37: Chronic Venous Insufficiency/Charles Grossman

Hey kids! You are about to listen to a comedy
podcast. That means that none of this is
medical advice. If you need medical advice
or medical care, please contact your doctor
Welcome to the Jacque dog mod fest featuring

Dr. London Smith the only show where the

dogs get modified and the points don’t


introducing your host Dr. London Smith

hello and welcome to the Jock Doc

Podcast where we discuss fitness and

health and how to incorporate our modern

understanding of science and medicine

into our daily lives but without it

being so boring I’m your host Dr. London

Smith (.com)

I would like to begin by apologizing to

our listeners we’ve received some

feedback about the overuse of

complicated medical terminology such as

Fitness regiment cheat day and leap day

so I will try to tone that down in the

future here to help with that is our

producer Cameron hey dr. London wait

what what what what what are you calling

this show

it’s the jock doc podcast the what say

it again okay say it slower slow down


what do mean it didn’t even dawn keep


yeah the jock doc what’s podcast what

this is what’s I what’s the problem this

entire time I thought it was the Jacque

Dog Mod Fest why what did you think that

I mean it just sort of seemed like a lot

of the stuff we talked about on this


seemed relevant to the interests of you

know like French dog owners who would

modify their dog we talked about that

see home life that’s like primarily

what’s discussed yes see I thought it

was more of you know focus on science

and medicine like and fitness you know

yeah I thought all the like science and

medicine talk was about modifying

animals their genetics right isn’t that

the whole thing well no I’ve been buying

up all these dogs oh you’ve been buying

just lots of dogs like French dogs or

kind of French looking dogs or dogs word

you know curious about French food I’ve

been acquiring these dogs I was thinking

like maybe in our second year we can

start pushing them for merch see you go

to one of our live recordings and you

come you come away with a French poodle

you know yes a post well sounds a

sticker for your laptop well the dog is

a big responsibility though yeah so

exactly because we actually trust our

audience do you think do you think a

tool is torn around right now and all

they’re selling is t-shirts and hoodies

and stickers you think they trust their

audience oh so you’re saying that we

trust our audience more than we trust

our audience to be responsible because

the only type of person who would ever

conceivably listen to a French based dog

modification podcast would have to be

some sort of weirdo freak and someone

who has to be somewhat responsible huh I

guess I never sort of had that take so

to clarify Cameron it’s the jock doc

podcast meaning like jock like physical

movement like sports and you know

staying fit and then dark as short for

dog show dogs well it’s short for

doctors do see no I mean the sports part

show dogs that’s a sport yeah for for

dogs maybe but okay Jacques doc podcast

not the Jacques dog mod fest okay okay I

got it I got it

pivoting okay gonna change up a lot of

our marketing but sure go ahead

so okay this does bring me to one

question you’ve had like I haven’t

hearing a lot of noises like in your

attic cuz I haven’t seen these dogs but

I have heard a lot of scuffling and

stuff in your attic oh oh I’m sorry it’s

it’s a crime to have scuffling in your

attic oh I didn’t realize that it was a

crime for a doctor to overhear

dogs scuffling yeah it’s just it was a

lot of scuffling rummaging around you

kept telling me that it was what I

expected to hear like squirrels or

something but you said horses I said I

didn’t know okay and so it could be

anything such as a horse or a goat

because we don’t know there’s no way to

know well I I think you did know is my

point here that you knew that it was

those dogs cuz you’ve been collecting

them and I’m presumably putting them in

your attic no I don’t know what you’re

talking about I’m not keeping that you

know keeping all these animals in my

attic out there they’re very safe and

they’re being fed and they have plenty

of room to run around

well I can hear them now no what no they

are they’re out at the farm

let’s see also with us but before we

move on I would like to address a bit of

listener feedback so this feedback comes

to us from a stranger I briefly

physically bumped into on the street so

I found the note where my wallet had

been so presumably this is listener

feedback the note says hey wait stop

talking okay I don’t want to hear about

this anymore but you did say something

about bumping into a stranger that does

remind me of the stranger you bumped

into and though you went on a date with

last week dr. London well yeah yeah it’s

I didn’t really I don’t think this

podcast is the appropriate place to talk

about it you don’t think our audience

would be more interested in hearing

about that than about hearing about this

poor patient that you’re you know you

know breaking HIPAA to tell their

private stories about well this is so

that was just a listener feedback that I

was about but okay so I guess just to

stifle this so for Valentine’s wasn’t a

patient story it was a listener feedback

yeah well same principle so so I did

have a a bit of a it was a date I guess

it wasn’t it was a lot either

why the reservation to call it a date

okay well okay so this is what happened

I have I have this guy Cecil who he kind

of just works odd jobs for me he

told me that there was this that the

perfect one for me

and so we we went out to dinner oh yeah

I know for you I mean tall all arms hair

down to her arms so you’ve met her

no I just know you’re tight okay you

don’t think I know you dr. London yeah I

guess yellow eyes the yellowest ties

yeah which okay that does make me think

you met her so we we went to dinner and

