42: Septic Shock/Wolf River Paltrow

Hey kids you are about to listen to

A comedy podcast that means that none of

this is medical advice if you need medical

advice or medical care please contact

your doctor welcome to the jock doc

podcast featuring dr. London Smith

quarantine and chill with the doctor and

his game introducing your host hello and

welcome to the jock doc podcast where we

discuss fitness and health and how to

incorporate our modern understanding of

science and medicine into our daily

lives but without it being so boring

I’m your host dr. London smith.com I’d

like to begin by apologizing to our

listeners we’ve received some feedback

about the amount of tactical medical

terminology that I’ve been using such as

tachypneic and Pranksters so I’ll try to

moderate my vocabulary in the future

here to help with that is our producer


hello friends when Cameron heard about

April Fool’s he just kept denying that

it was a thing that that April Fool’s

aren’t real well no I mean I’ve been you

I mean like I’ve been called that my

entire life so I’m sorry if I’m a little

sensitive towards that because it’s not

even real like they’re not even like

it’s like saying like a leprechauns real

it’s not even real oh you you think it’s

like a creature that’s I’ve never seen

an April Fool and then people say I look

just like one they’re not even real oh

so I must look like err look like

nothing well err is real yes well you

know what I meant I met you I mean like

oh I must look like the absence of

anything because they don’t exist

they’re fictional ok it’s like it’s like

Santa Claus or the mailman right well ok

so I I have a little bit of a correction

for you there so April Fool’s Day is

actually so it’s an annual custom

on April 1st where people play jokes and

hoaxes so and then they might yell April

Fool’s at the recipient so whenever

people are calling you in April Fool did

they had they just done something to you

well I did something to them right after

beat the hell out of them I said there

is no April Fool it’s like Santa or the

mailman okay but so did they prank you

beforehand and then call you in April

Fool well yeah I mean definitely like

you know a lot of my friends will put

stuff in my pockets that I didn’t want

in there what keys are know I mean it’ll

be like chocolate what’ll be melted okay

in any case I don’t want to keep talking

about this is kind of getting a little

too close to for me okay

well also with us is DJ DYLAN IN DA



I’ve never seen an April Fool and then

people say I look just like one they’re

not even real also I must look like err


Cameron tells me that we can expect a

special guest that is right dr. London

all right so look forward to that before

we move on I would like to address a bit

of listener feedback I found this

feedback written on my face while I was

taking a nap while on call of the


the message reads quote do not answer

this is a way for hackers to steal your

birthday and steal your Social Security

benefits I saw it on dr. oz whoa

stop and what are you doing you’re

answering it

they just said stop that oh okay so I

shouldn’t answer this this listeners

question no they told you not to okay

cuz I did have an answer prepared about

you know staying safe with regard to

social security number no stop stop stop

providing an answer that Social Security

your height your eye color your address

things like this this is information

that I should be handing out of its

gonna be handed out okay I need to not

be given to this guy to hand I want to

hand it out I want to put that on

Billboard’s it’s infringing on our

advertising I’m sorry you advertise with

my private information yeah it’s like

the life you know the life lock guy he

like put his social security number out

there and said we’re gonna prove how

good life lock is I’ll give you my

social security number write it all stay

safe I’ve been doing the same thing but

with mine yeah with your medical

practice Wow

if you want to know how good dr. London

is here’s a social security number and

you think that proves anything well I

didn’t really understand it the first

time but I saw I guess it worked

so I just kind of followed suit how did

it how did it work

I don’t know I mean those commercials

ran for a while for the LifeLock guy oh

you mean they probably understand that

much so I just went ahead and put it on

I mean most of our billboards and you

know call center spam calls that we’ve

been doing around the clock so we’re

telling mark anyway right well and

here’s the thing we’re not telemarketers

because telemarketers they’re gonna call

you they’re gonna ask you for your

social security what our callers do they

call you and they just give you dr.

