30: Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm/Sam Clamenson

Hey kids you are about to listen to a comedy

podcast that means none of this is

medical advice if you need medical

advice or medical care please contact

your doctor


Welcome to the Jock Doc Podcast

featuring Dr. London Smith he’s a swole

daddy and a medical baddy

introducing your host Dr. London Smith

hello and welcome to the Jock Doc

Podcast where we discuss fitness and

health and how to incorporate our modern

understanding of science and medicine

into our daily lives but without it

being so boring I’m your host Dr. London

Smith .com I would like to begin by

apologizing to our listeners we have

received some feedback about the amount

of technical terminology I’ve been using

such as liver function tests and dignity

so I will try to stick to more common

terminology in the future here to help

with that is our producer Cameron hi

friends Cameron works so hard to make

sure that our podcast stays relevant

working hard okay that’s good to hear


are you trying I trying to make train

sounds shovel OH

shovel okay this is me shoveling all the

laughs all the humour all the fun all

the things that you can’t bring to the

table onto the pile that is the podcast

okay yeah so Cameron tries so hard to

keep the podcast relevant and

understandable to our listeners that

when he was told that it was getting

chilly outside he began a search for

this it clown because it was getting

chilly outside and furthermore where he

could also find some of this chilly so

Cameron where it could

find a Chili’s to go okay I guess I

misinterpreted because it’s chilly

outside you were looking for

yeah Chili’s to go you were hunting

you’re outside you just pull up into

your spot and then they bring you the

food okay okay that makes sense and

we’re not sponsored by Chili’s to go but

I think if we like put a little pressure

on them we could okay I’m just saying

okay no it it’d be great to be sponsored

by Chili’s that sounds nice

I’m just saying maybe if we get if we

figure out who the CEO is maybe get a

house key maybe sneak in a little bit

and then just kind of wing it I don’t I

don’t know what’s gonna happen after

then but that’s kind of the fun of it I

feel like that’s not that that’s not the

fun of it that’s you know sneaking into

someone’s house without their knowledge

yeah this is already choosing yeah this

is so fun well also with us is did you

do the whole fitness and health fitness

and health fitness and health this is

already truthful yeah this is so fun

and later Kevin Joseph and baby back

ribs that’s maybe a thing I could say to

him beause that how’s this for baby back

ribs yeah but you like would you have

ribs in your hands well these are all

things that we can workshop and figure

out in the future while we’re there

again we’re gonna wing it I think we

should really trust our instincts on

this one my instincts are telling me

don’t do it how’s this for a baby back

rib rib see these are all things that we

could maybe talk about and kind of

figure something out okay

and later Cameron tells me that we can

expect a very special guest that is true

dr. London right so look forward to that

but before we move on I would like to

address a bit of listener feedback quote

he really gets me going lol if only I

wasn’t married married bills sixty-three

years ago this spring happily married

end quote

first of all thank you so much for

reaching out to us here at the jock dock

podcast we always appreciate hearing

back from our listeners to answer your

question it’s it’s great that you’ve

been married for 63 years that’s quite

an accomplishment and we here at the

podcast congratulate you for that though

Temptations can always arise I admire

that you can recognize the valuable

relationship that you already have oh

you think you’re so awesome well here’s

an awesome blossom for you

that’s for us where the Chili’s guys the

Chili’s guy I mean I assume that’s who

she was talking about right not her

husband but the guy who like really gets

things going for her do you think she’s

