hold hold on a second dr. London we

actually don’t have a guest today I was

just I thought we could maybe just do

inventory but let me let me take care of

this real quick inventory

do you have my monkey mate okay yeah let

me get let me put you down for did you

want to specify the type or just any and

all you want a grab bag I’d say 50

percent spider monkey thigh I’m sorry

okay 50 percent spider monkey five and

twenty percent orangutan phalanges ooh

so we are fresh out of ring attain I can

do gorilla are you okay that’ll be fine

are you selling exotic meats camera home

okay we’ll put you down for some

gorillas I was like Cameron that wasn’t

an answer that was just a

whoa so I’m gonna put you down for it

gorilla anything else do you have

anything actually thing up do you want

to just be on the show okay sure

but before I do that do you have any

specials today ooh let’s see

well we’re recording a podcast right I

know if you if you can wait until after

I’ve got a lot of people I can’t really

wait for you to finish up your little

podcast sorry for our listeners anyone

new I believe we’re speaking to Sheila

dawn is that right correct and Sheila I

can’t have a I do have a tiger arm that

I can give you I’ll just throw it in for

free okay I could throw that in the

smoker so Sheila dawn has been on the

show before she told us about tiger Taco

Tuesday she sells I never Masonic meets

at the exotic on saw State Fair that’s

one of my business ventures yes yeah you

had a couple right yeah she also had a

bone yard a bone garden yes Bowden

garden that’s right and what was the

purpose of the bone garden it was

something about like weren’t we

capturing people Souls we were trying to

capture Souls mostly but that’s right we

were capturing Souls for the most part

but you were you were luring people in

and then trapping and killing them there

is that is that correct you know some of

them died of natural causes but yeah the

bone gardens actually been kind of

because we only have one time visitors

we’ve kind of not been doing too well so

I’ve kind of been trying to think of

ways to get people because the town

closest to mine is just totally empty

now they all came to the bone garden and

they never left and so I need to get

kind of sent and big that’ll kind of get

people’s and far away to come and say

but before before we get further into

this I do want to clarify here because

we have talked about this before a

hammer to the skull is not a natural

cause I understand you’re saying if the

hammer falls from a high place and

there’s no one letting a go it’s on a

string or something then you could argue

that it was a natural cause I don’t I

just don’t buy that but that’s neither

here nor there right and also it’s not

your killed entire city of people they

were all just one-time visitors to the

bone garden yeah but so you wiped out an

entire city just kind of a small it

wasn’t a full city yeah because I would

assume that most visitors there are

one-time visitors is that about right

correct yeah have you ever had a repeat

visitor no okay okay I would imagine

that would be probably kind of difficult

what is she the what so so I mean is

this is this really all you’re here for

is you were just picking up an order or

is there something more you’re kind of

looking for well while I’m here I could

say I’m looking for like I said

something that’ll really draw people

from far away to come and visit

something big that a lot of people will

be talking about and okay I am looking

I’ve been hunting for years for the most

exotic meat the Easter Bunny

okay now I’m not talking about just a

rabbit I’m talking about the eight and a

half foot magical demon that knows your

children and comes into your house every

Easter and gives them baskets of stuff

that’s the one I’m talking about no

Sheila you swore you swore that you

would leave him alone I did for a couple

years I did stick up to my word but the

bone garden

suffering so bad with the one time

visitor thing so okay well okay I want

to clarify a few things one thing I

forgot to mention about your first visit

with us is that your exotic meats that

you sell can you imagine the magical

powers that I would absorb if I ate

Easter Bunny meat no – Sheila of course

you would acquire magical powers but

that’s the kind of power that we weren’t

meant to have that’s the power you

weren’t meant to have no that’s way down

to a bunny instead of a human because

the human cannot have that kind of power

it’s like the ring so if you see him and

he’s got a vertical pinstripe suit a

monocle and a tiger hat so this isn’t

this isn’t the the bunny that cares

longears big bunny feet

Cameron recently had an encounter with a

rabbit bunny rabbit this is this is

separate okay this is I know exactly who

she’s talking about I’m oh maybe you

haven’t maybe your pants don’t let him

like maybe your parents didn’t let you

meet the Easter Bunny but in some

cultures dr. London we invited the

Easter Bunny into our hearts and he

comes every year and he has a

conversation with us and he sits down

and talks to us and he gives us some


okay is what she was talking about here

is about hunting this thing down and

putting it on display like some sort of

freak in her pwned garden well I want to

do more so with it I’m trying to skin it

and where it’s fur as a suit first of

all and absorb its magical powers and

third of all I’m trying to get its bones

on display at the bone garden to attract

people from far away this is a

three-fold mission don’t you forget it

okay I am so sorry I was really mistaken

I thought you were going to keep the

bunny in a cage no but now that I know

that you’re just gonna be wearing the

bunny skin then yeah do whatever you

need to do and okay thanks for your


okay now reconnection of these monkey

meat patties loaded up well this is a

three-person operation so it is gonna

involve all three of us wait no I just

come out to do and sick you are can you

have DJ Dylan doing it you want this

monkey mean you’re gonna help out

DJ Dylan you’re gonna help here yes okay

well I’m also not I don’t think I want

to be party to this because the the

animal meat that you’re listing it

sounds like like it’d be illegal to be

selling that

okay London if you don’t help us with

this these monkeys are going to rip

Dylan an ID to shreds that that’s what

you want you’re sending us to our death

Wow I I just maybe if you just give the

animals to the zoo or to roam free I

don’t know anyone who works at the zoo

or just call animal control

I guess that’s that’s the right dose

Lenny wanna get animal control I don’t

have that number we’re getting monkeys

to Sheila and we need your help I mean I

can look up that number that’s not so

hard to do Sheila I want to ask you talk

about how your bone garden business has

really been suffering lately with the

lack of townspeople what about your your