London’s social security number okay

this doesn’t giving people things this

doesn’t sound very effective for the

podcast to grow it just sounds like

you’re trying to give my you know

identity away I’m saying if it works for

the LifeLock guy we’ve got to be open to

the possibility you said your new year’s

resolution was to be more open to things

dr. London yes you said that okay yes

all right so we’re gonna beat we’re

gonna we’re gonna say yes to this and

we’re gonna be open to it yes yes yes I

am gonna say yes to life yes I am gonna

put myself out there yes yes it’s going

to call 700,000 people a month yes and

tell them my social security number with

an automated message yes but we can move

on so at this point normally I would

share a medical anecdote from clinical

life about you know my patient

interaction some examples of bedside

manner maybe but Cameron our producer

here so Kevin you’ve been insisting that

you have medical tips that that need to

be shared yeah if you if you missed us

last week we you know obviously we’re

talking a lot about right now dr. Landon

has informed me that it is a corona

virus I was saying a variety of things

last week but that’s that’s fine if you

would listen if you’d miss us last week

I had given you reports from my

quarantine submarine this was a

submarine deep deep deep into the ocean

which is really the only way you can say

safe in the in a pool right well it was

in a YMCA pool but

that I feel like it it functions the

same waters water okay so was at the

bottom of Y MC MC a pool I ended up

getting in contact with crowds of people

while I surface to try to get a snack it

was the whole thing

this said we you know I’ve kind of

ditched the submarine idea that’s kind

of in the past and now I want to bring

you what I have found to be kind of more

important okay

and DJ Dylan if we could get some sort

of a theme song or yes jingle going on

right here maybe Cameron’s coronavirus

tip something something cool okay maybe

you can go like I said the quarantine

submarine is a thing of the past what

I’ve realized is that this disease well

I don’t know if it can go deep into the

ocean it can get you while you are in

the pool at the YMCA if you’re

frequently surfacing to get snacks from

the vending machine which that alone is

an issue so yeah what I’ve decided I

really think this is gonna be kind of a

better thing is the quarantine

trampoline which is where I am right now

oh you’re you’re sitting on a trampoline

yes I’m sitting on a trampoline it’s got

one of those big Nets around it so you

don’t fall off while you’re jumping

around okay and this way the kind of

bouncy floor that comes with a

quarantine trampoline allows you to

quickly bounce away from someone who is

sick or coughing so you can sort of

continuously bounce away from the virus

okay well do you have other people

around you because if you just stay in

your home then generally that that will

do this kind of the same trick no one

else is thinking you know I think one

thing I’ve learned is that it to go into

any day saying I know who’s going to be

in my life I know who’s going to be on

this trampoline I think that is the

height of arrogance okay

because again I think accept what is

given to you I accept that things today

might be different than yesterday

I accept that a person might want to

like crawl on my trampoline and try to

chase me around

Coughlin’s me has this happen suppose

you to bounce away

no one’s it has not happened yet but

okay you just have me I’ve been

practicing the bouncing a lot the

bouncing okay so that’s for our

listeners is this your tip one my tip

number one is yeah if if someone comes

running at you coughing just bounce away

because you’re already on the trampoline

yeah tip zero is beyond the trampoline

that’s default okay this sounds insane

well it sounds a bit like the submarine

situation where you know people may not

have access between water trampoline air

right because you’re getting sweet air

so different yeah just in terms of what

people have access to is what I mean

it’s kind of the same problem not

everyone has a trampoline or a submarine

I doubt I really doubt that okay I’m


I understand one person on having one of

them but you’re saying a person had not

having either okay

no go on an important thing to do during

this time I know tensions are kind of

high and there is a bit of stress going

around and you know actually stress is

bad for your body physically okay yeah

actually makes you more susceptible to

contagious diseases because it lowers

you and your immune system isn’t that

right dr. lon that’s right yeah so I

think it’s important during this time to