referring to the Chili’s CEO oh yeah I

I’m not sure perhaps I thought since she

was sending it to us that it was

addressed to maybe the podcast itself or

something nope anyway to that listener

thank you for listening now for a tale

from my clinic a patient came in and I

asked the usual questions like how they

have been since their last appointment

whether they’ve been taking their

medications as prescribed etc and I

often asked them just to bring their

pill bottles with them so we can be sure

about what they were taking and how much

they have left when I asked this

particular patient had been taking his

medications and whether he needed a

refill he held out his empty pill bottle

for a moment I thought okay so he ran

out of his medication but whenever I

asked he clarified oh no I have more

meds left see I take them out of this

bottle because I don’t know I don’t like

how it looks and I transfer it to a

bigger bottle then I transfer pills from

that bottle into my daily medicine

planning dispenser so that is an example

of how it can be difficult for

clinicians to get a clear story from a

patient even about something as simple

as a medication I think it’s really

reassuring that people know that they

can go to you with anything with any of

their issues and you will tell their

story anonymously on the podcast yes

yeah especially embarrassing things

things that say an accident maybe maybe

you’re dealing with the drug addicts and

things of that nature I like it it’s

it’s anonymous and it’s you know

identifying information which I did I do

want to deal with some of this stuff a

little bit because I have been

uncomfortable with the anonymous nature

of these things are they gonna happen

you keep telling these stories okay when

I say anonymous I mean unidentified not


I’m so scary dude yeah and anonymous the

number one hacker group of 2009 there

were those beaver masks yeah and they

carried signs against Scientology yeah

so this stood up against Scientology

before then the only people brave enough

to do that was the most popular comedy

television show South Park bridge you

know so I guess this is my fault

I should have clarified that when I say

anonymous I don’t mean the organization

Anonymous it sends shivers down my spine

yeah so I’m not referring to them or you

know to that hacker group I’m actually

referring to just sort of the concept of

anonymity where you you’re not

identified and so with these patients

sometimes there’ll be a funny thing that

happens some little sort of odd thing in

conversations yeah if they don’t say

everything perfectly they can rest

assured that you’re just gonna nail them

on the podcast yes just really just like

rake them over the coals yes and that’s

what I love about this show

no cold and no punches

especially towards the sick and addicted

and usually these are with patients who

are you know generally I mean it varies

between patients but it’s more about

conversational things right right right

sort of like what you deal with it in

everyday life but sort of the reason why

we do it is because I see I meet so many

new people every day that in a given day

you’ll run into someone more quirky and

it’s just like any job where you meet a

lot of new people from all walks of life

well that’s probably their quirks and

things like that are one probably the

reason they want to stay anonymous into

the reason they probably were forced

towards a life of you know crime based

tacking okay I do want to say if you

want to hack someone on this podcast if

you’re taking offense towards these

stories and having your medical history

just thrown around publicly I do not

have anything I don’t have a single

thing I don’t have a single asset I am

hugely in debt dr. London has a yacht he

has a yacht inside of a yacht don’t ask

me why but he insisted on it Wow just

saying just throwing it out there my

social security number no its fourth

yeah okay

what oh so you can just dish it you can

dish all these stories but you can’t

give the people what they want

no now for today’s medical topic

abdominal aortic aneurysm abdominal

