41: Hypovolemic Shock/EC-17

Hey kids, you are about to listen to a comedy
podcast that means that none of this is medical
advice if you need medical advice or

medical care please contact your doctor

Welcome to the jock doc podcast

featuring Dr. London Smith he’s fit as

a fiddle and works in the hospital

introducing your host dr. London hello

and welcome to the jock doc podcast

where we discuss fitness and health and

how to incorporate our modern

understanding of science and medicine

into our daily lives but without it

being so boring I’m your host dr. London

smith.com I would like to begin by

apologizing to our listeners we’ve

received some feedback about the amount

of technical medical terminology that

I’ve been using such as peritoneum and

spring break brah so I will try to keep

my vocabulary a little more simple in

the future here to help with that is our

producer Cameron and actually I should

correct myself there Cameron is not

physically here today I actually don’t

know where where Cameron is at the

moment dr. London can you hear me dr.

London yeah yeah are you crying coming

in clear

three two one DJ Dylan can you hear my

kissy noises and well one yes – yes yes

what what where are you

I am currently I’m sure dr. London you

more than anyone are aware of the all

the recent news lately all the recent

concerns on a national and international

level you talking about that the corona


the who the what which is the



I think it’s this norovirus I don’t I

don’t believe so

yeah it’s like the snore uh or know the

snore rona virus that’s right like I

think it’s called the corona snake and

then you you snore so loud when you

sleep your bursary eardrum it’s actually

called The Cove in nineteen technically

right but it’s Crotona or snore ona or

whatever it’s called regardless who’s

some sort of an epidemic going around

and I have done the smart thing and the

smartest thing and taken precautions and

so right now I’m in my quarantine

submarine I’m sorry you’re in a

submarine I am in a submarine dr. London

yes okay because because the advice

that’s being given to people right now

is you know if you feel the symptoms and

if you’re in a you know an age group and

have medical conditions don’t have to

worry about feeling symptoms when I’m

thousands of feet under the sea level

dr. Hahn dead

I’m staying safe coming at you live yeah

well this is a just like no this is a

recording so it’s not coming at you live

okay yeah that’s right we are okay so so

Cameron is our producer that’s who’s I’m

sorry Cameron is that is there something

outside of your submarine yeah there’s

lots of things outside of this submarine

dr. London the ocean is awesome why

haven’t we talked about this on the show

have you been down here I know well I

live on land so usually I’m not

underwater now I mean there’s

there’s little Nemo’s I see two or three

Nemo’s and I see two or three ponies

let’s see I see I don’t want to say Amer

man because I think that’s assuming how

this gender yeah okay but you think it’s

a mer creature just flipped me off

okay well also with us is DJ DYLAN IN


Spring Break


and later on Cameron before he left for

his quarantine submarine he told me that

we can expect a special guest as well

that is right dr. London all right well

before we move on I would like to

address a bit of listener feedback this

feedback was written on the inside of

some bandages of what I assumed was a

listener and I of course received it by

unwrapping it from their abdomen after a

minor surgery quote I’m not trying to

pay a part-time burger flipper $15 an

hour learn to be more of a contribution

to society men wage jobs are entry-level

jobs stepping stones there is no reason

to retire or work as a cart pusher for

20 MF years

that’s not everyone else’s fault rant

over end quote first of all thank you so

much for your insightful question here

at the jock talk podcast we love to hear

back from our listeners to answer your

question it sounds like you are very

frustrated about the debates concerning

minimum wage unfortunately I don’t know

a medical solution to this issue doctors

can’t prescribe you know a certain wage

for people so this isn’t really and I do

have to say I don’t want to blame anyone

for any position that they’re in but if

you if you went to school to be a he was

in a car pusher like someone who pushes

cars I don’t think that’s a lucrative

industry physically pushing cars from

point A to point B I understand the

appeal and I understand that maybe back

in the day that attracted certain types

of crowds people you know looking for

these kind of freaks and you know

Guinness world record holders you know

pull in trucks with

beards and all this things but you can’t

expect to make a livable income on that

there should be a hobby okay so you

think I don’t get me started on stone

steppers he said something about stone

steppers that there’s no money in stone