find the things that emotionally comfort

you I think for a lot of people that

might just be a picture of a loved one

or even just a fun game you can play on

your phone that kind of you know is

comforting for a lot of people it might

actually be an animal you’ve seen I’m

sure people at the airport and all sorts

of places with emotional support dog

that’s become very common in office

places and I think you know it doesn’t

have to be like limited to

emotional support dogs I don’t know I’m

sorry what am i hearing there if you

could hear these are my so these are my

emotional support goals

yes seagulls is that I’m here yeah my

abortion will support goals that kind of

fly loosely around the tree the the kind

of the top of the trampling because it

does have sort of a roof on it so you

keep emotional support seagulls flying

around your feet seagulls and they fly

around and I sort of you might be asking

how do I keep them around yeah yeah it’s

just a bucket of fish heads

you don’t really don’t eat anything more

complicated than that okay and and you

know if that you know I it’s if that’s

not enough for you that’s understandable

to not everything can be limited to just

one animal someone might need an

emotional support dog and an emotional

support cat okay Cameron am i hearing or

that are those snakes the yes dr. London

I I found that the goals were not sort

of emotionally fulfilling enough to

sustain the amount of stress that I’ve

allowed in my life and so along with the

goals I’ve included a lot of snakes and

a lot of different types of snakes and

different styles I don’t I can’t really

give you details on what type of snake

is which because it’s all kind of a mess

it’s just really just a pile okay and

they’re just white why did you go for

snakes and seagulls as opposed to say

the examples you gave like a dog or a


oh oh oh sorry I didn’t know I was gonna

live my life as like a basic Instagram

bro oh I didn’t know my life was just so

simple that I’m just gonna copy what

every Wall Street tech bro Silicon

Valley nerd nurse at the doctor’s office

whatever does I can’t have it a little

originality in my life dr. London okay I

guess with those particular animals I

don’t think of them as my big goals and

snakes my two favorite animals okay no

I’m sorry I didn’t even I didn’t realize

that about you oh and you’re actually

when you’re hearing my my the last part

of my

social support group this is my

emotional support hot dog vendor that I

bring along with me he’s kind of hanging

her out out here in the trampoline and

so so normally emotional support animals

are animals and like pets sure oh yeah

so this is a wiener so what what are

pets if not humans you know what I mean

I guess I don’t I

humans animals right we’re just animals

right a pet is just an animal you have

in your trampoline I go along with my

goals and my pile of snakes I’ve got

yeah I’ve got an emotional support hot

dog vendor he gives me a hot dog anytime

I want it okay well that it that does

sound nice it doesn’t sound like

sustainable for his business but anyway

so for tip three I don’t know just like

hang out and like just hang out with

your friends and go to the mall and yeah

you just want to like hang out and like

spend some time with like your buddies

and like maybe go to a bar tonight you

know what I mean like just like maybe

just go out and yeah just like I’m just

like hang out okay I guess those are

those are Cameron’s tips for dealing

with this this virus Oh deaths right now

for today’s medical topic septic shock

sepsis is a condition in which

microorganisms in the blood cause a

systemic reaction that can cause

multiple organ failure septic shock then

is defined as hypotension induced by

sepsis that persists despite adequate

fluid fluid resuscitation

this results in hypoperfusion which is

whenever blood isn’t providing nutrients

properly and so that can ultimately lead

to multiple organ system failure and

death are you are you booing what are

you booing oh well you said before the

show that I wasn’t allowed to interject

and kind of make it about me and my

stories that instead

I can just only maybe like throw in

comments here and there yeah so yeah I’m

just booing death and just kind of

negative things go ahead doesn’t bode

well for the rest common causes include

pneumonia pyelonephritis meningitis

abscess formation cholangitis cellulitis

peritonitis in terms of the

pathophysiology of septic shock there’s

a severe decrease in systemic vascular

resistance secondary to peripheral

vasodilation okay no it’s mmm it’s still

not good in other words your blood

vessels become loose

rather than constricting and that

