32: Acute Arterial Occlusion/Carol Nancy

Hey kids you are about to listen to a comedy

podcast that means that none of this is

medical device advice if you need

medical advice or medical care please

contact your doctor.

Welcome to the Jock Doc Podcast

featuring Dr. London Smith. It’s the

greatest podcast on God’s Flat Earth

introducing your host Dr. London Smith

hello and welcome to the jock doc

podcast where we discuss fitness and

health and how to incorporate our modern

understanding of science and medicine

into our daily lives but without it

being so boring I’m your host Dr. London

Smith (.com)

I would like to begin by apologizing to

our listeners we’ve received some

feedback saying that I should cut back

on the use of overly complicated medical

terms such as monoclonal antibody and

bur kind of cold huh so I will try to

stick to more common terminology in the

future here to help with that is our

producer Cameron

heyo Cameron is so dedicated to making

sure that we stay relevant to our

listeners that when he heard that Martin

Luther King Jr. days here he spent weeks

trying to gather enough coins for what

he referred to as his Majesty’s tax so

for our listeners knowledge Martin

Luther King jr. was not actually a

reigning monarch but rather he was an

American Christian minister and activist

he became the most visible spokesperson

and leader of the civil rights movement

from 1955 until his assassination in

1968 well indeed an Andy nailed those

rules up on that door yes and that’s

what was so like ballsy of him because

that wasn’t even his door can you

imagine just like going up to some guy’s

door and you just like nail these like

rules or whatever to it okay well I

think I think you might become

yeah and that that does sound pretty

tough and you’re referring to the yeah

whenever they nailed it to the the door

of the church that happened centuries

ago though yeah we’re so we’re friends

what we honor at every Martin Luther

King Day jr. this is a different the

names are similar though it’s his son no

so it well we okay well we can move on

from there anyway

also with us is did you do them the



hello I’m Dr. London Smith I feel like

that the earth is flat

dr. London I don’t think we should talk

about that on this episode I don’t want

to get into your weird conspiracy

beliefs okay so and maybe I should

clarify so I think DJ doing the house he

might have been playing like possibly a

remix sort of something I said oh yeah

that’s what he that’s what he does

that’s his job

right and I so just to clarify I don’t I

believe the earth is and this might be a

little bit controversial to some people

but I believe it’s spherical like it’s

it’s circular behind

Oh Dr. London no I didn’t why oh I didn’t

that’s the shape you think it is so and

later I doesn’t have a butt no I don’t

like okay I don’t think that I mean

defining a particular but is difficult

given the science that we have but I’m

saying like if you could find one I

guess is more my point

you’re saying you’re confident that the

earth does have a butt and we just

haven’t found it yet

yeah which I don’t think is that crazy

of it no no there’s a lot of things that

we don’t know yet I think the Australian

fires might have something to do with it

too with with the earth having but it

would be where the Earth’s butt is right

ish a fire would be no Australia

oh well and I I guess I can’t say one

way or another because you gotta think

you’re a doctor mm-hmm have you ever had

someone come in with you know let’s be

frank fire but I I don’t think so like

you mean like a burn no I mean like fire

coming out of it okay so you know Taco

Bell i okay I don’t like how this is

going so they have like the five layer

burrito I’ve heard of it now if you were

to down five of those that by math five

times five it would be a twenty five

layers that you’ve consumed mm-hmm what

do you think’s happening on the other

end of that I are you saying that you

might have some gastrointestinal trouble

I’m saying you douse it in fire sauce

you end up on the other side with

something we like to call fire but okay

so you’re just talking about you think

but that’s what’s happening in Australia

I do think that’s interesting and now

that is my belief system so thank you

so and later Cameron tells me that we

can expect a special guest so look

forward to that

that is right before we move on I would

like to address a bit of listener

feedback quote wood and bacteria may be

a sterile coating on the table woodwork

we got all the food poisoning from a

pizza hut ice machine once and then we

went camping and Jesus saved me

it was awful bless everyone this blessed


end quote first of all we hear the

Jacque talk podcast would like to thank

you so much for your question we always

appreciate hearing back from our

listeners to answer your question I’m

afraid that I’m not familiar with the

process of sterilizing a wooden table

but yes you can get a form of food

poisoning from ice or rather from the

contaminated water contained within the

ice although that would be an uncommon

occurrence in the United States would

you be able to sterilize a what you

might call it table a wooden table no

what’s the thing with something like

when would attacks you you know what I

mean when you like put hand like a

splinter maybe it’s like you put your

hand on maybe like a wood table or a

tree okay and then it attacks you it

like shoots you with like a little

needle right into your hand you go whoa

okay so usually if that happens it’s not

actually the tree attacking you it’s

more assuming that I follow what you

mean it’s more that the force of your

hand pushing on it pushes a splinter

from the tree or the piece of wood into

your hand so your own force you generate

the force it’s not actually the tree

attacking you mmm

even when I’ve like really pissed the

tree off okay well well how how have you

managed to offend a tree well I mean

what’s the best way to piss off a tree

it’s to piss on a tree is it I assumed

that they would I would imagine so


anytime I’ve ever done that to you you

got pissed yeah but no that is that is

true it’s just I have um this is a real

bathroom centric episode I don’t know

what it’s going on in your head

no I is this what we’re doing for 2020 I

know we’re a few weeks into the new year

but you had said you wanted to kind of

explore some new directions for the show