stepping just stepping on stones I don’t

understand why I would have to pay for

that and I do I try to because you know

I I’ve come into you know quite a bit of

money from this podcast from our budget

and so you know I try to I try to tip

well but I don’t understand what I’m

paying for they’re just stepping on

stones I don’t like I’m sorry that the

budget from this you’re talking about

just my money yeah well in the the money

that I take from it yeah because that’s

just my money that’s not the show’s

budget I just say that the show’s budget

is our money we’re both putting money

into it

what what money have you put into it I

think I’ve put in a lot of ideas which

are pretty money and I think I’ve put in

a lot of effort and a lot of gumption

which I think a lot of people might

consider a pretty money okay well anyway

so do that listener thank you for your

question and thank you for listening and

normally at this point I would share a

tale from the hospital or clinic or

surgery ward but Cameron has actually

been insisting to me that he is ready to

take on a bigger role on the show by

sharing some medical safety tips so that

is right dr. London and I here are maybe

you’re already trying to stick to

American reservations yeah you’re

already trying to make excuses for me

huh well I was just gonna introduce you

little bit more by saying you know

coronavirus as you mentioned is a

pressing issue in the world sure so

you’re going to share with us prevention

and care that was the idea but then you

started making excuses and sort of

talking down on me but that’s fine okay

I’m sorry

you know what the floor is yours take

you know the first thing you need to do

stop sleeping

don’t do it nope again I’m sorry I don’t

know the name of this thing I don’t know

if it’s Khurana or Snow aronia or

whatever it is I do know that the one

thing that’s been consistent between all

people who have caught it is sleep

sometimes upwards of eight hours a day

and you think that that’s the problem

that I think intim I think it can’t be

at this stage it cannot be ignored

it can’t be simply a coincidence that

every single one of them sleeps every

single day okay I I don’t know a lot of

the people who have died from it sleep

even more

okay well that’s that’s not sleeping at

that point that’s death that’s you know

well Colonel rest oh okay eternal so I

would say that’s tip number one I would

say tip number two get as far deep

underwater as you possibly can get far

away down down down okay now I know I

said that I you know that the floor was

yours but I do want to interrupt and say

that sleep is actually very important

for a healthy body a healthy immune

system it’s important for you to

generate patience to get people a little

sick and ill so they have to go see who

hmm who do they have to go see and have

to be quarantined for two weeks and

taken care of by hmm would that be a doc

door mr. dr. London do you not see a

conflict of interest here well and

remember sir doctors answer me sir sir I

demand an answer answer me sir on a

technical level yeah I demand an answer

sir yeah I’m I’m trying to answer yeah

oh yeah so on a technical level yes that

would generate more patients but there

aren’t enough doctors you know like

we’re actually looking at a potential

you know sort of overflow like not

enough doctors to handle a certain

volume so ideally people won’t go to the

doctor so much they’ll you know be able

to manage this on their own so yeah

ideally people won’t go to the

dr. so they get sicker so then they

inevitably they have to go to the doctor

even more and even worse and spend more

money you’re just like like a like a

roofing contractor saying that don’t fix

your roof right now just to wait a

little while what’s what’s the worry

okay well I guess we can move I just

wanted to make that point clear and I’d

tip number three do not open your door

no why because you’re underwater so if

you open the door you’re instantly going

to drown that is not an ideal scenario

that is worse than the virus I can say

that definitively dr. London would you

agree if if you are underwater in a

submarine then yes not only the water

but also there changing and pressure all

of that would be very bad for you that’s

more’s you agree that drowning is worse

than the virus say it on say it on the

record I want to hear it I can’t say DJ

do you get effectively because both can

kill you so what you’re unwilling to say

that drowning is worse than the corona

virus right this is what it’s comparing

different you know methods of death so

it’s okay would you say that eating a

candy bar is better than drowning yes so

you can definitively say that in my

opinion and it depends on the person

perhaps all right you’ve heard of here

first then dr. London thinks that the

corona virus is the same as eating a

candy bar and so it’s nothing to worry

about and he’s saying stuff like that to