aortic aneurysm is an abnormal localized

dilation or expanded portion of the

aorta and so the aorta is the big blood

vessel that comes out of the heart and

down through the abdomen so problems

with the aorta can have big consequences

as for abdominal aortic aneurysm the

average time of diagnosis of one is 65

to 70 years old

and is more common in men and smokers so

men who smoke are typically screened for

this condition via ultrasound at some

point between

ages of 65 and 75 years of age one

reason we screen for it is although you

like those smoked baby back ribs well

how about this how about I smoked you

with this yeah I

one reason we scream poker you might

have a artal whatever you said so one

reason we screen for abdominal aortic

aneurysm is that we may not even may not

be present clinically but rather it can

progressively expand until slowly it

ruptures all of a sudden

so the triad of abdominal pain

hypotension and a palpable pulsatile

abdominal mass indicates a ruptured

aortic aneurysm and for that emergency

surgery is indicated well and I do want

to say like I do think it’s fine to mess

with the chili CEO guy like who cares

but you don’t want to mess with triads

okay and I guess that that’s my fault I

should clarify this

when I say triad I mean it’s it’s three

symptoms grouped together I guess some

of them are symptoms some of them are

signs right it’s three it’s multiple

criminal organizations I believe based

in Hong Kong Taiwan and then maybe like

Singapore or something like that

so it’s a multiple groups kind of under

one umbrella and you do not want to mess

with these triads all right well I I

guess similarly to that concept you

don’t want to mess with a ruptured

abdominal aortic aneurysm which the

triad once again would be a hypotension

abdominal pain and a palpable pulsatile

abdominal mass well especially if

they’re trying to loan you money that’s

just too good to be true just know that

if you can’t pay up with that like crazy

interest that they’re requiring they’re

not just gonna get mad at you you get

you going them saying yeah yeah I think

they’re gonna cut off a limb kind of a

finger that way you’re prepared for

I I think we might be talking about

different things here but we can I

understand why you’re trying to change

the subjects

we’ve never been 100% clear on where you

get all your funds I’ve never been 100%

clear on it for me it’s because so I’m I

work as a doctor that’s yeah then but I

never see you at home during the day

that’s because I’m usually at you know

the hospital or oh yeah sure do you

think that people who are always never

see you at the house that people who are

at the house make money by being at the

house I’m just saying it’s impossible to

verify your whereabouts cuz you’re never

around that’s all that’s all I’m saying

and I just I don’t know where you’re

getting all this money from and now

you’re trying to distance yourself from

triads it’s interesting to me

that’s all and you’re trying you’re not

on board with this chilis thing I don’t

know how that connects but I’ll figure

that out eventually

well Cameron yeah you said you have a

guest for us today we do dr. London okay

hello there hi this is dr. London yes

that’s me do you go by London or you go

by Smith cuz your last name Smith right

yeah usually go by dr. London just

because it’s easier to identify Smith’s

but there are only so many I see I see

yeah I was I was thinking about calling

you dr. calm because it’s actually dr.

Linda Smith calm isn’t it yeah so you

you could but and that I guess would be

less common even then dr. London dot geo

dr. dot govt basically what happened as

there is a there was another dr. Smith

that looks a lot like our dr. London

Smith who did some things that were

questionable and so dr. London

struggling by dr. London then there was

a dr. London who looked exactly like dr.

London that started doing some things

that were questionable so to distance

himself from that he started going as

dr. London smith.com

I want to approach the people the

professionals I’m working with a little

bit of respect so we’ll go with dr.