you know I I guess I found myself

talking a lot which I don’t like you

know I prefer to have you know have an

interaction hear about their life you

know exchange stories but I’ve yet cuz

of the the type of person who starts his

own podcast is definitely not one who

wants to talk all the time and wants to

dominate the conversation right yeah it

was thrust upon you that you must talk

this much of course go ahead right so I

I was having this this meal and she she

seemed delightful this this person but

they were also wearing like this a

trench coat and kind of like we’re gonna

say you just weren’t saying much and so

you know we well I ordered for like they

it was just I love you you keep saying

not saying much so what what is your

date what is she saying well she didn’t

say anything for a long time not a

single thing so how so how did this work

out you did you guys meet at the

restaurant yeah and you knew so you you

got there

you saw the this trench coat

woman right and he just walked over to

her and just said hello they didn’t say

anything and then you just sat down

something to that effect yeah and so

like it was it was a lot of me trying to

because I get so nervous so I’m just

saying oh gee are you so and so are you

wanting to

so that I’m I suggested cute did you

puke in her food okay that’s to that

part so so we get our food and this is

the first clue that I have that maybe

maybe Cecil didn’t have the right thing

in mind because they I see said they’re

going after the food which I had to

order because they were dead silent for

that part too

and gradually I mean a lot of ladies

like the man to order their food yeah

and so so some sort of a fish dish and

so they’re they’re eating it and not

once again I feel like I’m doing all the

talking I’m trying to get them talk and

then finally I I hear and I and so I

think they’re doing like some sort of

weird impression and so I like I say

like Oh Steve

yeah I say meow back and like and so so

we had we had dinner

I did feel sick a little bit afterwards

I don’t know if it’s because I like I

was like oh can I try some and silence

and so I tried I I don’t know if it was

appropriate anyway I thought of you a

part of their dish without getting

permission for well again or I I don’t

know because so we left and later on


here’s what I think happened I think and

this is gonna sound kind of strange but

it it might have been a number of cats

like in a trench coat if that makes

sense I mean it does make sense what led

you to that conclusion just the meow I

mean you said me out back that doesn’t

make you a cat yeah unless I think well

like physically I thought I didn’t want

to comment hey hey hey if you’re a cat

you have to tell me okay I’m it’s the


you can’t I’m not gonna say you’re not

okay I’m not a cat but Cecil knows that


I can be more quiet and introverted and

maybe and you know like to read by

windows by windowsill and who the hell

is the Cecil guy he’s just might he’s my

go-to guy how do you how do you know him

I thought I thought I guess I thought I

was your go-to guy so how do you know

this well they just sort of doofus a

type of figure he will like in the

evenings he’s the one who gets the milk

for my milk baths okay he’s he’s the guy

who whenever I go hunting for larger

creatures he’s the one who gets you know

the harpoons and supplies like that okay

so this is a person I from what I

understand yeah and normally great

recommendations from him but you know

slow down this time yeah so anyway this

time Cecil introduced me to well not

personally but said to meet here got a

well the words he used was let’s see

some of the effect of like perfect one

for you and so I just was that how was

perfect spelled it was he used words but

he did slur a speech I’m did he say

perfect one for you he might have yeah

okay and okay it’s probably I mean it’s

gotta be cats yeah so when I think part

of it was like I kind of just see what I

want to see whenever it comes to my

dating life and so I even like Shallow

Hal yes

yes that’s what I mean and so and so in

this case I what I the whole time I

thought I was going pretty well but

really it might have just been a lot of

cats sort of stacked maybe with a trench

coat maybe on top I thinking back it’s

bizarre to me how I fell for that so if

you so if this is the shallow how could

it be that your date is a real woman but

you see them

three cats stacked on top of each other

so that you learn not to be judgmental

towards I guess sort of cats shaped like

people yeah maybe I now Cecil has said

that what lay he heard that it went well

that’s what he said the next day so okay

I and like he kept winking at me a lot

and kind of nudging me so I get I I

guess it went well but now like

obviously I feel some conflict about it

talking it out now I realize it probably

was just some some cats that I brought

which makes sense though the waiting’s

well you’re not you’re not gonna like

everyone on your first date and so I

think it’s the responsible thing to just

to take her out one more time yeah you

know I would say maybe bring one of

those little like Fancy Feast treats a

little like small little heart-shaped

sort of treats and just have that on

your body and if the person kind of

collapses into three or more cats going

for the treat then you know yeah I do I

guess to some extent it just all makes

me feel kind of dumb because I really do

you know I’m looking for someone but I I

do kind of I see potential in people I

guess that’s my problem

and sometimes I I assume that the

potential is who they already are that

kind of thing maybe that’s crazy

I mean you do sound crazy okay but

that’s I think that’s irrelevant to this

story okay well in any case we can I

guess we can go ahead and move on from

there and to that listener who replaced

you know my wallet with a note what

we’ll we’ll try to address your concerns