decreases the blood pressure so

extremities are often warm

due to this vasodilation cardiac output

is usually normal or increased ejection

fraction which is a measurement of the

percentage of blood leaving the heart

each time it contracts that is decreased

secondary to a reduction in

contractility of the heart so so

clinically manifestations of septic

shock are related to the cause of the

sepsis additional signs septic shock yes

include okay it’s to clarify Cameron

septic shock is bad it’s not actually

good for a person well why don’t we let

the fans decide okay so additional signs

of subject shock include what is termed

systemic inflammatory response syndrome

which is characterized by two or more of

the following fever over 30 degrees

Celsius or hyper hypothermia under 36

degrees Celsius hyperventilation

which is breathing under 20 breaths per

minute or paco2 less than 32 millimeters

of mercury

tachycardia over 90 beats per minute and

increased by blood cell count over

12,000 per high-power feel less than

4000 you drive your powered field or

over 10% band forms you get

patience will also present with signs of

shock like hypotension decreased yes

urine output and lactic acidosis septic

shock is essentially a clinical

diagnosis which may be confirmed by

positive blood cultures but negative

cultures are common so treatment is

initially with broad-spectrum IV

antibiotics at max doses antibiotics for

more rare organisms antifungal

medications may be required if there is

no clinical response or if there is a

suspicion for an atypical organism such

as an immunocompromised patient

treatment may also include okay is this

still a protest

okay well treatment may include surgical

drainage if necessary fluid

administration is also used to increase

the mean blood pressure which may

require many liters of fluid and finally

mean blood pressure mean yes

vasopressors such as norepinephrine

dopamine and phenol Efrain may be used

if high position nora ephron boom

persists despite aggressive IV fluid

resuscitation septic shock is

unfortunately the most common cause of

death in the intensive care unit boo so

the ICU is actually a good like that’s

where they help people septic shock

would be the enemy here mmm I’ve seen

static shock and he was not the enemy

all right Cameron you said that we had a

guest today is that right we absolutely

do dr. London I’m excited for this one

all right hello there hi thank you for

having me here with you I’m Wolf River

Paltrow CEO and founder of Pogue as you

know Gwyneth Paltrow is my distant

cousin we and you say you say as you

know very assumingly we this is we are

meeting so my name is dr. Lennon

smith.com and this is our producer

Cameron you’re on the jock talk podcast

it’s it’s nice to meet you thank you

because dr. London has told me many

times to try to learn something about

our guest anything even their name why

they’re on here their occupation I mean

whether or not they’re homeless or

whatever and to which I say no because

I’m too busy accepting life and so I

love it

yeah and dr. London you should shove

that in your face can we call you wolf

then oh yeah okay that’s that’s my dog

canine name can we get help from you

just a little bit of one yes all right

we got it

okay I feels good feels good all right

you know acting like a dog cures all

disease as you know okay well once again

this assertion that we know and great

like it there’s a certain confidence to

it oh yes it Cameron you just you did

mention a few minutes ago that humans

are animals and that’s absolutely true

dogs are our leaders and we should learn

from them now this is very interesting

because dr. London keeps telling me that

he’s my leader and I hate that and it

pisses me off but I could submit to a

dog mm-hmm dr. Lana how do you feel

about the medical science behind what

we’re learning here today I

so normally dogs are considered to be I

guess lower in the sense that you know

there are pets but admittedly when

Cameron’s support animal is a person a

hot dog vendor it I’ll admit that my

views are starting to I guess

perceptions are skewed a little bit from

from my norm the key word is hot dog

okay yes you see

is totally on my team Yesi hard heavy

I’ve known this man for about 45 seconds

and he’s making a hell of a lot more

sense than you ever have dr. London yeah

I’m here let me hearing about right now

Jiggs supporting exactly what I said

which is that people are animals animals

are people and now I’m being told that

we’re supposed to be submitting to dogs

and I like it okay well wolf could you

tell us you’re too shocked to even say



so wolf could you tell us about this