get you sick so you have to go to the

doctor went way sicker than you didn’t

have to be if you just listen to my tips

okay what is that others that all the

tips jack-in-the-box tacos you can get

two for a dollar and so if you get like

thirty of those then that’s thirty days

of food and you’re saying to take that

on your submarine yes and Oh tip number

five don’t open the door because then

your tacos will get wet okay so it’s

it’s actually two reasons to not this

doesn’t sound like it’s really a

about the virus it sounds like it’s more

submarine living tips I would say well

yeah I mean that’s definitely a big part

of it

well like preparing for the apocalypse

I’m sure that would include tips on

gardening for example well I guess one

thing for our listeners is that my my

guess would be most listeners don’t have

access to a submarine both in they need

to get access to a submarine alright tip

7 get access to a submarine I feel like

that’s the car already covered by tip 3

which was get deep below the ocean right

as opposed to by scoober snorkeling your

way there yeah okay alright well is that

is that all the tips tip no tip 8 little

fish that’s food big fish that can also

be food but all really really really big

fish you cannot eat that it’s too big


how do you I mean do you go fishing from

the submarine I thought you couldn’t

open the door or anything well I put a

gun on I kind of like taped a gun on the

front of it I think gotten to use it

yeah this is all very new for me right

but the I mean the assumption here is

that my gun I’m gonna shoot fish with it

okay and then probably just scoop up the

their carcasses with a net okay and once

again to get it I guess you’ll have to

go up to the surface in order to

actually take the oh I’m not going up

that surface because this no virus okay

well I guess well we’ll go ahead move on

from there but Thank You Cameron for

your tips for your health tips Thank You

dr. London for confirming that

everything I said is the way to end well

and once okay no we can move on from

there now for today’s medical topic

hypovolemic shock hypovolemic shock

definitive being occurs right

hypovolemic shock occurs when decreased

circulatory blood volume leads to

decreased preload and cardiac output the

rate of volume loss is very important so

the slower the loss of volume

the greater the effectiveness of

compensatory mechanisms acute or fast

loss is associated with higher morbidity

and mortality causes a hypovolemic shock

include hemorrhage and that can be from

trauma like you know getting stabbed or

maybe shot by a gun on a submarine

who would will that I mean no one would

consider that trauma that is an accident

if that were to happen on a submarine

there were note you couldn’t blame that

on anyone because it’s not traumatic

that’s just an accident

and everyone understands accidents okay

and other types of hemorrhage you can’t

be prosecuted for an act it’s just an

accident right well other types of

hemorrhage also include you know GI

bleeding you know something internal

that’s posted traumatic you can also

have non hemorrhage causing hypovolemic

shock and that can be from things like

voluminous vomiting severe diarrhea well

in the gut the the other end the other

person even said that the gun wasn’t

loaded right so I mean it’s honestly I

mean it’s an accident so it’s no one’s

fault and so no one could get in trouble

for it but it’s not it’s really their


okay did this happen to you Cameron I

thought you said you hadn’t used the gun

what are you saying

so I was talking about hypovolemic shock

and this is yep that is exactly what I

was talking to so hey some more examples

of non hemorrhage causes yet not severe

dehydration burns very hydrated space

losses and bowel obstruction etc

obstructions yeah and you know even like

third-degree burns yeah so if the

diagnosis is unclear from the patient’s

vital signs and clinical picture a

central venous line or pulmonary artery

catheter can give invaluable information

for hemodynamic muttering and I don’t

even think I don’t even think putting

someone into a coma is against the law

show me the law on that I don’t think

that that’s part of the law at all

well medic

it’s not it’s not like killing medically

there’s it’s different that you just put

them into a coma that’s not against the


medically they’ll sometimes put people

into a coma for certain reasons but

exactly so they’ll do that and so then

how could I be poor how could you know

the person who shot the gun in the

submarine or whatever be blamed for just

doing what a doctor does sometimes

putting someone do it into a coma on

accident so it’s not even anyone’s fault

and if it was someone’s fault it was

their fault okay so treatment for high

building like shock of course includes

the ABCs that’s airway breathing and

circulation as far as airway and

breathing patients and severe shock and