later and now for a tale from surgery we

had a patient present with

gastrointestinal issues reminiscent of

intestinal obstruction a common cause of

such obstructions can be adhesions

previous surgeries and that can be like

little soft tissue attachments that are

formed between different parts of the

intestinal tract after experiencing the

trauma of surgery so this patient rather

than having a history of surgery instead

they claimed that while serving in the

military he had been near so many

explosions essentially been knocked

around so much that he had potentially

acquired those same sorts of adhesions

that one normally obtains through

surgery so it was a very odd thing to

hear now for today’s medical topic hey

that’s the whole thing yeah that’s the

whole the whole thing is that this guy

was around explosions well to the extent

that it was potentially causing some

gastrointestinal issues that you only

get from previous surgeries so it’s like

a it’s like a military form of stigmata

not instead of developing through a

miracle like the wounds of Christ you

develop the wounds of I mean I mean I

don’t know Julius Caesar did he have

I mean gas issues no I so it’s it’s

blockage that’s what I’m describing like

your your intestines parts of your

intestine being like sort of drunken

Tomatoes so I don’t think it’s I don’t

think it’s that comparable to stigmata

okay I wouldn’t make fun of a of a

veteran with stigmata but that’s you

know it’s your show right now for

today’s medical topic chronic venous

insufficiency intested Matta okay like

an intestine yeah anyway keep going so

chronic venous insufficiency also

referred to as post flow bit ik syndrome

or venous stasis disease so chronic

venous insufficiency is when destruction

of venous valves and the legs results in

gravitational pressure of the blood

column to be transmitted from higher in

the legs down to the ankles

valves in the perforator veins are also

damaged secondary to the chronically

elevated deep venous pressures so this

inhibits transmission of blood from

superficial veins to deep veins which

which is what normally occurs this leads

to ambulatory venous hypertension or

increased blood pressure in the veins

which has two undesirable effects okay

Cameron I’m I’m hearing those dogs again

huh I’m hearing the dogs oh no no this

is it’s the Joc dog Cod it’s not dog

mind we changed it yes I I’m saying that

I can hear the dogs that are I assume in

your attic alright keep going okay so so

the increased blood pressure in the


subcutaneous tissues this results in

brawny induration and pigmentation or a

brown black color of skin this

eventually leads to local sorry reduced

local capillary blood flow and hypoxia

of tissues so even mild trauma to these

areas may lead to tissue death and ulcer

formation over there I’m still I’m still

hearing a lot like is what is how many

dogs did you acquire dr. London I’m

gonna be honest it’s not just dogs it’s

a it’s a hell of a lot of animals I kind

of I kind of had a vision for this

podcast thinking we were gonna since it

was an animal related podcast that we

could branch out and to sort of spin off

podcasts and it’s become just sort of I


to zoo it’s an uncontrollable zoo

well–that’s and i don’t know what to do

about it and I’m very mad about it okay

well I’m sorry I just I have more to

share here so clinically oh gosh ionic

venous insufficiency presents with the

swelling of the outer leg which can be

relieved by leg elevation and as a side

note the opposite is true of arterial

insufficiency chronic changes include

skin becoming shiny and thin along with

darkening color changes as I mentioned

to treat the focuses on periods of lag

elevations during the day and throughout

the night to a lion I’m trying to length


along with external compression

stockings which are all that one that

was gonna be our first spin-off it was

gonna be the shock elephant mod podcast

you went straight from dog to elephant

yeah the shock elephant mud fest yeah I

couldn’t think of a pun like you can do

like Jacques trunk you know my clothes

surface but the principle is the same

it’s it’s modifying you know kind of

customizing your own elephant but they

don’t like me at all and I don’t I don’t

really play with them which i think is

part of the reason they’re pissed off

and I give them all the stuff that I

know to give them you know I give the

elephants peanuts like I see in cartoons

and you know I give the Lions you know

like you know like whatever they in Lion

King you know like probably apples or

something I don’t ever saw that movie


I feel like that oh you

that was part of it so the I give all

the lions grubs and yeah it’s it’s just

a mess but I’m figuring it out and I’ve

gotten in too deep and I don’t know what

to do but you continue okay so we’re

nearly done here so let’s see four

ulcers that do not heal with external

compression stockings

you apply split thickness skin grafts

with or without ligation of adjacent

perforator veins so that’s all sort of

about this chronic venous insufficiency

where just that those veins the valves

stopped working properly and so people

get these darkened legs all right okay

it sounds like quite a down Cameron yeah

I think we’re in the I forgot about the

monkeys I forgot about the monkey

talking London okay we’ll just give a

bad around here we like not well not

that kind of bad the the kind for

hitting truce truce okay I think I I

think we’ve entered I think we’ve

entered a truce they’re going back into

the room and all you had to do was yell

truce I guess I should have tried this

earlier huh all right Cameron did you

say that we have a guest today we sure

do dr. London okay hello there hi hi

your name’s um charles Grossman okay

well nice to meet you my name is dr.

London smith.com thank you and this is

my producer Cameron hi hi Cameron and

thank you for joining us thank you dr.