was this no I were thinking yeah you

were thinking a little far dear no I I

just thought like maybe maybe sometimes

we stray a little bit in terms of who

our guests are yeah yeah terms of you

know sort of the the topics that we

approach so I was thinking like we just

we just kind of dig down deep and just

go after the science just pure science

no I mean most of our guests have been

strays that is correct

okay I’m sorry I should clarify that

that’s that’s my fault what I mean is

that they’re strange and they’re sort of

like I’m not sure how you find them

because they don’t seem to be scientists

what I just told you how I found them

for the most part they’re stray people

like a stray cat like you just find them

around yeah or maybe you know they like

live in a neighborhood and everyone in

the neighborhood kind of collectively

feeds them so they just kind of go to a

different doorstep every day just kind

of eating okay you so you are very very

specifically describing like a stray cat

or dog except this is a person there are

people most of our guests okay oh well I

didn’t I didn’t realize that that’s how

we how we went about collecting them I

guess you’ve never asked yeah I guess

well so to this listener thank you for

your question and we look forward to

hearing from you again soon here on the

Jacque talk podcast now for its hail

from the clinic we had a patient with a

history of prostate cancer present with

I’m muscle pain and paralysis for which

we had given him steroids and taking a

biopsy of his temporal artery it’s

because the eyestrain because he was

trying to look at it right

at the at the prostate yeah no okay so

and he like couldn’t get all the way


okay so food for our listeners what

Karen it was like a series of mirrors

and he was having to squint because it

was like reflecting so much no so

usually someone else will diagnose the

prostate cancer and someone it won’t be

him having to see it physically cuz that

well yeah I assume that’s why he went to

the doctor because they couldn’t he

strained his eye while trying to get a

peek yeah like a good idea I just

in this instance he it those two didn’t

seem to be related oh okay okay yeah but

um he had also had two separate episodes

of pericarditis which resolves

spontaneously oh no no no I have that

DVR’d I haven’t watched it yet

no spoilers of pericarditis yeah I’ve

got I’ve got both those episodes like

ready to go but I have not what started

it yet

okay so he had go ahead go ahead two

episodes of pericarditis and then his

lab showed a decline in kidney function

as well as an elevation inflammatory

markers on top of all that a

Rheumatologist had told him that he

likely had lupus so so a given doctor

can usually know how to do the workup

for each of the or each of these organs

and systems but there’s only so much

time in the day and so many resources

available so this is an example of why

we have specialties so that no one in

one no one problem goes overlooked and

it is also why having a primary care

doctor is so important because they can

take these varied symptoms and advise

the patient regarding the larger

clinical picture what is your specialty

doctor London I don’t think we’ve ever

really discussed that on the show yeah

so I’m I’m general doctor sort of no

specialty whatsoever no it all makes

sense and all the specialties yeah oh

yeah I’m sure when someone’s that

special you just call them general you

have general talents yeah yeah that’s

exactly how people phrase that yeah one

detecting a tone here but yeah so hmm so

they’ll say you know hey we need the

surgery done the surgeons out jack of

all trades master of none yeah oh well

no master of none the mess I like I

don’t want to flatter might but ya know

I’m the master of all of the trades as

well but they’ll call me in for the

surgery but like it’s more what you know

how my schedule looks now for today’s

medical topic acute arterial occlusion

acute arterial occlusion is technically

also the term for a heart attack or the

stroke since it simply means a sudden

onset of blockage of an artery but in

this case we are specifically referring

to the occlusion of an artery in the leg

usually blocking the common femoral


so the arteries usually become blocked

because a clot forms inside of the heart

and moves away from that location to the

site where it gets stopped in this case

the common femoral artery of the leg

when a clot forms a blood clot and it

stays in one place it’s called a

thrombus and when it breaks off and

moves to another part of the body it’s

called an embolus so when an embolus

blocks the common femoral artery to

cosmically whoa what is this word you

keep saying that well which which are

the words the thrombus no the embolus no

those are all normal okay

the common femoral artery yeah yeah yeah

okay no though the last one artery yeah

is that like the nipple holder yes no

I’m not well I’m not sure what you mean

by nipple holder like this bad boy

around the nipple oh you mean the areola

yeah okay so what this is no sorry so

the areola is that is concerning nipple

yeah yeah whereas the arteries are the

blood vessels going away from the heart

okay typically does that make sense yes

okay so the common femoral artery is one

of the larger arteries in your leg does

that make sense

I haven’t I mean I don’t think so well

what do you I’ve only got the two I mean

I don’t I’m not a cat

I don’t have like that kind of stuff

going on I’m down blower I’m sorry so

you have is it an issue that you don’t

think that you have this many arteries

in your legs did I mean they’re like

than like the nipple holders I’ve only

got the two okay I’m sorry I should once

again so these are already I’m not a if

I was a girl yeah so yeah so these are

the arteries I’m not dude you know what

I mean is the are not the areolas you

see the difference

totally yeah okay well I’ll just so when

an embolus blocks they common femoral

artery not the areola but the artery um

to caused an acute arterial occlusion

patients will typically present with the


pain and that’s acute and severe and

onset so the patient can actually tell

you exactly when and where it happened

and the pain might have even caused them

to sit down or fall to the ground so

that’s the first P yes pain then there’s

keenness well it’s cold enough okay well

there is there’s pallor which is pale