circulatory collapse generally require

intubation and mechanical ventilation

and in terms of circulation

if hemorrhage is the cause you’ll apply

direct pressure so let’s say you get and

yeah of course maybe or maybe the first

person you know had thought about

shooting the other person’s like a few

times you know you’re down in the

submarine you know things get a little

stressful and you know you you know you

started kind of fantasizing about stuff

like that you know like shut up just

shut up and then just kind of like

firing a few rounds just you know

everyone’s had those kind of thoughts so

I mean like that can’t even be tied if

the other person ends up in a coma

because they were shot by the first

person just because they had thought

that or maybe said some things like that

or had recorded like vlogs talking about

that beforehand doesn’t mean that it’s

their fault because it is no one’s fault

and if it was someone’s fault it would

be the other person cuz they said the

gun wasn’t loaded did you did you go

down to that submarine with someone else

originally nope just me there’s only one

talking person in the submarine right

now only one awake person well okay it’s

back to hypovolemic shock depending on

the level of shock IV hydration may be

required with fluid bolus and continuous

infusion followed by a reassessment for

non hemorrhagic shock it is not

necessary to give blood crystalloid

solution with appropriate electrolyte

replacement that can be adequate and

it’s not necessary

give blood to the person who was shot

either because yeah they lost some blood

but they’re still breathing hearts still

beating so I don’t think there’s any

reason especially if the first person

who accidentally shot them if they’re

scared of needles or anything like that

I think it would be inappropriate for

them to try to donate blood or anything

like that so actually um the second

person will just have to maybe you know

survive with a little less blood I

didn’t expect for what you were talking

about to so directly tie in to what

we’re talking about yeah so I was

talking about non hemorrhagic shock not

being necessary to give blood but if

it’s hemorrhagic shock you know you they

need fluids in order to maintain you

know adequate blood pressure well yeah

and in the end this like hypothetical

scenario in the first place they would

have plenty of the fluids because

they’re in Authority in a submarine so

they’re surrounded by it huh what

surrounded by fluids everywhere

yeah fluid fluid everywhere okay well we

can I couldn’t you know not a drop to

replace blood with be contrived all

right we can move on from there and

Cameron you said that we had a guest

today is that right that is right dr.

London okay hello hello there hi Jacques

Podcast my name is dr. London Smith this

guy and this is our producer Cameron oh

I’m sorry

that voice you’re hearing is our

producer Cameron hello can I be heard

yeah sorry sorry sorry I just I had to

using it through that sorry yeah so what

if I if I may ask are you are you well

where are you why are you on the show I


oh yeah I thought I would take the

opportunity to put myself in the

spotlight I so I like to call myself the

Bobby Fischer of epidemics I kind of

like yeah have you guys not heard of me

before the Bobby Fischer of epidemics

com look that up okay thank you that’s

your that’s what you go by that’s my

name that’s my name

I I consider myself the master of

epidemic infection III seek out I’m like

I’m like the storm chaser of like

epidemics like I started in the early

2000s III and I couldn’t stop it’s I’ve

been like traveling well and I can’t

believe you guys haven’t heard of me

like I thought the producers already

knew me when I came on like when I when

I signed up for this can I ask what we

did he did you talk to him about this no

I found like a survey online and it said

like you know like sign up like I didn’t

I thought like you guys would

immediately I thought you accepted me

because you knew who I was

Cameron this this would be your job

correct yeah well yeah I mean yeah he

filled out a cert so I it was one of

those online things that was like like

which which girl has the biggest booty

and you had to like pick between like

the two photos hey man don’t know don’t

don’t like paint it like that I wasn’t

out there looking for that like I’m I I

just like I’m a I’m an influencer you

know that’s what they call me now like

in the early 2000s I was for whatever

reason you decided to do the survey but

that is the service it’s an online

advertisement where it’s got two

pictures of bottoms and it’s saying

which Fanny is the biggest and this is

of course the American usage of the word

Fanny not the British version and you

click that you filled on that survey and

now you’re here no no and yeah he wrote

down sick guy when he said when he was

describing his occupation okay mr. mr.