meat truck business is that I mean I

know that sort of travels around a bit

so you have a little more freedom you’re

not anchored to one location right right

well it’s going okay but the problem is

I can’t get customer loyalty because I

can’t keep the same name for too long

I’m costly having to change it you know

they realize like oh they’re not just

calling it’s not just a funny little

thing that they’re calling these monkey

burgers you know it’s not a very little

thing that they’re calling these things

bat-burgers and monkey dogs and

that hotline it’s a big transition for

you when did you switch from cooking

dogs and cats that you find dead on the

road when it may switch from those two

you know these more exotic creatures

that’s kind of business has really grown

and I’ve kind of gone more corporate

with that actually I kind of sell more

like jerky packs and we sell them at

Bucky’s so I hope that his kind of

transition that has kind of bloomed and

blossomed into something else and

something new

wait wait wait wait wait so wait you’re

you’ve started like a a mass company

that’s correct selling product to like

actual legitimate stores correct but

that’s mostly where the dog and cat

jerkier go yeah we do have this small

storefront still for the people that

went there at pets turned into jerky but

but mostly we’re just kind of having

people go around finding it’s not really

just dogs and cats just finding whatever

we can just find on the roads in our

travels I assume online has been doing

great then buckey’s kind of handles that

oh ok of course well I mean honestly

that sounds pretty great I do you want

to kind of get into business here I can

be like I know right now you’re just

buying monkey from me every few weeks

and I’m you know throwing in a tiger arm

here and there but we could get in on

something you know well pitch me way you

I’m not involved in this mi well you’re

talking about like lack of people like

lack of customers we have new guests on

this show every single week so we just

kind of filter them to you do you see

what I’m saying they come on the show we

say oh you know when we have uh we have

uh we’ve a season passes to it cool a

pretty cool place to go to give them

those season passes where do you think

they’re gonna go

sure you can we can get some top a

little coupon book forum your garden but

really I’m looking more for if I find

the Easter Bunny and I put the Easter

bunnies of bones on display I will have

people coming worldwide to see this that

is true that’s the type of business I’m

trying to gender right here what does

that look like you’re talking about hunt

the Easter Bunny what are you doing to

to lure him what are you doing to hunt

him and where are you going I’m kind of

standing outside of people’s houses that

I know have kids and I’m kind of just

standing there all night long trying to

stay awake trying to see when the Easter

Bunny appears in their living rooms and

so far I’ve not had any luck I am

starting to get some volunteers some

other people that are willing to look

through windows all night of homes with

so I’m hoping this year we I will be

able to ki usually end up falling asleep

some hope and I’ve got volunteers we can

be on the lookout we can we can get it

this time and now I’m putting it out

here to all your listeners you know if

you have kids and you invited into your

home to leave it your kids presence

please monitor it and let me know so I

can kind of figure out and I can’t

figure out you know how he transports

and you know at least was say until we

know that he comes on a sleigh he comes

down the chimney with the Easter Bunny

we have no f’n ID I would say it’s

probably one of two ways it’s either

hopping because we do know that rabbits

do that on a consistent basis yes the

other I would think would be

teleportation and he couldn’t kind of

zaps in and out of each house that he’s

you know going to sort of jumping into

another house like the movie jumper well

we will never know until we get eyes on

him and so what we’re tells like what

we’re talking about here is a vigilante

group of heroes I mean how many people

how many volunteers are we talking about

like 30 40 40 exactly we’re talking

about 40 volunteers going from house to

house peering into the windows of small

children so well just staying at one

house this is something that uh this is

something that I can’t get dr1 it have I

not been talking about something exactly

like this okay you have been describing

like without mentioning the Easter Bunny

you have been describing this scenario

that you would like us to get together a

group of 40 or so people to go stare

into the windows of young children

like through the night specifically not

just in the daytime but at night and

correct if you need if we need to get

video cameras if you can’t promise to

stay awake we could probably rummage

around and find about 10-15 video

cameras I guess one of the ways that

from my understanding of how you know if

you’ll go about hunting rare creatures

is that they’ll find out where they’ve

been spotted before in the wild I saw

him once as a child I will be honest

with you see the Easter Bunny it was

absolutely horrifying and it took many

years of therapy to get to this point

that I could even speak about it speak

about hunting it know when I saw it as a

child okay well where did you see it as

a child if I may ask I was in my home

okay and I knew that it was coming and

so I was laying in bed and I saw it in

the hallway it was standing in my

doorway staring at me and the evil that

I felt that night getting sure I have

never experienced anything like that and

I have met many many murderers serial

killer I’d maybe that’s a separate topic

but you’ve met many serial killers

haven’t we all

to my knowledge no no I have not

well I actually think on this show we

have as I’d put him in don’t talk to it

I mean aside from the present company I

don’t think we’ve had that many serial

killers on here whoa whoa whoa don’t

call her out I want assumptions around

about me because I’ve gotta there next


I am so yes Sheila I am so sorry the

sort of bigotry against conservatives

and and southern polls so she said that

she wiped out a town of people

my bone garden wiped out of town of

people yeah I can’t be held responsible

for the things my bone garden does it

has an ecosystem and a spiritual

ecosystem of its own that can’t even be

explained but you were the one who so

many different types of souls are

trapped there but you were the one who

did the actual killing within the garden

not necessarily we’ve we’ve gone over

this yeah are you poisoned whatever

anyway all that to say aside from

yourself I don’t I don’t see us crossing

past a lot of serial killers okay but

but you were saying I live in the little

fantasy snowflake kind of world you want

to live in that’s fine with me dr.