skin yep okay

there’s paralysis it can be I mean all

different like colors and stuff some are

darker than others and then there’s

paresthesias so that’s like a tingling

and numbing sensation and pulselessness

okay okay so diagnosis is with the

arteriogram and but and this is for the

arteries not the areolas the blood

vessels okay so use the arteriogram to

define the site of occlusion and in

echocardiogram which is like an

ultrasound for the heart and an EKG to

look for a heart problem as a source for

for the emboli and you’re looking at the

heart because it’s right next to what

the aerial right and you don’t want to

get a block like blockage or anything

because in the milk

backs up and you sweat it out get so

much build-up it smell like milk all day

long no one wants to talk to you so from

this point the main goal of treatment is

to assess the viability of tissues you

know in the leg to salvage the limb I

got nothing yeah okay good good

I completely understand no questions no

comments okay

your nipples get too backed up you get

milk flowing out your leg you cut off

that leg just shoots milk out well I I

feel like I described something a little

bit different but we can we can move on

from there yeah since you’ve got well I

don’t think you I don’t think he quite

understood but we can we can move on


all right Cameron do we have a sponsor

today sort of it’s not really a sponsor

it’s actually I’m actually excited about

this we the state government got in

contact with us about doing some PSAs

for our audience which I thought would

be really cool and kind of beneficial to

the community yeah it sounds great for

Public Health yeah that sort of thing

and so they kind of gave us a list of

them so I’m gonna go through them and

then if we need to cut them up and maybe

like move them around different episodes

we can just go ahead and do that

okay record them all here now and then

disperse them exactly we can just go

through them later okay

um so the first one which is a big issue

which is texting and driving right yeah

yeah look I know that most of the people

negative effectively by texting and

driving are the worst among us right

well I mean they’re kind of the people

who like deserve what’s coming to them a

little bit well I’m not who needs to

text that much you know it’s the worst

person you know not necessarily there’s

part of you that’s probably like well

you know whatever happens if they drive

into a ditch and something happens like

who cares well no I know that you say

stuff like that all the time doc yes but

I’m here to say don’t text and drive

even if you get a pic in your phone of a

dog on a phone and the person you’re

talking to says captionthis wait until

you get to a stoplight to caption it

okay that part I do agree we be driving

around and say oh the dog is probably

you know on the phone with barkbox and

is like I need to talk to your customer

service right yeah I know I agree we

should like for drivers to do you can’t

do it not while you drive yeah not until

after you are done or you know pull over

if you feel that that’s that much of an

emergency to caption that then yeah if

you have to do it right now if it’s a

contest in a group chat and you’re

trying to get in there first stop I

don’t you don’t have to pull over but

you can just stop you know send it I

would say you should pull over in that

instance because stopping suddenly could

result in a car accident so the sec

thing that they have as is coughing

coughing which is the silent killer I

take an issue with that description

because I feel like it’s an extremely

loud killer it’s not silent at all

but I digress I get hold on on that one

you say like what about coughing it

kills it spreads germs that kill so

they’re saying don’t cough I think it’s

saying cover your coughs better and it

kind of has a diagram here I can’t show

it on the show but what you want to do

is sort of just bend forward as much as

you can okay sort of like a sitting

position you want to go okay right into

your pants if you can do it okay you

just so you just bending over wherever

you are whatever you’re doing stop maybe

you might want to stretch for like a

minute or two before hands get limber

yeah and then you just want to like bend

over as far as you possibly can

yes it right into your pants area just

give it a cough this this is just

different from what I’ve what I’ve

learned is the best way to if you’ve

been doing it the unhealthy way you’ve

probably been coughing into your arm in

my elbow yeah well what happens if you

like if you meet a person you start

rubbing your arm on them those are germs

that are spread that’s that’s true and I

guess for me it’s normally that I’m not

quite flexible enough generally to cough

into my pants yeah and I I guess this is

just I guess also promoting stretching

yeah and also just not being as

unhealthy as you have been clearly okay

so the next one and this one is actually

pretty important to me it’s male breast

feeding okay

just cuz there’s nothing coming out of

there doesn’t mean you can’t give the

baby something right well no milk coming

out of a pacifier right baby still likes

it so just combinable in there I got a

hungry baby

but the mom’s not around shoving the mom

you’re saying like you just come across

a baby yeah it’s loud crabby and there’s

no mom around

leave me alone okay so it can talk as


whatever and you’re saying the first

instinct should be to try to feed it

from your nipple even if you are male

this the stranger just keep it a shot

give it a shot that’s it I’m not saying

it’s gonna solve you know world hunger

just saying like maybe it helps I don’t

know so I would say probably you could

also just try to find their parents for

them yeah but while you’re doing that

you can calm them down a little bit just

offer them a little something that’s it

I and that’s what the government PSA

says it’s right here okay okay all right

the next one let’s see so this has

actually been sort of an issue over the

last 15 years or so in the United States

there’s actually been a huge declining

bird population okay and that that sort

of been an issue people have wondered

why and sort of what they’ve they’ve

come around to is it’s mostly stray cats

people not spaying and neutering their

cats so we have more stray cats than

we’ve ever had okay and it’s kind of its