Bobby Fischer no I prefer not to go but

Bobby Fischer that’s that’s sort of like

it’s sort of like mice

that’s just that’s just what do we know

what I call me right but like I mean I’d

like to go by my like I don’t really

want to give up my name because I’m

actually but you just asked if I come

from money I come

no but that’s like these are like my

coat like they’re like my name my code

names you know like coronavirus it’s

like the big name now but not actually

coronavirus it’s it’s that co19 you know

thing I like people know me as the Bobby

Fischer of epidemics because I’m so

goddamn good at it yeah but you seem to

know very little about the epidemic no I

just but I’d like to like here’s a

second no let’s not fine I don’t know

why I’m being attacked right now cause

like I’m I’m here I’m here to see ward

I’ve been in this submarine for so long

I’m just bored I’m getting fussy well

I’m like the opposite I mean I’m the

opposite of you man like I don’t I don’t

have to hide in a submarine I chase the

epidemics I’m the epidemic chaser I like

to go there I like to get the epidemic

and I like to be the first to the plate

you know like I want people to know

you’re my you’re my enemy I’m sorry

so did you go to China then I yeah I

mean I mean I I’m in China okay yeah I

was because we’re all you know speaking

remotely here and I didn’t know it’s

sort of just a blank call for me because

Cameron doesn’t I mean I’m technically

in a detention center

but but I’m I’m in China you know like I

they everywhere I go they stop me you

know because like when SARS was here I

came but to China then and I was like

purposefully going around trying to get

it cuz like I want to get it I like I’m

after the virus like I want to get

infected because that’s how you get the

name you know you you get the infection

and then you’re the guy and all not

funny story

you know how right that’s the prize

right like you get it and then like they

treat you nice like they set you up real

good like that that’s special white room

treatment and then you know they deliver

your fruit food to you like I was in

China I’ve I was in Algeria for the

plague and oh three I was in Mali for

the yellow fever and

five I was in India for the malaria

outbreak you know six I mean bro those

were my big ones you know but like

nobody like really care they like

eventually I got a reputation and like

the news outlets weren’t even like

covering me anymore but like I am the

guy I am the epidemic chaser you know I

chase that storm and I get it so that

the world knows but nobody nobody cares

you know well I guess I guess it’s an

honor to speak to you and sorry you were

getting to your name earlier but we we

skipped over that noise you know no I

that’s like I’m like Batman so what do

we call evil this is this is we’ve spent

so long trying to figure out what to

call you we’re not allowed to call you

the Bobby Fischer of epidemics even

though that’s the only way you’ve

introduced yourself

no but that’s like how people know me

but what do we call you that you call me

if it just call me epidemic chaser you

know like storm chaser okay I’m an

epidemic chaser just call me fine that’s

a ceasefire economy see from now on okay


II see actually let’s do EC 17 because

it sounds more like I actually like that

a lot let’s do EC 17 so it sounds like

it sounds like a 17 like a like a movie

rating that no one uses well yeah no I

don’t make that Association man like you

been you wouldn’t like bumming me out

ever since like you called me out for

that whole boobs and butt thing well I

guess I’m I mean you really yeah I don’t

know man like give me since we started

this podcast I’ve blindly picked every

single one of our guests and so far it’s

been a massive success but for some

reason this one I am I am this one’s

pissing me off

this is a first maybe I have to rethink

our guest choosing process because here

you’re coming on the podcast I just

talked about that you need to get under

the ocean to get away from this disease

to stay healthy so you don’t get the

snow rona virus and snore so loud that

you burst your eardrums and you’re here

saying that I’m a fool and that you

should go get it as quickly as possible

no no I never said that man I mean whoa

whoa I’m the other guy out there like

trying to show the world like and I just

want the pop like it’s not about the

popularity but it’s about the spot

I’m a spotlight Craver I love that shit

and like I’m like I purposefully get in

like I’m generally in good health but

then I like I tear down my immune system

before I go to these countries so I can

get it and like you know I’m in my late

30s like I’m not I’m not like super in

shape you know but like you know I so

you’re you’re you’re more of a daredevil

you’re not necessarily endorsing other

people getting the disease you’re about

pushing yourself to the extreme I can

exactly also just like I want people to

know I want people to see but like

nobody just shutting me down man like

I’m here to like get seen okay like I

want people to know and I want them to

know my name I’m the epidemic chaser I’m

the EC 17 like please like dr. London do

you think what he sees doing is a pretty

cool and radical and awesome idea I was

in Bolivia and o.9 for dengue fever I

was like in West Africa for meningitis

in 90 and well II know in 2010 like come

on like somebody give me some credit or

at least the hand foot and mouth in

Vietnam and 11 you got hand foot and

mouth disease like isn’t that I usually

add a disease that infants get what no I

I was there I never said I got it’ll

don’t make it hard to get it it’s hard

to get it man it’s hard to get it it’s

challenging as an adult yeah okay nobody

talks about nobody talks about how hard

it is to get these diseases once you’re