London if that’s okay with you sure

moves your name so I’m

in Clemmensen Sam claimed misen yeah you

know you can call me Sam

I don’t I don’t want people to get

tripped up on that last name just like I

got tripped up on your and you know I

was calling because um you know I’ve

been I’ve been having a lot of pain okay

can you tell me about this pain do you

tell me more yeah I mean it’s like it’s

like it’s not like you know broke my leg

or uh you know I got a rash I got you

know Bista it’s a really really deep

pain like I feel it in my soul is this

is this more of an emotional pain than

it is a physical I mean it’s emotional

but you know I’m sitting back and it’s

like man I just ate like after a damn

shaking all over inside and out

oh well that’s I’m sorry to hear that

how long has this been going on I mean

I’ve been saying it’s probably you know

like six months so yeah happy you’re

happy here probably yeah okay so you had

these aches and pains for six months

have you have you tried seeing a doctor

about it you know I have my own kind of

ways of addressing this stuff like you

know it might be a little bit forward to

you pouring some your listeners but uh I

really like lemon juice you know like

usually when I get hurt I just put some

lemon juice on and things get better

Wow well I I mean I broke my arm last

year put some lemon juice on it was it

was fine and like you know three to six

months really it Wow

it all healed up yeah I’m I just had the

leverage you saw him there waited and

eventually I was better I mean I feel

like my usually little lemon juice like

I you know I got I think it was a couple

years ago uh I got like you know I

walked into like a hive like a bee hive

and I got stung all over I was in the

hospital from one Simoes didn’t do

anything put some lemon juice on a house

I was fine I mean I I didn’t even notice

anything after you know I’m eight nine

months well that brings me to my next

question uh are you do you deal with

lemons a lot at work

or what do you do for work oh yeah right

so I you know I do a little bit that you

know is that a little bit of lemon based

this and a little bit of leaves I mean I

mean I do have um I guess I call it kind

of a lemon business where I sell the

lemons and I figure you know I’m getting


you know I a little bit of a klutz so I

get hurt quite a bit so I gotta use the

limits for that but then you know I got

leftover lemons because I bomb a bull

come I usually go to Costco so you know

I sell the rest of the lemons and uh you

know there’s that saying every time life

could you live and make lemonade so I

got plenty of lemonade since I’m selling

some of that too so your business is

going to Costco buying lemons and then

just selling those exact same lemon

exactly and you know a lot of people

don’t realize this but you need a

membership to go to Costco and I got I

got a membership so that’s most of your

overhaul right there is the is the

$50.00 a year membership right exactly

exactly and I’m sure he’s probably

spending money to get a hot dog like one

of the $2 dogs or you know a slice of

pizza I’ve been trying to cut back on

the meat so I can you get the pizza I

get some soft-serve yogurt and you’re

probably just munching on lemons right

yeah pretty good for you like all the

way around the bottom and see and like I

think that’s why it usually works on my

pain except for this pain this is a

soulful pain and that’s that’s why I’m

calling in dr. London because this is a

real pain and I feel like I need it I

need a shoulder to cry on and maybe

maybe a doctor to kind of get it but my

my deep woes here

well that’s dr. London we should I think

we should take it back you said this

started about six months ago so in about

machine right right

so could you do you remember the before

and after do you remember what was the

inciting incident of this deep deep soul

based pain yeah I mean I to be honest I

feel like and I don’t want to diagnose

myself because you know people go over

there they go on WebMD and they try to

do this to show but uh to be honest my

wife left me

okay I’m sorry to hear that

wouldn’t you say so she left you um have

you tried going to therapy or anything

like that for this normally they say

well you know you always smell like

lemons you know as Karen lemons around

you always drinking lemonade maybe they

have something to do with your wife

leaving you and I I just don’t feel like

that’s right you know like I felt like I

need the professional medical advice

about this can’t be right the way people

judge other people just for being a

little different astounds dr. London

does this a lot too he has these

patients come in and he’s just always

like oh you smell like a specific fruit

I can’t stand you he does this well yeah

it’s a thing and you know I go to a

group it’s like you know fruit of holics

Anonymous and we you know there’s people

who like oranges there’s people who like

pears and I don’t even know if I pears

the fruit or vegetable to be going

honest but we let them in the group

anyway and like you know it’s it’s a

it’s a common thing so do you get along

with these people or uh generally

generally I mean there was one person

who came in she was like I hate laymen’s

I love strawberries and I was just like

I understand she’s got a condition I did

some deep-breathing you know I I kind of

centered myself it’s a meditation and

you know I got through it so I’m so

sorry you had to deal with that Oh Sam