kind of worsening bird populations okay

I assume that pollution might have had

something to do with it as well but

you’re saying I’m sure that’s part of it

but it is increasing amount of stray

cats in the US and this is a genuine

stat it’s it’s declined the bird

population okay and so sort of what the

government is wanting us to do is kind

of just take whatever you have if you

have a gun that’s great if you have

maybe like a pan that you can make as

hot as possible or even just boiling

water and take care of the problem

sometimes you need to take matters into

your own hands is what this message is

about you can’t rely on the government

to do every time sorry sometimes you got

to take the tools that you got and you

just got a hack away you see the

government PSA says you can’t rely on

the government to do everything yeah so

take a baseball bat find a cat do what

comes natural i I’m not saying I’m not

endorsing anything I’m not saying


are you just do whatever you feel will

help the increasing stray cat population

that’s it

who who contacted you about this well I

can’t say it was like who who do you

know that like works for the government

how did this happen

cuz that that doesn’t telling you not to

trust the government to take care of

this problem to take the law into your

own hands

sounds like something the government

wouldn’t tell you to do I mean it was

George Bush Senior are you oh yeah you

have that book club

yeah well I mean we had a book club

yeah okay you know and one of his like

kind of final wishes was to like you

know he had this cat in his backyard

that kind of pissed him off and he

wanted to kind of enact his revenge

through his influence so he said this is

part of like his dying wish was to have

you take care of this and so the next

one on we can move on next one on the


eating stray cats what you want to do is

you want to put him in a pan and you

want to make it as hot as possible okay

a butter and you want to put salt in

there and you want to put sour cream and

then a little bit of chives into the mix

you can find this recipe online and then

you just want to mix it up as much as

you can and then you just go for it easy

right it’s one of the easiest recipes

and do you have to like there are no

concerns that I have there because I

like doing are you describing animal

cruelty to any extent here no no the cat

the cat is dead okay we have to skin it

I guess whether or not the previous PSA

for killing stray cats is connected to

this second PSA about eating stray cats

that is not for me to determine okay

these are I’m saying for legal reasons I

cannot say that those two are connected

in any way but here we are okay okay so

you have this dream chives little salt

little butter pepper that’s all you need

stir it up

with the cat yeah the remains of the cat

whatever you want to eat I take it over

easy okay yeah I I guess I don’t know

how I take all right I’ll whip you up

something after this and we’ll we’ll

figure that out okay okay the next PS

say whatever happened to pillow fights

this one’s just from the pro pillow

fight consortium I guess they had

lobbied with George Bush Senior just

like what they were so fun as a kid like

what happened to him you know what I

mean well this is just a PSA letting

people in reminding people yeah just

like that you could have just like I

have a pillow fight every once in a

while the next one stop feeding Jeremy

this is one of the most important ones

that’s it bolded and in red on mine huh

Jeremy’s been fed way too much stop

feeding him it is Jeremy do we know who

Jeremy is does not specify okay yeah cuz

come to think of it I don’t know how

long ago you got this but I’ve been

getting push notifications telling me

the same thing to stop feeding him or

gonna feed him because if it’s telling

you to feed him that might be Jeremy

okay it was telling me to feed him okay

don’t do not listen to those push


I would might want to throw away your

phone no because I don’t know what that

is or why but we have to stop feeding

he’s getting fed too much apparently all

right we’ve just got a couple more do

you mind if I just go through we’re just

trying it out of the way and we’ll

disperse them to the episodes this is

sort of a similar one to the texting and

driving and it’s about drinking and

driving which can be very dangerous

don’t drink and drive and watch agent

Cody Banks at the same time


because those are three different

activities do not drink and drive and

watch the movie agent Cody Banks at the

same time you can do two of those things

if you want to drive and watch agent

Cody Banks that’s fine I want to drink

and watch AG Cody Banks fine if you want

to drink and drive it’s okay that’s fine

I disagree all three it’s dangerous dr.

you disagree you think it isn’t

dangerous no I’m sorry I should clarify

I do well how about this you have your

own private roads where all of you guys

can be drinking and driving and watching

agent Cody Banks on your phone but I

would rather stay on safe roads where

you’re only doing two of those three

things at any given time I would say try

to keep unless the two things are

watching that movie and drinking those

two can be done at the same time but I

would think any combination of drinking

and driving is actually a bad idea

that’s what I’m saying drinking driving

and watching agent Cody Banks don’t do

all three at the same time just two out

of the three just pick I and the final

one this just says pickle juice it I

don’t I don’t know it doesn’t say pro or

against it just says pickle juice I

don’t know who it’s like bi or four yeah

do you want to have an opinion on it

yeah maybe I don’t want to take a huge

stance on it but I maybe avoid it okay

do you have like a medical reason for

that not particular I mean it’s kinda

has some salt and it seems like no let’s

go neutral on this one okay well just

people can know about it all right dr.

Litton that’s it

okay yeah I guess I appreciate this it

seems from now on I would say like let’s

get it from a government official who’s

alive maybe next time that seems so

insensitive for like if we’re gonna get

a sponsor kind of thing paid

advertisement they’re probably like

let’s get it from the living from now on

all right so for those listeners out

there if you have a relative or someone

older who requests something of you on

their deathbed do not do it because dr.