London well anyways if you’ve seen the

Easter Bunny or if you want to volunteer

please email me and watching through the

window for the Easter Bunny at gmail.com

and I do want I want to encourage a lot

of our listeners to kind of kind of

listen to this and take this to heart

because I dr. Loe know we’ve talked

about before maybe setting up some kind

of a charity or getting our listeners

involved in in action not just listening

and sitting back and and oh I don’t care

about politics I don’t care about

anything here’s a real way to make it if

well and it’s by peering into people’s

windows for the little children and

trying to take down this murderous evil

bunny so one one thing here you have

been putting up posters around town and

the wording of it you know asking for

the 40 volunteers

it’s sounded Cameron like you were

recruiting for a food drive that you

need this many volunteers to to hand out

donated food and that’s what I thought

well we’re gonna need snacks if we’re

out there all night we’re gonna get

hungry yeah we’re gonna need snow so

that is accurate you may need to change

the wording so that people know that

it’s not a food drive that it’s no it’s

not you know

handing out food that it’s it’s

specifically the

tasks of you know going overnight and

staring into the windows of small

children at their homes yep I just I the

posters are misleading and I have seen

them everywhere I just don’t I’m not

really a micromanager so I sort of like

to give people the tools that they’re

gonna need and then sort of let them

improvise from there you know I I guess

so I give them the tools they need which

is hey guys go look in those windows and

then from there it’s up to them yeah I

guess the part that I see is misleading

is there’s no mention of Windows there’s

just you know come help us give food but

I maybe I just read it wrong

and maybe I’m the only one on this one

in any case

Sheila so once you let’s say you set

sights on the Easter Bunny what is your

plan to you know take take down the

Easter Bunny

I’m gonna stab them through the heart

well I’ll keep an eye we need more of

stuff like this on the show mm-hmm with

Easter Bunny’s name carved on the handle

yes sir yes sir

I certainly do Oh you wait you have a

what we have evil what with the Easter

Bunny’s name carved I’ve got enough on

me at all times

and you say you say with the Easter

Bunny’s name you keep talking about this

evil demonic creature does the Easter

Bunny have a different name I don’t know

I guess so the follow-up question there

is what name is you know etched into

your knife Easter Bunny okay okay keep

it as a title not name I guess unless

that is his his given name it could be

that could be his Christian name I’ve

been that’s what I’ve been assumed in


yeah that’s probably true so I I do you

keep talking about a little bit the the

sort of power that you’re gonna

assume I mean what do you would it let’s

say let’s say hypothetically your dream

comes true you peered through one of

these windows you crawl up to it you pee

can you say Shh to the 40 people that

are behind you and to the children you

say there in front of you you know the

children who are sleeping yet you say

yes there it is and you crawl and he’s

just placing his evil candies down under

the children’s feet that’s what they do

in Easter dr. Lennon cuz you’re not

familiar with the Easter Bunny Easter

Bunny puts candy under children’s feet

and you you go up to him and you say

gotcha and you stab them and you stab my

name here’s to have them and then you

start consuming his meat his raw meat

right then and there what do you expect

to happen and what are you gonna do with

that kind of power well first of all I

wasn’t really imagining it that way I’ve

you know I’ve been really picturing it

for years and years and years and that’s

just not at all how I had to play how it

plays out in my mind what how is it

gonna play out plays out somehow I’ve

convinced the Easter Bunny to do a dual

type of situation okay I run and somehow

I’m able to leap up and I have the

dagger over my head and I just plunge

the knife through his heart and I say

that’s all folks

yeah and then I’d right there I’d rip

his meat but I’d do it respectful

because he’s a magical creature and I

want to treat this meat because I’m

gonna have a good meal with this I’m

gonna roast it over an open flame I’m

gonna sit down and I’m going to make

this a meal okay and from there I just

want to be able to lay back relax and

let it overtake me and whatever happens

happens so I do one thing you had

mentioned before you said somehow I’m

going to leap up and stab the money and