London and Thank You Cameron I’m really

excited I’m enthusiastic I’m just really

looking forward to sharing all of my

knowledge and learning more from you oh

that’s great

so um mr. Grossman is it all right if I

call you that Mister

it’s perfect my nickname is known I’m

known as Chad okay I live in the

Northeast I’m actually as south of

Boston I’m I do cold yoga with hot

bodies on the south coast of

Massachusetts very good River if you

ever heard of it cold yoga with hot

bodies yes yes so is it this is this is

sort of the anti hot yoga well we’re

trying to be confident and also ignore

inclement weather I think when I really

focus on yourself you don’t feel the

cold okay

is that so I mean is that something that

you would say has held true is that a

belief that as you’ve practiced this you

don’t feel cold absolutely I will go to

the gym and you see everyone trying to

warm up and stretch and things but that

doesn’t help all the time sometimes your

body needs to chill and that’s why we’ll

do cold yoga outside on the beach it’s

it’s a great way to just trying to stay

right but okay so do you I mean is this

similar to the Polar Bear Club do you

you get in the water you’re already at

the beach is that is it as the water

involved at all I mean the it’s freezing

sure the waters for meditative aspects I

had a used to be in the Polar Bear Club

I’m not anymore uh were you kicked out

I’m sorry I shouldn’t ask like that but

well it’s it’s complicated but they

disagree with my philosophy on exercise

okay I’m not a fan of wearing clothing

and they wear bathing suits when they’re

at the beach yeah I mean that really

doesn’t sound complicated at all that

that was incredibly easy to explain yeah

well you know they don’t work they don’t

want to swim people huh bad words were

said it’s just kind of difficult because

I don’t want to throw anyone under the

bus but I’m just yeah yeah well I I’m

gonna take a guess here were the words

that were said you know put on some

clothes the bad words yeah yes was that

kind of hit it went a little bit farther

someone wore a cape with those words the

last cold yoga we had they ran around us

with their capes pingos those words out

loud it okay let’s hunt yeah Billy he is

he’s a piece of work and sorry I won’t

get into it but so I mean it’s it sort

of sounds like the polar bear clubs

rules about clothing it’s less to do

with you know indecency and more to do

with I guess a culture of bullying with

in the Polar Bear Club oh my god it is

so restrictive and they try and control

everything I would just like to be free

I would like to be confident in myself

even if it’s warm outside I think that’s

important right yeah accents

yeah so well can I ask ductile into one

question just real quick I mean are what

are you wearing right now I don’t mean

that in a saucy way I mean just I feel

like it’s relevant I’m wearing a pair of

socks it’s specifically because my feet

are cold and I didn’t turn on the heat

today and I have a thing with you know

walking on the floor without some kind

of protective thing dirty all right and

Cameron asks because for this portion of

the the podcast he usually puts on a

blindfold because he says it’s too much

stimulation yeah yeah and we keep the I

mean we keep the studio like incredibly

dark yeah that’s also true this sounds

very free yeah in a sense it is so one

thing he said kind of stuck out to me

like it was sort of just a hypothetical

presented on an earlier episode of this

podcast where we had a guest on who’s

sort of a fitness guru and he mentioned

a guy named Chad who’s from the

Northeast I don’t know it’s sort of

funny coincidence I know you said you

you only go by Chad your name isn’t

actually Chad so that’s just my nickname

yeah yeah okay no relation then no no

none whatsoever there no okay good just

making sure there’s uh there’s I heard

that episode yeah there was nothing no

connections none what so ever

oh well thank you for listening to the

podcast yeah how was I on it you was

every good you were amazing I yes the

way you knew it dr. London I do feel bad

for you though because it felt like you

were being teamed up and I know what

that feels

I knew the core of my soul is well how

do you how do you know that I listened

and I felt cornered by by how you and

John were we’re treating dr. London but

how do you how do you you said you you

sort of relate to that feeling in your

own life I mean is that is it is this

something you feel you feel cornered on

in real life uh it really was maybe John