company you said something about getting

rid of germs oh yes pug it’s a goop

spelled backwards in a sense we’re

puppies obliterate our germs yeah we

completely believe that the more you get

closer to a dog lifestyle the more

better your immunity becomes and the

better your 40 chakras become more

aligned with the nature’s vibe it’s it’s

all very common sense really

and chakras I can get those anywhere

anywhere just like at the store

no no anywhere I mean how do you have um

here’s a question

mmm dogs have have you ever seen a dog

with the coronavirus the day before that

no and you know why it’s because it’s

because the corncob is that mm you said

coronavirus okay no no I haven’t go

ahead well Cameron has stopped dogs to

ask them but I I don’t know that tests

are you know are very prevalent for dogs

for Carnival and the tests I’ve been

giving them I’m just gonna tell you

right now I don’t think they’re as

accurate as I’ve been telling people

okay but wolf what were you about to say

about that well sorry it was a

rhetorical question the answer is now

no dogs have the coronavirus and that’s

because they they walk on all fours you

see okay and that makes it really hard

for them to touch their face with their

paws interesting so what you’re telling

me is that by walking on all fours as a

person exactly I’m not gonna be able to

balance to be able to scratch my little

nose or anything like that no and and

and you’ve heard the experts you do not

want to touch your face yes okay well

it’s very that part is true this is

changing my entire Quarantine trampoline

I should be bouncing on all fours yes

yes as quickly as I can away from people

except for my hot dog guy because of

that oh yeah the dog aspect yeah now

make sure to eat the hot dog from the

ground on all fours okay so this is

actually when I wanted to ask is kind of

get into some of the behavior that’s

acceptable as a human trying to act more

like a dog because I think we can all

agree all three of us can agree that

acting more like a dog is going to

prevent human diseases right no I mean

being lower to the ground okay there’s a

lot of germs we are we’ve already

established the science of what’s going

on here so I don’t understand what

you’re against

it’s you don’t want to be like a fool

dr. London do you like an April Fool no

I I feel like April Fool

so we’ve already established that dog

science walk on all four disease now but

what about fleas should i acquire fleas

yes that’s a good point should I

I don’t think doctors want sorry I don’t

think that dogs want to have fleas

doctors but they don’t have them I don’t

want to eat broccoli and yet I do for my


yeah fleas fleas are a proven way to

make sure

you know you know you mentioned doctor

that these are these micro bacterium’s

called septic shock right so that’s

that’s very small relative to us but you

know what it’s not really small relative

to a flea dogs use fleas to make sure

you know the flea takes a little bit of

your blood but if Lee is looking out for


Wow taking care of all those little

microorganisms that cause septic shock

so so the the fleas are taking out the

bad blood oh yeah oh we’ve been thinking

about fleas this is going to

revolutionize the way we think about

fleas I don’t think it will this is a

new paradigm for flea thought did you

did you have a lot of flea thoughts

before this no but they’re coming at me

so quickly right now for example can i

buy fleas on the Internet how many fleas

do I need per square inch of my body do

I name the fleas wait does this okay cuz

even what if I’ve met flea from the Red

Hot Chili Peppers does that do anything

yes can’t no meeting flea really changed

my life oh you’ve met him as well oh yes

all the palt rows all the Paltrow’s have

met the Red Hot Chili Peppers and yeah

completely changed my life

yeah he named himself Lee as I named

myself wolf because we all understand

that getting closer to the animal we

respect is what keeps us healthy Wow and

so he why did he call himself Lee then

in relation to you calling yourself wolf

did he take your blood

oh no he’s a bassist as you as you know

you know that right yeah it’s a bassist

yeah Little Red Hot Chili Peppers

it would make sense for a bassist – what

– be a flea because that is the


fleas would play if they were the size

of a human obviously obviously no I feel

like this is a reference to a flea

circus hmm no the Red Hot Chili Peppers

yeah I’m sorry because it’s a band in

the olden days there was also the flea

circuses where they would have you know

supposedly little fleas playing

instruments and doing circus try what

are you talking about right now dr.