this sounds like it’s been difficult did

your did this

you said the lemon this lemon business

started before your wife lefty then

right before six months ago you were

getting into lemons how how long before

that did you start this lemon enterprise

okay and well I don’t and I’m not trying

to take a side here on any of it but did

this affect your marriage at all yeah I

mean my wife she would be like you know

why would drink of lemonade again we

drank it last night I was writing that

before we’re drinking a week before

dragging the month before and I was told

her it’s got lots of good properties got

you know it’s got uh vitamin C and yeah

yummy she didn’t always love the lemons

but you know I didn’t always love

everything about her either

you make it you make it work and you

know she uh what can I say I mean she’s

sometimes she wanted to weren’t the

orange juice and I was like okay fine

but I you know i sat there kind of

drinking my lemon hey with like you know

the judging eyes and you know I got kind

of got to her but uh yeah I mean we made

it work for for a little while but uh

yeah now I just got the soulful pain and

I don’t know what to do about it

this reminds me of a relationship I was

in that uh this it still kind of hurts

to talk about but I I kind of put both

both me and the person I was dating on a

and I put on a diet grape Faygo diet

okay Fago of course being the soda

famously associated with Juggalos okay

and that became kind of what we consume

morning day and night by diet I don’t

mean that wasn’t just what we had I mean

that’s what we were consuming at all

hours of the day oh and she kept saying

my teeth hurt my my kidneys hurt like

all these things are hurt so bad

and I kept saying well you committed

this lifestyle you committed this

relationship so what I’m hearing is you

don’t love me well yeah and so how did

that turn out I don’t know how I left I

just walked away

oh so in this case this causes you to

leave because you were frustrated with

okay yeah I’m sorry to hear that Cameron

it’s a lot of difficult relationships

based around I guess diets today I know

right and that’s and that’s why I’ve

been looking at this I’ve been looking

at the websites that go on like the

OkCupid I go on the mass comm and I put

them in like you know I love lemons yeah

if you don’t love living see I probably

ain’t gonna love you and you know I’ve

that’s I’ve been going on some dates I’m

getting out there and you know uh

sometimes lemons ain’t in season but I’m

sleeping the lemons like the ones you

know I like store them in the fridge and

you know freezer and uh I’m not so sure

everyone’s so into this lifestyle but I

feel like we should be a country where

you know anyone can anyone could find

anyone right absolutely

you know I’ll tell you right now you’re

gonna have people probably people like

dr. Ron in because of his judgmental

attitude telling you hey cool it on the

lemons it seems clear that the lemons

are affecting every aspect of your life

negatively and I’m saying I had people

telling me about that about my diet

grape Faygo and I said f you yeah like

the Cee Lo Green song f you and I told

him to get out of my face

and you know what I drink Fago every

single day still to this day my life

revolves around it I think about it

non-stop and I’m happier than I’ve ever

been I want to kill myself

so this but I’m the happiest I’ve ever

been so wanting to kill yourself that’s

that’s it up from where you were oh yeah

because before I wanted to kill myself

and had no Faga whatsoever but now give

the same feeling but in addition to that

now I’ve got a ton of Faygo yes well

this that’s actually concerning Cameron

that’s something we should probably talk

about we could deal with it after the

podcast but so what do you what do you

suggest I mean we’re listening to Sam’s

issues and the this pain that he’s

dealing with I mean Sam what if what

have you tried to help this pain well

have you tried any I mean there’s lemons

you know I’ve been eating the lemons and

uh yeah I made some recommend to 10

Ewing on that path I made some lemon

meringue pie and you know never had

lemons quite that way before it’s pretty

good yeah I see you’re just eating the

peel on its own right now I think is

that you know I feel like you’ve

probably got some fiber or something I

mean you know it’s good it’s good to eat

the skin is some people say about

potatoes right I mean yeah I I can’t

speak to it have you well one problem

with eating one particular type of food

to the exclusion of all others I’m not

sure if you’ve been doing that but it

can leave you with vitamin deficiencies

well some people had that point of view

I mean you’re right some of my dates

have said similar and uh you know I’ve

taken that into consideration

when you go out to eat do you order just

lemons to eat lemon generally lemons but

uh you know I got some sides sometimes

you know I get a some lime some thyme

some limes on the side so you know if

that’s true to you you need to stick

with I know dr. London here is saying Oh

mix it up and you’re not getting the

vitamins that you need I’m saying screw


you know what’s pure in your heart and

that’s that baby that my friends that’s

what I like about this show because you

can get dr. loans opinion but you can

also get a second opinion you don’t even

have to pay twice like you’re you get it

both in one place oh yeah you can get

dr. London’s you know how do I even put

this like scammy scummy made-up I don’t