and I have some prior tension between us

oh so when I heard his voice Wow so you

you have you knew that guest:i I was

just kind of I was a shot in the dark

more or less you’ve met fitness guru

John it’s possible I I’ve never been

west of the Mississippi so I don’t know

about his climbing and this latissimus

dorsi that he speaks of but I’m pretty

sure he is he was my club leader at the

Polar Bear Club okay well one thing that

one thing that came up at that time for

our listeners who haven’t heard that one

he also had not been to you know the

Grand Canyon or any of those things so

as far as I know this actually does

track okay so so what brings you on the

podcast Chad what what brought you here

today well you’ve talked a lot about

really good medical terminology and I am

very passionate about fitness and being

confident in our bodies and healthy at

every size so I wanted to come here and

be an advocate about about yoga and its

benefits and okay so this new Const

it’s called bakery fit I think it has a

place in our culture in our society and

bakery fits really what I want to talk

about with confident being confident

with their body and I don’t know what

bakery fit is yet but I do agree and if

if you’re gonna describe it here in a

segment and dr. London starts to

disagree disregard him I’m just gonna

say that upfront because that seems to

be a consistent theme okay with our

guests is the lacked at lack of respect

that dr. London has for our guests so

what do you got I just I was rather than

start out with the assumption of

contention I just like to say you know I

have not heard like I’ve heard of yoga

familiar with that I I like to go to

yoga sometimes great for you know

relaxing but also working different

parts of your body different muscle

groups that aren’t always worked

stretching them out so I commit right

now to endorsing what was it called

bakery bakery it you commit to endorsing

it right now dr. London yeah so I’m just

not sure about it yet endorse it say you

like it yes so you love it show some

support to our guests for once be

confident do it do this I do it I did I

can’t come on exactly you got it so you

love it say it’s your best thing say

it’s the face in the world well Chad

what is bakery fit bakery fit is the

best thing you will probably ever have

in your life it’s I agree and we endorse

it on the jock talk podcast go ahead and

describe it you’re awesome Cameron no

problem a corner up on dr. London all

the time oh my god

bakery fit is probably you know the we

have these things called workouts of the

day where you’re supposed to do like

push-ups and move heavy objects and pick

them up what if you just needed to go up

the stairs twice and then you

be done with your workout bakery fits

more about being acceptable and

sometimes enjoying cookies or cake or


things like that so so is and I don’t

want to assume if you’re not done

describing it but it sounds like you’re

presenting a hypothetical I guess world

where it’s rather than doing you know

regular fitness you know weight training

and cardio

you know jogging lifting weights that

sort of thing

you’re the alternative that you’re

presenting is this hypothetical world

where if you climb stairs twice and then

just ate whatever you want out of a

bakery then that you’re proposing that

second option as being the best option

yes yeah kind of like a low key you know

exercise you can you don’t have to go to

a bakery to eat but it’s kind of support

is generally using the the stairs twice

is that to go to and then from the

bakery see that’s the beauty of it you

can set your goals wherever you need to

bakery fit is a lifestyle so it really

does sound like you’re going down the

stairs going to the bakery coming back

going back up the stairs in declaring

that’s exercise that sounds pretty good

to me and I like how realistic it is

about how flexible it is yeah you you

don’t use the elevator too you save

energy by by climate change that’s right

oh wow

goodbye electric bill your rents gonna

go out to because your that stairs to

the bakery that I spent so much per

month on the electricity used by my

elevator in my in my house that makes so

much sense dr. London are you ready to

endorse this well so hypothetically if

this workout were to be adequate to you

know be the exercise that a person needs

in a week

just as you reference Chad

it sounds like it might not be adequate

for maintaining you know physical health

is that what you’re saying it’s not

you’re saying it’s not going to you’re