London like mo

doctors only cares about the living

that’s not exactly anyway

that’s good good so we finished it all

right Cameron do we have a guest today

we do dr. London all right hello there

hi I’m Carol Nancy I’m the female mayor

of the MA CAT JDP coalition oh wow so we

are mothers and citizens against the

jock doc podcast oh yeah I get mailers

from you guys

well yeah Cameron you’re actually my

neighbor how’s your mom Cameron senior

oh she’s doing okay she’s bono I mean

she’s doing terrible yeah awful I

figured she was I knew from Facebook

that she had been undergoing some

situations in life I’ve been sending her

thoughts and prayers but she stopped

responding to my thoughts and her

thought box was full so I just stopped

reaching out yeah well so the I mean the

situation she’s been dealing with right

now as she lost her contacts so she just

kind of just been crawling around the

house for I mean weeks now trying to

find them and you know I mean it doesn’t

I don’t know it doesn’t look like it’s

gonna get better

and it’s it’s not it’s not always easy

but it feels good to talk about thank

you for for asking do you check your

thought box cuz I’ll send you some

thoughts and prayers if you check it but

there’s no point if you’re just gonna

let it get it how do i how do I access

that the thought box it’s kind of like

how when you check to pee it’s the same

thing you check your thought box same

feeling so I check the little piece of

paper that I keep in my underwear to see

if I need to go yeah but the brain

version of that do you keep a piece of

paper in your hat yeah that sounds about


okay I okay I don’t mean to interrupt

yeah yeah yeah

but I just wanted to try and introduce

myself I’m dr. London Smith comm you

preferred so it’s Carol Nancy

for Miss Nancy mrs. Nancy please refer

to me as Carol Carol okay all right I’m

sorry if I offended there Carol so

welcome to the jock talk podcast so

you’re part of an organization the

mothers and citizens against the jock

dog podcast and ice and I can’t help but

notice the name of our podcast being

within the name of your organization and

I’m wondering I just want to clarify the

connection there is this some other jock

doc podcast or very same okay okay I

just want to make sure of that

so what end up I know what you’re

worrying about she does pay royalties

for using our name she sends a check to

the Queen of England every single month

she always pays the royalties I don’t

think that the Queen did you register

our name in the Queen’s name no I’m

saying she pays royalty okay okay

every month I did okay well back to

Carol so Carol what what do you have

against this podcast like enough to

start an organization I’m the mayor of

the organization okay and it’s and so I

guess that’s another question here

you’re the mayor usually there’s a

founder of an organization for my

understanding I was elected mayor of the

maquette Judith but the maquette chittim

yes okay oh I’m not sure exactly what

that means the MA CA TJ DP mothers and

citizens against the doctor okay I’m an

elected official I’m sorry I just said

that dr. London I’m sorry I guess the

the acronym still tripping me up a

little bit okay so you are the mayor of

that organization what made you decide

to start or at least become a part of

this organization and then lead it my

kids have been listening to this podcast

and well I was thank you over here

I was hearing a lot of things that I

don’t think young minds need to hear so

what did you take issue with I’ve taken

issue with every part of it I don’t want

them to be brainwashed by doctors 100%

on board mm-hmm and I don’t agree with

the word thrombus I’m sorry extremely

attacked earlier he said the word

spherical a man should not say that in

the presence of anyone else if he wants

to say that word he needs to be at home

alone in his bathroom staring into the

mirror that makes sense to me I mean

even then I don’t know like looking in

the mirror it’s kind of like you’re with

someone else

true maybe you want to put a towel like

over your head okay I guess okay so you

have a problem with the use of well

sorry to interrupt but you know those

like really really expensive bird that

you eat bones and all and you have to

bike it’s like tradition that you put a

towel over your face because it’s like

covering the shame I don’t remember what

it’s called but you know I’m talking

about I I guess that sounds vaguely

familiar but I feel like I’m not that’s

not a tradition I I’m familiar that

familiar with it’s like a really really

wealthy thing it was on like so and like

billions and okay I was like that so

it’s kind of like that but you go into

the bathroom and you put a towel over

your head covering your shame and you

say as quietly as possible that’s how I

would prefer that and if you say it

three times then who knows who knows

what’s gonna appear oh yeah so just it’s