in the country you know how hard it is

to find people like that get through


like actually lick some like tiles and

like you know like door handles that

they actually touched it’s hard and we

are cleaning that stuff yeah weird

animals I mean have you nobody talks

about it how do you tried eating other

other diseases that are kind of targeted

at infants like no like what no what no

like why I’m not a baby I don’t mean

like look I was trying to be hard for me

you’re coming after me

can you already hug here I find

something odd about this situation in

that you are both quarantined and I’m

just in my study

you’re both quarantined he’s not

quarantined I’m Corey

iemon whoo-hoo I’m in the Hunan man I’m

down under I’m in here he’s trying to

land he’s in the shit he’s like the

cities’ they’re like looking at me

they’re like looking at me I mean at

least they gave me like my Wi-Fi

password and like let me like have some

outside contact but I’m not even sick

I’m not even sick I see what you’re

saying you’re involuntarily quarantined

right now that’s exactly like they’re

holding me man they’re like won’t let me

get though they won’t let me get it I

don’t think it exists could you comment

on his I mean his occupation like how do

you feel about this sort of disease

chaser yeah well lifestyle so easy 17 I

feel like perhaps don’t cave on the 17

thing you made give me the 17 just give

it to me you may have I’ve been at least

doing this since oh three that’s why I

said 1703 to 2020 ec 17 epidemic chasers

2020 okay ec 17 so you have been exposed

humbly to some risk factors for the

disease of covet 19 and so because of

that and because of your current

symptoms they stopped me in the airport

they stopped me in the airport coughing

and you know a few fever or something

but that does sound like a pretty bad

cough so no I’ve had this car for at

least 10 years which actually might put

you at greater risk because that sounds

like lung damage thinner you know

chronic bronchitis or something okay

doctor London they just asked you hey

this man who chases diseases do you

think that’s a good idea what the hell

are you talking about you’re like your

response to that was like well you know

I think the disease and if you coughing

no and the cough sounds pretty

interesting and tell this man he’s

killing himself what are you doing well

my first answer was to his question

which is his his statement which he is

that he thinks he doesn’t have it so yes

going to places where you and Chris

increase your risk of exposure

deliberately just for the sake of

coming disease is a bad health choice

hey it’s more than that it’s more than

that it’s it’s to tell the world I want

people to know and I want people to know

me I mean I’ve been doing this for 17

years well what do you want people I we

understand people want to know you want

people to know you but what else like

what are you trying to tell people

that’s what I don’t get what are you

trying to show to the world that the

disease exists no I mean it’s it’s more

like my version of it I want them to

hear my story you know I want them to

like I want that I want I don’t want

them to understand my version of it what

what is your version of it well I mean

it’s it’s my experience it’s like once

they get the disease I mean have you

ever seen like that fucking Jude Law

movie with like contagion as I was

contagious I forgot it’s one of those

it’s one of those movies I saw that for

being like in the middle of my journey

know what I mean it’s it’s all about

like you want it you want to like live

stream that you know you get the disease

and you’re going through the motions

you’re like look look at me look look

like once last time you saw like a

really good like Facebook live like I’m

sick and this is my journey through like

dengue or you know measles or some you

know like that’s that’s some serious

that’s some serious like truth man I

guess I don’t seek those out or watch

those very much because you know I could

see it in a hospital a lot so you know

those sort of things don’t appeal to me

as much but yes Zika was a real letdown

for me as a man I’ve just got to say

Zika was not what I thought it was gonna

be dr. London dirt your response to this

man and many of our other guests

continues to Wow and baffle me yes this

man is talking about some of the most

that you don’t watch medical movies is

because you might see it in the hospital

for real what the hell are you talking


well for one thing he is we are not on

the same continent so there’s in terms

of helping him I yeah I should say a


you should seek medical care God you are

the most incompetent doctor ec7 team are

you listening to me

okay well I think what I need you to do

right now is I need you to break out of

quarantine as quickly as possible

No okay hold on there is the idea is to

keep it from spreading but he doesn’t

have it he said I don’t have it this is

old this is old they wouldn’t I mean I

might have it because I I mean I wasn’t

that long I’ve been in the country less

than 48 hours

what oh he’s so you just you just

arrived yeah yeah yeah well I mean I was

in like I had to like get in through the

other channels right so I actually got

in through like India I’ve been like

I’ve been on a journey man like I took

the trains and I was on the buses and

then I got into like like far like West

China and I’ve just been like kind of

make inching my way cuz I couldn’t go

and I couldn’t get a flight you know

what’s the most interesting thing you’ve

eaten on your travels

I mean see the thing about the food is

that I never really know what it is

right so like I had this little like no

oh thing you say right look I’m supposed

to accept that no no like it was like it

was a little slimy you know I was like

kind of greyish Brown well it was and it