that the keyword being there somehow

because I was sort of wondering that as

well you do not seem like the kind of

person who would be able to physically

and do such a thing is that is that

worthy forty people behind you come in

because that’s now I am getting confused

on that point this has just been my

lifelong fantasy I’m not sure how all

the pieces are gonna fall into place but

I’m just hoping that everything is

exactly how I’ve always imagined it so

your so the game plan is you got 40

field behind you you get them – I don’t

know stand on each other’s shoulders or

something so you can stab the Easter

Bunny I’ll let them handle that I’ll let

them handle that yeah that okay I think

we’ve actually no but I think we’ve

actually figured this out let’s you keep

saying the pieces are falling into place

what if part of this what if part of

your destiny was me and dr. London

helping you figure out this puzzle and

kind of helping you accomplish this goal

what if you take some of these 40 people

you don’t need 40 but take like four of

them and they can create sort of a human

pyramid type of gymnastics position

where you’re able to put your foot into

someone’s hand and they are able to toss

you like a cheerleader sort of up into

the air where you’re able to come down

stab them is that is that is that along

the lines of is that something you’d be

okay with sure but I think I would need

more than four people definitely because

I’m going to need other people holding

the dagger up I’m gonna need other

people plunging it I’m gonna need people

you don’t want to be you don’t want to

grow you don’t want to do any of the

physical actions whatsoever I just want

it to look really really cool and be

exactly how I always pictured it that

does sound awesome

it yeah it’s pretty hands-off I guess

I’ll need people on the other side to

catch me obviously yeah obviously so it

really it sounds like the only reason

for having so many people in this group

is to sort of move you around like a

puppet is that about right right I hate

to use my own body energy I hate

oh that’s that’s a separate principle of

yours there’s just something I hate I

hate having to use my body energy you

have told me multiple times keep the

energy in the boneyard right that’s

where the energy needs that’s why I’m

saying I need you three young men strong

able-bodied to load this monkey meat up

in my van and that and I guess if it’s

already prepared all right I mean well I

mean the monkey meat it’s not I mean

it’s just monkeys okay well then I can’t

I can’t be the three of us who just need

to wrestle these monkeys down as well I

don’t think but so DJ Dylan can you okay

are we gonna do this right now

oh yes okay I’m emphatic Lee so doing

that thank God we’re recording at my

house right now

right who knew that the even the office

would be closed yeah so I’m just gonna

go upstairs real quick I’m just gonna

open I’m just gonna I’m just gonna open

up the attic I’m just gonna go ahead and

let the monkeys out and then if the

three of us could sort of get together

say it as if I’m going to but the

answers still no what let’s just wrap

things up now you’re not gonna have a

choice if you’ve got a 210 gorilla

runnin at you dr. Lennon you’re gonna

need to your pacifist attitude is not

gonna work in that situation with great

power comes great responsibility dr.

Linda and Gert we all know that yeah you

have the power to help me in in DJ Dylan

take down these these monkeys so I’m

just gonna open this door

you could play some sort of monkey

friendly Jam that the monkeys will will

respond to in a positive way

yes I hate okay they hate that

song is annoying but oh my god that one

really really hurts that song okay thank

you – Sheila dawn for being on the

podcast again alright you give up you

grab his arm London and my name is okay

stop stop are these on

the voices are chattering away in your

head you try to cover your ears to block

them out but they only get louder you

stand up and you start to run trying to

outpace these voices and their unceasing

torment you brush it your hair by your

ear and suddenly the voice is a bait on

that side everything is becoming clear

meow the reason why the voices couldn’t

be blocked out when you cover your ears

is because you were wearing headphones

and those horrifying voices were just a

podcast and speaking of horrifying

podcasts don’t forget to leave your

five-star review of the Jock Doc Podcast

in which you describe the efforts

through which you have gone in order to

rid yourself of the voices in your head

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