know nonsense or you can get like

someone with some real street smarts who

consumes 35 gallons of Diet grape Faygo

every single day okay

well I have another question for Sam so

I noticed that you have well for one

thing we all know that you know vitamin

C prevents scurvy so it’s that’s one

bright side to you having always lemons

but I do see that your teeth looked like

they’re decaying and is that I think I

see mouth ulcers from all the acidity

has that did your wife mention to that

as an issue well I mean she did a couple

times mentioned a couple of things about

the dental area you know I brush my

teeth I have I have some lemon flavored

toothpaste and I do try to take care of

them I mean lemons are free you got to

remember this and I never heard of a

doctor who said you eating too many

fruit so absolutely yeah that’s

ridiculous this is this is the kind of

stuff dr. London anti-vaccine Thai fruit

yes no okay I should clarify on that I’m

not anti facts I strongly support

vaccinations dr. London forced

vaccinations and forced fruits but no

lemons this is the kind of stuff he

tries to push okay they’re also Sam well

real quick I want to say you mentioned

lemon flavored toothpaste could you

through what that is normal

yeah it’s toothpaste it’s a company out

of Florida it makes it and you know

everything our Florida is pretty good in

my opinion I’m from northern Florida

myself but you know it’s basically it’s

your normal toothpaste but it’s kind of

yellowish I kind of tastes like lemons

it’s for that for the lemon lovers out

there so um and I brush my teeth you

know two three times a day with that

stuff and I figure you know long as you

long as you maintain in the dental

hygiene you can eat whatever you want

and dr. lemon could you maybe talk

through some of the medical benefits of

consuming a constant stream of lemons

day a day in and day out well and that’s

one of the things I’m trying to address

here is that actually so some of that a

balanced diet involves lemons or or some

citrus fruits fruits and vegetables but

it also involves other herbs it healed

his broken bones over the course of

months and months I see what I’m

guessing is perhaps either the I’m not

sure the condition of his bones at the

time like I wasn’t there to see it but

that sounds a little bit far-fetched to

me that that merely putting on lemon

juice would fix it

that that seems less than believable to

me if that over the course of months and

months especially over the course of

months I mean we can’t we can’t expect

not with every kind of treatment takes

time I mean am I wrong doctor well it

sounds like waiting what what you just

stated waiting for it to heal itself it

could have very well have been what

happened since it took months and months

well I mean it’s not magic bones can’t

just heal themselves over a month you

know months and months period probably

in a cast or something like that it’s

not like it’s gonna heal itself

yeah give osteoblast and osteoclast the


we’re the osteoblast lay down bone this

is all sort of a process that happens on

the stay to the level that your bones

actually can regenerate so that’s they

can heal well your bones can regenerate

with the help of lemon yes this is the

kind of information that I love dr.

London this is a kind of stuff I love

science and I feel and I feel like I’m

getting so much affirmation from this

visit I mean doctor a lot of you working

miracles hear me you’re making me feel a

little less painful already well I am

glad to hear that but but I really think

you should probably you know see a new

therapist maybe because it sounds like

you’re dealing with some some things

with your wife leaving and that’s more

of a therapist kind of thing rather than

you know a medical physician doctor

visit but although a psychiatrist may

also prescribe you some something to

help with is there any kind of like

lemon based medication you know take for

this I could probably drum something up

I mean you could put like maybe wrap the

pill and a lemon flavored something

that’s what I’m not like this is a real

breakthrough we’re having right here

right well and one thing I should say

you really should not exclusively eat

just the lemons I’m gonna have to take

the side of anyone else in your life who

has also said that because a diet of one

thing too too much of one thing is bad

we might just want to wrap this up

because I don’t really see you wanting

to give give up this sort of diet to Sam

and it seems to be kind of the root of

all your problems is just your love for

for eating them yeah of course the the

root of all your problems is the thing

you love most in this world great advice

dr. London I’m glad that our patients

can can just call in and get great

advice like that so you just tear them

down and say they can’t love what they

love purely well I also so he had a

relationship with his wife I assume


affected by this other love for lemons

tell me honestly who do you love more

your ex-wife lemons I mean the way I see

it is sometimes two people just say in a

right fit

you know they mm-hmm they ain’t

necessarily cut out for each other and

but sometimes a person and a citrus

fruit they they are the right fit and

they generally are cut out for each

other and I can keep eating them and I’m

pretty happy with that decision Wow

this is making me cry this is so sweet

that’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever


yeah I feel better already been to dr.