was had some stuff in it it was like

veggie mostly veggies right like I don’t

think of the right the card yeah

I’m not I’m not as familiar thing goes

are you coughing anything up when you

cough I mean it’s pretty dry it’s been

there it’s been there a long time it’s a

dry cough

damage did you see I said I had chronic

bronchitis if you’ve if you’ve had this

cough for a decade or more

then yes that that’d be the definition

of chronic is long term is what chronic

means I mean there’s a standard

definition but if you’ve had this cough

for that long

it would be described as chronic easy 17

I want it I want to get to know you a

little bit more when did that you said

this started in – well first you said it

started in 2000 and then you changed it

to starting in 2003 in order to

thousands no no in order to go by the

seven no and then starts but I SARS

right okay but I am interested in how

did you get into this why did you get

into this what what was your what was

your reasoning for getting in this

lifestyle initially just back in 2000 or

2003 that’s still debatable I just

okay here’s I I come from some money

okay like a family is very wealthy and I

had a choice you know I had a choice to

either like go do the college thing like

you know like follow in those footsteps

or whatever but like it seemed like

nobody really cared right like you know

hedge fund baby or not like that was

like I wanted to do something I wanted

to do my own thing and this was my way

of like showing the world that like you

know it doesn’t matter who you are you

know you can you can you can go and you

can travel and you can be somebody who

stands out and that’s why I like Bobby

Fischer tools like my inspiration cuz he

like he did that thing you know he was

the chest guru and and and really like

yeah like it was it was just it was just

a moment in my life when I I had to

decide who I wanted to be and and I said

alright I’m gonna chase epidemics and

I’m gonna see if I can get them because

then once and someone was like oh yeah

it’s just like a you know it’s this a

conspiracy like or like disease even

exist and I wanted to like humanize it

for myself and tell my stolen because

it’s like sure no boy what is it

no but no one says DS disease doesn’t

exist people might say that you know

like disease and epidemics are

exaggerated or things like that but I

exactly I don’t think that the concept

of disease does not know I never said I

never said I said the so it sounds like

you know some people

whenever they reach a certain age you

know the late teens early 20s they

they’ll go backpacking they’ll go you

know explore Europe or something and it

sounds like you rather than going going

exploring some we’re sort of in the

conventional way you decided to go

exploring specifically in areas where

it’s there’s an epidemic present well

and it I seem to be missing the the

point in which you decided that disease

was what you wanted to chase after to

find something bigger in this life

rather stars sorry so you just heard it

on news and we’re like oh that’s my life

now it was it was bigger than life man

it was the talk of the town like

everybody was talking about the

popularity yeah yeah and I was like I

got to be a part of that like I was an

early adopter like there I’m not the

only one man like I’m not the only one

oh you’ve got some friends out there in

the community you know it’s it’s an

online community mostly but yeah like

people talk like I like try and like I’m

like a Facebook group or is it like its

own forum I started started on MySpace

kind of went from there transitioned

over like I mean we had we were on and

well no I mean it’s like an MSN we had

like a group chat at first yeah but we

all met through MySpace and just like

finding our common threads and then you

know Facebook kind of took us to the

next level but we were we didn’t really

have like that Facebook page group

setting thing so it was it kind of like

eventually we were like early on and

read it but it was like we didn’t really

have a big following so it was just kind

of hit or miss as whether or not you

could find people ahead of kamma voice

but we’re out there man we’re or chase

him how many how many other people would

you say do this and are they numbered

differently from ec 17 it’s hard because

like they’re not actually like they’re

more interested it’s more like intrigue

and it’s hard to know actually how many

are out there on in the field like a

noted committed ya hosers were the real

heads exactly I’ve never actually met

another one of me out here that’s the

thing so I can’t speak to that

oh so you are the only one of your

as far as you are aware I mean here’s

the deal man like these are some of

these diseases are serious like they

could they could have been wiped out man

like there could have been even before

me like I might be one of like a lineage

you can’t like dismiss that shit sure

well I mean I mean do you know your

parents yeah what about your family the

ones you left behind to go travel it

sounds like it you know your family

quite a bit because you keep talking

about how you’d come from money you come

from this this wealthy family but then

you also say that you might have come

from a lineage of disease seekers like

lineage meaning like people who’ve got

who set the standard who’ve been there

before yeah I’m not talking I’m not

related those people I’m not flying okay

no my family but you said you okay okay

so your when you said you might come

from a lineage of disease seekers you

don’t know you’re just saying out there

in the world someone might have tried

this before but I don’t think so cuz

there’s no proof of that at all I can’t

Tony I just don’t buy this guy’s deal

it’s it’s very odd because normally