not gonna maintain your health if you’re

going walking all the way down the

stairs driving to the bakery buying like

a whole cheesecake and maybe some

brownies and get some bread while you’re

there taking all that back right walking

all the way back up the stairs and

eating you know 3,000 4,000 calories

worth of bakery items you’re saying

that’s like this is a no-brainer

we’ll see the job talk podcast is fully

behind the bakery fit so so the thing is

you presented you know some normal

Fitness ideas some that I I see some

scientific backing to you know the yoga

and stuff that’s good yeah you know this

kind of exercise but I feel as if

putting in extra calories and then not

burning those calories through exercise

like that that you’re just gonna be

putting on weight essentially that you

know whatever you eat at the bakery is

gonna turn into fat rather than muscle

do you see the issue there there’s a

possible issue but if you’ve ever been

to a bakery sometimes they’re out of the

bad food so you might have to buy the

good no that’s true yeah well so it’s a

bakery so by bad food do you mean you

mean like they’re out of cookies or

donuts or something yeah and they only

have bread whole wheat bread Wow that is

the healthiest thing you can have yeah

with sesame seeds on top those are seeds

they’re healthy you can make choices –

at a bakery and that’s the best part

well I like to take like like a big loaf

of wheat bread okay like whole wheat

whole grain just great bread cut it in


long wise yeah and then on one side i

slather it up with butter organic butter

okay so and then on the other side i add

organic healthy cheese bacon ham turkey

roast beef salami and mayonnaise and

mustard perfect and salt and pepper

and then I double that everything I just

said I do it again and I eat that after

doing I mean this is what’s crazy I

didn’t even know about this exercising

yet I’ve already been doing it that’s

what makes this amazing yeah I’ve

already been doing this exercise and

here’s the thing if you chew longer you

digest that food better you burn more

calories be cow is this okay because I

have seen Cameron take on this diet now

he uses a fryer he puts that sandwich

into a fryer afterwards yeah is that

part of the diet as well that’s sorry

the exercise regimen I guess is what

you’re calling it well it depends is the

fryer in a bakery or not you know I I

think at this point you would have to

describe my kitchen as a bakery like

legally okay because you make sandwiches

in it and because financial transactions

go down in there and so I think for

legal purposes it needs to be listed as

something I think a bakery makes the

most sense that fits for me must be a

tasty bakery so so Chad what um have you

have you seen benefits from this

particular once again I don’t calling it

an exercise regiment sounds because it

just sounds like it’s a it’s heavy on

carbs and minimal exercise and you take

in a lot of calories but would you be

willing to call it a transformative

exercise experience it’s part of the

transformation why do you think cold

yoga works so well we’ve got a

of installation and it allows us to stay

outside and still be free Wow

so dr. London can you agree that while

you are unable to use the words exercise

program or exercise regimen that you can

say it is a wonderful and incredible

transformative exercise experience go

ahead and say that beauty Dylan you got

this so I I haven’t tried this exercise

regiment so I and I haven’t seen any

Studies on it so I can’t really endorse

it you know there has to be some

evidence-based recommendation do you see

what I mean your evidence is sitting

right in front of you dr. London yes yes

oh wow and he’s really flexing his not

abs well the ABS are coming out a lot

from under this shirt it’s sorta but

like one at a time almost like a whack

Amole yeah well yeah I mean I say abs I

do just mean the abdominal fat where abs

is short for abdominal fat yes we’ll

just picture picture a six-pack and then

picture only seeing one pack at a time

poking through and then on a on a sort

of rotation each pack is very rapid a

little it goes back down yeah sorry no

no that’s fine that’s the musculature

you know see see what what I’m seeing

with that isn’t so much the muscle what

I’m able to visualize here is fat not

muscle does that make sense okay well

then maybe maybe we can adjust here

maybe I think we maybe we can compromise

a little you have issues with the

exercise regimen is there anything dr.