London I I’m just trying to get a grip

on how you would you would assume that a

flea would do this if it was full-grown

but maybe I’m off maybe I’m off no

actually oh go ahead dr. London has a

point there back in olden days we loved

the flea circus we respected the fleece

we gave them a chance to speak to the

people and back in the day no

coronavirus there was coronavirus

is that true just not this strain you’re

saying just not this strange no I

strained this has never been this

strange coronavirus this genotype we’re

talking about trains now nope we can no

we can move on so your wolf your your

big your company pug what I guess what

are your objectives then as with your

company oh we we try to make sure that

people observe correct practices in

times of pandemic oh you understand

social distancing of course right right

well social distancing it’s it’s

something wolves do naturally the

average wolf pack is six wolves

interesting and they don’t get in there

each other no no no they they hunt they

each wolf takes around 20 acres of land

for themselves to hunt and that that’s a

lot of space between the wolves

and that’s something that people don’t

do and then we just we just want to make

the point that there you go it’s it’s

been there in front of us are the entire

time the correct way to live and thus

the common phrase of blown wolf

mm-hmm exactly

is that the phrase I think so a blown

wolf yeah okay

what um when it comes to your company do

you have any products or is this more of

a cause that you’re pushing my paws a

cause I love it I love it yeah we we

sell we sell collars for people Wow

oh yes and microchips


okay so to sort of keep track of

everything like you will keep track keep

track of your blood pressure keep track

of your blood glucose levels okay so

this unlike the the flee prospect the

microchips you know and things to

monitor blood pressure and blood sugar

those are actual medically used things

are you working with the pharmaceutical

industry so pharmaceutical industry I

just feel like as a little bit skewed a

little biased towards I’m meeting human

needs yeah yes and I see you put the

word pharmaceutical in quotes you did

sort of the air quotes with your fingers

is there is I mean is that is there some

sort of a tension between you and in

this kind of industry yeah not enough

dog paw hand sanitizers oh my gosh that

must be really really difficult yes and

you know people tell you people tell me

oh you shouldn’t touch the ground but

you know what you know who’s always

touching the ground the dog’s the cat’s

actually not a not a good model they

touch their face way too much ah they do

they do the licky thing yeah not good

wolf I do want to ask so if if a person

are wanting to make themselves as much

like a dog as yourself trying to reach

your level let’s say someone like dr.

London who you know he’s a mate he’s a

man of stubborn science and a man of you

know oh it’s not in the books how would

you take a man like this and give them

sort of a daily routine or something or

how would you transform them into the

beautiful your coat is beautiful by the


thank you the beautiful dog person that

is sitting before us how can we turn dr.

London into someone a little

more like yourself so with any lifestyle

change we do not advocate going 100%

all-in for a beginner that’s good

we we advocate zero to 100 real quick oh


that’s that is not sustainable we were

rather you be 50% dog for the rest of

your life then 100 % dog for one week

you know what I mean

interesting so one small step that you

could take right now in this time is to

stop using toilet paper done I’ve done

that for a couple weeks now yeah way

exactly there you go toilet paper is a

very you mean you switch to a bidet is

that what you mean no no but what’s

what’s a good day I don’t know

I’ve just a dog I’ve just been dumping

my button there I see you you’ve just

looked at the toilet seat up and then

stuck your butt into the water yeah I

just dumped it in there just wash it and

sometimes drink out of it it’s very

convenient Oh see I’ve not been doing

that but you are right if I’m gonna

become more like a dog mm-hmm

step 1 dish the toilet paper done and


dr. Lunney can you at least commit to

that this week no no toilet paper is

very much a part of our society as a way

to to maintain explain explain the

medical science behind irrefutable ‘t

paper for your butt because otherwise

you can have you know fecal matter

remaining wrong yeah the fecal matter is

very important you know oh and you know

you can you know you know how it is how

it seems like it’s becoming harder and

harder to understand and meet people

nowadays I have well these days because

it’s because we’ve wipe off our fecal

matter dogs on the other hand smell each

other spots immediately understands what

the other what the other living being

is eating the other day but what they’re

experiencing dogs kept-kept all that

poop they’re interesting so you’re

saying I don’t even really need to clean

my bathroom I was thinking it was

getting pretty bad but you’re saying I

can just keep a lot of that stuff around

oh yeah it’s a really good way to

introduce people into your lifestyle Wow

people will just walk into your bathroom

and they’ll be like oh I know exactly

who Cameron is or when you know instead

of being like I can be like well that

this is me trying to open up to you a

little bit yeah that’s you saying hi in

multiple occasions I feel like this is

this is going downhill pretty fast I

don’t know that I support these

particular habits get down hit downhill

or downward-facing dog

oh boom he just kicked your ass dr.

London yeah so maybe wrap it up now I

let’s go on to the next next tip for dr.