Cameron you would endorse the deal and

yeah I mean it’s refreshing in a way to

subtly were totally on board with this I

again I feel like it’s a personal attack

because I was just talking about how you

need to be under the ocean or you know I


we’re like in my case you know like I’m

surfacing right now I’m gonna get some

snacks but I said no shit listen I said

an ocean before but I mean like a like a

YMCA pool is kind of really where my

submarines at wait so you’re what about

all the fish you were talking about well

I mean that’s that’s here I feel like

someone should probably do something

about that but so I guess the MER person

was just a person I think that might

have just been I mean like just a person

which does make sense because they did

park my car okay the same person a

couple hours ago yeah okay okay I’m


easy seventeen it’s just we are juggling

this whole thing of you are in

quarantine somewhere and also Cameron is

involuntary sorry is voluntarily

quarantine himself currently and so yeah

I am trying to keep up with so I guess

to both of you have you been listening

to the guidelines on how to manage

coronavirus you know the ones from the

CDC from the World Health Organization

you know about washing your hands

frequently you know avoid touching your

face clean off services including say

your phones who are you asking that are

you asking this to know that you well I

I haven’t been following like anything

they’ve been saying I’ve just been

sticking my hand out the submarine

washing my hands that way I’m definitely

not doing it for 20 seconds I’m gonna

guess that you see 17 is probably not

doing that because his goal is the exact

opposite of that right okay well I’m

just checking here easy 17 what is your

approach been it’s been to purposefully

expose myself and break down my immune

system when I’m in the country of origin

for said epidemic okay so yeah yeah yeah

like I said I was in the airport I was

looking handles I was like trying to

like get into faces like as their coffee

you know you want that cop stream that

Media cough is the first like wave and

that’s what you want that’s what you

really really want and I mean like the

problem is here’s the deal it’s like

your body can only handle so many

diseases at what so it’s like I get a

lot of Miss misguided infections I want

this one but I got instead okay I

understand that so can can I ask it kind

of seems like we’re wrapping up here I I

do want to ask you what are your what

are your long-term goals

c17 like what is the big dream with all

of this you’ve been working your whole

life towards this thing what what is the

big dream are you wanting like a TV show

or is there is there something you’re

trying to do big picture honestly

honestly here’s the deal like I don’t

want to hurt anybody I don’t want people

to get sick because of me but honestly I

think that if I was to picture my

perfect scenario I would be the first

case like somehow I’d be in that like

market I would be like touching that

seafood and or whatever you know I would

be I would be patient zero yeah I want I

want that and I don’t wash I don’t want

people get sick but I just want to be

patient one and I don’t really know how

to do that because I don’t want people

getting sick because of me but I still

want to I want to be the number one

number zero patients over patient zero

with any old disease or are you saying

like patient zero for like the like

humanity ending apocalyptic a disease or

what do you that’s that that’s sort of

that but like that’s like if I think I

actually get that if I give you patient

zero but then somebody else could be

like patient one or two and like I don’t

they don’t get it for me like I just get

it when I go off and they’re like oh you

got it first but these guys are the ones

who spread it yeah okay you know what I

mean that’s the dream that’s I get it

you’re talking about humanity ending

disease you’re talking about human

history it’s gonna be remembered forever

you want that kind of reputation I can

kind of get that and I kind of respect

it I’ve come around on you Wow

you know I’m glad you guys have been

able to make peace in this way because

it really it was

a little bit unnerving to see two people

who seem so alike in their approach to

disease I’m gonna see you guys bicker

like you were

you’ve really you both come around a lot

all right

well on that note I think as Karen said

it is about time to start to wrap things

up thank you so much to EC 17 for

phoning in from your quarantine the EC

17 is there anything before we wrap up

here is there anything you want to say

is there anything you came on the show

specifically to get out there to follow

me at Bobby Fischer epidemic chaser

dot-com and Instagram hashtag Bobby

Fischer epidemic chaser just keep keep

in touch keep following for my journey

all right well thank you and thank you

to our producer Cameron who was kind

enough to phone in apparently from his

own self-imposed quarantine in a YMCA

pool yeah thank you – did you do in the

house I’ve been I’ve been at least doing

this 603 that’s why I said 1703 to 2020

ec 17 – demek – sir




my name is dr. London smith.com this has

been the jock doc podcast see you 20:00

the concrete feels cold and you cheek

but the cold is a relief at this point

as you begin to pick yourself up and the

heat of the day once again pace a

scorching visit to your face you cannot

quit now so you throw yourself back to

the ground back to that cold concrete

and then you pull yourself up again

readying yourself for another plummet a

shouting voice cuts through your

thoughts for the last time that is not

how you do burpees the personal trainer

scolded speaking of scolding is

unfortunately time for us to scold you

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