it’s a medical term is the reason I was

using it it’s the it’s like the most

education with that as well with with I

don’t believe that children should be

taught about medical things especially

at young ages do you take issue with any

of my part of the podcast no my kids

love you great I love my kids are

friends with Philip and Thomas oh great

they’re your neighbors they come over

sometimes and I love it because when


back there so tired oh wait those are

your kids oh yeah because we hang out

all the time I love it when they go over

when they come back they don’t even poop

yeah they were I mean they were in my

band I I mean they I did yeah they told

me I think you’re rid of them out of the

they weren’t good they sucked but I mean

the great kids no rhythm like at all no

I don’t declare boring to clarify for

our listeners um Philip was a previous

guest of ours who was chocolatier yep

six years old I think something like

that and okay and then the them not

having to poop afterwards I’m guessing

is because Cameron may have given him

them his beer which here his bear yeah

I’m referring to the the constipation

paralysis part and I’m referring to the

fact that he gives them a bear yeah

can we can actually talk to dr. London

privately just for a second sure okay so

like the parents they’re not like crazy

cool about giving them buddy beer so I

put it in a teddy bear and then the kids

just drink from the mouth the teddy bear

so the parents just think the kids are

just kind of like you know making out

with the bear right we just don’t like

experimenting and like launches about

themselves and stuff like that normal to

do that it’s like getting hammered and

just like partying already cool I to me

it’s a it’s not as good for it like you

shouldn’t have young children exposed to

alcohol but all she’s saying we

shouldn’t have young kids exposed to you

yeah yeah you’re supposed to believe

let’s get back to work yeah so so Carol

you specifically have an issue with an

issue with medicine artists medical

equipment doctors nurses clerical staff

at hospitals and doctors I take issue

with all of it this whole place about to

get got don’t freakin freak with me what

about medical sponges I’m on the fence

because they are kind of just the same

as normal sponges mm-hmm but there are

medical sponges well

and I guess the follow-up question is

why do you have a problem with medical

things I don’t think that it should be

taught to a young child okay and why do

you think that it’ll confuse them it’ll

put thoughts in their heads about their

bodies their blood their heart their

brain that they just don’t need at a

young age when they’re developing their

views on the world is there I mean you

know you can be honest with us was there

was there anything that maybe happened

in your past or with your kids that kind

of led you to this decision

it’s mostly just the community that I’m

in we’re a homeschool family and we

really raise our flag proudly that we

don’t accept anything from the

mainstream what if that was that flag

look like they are raising proudly it’s

green and yellow and it has an HS on it

Wow for homeschooled mm-hmm so it and I

noticed it’s raised on the back of your

wagon when you pulled it always always

and really really high like it’s a wagon

but I mean it’s like three stories high

as well you know how when a car

dealership opens up they do a balloon

that’s really really you can see from

really far away that’s kind of the idea

I’m raising awareness like here we go

Mehcad Jude oppa is here with the HS

group and we’re taking the whole system

down makes sense and so I guess I see

some some conflicts I know you’re not

supposed to have anything mechanic like

you seem to be against mechanical things

maybe and medicine in general anything

I’m like mechanical things it sounds

like Meredydd calls

yeah but mechanical medical but any

instruments you’re saying any medical

instruments what kind of instruments is

she talking about is she talking about a

saxophone no she’s talking about medical

instruments dr. London come on okay well

I guess I make my assumptions based on

the wagon was being pulled by the

the children and that confused me a

little bit well yeah what else are they

good for well so in my mind teaching

them about science and medicine might

make them good for a learn I’m teaching

them about pulling a wagon that’s really

all they’re gonna need to do you’ve

never heard of a trade school I I have I

just that’s for people who aren’t

elitist aren’t swimming in pools of gold

doubloons – exercise okay um make those

kids good for something that’s what it’s

always saying look at what happens right

now I’m for the listeners I’m pointing

to dr. London look at what happens when

you encourage them to get into the

medical field it’s this I know I’m doing

my finger in a big circular motion to

emphasize that I’m talking about dr.