London that you would suggest to maybe

improve it and and kind of make it a

little better yeah so I would recommend

as a basic thing let’s say

cardiovascular exercise so that the

exercise regiment that you have as far

as I can tell

yeah is mostly diet based and so I would

say instead of walking yeah and the

stairs the stairs twice of the series so

I would say either a lot more of that

stairs walking okay or just go jogging

and you know do that for you know

several times a week no no no no no

you’re changing the exercise experience

too much you’re adjusting it too much it

needs to retain the heart of the

original exercise you can improve upon

it but you’re just you’re just giving

him another exercise so yeah you’re just

you’re saying here’s how you improve the

exercise do something else like do would

do a different exercise that’s not

related to add to so you’re saying I

should advise subtracting from what’s

already there

no you’re not adding anything yeah I’m

so I’m asking do a different thing

you’re saying pivot to something else

this would be adding for example while

you’re at the bakery buy as many items

as you possibly can that’s gonna add

weight when you’re carrying it up the

stairs right and that way when you’re

trying to convince people there there is

weight behind those credible statements

yes yeah and so you’re you know you’re

carrying I mean I want to say 120 to 200

pounds worth of stuff worth of bakery

goods that you carry up the stairs I’m

that’s gonna build muscle and so I think

we’ve established that this new and

improved version of the bakery fit is

going to be endorsed by the drug podcast

we’re sorry the shocked dog mod Fest or

which is it it’s well it’s the jock talk

podcast right and with that with that as

thank you for saying that and then say

the next words endorse so what you’re

describing as an improvement on the

original is just buying more at the

bakery yes yeah more weight because then

you focus carrot focus on the heaviest

foods broccoli broccoli available sugar

depends on the bakery some bakeries they

do sell broccoli I don’t know man the

soda okay well there’s probably some

soda there you get some twelve packs of

soda yeah I can add weight some Diet

Pepsi um I don’t know

cheese’s cheese cream let’s see bakery I

can take like a I don’t know like one of

those cakes that you hide like strippers

in Oh see there’s exercise right there

that gets your heart that gets

cardiovascular activity very fast well

they’re good you’re gonna gain some

muscle if you are carrying a cake that

has a stripper in it yes the stairs

you’ll need a dolly for that cuz that’s

gonna be the stripper a load is gonna be

you know 120 pounds yeah yeah and then

all of the sequins and stuff that

clothing with the fancy shiny things

that’s so much weight yeah all right I

do want to hear do you are there any

other exercises that you have that

you’re working out kind of working on

yes well you can do bakery fit but you

can also do bakery fit group exercise

which is more of like I brought all of

this stuff up the stairs now I can share

it with someone so for in case dr.

London you’re with your second date you

can share your food and say I’ve done

this exercise and I feel it better in


would you like a croissant and well I

guess in my case I would say the second

day I don’t know if my date would be

into bread items as much as I guess fish

okay fish seems to be the main draw for

for my particular date well maybe

there’s get some milk oh yeah I’m tuna

get a glass of milk while you’re at the

how could you not have cookies and as a

combination so true and you know

generally coffees also sold at a bakery

so you need to milk with coffee it just

adds to the the calorie derivative of


take in question right and yeah coffee

is is also you know it’s it’s been found

to be helpful like it is generally good

for your health so that part I’m not

contesting it is okay so your issues

with the sharing is that that’s what I’m

hearing it’s the share see you think

exercise I think exercise programs dr.