London don’t go on more walks you know

the number one disease that American

adults experience is heart disease yes

why is that if I could prevent it walks

Wow okay these look that is that is a

fine point yeah cardiovascular exercise

can you know be a good preventative for

cardiovascular disease which is the

number one carry on the same page oh my

god but but but once again Lee I do have

to agree with dr. London here the only

issue with this is that you’re gonna

have to wait until your owner takes you

on a walk you can’t do that on your own

initiative yeah that’s a big problem

Cameron I love you so much and that that

is the problem there’s not enough doggy

doors being installed in all the houses

there I’ve been saying this for so long

there are not enough doggy doors both

for dogs and for people who just prefer

to use it

when was the last time you’ve seen a dog

adore I it’s been I mean almost my

entire life yesterday but oh well that’s

very progressive I love it well I don’t

use a doggie door because I use they’re

too big for it

you’re a little too cool for it handle

normal the door normally well you’re not

gonna be using a handle in my bathroom

I’ll tell you that normally I just like

I’m sorry I’m normally like a human nor

normally like in like not a dog well

this is a sort of language that pervades

our society that dr. lund exactly why

I’m here to speak on behalf of dogs and

we’ve seen this sort of kind of systemic

like specious attitude towards dog and

dog humans that people like dr. London

tried to push his quote/unquote pharmacy

industry or whatever yeah I was just he

was talking about something that sound a

lot like medical devices that could be

really useful for you know diabetics

some of which already exist I think so

boo-boo let’s hear I want to hear the

third tip we’re talking about getting

rid of toilet paper going on walks let’s

give us a third one that we can use to

wrap up let’s play catch let’s play

catch yes let’s do it let’s play catch

what are we playing catch with go call

your dad you know play catch like a dog

– a dog do dogs play catch oh yes yeah

wait wait play catch all the time do

dogs throw the ball back for you to

catch it I mean with with enough

training dogs could actually do what I

interrupt and sort of clarify something

here wolf you you replied to that answer

do dogs play catch with yes we play

catch all the time this is I I’m a

little confused on this are you a human

who acts like a dog

or do you think of yourself as a an

actual physical canine you know this is

the first time I’m gonna really get into

this but I have a confession to make I

am NOT a dog I’m sorry you’re not I’m

not I am a human who who who who wants

to be one but you know just I speak the

truth here I would say that that’s not a

dog and come to terms with then I guess

good good job on yeah maybe we shouldn’t

minimize his struggle dr. London how

about that yeah okay well it’s you know

it’s good that you’ve made this

breakthrough I guess maybe is your does

your does your cousin support your

company because I did notice here that

your company pug is the name of your

cousin’s company goop but uh kind of the

other way has that caused any issues oh

no it’s it’s really it’s it’s been great

we work very closely with each other I’m

in charge of smelling her products to

make sure they’re on brand yeah and you

know what be injured okay head sorry I’m

sorry what what’s interesting I would

say you know would be interesting is you

were talking about sort of the medical

benefits of smelling each other’s


oh no and she sort of specializes and

candles that smell like specific

intimate body parts yes I think we could

combine these ideas I think we can get

ourselves a pug butthole candle could I

steal that idea that is that is

fantastic I am calling Gwyneth right now

who’s a good puppy who’s a good puppy

who’s a good dog you are

let’s not reinforce this okay that’s

that’s a good time to call it then all

right well thank you to our guests Wolf


Paltrow wait wait wait a second what

does puck stand for puppies obliterate

our germs yes I love it okay

and thank you to our producer Cameron

actually before we go on um

wolf is there a way for listeners to

reach you after this oh yeah

wolf underscore river under Scorpio og

that’s our Twitter

that’s our Instagram yeah okay all right

and a producer Cameron thank you for you

know being our producer getting the

guests absolutely alright thank you –

did you do in the house exactly

we’re on the same page oh my god this is

great but no my god this is great


my name is dr. Lennon smith.com this has

been the jock doc podcast

bark-bark you take a step a voice in

your head is calling you a fool for even

thinking of this idea in the first place

much less going through with it you take

another step a scrap of bark falls from

the tree to the distant ground below

hundreds of feet separate you from the

earth and though you wish to be reunited

you would rather take that particular

relationship slowly your foot inches

forward on the branch then your foot

millimeters forward you simultaneously

feel and hear a crack in this length of

wood that moments ago seemed so

dependable then you remember what led

you to this foray in the first place and

look up your shiny red balloon you grasp

the attached ribbon from among the

branches above and calmly step off the

supporting branch and begin your flow

down chuckling at yourself forever

whirring speaking of chuckles don’t

forget to leave your five-star review of

the Jock Doc Podcast in which you describe

the efforts you’ve gone through to

retrieve your shiny red balloon and

while you’re at it go ahead and share

the Jock doc podcast with a friend or

foe you can send them a link to your

favorite episode or just send them our

handy website JockDocPodcast.com and

don’t forget to take a peek at our posts

on social media we are @JockDocpodcast
thanks for listening