London my worst nightmare okay you if

you encourage your kids to go into the

medical field you end up with a man who

is deeply deeply in debt

who has people angry at him constantly

okay this is who has people some of our

old sponsors who are supposed to love us

harassing him day in and day out this is

what you end up with this is because you

were handling the sponsorship part and

you have been using my personal funds to

pay the sponsors which doesn’t make

sense moving like I did makes no sense

to me right okay well back to so Carol

what brings you here on the podcast

today then if you don’t you know have an

interest in medicine it’s election year

I’m trying to get reelected as mayor and

so I’m just making the rounds this is

just one of the many podcasts that I’m

gonna be on this oh well you’re going on

other shows to try to get elected for

the mothers in citizens against the

choctaw podcast position yes who are you

who you running against I’m running

against Nancy Carol


alright alright calm down guys calm down

yeah didn’t we showed us it’s such a

public place yeah I well I didn’t

realize what was gonna happen but you

did have yeah I’ve been doing Facebook

live rants for weeks and we’re getting

we’re getting out there well and just

the num the sheer number of children

pulling your wagon well seven of them

are mine yeah well like the flip see

pull it around pull the wagon pulled the

wagon around and that’s the one who just

sucked at drums just couldn’t okay I

couldn’t keep up so you’re running for

re-election of Makati dipa what I guess

what is your platform then and how do

you differ from Nancy Carol miss Carol

I’m bringing why man great till they

gotta be great energy to this election

wow we are women we are mothers we are

homeschool mothers and gosh darn it we

are proud I don’t give a care about what

Nancy Carol says about how I’m not as

good of a homemaker as she is duh I

don’t like my kids I don’t like to be

around them so yeah if I go into the

other room and I watch soap operas and I

drink a glass of wine while I have them

clean the kitchen and they don’t do a

very good job because they’re just

little kids well that’s my business okay

and that can be your business too if you

just vote for Carol Nancy for mayor of

the mothers and citizens against the

dark dark podcast coalition Wow

well I mean I gotta say you got my vote

thank you I knew that I would is there

is so what are your goals if you were to

be re-elected do you have do you have

plans for this next term I’m hoping that

I can take over the jock dock podcast

and steer it in the direction than it

needs to go in well what what direction

is that what is your ideal version of

the show because maybe we can make a

compromise here I’ve been wanting to

shake things up here for a while okay

well we need to learn how to make wagons

we need to learn how to make harnesses

we need to teach children how to pull

wagons very large wagons

we’ve got a lot of stuff we’ve got to

get across the country across across the

country for what yeah we’re taking this

thing nationwide you’re home schooled

with which part of this process are you

taking nationwide are you saying the

wagon the homeschool part or the mothers

and citizens against the job podcast

part or all of it all of it all of it

and one is me Wow and I’m ready to

reveal myself to the nation and all of

it includes even Nancy Carol no there’s

no place for her in this new world order

I I’d be interested to hear what her

positions are and what her platforms are

well why don’t you go down to the

Denny’s off of the loop and ask her well

could you just would you mind telling me

even if I know it’ll be a more biased

view but some of her alternative ideas

like let’s say does she want to bring

anything else to the podcast that she’s

trying to teach children how to build

boats okay so that’s completely

irrelevant one land exactly she’s gonna

have kids pulling boats on no I’m not I

once again I don’t know her position on

these things exactly and I understand

them getting it second hand here but are

you sure that she’s proposing children

pull boats on land and me as opposed to

maybe using water to transfer you’d have

to ask her okay I don’t listen to her

enough she’s a quack you’re a quack is

this what you’re curious about like the

questioning she’s talking about creating

a new world order with her wagon

coalition and you’re curious about the

other person whether or not their boat

is about for water or land yeah I from

the way she phrased it I thought me and

I think we we could use maybe a change

in this podcast a little bit thank you

if this is the kind of hosting abilities

we’re getting yeah all right so let’s

can we spitball this a little bit what

would you accept us changing the name of

the show to wagon hags I like it right

off it just immediately hits me it’s

just wow and maybe instead of we’re

making a compromise here so we’re still

gonna do the like patient stories

well it’s but instead of a patient that

you see as a doctor

maybe it’s something that you put on a

wagon that’s the story so the story

would be I hold like a stack of toilet

paper on a wagon yes I can I demonstrate

real quick what I feel like it’d be okay

so so today I was walking around and I

pulled yeah some sticks with a wagon and

that just goes to show that we need to

learn to pull sticks with wagons would

you give us an example of what like a

patient story would look like on a wagon

sure a patient came in today and they

sat quietly and they colored in their

coloring book and they left mommy alone

for five minutes

and mommy got to watch her toons there

those are the types of patients I’m

trying to promote on my new podcast

wagon hags so so you’re trying to watch

cartoons yeah Tom and Jerry is my

favorite and the children are opposed to

this they want to watch what science

shows is that the problem no they just

want to talk to me they just want to say

make me oatmeal and you just want to

watch Tom and Jerry

yeah I’m sick and tired of listening to

them was or go ahead doctor I was gonna

say isn’t Tom and Jerry mostly silent so

it’s not like the talking would there’s

music okay oh you want to jam out on

some of that Tom and Jerry music okay I

get that and your kids yappin and yappin

I mean I kind of get it I you have a

place on this show as what I’m trying to

say do you see what I’m working with we

can really mix things up here so I guess

one thing I’m thinking and we can

continue that maybe if you just made

your own podcast because it this sounds

very different from ours no it really

sounds like it would just seamlessly fit

right in as long as you were no longer

here yeah it’s the same show we just get

rid of the parts that are you know

negative towards our nation’s children

okay we replace it with parts that are a

little more positive and uplifting for

our nation’s children exactly such as

teaching them wagon etiquette teaching

them to leave you alone teaching you

them to just like screw off so that that

does bring me to another part usually

towards the beginning of the podcast

will mention some feedback that we’ve

gotten some sort of things to correct

and work on which probably is what a lot

of the children sound like whenever they

come in and say they’ll give you

feedback on what’s going on in their

lives and so how would you change our

current format to fit your desires for

what you would want the I guess wagon

pulling theme of the podcast to be very

well worded host

the show we definitely don’t need a new

host thank you so what he’s trying to

say is if one of those kids come up to

you with some feedback how do you reply

I just say you’re boring

perfect this is great this is way

shorter than our patient segments

currently or whatever or feedback

section okay

and how would you address the it’s been

so much time on the show talking about

like nipple holders and like all this

kind of like weird stories stuff I don’t

know what let’s get to the heart of it

wagons and I get I guess the the medical

topic would just be replaced with like