London shouldn’t have sharing involved

I just I’m of the opinion especially for

people like Chad here maybe decreasing

the calorie intake okay alright what

else do you have it do you have any

other exercises yeah I also do something

called the up down sit down

and it’s sort of a complex exercise

routine but it takes a lot of time to

execute it’s okay describe it as if a

dog was gonna do it okay so if I have

just you know released the dogs from my

attic and they’re running around crazy

the first thing that I’ll need to do is

grab their attention you have to focus

when you’re doing this exercise and you

will take a piece of ham piece of bacon

maybe a bakery item and you will place a

kind of chair and then you will instruct

that dog to go to that chair sit and eat

that piece of ham okay yeah yeah okay so

the the exercise you’re describing is

feeding your pet you’re sitting down and

having a bite to eat oh sorry yeah yeah

yeah so just as it explaining as if I

were with my dogs right right okay so am

i I just love these because these are

all things that I’m already naturally

doing this is so great because I you

know the biggest issue with exercise is

having to set a time time aside during


to it oh my goodness is just all stuff

that I’m already eating

I’m already buying all these lunch meats

and whatnot at the bakery

yeah and sitting down and eating this

stuff yeah and if you went got up and

got down many times that might almost be

considered a squat absolutely right

depending on the day the method by which

you uh you do sit down it could be

considered a squat not not that likely I


because Cameron you normally eat in a

bed right well yeah that’s the only

piece of furniture I have in my house

yeah so for that normally you just you

just lay across it to eat there’s also

two different ways you can use pillows

to sort of create a little bit of a

chair you could do something I call the

panini which is when you lay down a

bunch of pillows on the length of your

bed but there’s sort of gaps in between

them and so you lay on it it’s sort of

like the like up and down and ridges on

a panini I’m sure there’s a lot of heat

in that exercise there is yeah I’m sorry

said you considered that to be an

exercise as well oh yeah god I feel so

great in the morning when I his life

laying down in bed doesn’t sound like an

exercise to me well I’m rotating the

whole time like a like a hot dog at a

gas station

oh you mean you roll over in your sleep

yeah I’m just constantly rotating okay I

really I don’t know how clear of a

picture I can paint then a hot dog at a

gas station very dynamic thank you all

right do you have any other exercises

Forrest Chad because the vibe that I’m

getting here my understanding from what

you’ve said so far is that most of your

exercises are mostly just make amazed

well just food

based most of your exercises I’m gonna

ask this might be a long shot do you own

a bakery I have invested in a few yes

okay yeah but my my main job is is

getting this brand out and really your

will was here what was your last name

Grossman sure Grossman Chad for sure and

that that has roots with the Panera

family right yes okay I think this is

maybe making a little more sense

still good advice though I I think it’s

definitely got a lot of potential I

think also a lot of bakery items is

gonna help out a lot of our gluten-free

listeners yeah because I I you know I’ve

said this before in the podcast I’m of

the belief that the best way to get over

an allergy or a reaction that you have

to something is by consuming it

excessively and constantly it’s like

it’s like building your immune system

yes yourself to as many things as

possible many allergens so if you’re if

you’re eating a gallon of bread a day

yeah of course it’s gonna work out one

of the regimens for allergen deprivation

therapy which has never been clinically

tested but at least for me you know eat

a gallon of bread at least a gallon of

bread and what that does is your immune

system finds out what it is it’s like oh

I can handle I’m sorry you eat a gallon

of bread yeah it’s gotta be measuring

volume yeah how can we make that clear

dr. Linda yeah well normally you know

it’s in whatever grams or kilograms or

whatever well you’re not even willing to

endorse this wonderful man’s wonderful

exercise routine why would anyone trust

you at this point I uh I guess I just

I’m more about evidence-based and this

sounds like it’s contrary to so

and just the fact that we keep calling

it exercise when it sounds like it’s

just diet movement is life and it’s

that’s exercise right there

all right amen well I think it’s a good

time to bring it to a close here okay

but um I want to give away all my

secrets right and you know I’m sure we’d

maybe if we fine-tune this a little bit

like maybe include more weight lifting

and cardiovascular exercise we could

revisit this idea I’ll consider it

because I will say you know a lot of

these big celebrities who get very fit

for their roles they do consume you know

three to five thousand calories you know

for their meals in a day so I yeah so I

can understand how you know Phelps had

had a ten thousand calorie a day diet

dr. London you can’t even have three or

four so I’m just saying that with the

right amount of exercise depending on

your body type then that can be you know

what you’re advising can be helpful but

you have to include the exercise with it

if that makes sense

you might have to move a little but

that’s what being bakery fits about we

want to be fit as well as bakery okay

well any case thank you Chad mr. Charles

Grossman thank you dr. London and

Cameron I really appreciate the

opportunity just to be able to share my

thoughts and and this is really a

wonderful great place and a wonderful

opportunity yeah and thank you to

Cameron as always for being the producer

here and the real doctor boom twist no

no so I am I’m the the doctor on this

yeah but I mean like you know I am just

trying to have some fun yeah okay thank

you also to did you do in the house


I’m dr. Lennon Smith I’m indoors to this

exercise regiment


my name is dr. London smith.com this has

been the jock doc podcast see ya


I’m chuckled surely this deranged man

was not requesting what it sounded like

this deranged lunatic it could not they

could not be serious but as a faithful

employee at such a prestigious fast-food

establishment there was not really much

opportunity to argue after all the

customer is always right hands trembling

slightly you reach for an extra-large

cup you put it up to the first

carbonated beverage dispenser and it

begins to pour but you hold back after

it fills up only a portion of the cup

you begin filling from the next

dispenser then once again stop short and

then move on the cup is visibly shaking

in your hands now and a hush falls over

the eating establishment and a mix of

shock horror and a sick sense of humor

you move the cup to the next dispenser

the new employee vomits as he takes in

the scene you finished filling the cup

with the last beverage and cautiously

put a lid on the cup sealing in the

contents of the fable drink the suicide

then tears streaming down your cheeks

you wipe off the sides of the cup of the

napkin and hand it to the customer and

speaking of giving the people what they


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