lund do you have just affirmed

everything I already knew to be true

about myself and my behavior and how I

was right to keep eating lemons until my

wife left me so I just feel so great I’m

so I was so happy to be here

all right that’s not exactly what I was

trying to convey but we really are low

on time um well thank you Sam

clam usin was how you say it yeah clay

dancing playing exclaiming soon

Clemmensen so Sam I think we’re gonna

wrap it up here but is there a way that

any of our listeners can reach you to

follow you or hear you somewhere else I

got my own podcast going it’s called

extremely offline and we just we bring

together guessing you know they talked

to talk about all kinds of stuff but

usually from different kind of points of

view trying to get gather for a

discussion across differences so okay

well that sounds great and is there any

way they can reach you on you know

follow you on social media or anything

like that I got this kind of anonymous

moniker it’s a zai d– Kile and i you

know that’s my my kind of my at anya the

social media so on Twitter and other

places okay all right well yeah to our

listeners you should go give that a

follow and give it a listen

subscribe all right well thank you Sam

for being on Thank You Cameron our

producer Thank You dr. London for

shooting down any suggestion that


person might have and for tearing down

the things people love I appreciate it I

really do we need people like you to

work as sort of a villain in this world

okay and thank you to digital in my



dr. London has a yacht he is a yacht

inside of a yacht dr. London smith.com

this has been the jock dock podcast see

ya it’s Friday night

your friends bailed on you again so you

have no plans you are going to write a

five-star review of the jock dock

podcast on Monday but all these friends

of yours had kept you so occupied that

well you just lost track of time

but tonight mr. teddy bear had an

important meeting that quote couldn’t


mrs. stuffed elephant went to start an

ethical circus

captain vampire shipped out to the thumb

wars so all of your best friends are

gone so maybe it’s time to reflect and

take care of some of those important

things that you’ve been neglecting hmm

so yes it is finally time to text

lieutenant giraffe and doll with head

torn off the 7th with a link to your

favorite episode of the jock duck

podcast no dr. London can you rate and

review and share only on Fridays no no

actually you could have done this on

Monday that day whenever your friends

blew you off you could do it on a

Tuesday afternoon or as well at night is

also an option mid-morning I can’t I I

can listen to this at night like it

works at night yeah it’s actually pretty

recorded even if I can’t see if it’s too

dark to see yeah so actually the thing

about podcasts what makes it such an

interesting medium is that it’s all

audio based see you could be blind and

do our blind listeners thank you for

listening to our deaf listeners also

thank you for listening

thank you it still helps us so you can

to them you’re a link to your favorite

episode of the jock talk podcast or

maybe just send them our handy website

jock doc podcast comm if that’s easier

and maybe fill your social media feed

with fun stuff from at jock talk podcast

and you know what I would say if you

need to make it more enticing like let’s

say you have friend who doesn’t really

listen to many podcasts and you need you

you need them to take interest like mr.

elephant yeah you should tell them that

there’s a really really great panini

recipe in the middle of the pie that’s

really good yeah or like there’s

collectively a great panini recipe if

they listen to enough episodes oh like

one ingredient on episode yeah yeah you

have to listen for it but it’s there

yeah yeah okay and most importantly it’s

time to go ahead and leave a five-star

review for the jock Dawg podcast you can

do that in whichever app especially if

you have an Apple product you could just

go to the podcast app and write a review

just scroll down writer view and you can

write about the five-star reviews

telling which children’s toys were too

busy to hang out with you this weekend

and maybe go into the reddit comments

section maybe go to like the earth porn

reddit and it’ll be a picture of what

sunset yeah and then you’d go in there

you’re like oh man this sunsets so cool

reminds me of yeah I wish I could be

watching this sunset while listening to

my favorite podcast yeah podcast or

maybe you go to the Taylor Swift’s

armpits subreddit which is a real

subreddit and it’s important and on a

picture of Taylor Swift’s armpits you

say mom

man these armpits are so good I wish I

was looking at them while I was

listening to my favorite podcast the

jock talk podcast mm-hmm yeah and

honestly if you guys can just keep doing

that because really most of our listener

base is Taylor Swift armpit fans

specifically people who dislike the rest

of her oh yeah yeah seething hatred for

everything else yeah

about her but love the armpits so and of

course we love all of our listeners

including our Taylor Swift armpit fans

and including Taylor Swift Taylor

reached out to us recently and told us

how big of a fan she was uh-huh

no it’s almost embarrassing how much she

was gushing about it yeah it made me


she said that you belong to me was about

you Dr. London yeah and I

I tried to tell her I don’t I haven’t

heard of you yeah and I’d been like I

didn’t say it cuz she’s right there it’s

embarrassing yeah I was like no but I

mean now I know of her and now I know

better armpits anyway thank you for