say how to replace a wagon wheel that

kind of thing maybe like colors of

wagons I do really like wagons and for

children yes I want them to learn mostly

about wagons because that’s what their

life is gonna be about yeah of course

but really for me we’re spending a lot

of time talking about wagons when I’ve

got other things to do yes wagons for

kids okay what else are we what else are

we talking about on the show we’re

needing to subtly implant in them the

New World Order right because okay I did

I want to add wanted to ask about this

you talked about kind of taking your

movement across the country and we can

see from the crowd sighs I mean this is

a lot of people we’re talking how about

how many people are in this organization

right now 4,500 okay yeah that that’s

that’s a good size mm-hmm so this little

congregation you have yeah what is what

is the ultimate plan you would briefly

mentioned before expanding to a new

world order is this I mean is this

starting your own government is this

wanting to take over our current form of

government yes we have our a totally

separate form of government that we

believe is the right way to do things

and so we are ready to put that into

place what what does this new government


everyone’s selling their homes living in

wagons okay on board and we’re going to


go around the perimeter of our countries

all the time in our wagon just over and

over again yeah we’re gonna find the

lizard people we’re going to we’re gonna

kill them unfortunately this it feels

like you skipped this step so we’re

going in circles endlessly until we die

and also at a certain point we’re gonna

find lizard what is when when does that

part happen the lizard people live on

the border so geographically that’s why

we that’s why we’re doing the border

that’s right and once we’re done with

that who knows possibilities endless

what okay so these lizard people have

you I’m sure on all of your journey

you’ve seen them have you interacted

with them or it’s something you’re still

like waiting to see you’d be surprised

how many lizard people you encounter in

a day to day okay well why are you

you’re kind of covering your mouth a

little bit and you guys need a sidebar

for a second I don’t think I think the

Camerons on the same page I think that

he can understand I think because you

are you mean well you’re sort of them I

mean you’ve been talking about your

issue with dr. London talking about

issue with certain people in certain

professional fields mmm-hmm who are

pushing certain medical agendas so are

you is this are you suggesting I mean

are you suggesting that dr. London and

all doctors like him are lizard people

I’m more than suggesting

I hate dr. London hey um so I did step

out for a second because you guys were

really taking your time with figuring

out whatever you’re talking about um yes

so this new world or you and you stepped

out oh I just I wanted to bite of chips

so I took a bite does it taste like

flies no it tasted a lot like chips like

fly chips well no no it tasted more like

like regular I what our fly chips I

don’t know it sounds like something you

would like though doesn’t it I I guess I

don’t feel right here today how did you

arrive you didn’t have to like climb a

ladder and move a manhole cover or

anything no so I actually got here by

car just drive the car and then pulled

up there’s a sunroof though if that’s

what you’re referring to

hmm so you can get flies more flies into

your car I guess I’m not following cuz

cuz you love eating flies are you

talking about the food you’ve left in my

car that’s been gathering gathering what

exactly yes yep

dude you don’t did you get that yes you

get that yes okay we got it

I say you got me saying that flies had

gathered around the food that you left

in my car what what temperature does

your blood run it’s ninety eight point


I doubt you are putting yourself into a

corner mister that’s Fahrenheit that’s

freezing you’re a cold-blooded animal I

okay this might be a problem with you

not learning about science running at a

hundred and four twenty-four hours a day

are you really that’s what humans do you

have been sweating a lot

are you okay I think you’re gonna go on

with that sentence like doing tomorrow I

would also like to know that okay well

so for the first part human

for the second part because you had told

me we got to go to the park

we gotta advertise more and you told me

to bring the skeet shooter claypot thing

or clay disks tell me to bring a whole

bunch of those so I have those we didn’t

give me any further details so that’s

why pigeons yeah what they call them

pigeons which fly you know what else

flies flies okay right mm-hmm

okay what do we so what what is the next

step here we have all this information

I’m wants us everything is but what is

the next step is wagons okay so so

immediately after this when this

recording ends wagon wagons all day

every day until we have built our wagon

army okay wagons so it’s an army of of

wagons yes okay well and that sounds you

know I’m not sure that I see how that

would play out exactly because you’d go

to the you’re not meant to nope this is

designed for people like you to not get

because there are a few minor issues

like how I don’t see it

the border the perimeters I can’t get

enough flies to sustain your disgusting

cold-blooded body well like if you go to

the parameters of this of the kind

tree then you’re gonna run into problems

with wagons because even like regular

cars can have difficulty with the

terrain and so I imagine a wagon would

be that much more difficult

well it makes sense that you’re being

very negative about this idea and not

wanting to cultivate it further it makes

a lot more sense than you realize your

motivations are clear okay well I guess

that’s I mean was there anything else

you had to say I mean I will be

releasing a smear campaign ad mm-hmm and

I wanted to just let you know ahead of

time I’m gonna be exposing you do you

want dr. London to say anything in the

end cuz we can record it right now I

don’t think that I want to I have all

the recordings I need we could could you

just we’re gonna get it clean

DJ Dylan you got you you’re recording

okay so we’re just gonna get it clean

like I lay eggs

I have scales for skin just say that go

ahead I don’t I don’t think I want this

said we’re not gonna stop until you say

just go ahead I have human skin

nope just go ahead and say I’m not gonna

give you your keys back okay well that’s

that’s a banana

no it is my it is my banana yep I have

it say it I owe ya exam what what’s the


I’ve scales for skin I have I have

scales for skin is that is that it are

you good we got this there it is

well I to our listeners that wasn’t true

I have human skin I am human I I’m sorry

if this engineers form I’m sure you for

listening to wagon hags all right I said

thank you to DJ DYLAN IN DA HOUSE


I pooped in my trousers I pooped in my

trousers and thank you to our producer

Cameron thank you to Carroll Nancy for

being on the show

I’ll be thinking me when my wagon Armada

comes down on your head like hot heat in

the summer

I am Dr. London smith.com

this has been the Jock Doc Podcast Wagon

Hags the clock ticks then it proceeds to

talk at this point you know what is

coming but you hold your breath anyway

hoping for some change but this horror

that you had expected indeed comes to

pass against every fiber of your being

contrary to all that you are rooting for

in this life the clock commits a horror

by ticking once more after that talk an

even greater horror though would be to

avoid telling your friends about the

Jock Doc Podcast

oh yeah it’s shivering my timbers so

come on just send them a link to your

favorite episode or send them our handy

website jock podcast calm or send them a

link to your least favorite episode and

scared and don’t forget to follow us on

social media at jock dog podcast also

don’t forget to leave a 5-star review in

which you write what you hate most about

clocks ticking and also occasionally

talking thanks for listening

